PAGES IN RPT 08-6-01 - Good Faith Effort Advertising
PAGES IN RPT 08-6-01 - Good Faith Effort Advertising
REQUEST FOR QUALIFIED UDBE/DBE SUBCONTRACTORS & SUPPLIERS FOR: INVITATION TO BID TO: DBE/ALL QUALIFIED SUBCONTRACTORS & SUPPLIERS WE WOULD APPRECIATE YOUR SUB-BID AND/OR MATERIAL QUOTE FOR THE FOLLOWING PROJECT: State of California Department of Transportation - Caltrans HMA Paving, ADA Ramps, Polyester Concrete and Guardrail - CONSTRUCTION ON STATE HIGHWAY IN TRINITY COUNTY AT AND NEAR JUNCTION CITY AND WEAVERVILLE FROM NORTH FORK TRINITY RIVER BRIDGE TO 0.1 MILE EAST OF INDUSTRIAL ROAD Contract #: 02-3E7714 - Engineer’s Estimate: $11,000,000.00 BID DATE: 4/8/15 @ 2 PM GOAL: 8% DBE J.F. Shea Construction is requesting quotes from all qualified subcontractors and suppliers including certified DBE firms for all items of work, including but not limited to: LEAD COMPLIANCE PLAN; PROGRESS SCHEDULE (CRITICAL PATH METHOD; TIME-RELATED OVERHEAD (WDAY); CONSTRUCTION AREA SIGNS; TRAFFIC CONTROL SYSTEM; PORTABLE CHANGEABLE MESSAGE SIGN (LS); JOB SITE MANAGEMENT; PREPARE WATER POLLUTION CONTROL PROGRAM; TEMPORARY DRAINAGE INLET PROTECTION; TEMPORARY FIBER ROLL; TEMPORARY GRAVEL BAG BERM; TEMPORARY CONCRETE WASHOUT; TEMPORARY FENCE (TYPE ESA); TREATED WOOD WASTE; PUBLIC SAFETY PLAN; ABANDON CULVERT (EA); REMOVE THERMOPLASTIC PAVEMENT MARKING; REMOVE ROADSIDE SIGN; REMOVE SIGN PANEL; REMOVE ASPHALT CONCRETE DIKE; REMOVE CULVERT (LF); REMOVE DOWNDRAIN; REMOVE INLET; REMOVE HEADWALL; REMOVE POLYESTER CONCRETE OVERLAY; REMOVE DELINEATOR; RECONSTRUCT DRAINAGE INLET LID; RECONSTRUCT GUARDRAIL (7’ STEEL POST); RECONSTRUCT GUARDRAIL; RECONSTRUCT TERMINAL SYSTEM (TYPE ET); RECONSTRUCT TERMINAL SYSTEM (TYPE SRT); RESET ROADSIDE SIGN; ADJUST GUARDRAIL; COLD PLANE ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT; REMOVE CONCRETE (SQYD); REMOVE UNSOUND CONCRETE; PREPARE CONCRETE BRIDGE DECK SURFACE; FURNISH POLYESTER CONCRETE OVERLAY; PLACE POLYESTER CONCRETE OVERLAY; CLEANING, INSPECTING, AND PREPARING CULVERT (LF); SAND BACKFILL; 24” CURED-IN-PLACE PIPELINER; ROADWAY EXCAVATION; SHOULDER BACKING; ASSEMBLE AND INSTALL BENCH; EROSION CONTROL (DRY SEED) (SQFT); STRAW; CLASS 2 AGGREGATE BASE (CY); PREPAVING INERTIAL PROFILER; PREPAVING GRINDING DAY; REPLACE ASPHALT CONCRETE SURFACING; HOT MIX ASPHALT (TYPE A); HOT MIX ASPHALT-OPEN GRADED (OPEN GRADED FRICTION COURSE); DATA CORE; PLACE HOT MIX ASPHALT DIKE (TYPE A); PLACE HOT MIX ASPHALT DIKE (TYPE D); PLACE HOT MIX ASPHALT DIKE (TYPE E); PLACE HOT MIX ASPHALT DIKE (TYPE F); PLACE HOT MIX ASPHALT (MISCELLANEOUS AREA); TACK COAT; MINOR CONCRETE (MINOR STRUCTURE); CLEAN EXPANSION JOINT; JOINT SEAL (MR 1/2”); JOINT SEAL (TYPE AL); FURNISH SINGLE SHEET ALUMINUM SIGN (0.063”-UNFRAMED); FURNISH SINGLE SHEET ALUMINUM SIGN (0.063-UNFRAMED) FOR RETROREFLECTIVE SHEETING (TYPE XI); FURNISH SINGLE SHEET ALUMINUM SIGN (0.080”-UNFRAMED) FOR RETROREFLECTIVE SHEETING (TYPE XI); FURNISH SINGLE SHEET ALUMINUM SIGN (0.063-FRAMED) FOR RETROREFLECTIVE SHEETING (TYPE X); RETROREFLECTIVE SHEETING (TYPE XI); ROADSIDE SIGN - ONE POST; ROADSIDE SIGN - TWO POST; INSTALL SIGN (STRAP AND SADDLE BRACKET METHOD); INSTALL ROADSIDE SIGN PANEL ON EXISTING POST; STAIN GALVANIZED SURFACES; PAINT CURB (2-COAT); 12” PLASTIC PIPE; 18” PLASTIC PIPE; 24” PLASTIC PIPE; 30” PLASTIC PIPE’ 12” CORRUGATED STEEL PIPE’ 24” CORRUGATED STEEL PIPE (.109” THICK)’ 57” X 38” CORRUGATED STEEL PIPE ARCH (.109” THICK); 12” CORRUGATED STEEL PIPE DOWNDRAIN; 24” CORRUGATED STEEL PIPE DOWNDRAIN (.109” THICK); ANCHOR ASSEMBLY; 24” CORRUGATED STEEL PIPE ENERGY DISSIPATOR (.064” THICK); 36” PRECAST CONCRETE PIPE INLET; SMALL-ROCK SLOPE PROTECTION; ROCK SLOPE PROTECTION (2T, METHOD A); ROCK SLOPE PROTECTION (1/2 T, METHOD A) (TON); ROCK SLOPE PROTECTION (NO. 1, METHOD B) (CY); ROCK SLOPE PROTECTION FABRIC (CLASS 8); GEOMEMBRANE; DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE; MINOR CONCRETE (CURB AND GUTTER); MINOR CONCRETE (SIDEWALK); PRE/POST CONSTRUCTION SURVEYS; MISCELLANEOUS IRON AND STEEL; ADJUST UTILITY FRAME AND COVER; ADJUST UTILITY COVER TO GRADE; RESET FIRE HYDRANT; DELINEATOR (CLASS 2); MILEPOST MARKER; MARKER (CULVERT); OBJECT MARKER; HANDRAILING; TRANSITION RAILING (TYPE WB); THERMOPLASTIC PAVEMENT MARKING; PPREFORMED THERMOPLASTIC PAVEMENT MARKING MATERIAL (TRAFFIC CALMING); THERMOPLASTIC TRAFFIC STRIPE (SPRAYABLE); PAVEMENT MARKER (RETROREFLECTIVE-RECESSED); MAINTAINING EXISTING TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ELEMENTS DURING CONSTRUCTION; LIGHTING; MODIFY TRAFFIC MONITORING STATION; MODIFY ROADSIDE WEATHER INFORMATION SYSTEM; MOBILIZATION. J.F. Shea Construction, Inc. is a union signatory contractor. Subcontractors must possess a current contractor’s license, insurance coverage and worker’s compensation for the entire length of the contract. All subcontractors will be required to sign our standard Subcontract Agreement. 100% payment and performance bonds may be required. Please call if you need assistance in obtaining insurance, bonding, equipment, materials and/or supplies. Plans and specifications can be viewed at our office located at 17400 Clear Creek Road, Redding, CA 96001 or call for any additional needed project information. J.F. Shea Construction Inc. intends to work cooperatively with all qualified firms seeking work on this project. We are an equal opportunity employer and will work with any interested subcontractor to identify opportunities to break items into economically feasible packages. Women and Minority Employees are encouraged to apply. J.F. SHEA CONSTRUCTION, INC. P.O. Box 494519, Redding, CA 96049 Phone: (530) 246-4292 • Fax: (530) 246-9940 An Equal Opportunity Employer VALENTINE CORPORATION 111 P e l i c a n Wa y, S a n R a f a e l , C A 9 4 9 0 1 Request for Qualified MBE/WBE/DBE/DVBE/SBE/UDBE Subcontractors and/or Suppliers for the Following Project: COUNTY OF CONTRA COSTA - NORTH RICHMOND PUMP STATION DIVERSION RICHMOND, PROJECT NO. WJ 7246 BID DATE/TIME: MARCH 11, 2015 - 2:00 PM Please respond by: March 11, 2015 @ 1:00 pm Valentine Corporation will be bidding the above referenced project as a general contractor. Your firm is invited to submit a sub bid in your area of expertise. Plans and specifications are available in our office for review. Our estimating team will be available before the date of the bid should you have any questions or require technical assistance. Areas of work that we require sub bids for are as follows: Requesting MBE/WBE/DBE/DVBE/SBE/UDBE Subcontractors and/or Suppliers For, But Not Limited To: Traffic Control, Construction Area Signage, Pump Supply, Demo. We look forward to receiving your written quotation via facsimile on or before the date of bid. It is the policy of Valentine Corporation to encourage the utilization of MBE/WBE/DBE/DVBE/UDBE firms at all levels of construction contracting. Valentine Corporation may require a Performance and Payment Bond. If so, the bond premium will be paid for by Valentine Corporation. We will contact you prior to the date of the bid to discuss this project with you. For more information regarding this project call: Va l e n t i n e C o r p o r a t i o n • L i s a D a v i s Phone 415-453-3732 ext. #10 • Fax 415-457-5820 E q u a l O p p o r t u n i t y E m p l o y e r G R I F F I T H C O M PA N Y REQUESTING SUB-BIDS ON ALL TRADES From Qualified DBE Subcontractors & Suppliers DBE GOAL: 5.0% For the following project: CITY OF LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA - DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUREAU OF ENGINEERING - LAUREL CANYON BOULEVARD BRIDGE WIDENING OVER TUJUNGA WASH, BRIDGE NO. 53C-1233 W.O. NO. E700046F, FEDERAL AID PROJECT NO. BHLS-5006(195) S C O P E O F W O R K : T R A F F I C C O N T R O L , T R A F F I C C O N T R O L D E V I C E S , S W P P P, D E M O L I T I O N , C L E A R I N G & G R U B B I N G , H E AV Y E Q U I P M E N T R E N TA L , L A N D S C A P E , I R R I G AT I O N , A S P H A LT, PAV I N G , R E A D Y M I X C O N C R E T E , J O I N T S E A L I N G , R E B A R , A G G R E G AT E S , M I S C E L L A N E O U S M E TA L S , F E N C E , G U A R D R A I L , S T R U C T U R A L CONCRETE, STRUCTURAL STEEL, EARTHWORK, MINOR CONCRETE MISC CONSTRUCTION, MINOR CONCRETE, CONCRETE BARRIER, ELECTRICAL, STREET LIGHTING, STRIPING B I D S : M A R C H 11 , 2 0 1 5 AT 1 0 : 0 0 A M B I D S D U E : T H U R S D AY, M