This Week`s Bulletin - First United Methodist Church of Brandon, FL


This Week`s Bulletin - First United Methodist Church of Brandon, FL
How Do I Become a Christian?
Great question! It’s one I’ve been asking the last 33 years of my life. I want
to be a better student of Jesus. No matter what you’ve done, you can start to be
a lifelong learner on the way with Jesus today. We’re all in the same boat.
Romans 3:23 reminds us: “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”
I need a Friend and Leader, a Savior and Lord, to help redeem my past, guide
my present, and secure my future. You do, too. Ephesians 2:8-10 tells us:
“God saved you by His grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift
from God. Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can
boast about it. For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so
we can do the good things He planned for us long ago.” There’s no “secret formula.” We
simply say “Yes!” to Jesus and we enter into a process to become the masterpiece God
already sees in us. Perhaps you could pray like this:
“Dear God, thank You for the gift of grace through Jesus Christ.
I say ‘yes’ to Him today. Thank you for the way He offered Himself
on the cross for me! Help me become the person You say I am,
O Lord. Amen.”
If you've made the commitment today to follow Jesus, please stop by the
Welcome Desk in the Lobby to pick up your "Yes!" Bible & information.
Pastor Jamie
Prayers & Concerns As Of February 26, 2015
In the Hospital:
Larilyn Alojipan, Leroy Smith, Ron Vick
At Home:
Larry Ayala
Paula Blue
Martha Bovee
Jerry Briant
Don Byrd
Stevie Caristianos
Bill Cartwright
Jennifer Erwin
Del Filippone
Laurel Goldston
Amber Haynes
Halle Heilman
Helen Herndon
Joan McLain
Margaret Messer
Denis & Barbara
Charles Rogers
Martha Schutte
Dianne Silliman
Ben Simon
Michele Smedley
Bernie & Faye
Bob Swanson
Marlene Thurman
Debbie Vaillant
Your Church Staff
Shepherds of biblical times carried staffs to guide and protect their flocks. Today we think of
a "staff" as a team of people working together. Both examples suggest the importance of a
partnership of people God can use to help others in need. Your Church staff is made up of
much more than the following names that represent part-time and full-time employees of the
Church and, what we refer to as "volunteer staff". These people, along with so many others
who volunteer in service, are a Church family and a team in ministry doing God's work for
you and alongside you. Don't hesitate to call on us.
Pastors: Rev. Jamie Westlake, Senior Pastor; Rev. Roberto Chaple, Hispanic Ministries;
Rev. Ken Green & Rev. Guy Weatherly, Pastoral Care; Rev. Clint Logan, Pastor Emeritus
Administration: Sharon Kuebler, Tara Prather
Facilities: Tim Ashcraft, Jacob Ashcraft, Justin Ashcraft, Mark Bitner, Travis Comrey,
James St. Pearre
Family Ministries: Shelly Wilson Children’s Ministries: Lynn Bruner, Julie Robaus
Finance: Kristi Allred, John Overstreet
GroupLife & Outreach: Dan Palmer
Couples Coach: Phyl Lippy, PhD
Minister of Missions: Rev. Vicki Harrison
Nursery: Emily Benson, Kelsey Bone, Karen Mears, Gerry Neese, Emilce Ogando, Cody Wilson
Preschool: Wendy Johnson, Lisa Ward, Jane Bell, Charlene Daniels, Debbie Halgash, Jennifer
Heath, Lisa Ledbetter, Mary Mahan, Kristi Martin, Andrea Pullara, Valerie Spoto, Dottie
Waksman, Susanne White
Students: Dee Martin, Zachary Alexander
Next Gen Minister: Ricc Conner
Technical Arts: Stuart Mackey, Janeen Dougherty
Worship: Jeff Brant, Adam Klingman, John Matheny, Phil McReynolds, Desiree Palmer
Shut-ins at Home, in Assisted Living,
Rehab or Nursing Homes:
Barry Beard
Dollie Browning
Claire Bryan
Marie Carlton
Ruth Funderburg
Joan Gers
Vance Gordon
Dot Gunn
Ruth Hill
Janette Hoepner
Arliene Kennedy
Alice Knight
Amalia Lopez
Eugenia Lyons
Bea Martin
Delores McClain
Jean Moody
Betty Morgan
Blanche Mueller
Bernice Poorman
Vivian Rhiner
Chester & Dot Weil
Eileen Williams
Olin Wright
“One Church, in Two Languages”
121 North Knights Avenue Brandon, FL 33510
Office Hours: Mon-Thur 9:00-4:00; Fri 9:00-1:00
Out of Town:
Bobbie Davis, Audrey Law, Rev. Clint
Logan, Jennifer Remington, Elizabeth
Sargent, Viola Tanner
> Barbara Korte, wife of Don Korte and
mother of Steve Korte, passed away
Thank You For Worshiping With Us Today, March 1, 2015
Things to know if you're visiting us this morning:
Excellent childcare is offered for infants and toddlers in our nursery
all morning. All children, infants through 6th grade, should be
checked-in through Children's Ministry located outside the two-story
Wesley Education building. You can be confident that appropriate
security procedures are in place to help ensure all children are safe.
