Biology Weekly - Department of Biology


Biology Weekly - Department of Biology
Biology Weekly
March 5, 2015
Spring Schedule, Live Courses Downtown Campus Laser Safety: March 17 (pm) Principal of Laboratory Radiation Safety: March 24 (am/pm) Introduction to Biosafety: May 4 (am) Safe use of Biological Safety Cabinet: May 4 (pm) Hazardous Waste Management for laboratory personnel: May 15 (pm) WHMIS: March 20; April 10, and May 15 (pm) First Aid in the workplace: June 8 & 9 Macdonald Campus Internal Responsibility System: Health & Safety for Managers, and Supervisor: March 24 (am) WHMIS: May 4, and June 15 (am) First Aid in the Workplace: May 25 & 26 More info on the course content, and schedule, please go here: Registration starts here (including: online exams/trainings):‐webforms/staffdevelopment/ The Green Line Occasional sustainability updates from the Green Committee Used batteries and printer cartridges can be brought to Biology Stores (N3/17). In the Redpath, batteries can be taken to Room 102. Ask a CIANtist Did you know that... ...2‐dimensional Difference Gel Electrophoresis (2‐D DiGE) offers a statistically sound approach to the quantitative analysis of complex protein samples? By pre‐labeling protein samples with up to three different fluorescent dyes, the DiGE technology helps to overcome the problem of gel‐to‐gel variability, a big hurdle in 2‐D gel electrophoresis. Within the same gel, spots from different samples that run in the same position can confidently be assumed to be from the same protein. The use of an experiment‐wide internal standard allows for normalization and matching across all gels in one project. It is therefore possible to run a number of biological replicates from each sample studied, and achieve statistically meaningful results. At CIAN, you have the opportunity to run 2D‐DiGE experiments in our fully equipped lab, N5/24. We will discuss your project, draft an experimental layout, stock or order the reagents, and give you the training and help you need to run the separations and analyze your data. Contact Elke Küster‐Schöck (elke.kuster‐, x5414, office N5/25) for detail Biology Weekly – March 5, 2015
QCBS presents: Cities and biodiversity: antagonism or synergy? With increasing impermeable surfaces, the fragmentation and destruction of habitats and biotic homogenization, our cities are generally considered as poor or even hostile to biodiversity. Could it be otherwise? How can we capitalize on the positive elements of cities to better plan and design for increased biodiversity? This conference will focus on presenting how research coupled with local initiatives has allowed the cities of Berlin in Germany and Melbourne in Australia to meet these objectives. Advances in Quebec regarding this theme will also be presented. This is a unique opportunity for those who care or want to learn more about urban biodiversity and its relevance to urban design to exchange with experts in this dynamic field! 19th of March, 2015, 8:30 am‐ 5:00 pm McGill University, New Residence Hall 3625 Parc Ave., Montreal, Quebec H2X 3P8 FREE for QCBS students, 25$ for others (Inc. lunch and coffee breaks) Webpage link/registration: Please also refer to:‐and‐biodiversity‐antagonism‐or‐synergy‐243118 The Joan Marsden Lecture in Organismal Biology Date and Time: March 26, 2015 at 3:00 pm Location: Redpath Museum Auditorium Name: Michael J. Ryan, Department of Integrative Biology, University of Texas Title: Cognitive Aspects of Mate Choice: The Túngara as a Case Study Host: Dr. Jon Sakata Cellular & Developmental Biology Series Date and Time: March 10, 2015 at 4:00 pm Location: Stewart Biology, N2/2 Name: Stephanie Weber, Princeton University Title: Inverse Size Scaling of the Nucleolus by a Concentration‐Dependent Phase Transition Host: Dr. Paul Lasko Date and Time: March 12, 2015 at 4:00 pm Location: Stewart Biology, N2/2 Speaker: Masha Prager‐Khoutorsky, Centre for Research in Neuroscience, MUHC Title: Superresolution imaging reveals unique microtubule structure mediating mechanotransduction in neurons Host: Dr. Alanna Watt Date and Time: March 17, 2015 at 4:00 pm Location: Stewart Biology, N2/2 Speaker: Karen Kasza, Sloan‐Kettering Institute Title: Spatiotemporal control of the forces that shape multicellular tissues Host: Dr. Gary Brouhard Date and Time: March 19, 2015 at 4:00 pm Location: Stewart Biology, N2/2 Speaker: Bing He, Princeton University Biology Weekly – March 5, 2015
Title: From molecular determinants to physical principles: how genetically patterned forces change cell shape Host: Dr. Richard Roy Date and Time: March 25, 2015 at 4:00 pm Location: Stewart Biology, N2/2 Speaker: Franz Weinert, California Institute of Technology Title: The Transcription Factor Titration Effect Host: Dr. Monique Zetka Molecular Seminars Date and Time: March 9, 2015 at 4:00 pm Location: Stewart Biology, N2/2 Name: Catharine Rankin, Brain Research Center, University of British Columbia Title: High Throughput Detailed Behavioural Analyses of Habituation in C. elegans Reveals Unexpected Levels of Complexity Host: Dr. Michael Hendricks Date and Time: March 23, 2015 at 4:00 pm Location: Stewart Biology, N2/2 Name: Brian Chen, Center for Research in Neuroscience, McGill University Title: Protein Quantification in Single Living Cells Host: Dr. Laura Nilson Date and Time: March 30, 2015 at 4:00 pm Location: Stewart Biology, N2/2 Name: Catherine Paradis‐Bleau, Département de microbiologie, infectiologie et immunologie Université de Montréal Title: TBA Host: Dr. Rodrigo Reyes‐Lamothe Organismal Seminars Date and Time: March 12, 2015 at 3:00 pm Location: Redpath Museum Auditorium Name: Nick Haddad, Department of Biology, North Carolina State University Title: How decades of habitat loss affects species to ecosystems Host: Dr. Andrew Gonzalez Date and Time: March 19, 2015 at 3:00 pm Location: Redpath Museum Auditorium Name: Juergen Liebig, School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University Title: Phenotypic plasticity and transitions in the organization of insect societies: behavior, physiology, and olfaction Host: Dr. Ehab Abouheif Date and Time: April 2, 2015 at 3:00 pm Location: Redpath Museum Auditorium Name: Ophelie Ronce, Institut des Sciences de l'Evolution de Montpellier Title: Models of adaptation to climate change for complex life cycles Host: Dr. Andrew Hendry, Dr. Graham Bell & Dr. Andrew Gonzalez Neurobiology & Behaviour Seminars Date and Time: March 13, 2015 at 12:00 pm Biology Weekly – March 5, 2015
Location: Bellini, Room 230 3
Name: Andrew Matheson (Sakata Lab) Title: Modeling the control of sequencing and timing in birdsong Date and Time: March 20, 2015 at 12:00 pm Location: Bellini, Room 230 Name: Sarah Woolley, Department of Biology, McGill University Title: TBA Date and Time: March 27, 2015 at 12:00 pm Location: Bellini, Room 230 Name: Nancy Chen (Sakata Lab) Title: TBA Date and Time: April 10, 2015 at 12:00 pm Location: Bellini, Room 230 Name: Kai Homer (Hendricks Lab) Title: Effects of Developmental Arrest on Foraging in C. Elegans Honours Biology seminars Date/Time/Location: Friday, March 13th at 3:30 pm, Stewart W4/12 Speaker: Christopher Cameron, Department de sciences biologiques, Universite de Montreal Title: An Ambulation through Ambulacrarian and Chordate Evolution: Gills and Tubes are Evolutionary Novelties of Acorn Worms Host: Biology Honours program students Date/Time/Location: Wednesday, March 18th at 4:00 pm, Stewart W4/12 Speaker: Dylan Fraser, Department of Biology, Concordia