A R C H 1 1 , 2 0 1 5 A T 1 0 : 0 0 A M Plans & Specs are available for review from 7:00 am - 5:00 pm Monday through Friday at: G R I F F I T H C O M PA N Y (AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER) 3050 E. Birch Street, Brea, CA 92821 Phone: (714) 984-5500 • Fax (714) 854-0227 C o n t a c t : B R A D A U S T I N , E S T I M AT O R 1 0 0 % B O N D I N G M AY B E R E Q U I R E D F O R A L L S U B C O N T R A C T O R S . A S S I S TA N C E AVA I L A B L E I N O B TA I N I N G B O N D S , L I N E S O F C R E D I T, I N S U R A N C E , N E C E S S A R Y E Q U I P M E N T & T E C H N I C A L A S S I S TA N C E . G R I F F I T H C O M PA N Y I N T E N D S T O C O N D U C T I T S E L F I N “ G O O D FA I T H ” W I T H D B E F I R M S R E G A R D I N G PA R T I C I PAT I O N O N T H I S P R O J E C T. Request for Qualified SLBE/ELBE/DBE/DVBE/MBE/WBE/OBE Subcontractors/Suppliers for the following: CITY OF CARLSBAD - AGUA HEDIONDA SEWER LIFT STATION, VISTA/CARLSBAD INTERCEPTOR SEWER REACHES VCIIB-VC15 AND RECYCLED WATER LINE PROJECT - CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA PROJECT NO. PWS13-4OUT1L BID DATE/TIME: APRIL 1, 2015 @ 2:00 PM Please respond by: March 31, 2015 Sub bids requested from SLBE, ELBE, DBE, DVBE, MBE, WBE, and OBE Sub/Suppliers: Video Recording of Pre-Existing Conditions, Survey, SWPPP, Landscape & Irrigation, Start Up & Commissioning, Demolition, Sewer Bypassing, Hot Tapping, Line Stopping, Sheeting & Shoring, Microtunneling, Geotechnical, Horizontal Directional Drilling, Manholes, Painting & Coating, Rebar, Masonry, Misc. Metal Work, Structural Metals, Insulation, Sheet Metal, Roofing, Caulking, Doors & Frame, Glazing, Lining, Electrical & Instrumentation, Cranes & Hoists, HVAC, Pipe & Fittings, Aggregates Supplier/Manufacture, Asphalt Materials Supplier/Manufacturer, Aggregate Supplier/Manufacturer, Trucking, Bulk Media Bio Filter, Pumps & Motors, Channel Grinders, Slide Gates & Stop Logs, Standby Diesel Generator, Plumbing, Valve and Gate Actuators, Steel Casing, Valves. **This project is subject to Prevailing Wage Rates, Certified Payroll Required.** Plans, Specifications and Project Requirements are available at our office at no cost. Assistance in obtaining Bonding, Insurance, Lines of Credit, necessary Equipment, Supplies, Materials or related assistance or services is available. TC CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. Contact: Greg Byars 10540 Prospect Ave., Santee, CA 92071 Phone (619) 448-4560 • Fax (619) 448-3341 equal opportunity employer License No. 402459 Agee Construction Corporation R E Q U E S T F O R Q U A L I F I E D , C E RT I F I E D M/BE/WBE/D B E /DVBE/SBE/UDBE SUBCONTRACTORS & SUPPLIERS FOR: ROUNDABOUT PROJECT IN THE CITY OF WOODLAKE, WOODLAKE, CA FEDERAL PROJECT NO. CML-5284 (009) BID DATE/TIME: THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 2015 AT 2:00 PM DBE Goal 4%. Items of work available for participation include, but are not limited to, the following: (for a complete bid schedule, call or email as noted below). Clearing & Grubbing, Saw Cutting, Selective Demolitions, Chain Link Fence (CL Fence), SWPPP, SWPPP Materials, Temporary Concrete Washout, Dust control, Water Pollution Control Plan, Irrigation System, Landscape 7 Irrigation, AC Grindings, Street Sweeping, Construction Area Signs (CAS), Delineator, Portable Changeable Message signs, Traffic Control, Type III Barricade, Electrical, Street Lights, Underground, Survey Monuments, Trucking and any service or product you can provide to complete the bid requirements. Drawings, Specifications and Bid Proposal documents are available at the following locations: • Review - Agee Construction Corporation, 1039 Hoblitt, Clovis, CA 93612, 559-299-3290, Monday thru Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. (For additional P&S locations call 559-299-3290). • Office of the City Engineer, c/o Quad Knopf, Inc., 901 E. Main Street, Visalia, CA 93292 ($85/set) Subcontractors may be required to obtain 100% Payment and 100% Performance Bonds with bond premiums paid up to 1.5%. Appropriate license will be required as well as insurance, including workers compensation. Agee Construction will assist with obtaining bonds and reviewing other subcontractor requirements such as safety policies, insurance, certified payroll, prevailing wage requirements, and union requirements. Agee Construction Corp. is an Equal Opportunity Employer. A G E E C O N S T R U C T I O N C O R P O R AT I O N Contact: Alan Dirlam - P. O . B o x 6 2 9 , C l o v i s , C A 9 3 6 1 3 Phone (559) 299-3290 • Fax (559) 299-3503 REQUEST FOR QUALIFIED UDBE/DBE SUBCONTRACTORS & SUPPLIERS FOR: INVITATION TO BID TO: DBE/ALL QUALIFIED SUBCONTRACTORS & SUPPLIERS WE WOULD APPRECIATE YOUR SUB-BID AND/OR MATERIAL QUOTE FOR THE FOLLOWING PROJECT: State of California Department of Transportation - Caltrans Widen Shoulders, Improve Drainage and Install Radar Feedback Signs CONSTRUCTION ON STATE HIGHWAY IN MODOC COUNTY IN AND NEAR ALTURAS FROM 0.2 MILE WEST OF MILL STREET TO 0.1 MILE EAST OF OAK STREET Contract #: 02-299714 - Engineer’s Estimate: $1,940,000.00 BID DATE: 3/25/15 @ 2 PM GOAL: 12% DBE J.F. Shea Construction is requesting quotes from all qualified subcontractors and suppliers including certified DBE firms for all items of work, including but not limited to: LEAD COMPLIANCE PLAN; CONSTRUCTION AREA SIGNS; TRAFFIC CONTROL SYSTEM; PORTABLE CHANGEABLE MESSAGE SIGN (LS); JOB SITE MANAGEMENT; PREPARE WATER POLLUTION CONTROL PROGRAM; TEMPORARY COVER; TEMPORARY CHECK DAM; TEMPORARY DRAINAGE INLET PROTECTION; TEMPORARY FIBER ROLL; TEMPORARY GRAVEL BAG BERM; TEMPORARY CONCRETE WASHOUT; TREATED WOOD WASTE; REMOVE ROADSIDE SIGN; REMOVE CULVERT (LF); REMOVE INLET; REMOVE HEADWALL; RESET MAILBOX; RESET ROADSIDE SIGN; ADJUST UTILITY COVER; COLD PLANE ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT; REMOVE CONCRETE (SQYD); CLEARING AND GRUBBING (LS); DEVELOP WATER SUPPLY; ROADWAY EXCAVATION; SHOULDER BACKING; DITCH EXCAVATION; EROSION CONTROL (DRY SEED) (SQFT); STRAW; COMPOST; INCORPORATE MATERIALS; CLASS 2 AGGREGATE BASE (CY); REPLACE ASPHALT CONCRETE SURFACING; HOT MIX ASPHALT (TYPE A); PLACE HOT MIX ASPHALT (MISCELLANEOUS AREA); TACK COAT; MINOR CONCRETE (MINOR STRUCTURE); FURNISH SINGLE SHEET ALUMINUM SIGN (0.063”-UNFRAMED); FURNISH SINGLE SHEET ALUMINUM SIGN (0.063”-UNFRAMED FOR TYPE XI SHEETING; FURNISH SINGLE SHEET ALUMINUM SIGN (0.063”-FRAMED) FOR TYPE XI SHEETING; FURNISH TYPE XI SHEETING; ROADSIDE SIGN - ONE POST; ROADSIDE SIGN - TWO POST; CONCRETE BACKFILL (PIPE TRENCH); 12” REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE (CLASS II); 18” REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE (CLASS II); 24 “ REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE (CLASS II); 12” PERFORATED STEEL PIPE UNDERDRAIN; CLASS 6 PERMEABLE MATERIAL; CLASS D FILTER FABRIC (SQYD); 12” CONCRETE FLARED END SECTION; 18” CONCRETE FLARED END SECTION; 24” CONCRETE FLARED END SECTION; 36” PRECAST CONCRETE PIPE INLET; MINOR CONCRETE (MISCELLANEOUS CONSTRUCTION); MISCELLANEOUS IRON AND STEEL; DELINEATOR (CLASS 2); MILEPOST MARKER; MARKER (CULVERT); OBJECT MARKER (TYPE L-1); THERMOPLASTIC PAVEMENT MARKING; THERMOPLASTIC TRAFFIC STRIPE (SPRAYABLE); PAVEMENT MARKER (RETROREFLECTIVE-RECESSED); MODIFY TRAFFIC COUNT STATION; RADAR SPEED FEEDBACK SIGN; MOBILIZATION. J.F. Shea Construction, Inc. is a union signatory contractor. Subcontractors must possess a current contractor’s license, insurance coverage and worker’s compensation for the entire length of the contract. All subcontractors will be required to sign our standard Subcontract Agreement. 