2015-03-08 insert - Community Baptist Church


2015-03-08 insert - Community Baptist Church
News (03-08-15)
Prayer (03-08-15)
NEWCOMER FELLOWSHIP CLASS: today in room # (132) During the Sunday School Hour
 Gary Jackson,
Fred Kershner
Judy Knopp,
Barbara (Glerum) Shaffer
Tom Trate
Joyce Waltz:
 Don & Dee Hay: back and muscle issues
Brenda Belcher
Michelle Price:
 Breana Dodson: (granddaughter of Jane Stahl) blood clot in leg went to lung.
Thelma Freezer: recovering from the flu
Margaret Plocinski: shoulder surgery
MAUNDY THURSDAY: CBC presents the Last Supper as portrayed by Leonardo DeVinci. As Christ has just
revealed that one man among His closet friends will betray Him, each disciple reveals his own heart and mind.
With the turmoil that surrounds the moment, they question not only what they have heard and learned from the
Teacher, but also their own faith and motives. Despite their love and devotion, each man comes to the same
fear; entertaining the question: “Lord, It is I?” Come join us for a new reflection over the Lord’s communion,
THURSDAY, April 2, at 7 pm
EASTER SUNRISE SERVICE: will be at 6:15 am - 7:15 am we will meet in the foyer . We will have a time of
singing and scripture reading .
EASTER BREAKFAST: The church family is invited for breakfast at 7:30 am—8:30 am in the FLC. If you are
interested in enjoying this time together, sign up on the bulletin board Please sign up so we can be adequately prepared! Also, we need additional men to help the Deacons/Elders with setup, food preparation & cleanup.
Please sign up on the bulletin board if you can help out
Diane Larkin: kidney stone procedure
Dorothy Stabler: shoulder surgery 3/11/15
Shari Wagner: Kidney Stone
ELLEN YOST will be going to Madang PNG with NTM’s interface program from 6/13 to 7/23/15. Her updated expenses are $1,922. If you would like to give towards this trip please designate “Yost/PNG on your check.
Luanne Polk: In the passing of her father last week
SEMI-ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING is scheduled for SUNDAY, MARCH 22 at 6:00 pm. Important reports and
information will be given. Please plan to attend!
LUKE LILLEY will be going to Madang PNG with NTM’s interface program from 6/12 to 8/6/15 His updated expenses
are $4,120. If you would like to give towards this trip please designate Lilley /PNG on your check.
Dorothy Stabler: in the passing of her brother .
Gary ( Buzz) Logan: in the passing of his mother last week.
Tom & Linda Garber: 3 weeks in Burundi
Congratulations to Caleb & Sarah Myers on the birth of their daughter Gracie Jean Myers born March 4. Congratulations to the grandparents Alan & Pam Hess and Steve and Sheila Myers.
Mike and Christine Wright: future Ministry with Harvest Ministries
CBC families: seeking employment
Persecuted believers, especially in the mid-east
Easter Tracts are available on the tract rack in the Foyer. Please help yourself to these to hand out to those in need
of this Great News!
THE FAMILY PROJECT: tonight at 6:00 pm and Wednesday at 6:30pm. Weeks (5&6) The Man HAS NOW BECOME
LIKE ONE OF US & What God Has Joined Together.
Seth & Kaitlyn Sanford NTM
 We are excited and a bit nervous to be welcoming our first child in March
Pray that all will go well with Kaitlyn and the rest of pregnancy and that baby Natalie would remain healthy
through the process.
Pray that we would humbly walk with the Lord as He continues to teach us more about Himself.
SUMMER CAMP FUND: It’s that time of the year again. Time to start planning for summer camp! If you would like to
help financially support a child so he or she can attend camp, please designate “Kid’s Camp Funds” on your check.
5TH SUNDAY GIVING: Our 5th Sunday giving is March 29 and will be going towards "Building the General Fund".
Either designate “building general fund” on your check or place monies in a building the general fund envelope . Please
be in prayer about the part you will play in getting our General Fund balance back to a healthy status.
