weekly newsletter - St Peters Anglican Church


weekly newsletter - St Peters Anglican Church
Our Aim: “To know Christ and to make Him known”
PO Box 749
Office open Mon – Fri (9.00 am - 12.30 pm)
Phone: (02) 6772 2269
Fax: (02) 6772 0188
E-mail: office@stpetersarmidale.org.au
Sunday, 1st March, 2015
Lent 2
‘The Psalms – The Way of the Sinner’
Psalm 6: 1 – 10 (pg 426 ‒ NRSV) Psalm 51: 1 – 19 (pg 452)
Luke 15: 11 – 24 (pg 850)
7.30 am Cathedral – Holy Communion – Preach: The Dean
Lead: Rev Simon Reeve
9.30 am Cathedral – Morning Prayer – Preach: The Dean
(with Crèche & Kidschurch) Lead: John Hansen
5.00 pm Cathedral – Evensong – Rev Peter Stavert
Lead: Rev Simon Reeve
Psalm 6: 1 – 10 (pg 385 ‒ NIV) Psalm 51: 1 – 19 (pg 405)
Luke 15: 11 – 24 (pg 740)
6.00 pm Parish Centre – Evening Service – Preach: The Dean
Lead: Rev Jonathan Peart
8.00 am St Mary’s, West Armidale – Holy Communion – Rev Jonathan Peart
10.30 am St Nicholas’, Saumarez Ponds – Rev Jonathan Peart
~ Message
from The Dean (elect) ~
Dear brothers and sisters
Well, what a week! Ordinations, all of our services, O-Week out the University,
and now this week we have special guests at our Church for a huge reunion
In all the busyness and rush it could be possible for us to miss the point. All of
these things actually only make sense when God is in the picture and our
relationship with Him and our relationships with each other become central. Do
pray that we will take every opportunity to make sure that our priorities are lined
up with God’s priorities. That will make us able to be truly thankful and truly
welcoming to those who come to us. And so, if you are visiting today or if you are
just checking out who we are and what we do – we give God great thanks for you.
We pray that he will bless you during the time we have together and that you will
know his love through Jesus. Welcome!
Giving glory to God.
Chris Brennan.
Historical Note ~
A ‘Home from Home’
The Church of England War Memorial Hostel for Girls was opened in 1921 in
what had been a substantial brick private home, ‘Clemoyne’, for girls from
outlying areas of New South Wales and from Queensland. They were to attend
Armidale High School, recently opened at the time, which offered senior classes
not yet available in or near their own home towns. The Hostel was located in
Dangar Street, opposite what would be the site of the Teachers’ College, founded
in 1929.
The Hostel was not too far from the Railway Station and was within walking
distance of the High School, the Cathedral, and the Armidale shopping centre.
Necessary renovations and additions such as bathrooms were made and the
grounds were planted with trees and shrubs. When by 1925 electricity became
available, all the newest lighting fixtures and appliances were installed. Over the
years further additions were made, such as an extra dormitory which was added
in 1942.
Girls wore the High School uniform to classes, and their own white or brown
velveteen dresses when they went to social functions, or walked in a ‘crocodile’
down to services at St Peter’s Cathedral.
The Hostel closed in 1971, by which time higher school educational facilities had
developed in more and more centres in New South Wales and Queensland. It
passed into private ownership and was demolished, to be replaced by the
Regency Motel, where former Hostel boarders held their reunion on February 28th
2015. Their motto was ‘Vincit Qui Se Vincit’: ‘She conquers who conquers
Jean Newall, Archivist
Notices & Requests ~
Meetings in March:
Property & Maintenance: Monday, 9th at 4.00 pm in MR1.
Finance: Wednesday, 11th at 5.15 pm in MR1.
Parish Council: Tuesday, 17th at 7.30 pm in MR1.
Pastoral Care: Wednesday, 18th at 9.00 am in MR3.
Courthouse Coffee: Monday, 2nd March – Dora Koops, Stephen Goldsmith.