100% payment and performance bonds may be required. Please call if you need assistance in obtaining insurance, bonding, equipment, materials and/or supplies. Plans and specifications can be viewed at our office located at 17400 Clear Creek Road, Redding, CA 96001 or call for any additional needed project information. J.F. Shea Construction Inc. intends to work cooperatively with all qualified firms seeking work on this project. We are an equal opportunity employer and will work with any interested subcontractor to identify opportunities to break items into economically feasible packages. Women and Minority Employees are encouraged to apply. J.F. SHEA CONSTRUCTION, INC. P.O. Box 494519, Redding, CA 96049 Phone: (530) 246-4292 • Fax: (530) 246-9940 An Equal Opportunity Employer R E Q U E S T F O R Q U A L I F I E D / C E RT I F I E D D B E S U B C O N T R A C TO R S / S U P P L I E R S FOR: CONSTRUCTION ON STATE HIGHWAY IN SANTA CLARA & SAN MATEO COUNTIES IN PALO ALTO AND EAST PALO ALTO FROM OREGON EXPRESSWAY OVERCROSSING TO 0.3 MILE SOUTH OF UNIVERSITY AVENUE OVERCROSSING CALTRANS CONTRACT 04-235624 (REBID) FEDERAL AID PROJECT NO. NHP-000C(366)E (DBE Goal 9%) BID DATE: MARCH 18, 2015 AT 2:00 PM We are soliciting quotes for the following items of work, including, but not limited to: Traffic Control, Joint Seal, SWPP Plan, SWPPP Materials, Lead Compliance Plan, CAS/Roadside Signage, Striping & Markings, AC Paving/Cold Plane AC, Drilled Hole Pile 30”, Sheet Pile Installation, Rebar, Overhead Signs, Painting & Concrete Staining, AC Dike & Curbs, Underground Utilities, Fencing, Metal Railing and MBGR, Bridge and Roadway Concrete Barrier, Electrical, Misc. Minor Concrete, Masonry, Const. Material Suppliers, Misc Metals/Iron & Steel, Furnish Structural Steel Bridge Beams, Bridge Bearings, Underground Precast, Trucking, Street Sweeping, Bridge Demo, Clear & Grub, Erosion Control, Ready Mix Concrete, Concrete Pumping, Steel Pipe Pile Supply, Underground Pipe Products, Geotextile Materials, Timber Lagging, Aggregates Supply including: Class 2 & 3 Permeable Material and RSP #1. VALENTINE CORPORATION 111 P e l i c a n Wa y, S a n R a f a e l , C A 9 4 9 0 1 Request for Qualified MBE/WBE/DBE/DVBE/SBE/UDBE Subcontractors and/or Suppliers for the Following Project: CALTRANS #06-0M0204 - CONSTRUCTION IN FRESNO COUNTY 11 MILES EAST OF PRATHER MAYNARD MUNGER VISTA POINT B I D D AT E / T I M E : M A R C H 1 7 , 2 0 1 5 @ 2 : 0 0 P M Please respond by: March 17, 2015 - 1:00 pm Valentine Corporation will be bidding the above referenced project as a general contractor. Your firm is invited to submit a sub bid in your area of expertise. Plans and specifications are available in our office for review. Our estimating team will be available before the date of the bid should you have any questions or require technical assistance. Areas of work that we require sub bids for are as follows: Requesting MBE/WBE/DBE/DVBE/SBE/UDBE Subcontractors and/or Suppliers For, But Not Limited To: Lead Compliance, Const. Area Signs, Traffic Control System, PCMS, Water Pollution Control Plan, Temp Erosion Control, Tubular Handrail, CL Fencing, Remove & Replace Painted Striping, Clear & Grub, Supply Granite, Const. Materials & Supplies, Erosion Control, A/C, Masonry Rock Facing, Rebar, Signage, Survey, Supply Timber, Precast Concrete, Misc. Iron & Steel. We look forward to receiving your written quotation via facsimile on or before the date of bid. It is the policy of Valentine Corporation to encourage the utilization of MBE/WBE/DBE/DVBE/UDBE firms at all levels of construction contracting. Valentine Corporation may require a Performance and Payment Bond. If so, the bond premium will be paid for by Valentine Corporation. We will contact you prior to the date of the bid to discuss this project with you. For more information regarding this project call: Non-DBE Subs/Suppliers: You will be expected to carry a proportionate percentage of 2nd-tier participation with your quote. 2nd-tier participation will be evaluated with your price. 100% performance and payment bonds will be required for the full amount of the subcontract price. Please contact Flatiron for any assistance to this solicitation, including obtaining bonding, insurance, equipment, materials and/or supplies. Provide subcontractor and supplier quotes as early as possible to enable estimators to perform a thorough evaluation of all quotes received. Quotes will be broken down into comparable packages as reasonably necessary to facilitate participation. Quotes must be valid for the same duration as specified by the Owner for Contract Award. We are signatory to Operating Engineers, Laborers, Ironworkers, Cement Masons, Carpenters and Pile Drivers Unions. Non-signatory subs will be required to sign an agreement for trades covered under our union agreements. Flatiron intends to work cooperatively with subcontractors and suppliers for all bid items you are licensed and qualified to perform. Bid items can be split to facilitate participation from all certified firms. Flatiron West will reimburse for bond premium up to 2%. Subs must possess current contractors license, insurance and workers compensation coverage meeting our requirements. Waiver of Subrogation is required. Please contact Flatiron for any assistance required by your firm. Project documents are available for free download on the Caltrans Office Engineer web site at the following link: Project documents may also be viewed in our office by appointment only. Email: for appointment to view/access plans and specs in our office. F L AT I R O N W E S T I N C . 2100 Goodyear Rd., Benicia, CA 94510 Phone (707) 742-6000 Fax (707) 746-1603 Email quotes to: An Equal Opportunity Employer REQUEST FOR QUALIFIED UDBE/DBE SUBCONTRACTORS & SUPPLIERS FOR: INVITATION TO BID TO: DBE/ALL QUALIFIED SUBCONTRACTORS & SUPPLIERS WE WOULD APPRECIATE YOUR SUB-BID AND/OR MATERIAL QUOTE FOR THE FOLLOWING PROJECT: State of California Department of Transportation - Caltrans Replace Bridge - CONSTRUCTION ON STATE HIGHWAY IN SISKIYOU COUNTY ABOUT 19 MILES NORTH OF YREKA AT HILT ROAD OVERCROSSING Contract #: 02-3E7304 - Engineer’s Estimate: $5,400,000.00 BID DATE: 4/2/15 @ 2 PM GOAL: 5% DBE J.F. Shea Construction is requesting quotes from all qualified subcontractors and suppliers including certified DBE firms for all items of work, including but not limited to: LEAD COMPLIANCE PLAN; PROGRESS SCHEDULE (CRITICAL PATH METHOD); TIME-RELATED OVERHEAD (WDAY); CONSTRUCTION AREA SIGNS; TRAFFIC CONTROL SYSTEM; CHANNELIZER (SURFACE MOUNTED); PORTABLE CHANGEABLE MESSAGE SIGN (LS); TEMPORARY RAILING (TYPE K); TEMPORARY CRASH CUSHION (ALTERNATIVE (IN-LINE); JOB SITE MANAGEMENT; PREPARE STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN; RAIN EVENT ACTION PLAN; STORM WATER SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS DAY; STORM WATER ANNUAL REPORT; TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL BLANKET; TEMPORARY COVER; TEMPORARY FIBER ROLL; TEMPORARY SILT FENCE; TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE; TEMPORARY CONCRETE WASHOUT; ASBESTOS COMPLIANCE PLAN; WORK AREA MONITORING (BRIDGE); TREATED WOOD WASTE; BIRD NESTING EXCLUSION; REMOVE FENCE; REMOVE GUARDRAIL; REMOVE METAL CATTLE GUARD; REMOVE ROADSIDE SIGN; REMOVE CULVERT (LF); REMOVE INLET; RECONSTRUCT GUARDRAIL; RECONSTRUCT CRASH CUSHION (TYPE CAT); RECONSTRUCT GUARDRAIL (7’ POST); RELOCATE GATE; ADJUST INLET; PREPARE CONCRETE BRIDGE DECK SURFACE; FURNISH POLYESTER CONCRETE OVERLAY; PLACE POLYESTER CONCRETE OVERLAY; BRIDGE REMOVAL; SALVAGE CRASH CUSHION; CLEARING AND GRUBBING (LS); DUST PALLIATIVE; ROADWAY EXCAVATION; SHOULDER BACKING; STRUCTURE EXCAVATION (BRIDGE); STRUCTURE BACKFILL (BRIDGE); HYDROSEED; FINISHING ROADWAY; CLASS 2 AGGREGATE BASE (CY); HOT MIX ASPHALT (TYPE A); PLACE HOT MIX ASPHALT DIKE (TYPE C); PLACE HOT MIX ASPHALT DIKE (TYPE E); PLACE HOT MIX ASPHALT DIKE (TYPE F); PLACE HOT MIX ASPHALT (MISCELLANEOUS AREA); TACK COAT; 30” PERMANENT STEEL CASING; 24” CAST-IN-DRILLED-HOLE CONCRETE PILING; 30” CAST-IN-DRILLED-HOLE CONCRETE PILING; 24” CAST-IN-DRILLED-HOLE CONCRETE PILING (ROCK SOCKET); STRUCTURAL CONCRETE, BRIDGE FOOTING; STRUCTURAL CONCRETE, BRIDGE (FIBER REINFORCED); STRUCTURAL CONCRETE, BRIDGE; MINOR CONCRETE (MINOR STRUCTURE); FURNISH PRECAST PRESTRESSED CONCRETE WIDE FLANGE GIRDER (110’-120’); ERECT PRECAST PRESTRESSED CONCRETE GIRDER; JOINT SEAL (MR 1”); BAR REINFORCING STEEL (BRIDGE); BAR REINFORCING STEEL (EPOXY COATED) (BRIDGE); HEADED BAR REINFORCEMENT; FURNISH SINGLE SHEET ALUMINUM SIGN (0.063”-UNFRAMED); FURNISH SINGLE SHEET ALUMINUM SIGN (0.080”-UNFRAMED); FURNISH SINGLE SHEET ALUMINUM SIGN (.063”-UNFRAMED) FOR TYPE XI SHEETING; FURNISH SINGLE SHEET ALUMINUM SIGN (.080”UNFRAMED) FOR TYPE XI SHEETING; FURNISH SINGLE SHEET ALUMINUM SIGN (.063”-FRAMED) FOR TYPE XI SHEETING; FURNISH TYPE XI SHEETING; ROADSIDE SIGN - ONE POST; ROADSIDE SIGN TWO POST; 18” CORRUGATED STEEL PIPE (.064” THICK); 18: CORRUGATED STEEL PIPE DOWNDRAIN (.064” THICK); 18” ANCHOR ASSEMBLY; 36” CORRUGATED STEEL PIPE INLET (.064” THICK); ROCK SLOPE PROTECTION (NO. 1, METHOD B) (CY); ROCK SLOPE PROTECTION FABRIC (CLASS 10); MINOR CONCRETE (MISCELLANEOUS CONSTRUCTION); MISCELLANEOUS IRON AND STEEL; METAL CATTLE GUARD; MISCELLANEOUS METAL (BRIDGE); FENCE (TYPE BW, 5-STRAND, METAL POST). DELINEATOR (CLASS 2); MARKER (CULVERT); OBJECT MARKER (TYPE P); MIDWEST GUARDRAIL SYSTEM; TRANSITION RAILING (TYPE WB-31); END ANCHOR ASSEMBLY (TYPE SFT); ALTERNATIVE IN-LINE TERMINAL SYSTEM; ALTERNATIVE CRASH CUSHION; CONCRETE BARRIER (TYPE 736); PAINT TRAFFIC STRIPE (2-COAT); PAINT PAVEMENT MARKING (2-COAT); PAVEMENT MARKER (RETROREFLECTIVERECESSED); LIGHTING; CLOSED CIRCUIT TELEVISION SYSTEM; MOBILIZATION. J.F. Shea Construction, Inc. is a union signatory contractor. Subcontractors must possess a current contractor’s license, insurance coverage and worker’s compensation for the entire length of the contract. All subcontractors will be required to sign our standard Subcontract Agreement. 