March 2015 issue - Palma Sola Tracings


March 2015 issue - Palma Sola Tracings
A Newsletter for the Palma Sola Trace Community
March 2015
Editor's Corner
Digital Tracings
The Garden Center
Spread the Word - This electronic newsletter and our
community websites are the primary resources for information
for residents about Board activities, social events, and
community news. It is very important that as many of our
residents as possible have access to this information. Please
forward this newsletter to any neighbors you think may not have
signed up yet. To be added to the delivery list, residents should
just send an e-mail with "Newsletter" in the subject line to:
butterflies and moths different from all other insects. The order
Lepidoptera contains an estimated 150,000 described species
(mostly moths) and there are an estimated 18,000 described
butterfly species found globally. The earliest known butterfly fossils
date to the mid Eocene epoch, 40-50 million years ago. Below are
some interesting facts about butterflies:
Butterflies are mainly day-flying insects (diurnal)
Butterfly wings are transparent
Butterflies taste with their feet
Butterflies live on an all-liquid diet
Butterflies can't fly if they're cold
Butterflies live just 2-4 weeks, usually
The average butterfly has a wingspan of about 1.5 inches
Keep Your Info Current - We don't always know if newsletters
are received. Don't forget to tell us if your e-mail address
changes so that we are sure your newsletter reaches you!
Check the websites for More News and Information Master HOA -
Villas HOA -
Reporters Wanted! - Our newsletter is for all residents of our
community regardless of whether you own or rent - or if you live
in a condo, villa, or single family home. W e encourage
everyone to send us suggestions for articles that would be
helpful. Contributions from everyone are also encouraged - let
us know about your travels, favorite restaurants or recipes,
helpful tips for Florida living, noteworthy events or charities, etc.
We need reporters, so please let us know if you have news to
Palma Sola Tracings Staff
Ginny Ohlson, Claudia Quehl, Maggie Zeiner, Mike Grover, Karen Snedeker, Bob Snedeker
The Garden Center
Info on Florida Flora and Fauna
The Florida Maritime Museum is in process of putting together a
Butterfly Garden using native plants that attract and feed butterflies.
The Garden has been planted with about 12 different Native plants
and is open to public Tues through Sat, 9 am till 5 pm.
The museum is located at 4415 119th St West in Cortez and is part
of the Manatee County Historical Resources Division - for those of
you who have not visited this gem of a museum, it is only a 5 minute
drive from PST and offers an historical perspective to the men and
women who founded the general area and made their living fishing
and boating. Cortez is one of the oldest working fishing villages in
the United States. ANY DONATIONS to the Museum to help with
the upkeep and expansion of the Butterfly Garden would be greatly
appreciated and should be sent to: Ms Arama Nash, Supervisor,
Florida Maritime Museum, 4415 119th Street West, Cortez, FL
Florida Maritime Museum Butterfly Garden - Unlike many
other Florida insects, butterflies are widely embraced and
celebrated for their beauty and charisma. In addition to their
cultural significance and aesthetic charm, they make a very
valuable contribution to ecosystems worldwide. There are
many different butterfly "types" or species in the world and
Florida is home to 102 different ones, with the Zebra
Longwings being designated the State Butterfly by then
governor Lawton Chiles in 1996.
Butterflies and moths belong to the insect order Lepidoptera,
which is a word that comes from the Greek words for "scale"
and "wing." This is because all the patterns and colors on the
wings and bodies of butterflies and moths are made up of tiny
colored scales. Along with their distinctive coiled proboscis
(mouthpart) and big showy wings, these features make
Contributor - John Dolan
Board Updates
News from our Palma Sola Trace Board Meetings
CDD - Updates
There will be a vacancy on the CDD board as a result of the resignation of Mareed Stollman. The term of office for this seat
will end in November, 2016. The CDD board will be considering candidates at the next meeting, March 26, 2015 at 1:30
pm in the clubhouse. Anyone who wishes to be considered should send a letter of interest and a brief bio to Greg Cox
( A candidate must be a registered voter in Manatee County.
