03-26-2015 - Amana Colonies Today
03-26-2015 - Amana Colonies Today
Vol. LXXXIV Amana, Iowa, Thursday, March 26, 2015 Amana Church news The Combined Palm Sunday Service will be in the Middle Church, March 29, 2015, starting at 10:00 AM with Elder Betsy Momany presiding. Opening Hymn: “Weil Selbst der Herr” No. 1049, Seite 1026 Testimony: Johann Adam Gruber, Himbach, February 14, 1715 Scripture: Luke 9:22 Luke 19:28-38 Psalm 23 Closing Hymn: “Hosanna, Loud Hosanna” No. 189 The Combined Holy Week Service will be held at Middle Church Monday through Friday starting at 7:00 PM each night. Visitors are welcome to join us in worship at all Amana Church Services. Amana Sanitary District Meeting The monthly meeting of the Amana Sanitary District will be held at 4:30 p.m. Monday, April 6, 2015 in the Amana Sanitary lift station. ––––– Congregate Meals Spring is officially here. The robins are here. The snow is gone and we want it to stay that way! Please come and join us for food and fellowship at the Amana Church where we will be having the following menu: March 30: Lasaagne, Spinach, Gelatin W/Mandarin Oranges, Vanilla Wafers. All meals are served with bread & butter and your choice of beverage. Doors open at ll:00 and we serve at 11:30. any questions or to make your reservations please Call Anne Freshour @ 62223781 by noon on Friday. Hope to see YOU soon. ––––– Get your parade floats ready! The 2015 Maifest parade theme is: “Celebrate the Arts in Amana”. We encourage everyone to incorporate the theme into their entries, however all entries are welcome. This year’s Maifest parade will be held at 10:00am on Saturday, May 2. Line-Up will start at 9:00am in the Woolen Mill parking lot. Judges will be awarding a prize to the entry of their choice in each of the following categories: “Most Beautiful Entry”, “Best Interpretation of Theme” and “Judge’s Choice Award”. If your business or group is interested in entering a parade float or walking entry and you have not received a Parade Registration Form, please contact the Parade Committee at the Amana Woolen Mill 6223432 or email: pdietrich@amanas.net. Returning a registration form helps the staging crew to better prepare for lining up the parade. Thank you for helping to celebrate Spring in the Amanas. ––––– To our Service Company Customers in Amana For the next 4 to 6 weeks the Service Company will be changing out all of the electric & water meters in Amana with new AMR (automatic meter reading) meters, starting in Girlstown and going on from there. To replace the water meters they will need access to your basement and it will take about 15 to 20 minutes to complete the task. Changing the electric meter will only take a couple minutes but will interrupt your power, leaving flashing lights on clocks, etc. If you have a preferred time for change out, please call 622-3052 to schedule a date & time. If we do not hear from you we will just come to your door, if you are not home a door knocker will be left and you must call to schedule a time.If you have any questions, please call 622-3052. ––––– The Secret Garden Opens April 4 on the Old Creamery’s Main Stage The Secret Garden, The Old Creamery’s first Theatre for Young Audiences show of 2015, opens April 4 and runs through April 18 on the Old Creamery’s Main Stage, with shows on Saturdays at 1:00 pm with a special morning show on April 18 at 10:00 am. A golden key opens a secret ivy-covered door to a wondrous garden, for neglected orphan Mary. As she learns how to help the garden thrive, she blooms into a lovely young girl herself all while helping her ill cousin Collin to heal. Friendship and flowers all flourish in The Secret Garden! The cast includes Keegan Christopher, Katie Colletta, Jeff Haffner, Jackie McCall, Hannah Spina, and Jim Vogt. Sean McCall is the director. Tickets are $10 per person. Seating is limited so reservations are highly recommended. Sponsored by Scheels of Coralville. Media Sponsors are KHAK and KDAT. The Secret Garden is rated Theatre G. The Secret Garden has been adapted by April-Dawn Gladu and is based upon the book by Frances Hodgson Burnett. Call the box office for tickets and information 319-622-6262 or visit us online at www.oldcreamery.com. The Old Creamery Theatre is a not-for-profit professional theatre founded in 1971 in Garrison, Iowa. In 2015, the company is celebrating 44 years of bringing live, professional theatre to the people of Iowa and the Midwest. ––––– A WORKSHOP TO JUMPSTART THE WRITER WITHIN! Is your creativity gene on hiatus? Do you love the power and beauty of language, but lack time or inspiration? Experience strategic writing prompts that invite you to take intellectual and creative risks that