100% payment and performance bonds may be required. Please call if you need assistance in obtaining insurance, bonding, equipment, materials and/or supplies. Plans and specifications can be viewed at our office located at 17400 Clear Creek Road, Redding, CA 96001 or call for any additional needed project information. J.F. Shea Construction Inc. intends to work cooperatively with all qualified firms seeking work on this project. We are an equal opportunity employer and will work with any interested subcontractor to identify opportunities to break items into economically feasible packages. Women and Minority Employees are encouraged to apply. Va l e n t i n e C o r p o r a t i o n • L i s a D a v i s Phone 415-453-3732 ext. #10 • Fax 415-457-5820 E q u a l O p p o r t u n i t y E m p l o y e r TO: Qualified and Certified MBE and WBE Subcontractors and Suppliers Vortex Marine Construction, Inc. will be bidding on the project shown below, and would like to receive your proposal. Please indicate if you will be bidding on this project as soon as possible. We request your scope of work to be submitted as soon as possible prior to the bid. • Project Name - Restoration of San Leandro Creek (Line P) Between Hegenberger Road and 75 ft Upstream of 98th Avenue in Oakland, Alameda County, CA Zone #12 Project Spec # FC 12-D-195 • Project Location - Oakland, CA • Owner - County of Alameda • Engineer - County of Alameda Public Works Agency • Project Cost - $1,100,000 • Project Schedule - The duration of the project is 90 Working Days • The Mandatory MBE and WBE Participation Goal established for this project are 15% and 5% respectively The work under this contract will include, but is not limited to the following: The project consists of preparing and implementing water pollution control plan; designing and implementing de-watering system; structure excavation and backfill; construction of temporary construction entrance/exit; removing and disposing excess excavated materials; furnishing and installing coir mat and filter fabric; furnishing and installing rock riprap outfall; clearing and grubbing; removal and disposal of tree slumps; furnishing, placing and compacting Class 2 aggregate base; removal and disposal of existing concrete drain inlet, frame and cover; construction of new concrete drain inlet; reconstruction of drainage swale; construction of new concrete vertical outfall; hydroseeding; wetland planting; furnishing and installing new black vinyl clad chain link fence and gate; and all miscellaneous work necessary to complete said project. • Bids shall be submitted to Vortex Marine Construction, Inc. no later than two (2) hours before the bid on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 2015 at 2:00 PM. Drawings and Specifications are available at: • Plans and specifications may be viewed and purchased by any prospective bidder on-line at by contacting Central Blue Print at 17132 E. 14th Street, Hayward, CA 94541 (510-276-3375), East Bay Blue Print and Supply at 1745 14th Ave., Oakland, CA 94606 (510-261-2990), or Custom Blue Print, 1944 Mt. Diablo Blvd., Walnut Creek, 94596 (925-9323113). Department of Industrial Relations Registration: * Effective July 1, 2014, all contractors and subcontractors who bid or work on public works projects in California must register with and pay an annual fee to the California Department of Industrial Relations (DIR). Registration must be renewed annually. Registration and renewal may be completed on-line. Please go to DIR web site at: for information on what is required. Please fax or email confirming your interest in bidding this project to Vortex Marine Construction, Inc., Attention: Joseph Peter Nolaco at Fax No. 510-261-2444 or email We appreciate your interest. VALENTINE CORPORATION 111 P e l i c a n Wa y, S a n R a f a e l , C A 9 4 9 0 1 Request for Qualified MBE/WBE/DBE/DVBE/SBE/UDBE Subcontractors and/or Suppliers for the Following Project: GUIDOTTI BRIDGE REPLACEMENT - FORT ORD #DTFH 68-15-B-00002 B I D D AT E / T I M E : M A R C H 1 7 , 2 0 1 5 @ 2 : 0 0 P M Please respond by: March 17, 2015 @ 1:00 pm Valentine Corporation will be bidding the above referenced project as a general contractor. Your firm is invited to submit a sub bid in your area of expertise. Plans and specifications are available in our office for review. Our estimating team will be available before the date of the bid should you have any questions or require technical assistance. Areas of work that we require sub bids for are as follows: Requesting MBE/WBE/DBE/DVBE/SBE/UDBE Subcontractors and/or Suppliers For, But Not Limited To: Survey & Staking, Testing, Temp Erosion Control, Water Truck, Clear & Grub, Trucking, Supply Steel H Piles, Precast Concrete, Rebar, Bridge Railing, Epoxy Overlay Concrete, Traffic Control, Construction Signage. We look forward to receiving your written quotation via facsimile on or before the date of bid. It is the policy of Valentine Corporation to encourage the utilization of MBE/WBE/DBE/DVBE/UDBE firms at all levels of construction contracting. Valentine Corporation may require a Performance and Payment Bond. If so, the bond premium will be paid for by Valentine Corporation. We will contact you prior to the date of the bid to discuss this project with you. For more information regarding this project call: J.F. SHEA CONSTRUCTION, INC. Va l e n t i n e C o r p o r a t i o n • L i s a D a v i s P.O. Box 494519, Redding, CA 96049 Phone: (530) 246-4292 • Fax: (530) 246-9940 An Equal Opportunity Employer Phone 415-453-3732 ext. #10 • Fax 415-457-5820 E q u a l O p p o r t u n i t y E m p l o y e r VALENTINE CORPORATION 111 P e l i c a n Wa y, S a n R a f a e l , C A 9 4 9 0 1 Request for Qualified MBE/WBE/DBE/DVBE/SBE/UDBE Subcontractors and/or Suppliers for the Following Project: N. RICHMOND PUMP STATION DIVERSION PROJECT RICHMOND - #WJ 7246 BID DATE/TIME: MARCH 11, 2015 @ 2:00 PM Please respond by: March 11, 2015 @ 1:00 pm Valentine Corporation will be bidding the above referenced project as a general contractor. Your firm is invited to submit a sub bid in your area of expertise. Plans and specifications are available in our office for review. Our estimating team will be available before the date of the bid should you have any questions or require technical assistance. Areas of work that we require sub bids for are as follows: Requesting MBE/WBE/DBE/DVBE/SBE/UDBE Subcontractors and/or Suppliers For, But Not Limited To: Asbestos Abatement, Lead Paint Abatement, Concrete Core Drilling, Motor & Submersible Pumps, Electrical & Instrumentation, Mechanical Piping & Valves. We look forward to receiving your written quotation via facsimile on or before the date of bid. It is the policy of Valentine Corporation to encourage the utilization of MBE/WBE/DBE/DVBE/UDBE firms at all levels of construction contracting. Valentine Corporation may require a Performance and Payment Bond. If so, the bond premium will be paid for by Valentine Corporation. We will contact you prior to the date of the bid to discuss this project with you. For more information regarding this project call: Va l e n t i n e C o r p o r a t i o n • L i s a D a v i s Phone 415-453-3732 ext. #10 • Fax 415-457-5820 E q u a l O p p o r t u n i t y E m p l o y e r Agee Construction Corporation R E Q U E S T F O R Q U A L I F I E D , C E RT I F I E D M/BE/WBE/D B E /DVBE/SBE/UDBE SUBCONTRACTORS & SUPPLIERS FOR: CALTRANS #06-0S2004 - CONSTRUCTION ON STATE HIGHWAY IN TULARE COUNTY NEAR WOODLAKE