Elementary-Age Children have their own worship service at 9:30
and Bible study at 11:00am - both are located in the Multipurpose
room of the two-story Wesley Education Building. Of course, your
children are also welcome to worship with you in the Sanctuary.
There is a Baby's Cry Room in the back of the Sanctuary where
you can comfort your child and see & hear the service.
Especially for 5th & 6th Graders, “Club 56” takes place each
Sunday morning, 9:30am-noon, in room 204 of the 2-story Wesley
Building, beginning with their own worship experience. Club Kids
should sign-in at the Children’s Ministry stations.
7th-12th Grade Youth are invited to serve in various capacities
around campus on Sunday mornings from 9:30-10:30am and then
meet from 10:45-noon for unplugged worship, prayer, study and
discussion groups. We come together again Sundays from 5:007:00pm at the Boys & Girls Club and Wednesday evenings at
The Table. Look inside for details.
Adult Worship is in the Sanctuary at 8:00, 9:30 & 11:00am. With a
traditional service at 8:00; Modern Praise & Worship at 9:30; and a
blended service featuring the full choir & orchestra at 11:00am. For
your convenience, both hearing aids and ear plugs are available at
the Welcome Desk. Our Spanish-language worship service meets
in Logan Hall at 11:00am.
Adult Sunday School Classes meet all over campus at 9:30 and
11:00am. Adult Small Groups also meet at various times & locations
around town throughout the week. Visit the Welcome Desk or the
Information Wall in the Lobby this morning to check out your options.
Hospitality is located in the Social Hall until 11:00am. You'll find
coffee, juice, snacks and fellowship there Sunday mornings. The
third Sunday of each month is usually when the United Methodist
Men host a pancake breakfast or other food & fellowship opportunity.
~ Serving Our Country in the Military ~
(To make sure our list is current, we started the New Year blank and asking you to submit
names and current addresses for military personnel you’d like to keep on the prayer list.
The names will be added as they are received.)
E4 SPC Tyler Allen
Cpl JP Bulger
S/Sgt Robert Gill
Michael Korte
AG1 Sarah Morgan
Sgt K. Gregory Mouradian
Recruiter Samuel Naber
George Offenhauser
Amn Clayton Proctor
MSgt Marty Steele
SN Amy Sweetwood
Visit for weekly prayer concerns
for our President and the Nation
Please keep in prayer: Our Bishop Ken Carter, Jr. and District Superintendent
Rev. Dr. Walter E. Monroe, Jr.
Every Sunday evening from 5:00-6:00pm we serve
a spaghetti dinner in the Social Hall that's open to all.
The meals are free although donations are gladly accepted.
Receive Regular Updates on Prayer Concerns and Praise Reports by Email
To sign-up, send an email with SUBSCRIBE PRAYERCHAIN in the body to:
Receive the Pastor's Daily Devotion Every Morning by Email
Click the Daily Devotion link on the left side of our website’s homepage
Join the Prayer Team in the Prayer Chapel (behind the Sanctuary)
Sundays at 7:30am, 9:00am and 10:30am; Mondays at 9:30am
Our Mission is to make more and better disciples of Jesus Christ
Sympathy: > Dillard Logan, brother of
Doyal Logan, passed away 2/24/15.
