Shine a light on someone special!
Shine a light on someone special!
Brimbank City News the dynamic centre of the West Shine a light on someone special! Each year Brimbank City Council invites nominations for the Australia Day Awards which are presented to local individuals and groups who have made an outstanding contribution to our community. If you know an inspiring individual or a community group who has made an outstanding contribution to our community nominate them for a Brimbank Australia Day Award! The 2014 Young Citizen of the Year Edward Buijs. This year’s award categories include: Citizen of the Year, Young Citizen of the Year, Community Wellbeing, Environmental Achievement, Cultural Achievement, Educator Of The Year, Essential Services Excellence Award and Lifetime Achievement. These Awards will be announced at a ceremony on Monday 19 January 2015 and acknowledged again on Australia Day, 26 January. Nominations close at 5pm on 5 December. For more details on eligibility criteria visit In other news, Council would also like to thank all families who partook in the Children’s Week Kids Day Out in Brimbank at Errington Reserve, St Albans recently. It was a great day of fun and interactive activities, to celebrate children. Council also has a marvellous familyfriendly evening of ‘Carols at the Castle’ at Overnewton Castle on Sunday 21 December- bookings are now open so secure your place today. Visit for details! Events in Brimbank Meet new parents! Thursday 13 November, 7–9pm Derrimut Community Centre 30 Lennon Parkway, Derrimut 3030 Relationships and families change when a new baby comes along. This evening is for new dads and mums who have babies aged under one. Grandparents and carers are also welcome. Come along to a no charge family evening! Please ask if you need help with transport and childcare. Bookings are essential before Monday 10 November- phone 9307 4700 or email communitydevelopment@ Starting Your Business Workshop Carols at the Castle Wednesday 19 November, 6-9.30pm Sunday 21 December, Gates open at 5pm – Concert: 7-9.30pm Keilor Council Offices, 704b Old Calder Hwy, Keilor Overnewton Castle 51 Overnewton Road, Keilor Offering clear, straightforward advice and a complimentary mentoring session from an experienced business adviser, Starting Your Business Workshop covers all the essentials. From carrying out a feasibility study and determining the best company structure to preparing a business plan, you will leave this workshop with a clearer idea of how your business will look. Cost for this workshop is $30. To register for this workshop contact or phone 9249 4413. Bring the family to a beautiful celebration of carols and entertainment. A program of professional performers will lead a concert with favourite carols, Santa will also drop by, along with his Christmas fairies and elves. You can pack a picnic and bring a chair, and refreshments will be available! Tickets cost $10 for a family of five or $5 for singles. Visiting Sunshine Library and Customer Service Centre? Bookings are now open at For more information visit new locations in the nearby Sunshine Remember the new locations! Community members are reminded the Sunshine Library and Customer Service Centre have temporarily relocated to Municipal office precinct. This is in order to make way for the Community and Civic Centre works. Get involved The Draft Brimbank City Council’s Plan to Prevent Men’s Violence Against Women (2015-2019) - Towards Gender Equity is now available for comment. The Draft Plan outlines Council’s commitment and actions towards preventing men’s violence against women. Written submissions must be received by 5pm on Thursday 20 November. To find out how to make a submission or obtain a copy of the draft plan visit your nearest Brimbank Customer Service Centre or online at For more information contact the Gender Equitable, Safe and Inclusive Communities Project Officer on 9249 4177. Contact Brimbank Phone: 9249 4000 TTY: phone NRS on 133 677 then ask for 03 9249 4000 Sunshine Customer Service Centre Power Line Clearance Works Council has contracted Citiwide Service Solutions to prune vegetation near to power lines. This work will include vegetation on nature strips and other Council owned land. Works will occur in the area bounded by Sunshine’s Monash Street to the north; Duke Street to the east; and the train line to the south and west, over the next 60 days. In cases where pruning works may occur on known trees of cultural or environmental significance, the relevant parties will be contacted. For more information, phone 9249 4000. Have your say The Brimbank Electronic Gambling Policy 2015 outlines Council’s position on electronic gaming, particularly on Electronic Gaming Machines (EGMs). To view the policy and details on how to make a submission (due before 5pm on Monday 17 November) visit A copy of the policy can also be obtained from either the Sunshine or Keilor Municipal Offices. For more information on the draft policy, phone the Social Planning and Policy Officer on 9249 4691. Next Ordinary Council Meeting My Brimbank App Tuesday 11 November, 7pm at the Keilor Municipal Offices Old Calder Highway, Keilor. To download, scan now or visit Council’s website. is operating out of the Sunshine Municipal Offices, 6-18 Alexandra Avenue. Sunshine Library is located at McCracken Street, Sunshine (near the Sunshine Municipal Offices). Visitor parking and wheelchair access are available at both sites. For more information visit Council’s website or phone Council on 9249 4000. Web: Email: Customer Service Centres: • 6-18 Alexandra Avenue, Sunshine • 704B Old Calder Highway, Keilor @BrimbankCouncil • Sydenham Community Hub*, 1 Station Street, Taylors Lakes *This centre is open after hours until 7pm on Monday to Thursday and is also open on Saturday from 10am to 12.30pm. Disclaimer: Although all due care has been taken in the preparation of Brimbank City News and its contents, Brimbank City Council does not accept any liability for any statement, opinions, errors, or omissions contained herein. Fees quoted are subject to changes without notice. Event details are subject to change without notice. All information has been collected according to privacy information guidelines. All dates, times and venues are correct at time of production.
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