FROM ROUTE 201 TO 0.2 MILE NORTH OF AVENUE 404 AND FROM 0.2 MILE NORTH OF COTTONWOOD CREEK TO 2.4 MILES NORTH OF DRUM VALLEY ROAD BID DATE/TIME: TUESDAY, MARCH 17, 2015 AT 2:00 PM DVBE Goal 5%. Items of work available for participation include, but are not limited to, the following: (for a complete bid schedule, call or email as noted below). Grind Concrete Pavement, Dust Control, Water Pollution Control Plan, AC Grindings, Cold Plane Asphalt, Cold Planing, Street Sweeping, Tack Coat, Construction Area Signs (CAS), Delineator, Portable Changeable Message Signs, Striping, Traffic Control and any service or product you can provide to complete the bid requirements. Drawings, Specifications and Bid Proposal documents are available at the following locations: • Review - Agee Construction Corporation, 1039 Hoblitt, Clovis, CA 93612, 559-299-3290, Monday thru Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. (For additional P&S locations call 559-299-3290). • Subcontractors may be required to obtain 100% Payment and 100% Performance Bonds with bond premiums paid up to 1.5%. Appropriate license will be required as well as insurance, including workers compensation. Agee Construction will assist with obtaining bonds and reviewing other subcontractor requirements such as safety policies, insurance, certified payroll, prevailing wage requirements, and union requirements. Agee Construction Corp. is an Equal Opportunity Employer. A G E E C O N S T R U C T I O N C O R P O R AT I O N Contact: Alan Dirlam - P. O . B o x 6 2 9 , C l o v i s , C A 9 3 6 1 3 Phone (559) 299-3290 • Fax (559) 299-3503 S T E V E P. R A D O S , I N C . A n E q u a l O p p o r t u n i t y E m p l o y e r i s re q u e s t i n g q u o t a t i o n s f ro m a l l q u a l i f i e d D B E , M B E , W B E , S B E , S B R A , A S F, H U B s u b c o n t r a c t o r s a n d / o r m a t e r i a l s u p p l i e r s f o r t h e f o l l o w i n g p ro j e c t : AGUA HEDIONDA SEWER LIFT STATION, VISTA/CARLSBAD INTERCEPTOR SEWER REACH VC11B & VC 15 AND RECYCLED WATER PROJECT OWNER: CITY OF CARLSBAD BID DATE: APRIL 1, 2015 @ 2:00 PM We are requesting bids for the following trades and/or Material Suppliers: Landscaping & Nursery, Sand & Gravel, Asphalt, Doors & Frames, Fencing, Construction Staking, Irrigation System, Aggregate Base, Paving Asphalt, Furnish and Drive Piling, Steel Structures, Welded Steel Pipe, Sewer Manhole, Concrete Curbs and Sidewalk, Fencing, Thermoplastic Traffic Stripe & Marking, Painted Traffic Stripe & Marking, Surveyor, Air Conditioning/Sheet Metal, Heating, Electrical, Plumbing, Coring, Cutting, Demolition, Painting Structures, RCP Storm Drain, PVC Sewer Pipe, HDPE Pipe, Stainless Steel Pipe, Steel Reinforced Polymer Concrete Pipe, Miscellaneous Waterline Valves, Fittings & Piping, Bridge Cane and Hoist, PVC Roofing, Sheet Metal Flashing and Trim, Cathodic Protection Material, Aluminum Stop Logs, Stainless Steel Slide Gates, Waterproofing. Bid documents can be viewed at or obtained from: Plans, Supplemental Provisions and Contract Documents are available in Digital Form only and can be downloaded for bidders convenience at no cost from the City of Carlsbad WEB site: V I K I N G CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. P. O . B O X 1 5 0 8 • R A N C H O C O R D O VA , C A 9 5 7 4 1 9 1 6 - 8 5 2 - 5 5 3 0 • F A X 9 1 6 - 8 5 2 - 5 5 3 3 Viking Construction Company is preparing a bid for the following project as a general contractor: O W N E R : Y U B A C O U N T Y D E PA R T M E N T O F P U B L I C W O R K S P R O J E C T: S P R I N G VA L L E Y R O A D O V E R B R O W N S VA L L E Y D I T C H L O C AT I O N : Y U B A C O U N T Y, C A E N G I N E E R ’ S E S T I M AT E : $ 1 , 0 7 8 , 2 0 0 B I D D AT E : M A R C H 1 7 , 2 0 1 5 , , 1 0 : 0 0 A . M . We invite and encourage responsible participation of Disadvantaged Business enterprises, and solicit your subcontractor or material quotation for the following types of work: C o n s t r u c t i o n S t a k i n g , C o n s t r u c t i o n A r e a S i g n s , Tr a f f i c C o n t r o , F u r n i s h Te m p o r a r y R a i l i n g ( Ty p e K ) , P r e p a r e S t o r m Wa t e r P o l l u t i o n C o n t r o l P l a n , Wa t e r P o l l u t i o n C o n t r o l a n d R e p o r t s , Te m p o r a r y E r o s i o n C o n t r o l , S t r e e t S w e e p i n g , Te m p o r a r y F e n c e , F e n c e , Bridge Removal, Clearing, Excavation and Backfill, Grading and Paving, Erosion Control, Landscaping Furnish Readymix concrete, Minor Concrete, Reinforcing Steel, Joint Seal, Drainage, Rock, Slope Protection, Metal Beam Guar Railing, Concrete B a r r i e r ( Ty p e 7 2 2 ) , S t r i p i n g . P l a n s a n d s p e c i f i c a t i o n s m a y b e r e v i e w e d a t o u r o f f i c e l o c a t e d a t 11 3 1 5 S u n r i s e G o l d Circle, Suite A, Rancho Cordova, at your local Builder’s Exchange, or may be obtained f r o m t h e O w n e r. C o n t a c t u s a t t h e n u m b e r b e l o w i f y o u n e e d f u r t h e r d i r e c t i o n i n t h i s regard. Each subcontractor may be required to submit faithful performance and payment bonds. Contact me at the number below if you need more information or help in obtaining bonds, lines of credit, insurance, necessary equipment, supplies and materials or technical assistance. If you are interested in quoting, please contact me at 916-852-5530 o u r o f f i c e b y 1 2 : 0 0 p . m . ( N o o n ) o n b i d d a y. Quotes are due in Viking Construction Co., Inc. • Randy Jenco (916) 852-5530 • Fax (916) 852-5533 IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER W. A. Rasic Construction REQUEST FOR QUOTES FROM QUALIFIED DBE/MBE/WBE//SBE/SBRA/LSAF/HUB SUBCONTRACTORS AND SUPPLIERS FOR THE FOLLOWING PROJECT AGUA HEDIONDA SEWER LIFT STATION, VISTA/CARLSBAD INTERCEPTOR SEWER REACHES VC11B-VC15 & AVENIDA ENCINAS RECYCLED WATER LINE PROJECT CONTRACT #PWS13-40 UTIL - LOCATED IN CARLSBAD, CA OWNER: CITY OF CARLSBAD PRIME’S BID DUE DATE: APRIL 1, 2015 @ 2 PM SUBCONTRACTOR/SUPPLIER PROPOSAL BID DUE DATE: MARCH 31, 2015 @ 2 PM W.A. Rasic Construction is requesting quotes from qualified DBE/MBE/WBE/SBE/SBRA/LSAF/HUB subcontractors for the following, but not limited to, scopes of work: Survey, Demo, Asbestos Abatement, Dewatering, Bypass Pumping, hot Tapping, Flowable Fill, SWPPP, Contact Grouting, Microtunneling, Horizontal Directional Drilling, Instrumentation/Monitoring, Precast concrete, Reinforced Concrete Block, Miscellaneous Metal, Waterproofing, Thermal Insulation, PVC Roofing, Doors/Frames, Overhead Coiling Doors, Skylights, Gypsum Board, Metal Framing, Painting, Equipment, Monorail Hoist/Trolley, Bridge Cranes/Hoists, Disinfecting of Piping, Piping/Accessories, Cathodic Protection, Security Surveillance Systems & Electrical. Subcontractors and suppliers are advised to submit their quotes 1 working day prior to the Prime’s bid due date for evaluation and completion of all necessary forms to submit with our bid. Plans and specifications are available for review from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday at our office located at 4150 Long Beach Blvd., Long Beach, CA 90802. Please contact Dustin Do at to make an appointment to view the plans and specifications. Plans and specifications are also available via FTP site upon request. Assistance in obtaining bonds, lines of credit, and insurance is available to all DBE, MBE, WBE, SBE, SBRA, LSAF, & HUB subcontractors; as well as breaking large work items down into smaller categories or quantities. We can arrange delivery schedules to facilitate maximum participation where feasible per specifications. Please contact Dustin Do via email if you have any questions or if you require assistance in regards to bonds, lines of credit, and insurance. W. A. Rasic Construction - Dustin Do - Estimator 4150 Long Beach Blvd., Long Beach, CA 90807 P h o n e ( 5 6 2 ) 9 2 8 - 6 111 e x t . 