This week`s bulletin


This week`s bulletin
St Patrick’s Night: Friday 13th March, Queen’s Hall, 7pm-11pm, over 18yrs
only. Traditional Céilídh with Peggy Sarsfield and Friends. This year we have the
Joyce/O'Donnell School of Irish Dancing performing their version of ‘Riverdance’.
Tickets cost £5 and include Irish stew. Tickets available after Mass on a weekend or
from the Parish office Mon—Thurs, details on the front of the bulletin.
Handmaids Women Prayer Meeting: Saturday 14th March starting at 7.00pm in Corpus
Christi’s side chapel. Eucharistic Adoration with live music, reflections, rosary and confession will be available. Led by The Franciscan Sisters of the Renewal. All are welcome.
Mill Hill Missionaries: Annual Novena to St Joseph 10th –18th March 2015. Each year
Mill Hill Missions prepare for the Feast of St Joseph, their patron with a special Novena of
Masses and prayers to ask for God’s blessing on their Society. You are invited to send in
your petitions and/or request a Novena booklet so you can join in from home by praying the
daily Novena prayer. Petition slips can be found at the back of both Churches. Please see
posters at the back of Church for more details.
Queen’s Hall Bar Lounge: QUEENS FOLK— New fortnightly live music sessions in the
Queen’s Hall Lounge based on a “sing-around approach’’. Musicians and singers welcome.
Get that old mandolin/fiddle etc. out of the loft, string it up, and come along. Bar will be
open and nibbles provide for this opening night. Mike Garner as MC.
Walsingham: Wednesday 25th March Pilgrimage of Reparation and Prayer - for an
end to Abortion, healing wounds caused by abortion, and the success of the 40 Days for
Life around the World. Coach from Leeds (pickups by arrangement), tel: Pat 258 2745, mobile 07747698553. programme begins with Holy Mass at 12 midday. Depart foe home 6pm
approx. see poster on notice board for more details.
Can You Help?: LIFE are looking for a double pushchair…if you have one and no longer
have use for it and would be willing to donate it then please contact Niall at LIFE on 07875
Legion of Mary Meeting: our next meeting is on Friday 13th March 2015; at 2pm at
Holy Rosary Church, Chapeltown Road, Leeds 7. Everybody welcome.
Young People: Leaflet at the back of both Churches called ICHTHUS, it is a weekly Mass
leaflet for children who have made or are preparing for their first Holy Communion, Don’t
Forget your LOOK leaflet either!
Coffee and Cookies: come into the Queen’s Hall after the 9.30am Mass or after the
10.00am Sunday Mass at St Paul’s, enjoy a cuppa and a chat.
Pregnant? Worried? LIFE will help. Call or text local Helpline 0755 400 3000 anytime.
Altar Linen: 01/03 Dorothy Lightfoot; 08/03 Jan Pulham; 15/03 Sylvia Grayson.
Mass Intentions received this week: Leslie Charnock, Henry Brady (RIP), Pat
Gavin (RIP), Neville Martin (LD), Joe Martin (A), Canon Sean Durcan (Sp Int), Paul
Phelan (RIP), Stan Roberts (A), Edmund Daly (LD), Packie Doherty (LD), Pat
McHale (A), Terry McHale (B/day Memories), John Mans (B/day Int), May Carroll
(RIP), Joan Courtney (RIP).
Please turn your phone off or put it to silent when in Church.
Parish of Saint John Mary Vianney
The Churches of The Immaculate Heart of Mary & St Paul, Leeds
Diocese of Leeds Charity No 249 404
Second Sunday of Lent
1st March 2015
Sunday Mass Pages: 151—153 and Preface pages 56-57 Order of Mass page 7 onwards.
Eucharistic Prayers: EP 1 pg 18. EP 2 pg 24. EP 3 pg 28. EP4 pg 31.
Remember in your Prayers: Please pray for all who are sick, Sheila Bamforth, Abigail Hodgson, Ida McMullan, Sally Ann Staunton-Sykes, Jean Goddard, Kathleen Mary Fleming, Teresa
Finn, Grace Mohammed, Jackie Noon, Maureen McHale, Emma Halloran, Mary Conway, Margaret Holmes, Agnes Jamieson, Robert Stephenson, Kathy Stone, Nile Robinson, G.P.R, Alan
Clarke, John O’Connell, Fr Sammy Holmes; for those who have died; those whose anniversaries
occur at this time.
SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Please see one of the Parish Clergy after Sunday Mass for details regarding arranging your child’s baptism.
SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: Please see one of the Parish Clergy. Please note at least one
years notice needs to be given. This is especially important if you are marrying abroad.
Gospel Acclamation: during the season of Lent we do not pray the Alleluia. In its place, for the
Gospel Acclamation we will sing the following at all Masses:
Parish Priest:
Fr Timothy Wiley VF
Assistant Priest: Fr Michael Doody
Parish Deacon:
Rev. Michael Leahy
The Presbytery, 294 Harrogate Road, Leeds, LS17 6LE.
0113 268 1373
E-mail: Website:
Parish Office:
Open Monday to Thursday 9.45am to 12.30pm. Closed Friday
Bulletin Notices: Deadline Thursday 12noon either by phone, e-mail or post.
Queen’s Hall Bookings: Tel: 0751 670 5428
St Paul’s Hall Bookings: Contact: Pauline McGuire on 07786 985 907
Hospital Chaplain Details: St Gemma's Hospice: Fr Paul Williment on 218 5500.
