

AS 91035 – Multivariate Statistics: World at a Glance
Name: _______________________
 x
Must meet all
criteria for
Achieved plus all merit criteria
Achievement Criteria
Poses an appropriate comparison question
Draws a graph that allows features of the data to be
described in relation to the question
Writes statements that describe comparative features of the
distributions in context. (At least two)
Answers the comparison question OR makes a correct
comparison using an informal inference about the
Meets criteria
poses an appropriate comparison question
Draws graph(s) and gives summary statistics that allow
features of the distributions to be described in relation to the
question. This must include a box plot and one other graph
that shows more distribution detail.
Writes statements that describe comparative features of the
sample distributions in context, linking evidence/observations
to their contextual interpretation. (At least two)
Makes a correct informal inference about the population from
the sample data that shows an understanding of sampling
variability or of the context
Answers the comparison question, with at least one
statement of supporting evidence.
Merit plus all excellence criteria
poses an appropriate comparison question
Draws graphs and gives summary statistics that allow
features of the distributions to be described in relation to the
question. (At least two different graphs.)
Writes statements with evidence that describe key
comparative features of the sample distributions in context.
(at least three statements.)
Makes a correct informal inference about the population from
the sample data that shows an understanding of sampling
variability and of the context
Answers the comparison question with reference to the
population and key supporting evidence summarised in
context. (What the statistical basis for the claim is and the
effect of sampling variability or does the claim make sense
considering the actual situation is expected.)