2 3 2 7 • F a x ( 5 6 2 ) 9 2 8 - 7 3 3 9 Email Address: CA License 368761 •Equal Opprtunity Affirmative Action Employer 11555 Dublin Blvd., P.O. Box 2909 Dublin, CA 94568-2909 (925) 829-9220 • Fax (925) 803-4263 Contractors License No. 704195A D E S I LVA G A T E S Construction Desilva Gates Construction Is requesting Qualified DBE (Disadvantaged Business Enterprises) subcontractors/suppliers for the following Project: PROJECT: CITY OF YUBA CITY - GARDEN HIGHWAY COMPLETE STREETS REHABILITATION - CONTRACT NO. 13-02 OWNER: CITY OF YUBA CITY - DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 1201 Civic Center Boulevard, Yuba, City, CA 95993 BID DATE: MARCH 11, 2015 @ 10:00 A.M. ESTIMATOR: BIB CICCARELLI We hereby encourage responsible participation of local Disadvantaged Business Enterprises, and solicit their subcontractor or materials and/or suppliers quotation for the following types of work including but not limited to: ADJUST IRON, COLD PLANE, ELECTRICAL, FABRIC, MINOR CONCRETE, STRIPING, TRUCKING, WATER TRUCKS, STREET SWEEPING, CLASS 2 AGGREGATE BASE MATERIAL, HOT MIX ASPHALT (TYPE A) MATERIAL. 2002 E. McFadden Ave., Ste. 200, Santa Ana, CA 92705 tel (714) 835-4612 fax (714) 835-2186 Project Estimator: Jim Briggs - Email: 100% Performance and Payment Bonds may be required for full amounts of the subcontract price. Surety company will have to be approved by DeSilva Gates Construction. DeSilva Gates Construction will pay bond premium up to 2%. Subcontractors must possess current insurance and worker’s compensation coverage meeting DeSilva Gates Construction’s requirements. Please call if you need assistance in obtaining bonding, insurance, equipment, materials and/or supplies. Plans and specifications are available for review at our Dublin office. Dalke & Sons Construction, Inc. To b o Construction is requesting Sub-Bids opportunities for DBE entities for Project: REQUEST FOR SUB BIDS FROM QUALIFIED MBE/WBE/DBE/DVBE/SBE/UDBE SUBCONTRACTORS AND/OR SUPPLIERS F O R T H E F O L L O W I N G P R O J E C T: CADOT-07-1W2404 (DBE 4% Requirement, 765 working days) CITY OF ONTARIO CDBG JAMES BRYANT AND SAM ALBA PARK REST ROOM IMPROVEMENTS Areas of work include, but not limited to the following: lead compliance plan, water pollution control progress schedule/critical path, construction area signs, traffic control system, work area monitoring, clearing and grubbing. Any qualified DBE companies according to CADOT specs interested in braking out a section of the work for cleaning and painting are also welcome. The Plans, specifications, and copies of the bid proposal are available for review from Caltrans web site. Tobo Construction is an EEO Employer. STEVE P. RADOS, INC BID DATE/TIME: MARCH 13, 2015 @ 4:00 PM Please respond by: March 13, 2015 @ 3:00 pm Plans can be viewed at: h t t p : / / w w w. d a l k e a n d s o n s . c o m / b i d s . h t m . BID DUE DATE: APRIL 1, 2015 For more information: Dalke & Sons Construction, Inc. Contact: David Cooper 4585 Allstate Drive • Riverside, CA 92501 (951) 274-9880 • Fax (951) 274-0319 A N E Q U A L O P P O R T U N I T Y E M P L O Y E R To b o C o n s t r u c t i o n , I n c . Suzie Na 239 N. Ridgewood Place Los Angeles, CA 90004 P h : 3 2 3 - 4 6 5 - 1 6 0 0 e x t 1 0 3 • F a x 8 7 7 - 4 11 - 8 6 2 6 PAV E - T E C H I N C . CITY OF SAN DIEGO - ASPHALT OVERLAY GROUP 1502 PROJECT NUMBER: K-15-1351-DBB-3 LOCATION: CITY OF SAN DIEGO SLBE/ELBE Goal: 15.1% REVISED BID DATE: MARCH 20, 2015 - 2:00 PM P a v e - Te c h i s r e q u e s t i n g q u o t e s a n d p r i c e s f r o m a l l subcontractors especially certified SLBE/ELBE companies for this project. All subcontractors interested please indicate all lower tier SLBE/ELBE participation offered in your quotation. Pave-Tech is willing to assist with your bonding, insurance, certified payroll and all applicable contract requirements. Plans and Specifications Available: Contact Jerry Keepers (Bid coordinator) at Pave-Tech for assistance. Quotes requested from subcontractors, suppliers, and service providers include, but not limited to: Traffic Control, Adjusting Valves and Manholes, Furnish Concrete, Concrete Items (sidewalk, curb, curb & gutter), Furnish Asphalt Concrete (AC), Furnish Recycled Asphalt Concrete (RAC), Place Asphalt Concrete (AC), Trucking, Traffic Loops, Cold Milling, Pavement Fabric, Survey, Striping and Pavement Markers, Water Pollution Control. Subcontractors Scope is requested one day prior to bid date to allow to for proper evaluation. Bidders must be on the City of San Diego’s approved SLBE-ELBE list and registered with DIR. Pave-Tech is an Equal Opportunity Employer Pave-Tech Estimating Department: 2231 La Mirada Drive, Vista, CA 92081 Phone: 760-727-8700 • Estimating Fax: 760-727-8702 E-mail: Lead Estimator: Jerry Keepers VALENTINE CORPORA TION 111 P e l i c a n Wa y, S a n R a f a e l , C A 9 4 9 0 1 Request for Qualified MBE/WBE/DBE/DVBE/SBE/UDBE Subcontractors and/or Suppliers for the Following Project: ALAMEDA COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL - LINE K AND K-1 FLOODWALL AND LEVEE IMPROVEMENTS IN FREEMONT - PROJECT NO. FC-5-215 BID DATE/TIME: MARCH 17, 2015 @ 2:00 PM Please respond by: March 17, 2015 @ 1:00 pm Valentine Corporation will be bidding the above referenced project as a general contractor. Your firm is invited to submit a sub bid in your area of expertise. Plans and specifications are available in our office for review. Our estimating team will be available before the date of the bid should you have any questions or require technical assistance. Areas of work that we require sub bids for are as follows: Requesting MBE/WBE/DBE/DVBE/SBE/UDBE Subcontractors and/or Suppliers For, But Not Limited To: WPCP, Street Sweeping, Clear & Grub, CIDH, Masonry Block Wall, CMU, CL Fencing, Hydroseed, Trucking. We look forward to receiving your written quotation via facsimile on or before the date of bid. It is the policy of Valentine Corporation to encourage the utilization of MBE/WBE/DBE/DVBE/UDBE firms at all levels of construction contracting. Valentine Corporation may require a Performance and Payment Bond. If so, the bond premium will be paid for by Valentine Corporation. We will contact you prior to the date of the bid to discuss this project with you. For more information regarding this project call: Va l e n t i n e C o r p o r a t i o n • L i s a D a v i s Phone 415-453-3732 ext. #10 • Fax 415-457-5820 E q u a l O p p o r t u n i t y E m p l o y e r REQUEST FOR QUALIFIED DVBE SUBCONTRACTORS & SUPPLIERS FOR: VALENTINE CORPORA TION 111 P e l i c a n Wa y, S a n R a f a e l , C A 9 4 9 0 1 Request for Qualified MBE/WBE/DBE/DVBE/SBE/UDBE Subcontractors and/or Suppliers for the Following Project: INSTALL STEEL BARRIER @ SAN LEANDRO 105th AVENUE UNDERPASS CITY OF OAKLAND - PROJECT #C321730 BID DATE/TIME: MARCH 5, 2015 @ 2:00 PM Please respond by: March 5, 2015 - 2:00 pm Valentine Corporation will be bidding the above referenced project as a general contractor. Your firm is invited to submit a sub bid in your area of expertise. Plans and specifications are available in our office for review. Our estimating team will be available before the date of the bid should you have any questions or require technical assistance. Areas of work that we require sub bids for are as follows: Requesting MBE/WBE/DBE/DVBE/SBE/UDBE Subcontractors and/or Suppliers For, But Not Limited To: Traffic Control, Signage, PCMS, Fabricate Metal Rail, Temp. Fencing. We look forward to receiving your written quotation via facsimile on or before the date of bid. It is the policy of Valentine Corporation to encourage the utilization of MBE/WBE/DBE/DVBE/UDBE firms at all levels of construction contracting. Valentine Corporation may require a Performance and Payment Bond. If so, the bond premium will be paid for by Valentine Corporation. We will contact you prior to the date of the bid to discuss this project with you. For more information regarding this project call: Va l e n t i n e C o r p o r a t i o n • L i s a D a v i s Phone 415-453-3732 ext. #10 • Fax 415-457-5820 E q u a l O p p o r t u n i t y E m p l o y e r INVITATION TO BID TO: DVBE/ALL QUALIFIED SUBCONTRACTORS & SUPPLIERS WE WOULD APPRECIATE YOUR SUB-BID AND/OR MATERIAL QUOTE FOR THE FOLLOWING PROJECT: State of California Department of Transportation - Caltrans Cold Plane and Place HMA - FOR CONSTRUCTION ON STATE HIGHWAY IN SHASTA COUNTY IN AND NEAR REDDING ON ROUTE 5 FROM HILLTOP DRIVE OVERCROSSING TO CHURN CREEK BRIDGE AND ON ROUTE 273 FROM 0.1 MILE SOUTH OF CATERPILLAR ROAD TO ROUTE 5 - CONTRACT #: 02-0H0004 Engineer’s Estimate: $2,310,000.00 BID DATE: 3/10/15 @ 2 PM GOAL: 3% DVBE J.F. Shea Construction is requesting quotes from all qualified subcontractors and suppliers including certified DVBE firms for all items of work, including but not limited to: LEAD COMPLIANCE PLAN; CONSTRUCTION