February 26, 2015 - Amana Colonies Today


February 26, 2015 - Amana Colonies Today
Amana, Iowa, Thursday, February 26, 2014
Amana Church news
The early (German) Service will be in the Middle
Church Sunday, March 1, 2015, starting at 8:30
AM with Elder Elly Hoehnle presiding.
Opening Hymn: “Herr Jesu Christ Dich zu uns
wend” No. 387, Seite 384 Testimony: Barbara Heinemann, Schwarzernau, Feb. 4, 1821
Scripture: Galatians 6:1-10
Psalm 8 Closing Hymn: “O dass ich tausend Zungen
haette” No. 758, Seite 748
The late (English) service will start at 10:00
A.M. with the following hymns:
Opening Hymn: “Lord Jesus Christ, be present
now” No. 57
Closing Hymn: “Oh, That I had a Thousand
Voices” No. 1
The Wednesday evening prayer (Nachtgebet) service will be held at 7:00 P.M. in Middle.
Nachtgebet will be canceled for extreme weather.
Visitors are welcome to join us in worship
at all Amana Church Services. Childcare
available at the English services.
There will be a Bible study at Lakeview Village beginning next Monday, March 2nd at 6:30
p.m. We will do a character study of Joseph. Call
Shirley Reihman at 622-3486 if you have questions and to sign up. Everyone is welcome.
Fellowship to Fill Your Cup
Join us on Sunday, March 15, from 3:00 to 5:00
in the fellowship hall of the Amana Church. This
mini-event for women is called “Fill Your Cup”
and will help each of us fill our hearts and lives
with God’s love, as well as overflow into the lives
of others! Delicious café treats will be served to
fill YOUR cup, invite a friend or two to enjoy this
fellowship together!
Please R.S.V.P. by March 6th via e-mail to
mchurch@southslope.net or by calling the church
at 622-6155 (leave a message if no answer). Questions should be directed to Elly at 319-330-0677
Congregate Meals
On March 1st there will be only 20 days until
the first day of Spring. Count them. Soon we
will see robins in our yards--let’s hope the snow is
gone by then so as not to confuse the robins. We
want them to stay around.
Please come and join us for food and fellowship
at the Amana Church where we will be having
the following menus:
March 2 Marinara Beef, PennePasta,
Brussels Sprouts w/Cheese,
Pineapple, Raisin Bread Pudding.
March 9 Breaded Pork Tenderloin,
Mashed Poatoes/Gravy, Succotash,
Mandarin Oranges & Pineapple.
March 16 Meatballs w.Gravy, Party
Potatoes, Pinto Beans, Mandarin Oranges.
March 23 Open Face Hot Pork Sand.,
Mashed Potatoes/Gravy, Stewed
Tomatoes & Zucchini, Fresh Orange.
March 30 Lasaagne, Spinach, Gelatin
W/Mandarin Oranges, Vanilla Wafers.
All meals are served with bread & butter and
your choice of beverage. Doors open at ll:00 and
we serve at 11:30. any questions or to make your
reservations please Call Anne Freshour @ 62223781 by noon on Friday. Hope to see YOU soon.
Aclud office hours
Effective March 2, regular office hours for the
Amana Colonies Land Use District office, will be
Mondays and Thursdays from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m.
and by appointment. Please contact Elly at 6223840 with any questions.
No. 52
Amana Sanitary
District Meeting
The monthly meeting of the Amana Sanitary
District will be held at 4:30 p.m. Monday, March
2, 2015 in the Amana Sanitary lift station.
To our Service Company
Customers in Amana
For the next 4 to 6 weeks the Service Company
will be changing out all of the electric & water
meters in Amana with new AMR (automatic meter reading) meters, starting in Girlstown and
going on from there.
To replace the water meters they will need access to your basement and it will take about 15
to 20 minutes to complete the task. Changing the
electric meter will only take a couple minutes but
will interrupt your power, leaving flashing lights
on clocks, etc.
If you have a preferred time for change out,
please call 622-3052 to schedule a date & time.
If we do not hear from you we will just come to
your door, if you are not home a door knocker will
be left and you must call to schedule a time.If you
have any questions, please call 622-3052.