‘Til We Meet Again’: Yesterday evening, former boarders at the Church of England
War Memorial Hostel for Girls, which opened in 1921 and closed in 1971, held a
Reunion Dinner. Those who had travelled from out of town have stayed overnight
in order to attend the 9:30am service in the Cathedral today, 1st March.
Evensong today at 5.00 pm in the Cathedral will welcome singers and
musicians from St John’s, Tamworth and Tim Godden as guest organist.
Introit: There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy (Maruice Bevan). Anthem:
Bendichs (Karl Jenkins) Psalm 73 “Surely God loves upright men”
Michael Baughen. All welcome to attend.
Dean elect Chris Brennan’s Commissioning Service and Welcome will be held
tomorrow, Monday, 2nd March at 6.30 pm, in the Cathedral with a light supper to
follow, in the Parish Centre.
Bellringers’ Notes. Tomorrow evening, prior to the Commissioning Service for the
Dean, the St Peter’s Cathedral Bellringers will be ringing a quarter peal to mark the
occasion. Quarter peals, and peals for that matter, are a traditional way in which
bellringers commemorate, celebrate or mark significant events. A quarter peal lasts
for about 45 minutes and requires our total concentration on the task at hand!
Simon McMillan, Tower Captain.
Morning Tea & Coffee will be held after the 7.30 am service next week.
Please stay after that service or come early to the 9.30 am service and enjoy
the friendly fellowship in the Parish Centre. Funds raised go to AYF.
Monday Manna: Preliminary Training Course (PTC) will commence on
Monday, 9th March, 5.30 – 6.30 pm. If you, or anyone you know, are interested in
participating, please see Simon Reeve, 6772 8783.
World Day of Prayer Service will be held on Friday, 6 th March at 7.00 pm in the
Presbyterian Church. Guest speaker will be Mrs Nicola Turner, Headmistress PLC.
Everyone welcome.
MEN@GLEN CONVENTION will be held from Friday, 6th March to Saturday,
7th March in Glen Innes. This is an important event for men from our Parish to
attend. Collect a brochure at Church today and register.
9.30am ROSTERS for the three months April, May and June are being compiled.
We would love assistance, in particular with crèche (which requires a Working with
Children clearance) and morning teas. If you would like to be added to any of the
rosters or wish to change your commitment, please contact me or the Parish Office.
Shaen Hansen 6772 6244.
MU: Does anyone have spare balls of baby wool that they would
be happy to donate to MU (please leave them in the Parish Office
or give them to Jackie Harris) for crocheting baby rugs for the
welcome baskets for new babies in our congregation.
Our next MU meeting will be held on Thursday, 12th March beginning
with our MU Service in Meeting Room 1 at 9.30 am. Following our
morning tea we will have a short planning meeting for the coming
year. Please bring along your suggestions for guest speakers and
remember that your membership subscription is due.
All MU members and friends are very welcome.
The Easter Experience (sponsored by Armidale Baptist Church) is a 6-week series
starting on Friday, 20th February from 7.15 – 9.00 pm in Legacy House. All are
welcome at any time – a relaxed time of exploring why Easter matters for you.
Women’s Book Club will commence on Monday, 9th March at 7.30 pm
at the Pearts’, 54 Gordon Street. It will be held on the 2nd Monday of
each month. The 1st book is “Kisses from Katie” by Katie Davis.
Enquiries to Rachael Peart or the Parish Office. Join us to explore,
discuss and encourage.
Young Life “ABIDE” Cleaning Service: Trainees participating in the
Young Life “ABIDE” Program are seeking regular cleaning work in
private homes on Wednesday mornings to help pay for their day-to-day
expenses. If you would like to have them help at your place, please call Sophie
Pullar on 0432 513 425. Available time slots are limited. For more information
about the “ABIDE” Program, visit www.younglife.org.au/abide.
Meals on Wheels Service: If you know of anyone needing this service or you would
like to volunteer, please see either of these people or call the Co-ordinator, Jo Heslin
on 6772 8970 between 9.00 am and 3.00 pm or visit the Meals on Wheels pavilion at
the Armidale Showground. Brochures available in the Cathedral & Parish Office.
CMS Autumn School will be held from 17 – 19th April at Calrossy Anglican School,
Tamworth. Brochures are available – register early.
Anglicare Community Education (ACE) Courses: “Living with Grief and Loss” to
be held on Thursday, 5th March, 6.00 pm – 9.00 pm ($5) in the ANI Counselling
Rooms, Armidale. Registrations close Thursday, 26th February. Contact 6772 9753:
Tamworth: ”Skills for the Road Ahead”(enhancing your relationship for a lifetime)
$80 a couple, Sat 7th March contact ANI Tamworth on 6701 8200.
A Significant Award: On 27th February the Minister for Heritage, the Hon. Rob
Stokes, conferred official listing in the State Heritage Register on the Catholic
Cathedral of St Mary and St Joseph, Armidale. The same award has been conferred
on our own St Peter’s Cathedral, the first Church in Armidale to receive this
honour, and we congratulate our neighbours who have now also been given this
~ Summary of Important Events – 2015~
(please put them in your diary and pray for them)
Monday, 2nd March
6.30 pm: Installation, Commissioning & Welcome for Dean
Chris Brennan & family.
Fri 6th March
7.00 pm: World Day of Prayer Service in Presbyterian Church.
Fri 6th to Sat 7th March
Men@Glen 2015 in Glen Innes.
Monday, 9th March
5.30 pm: Monday Manna: PTC commencing – see Simon Reeve.
Fri 13 to Sun 15
Armidale Autumn Festival
Saturday, 21st March
“A World of Difference in Armidale” International Food Tasting
Fundraising Luncheon and Food Court in Parish Centre
Saturday, 28th March
Armidale Youth Futures Fundraising Dinner.
Sunday, 5th April
Easter Day.
Daylight Saving Ends.
Fri, 17th – Sun, 19th April CMS Autumn School – Calrossy Anglican School, Tamworth.
Sat 30th May
Young Life Fundraising Dinner.
St Mary’s News ~
There will be a trading table after the service today. All proceeds will be
used for social concerns and community outreach purposes.
There will be a service of Holy Communion at 6.00 pm on Wednesday,
4th March. The celebrant will be the Rev Charles Hebblewhite. The service
will include a short devotional reading for Lent.
Don’t forget to note that there will be a Quiet Morning at St Mary’s on
Saturday, 28th March, led by the Rev Bill Howarth.
The Lenten book this year is Living Gospel – Daily Devotions for Lent 2015 by
Nicholas Ayo, CSS. Copies are now available at a cost of $4. Contact:
Gwenda Shannon (6772 6437).
The first Taizé service this year will be held at 5.00 pm on Sunday, 22 nd
Mission News ~
ABM’s second Lenten Appeal envelope will be in the next Sunday Sign. Please
consider using this envelope to give something extra for the mission work of
the Church. A donation placed in this envelope will support ABM’s
Leadership & Management Training Project in the Machakos and Makueni
Diocese of Kenya.
The ABM Fellowship’s Whatever Sale will be held in St Mary’s Hall on the
morning of Saturday, 21st March. Contributions to this Sale will be greatly
appreciated. If necessary, they will be collected. Please contact Gwenda
Shannon on 6772 6437.
Here is advance notice that the Kentucky Harvest Festival will be held on
Friday, 27th March. There will be a service at 7.00 pm in St Mark’s Church
followed by the usual Auction and Supper in Kentucky Hall.
Have you picked up a copy of ABM’s Special Edition of Partners containing
Bible studies for each week in Lent? They are available in the Cathedral and at
St Mary’s.
BCA Boxes are now due for counting: could box holders please leave their
boxes at the Parish Office. They will be available to collect within 48 hours.
David Robins. (Box secretary)
Prayers ~
“My heart says to the Lord, ‘Your face, Lord, do I seek.’
Hide not your face from me.
Turn not your servant away in anger, for you have been my help.”
Psalm 27: 8 – 9
We beseech you, almighty God, look on the heartfelt desires of your servants, and stretch
forth the right hand of your power to be our defence against all our enemies; through
Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Almighty and everlasting God, you hate nothing that you have made, and you forgive the
sins of all who are penitent: create and make in us new and contrite hearts, that we,
lamenting our sins and acknowledging our wretchedness, may obtain from you, the God
of all mercy, perfect remission and forgiveness; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Pray that we as a parish might push on – in our relationships with
God, in our relationships with each other, and in our commitment to
our mission towards the people of this town.
Give thanks for those who labour now, and have laboured in the past,
behind the scenes, to give us all that we enjoy here at St Peter’s.
Pray for the Brennan Family, that they would settle in quickly and
well, and for the ability to remember the many names and faces of our
Pray that more and more we might know God and respond to Him in
great thanksgiving, with our prayers, abilities, time, and money.
Pray for members and friends of our parish serving God elsewhere:
 Secure Workers with CMS
 Malcolm and Charissa Forrest (CMS in Amman)
 David and Alisan Greeff (CMS in Namibia)
 Keith and Mary Lou Doe (CMS in Nepal)
 Gillian Law (CMS in Italy)
 Nick and Caroline Stone (Curacy in Inverell, January 2015)
 Glen and Annette Simpkins (Scripture Union in the Northern Territory)
 Carissa Hutchinson (India) (www.carissahutchinson.wordpress.com)
Peter Curtis (Chaplain, Gunnedah High School)
Chris Campbell (in training at SMBC)
Pray for those who are ill and those who care for them:
Kylie Alcorn
Lola Baker
Betty Chiswell
Lorna Creagan
Helen Dangar
Sue Duff
Allan Hatte
Dorcas Iji
Enid Isaacs
Annie Lamble
Raphael Martin
Ann Munday
Jean Munday
John Sinden
Creena Waters
Pray for those who are grieving, remembering especially the family and
friends of:
Jane Hughes
Susan Tooth
Rondda Davies
Mona Ward
Allan Edmunds
Reynold Mullen
Ann Lemcke
Bruce Goldsmith
Edgar Bragg
Betty Cherry
Pamela Goodsir
Betty Jenkins
Barbara (Babs) Field
Bryan Pape
Karen Bannon
Dal Fayle
Lionel Gilbert
Dick Franklin
Don Roberts
Katie Mitchell
Lola Taylor
Cal Birtles
Kevin Creagan
(It is our custom to keep names in this section for a year following their deaths, unless otherwise requested by family members.)
Wed 4th March
10.00 am – Cathedral – Seniors’ Holy Communion & Morning Tea – The Dean
6.00 pm – St Mary’s, WA – Holy Communion – Rev Charles Hebblewhite
Sun 8th March Lent 3 (V) – ‘The Psalms – The Way of the Lost’
7.30 am – Cathedral – Holy Communion – The Dean
8.00 am – St Mary’s, WA – Holy Communion – Rev S Reeve
9.30 am – Cathedral – Holy Communion – The Dean
6.00 pm – Parish Centre – Evening Service – The Dean
BIBLE READINGS for the Cathedral – Sunday, 8th March, 2015.
Morning Services:
Rev 6: 7 - 11
Psalm 13: 1 – 6
Luke 1: 67 – 79
7.30 am
R Smith
P Hutchinson
Rev J Peart
9.30 am
Evening Service: 6.00 pm
C Marks
D Brunckhorst
Rev J Peart
Rev J Peart
Rev C Ainsworth
S Brunckhorst
Grounds Roster for w/e 7th March: P Aggs, B Elwin, K Birkett, T Marjoram.
All notices for the SUNDAY SIGN (in writing or via e-mail) to be in the Parish Office
no later than 12.30 pm, Tuesday. Thank you.