lead to breakthrough thinking …and writing! As writer Donald Murray suggested, it takes a destination and a plan to make surprise possible. So, this is your invitation to create, create, create! On Saturday, April 25, with Linda Bendorf (M.A.T., J.D., University of Iowa) as our guest instructor, the Amana Arts Guild will hold a writer’s workshop, for adults, between 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM at the Art Center, in High Amana. Workshop fee: $40 During our high energy, focused yet flexible time together, we’ll plunge into strategies to spark creativity and to free the “writer within.” And we’ll have fun all the while, because serious work requires serious play. We’ll write quickly to stay ahead of the inner critic, and boldly to outsmart the censor. We’ll dabble in poetry, life stories, monologue and more. Plan to generate all new writing, and in good workshop fashion, we’ll share our pieces as time allows. Bring a sack lunch, paper or writing notebook and your favorite pen. To register call Linda at 224-688-9222 The Amana Society Bulletin is published by the Amana Print Shop under contract for the Amana Society Inc. and distributed free of charge to readers as a public service to the Amana Community. On-line at : amanacoloniestoday.com No. 04 A M A N A N E WS AND NOT E S Lt. Governor Visits the Amana Colonies Lieutenant Governor Kim Reynolds and members of her staff were welcomed to the Amana Colonies Tuesday afternoon as part of the 99 county tour she and Governor Terry Branstad undertake each year. The Governor was to be here too, however, as his office reported Tuesday morning to the media, the Governor was ill and was unable to make the trip. “He’s very sorry not to be here today,” the Lt. Governor told the group. “He hates, really hates, to miss these kinds of meetings, but he has a bad chest cold so just was unable to come.” The Amana Colonies Convention and Visitors Bureau facilitated the visit. Lt. Governor Reynolds, accompanied by David Rettig, executive director of the ACCVB, John Peterson, Amana Society, Inc. CEO, and Bruce Trumpold, manager of the Amana Furniture Shop, was given a tour of the Amana Furniture Shop. Trumpold said that Lt. Governor Reynolds was shown, among other things, the new CNC router and laser etching equipment that is allowing Amana Furniture to offer personalized products to its customers. “I was very interested to learn that you are sourcing your own walnut for your products,” the Lt. Governor told the group. After the furniture shop tour, the Lt. Governor was shown the Amana Woolen Mill weaving operation by mill manager Stephanie Van’t Sant and was particularly interested to see examples of the new line of Amana bed-sized cotton and woolen blankets. Following the tours, the Lt. Governor had a round table session at the mill with about 20 members of the ACCVB. Among other topics, she reported on the progress being made to formulate the Iowa Next program. As Lt. Governor Reynolds explained, this new initiative takes a comprehensive approach to state investment in local and regional quality of life projects by streamlining public access to state programs that provide funding to support cultural, natural resource enhancement and recreational community projects. Legislation is being drafted now for this program which is expected to provided about $26 million in grants. “What I’m hearing from small communities and smaller counties is that Iowa Next will provide better access for them to those sources of funding,” Lt. Governor Reynolds told the group. “It’s a very competitive environment out there for funding so getting more people to the table, making it more accessible is very important to the Governor.” David Rettig described some of the new events planned in the Colonies in 2015 and praised the Economic Development Authority’s efforts to promote Iowa tourism, “We are encouraged by what we are seeing from the state and want to lend our support,” he said. The Lt. Governor agreed stating that she felt the State Economic Development Authority was making a strong effort to promote Iowa as a tourism destination and as a great place to live, noting that it uses various metrics to measure success and that it is using social medium as a way to reach a younger audience. She encouraged the ACCVB to use the state’s social media to promote its events. She added that attracting and retaining an News & Notes continues on page 2 Electronic version readers of the Bulletin may connect to websites or e-mails by moving your curser over most of those items and clicking. AMANA SOCIETY BULLETIN Page Two News & Notes from page 1 educated workforce is important to Iowa’s future, therefore promoting