AREA SIGNS; TRAFFIC CONTROL SYSTEM; PORTABLE CHANGEABLE MESSAGE SIGN; JOB SITE MANAGEMENT; PREPARE WATER POLLUTION CONTROL PROGRAM; TREATED WOOD WASTE; REMOVE THERMOPLASTIC PAVEMENT MARKING; SALVAGE GUARDRAIL (STEEL POST); RECONSTRUCT GUARDRAIL; RECONSTRUCT GUARDRAIL (7’ POST); RECONSTRUCT TERMINAL SYSTEM; RECONSTRUCT END ANCHOR (TYPE SFT); RESET OBJECT MARKER; ADJUST GUARDRAIL; COLD PLANE ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT; SHOULDER BACKING; REPLACE ASPHALT CONCRETE SURFACING; HOT MIX ASPHALT (TYPE A); RUBBERIZED HOT MIX ASPHALTOPEN GRADED (OPEN GRADED FRICTION COURSE); RUMBLE STRIP; DATA CORE; PLACE HOT MIX ASPHALT DIKE (TYPE A); PLACE HOT MIX ASPHALT DIKE (TYPE D); PLACE HOT MIX ASPHALT DIKE (TYPE E); PLACE HOT MIX ASPHALT DIKE (TYPE F); TACK COAT; THERMOPLASTIC PAVEMENT MARKING; THERMOPLASTIC TRAFFIC STRIPE (SPRAYABLE); PAVEMENT MARKER (RETROREFLECTIVE); PAVEMENT MARKER (RETROREFLECTIVE-RECESSED); MAINTAINING EXISTING TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ELEMENTS DURING CONSTRUCTION; MODIFY TRAFFIC MONITORING STATION (COUNT); MODIFY SIGNAL. J.F. Shea Construction, Inc. is a union signatory contractor. Subcontractors must possess a current contractor ’s license, insurance coverage and worker ’s compensation for the entire length of the contract. All subcontractors will be required to sign our standard Subcontract Agreement. 100% payment and performance bonds may be required. Please call if you need assistance in obtaining insurance, bonding, equipment, materials and/or supplies. Plans and specifications can be viewed at our office located at 17400 Clear Creek Road, Redding, CA 96001 or call for any additional needed project information. J.F. Shea Construction Inc. intends to work cooperatively with all qualified firms seeking work on this project. We are an equal opportunity employer and will work with any interested subcontractor to identify opportunities to break items into economically feasible packages. Women and Minority Employees are encouraged to apply. J . F. S H E A C O N S T R U C T I O N , I N C . P. O . B o x 4 9 4 5 1 9 , R e d d i n g , C A 9 6 0 4 9 Phone: (530) 246-4292 • Fax: (530) 246-9940 An Equal Opportunity Employer REQUEST FOR QUALIFIED UDBE/DBE SUBCONTRACTORS & SUPPLIERS FOR: R E Q U E S T F O R Q U A L I F I E D / C E RT I F I E D D B E S U B C O N T R A C T O R S / S U P P L I E R S FOR: State of California Department of Transportation - Caltrans Place HMA with Replace AC Surfacing CONSTRUCTION ON STATE HIGHWAY IN LASSEN COUNTY NEAR DOYLE FROM WILLOW RANCH CREEK BRIDGE TO 2.9 MILES SOUTH OF MILFORD GRADE ROAD Contract #02-4G1404 - Engineer’s Estimate: $2,710,000.00 BID DATE: 3/17/15 @ 2:00 PM GOAL: 10% DBE THE CITY OF DIXON, CA WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT PROJECT 184030042 STATE REVOLVING FUND PROJECT BID DATE: MARCH 26, 2015 AT 2:00 PM J.F. Shea Construction is requesting quotes from all qualified subcontractors and suppliers including certified UDBE/DBE firms for all items of work, including LEAD COMPLIANCE PLAN; CONSTRUCTION AREA SIGNS; TRAFFIC CONTROL SYSTEM; PORTABLE CHANGEABLE MESSAGE SIGN; JOB SITE MANAGEMENT; PREPARE WATER POLLUTION CONTROL PROGRAM; TREATED WOOD WASTE; REMOVE THERMOPLASTIC PAVEMENT MARKING; RECONSTRUCT TERMINAL SYSTEM (TYPE SRT); ADJUST GUARDRAIL; COLD PLANE ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT; SHOULDER BACKING; REPLACE ASPHALT CONCRETE SURFACING; HOT MIX ASPHALT (TYPE A); CENTERLINE RUMBLE STRIP (GROUND-IN INDENTATIONS); SHOULDER RUMBLE STRIP (GROUND-IN INDENTATIONS); TACK COAT; THERMOPLASTIC PAVEMENT MARKING; THERMOPLASTIC TRAFFIC STRIPE (SPRAYABLE); PAVEMENT MARKER (RETROREFLECTIVE-RECESSED). J.F. Shea Construction, Inc. is a union signatory contractor. Subcontractors must possess a current contractor’s license, insurance coverage and worker’s compensation for the entire length of the contract. All subcontractors will be required to sign our standard Subcontract Agreement. 100% payment and performance bonds may be required. Please call if you need assistance in obtaining insurance, bonding, equipment, materials and/or supplies. Plans and specifications can be viewed at our office located at 17400 Clear Creek Road, Redding, CA 96001 or call for any additional needed project information. J.F. Shea Construction Inc. intends to work cooperatively with all qualified firms seeking work on this project. We are an equal opportunity employer and will work with any interested subcontractor to identify opportunities to break items into economically feasible packages. Women and Minority Employees are encouraged to apply. J.F. SHEA CONSTRUCTION, INC. P.O. Box 494519, Redding, CA 96049 Phone: (530) 246-4292 • Fax: (530) 246-9940 An Equal Opportunity Employer G R I F F I T H C O M PA N Y REQUESTING SUB-BIDS ON ALL TRADES From Qualified DVBE Subcontractors & Suppliers DVBE Goal: 3% F o r t h e f o l l o w i n g p r o j e c t : CALTRANS CONTRACT NO. 06-0T1704 - CONSTRUCTION ON STATE HIGHWAY IN KERN COUNTY NEAR BUTTONWILLOW FROM 0.4 MILE EAST OF MAIN DRAIN CANAL BRIDGE TO 0.2 MILE WEST OF ROUTE 5/58 SEPARATION SCOPE OF WORK: Lead Compliance Plan, Construction Area Signs, Traffic Control System, Portable Changeable Message Sign, WPCP, Remove Pavement Marker, Cold Plane, Shoulder Backing, Cold In-Place Recycling, Cement (Cold In-Place Recycling), Emulsified Recycling Agent (Cold In-Place Recycling), Asphaltic Emulsion (Cold In-Place Recycling), Sand Cover (Cold In-Place Recycling), Intelligent Compaction (Cold In-Place Recycling), HMA Type A, Data Core, Tack Coat, Thermoplastic Striping, Pavement Marker, Maintaining Existing Traffic Management System Elements During Construction, Modify Signal and Count Station, Hauling. B I D S : M A R C H 11 , 2 0 1 5 AT 2 : 0 0 P M B I D S D U E : M A R C H 11 , 2 0 1 5 AT 2 : 0 0 P M Plans & Specs are available for review from 7:00 am - 5:00 pm Monday through Friday at: G R I F F I T H C O M PA N Y We are soliciting quotes for the following items of work, Division 2 through 17, including, but not limited to: Demolition, Clear & Grub, Earthwork, Dewatering, utility Lie Marking, Vegetative Erosion Control, Landscaping & Irrigation, AC Paving, Joint Seal Assembly, Epoxies and Floor Grouting, Rebar, Erect Steel Structures, Painting & Staining concrete, Masonry, Underground Utilities, Fencing & Gates, Metal Railing, Electrical, Instrumentation (including Testing, Calibration and Installation), Minor Concrete, Sawcutting & Core Drilling, Structural Steel, Misc. Metals Fabrication (including Grating, Stair Treads, Floor Plates & Metal Support Framing), Pipe Railing, Abandon Well, Welding, Membrane Waterproofing & Repellants, Interior Doors, Overhead Doors and Hatches, Ready Mix, Concrete Pumping, Pipe (including Copper, RCP, Steel Stainless, Ductile and Plastic Pipe), Valves, Slide Gates, Flap Gates, Stop Gates, Const. Material Supplies, Misc. Metals/Iron & Steel, Trucking, SWPPP Plan, SWPPP Materials, Underground Precast, Street Sweeping, Aggregates Supply (including: Sand, Class 2 Agg. Base, Crushed Rock & Rip Rap. Non-DBE Subs/Suppliers: You will be expected to carry a proportionate percentage of 2nd-tier participation with your quote. 2nd-tier participation will be evaluated with your price. 100% performance and payment bonds will be required for the full amount of the subcontract price. Please contact Flatiron for any assistance to this solicitation, including obtaining bonding, insurance, equipment, materials and/or supplies. Provide subcontractor and supplier quotes as early as possible to enable estimators to perform a thorough evaluation of all quotes received. Quotes will be broken down into comparable packages as reasonably necessary to facilitate participation. Quotes must be valid for the same duration as specified by the Owner for Contract Award. We are signatory to Operating Engineers, Laborers, Ironworkers, Cement Masons, Carpenters and Pile Drivers Unions. Non-signatory subs will be required to sign an agreement for trades covered under our union agreements. Flatiron intends to work cooperatively with all subcontractors and suppliers for all bid items you are licensed and qualified to perform. Bid items can be split to facilitate participation from all certified firms. Flatiron West will reimburse for bond premium up to 2%. Subs must possess current contractors license, insurance and workers compensation coverage meeting our requirements. Waiver of Subrogation is required. Please contact Flatiron for any assistance required by your firm. Project documents are available for free viewing on ARC Sacramento Planwell (Public Planroom). They may be purchased by contacting ARC at 916-443-1322. Project documents may also be viewed in our office by appointment only. Email: for appointment to view/access plans and specs in our office. Upon email request only, Flatiron will provide electronic docs by Sharefile link. Due to Non-DBE and DBE submittal requirements at bid time, if you intend to bid to us on this project, we will require your quote by no later than Noon on Bid Day. (AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER) 11 2 8 C a r r i e r P a r k w a y A v e n u e , B a k e r s f i e l d , C A 9 3 3 0 8 Phone: (661) 392-6640 • Fax (661) 393-9525 Contact: S T E V E D E V E R S , E S T I M AT O R F L AT I R O N W E S T I N C . 