The Book Week Parade


The Book Week Parade
Term 3 Week 7 : Thursday 28th August
Do Small Things Well
St Theresa’s
Principal : Rob Macklin
Email :
Web :
Phone : 9311 9070
Principal: Rob Costin Email : principal
The Book Week
Last Friday was a fantastic day at
St Theresa’s because all our
favourite book characters came to
life! It was great hearing all the
children talking so enthusiastically
about favourite books and story
characters. Our playground
turned into a real life library as
characters from all sorts of books
paraded around. We had Harry
Potter and Gandalf, Where’s
Wally, Pippy Longstocking, Cat in
the Hat, Ninja Turtles and even
Mary Poppins stopped by on the
way to the Bank’s Place.
Everyone really enjoyed the day,
thanks to our wonderful parents
for putting in the effort and
getting the costumes organized.
This week’s prayer is one of our Traditional Prayers that is often recited as part of mass. It
reflects on our beliefs as a Catholic Community
Apostles’ Creed
I believe in God, the Father Almighty,
Creator of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, who was conceived
by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried; he descended into hell;
On the third day he rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven,
and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty; from there he will come to judge
the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the
forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. Amen.
1/2 AJ
Diya Bhagat : Making a genuine
effort to sound out words when
Achol Malek : For being an
excellent classroom helper and
trying hard with her handwriting
Nicholas Kain : For the quick way
he starts his work and then tries to
do it so independently.
Heath Lehane : for his great rewriting
of facts he learnt about the ring-tail
Suzanna Malek : for a well written response to
our Book week text ‘Silver Buttons’
1/2 L
Matthew Azzopardi : For
being such a positive role
Margaret Javelona : For the
enthusiastic way she
approaches her learning.
Pranav for settling into St
Theresa’s so quickly.
1/2 J
Ivy Zhang : For always giving her best effort to classroom
Srimathi Jayramanrani : For always being kind and
considerate to classmates and for being so helpful.
Grade 3/4
Tyla Nguyen : For always being helpful,
responsible and friendly to everyone in our class.
Maria Alisen : For doing a great mini research on
dolphins. Your presentation was fantastic.
Rudra Patel : For sharing super maths knowledge.
Ava Balshaw : For the way she tries to solve problems all
by herself.
Patsy Quan : for the wonderful way she shares her ideas
and opinions without prompted.
Grade 5/6
Anisha Venkatesh: For a beautifully decorated and
thoughtful reading journal entry.
Mia Papakaladoukis : For a well published story about
roller skating.
Robert Desmond : For thinking critically and choosing
an appropriate literacy goal. Good job!
Christopher Johns Ayton: For focusing on his research
about his Asian 7 nation,
Matthew Javelona : For his valuable input and
interaction on the class blog. Keep it up!
Fundraising News : Don’t Forget Father’s Night on Friday 6.30pm
A reminder to all dads to remember Father’s Night this Friday at 6.30. Our Father's Nights in the past have
been fantastic fun for our dads and their children and this year’s is looking just as good so please come along.
Our theme is 'Lego' and we will be watching, making and competing as well as having lots of fun You will need
to bring along a bean bag or two (or something comfy to sit in) and any Lego you may have. You will also need
to bring $7 per person for dinner plus a bit of loose change.
Father's Day Stall:
Our Father's day Stall this year will be on Thursday 4th September. A flyer went home today reminding
everyone that we have received a few donations so far but will need more to make the stall a success. Any
donations of wrapped chocolates, lollies or nuts would be a great help!
Wrappers wanted On Tuesday morning 2nd September we will need helpers to wrap the Father's Day gifts
Please see Sam Restall if you can help.
Reminders from the Office
Unfortunately there will be no emailed receipts until further notice due to IT
problems that are beyond our control.
Lost Property - can all parents check tub in Sick Bay for lost jumpers, jackets
and unnamed lunch containers and drink bottles.
Offsite Canteen starting this week. All students received a reminder letter with
Price List and Menu yesterday. If you want to order a lunch for your child,
place the correct money in a brown bag in the lunch box which will be in your
child’s classroom. Deliveries of lunches will be at approx. 1.20pm.
Our Prep class is celebrating
Maths Week by doing lots of
measuring. Alyssa and
Stephanie measured 3
different snakes and then
recorded how long each one
was. Alyssa told me that ‘the
shortest snake was 8 teddies
We have decided to focus on developing the
children’s relationship skills, so each we
make an effort as a school to remember and
practice a particular skill. This week’s is
OTHER. It would be great if you could
reinforce at home.
Assembly this
week is on Friday
at 2.30 run by 3/4K
We welcomed Pranav to St
Theresa’s a couple of
weeks ago. He has come to
us from Albion Primary and
is settling into 1/2L very
nicely. We hope that
Pranav and his family feel
a part of our community
very quickly.
Our next School
Board Meeting will
be on Wed. 10th
Sept. If you have any
concerns that you
would like discussed
please see your
classroom rep.
THIS WEEK IS MATHS WEEK …so let’s see if your family can work these problems
out. (Answers in next week’s newsletter)
As a chance for you to support VERY SPECIAL KIDS Glengala Hotel are holding a Family
Fun Day on the 5th October from 11am till 4pm. There will be a wild animal show, pony rides,
face painting, a magician, a mini animal farm, a jumping castle, karaoke disco and a BBQ.
The Brimbank Active Kids (BAK) Team will keep you busy these holidays with a great range of
recreational and craft activities. BAK is an inclusive program that welcomes all children. Please
inform us if your child has any additional needs prior to commencement.
Sessions will be held at:
West Sunshine Community Centre, 25 Kermeen Street, West Sunshine
Sunshine Harvester Primary School, multi-purpose room, 132 Hertford Road, Sunshine
St Albans Primary School, sports hall, Enter via Kate Street, St Albans
Westvale Community Centre, 45 Kings Road, St Albans
Tuesday 23 September / Wednesday 24 September ./ Tuesday 30 September /
Wednesday 1 October
Gold coin fee for each child per session
Further enquiries: 9249 4665. For more details please see flyer on school notice boards.
Brimbank City Council are holding a GILDING WORKSHOP on Saturday 27th September
between 10am and 1pm. Cost will be $45 with all materials provided for adults and children over
8years of age. Learn the ancient technique of applying gold leaf to wood. Students will design a
pattern or motif for a jewellery piece, paint, gild and varnish them ready to take home.