Iowa as a great place to live is good for all. The Lt. Governor outlined plans for a program to allow Iowa college graduates to volunteer for nonprofit organizations after college in exchange for tax credits that would help offset student loans and a program that will encourage Iowa businesses to hire military veterans. These programs are still in the planning stage and the legislation is being drafted. She encouraged those attending to keep track of the new programs and to help promote their passage in the Iowa Statehouse by communicating support to legislators. The Lt. Governor said that she hoped to return soon to the Colonies, perhaps with Iowa Economic Development Authority director Debi Durham, to meet with local business leaders to discuss topics introduced at the round table. Damage to Lanterns is Costly and Annoying “This is really, really obnoxious” said one property owner in Amana upon finding the Amanastyle lantern along the street in front of his shop broken. Terry Hershberger, Amana Society Service Co., agrees, reporting that 12 of the unique fixtures were broken in Amana, along with two privately owned lanterns in East Amana. Another lantern in Middle Amana was discovered to have been broken just last weekend. The damage to the Amana and East Amana fixtures may have occurred the weekend of Feb 28 - March 2. As Hershberger reported, it looks as if someone had taken a bat or similar object to the lanterns. The brass fixtures were dented, the glass broken and many of the lights were destroyed. Additionally, two mailboxes were taken in the village of Homestead, however, that theft might be unrelated to the vandalism of the light fixtures. Cost to replace the light fixtures is $1,300 each. However, Hershberger hopes that some of the fixtures might be repaired. At this time, his initial estimate is that it will cost about $9,000 to repair or replace the broken fixtures in the public right of way. There is no estimate for repairs or replacement of the privately owned fixtures in East Amana. Anyone with information about the vandalism or the theft of the mailboxes is urged to contact the Iowa County Sheriff’s department. Residents are urged to keep watch for suspicious activity and report all to the Sheriff. “When you think about how nice these lanterns look and the time and trouble it takes to repair them, not to mention the cost, this is really upsetting! To think someone would be so stupid and destructive,” the merchant concluded. LakeviewVillage Assisted Living Apartments v Meals Provided v Housekeeping Services v Wellness checks - Medication management v Activities Units Available Call Tanya Powell for a tour 622-3131 “Experience the Comfort and Security of Retirement Living in the Amanas” Ronneburg Restaurant •Phone: 319-622-3641 Homemade Hardy Soups Friday Night Special - Catfish Please call ahead to reserve your table! www.iowatheatreartists.org www.c1stcu.com March 26, 2015 Yard and Garden: Prepare and Plant Onion Cultivars in Spring BY RICHARD JAURON, GREG WALLACE, ISU Ext. With spring here, it’s time to think about planting in home gardens. In Iowa, onions are a popular garden product, but they do require some special conditions and care to get optimal results. Here are some tips from Iowa State University Extension and Outreach horticulturists on onion cultivar varieties and the proper way to plant them. To have additional questions answered, contact the ISU Hortline at 515-294-3108 or hortline@iastate.edu. What is a suitable planting site for onions? Onions perform best in well-drained, slightly acidic, fertile soils in full sun. The planting site should receive at least six hours of direct sun each day. Heavy soils can be improved by incorporating organic matter, such as compost, into the soil. Onions require higher fertility levels than most other vegetables. Apply one to two pounds of an all-purpose garden fertilizer, such as 1010-10, per 100 square feet and till into the soil prior to planting. Four to five weeks after planting, sidedress with additional fertilizer. Sprinkle one pound of an all-purpose garden fertilizer per 100 feet of row. Place the fertilizer in a narrow band about 2 to 3 inches from the base of the onion plants. What are some good onion cultivars for Iowa? Suggested onion cultivars for home gardens in Iowa include ‘Candy’ (yellow-brown, short term storage), ‘Copra’ (yellow-brown skin, excellent storage), ‘Red Burgermaster’ (bright red, good storage), ‘Red Zeppelin’ (deep red, excellent storage), ‘Stuttgarter’ (light brown skin, excellent storage), ‘Walla Walla Sweet’ (yellow-brown skin, short term storage), and ‘White Sweet Spanish’ (white skin, short term shortage). Which planting