CBC is now offering the following Community Groups: Jersey Shore, Loyalsock, Montoursville-East & MontoursvilleNorth. We invite you to attend any of these groups. For more information contact Ben Hazen at bhazen@experiencecommunity.org
News (03-08-15)
Prayer (03-08-15)
NEWCOMER FELLOWSHIP CLASS: today in room # (132) During the Sunday School Hour
 Gary Jackson,
Fred Kershner
Judy Knopp,
Barbara (Glerum) Shaffer
Tom Trate
Joyce Waltz:
 Don & Dee Hay: back and muscle issues
Brenda Belcher
Michelle Price:
 Breana Dodson: (granddaughter of Jane Stahl) blood clot in leg went to lung.
Thelma Freezer: recovering from the flu
Margaret Plocinski: shoulder surgery
MAUNDY THURSDAY: CBC presents the Last Supper as portrayed by Leonardo DeVinci. As Christ has just
revealed that one man among His closet friends will betray Him, each disciple reveals his own heart and mind.
With the turmoil that surrounds the moment, they question not only what they have heard and learned from the
Teacher, but also their own faith and motives. Despite their love and devotion, each man comes to the same
fear; entertaining the question: “Lord, It is I?” Come join us for a new reflection over the Lord’s communion,
THURSDAY, April 2, at 7 pm
EASTER SUNRISE SERVICE: will be at 6:15 am - 7:15 am we will meet in the foyer . We will have a time of
singing and scripture reading .
EASTER BREAKFAST: The church family is invited for breakfast at 7:30 am—8:30 am in the FLC. If you are
interested in enjoying this time together, sign up on the bulletin board Please sign up so we can be adequately prepared! Also, we need additional men to help the Deacons/Elders with setup, food preparation & cleanup.
Please sign up on the bulletin board if you can help out
Diane Larkin: kidney stone procedure
Dorothy Stabler: shoulder surgery 3/11/15
Shari Wagner: Kidney Stone
ELLEN YOST will be going to Madang PNG with NTM’s interface program from 6/13 to 7/23/15. Her updated expenses are $1,922. If you would like to give towards this trip please designate “Yost/PNG on your check.
Luanne Polk: In the passing of her father last week
SEMI-ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING is scheduled for SUNDAY, MARCH 22 at 6:00 pm. Important reports and
information will be given. Please plan to attend!
LUKE LILLEY will be going to Madang PNG with NTM’s interface program from 6/12 to 8/6/15 His updated expenses
are $4,120. If you would like to give towards this trip please designate Lilley /PNG on your check.
Dorothy Stabler: in the passing of her brother .
Gary ( Buzz) Logan: in the passing of his mother last week.
Tom & Linda Garber: 3 weeks in Burundi
Congratulations to Caleb & Sarah Myers on the birth of their daughter Gracie Jean Myers born March 4. Congratulations to the grandparents Alan & Pam Hess and Steve and Sheila Myers.
Mike and Christine Wright: future Ministry with Harvest Ministries
CBC families: seeking employment
Persecuted believers, especially in the mid-east
Easter Tracts are available on the tract rack in the Foyer. Please help yourself to these to hand out to those in need
of this Great News!
THE FAMILY PROJECT: tonight at 6:00 pm and Wednesday at 6:30pm. Weeks (5&6) The Man HAS NOW BECOME
LIKE ONE OF US & What God Has Joined Together.
Seth & Kaitlyn Sanford NTM
 We are excited and a bit nervous to be welcoming our first child in March
Pray that all will go well with Kaitlyn and the rest of pregnancy and that baby Natalie would remain healthy
through the process.
Pray that we would humbly walk with the Lord as He continues to teach us more about Himself.
SUMMER CAMP FUND: It’s that time of the year again. Time to start planning for summer camp! If you would like to
help financially support a child so he or she can attend camp, please designate “Kid’s Camp Funds” on your check.
5TH SUNDAY GIVING: Our 5th Sunday giving is March 29 and will be going towards "Building the General Fund".
Either designate “building general fund” on your check or place monies in a building the general fund envelope . Please
be in prayer about the part you will play in getting our General Fund balance back to a healthy status.
CBC is now offering the following Community Groups: Jersey Shore, Loyalsock, Montoursville-East & MontoursvilleNorth. We invite you to attend any of these groups. For more information contact Ben Hazen at bhazen@experiencecommunity.org