The annual schedule for CDD meetings begins on October 1. Meetings for the remainder of 2015 will be March 26, July 23
and Sept. 24.
Condo HOA Update - Updates from the February Meeting:
The Annual Meeting and election will be held on April 14, 2015. Owners should have already received the first notification
of this meeting. Everyone is reminded that it is important to attend the meeting or return their proxy when they receive it.
Bulletin boards will soon be installed at the 2 mail kiosks for Association communications.
If you notice any lights out in the condos please notify Ray or Melrose Management.
The towing policy went into effect on February 1, 2015. Warn your fellow residents that their car will be towed if they park
on common grounds not designated for parking, including:
The temporary parking spot by the mail kiosks
Blocking sidewalks
Blocking driveways, including the owners driveway
On the grass
Storing vehicles on the parking pads
Board meetings will now be held on the second Monday of every month at 6:30 pm in the clubhouse.
Villa HOA Update - Updates from the February meeting:
Phase III painting is progressing well despite cold temps and rain delays. We anticipate completion at the end of March,
barring more weather interruption.
Reminder - Contact the ACC before proceeding with changes to your property. The form may be accessed at, or contact any member of the ACC or Board of Directors.
5 units required dryer vent repair because of improper installation. If you have exceptionally long drying time and have had
the in-house vent cleaned, please contact a member of the board.
3 driveways have had elevated concrete edges ground to prevent trip hazards. Other drives are being evaluated.
Our landscape punch list for plant replacement will be updated. Because of weather, replacements for sod and plants have
been delayed. The ginger plants have been pruned. Tree trimming is scheduled for later this year. There is a problem
with fruit trees impeding mowing and trimming and attracting vermin - Owners will be notified.
Pest control application will be in April.
$50,000 Certificates of Deposit were purchased at Liberty Savings Bank at 1.0% APY for 6 months. Our Reserve Money
Market account has a very low interest rate and we are evaluating other options.
Board Updates
Continues on the Next Page
Board Updates
Master HOA Update - Updates from the February Meeting:
Landscape updates:
- Recommendations approved: Trim the pepper trees behind Condo#4, remove plants and trees around
the pool area, remove the Hawthorne around the monument and replace with Green Island Fiscus, trim
the Reclinatas around the pool.
- RFPs will be requested for landscape services and for the trimming oak and black olive trees.
- The Master Board Landscape Committee Charter and the Single Family Home Landscape Policy were
Amenity changes were approved:
- Repair of the wall and monument
- Posting of two new "No Food on Pool Deck" signs on the pillars by the pool
- Addition of mulch to bring the playground area up to safety standards
- A contract to Cleaning Butlers for cleaning services
A quote will be requested from our attorney to investigate the feasibility of creating a separate association for the single
family homes.
Florida Reserve Study and Appraisal will provide a reserve study (Master Association).
Committee Vacancies - The Master Board of Directors intends to fill these all these committees in the very near future and
needs volunteers from all three neighborhoods:
DRC - There is at least one opening on the Design Review Committee (DRC). Any owner with an
interest in assisting with the review of applications for property changes should send contact
information and reasons for wanting to join the DRC to Ann Ferranti
New Ad Hoc committee to develop a plan for a procedure to record all existing access cards.
New Ad Hoc committee to revise the Palma Sola Trace Master Association documents.
Building and Grounds - Two additional members are needed.
The Master Association Board meets on the third Wednesday of the month at 6:30 in the clubhouse.
T h e f u ll m i n ut es f r o m t h e M a s t er B oa r d m ee t i ng s ar e p os t ed ea c h m on t h on t he we b s it e at Minutes will be marked as "Approval Pending" until they are approved at the next
meeting. Financial information is also available on the site.
PSSSST - Did You Know?
Information about our Neighborhood
Trash Compactor and Recycle Area - The trash compactor/recycle area in the condominium portion of our community is
designated for use by condominium residents only. Use by residents other than those in the condominiums, or by non-residents of
Palma Sola Trace, creates the need for additional service which condominium owners must pay for. Please remember that the
compactor and recycle area near it are provided for the use of condominium residents only. The area should not be used by the
villas or the single family homes residents - these areas have curbside pickup instead and can contact the city for pickup of bulky
Bulky Trash Pickup - If you have bulky trash that needs picked up by the City of Bradenton, place it at the curbside and call the city
at 708-6340. There is no charge for the pickup of bulk cardboard - boxes just need to be broken down. There is a charge for other
items and the amount (dependent on the item) will be added to your water bill. A copy of the rate schedule has been posted on the
web site at
Lost and Found - The pool attendants will be happy to check for your lost items. If items are not claimed after a period of time they
will be donated. Also, if you find something around the pool or in the clubhouse please turn the item in to the pool attendants.
Safety First! - Move Over Law - Do you know about Florida's Move Over Law? This law was designed to protect law enforcement
and emergency workers. It requires you to move over to a lane away from an ambulance or stopped patrol car with emergency
lights on if you are traveling on an interstate or roadway with multiple lanes in the same direction. If you can't safely move over or
you are on a two lane roadway, you must slow down to a speed 20 mph LESS than the posted speed limit. On July 1, 2014 this law
was changed to include moving over and/or slowing down for sanitation and utility service vehicles. For more information go to
Need Help - Don't Know Who to Call?
With three HOA Boards, two Management Companies, the CDD and the City of Bradenton all involved in our community,
getting to the right resource can be very confusing. If you have an issue with maintenance, landscaping, building
alterations, amenities, etc., look in the Contact Guide for your neighborhood! The Contact Guides are posted under the
Contacts tab on the web site at
Giving Back
Lending a Helping Hand in our Community!
Don't Forget the Food Bank! - Last month, we donated 151 pounds of food, and $50 cash to the Food Bank. Thanks for your
generosity - it is much appreciated! Please continue to bring a non-perishable food donation when you come to activities in the
clubhouse. The collection box is in the kitchen area beside the sink.
Contributor - Maggie Zeiner
39th Annual Longboat Key Garden Club Home Tour - Enjoy viewing 6 residences never before toured, and knowing your donation
provides College Scholarships, Grants and environmental camp scholarships! Please see the attached invitation. Hope to see you
there on the 7th!
The Longboat Key Garden Club
A philanthropic, social and eco-friendly organization
P.O. Box 8375, Longboat Key, Florida 34228
What: 39th Annual Longboat Key Garden Club Home Tour
When: Saturday, March 7th, 10 am to 4 pm
Where: Longboat Key, from South to North; follow signs on Gulf of Mexico drive for home locations
Why: Enjoy viewing 6 residences never before toured; your donation provides College Scholarships, Grants
and environmental camp scholarships presented by LBKGC.
Cost: $25 donation (tax deductible) welcomes you to all 6 properties on the tour.
Ticket books available at:
Exit Art (Centre Shoppes and Chart House)
Chamber of Commerce (Centre Shoppes)
Design 2000 (Whitney Beach Plaza), The Peanut Store (St. Armand's Circle)
At homes on the day of the Tour
A gulf front Estate, 3 bayfront properties, and 2 more unique properties open their doors to you. Access to a
gated community. Three of the homes have been recently constructed. Book signings and jewelry vendor.
A Master Gardner and succulent expert will be on site.
Contact: Jackie Salvino
345-4300 or 470 258-0261
Palma Sola Tracings Feature Article
A Section of Special Interest
New Landscape Policy for Single Family Homes - At the February Master HOA meeting, the Board approved a new policy
regarding landscaping in the Single Family Neighborhood. Below is a summary of the changes - you can find the entire policy on the
website at In an effort to maintain a professional looking landscaped neighborhood:
All landscaping changes or requests (including trees, bushes, plants) MUST be approved by the Landscape Committee/DRC. If
you plant without approval, you may be asked to remove the plants.
The Landscape Company will maintain ALL trees and bushes on a resident's property which will allow uniformity and proper
Any trees that die of disease or natural causes will be replaced by the HOA, provided the tree was approved by the Landscape
Committee or originally planted by the Developer. However any tree that dies due to severe pruning by or at the request of the
Homeowner will be replaced and charged to the Homeowner.