The Amana Society Board of Directors is
pleased to announce that it will be awarding up
to four $1000.00 scholarships to graduating seniors planning on attending an accredited college
or university in 2015.
Applicants must either be currently employed
by Amana Society, children or grandchildren of
current full-time employees, or children/grandchildren of Amana Society stockholders. For
an application form or more information, please
contact Caroline Ertz at 319-622-7515.
Amana Colonies
Land Use District
Historic Preservation Commission
Meeting Notice and Tentative Agenda –
February 23, 2015, 6:00 pm, ACLUD
Meeting Room, 4304 220th Trail, Amana
I. Call Meeting to Order
II. Set/Amend Agenda
III. Review/Approve minutes of January regular
IV. Discussion/Action on the following permit applications in a Historic Preservation Zoning District:
a. 2015-004 Marsha & Eric Reihmann 209 13th
Ave, High Amana. Replace windows, replace siding with vinyl siding.
b. 2015-009 Peter & Eleanor Hoehnle 705 47th
Ave., Amana. Remove overhead garage door and
roof extension on south side of woodshed to return original roof line; add double doors in same
style as other shed doors.
c. 2015-010 Amana Society, Inc. 4423 220th
Trail, Amana. Remove window at general store
and return door to that location.
d. 2015-012 Amana Society, Inc. 822 48th Ave.,
Amana. Remove metal addition to blacksmith’s
e. 2015-013 Amana Society, Inc. 822 48th Ave.,
Amana. Replace windows in blacksmith’s shop
with white vinyl replacement windows in same
V. Chairman’s Report
VI. Other Business
a. Discussion/action: recommendations to Board
of Trustees RE: Administrator permits
VII. Adjourn
The Amana Society Bulletin is published by the
Amana Print Shop under contract for the Amana
Society Inc. and distributed free of charge to readers
as a public service to the Amana Community.
On-line at : amanacoloniestoday.com
Electronic version readers of the Bulletin may
connect to websites or e-mails by moving your
curser over most of those items and clicking.
Page Two
CCA Monster Band is March 7
A Clear Creek Amana Spring tradition continues, but has been moved up a few weeks. This
year the annual CCA Monster Band concert will
be Tuesday, March 10 at 7 p.m. in the CCA High
School Auditorium.
Combining the CCA Junior High and High
School bands, with performances of their favorite
tunes and music prepped for state competition,
is a true celebration of all things big, bold and
brassy. We don’t know if the 6th grade band will
be invited to perform, but they have been in the
past. Our favorite moment – when all the musicians join in playing the CCA school song.
CCA School Start Date is September 1
The Clear Creek Amana School District approved its 2015-2016 calendar and the school
start date is September 1, perhaps the latest
start date in recent memory.
CCA Superintendent Tim Kuehl reports that
with the current situation in the Iowa legislature, the district does not anticipate changing
this date, unless the legislature changes the
rules governing when school districts can begin
the school year.
As of today, it’s official; September 1 is the first
day of the CCA 2015-2016 school year. The last
day of the school year is June 3. There are no
“built in” snow days, Superintendent Kuehl added. Should bad weather force cancellations, those
days will be made up in June.
This calendar, as Superintendent Kuehl explained, does not have a weeklong spring break.
Rather the school board, after debate, elected
to build in a four-day weekend in March and a
three-day weekend in April, forgoing the weeklong break offered in years past. By not electing
to have a week-long break the school year can
end June 3.
The calendar allows for the mandated 180
days or 1095 instructional hours. Here are some
highlights from the calendar: Early dismissals
for teaching training and planning will be on
Wednesdays. The first semester ends January
22. The second semester ends June 3. There will
be no school March 3 & 4, March 25 & 28, and on
April 25. High school graduation ceremonies will
be held May 29.
To see the full calendar, check the Amana Elementary School Facebook page or go
to Superintendent Kuehl’s blog on the
CCA website. The new calendar will be
posted soon on the CCA website.
Remembering Iowa’s
Oldest Civil War Soldier
Visit the English Valley History Center on Sunday, March 22 as Patricia Essick, storyteller, will portray the wife of
Curtis King, Iowa’s oldest soldier in the
Civil War.