method is best when growing onions? Onions may be grown from seeds, sets (small bulbs) and plants. Base your planting method on cost, availability and ease of planting. For most home gardeners, growing onions from seeds is the most difficult planting method as germination rates are sometimes poor. However, it is the least expensive. Seeds of specific onion cultivars are readily available. Growing onions from sets is easy. However, specific onion cultivars are usually not available. Onion sets are typically sold as red, white or yellow onions. Since the cultivar is unknown, the flavor, use and keeping quality of onions grown from sets vary considerably. Growing onions from plants is the preferred planting method for many home gardeners. Onions are easily grown from plants. Additionally, specific cultivars are available at garden centers. What is the proper way to plant onion seeds? Plant onion seeds as soon as the ground can be worked in spring (late March or early April in southern Iowa, early to mid-April in central Iowa and mid to late April in northern portions of the state). Plant seeds in rows 12 to 15 inches apart. Cover the seeds with one-half to three-quarters inch of soil. When the seedlings are 2 to 4 inches tall, thin the planting. For large, dry onions, plants should be spaced 2 to 3 inches apart after thinning. A full season of growth is needed for mature onions. What is the proper way to plant onion sets? Before planting sets, separate the bulbs into two size groups – those smaller than a nickel continued on page 3 http://www.amanashops.com amanashops.com Find all your favorite Amana Products at: Page Three _____________________________________________ Travel _____________________________________________ Deluxe Chicago trips for mobile senior adults; depart Sundays & return Thursdays (4 nights-5 days); individuals/small groups; included= hosted site seeing, shopping 4 star overnight accommodations, meals, transport. Tour pace; medium. Colony Visits...Heritage Destinations, PO Box 99, Amana IA 52203, 319-622-6178, e-mail: info@colonyvisits. com _____________________________________________ For Sale _____________________________________________ info@colonyvisits.com 2014 John Deere X304 riding Lawn Mower. All wheel steering, brush guard, 42 inch cutting/mulching blades. Only 20 hours - Just like new! Call 319325-3362 _____________________________________________ Services _____________________________________________ Krantz Drywall and plaster repair. 319-936-7065. _____________________________________________ AMANA SOCIETY BULLETIN Onions from page 2 in diameter and those larger than a nickel. The larger sets often bolt (produce a flower stalk) and don’t produce good-sized bulbs. Use the larger sets for green onions. The smaller sets can be allowed to develop into mature onions. Plant sets from early April to early May. Sets should be planted at a depth of 1 to 1½ inches in rows 12 to 15 inches apart. For dry onions, plant the sets 2 to 3 inches apart. Sets grown for green onions can be planted closer together. What is the proper way to plant onion plants? Plant onion plants from early April to early May. Place plants 1 to 1½ inches deep in rows 12 to 15 inches apart. To produce large, dry onions, space plants 2 to 3 inches apart. Spring has sprung! WM Designs & Restoration has openings for remodeling, carpentry, handyman jobs. Call Steve at 319-640-6250 _____________________________________________ lois13@southslope.net www.jhoyerandshadowboxers.com Personal assistant needed, Call Larry Hertel evenings at 622-3424 _________________________________________ Henry’s Village Market is ready for SPRING! We have your 2015 SEEDS so stop in and find some new and interesting things to try in your garden this year! Henry’s Village Market 4125 V Street Homestead 319-622-3931 Next Pick-Up is April 4 (319) 929-2240 Morning pick-up Basketball games If you would be interested in playing pick up basketball on weekday mornings contact Gunther Sandersfeld 622-3033. If there is enough interest we can then proceed in getting something going at the gym in Middle Amana. Available now! Retail and/or office space. Contact Jim or Terry Roemig 622-3916 or 622-3227 _________________________________________ 10X25 Unit Available! Storage Unit available April 1st! Serene Wooded Acres mobile home park! Call 319-551-6585 _________________________________________ Help Wanted _________________________________________ Commercial cleaning position available immediately between Homestead & South Amana, evening hours 6:00pm - 8:30pm, M/W/F. Must have clean background and transportation. Starting pay $12/hr. Please respond to this ad at 319-540-1358 with