LGI and Chapel Allerton: Canon Chris Irving email: or
phone 392 2914. Wharfedale, St James’ or Seacroft: Fr Ben Griffiths email: or phone 206 4664.
IHOM School:
2660728 or e-mail:
St Paul’s School: 2939901 or e-mail: or
Cardinal Heenan High School: 8873240 or e-mail:
Times of Holy Mass
Saturday Vigil
Sunday 1st:
Second Sunday
Of Lent
Monday 2nd:
Weekday of Lent
St Paul’s
Harry & Margaret Tristram
No Mass
Weekday of Lent
St Paul’s
Sr Mary Salmon
Emmelene McAndrew
No Mass
Weekday of Lent
St. Paul’s
Paul Jordan
Kathleen Nealon
Weekday of Lent
12.00noon IHOM
Dave Mynard
No Mass
(Sp Int)
Tuesday 3rd:
Wednesday 4th:
Thursday 5th:
Friday 6th:
Saturday 7th:
Saturday Vigil
Sunday 8th:
Third Sunday
Of Lent
St Paul’s
St Paul’s
Weekday of Lent
St Paul’s
Weekday of Lent
St Paul’s
St Paul’s
St Paul’s
Stanley Whitaker
John Morrisey
People of the Parish
Kathleen Ashford
Philip Mone
Alfred Clarke
Kathleen Ward
Pat McHale
(B/day Memories)
John McGuire/John Steeles
Philip Dee
Wedding-Samantha Ward & Craig Nickson
Pat Stuart
Enzo Sicilia
John Steels &
Antonious & Anastasia Raharja (A)
People of the Parish
Gretchen Natasha Sheppard-Jones (A)
Hannah Theresa Leonard
Exposition: Mon —Fri 8.30am; IHOM.
Morning Prayer of the Church IHOM: Tues- Fri 8.55am.
Rosary IHOM: Sat 9.40am Novena IHOM: Mon 9.00am.
Confessions: Sat IHOM 10.30am -11.00am; St Paul’s: 5.30pm - 6pm.
Stations of the Cross: Friday after 9.15 Mass at IHOM & 12noon St Paul’s.
The Mass Readings are available in Spanish, Polish and Czech, at the back of each Church.
The Wednesday Word provides an excellent way for all parishioners to prepare
themselves prayerfully for the proclamation of the following Sunday Gospel.
FINANCE: Offertory Collection £ 3605.19. Many thanks. If you pay tax and have not
already taken out gift aid on your donation and wish to do so, please speak to one of our
priests. Doing so increases your donation by 25% at no expense to you, as we claim that
amount from the Inland Revenue.
The Leeds Diocesan Discernment Group for young men and women next meets on Friday
6th March, 6.30pm, at the Carmelite Monastery, Linton, (LS22 4HZ). The evening will
include a presentation on Carmelite spirituality, personal testimonies, Evening Prayer and
dinner in a nearby pub. The Minibus will be leaving Leeds Trinity at 5.30pm. More
information: Mgr Paul Grogan, 07841 584042.
First Holy Communion: meeting for parents Tuesday 3rd March at 7.30pm Queen’s hall.
Thursday 5th March at 7.00pm St Paul’s School.
CONFIRMATION: First class is this Sunday 1st March 2pm—4pm please ensure you arrive
on time as classes will start promptly at 2pm. Classes will then continue on Sunday 8th,
22nd & 29th March; 26th April and 10th May, 2pm-4pm in the Queens Hall (candidates
must attend all classes); Penitential Service: Tuesday 19th May 7pm at IHOM, then Sacrament of Confirmation: Tuesday 2nd June at 7pm at IHOM Church. Candidates
wanting to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation are taking on a commitment to live that
faith which only makes sense if you are a practising catholic attending weekly Mass.
Children's Liturgy At IHOM: Today after the 9.30am Mass Fr Tim will officially open
and bless the new Liturgy room in the Queen’s Hall. All welcome, come and have a cuppa!!
Annual Women’s World Day of Prayer is on Friday 6th March. Full details are on the
notice boards at the back of both Churches.
Circle of Friends: Friday 6th March 8.30 – 11.15pm. An end to the bitter wind? Come
along and enjoy live acoustic entertainment in the bar. Entertainment starts 8.30pm prompt
with resident band Powder Keg. Audience and performers (18+) welcome.
Catholic 18–30(ish) Parish Group: our next meeting will be on Sunday 8th March after
the 6.30pm evening Mass. If you would like the opportunity to meet, pray, socialise and
share the Catholic Faith with other young(ish) Catholics, please speak to one of the priests
or email Fr Michael (
Mums and Tots Parish Group: will not meet in the hall until Tuesday 10th March due to
the toilet refurbishment.
CAFOD Fast Day Collection: Fast day envelopes for the Lent ‘Myanmar’ Appeal may be
placed with the Offertory Collection or given after Mass TODAY. This year’s CAFOD
appeal is to help those communities subject to extreme weather conditions and will be
match-funded by the Govt. Every £1 raised by us will be worth £2. All parish CAFOD donations from 18th Feb to 17th May will go to this appeal. CAFOD envelopes may be found
at the back of church and used at the Offertory collections every week. Donations may be
gift aided. Thank you.