Essick will tell stories of King’s remarkable life and times. At the age of
80, Private King was mustered into
Company H of the 37th Iowa Infantry
on Nov. 9, 1862. This regiment was
called “the greybeards” and was comprised of men aged 45 years and older.
Iowa was the only state in the Union to
form such a regiment, receiving authorization from Secretary of War Stanton
to do so, upon the pledge that these soldiers would only ever serve as guards.
However, the unit did see action in an
armed confrontation with a band of
Confederate fighters. This story among
others marks the life of King who took
great pride in the fact that nearly 30 of
his sons, grandsons and great grandsons served in the Union army.
The presentation is at 2 p.m. on Sun-
February 26, 2015
day, Mar. 22. The EV History Center is located in
North English, at 108 N. Main Street. The program is free, but donations at the door will be
Essence of Life
Life is about choices….
Make Essence of Life Hospice
your choice for hospice care!
(Located right here in the Amana Colonies)
3207 220th Trail, Middle Amana
Call for a free informational packet on hospice care.
Ronneburg Restaurant
•Phone: 319-622-3641
•Winter Specials
Homemade Hardy Soups
Everyday special- Cod Basket $6.95
Every Week Evenings: Wednesdays - Steak Night
Thursdays - All-you-can- Eat Broasted Chicken
Friday Night - Catfish
Please call ahead to reserve your table!
Up to 40% off remaining Winter fashions.
See our Beautiful Spring Selections,
new merchandise arriving daily!
Find all your favorite Amana Products at:
Page Three
Patches Drywall and related services. Family
and operated. 319-936-7065.
WM Designs & Restoration has openings for
painting, handyman, and window repair projects.
Call 319-929-9985.
Hometown Lawn Care in Homestead is servicing & repairing lawn mowers, snowblowers, and
other small gas engine devices until mid-March.
Pick-up and delivery available! Call to arrange
appointment between 8 AM & 4 PM Mon-Fri.
For rent
One bedroom apartment for rent in Middle Amana.
Call 602-284-3487
Available now! Retail and/or office space. Contact
Jim or Terry Roemig 622-3916 or 622-3227
Room for rent in South Amana, $200. Call Larry
evenings at 622-3424
Village Custom Glass
Window and Screen Repair
4312 F Street, Amana
Phone 319-622-6690
or 319-929-2570
Al Dubberke, Owner
February 26, 2015
Assisted Living Apartments
Meals Provided
v Housekeeping Services
v Wellness checks
- Medication management
v Activities
Units Available
Call Tanya Powell for a tour 622-3131
“Experience the Comfort and Security of
Retirement Living in the Amanas”
Help Wanted
Personal assistant needed, Call Larry Hertel evenings
at 622-3424
Commercial cleaning position available immediately between Homestead & South Amana, evening hours 6:00pm - 8:30pm, M/W/F. Must have
clean background and transportation. Starting pay
$12/hr. Please respond to this ad at 319-540-1358
with qualifications, contact information, and town
you live in.
Wanted to buy
BUYING All ANTIQUES; Toys, Furniture,
Crocks, Paintings and Weird Items “any condition”. Please call 319 270 1251 or 319 538 8668.
Electronic version readers of the Bulletin may
connect to websites or e-mails by moving your
curser over most of those items and clicking.
Page Four
Feathers in the wind
The last week of February…wow! I wonder
if February is imitating March. You know…”if
it comes in like a lamb it will go out like a lion.”
I have been meaning to write about someone
for a long time and, in my mind, I have written
the article so often that I don’t know how to write
it without wanting to revise it again and again
so I better get started.
Last fall a part of my family circle (the older
half) ended when my Tante Linda died. She was
one of those people that everyone has in their
family. She MARRIED into the family and then
became so much a part of the family that one
wondered what the family was like before she
joined it…emptier perhaps.
We have pictures of some of her artistic creations like the gingerbread house she fashioned, the birthday party she put together for
her daughter, Marion, or the cornhusk dolls she
would create that were not just dolls, but had
some added touches like an apron on brained
hair on them.
I remember when our “Explorers Club” would
go up to the Homestead Store and buy packages
of crepe paper. Our original color combination
did not work out because the store did not have
the right color so she suggested a combination
a pink and green. We would happily go back to
Donna’s garage attic and string the crepe paper
all over only to have it sag by the next day.