qualifications, contact information, and town you live in. _________________________________________ Wanted to buy _________________________________________ BUYING All ANTIQUES; Toys, Furniture, Crocks, Paintings and Weird Items “any condition”. Please call 319 270 1251 or 319 538 8668. _________________________________________ Found _________________________________________ Set of keys found near the Church in Middle, one key has something unique on it. Keys may be claimed at the Middle Post Office by describing them. _________________________________________ , new classroom technology and other materials for the Amana Elementary School and the Amana Community Library Thank you for your support! For rent ________________________________________ One bedroom apartment for rent in Middle Amana. Call 602-284-3487 ________________________________________ Desk clerks for 2nd & 3rd shift housekeepers for part-time hours must be dependable Guest House Motel 622-3599 _________________________________________ Part-time Housekeeping positions available. Apply at Zuber’s Homestead Hotel. _________________________________________ March 26, 2015 www.amanagolfcourse.com Amana Colonies Golf Club Hires New PGA Professional Amana Colonies Golf Club and Event Center welcomes PGA Professional Patrick Kilbride as the new General Manager and Head Golf Professional in Amana. Kilbride has had 24 years of professional golf and management experience, including a previous stint at The Harvester Club in Central Iowa. His most recent employment was Director of Golf at Dismal River Golf Club in Western Nebraska. “Mr. Kilbride is a scratch golfer with a western plains wit and we are quite excited he joined our team at Amana,” said Ken Ellenson, Superintendent and 25 year veteran at the course. The first big move Kilbride has done is reduce green fees to nearly 25 percent. “We want people to come out and play a round at Amana without the big ticket price. We are in the hospitality business and want to offer players a memorable golf experience. This course has the beauty, the natural landscape, a fleet of 2014 Club Cars and outstanding customer service to do just that,” said Kilbride. Call (319) 622-6222 for golf reservations and tickets to upcoming Josh Hoyer Blues Band Live Performance on March 28. Got News? Please Share It Articles of local intrest may be e-mailed to: a m a n a p r i n t s h o p @ s o u t h s l o p e . n e t. For those without internet access please send your submissions to: Amana Print Shop Box 89 Middle IA 52307, or stop by the shop. Thanks Bringing Water Quality Home to Us Thursday, April 2nd, 2015 Registration: 9:30 a.m. Program: 10:00-1:00 Kinze Innovation Center, I80 - Exit 216, 2172 M Avenue, Williamsburg, IA 52361 Iowa County Soil and Water Conservation District and Iowa County Farm Bureau have teamed up to offer a series of workshops that address the latest in soil conservation and water quality topics. The series will kick off with an event on April 2nd, 2015, featuring Secretary of Agriculture Bill Northey and four local producers who will discuss the Nutrient Reduction Strategy and conservation practices that are working on Iowa County Farms. This event is open to the public. Hear from producers who are using: · Cover Crops · Alternative Terrace Inlets · No-Till · Prairie STRIPS · Rotational Grazing · Cover Crops for Grazing Lunch will be provided free of charge to all attendees who RSVP by March 27th, 2015. RSVP by calling Iowa County Farm Bureau at 319-6681331 x4. This event is being held in cooperation with USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, Iowa Department of Agriculture, Price Creek Watershed Project, Iowa County Farm Bureau and Iowa County Soil and Water Conservation Service. USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. D & S REPAIR and Wrecker Service Denny Healy, Owner • South Amana $25.95 Oil change Up to 5 qts. oil and filter Grease & Oil • Batteries • Shocks • Brakes Fuel Injection Cleaning & Repair Tune Ups • Turn Rotors & Brake Drums Call 622-3166 Night: 319-642-7493 Serving the Amana & Marengo area for over 50 years. Electronic version readers of the Bulletin may connect to websites or e-mails by moving your curser over most of those items and clicking. Page Four March 26, 2015 AMANA SOCIETY BULLETIN http://www.essencehospice.com http://www.essencehospice.com http://www.essencehospice.com http://www.essencehospice.com Essence of Life Hospice Life is about choices…. Make Essence of Life Hospice your choice for hospice care! (Located right here in the Amana Colonies) 3207 220th Trail, Middle Amana 319-622-3195 Call for a free informational packet on hospice care. Zuber’s Homestead Hotel Zuber’s Home Plate Lunch March Specials Serving Mon. – Thurs. 