The Benefits of Small Community Life
One of the key ways God promises to grow us as disciples of Jesus is through a deeper
connection to God's Word and other believers. One of the best ways for this to happen is
through Small Groups where we can study the Bible and really get to know one another in
face-to-face conversations and in prayer. As a fairly-large church, Small Groups are the
primary place where we receive and offer care to one another. Small Groups happen on
Sunday morning and all kinds of other times of the week. Our goal is for everyone to be in
at least one Small Group. We want each person to know there is a group of folks who really
care about them 24 hours a day, 7 days a week - especially when a crisis occurs. We also
want each member to be someone who cares deeply and can be called on by others when
a crisis strikes in their life. It's just the church being the church! Contact Dan at 689-4161 or to find a group that's right for you.
First United Methodist Church of Brandon
If you, or someone you know, are in need of prayer, please email your request
to or call 813-689-4161.
Like to learn more about us?
Pick up a Welcome Brochure from the pew rack or stop by the Guest
table & info wall in the Lobby. Learn more - and view prior services on our website anytime at
wireless password: Acts2:21
See Our Weekly Mission Insert
It’s green for “Go!” Discover upcoming
opportunities to serve others outside the
church. Offers lots of opportunities to be
the hands, feet, and voice of Christ!
Scholastic Book Fair Begins Today!
We’ll be open March 1-8 from 9:00am12:30pm (except Saturday) in W108 (2 story
Wesley Building.) Take advantage of an
opportunity to pick up terrific titles for the
entire family—and support our weekday preschool & kindergarten.
Free Blood Pressure Screening Today
between services, in the Social Hall.
Weekly Community Spaghetti Dinner
We serve a dinner in the Social Hall Sunday
evenings from 5:00-6:00pm. It's open to
everyone. The meals are free although
donations are gladly accepted.
Join a 9:30 Sunday Morning Small Group!
 “Who is the Holy Spirit?” in NH112
(Pastor Jamie’s office) - Discover how
the Holy Spirit works in our lives and
helps us become more spiritually healthy
as children of God—in power and wisdom and equipped for every good work.
“Defining Moments” in S3 - A defining
moment happens when you come faceto-face with a truth that invites you to
change the way you live. This study
examines several such moments in
people’s lives from Scripture.
 “Faith, Hope & Luck” in NH106 – Our
faith in God often hinges on his activity,
or inactivity, in our daily experiences. It’s
not supposed to be that way! Learn how
to maintain your confidence in Christ
during the ups and downs of daily life.
Where Moms Connect…
Find support and encouragement at Where
Moms Connect this Thursday at 9:30am and
6:30pm in the Wesley Bldg. Free childcare is
available. Contact Shelly Wilson for more
Daylight Savings Time
Begins Next Sunday
Set your clocks ahead one
hour Saturday night, the 7th!
Crafts & Scrapbooking
Contact Anne Bell, 689-3094, if you are
interested in working on our Church history
or Chrismons.
Attention First-time Guests!
We are so happy you chose to worship with
us today! Please feel free to stop by the
“guest table” in the Lobby to pick up a coffee
mug and learn about programs & activities for
you and your family. We would love to meet
you and answer any of your questions.
Need Prayer?
 Pray with a member of our prayer team at
the altar rail in front of the Sanctuary immediately following this service (look for their
"Can I Pray With You?" ribbon). The altar
rails are also open before each service.
 The Prayer Chapel behind the Sanctuary is
open all morning today.
 Prayer Request Cards are in the pew rack.
Place your completed request in the Prayer
Box on the Welcome Desk in the Lobby.
Every Monday at 9:30am the Prayer Team
prays over these requests.
 Prayer For Healing is offered by leaders of
the Church as requested. To learn more,
call Don Marsh at 716-6843.
The Table on Wednesday Nights
Join us each Wednesday for our midweek
gathering called The Table. The Table is our
modern worship experience designed for this
generation, but all are welcome. We gather
around the dinner table at 6:00pm in the
Social Hall for dinner - $3.50 per adult
(children 12 & under eat free); at 7:00pm we
gather around the worship table in Logan Hall.
We also have the Kid’s Table for all our
children ages 3 years to 6th grade and free
childcare for our infants to 2 year olds. It’s the
perfect place for imperfect people!
Invite Your Hispanic Friends
As one church, in two languages, we offer
Hispanic worship and ministry experiences
during the week. Invite your Spanish-speaking
friends to check us out!