University Title: Adaptation or extirpation: will small vertebrate populations persist in the face of environmental change? Host: Biology Honours program students PhD Thesis Defenses Date and Time: March 17, 2015 at 2:00 pm Location: Stewart Biology, W4/12 Name: Caolan Kovach‐Orr (Fussmann Lab) Title: Mechanistic Concepts of Predatory‐Prey Interactions and their Effect on Community Dynamics Date and Time: March 26, 2015 at 3:00 pm Location: Stewart Biology, W4/12 Name: Arsida Nocka (Nilson Lab) Title: Regulation of the spatial distribution of the actomyosin network during Drosophila development by the cell adhesion molecule Echinoid PhD Seminars Date and Time: March 11, 2015 at 12:30 pm Location: Stewart Biology, W4/12 Name: Maryna Lesoway (Abouheif Lab) Title: Direct development with nutritive embryos: developmental polyphenisms in evolution and development [download abstract] Biology Weekly – March 5, 2015
Date and Time: March 18, 2015 at 12:30 pm Name: Josie Iacarella (Ricciardi Lab) Title: Variation in Ecological Impacts of Invasive Alien Species Date and Time: March 19, 2015 at 12:00 pm Name: Kuo‐An Liao (Schoeck Lab) Title: TBA Location: Stewart Biology, W4/12 Location: Stewart Biology, W4/12 Date and Time: March 25, 2015 at 12:30 pm Location: Stewart Biology, W4/12 Name: Katherine Pagnucco (Ricciardi Lab) Title: TBA Date and Time: April 2, 2015 at 12:00 pm Location: Stewart Biology, W4/12 Name: Mehrnoush Dehghani (Lasko Lab) Title: A systematic mutagenesis approach to uncouple different functions of Vasa in Drosophila oogenesis and germ cell formation Molecular and Genetics Works In Progress Seminars (WIPS) These seminars are scheduled every Thursday beginning at 12:00 p.m. in room W4/12, please see list below for dates and names of speakers. Date: March 12, 2015 Name: Kendall Dutchak (Dankort Lab) Title: TBA Date: March 19, 2015 Name: Kuo‐An Liao (Schoeck Lab) Title: TBA Date: March 26, 2015 Name: Sriram Jayabal (Watt Lab) Title: TBA Date: April 2, 2015 Name: Mehrnoush Dehghani (Lasko Lab) Title: A systematic mutagenesis approach to uncouple different functions of Vasa in Drosophila oogenesis and germ cell formation Ecology and Evolution Lunches (EEL) Unless otherwise indicated, all talks are scheduled on Wednesdays from 12:30 ‐ 1:30 pm in Stewart Biology, W4/12. Please contact Emmanuelle Chrétien ( for details and scheduling. Date and Time: March 11, 2015 Name: Maryna Lesoway (Abouheif Lab) Biology Weekly – March 5, 2015
Location: Stewart Biology, W4/12 5
Title: Direct development with nutritive embryos: developmental polyphenisms in evolution and development [download abstract] Date and Time: March 18, 2015 Location: Stewart Biology, W4/12 Name: Josie Iacarella (Ricciardi Lab) Title: Variation in Ecological Impacts of Invasive Alien Species Date and Time: March 25, 2015 Location: Stewart Biology, W4/12 Name: Katherine Pagnucco (Ricciardi Lab) Title: TBA How to subscribe and unsubscribe from the Biology Weekly E‐mails Please follow the instructions below if you would like to subscribe or unsubscribe from the Biology Weekly e‐mails To subscribe, send an e‐mail (from the e‐mail address where you would like to receive the Biology Weekly e‐mails), with a blank subject line to containing the following text command:
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The e‐mail request to sign off a list must be also the same address as the subscription. Biology Weekly can also be viewed online at the following web address: (Under the section What’s New) Sonal Patel | Administrative & Student Affairs Coordinator, Department of Biology | McGill University | Stewart Biology Building, 1205 Docteur Penfield, Room W4/1, Montreal, QC H3A 1B1 | Tel.: (514) 398‐5595| Fax: (514) 398‐5069 Biology Weekly – March 5, 2015