11 – 2p.m. Always offering a variety of sandwiches, soups, and desserts Daily Specials: Mon - Cheese Soup Bar Tues - Chicken Pot Pie Wed - Chicken Pot Pie or Beef Stew with Biscuits Thurs - Ham and Beans with Corn Bread or Potato Soup with Cinnamon Roll Mint desserts on Tuesdays and Thursdays Historic Foundations 19th Century Stone & Brick Bldg Restoration Basements, Barns, & Commercial Stone Wall Restoration, Stabilization, and Tuck Pointing Certified in Historic Restoration with Quality “Old World” Craftsmanship John C. Pischke, DeWitt, IA 563-659-3476 Village Custom Glass Window and Screen Repair 4312 F Street, Amana Phone 319-622-6690 or 319-929-2570 Al Dubberke, Owner CORNELIA ZUBER ON MARCH 28 We are having a card party. You are welcome to send a birthday card to: Connie Zuber, 3012 F Dr., #3, Amana IA 52203. Please include a memory or 2. Happy Birthday, Oma Connie. With much love, Your Family Birth Announcement Dale and LeElyn Metz are happy to announce the birth of their granddaughter, Mallory Marie Wessels on Monday, March 16 at 4:39 am at St. Lukes Hospital. She weighed 7lbs. 2oz and measured 20 1/2 inches long. She is welcomed home by big brother Alex. Proud parents are Ryan and Elizabeth Wessels. Paternal grandparents are Mike and Joan Wessels of Manchester. Like Chocolate and Coffee? Are you outgoing and creative? We are looking for people with a “customer first” attitude to add to our team! Flexible hours available. Must be available Saturday’s and some Sunday’s. You’ll be helping our friendly customers by using our POS as well as doing production. Stop in for an application or email: Brenda.ChocolateHaus@gmail.com Amana Poetry Competition Calling all writers of poetry and prose! The BiAnnual Poetry and Prose contest offers poets and writers an opportunity to have their writing read at the Amana Poetry, Prose and Song Celebration on Saturday May 2, 2015. This event will be held at the Amana Arts Guild, High Amana. Contest winners will receive award certificates. Any person or group of any age may enter. There is no entry fee. Categories include: Adult and Students Contest Deadline is April 4 Entries must have for their subject matter a connection to the Amanas-past, present or future. Any form rhymed or unrhymed may be used. Types of poems include historical (factual), narrative (storytelling), descriptive (a person or place) or lyric (expressing feelings). The language may be English or German or a combination of the two. Each poem must be on a separate page with the author’s name and address placed in the upper left corner of the title page. No more than two poems by one author will be accepted. Joint authorship or collaborations by groups will be accepted. Prose pieces of fewer than 500 words may be entered in the Prose division. These pieces should also have an Amana theme and include the author’s name and address on the title page. All poems and prose must be delivered to the Amana School-Community Library on or before the deadline April 4, 2015. The contest is sponsored by the Amana Library and the Amana Arts Guild. and Yana’s See our Beautiful Spring Selections, new merchandise arriving daily! The Amana Print Shop Our Hours: Mon. - Thurs. 8:00 AM- 4:30 (or later) Fri. 8-2. Due to on-going email: amanaprintshop@southslope.net Christopher Kent (Priebe) in “Les Misérables” ISU Theatre’s spring musical, Les Misérables, based on the French novel by Victor Hugo, opens April 10 at 7:30 p.m. in Fisher Theater. Les Misérables is a passionate story of redemption, sacrifice, and love, and it is filled with some of musical theatre’s most powerful and iconic songs. In addition to April 10, 7:30 p.m., other performances are scheduled for April 11, 17, and 18 at 7:30 p.m. with matinees on Sunday, April 12 and April 19 at 2 p.m. Admission is $24 for seniors and adults and $16 for students. Tickets can be purchased at all Ticketmaster locations, or by calling 1-800-745-3000. Advance ticket purchase is strongly suggested. HAPPY 95TH BIRTHDAY, building repairs we don’t know where we will be or what we will be doing at any given time- We ask that you Please call ahead. Phone 319-622-3912 Display ads start at $7 per column inch, to the nearest 1/2 inch Classified ads are $6 for the first 25 words, $1 per 5 words thereafter, as determined by “MS Word” word count Labels Rubber Stamps Forms, Business Cards Promotional Items and more! PO Box 89 Middle IA 52307 Colonial Manor School 1119 26th Ave in Middle Amana Stay in touch when you’re away , read the Bulletin on-line at amanacoloniestoday.com http://www.amanashops.com amanashops.com Find all your favorite Amana Products at: