Robot Stacking System Expertise in Surface Inspection of


Robot Stacking System Expertise in Surface Inspection of
Robot Stacking System
Our Competence Group
Whether cylinder head, exhaust- or manifold gaskets, the high
quality gaskets made by SGL Group are
used worldwide in
industrial applications. A robot system of Boll Automation GmbH
takes over the manufacturing palletizing of graphite composite
panels to increase efficiency and reliability.
Automation W+R GmbH
Surface Inspection
Messerschmittstraße 7, D-80992 München
Tel.: +49 89 179199-10 • Fax: +49 89 179199-20 •
Expertise in
Surface Inspection
of Composites
Boll Automation GmbH
Robot based stacking Process
Industriestraße 6, D-63839 Kleinwallstadt
Tel.:+49 6022 6588-0 • Fax:+49 6022 6588-221 •
Benefits for the Customer
 Simple operation, optimal process overview
 Material check for completeness and errors
 Continuously operable throughmulti-tray feeding of parts
 Intelligent double-sided grip system handles various materials
 Cutting edge manufacturing process with high throughput
Descam 3D Technologies GmbH
Messeschmittstr. 7, D-80992 München
Tel.: +49 89 179 199-30 • Fax: +49 89 179 199-40 •
saves costs for our customers
 Sorting, precise picking and placing of different materials cycle time optimized, independent and free of errors
 Sensors recognize stack height automatically
 Saves labor and shortens cycle times
Edixia Automation S.A.S.
ZART des Perriéres - 16 rue Laennec, CS 30206
Tel.: +33 299 628-611 • Fax: +33 299 627-238 • •
Discover our technology at
at Paris, Porte de Versailles from March 10 to 12, 2015,
Booth 7.2 - K5
Surface Inspection
The fiber orientation within composites strongly influences their
Composite materials have specific optical properties which make
In order to test preprocessing steps of a surface the aerosol
mechanical properties. Especially for structural parts it is crucial to
them difficult to inspect optically. Bright reflecting fibers and resin
wetting principle is incorporated in the process chain following
cross-check fiber positions before and after the curing process.
in combination with dark black carbon surface in non-direct reflec-
these actions:
FibeRange is able to examine directions and angles of filaments
tion are challenging for all optical methods. New proprietary illumi-
during various steps within the composite manufacturing process
nation solutions had to be developed and were combined with the
chain. The vision-based and therefore contact-free measurement
latest sensor technology available.
technique also supports the investigation of complex structures. It
 Wetting the surface with an aerosol (ultrapure water)
can be used in laboratory as well as in industrial environments.
Our Solution
Our Solution
Mobile mounted, robot based inspection for complex 3D structures
 Classic 2D surface inspection using task specific arrangeons
 Specialized algorithms support a fast and robust evaluation
 Shape from shading technology
Fiber direction measurement in dry as well as in cured state
 3D laser scanning based on laser triangulation
Specially designed software (VisionCheck ) for evaluation,
interpretation and visualization
Customer Benefits
 Customer-specific setup
turing and data processing
 Comparing this reference with the investigated specimen
Inline capable, 100% monitoring of production process
 Recording a reference in a steady process by image cap-
ments of camera and lighting; proprietary LED-lighting soluti-
Our Solution
of the specimens wetting behavior
 3D flatness measurement using pattern projection
 3D strip light projection
 Scattered light sensor for topographical inspection
Process Chain for an Assessment of Surface Conditions
 Deployable in various stages within composite process chains
Customer Benefits
 Applicable on dry fibers (glass and carbon), preforms, thermo-
 Qualification of bonding partners
sets and thermoplastics
 Qualification of surfaces prior to painting
 Reliable and industrial-suited
 Detection of residual contamination
 Automated evaluation and visualization
 Large area inspection possible
 Documented results
Color-coded Visualization and Analysis of Fiber Directions
2D and 3D Measurements of a defined Scratch on a CFRP Surface
BoNDTinspect in Action - Fingerprints on a CFRP Surface