view letter - BSNL Employees Union


view letter - BSNL Employees Union
Recognised Union in BSNL
(Registered Under Indian Trade Union Act 1926. Regn.No.4896)
CHQ:Dada Ghosh Bhawan, Opp. Shadipur Bus Depot., New Delhi – 110008
Email:, website:
P. Abhimanyu
General Secretary
BSNLEU/ 512 (CA)
Phone: (O) 011-25705385
Fax :
011- 25894862
Shri R.K. Goyal,
GM (Estt.), BSNL CO,
Bharat Sanchar Bhawan,
New Delhi- 110 001
S ir,
Sub: - Compassionate Ground Appointment – case of Kerala Circle – reg.
Ref: - BSNL CO letter No.273-18/2013/CGA/P(iv) dated 01.10.2014.
Corporate Office has issued orders vide aforesaid letter under reference, bringing about changes in
procedure in the appointments on Compassionate Grounds. As per the said order the circle heads are
authorised for appointments on Compassionate Grounds on applications based on the vacancy
position as on 31st March of each financial year. In the said order it is also mentioned that the cases
that have already been considered and decided by the HPC of the BSNL Corporate office as per the
existing scheme/procedure at that point of time, need not be reopened.
There are many cases in Kerala circle in which candidates got weightage points above 55, but were
rejected by the HPC of corporate office without citing any valid reason, though sufficient vacancies
were available in the circle. One such case that we have taken up with the corporate office, vide our
letter No. BSNLEU/512 (CGA) dated 25.04.2014 relates to smt. Letha S, wife of Late Kesavan Nair, Ex.
RM, belonging to a poor family with two children and aged parents who have no house. She had
secured 63 weightage points but was denied appointment without any valid reason. This is a very
deserving case. When the candidate had secured 63 points and when vacancies are existing, we do not
find any justification in the Corporate Office’s rejection of this case. Now, this case cannot be
reopened by the circle office, as per the CO letter cited above.
In view of the foregoing, I once again fervently appeal to you to kindly cause to review this case so that
the poor candidate can get relief.
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely
(P. Abhimanyu)
General Secretary