Sunday- 10:15am Adult & Youth Small Groups
11:00am Worship in Logan Hall
Tuesday- 7:30pm Prayer in the Social Hall
Friday- 6:30pm Bible Study in the Social Hall
Email or call 689
-4161 ext.313 for more information.
Register Now For The 2015-16 School Year
Did you know that First UMC Brandon’s
Preschool/ Kindergarten won the Brandon
Daisy Award for the Best Preschool? We offer
classes for 2,3,4(VPK) and 5 (Kindergarten)
year-olds. There is a Mother’s Day Out for
younger children, plus before and after care
for the 3, 4, and 5-year- olds. For more,
write, call
689-9482, or come by and visit!
Children’s Ministry
We believe that two great influences are
better working together. That’s why we take
the light of the Church and the love of the
family and combine them, to help form bigger
and better relationships between our children
and Jesus Christ.
Christian Men's Meat Nite, the 2nd Monday
of every month. Steve Lambert, 299-6516.
UMM Meet Wednesday Mornings at 6:30am
in the Social Hall for breakfast, fellowship and
a devotion. Love to see you there!
Senior Men’s Bible Study meets at 10:30am
"The Playground" - P2 through Kindergarten in the Social Hall the 1st, 3rd & 5th Tuesdays.
engage in both large and small groups to dive
into the wonder that surrounds three basic
Next UMW Meetings
truths ... God made me, God loves me, and
March 3 - Executive Board Meeting at
Jesus wants to be my friend forever. After
10:30am in NH106
checking in at the Kiosk stations outside of
the Wesley (W) building, each age will meet March 8 - General Meeting at 12:15pm in the
in specific “Playground” rooms in the Epworth Social Hall, hosted by the Esther Circle.
(E) building. Volunteers are available to
Couples News
assist you.
If you or someone you know is struggling
"The Tree House" And “Club 56”- 1st–6th in their marriage or relationship—or just
graders engage in unique, age-specific
needing some encouragement and coaching
activities to help them discover and apply
to strengthen an “okay” marriage or relationthree basic truths … I need to make the wise ship—contact Phyl Lippy, PhD, at 643-1400
choice, I can trust God no matter what, and
I should treat others as I want to be treated.
After checking in at the Kiosk stations outside Single Adults
Single 30+ Adults' Small Group meets
of the Wesley (W) building, 1st-4th graders
Sunday morning, at 11:00am in NH112.
meet in “The Tree House” and 5th & 6th
graders in the “Club 56” room in the Wesley Call Donna Nunley, 758-5622, or Larry
Underwood , 597-9213 for more information.
building. Volunteers are available to assist.
Student Ministries 7th-12th grades Re:New Young Adults
Sunday Mornings: Our young adults gather
at 11:00am in “208 North” (the white house
across from the Sanctuary). For more info,
contact Ricc Conner (
Re:Turn College-Age Bible Study:
Fridays at 2:00pm at the Regency Tropical
Collide! Our Sunday evening program is
Smoothie. Free beverage with your first visit!
from 5:00-7:00pm in the Boys & Girls Club
and offers food, fun, fellowship and worship - Re:Fresh Monthly Gathering: Join us
bring $2 & a friend, we hope to see you there! once a month for food & fellowship at local
eateries. Please check our website for this
Wednesdays at "The Table" 6:00-8:00pm. month’s location.
Dinner first in the Social Hall, $3.50 (children
Re:Main: Young Married Couples Small
under 12 eat free). Then worship in Logan
Group, Sundays at 11:00am in the Wesley
Hall. Learn more at
Building, room 209, led by Chris Temple.
Upcoming: Paintball, Saturday, March 7
Upcoming: Mellow Mushroom, March 6
Contact Dee to learn more!
Join us at 7:00pm for dinner on the town!
Sunday Mornings Our students start the
day off right by serving others; then, from
10:45-noon, we meet upstairs in the two-story
Wesley Building for unplugged worship and
growing further in your relationship with Christ!
To learn more about what’s happening
with students visit
or contact
You can find everything Re:New at
Spirit Night at Valrico Chick-fil-A
Tomorrow from 5:00-8:00pm
15% of all sales benefit Ms. Mae Scott.
Mention her name when you order!
Music With Mar!
For child and adult, together.
Thursdays, from 10:00-10:45am
in the Treehouse.
For more information, contact or visit
Calendar Of Events (March 1, 2015 - March 8, 2015)
For detailed information on these and other events, please visit
Sunday, March 1, 2015
7:00am-12:30pm Prayer Chapel Open
7:30/9:00/10:30am Prayer Worship - PC
8:00/9:30/11:00am Worship - Sanctuary
9:00am-12:30pm Book Fair - W108
9:30am The Table Band - Logan Hall
11:00am Hispanic Worship - Logan Hall
12:15pm D.O.T.S. Circle - NH106
1:30pm Flute Ensemble - Choir Room
5:00pm Collide - B&G
5:00pm Community Dinner - Social Hall
9:30am Prayer Concerns - Prayer Chapel
10:00am Music With Mar - Tree House
2:00pm AHG - Tree House
6:00pm Small Group - NH106
6:30pm Trail Life USA - Tree House
7:00pm Personnel Team (SPR) - NH106
7:00pm Ruth Circle - Social Hall
7:00pm Esther Circle - Claudia Ingram’s
7:30pm AA - NH115
9:00am-12:00pm Book Fair - W108
9:30am Women’s Bible Study - NH107
10:00am/5:30pm Food Co-op - Sanctuary
10:30am UMW Executive Board - NH106
10:30am Sr. Men’s Bible Study - Social Hall
11:00am Bible Study - NH115
6:00pm Hispanic Congregation - Logan Hall
6:30pm Trustees - NH106
7:00pm LifeCare Birth of a Family - S1/S2
7:30pm Joy Ringers - Sanctuary
6:30am UMM Prayer Breakfast - Social Hall
9:00am-12:00pm Book Fair - W108
9:30am Women in the Word - SH/NH115
Wednesday (continued)
9:30am G.i.F.T. Women’s Bible Study- W Bldg
3:30pm Café/Study - Logan Hall
6:00-8:00pm The Table - SH/LH
6:00pm Bible Study - NH115
7:00pm iPraise/weePraise - TH/E106
7:00pm Maundy Thursday Rehearsal - S1/S2
7:00pm Guitar Lessons - S3
7:00pm Sisters In Stitches - S4
7:30pm Chancel Choir - Sanctuary
9:00am-12:00pm Book Fair - W108
9:30am/6:30pm Where Moms Connect- W Bldg
6:00pm Boy Scouts - Tree House/W Bldg
7:00pm EHCB - Logan Hall
9:00am-12:00pm Book Fair - W108
9:30am Meals-On-Wheels - Kitchen/SH
9:30am Friendship Circle - Moreno Bakery
12:00pm Ageless Grace Fitness - NH115
2:00pm Re:Turn - Regency Tropical Smoothie
6:00pm Girl Scouts - Tree House
6:00pm Hispanic Congregation - Logan Hall
7:00pm Re:Fresh - Mellow Mushroom
9:00am Youth Paintball
Sunday, March 8, 2015
7:00am-12:30pm Prayer Chapel Open
7:30/9:00/10:30am Prayer Worship - PC
8:00/9:30/11:00am Worship - Sanctuary
9:00am-12:30pm Book Fair - W108
9:30am The Table Band - Logan Hall
11:00am Hispanic Worship - Logan Hall
12:15pm UMW General Meeting - SH
1:30pm Flute Ensemble - Choir Room
4:00pm Dominican Team - NH106
5:00pm Collide - B&G
5:00pm Community Dinner - Social Hall
Record of Stewardship for Week of 2/22/15
8:00am - Sanctuary
9:30am - Sanctuary
Children’s Church
11:00am - Sanctuary
11:30am - Primera Iglesia 101
The Table
Sunday Small Groups
Risk-Taking Mission
Tithes & Offerings: (Fiscal Year Began July 1st)
Pledged for Fiscal Yr to Date
Received for the Week
Received Fiscal Yr to Date
“Building For God’s Future”
Thanks to your
generosity, we are able to
feed and minister to
homeless men & women
at the I AM Hope Café.
Since the “Saving for God’s Future Fund” has
become a dedicated building fund account, the name of
the fund will now be “BUILDING for God’s Future.”
What does this mean? As a designated building fund,
money in that account can only be used for that specified purpose; that is, whenever we do agree as a congregation to move forward with a specific building.