No citrus or fruit trees will be allowed. Existing fruit trees will not be replaced.
Planting of flowers along walkway entrance will not need prior approval.
If there is any problem with ANY trees, bushes, or plantings, Management must be contacted. The appropriate party will then
follow up.
Contributor - Claudia Quehl
PST Social Calendar
Join Your Neighbors for Some Fun!
March 5 at 1:00 pm - Book Club. Book Club meets at the clubhouse at 1:00 pm on the first Thursday of the month. New members
and seasonal residents are always welcome. Please stop by to join the discussion or suggest a favorite book for a future meeting!
March 5 - Hot Damn!: Alligators in the Casino, Nude Women in the Grass, How Seashells Changed the Course
of History, and Other Dispatches from Paradise, by James Hall
April 2 - Snow Flower and the Secret Fan, by Lisa See
March 6 at 6:30 pm - PST Sings Karaoke! Have an early supper, choose your favorite beverage, warm up your vocal chords and
come to the first PST Karaoke night. See which of your neighbors are more talented than you knew!
March 9 at 3:30 pm - Family Picnic Planning Meeting. Meet with members of the Social Committee at the Clubhouse to help plan
the 1st Annual PST Family picnic. We hope we'll get ideas and offers of assistance from lots of members of the community. If you
can't come to the meeting but would like to share your ideas, please email
March 10 at 7:00 pm - Game night. Come for a friendly hand of poker or bring another of your favorite games for a fun evening.
March 12 at 11:15 am - Ladies' Lunch. Ladies' Lunch for March will be inside at the Swordfish Grill in Cortez. Please meet at the
Clubhouse at 11:15 on Thursday, March 12. RSVP by Tuesday, March 10 to Phyllis Osten, 243-3027 or
March 14 from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm - Neighborhood Garage Sale. Clean out your closets, cabinets and garage while turning trash
into cash!
March 20 at 5:00 pm - Potluck dinner (no social hour/cocktails this month). Fix one of your favorite recipes (salad, veggie, entrée,
or dessert), bring your beverage (We'll have coffee and iced tea) and join your neighbors for dinner. Some will be leaving to go to
their other homes soon so this will be a good chance to visit with them before they leave.
March 28 at 6:30 pm - Stargazing with Ed McDonough! Last month's session with Ed was a big hit. Don't miss your opportunity
view and learn about the night sky. Weather permitting, Ed predicts that the view of the moon phase and Jupiter should be
March 30 at Noon - Lunch and Learn at the Clubhouse. The Social Committee and the Communications Committee are inviting
all residents to a "Web Site Social". Pack a brown bag lunch or your favorite carryout lunch, grab a beverage (we'll provide coffee
and iced tea), and come to the clubhouse at noon. We'll visit while we eat lunch and then the Communications Committee will
demonstrate how to get the most out of your visit to our web site.
May 2 - Kentucky Derby Party. Save the Date for the Annual Run for the Roses!
Weekly Events - Mah Jongg, Pilates, Yoga, Ladies Golf League. Don't forget to check the PST Events Calendar in the
newsletter and on the PST website for the dates and times for these regular events. Come join the fun!
Event News - Email updates available. If you would like to be added to the mailing list for updates about social activities, please
contact us at
Landscaping Schedules
Plans from West Bay and Bloomings
West Bay Landscape
Bloomings (Villas Only)
Mowing: Bi-Weekly
Trimming Ornamentals: Commons / Condominiums
Turf: Monitor for Insects and diseases
Tree & Shrub: Fertilization application
Bed/Weed control applications - 3rd week all associations
Irrigation: Monthly inspections (all Associations)
Common Area - 4th Monday
Single Family Homes - 1st Tuesday
Condominiums - 3rd Thursday
Monthly Property Inspection Schedule
> Condominiums
Thursday 10:00 am - 03/12
> Single Family
Tuesday 10:00 am - 03/03
> Commons
Thursday 10:00 am - 03/05
Landscaping Walkthroughs will now be on the 1st Tuesday of the
month (Commons) and the 1st Thursday (Single Family) at 9:30 am.
