SPS Brochure - Sunshine Primary School


SPS Brochure - Sunshine Primary School
Sunshine Primary School
Tours available Friday mornings at
Other times available by request
For Bookings Phone 8311 5700 or email us at:
Cnr Hampshire & Derby Roads,
P 8311 5700
9312 3506
E sunshine.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au
W sunshineps.vic.edu.au
Why Choose Us?
A quality, challenging and
comprehensive Inquiry Curriculum.
A strong focus on Literacy and
Numeracy skills.
Committed, experienced and
caring staff.
Small class sizes.
A stimulating and rigorous academic
learning environment.
Friendly engaged students.
Parental involvement.
Before and After School Care
Program (6:30am - 8:45am & 3:30pm 6:00pm). The Program is run by Camp
Attractively designed compulsory
school uniform.
Specialist programs in Art, Physical
Education, and Music.
Computer and internet access in all
Newly refurbished library.
Interactive Whiteboards in all
Safe, secure grounds.
Creative playground equipment.
Air-conditioning throughout the school.
State of the art building projects
incorporating a Multipurpose Room,
Canteen, Art Room and our vibrant
Prep Wing.
Brand new multipurpose oval.
Welcome to Sunshine Primary School. Our school is a vibrant, fun place to
learn and achieve. We hope that the enrolment of your child marks the
beginning of a long and enjoyable association with our school for your
family. We are extremely proud of our school and we believe that our
students must always come first. The underpinning focus of Sunshine
Primary School is to provide the very best teaching and learning practices
that will increase student achievement, engagement and will develop
responsible, respectful and happy community members. The school prides
itself on its community approach to education and welcomes the
involvement of parents in the education of your child. As parents, your
involvement in school life, your participation in the education programs
and your interest in the activities of your child will add considerably to the
enjoyment of your child's primary school years.
Our dedicated and enthusiastic teachers are passionate about high
quality teaching and learning and work tirelessly to give every child the
best opportunity to not only enjoy their learning but to be successful at it.
Students at Sunshine Primary School are encouraged to be responsible
decision makers and play an integral part in consultation as the heart of
our school.
Sunshine Primary School is a happy school that encourages play, laughter
and learning. Our students enjoy secure and pleasant surroundings that are
resourced for learning, sport and play.
I look forward to meeting and working with you in the future. If you wish to
tour our school or discuss any aspect of the school or your child's wellbeing,
please contact us to arrange a time.
Kind Regards,
Lyn Read
Our School Values
We shine when we are:
Sunshine Primary School has a strong
focus on wellbeing for all students
to ensure that they are happy, healthy
and safe and able to focus on their
learning. Sunshine Primary School has
adopted the School Wide Positive
initiative from the Western Metropolitan
Region. The School Wide Positive
Behaviour Framework helps schools to
create a positive learning
by developing proactive whole-school
systems to define, teach, and support
appropriate student behaviours over their
school journey. Data shows that the
behaviours and increases academic
performance. Through the program,
The staff, students and community have
been heavily involved in developing the
Student Engagement and Wellbeing
Policy for SPS. The Policy promotes
student engagement, attendance and
positive behaviours at SPS. The policy
contains information on areas such
as the school profile, a whole school
prevention statement which includes
links to the school strategic plan; rights
and responsibilities of students, staff and
community members; shared expectations
which includes school actions and
behaviour including bullying.
Student leadership is an extremely
important part of Sunshine Primary School
and we have a fantastic group of
students who take on responsibility of
being School Captains, House Captains,
Junior School Councillors and Prep
buddies. A group of dedicated Year 3/4
student’s work with the Prep transition
team to assist in the transition days so all
Prep students will have a friendly familiar
face on their first day of school. This has
been a program that past Prep families
have found very beneficial in settling
students into school.
If you have any further questions on
Student Engagement and Wellbeing
please feel free to contact me.
Kylie Champion
Assistant Principal
Sunshine Primary School
Sunshine Primary School
Sunshine Primary School is a small, but growing, school, currently with an
enrolment of 180 students. Our students are encouraged to reach their full
potential in a safe, supportive and stimulating environment. The staff are highly
dedicated and committed to giving every child the opportunity to reach their
full potential. Our staff and small class sizes (average of 19 students per class)
provide a quality, challenging and comprehensive Inquiry curriculum.
Our students are encouraged to think and question.
We provide curriculum in the following areas:
 English
 Mathematics
 Humanities
 Science
 The Arts (Visual and Performing)
 Information and Communication Technology
 Health and Physical Education
The Sunshine Primary School Community’s value statement is:
“We Shine when we are Learning, Respectful and Safe”. Our school values
underpin all that we do at Sunshine Primary School and is supported by
teachers, students and parents.
The school prides itself on many extra curricula activities such as;
Comprehensive Sport and Physical Education including PMP
Student Wellbeing program
Student Leadership program
Wellbeing Officer
Speech Therapist/Psychologist
Arts program
Camping & Outdoor Education program
Cultural Awareness Celebrations
Art Show
Family nights
Breakfast Club every day
Fruit time daily
Lunchtime Activities
Variety Club
Safety House
Comprehensive Transition program
Before & After School Care program
Parental involvement
Prep/New families BBQ
Guitar and Keyboard lessons
Links with ARDOCH, Vic Police, & corporate business groups