Of course I have written about the larger ice
cream cones she would give us, but then she
would see my father coming and “suggest” he
try just a “little” slice of cheese that the store
had just gotten in. Naturally Dad and Mommy
would buy it, take it home and come back for
more. How was she to know that she was slowly
making my Dad and me sick with kindness…we
would find out years later that we were both lactose intolerant and therefore pay dearly for that
ice cream and cheese.
There were always the quilting bees or the
cakes she would make. I seemed to never see
her kitchen in a mess. Somehow she would
make the food and have everything in place by
the time you got there.
Then came that time when Uncle George, and
later my mother, died. Tante Linda really was
the backbone for my father. He really missed
Uncle George terribly, but Mommy…well that
loss he never did get over.
There was Tante Linda giving him advice.
Usually it was a religious quote or a prayer in
the morning. Dad would leave feeling better because of her strength. (I really don’t even know
if strength is the right word to use, but those of
you who have lost someone you love know exactly what I mean.)
I guess I loved her because best because she
never made me feel inferior or that I could not do
something. Sometimes I, quite honestly, wondered if she was naïve in her thinking, but now
that I don’t have her around I realize only too
well that I was the one who did not see beyond
I miss her. She sort of left us like my mother…
she went into a fog like state that I am sure she
is now out of since she is home with God.
The last thing I remember is that when I saw
her she fingered my necklace. (I wear a necklace
almost every day that has a mustard seed.) I really feel as if she knew who I was and, if not that,
she was giving me a message…”have the faith
even if it as small as a mustard seed.”
I miss her and wish I could just drop in at her
house again although I know it is February and
she would be in Arizona this time of year.
She was the last of my father’s side of the family to die. Now we are the oldest and I hope that
by that those who have gone before us we will
be as wise and give encouragement to the next
February 26, 2015
The 30th annual His Women’s Seminar sponsored by Lemstone Christian Stores will be held
Sat., April 25th, 2015 from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at
the Doubletree by Hilton in Cedar Rapids.
This year’s theme is Your Life Matters. Speaker will be Angie Smith and music will be by Nicol
Tickets are $40.00 , includes luncheon, and
may be ordered by mail to: His Women, Inc., 7502
Macon Dr. NE, Cedar Rapids, 52411. Make check
payable to His Women and enclose a stamped,
self-addressed envelope and phone number.
Tickets are non-refundable, seating is limited.
If you have any questions, please call Anne
Freshour @ 622.3781
Zuber’s Homestead Hotel
Zuber’s Home Plate Lunch March Specials
Serving Mon. – Thurs. 11 – 2p.m.
Always offering a variety of sandwiches,
soups, and desserts
Daily Specials:
Mon - Cheese Soup Bar
Tues - Chicken Pot Pie
Wed - Chicken Pot Pie or
Beef Stew with Biscuits
Thurs - Ham and Beans with Corn Bread or
Potato Soup with Cinnamon Roll
Mint desserts on Tuesdays and Thursdays
Amana Poetry Competition
Calling all writers of poetry and prose! The BiAnnual Poetry and Prose contest offers poets and
writers an opportunity to have their writing read
at the Amana Poetry, Prose and Song Celebration on Saturday May 2, 2015. This event will
be held at the Amana Arts Guild, High Amana.
Contest winners will receive award certificates.
Any person or group of any age may enter. There
is no entry fee. Categories include: Adult and
Contest Deadline is April 4
Entries must have for their subject matter a
connection to the Amanas-past, present or future. Any form rhymed or unrhymed may be
used. Types of poems include historical (factual),
narrative (storytelling), descriptive (a person or
place) or lyric (expressing feelings). The language may be English or German or a combination of the two.
Each poem must be on a separate page with
the author’s name and address placed in the upper left corner of the title page. No more than
two poems by one author will be accepted. Joint
authorship or collaborations by groups will be accepted.
Prose pieces of fewer than 500 words may
be entered in the Prose division. These pieces
should also have an Amana theme and include
the author’s name and address on the title page.
All poems and prose must be delivered to the
Amana School-Community Library on or before
the deadline April 4, 2015. The contest is sponsored by the Amana Library and the Amana Arts
Find all your favorite Amana Products at: