to the 2015 Interest Package.


to the 2015 Interest Package.
 Interest Package 2015
PRSA Philly’s PR Institute is looking for your talent.
Registration is Now Open for the 2015 Program
The PR Institute is an eight-week advanced training program that keeps up-and-coming
professionals in tune with the tools to excel in the industry, provide greater value to their
organization and advance their career.
This program is ideal for com m unications professionals w orking at an agency,
corporation or nonprofit and looking to im prove their public relations skills
and stay in tune w ith all aspects of the business.
Participants compete on mock-agency teams to create and pitch an integrated
communications plan to a real-life client. Past clients include Finding Shelter, Rebuilding
Together Philadelphia, Child Advocates, Big Brothers Big Sisters and Toll Brothers.
Each week, participants attend two-hour educational sessions taught by leading industry
practitioners. At the end of the eight weeks, each team presents their final plan to the client
and a winning team is chosen.
At the end of the program each participant will have written a full PR plan from start to
finish. As this is a timely endeavor, participants should plan to dedicate ample time to the
program outside of the sessions.
To learn more about the program, visit our participant website:
To register visit PRSA Philly’s website:
PRSA Members: $250
Nonmembers: $350
For questions or more information:
• Email:
• Committee Chair: Theresa Sharkey,
• Participant Liaison: Jess Emery,
Interest Package 2015
2015 PR Institute Program Schedule
*All sessions will be held in Center City Philadelphia
TUES: 4/7/2015
Meet the Client
Abo ut Yo ur C omm itment :
TUES: 4/14/2015
Writing A Plan
When considering PR Institute, we suggest that
you strongly consider the time commitment of
the sessions as well as the independent work
outside of weekly sessions.
TUES: 4/21/2015
Strategic Planning
TUES: 4/28/2015
ROI/Budgeting Panel
TUES: 5/5/2015
Social Media Strategy
TUES: 5/12/2015
Presentation Training
TUES: 5/19/2015
Media Panel
TUES: 5/26/2015
TUES: 6/2/2015
Final Presentations
*Session is during the w orkday
Week of: 6/8/2015
Awards Presentation & Happy Hour
Each team manages their work and group
schedules independently of the program. We
will offer suggested timelines and guidance on
advancing your plan within the aggressive
timeline of the program, but it is critical that
you are prepared to dedicate time to your
team, the work and this important learning
Finally, each PR Institute session is both a
learning and networking opportunity for
participants. We strongly suggest that members
attend all sessions, however if you have a
planned conflict we recommend talking to the
committee about it as soon as possible and
notifying your team at the start of the program
(teams will be assigned at the first session).
Interest Package 2015
Interest Package 2015
Theresa Sharkey, Tierney
Serving as New Business Manager and a Jr. Strategic Planner at Tierney, Theresa supports
the research and strategic development processes for Tierney’s clients. In addition, Theresa
works closely with agency leadership on business development initiatives, giving her unique
experience and knowledge of agency services and allows Theresa to facilitate a truly
integrated approach to client business.
Prior to her current role, Theresa developed social media strategies on behalf of clients like
Fine Wine & Good Spirits, PECO and Independence Blue Cross. Before joining Tierney,
Theresa spent nearly four years in nonprofit management and communications, most
recently working with neighborhood development corporations and Philadelphia Parks and
Recreation to organize and improve recreation experiences for young professionals in the
Philadelphia area. Theresa is a graduate of the University of South Florida where she was
the President of the Walter E. Griscti Chapter of PRSSA.
Jess Em ery, Gregory FCA
Jess Emery is an assistant account executive at Gregory FCA, where she works with a
number of clients in the financial services industry. Jess was a member of the winning 2013
PR Institute team, and has been a member of the PR Institute committee ever since. Jess
has experience working with clients in the business services, nonprofit, and industrial
industries. Jess graduated from the East Carolina University in 2012.
Corey Fenw ick, Urban Engineers, Inc
Corey Fenwick serves as the strategic communications coordinator at Urban Engineers, Inc.
He has spent eight years working in corporate communications, specializing in thought
leadership strategy, writing, and media relations. An active marketer in the
architecture/engineering/construction industry, Corey has given presentations on how
professional services firms can take advantage of social media. He participated in PRSA
Philly’s PR Institute program in 2011. Corey is a graduate of Temple University, where he
received the Ted von Ziekursch Scholarship Award.