Mowing and Edging hardscapes /softscapes (turf)
Fertilization (turf)
Pruning / weeding shrubs and plants
Pre-emergent-Post emergent (beds)
Fertilization - shrubs/plants
Insecticide - shrubs/plants
Pruning - trees up to 8 ft.
Pruning- Cabbage Palms
Irrigation Inspection /adjustment
On the Town
Events and Venues
In this section, we feature suggestions from neighbors about favorite events or venues. If you would like to make a recommendation,
please send it to Ginny Ohlson at
There are many, many activities in the Bradenton/Sarasota area during March. We chose a variety of events this month hoping to
provide something for everyone - ENJOY!
Manatee Heritage Days - Bradenton celebrates Manatee Heritage Days during March with
walking tours, boat rides and special activities at the DeSoto National Memorial. For more
information about the activities go to
Pittsburgh Pirates Spring Training - Check out the game schedule for March
DeSoto Seafood Festival - March 27 -29 at Sutton Park in Palmetto.
Michelangelo & DaVinci Exhibit - Bradenton Municipal Auditorium hosts the
side-by-side exhibition now through April
Sunrise Shutter Stroll at Rye Preserve - March 14, 8:00 - 10:00 am
Starry Night Telescope Exploration at Robinson Preserve - March 21, 8:00 - 9:30 pm
Pioneer Chef: Historical Cooking Techniques at Rye Preserve - March 28, 9:00 -11:00 am
Sarasota Opera House - March events listings at ttp://
Manatee Performing Arts Center - March events listed at
Golflink - Directory of golf courses in Bradenton and surrounding area
Bradenton Herald About Town - Local events listed at
Reminder - These events and links to other area venues and attractions can be found on
the Palma Sola Trace web site at
Palma Sola Salutes
Suggestions from Our Neighbors
During the past few months, a number of residents have recommended local businesses that provided them with great service or
products. Below are the recent Salutes from your neighbors. Don't forget to send in your suggestions for future editions!
Maintenance, Housekeeping, House Checking
I live at 3905 Bridlecrest Lane. Our friends, Paul and Mary Ann Hyla have a maintenance company and they also do
housecleaning and checking on people's houses while they are away. We have known them for 30 plus years and they have been
taking care of our villa when we are not there - Very reliable.
Contributor - Diane DiGiovancarlo
Round Stepping Stones
Having trouble finding source of round stepping stones that came with your villa - or house? This company has tan, terra cota, &
white in different diameters. Other shapes also available.
Contributor - Garry Metcalf
Pool Service
I just wanted to recommend a very good Pool Service young man. Joel and I are impressed with how hardworking he is. We've
had several pool companies/ people, but he is the best so far. In addition to starting his own Pool Company", he works at our local
Bone Fish Grill and is he is a pleasure to contact and expect results. His contact info:
Contributor - Mikki Pertofsky
Dryer Vents
A few of the condo owners recently had our dryer vents cleaned, and we are glad we did. We had problems with our dryers'
performance - it was taking a very long time to dry the smallest of loads. When the service rep came, he went on the roof and
discovered two end caps had a cover over it that should have been removed by the contractors - quite a build up, and a serious fire
hazard. And another resident learned that her vent was not vented out her attic. When he finished we were all very pleased with the
results. This company served us all well. And because of multiple units being done on the same day, we got a small discount.
Contributor - Pat Murray
Window Cleaner
A few of us have recently had our windows cleaned, and we were able to contact someone who did a great job. I would also like to
pass his name along:
Contributor - Pat Murray
Electrical or Mechanical Problems
Ken Clark recently moved into one of our Condos after 35 years with one of the world's largest construction companies. Since his
retirement, he worked as a consultant on Mechanical and Electrical installations on Manatee County projects and inspected
housing units for SunTrust Bank. He has become familiar with many local sub-contractors and builders, including Taylor Morrison.
If you have an ongoing electrical or mechanical problem, Ken has offered to share his expertise to residents of PST. You can
contact him at
March Activities Calendar
See for complete listings.