1 0 0 % B O N D I N G M AY B E R E Q U I R E D F O R A L L S U B C O N T R A C T O R S . A S S I S TA N C E AVA I L A B L E I N O B TA I N I N G B O N D S , L I N E S O F C R E D I T, I N S U R A N C E , N E C E S S A R Y E Q U I P M E N T & T E C H N I C A L A S S I S TA N C E . G R I F F I T H C O M P A N Y I N T E N D S T O C O N D U C T I T S E L F I N “ G O O D FA I T H ” W I T H D V B E F I R M S R E G A R D I N G P A R T I C I P A T I O N O N T H I S P R O J E C T. 2100 Goodyear Rd., Benicia, CA 94510 Phone (707) 742-6000 Fax (707) 746-1603 Email quotes to: An Equal Opportunity Employer REQUEST FOR SUB-BIDS PROJECT: RINCONADA WTP RELIABILITY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT PROJECT NO. 93294057/CONTRACT NO. C0601 OWNER: SANTA CLARA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT REVISED BID DATE: MAY 6, 2015 UP TO 2:00 PM PER ADDENDUM 1 BBII is interested in soliciting sub-bids from Small/Micro Business Enterprise Subcontractors/Suppliers/Vendors in the areas of work included in, but not limited to, those listed below: Geotechnical Data; Environmental Assessment; Chemical Sampling and Analysis; Field Engineering (Survey); Video/Photograph Progress Documentation; QA/QC; Temporary Facilities; Equipment Rental; Aggregate; Hazardous Material Removal; Offsite Transportation & Disposal (Truckers); Demolition; Dewatering; Shoring & Underpinning (Earth); Earthwork; Tunneling, Boring & Jacking; Site Concrete; Flexible Pavement - Asphalt (AC); Fences & Gates; Landscaping (Planting & Irrigation); Ready Mix; Concrete Forms & Accessories; Forming Subs Incl. Scaffolding; Waterstop; Reinforcing Steel; masonry; Miscellaneous Metals; Structural Steel; Structural Steel Erection; Handrails & Railing; Grating; Rough Carpentry; Finish Carpentry, Cabinets, Countertops; Thermal Protection (Insulation); Joint Seal; Doors; Floor Access, Doors, hatches; Overhead Door; Window (Glass & Glazing); Ceiling Suspension & Acoustic Ceilings; Gypsum Board, Drywall & Metal Studs; Paints, Coating & Waterproofing; Specialties; Louvers & Vents; Fire Extinguishers & Cabinets; Canopies; Process Equipment; Generators; Cathodic Protection; Pre-Engineered Structure; Storage Tank; Hoists & Cables; Mechanical; Coupling, FCA, Flex, Ball Joint; Bolts, Nuts & Gaskets (BNG); Small Bore Pipe; Fabricated Steel Pipe; Plastic Pipe & Valves, HDPE; Ductile Iron Pope; Miscellaneous Valves; Ball Valve; Butterfly Valve; Check Valve; Gate Valve; Globe Valve; Plug Valve; Pipe Support; Pipe Insulation; Fire Protection Piping; Fire Protection Monitoring System; Plumbing; HVAC; Electrical; In order to assist Small/Micro Business Enterprise Contractors and Suppliers, we will divide total requirements into smaller tasks or quantities. Subcontractors/Suppliers/Vendors are required to follow the Small/Micro Business Enterprise Program as stated in the Specifications. Furthermore, BBII directs all subcontractors both large and small to continue to recruit Small/Minority/Disabled Veteran/Disadvantaged Business Enterprises. BBII will seek to assure that all of its Subcontractors and Suppliers abide by the spirit and intent of our policy. Subcontractors may be required to furnish performance and payment bonds in the full amount of their subcontract by an admitted surety and subject to approval by BBII. Please call for bonding and insurance assistance. Subcontractors should expect to sign the standard BBII subcontract form and provide a waiver of subrogation. It is the Subcontractors’ responsibility to read the Plans and Specs in their entirety and to acknowledge all Addenda in their Scope and Quotes. Quotes must be valid for the same duration as specified by the Owner for contract award. Subcontractor scope (including any conditions or exceptions) is required 48 hours prior to bid deadline to allow proper evaluation. Conditions or exceptions in Subcontractor’s quote are expressly rejected unless accepted in writing. Contract Specifications and Plans are available from the Owner and per request from BBII via email at Attn: Gina Johnson. Balfour Beatty Infrastructure Inc. (BBII) is signatory to Operating Engineers, Laborers, Cement Masons and Carpenters Unions. BBII is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Eagle Peak Rock & Paving, Inc. P. O . B O X 8 7 9 A LT U R A S , C A 9 6 1 0 1 - 0 8 7 9 (530) 233-4568 FA X ( 5 3 0 ) 2 3 3 - 4 9 1 8 Request for Qualified MBE/WBE/DBE/DVBE/SBE/UDBE Subcontractors and/or Suppliers for the Following Project: CAL-TRANS #02-299714 02-Mod-299-39.3/40.5 - ALTURAS, CA Federal Aid Project ACSTP-P299 (188) E B I D D AT E / T I M E : M A R C H 2 5 , 2 0 1 5 @ 2 : 0 0 P M Please respond by: March 24, 2015 @ 5:00 pm For more information, contact: EAGLE PEAK ROCK & PAVING, INC. Contact: Tony Cruse (530) 233-4568 • FAX (530) 233-4918 EQUAL OPPORTUNIT Y EMPLOYER MATICH CORPORATION 1596 Harry Sheppard Blvd., San Bernardino, CA 92408 W E A R E R E Q U E S T I N G S U B - B I D S A N D M AT E R I A L Q U O T E S F R O M QUALIFIED DVBE SUBCONTRACTORS AND/OR SUPPLIERS F O R T H E F O L L O W I N G P R O J E C T: STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ROUTE 111 IN MECCA - MECCA, CA #08-1F5004 BID DATE/TIME: MARCH 18, 2015 - 2:00 PM Please respond by Bid Date & Time Matich Corporation is requesting quotes from qualified DVBE Subcontractors & S u p p l i e r s i n t h e f o l l o w i n g t r a d e s : L e a d C o m p l i a n c e , A r e a S i g n s , Tr a ff i c C o n t r o l , P C M S , C o l d P l a n i n g , T h e r m o p l a s t i c P a v e m e n t M a r k i n g & Tr a ff i c S t r i p e , P a v e m e n t M a r k e r, a n d Tr u c k i n g . Plans can be reviewed at Agency or our office. We w i l l p r o v i d e n e c e s s a r y a s s i s t a n c e . BALFOUR BEATTY INFRASTRUCTURE, INC. (A Union/Prevailing Wage Equal Opportunity Employer) 1050 Lakes Drive, Suite 200, West Covina, CA 91790 Phone: 909-770-7020 • Fax: 626-410-6670 License No. 664318 M AT I C H C O R P O R AT I O N • R O B E R T M AT I C H ( 9 0 9 ) 3 8 2 - 7 4 0 0 • F a x ( 9 0 9 ) 3 8 2 - 0 11 3 W E A R E A N E Q U A L O P P O R T U N I T Y E M P L O Y E R REQUEST FOR QUALIFIED DVBE SUBCONTRACTORS & SUPPLIERS FOR: REQUEST FOR QUALIFIED UDBE/DBE SUBCONTRACTORS & SUPPLIERS FOR: INVITATION TO BID TO: DVBE/ALL QUALIFIED SUBCONTRACTORS & SUPPLIERS WE WOULD APPRECIATE YOUR SUB-BID AND/OR MATERIAL QUOTE FOR THE FOLLOWING PROJECT: State of California Department of Transportation - Caltrans Shoulder Widening, HMA Overlay, Radar Sign and LED Crossing Systems CONSTRUCTION ON STATE HIGHWAY IN HUMBOLDT COUNTY IN HOOPA FROM LOOP ROAD TO 0.1 MILE WEST OF HOSTLER CREEK BRIDGE 04-294 Contract #: 01-493704 - Engineer’s Estimate: $2,270,000.00 BID DATE: 4/7/2015 @ 2 PM GOAL: 12% DBE State of California Department of Transportation - Caltrans Cold In-Place Recycle with HMA Overlay In Trinity County Near Peanut on Route 3 from Route 36 to 0.1 Mile North of Route 36 and on Route 36 from 0.2 Mile West of Route 3 to Shasta County Line Contract #: 02-4G1204 - Engineer’s Estimate: $4,930,000.00 BID DATE: 3/12/15 @ 2 PM GOAL: 3% DVBE J.F. Shea Construction is requesting quotes from all qualified subcontractors and suppliers including certified DVBE firms for all items of work, including but not limited to: LEAD COMPLIANCE PLAN; CONSTRUCTION AREA SIGNS; TRAFFIC CONTROL SYSTEM; PORTABLE CHANGEABLE MESSAGE SIGN (LS); JOB SITE MANAGEMENT; PREPARE WATER POLLUTION CONTROL PROGRAM; TREATED WOOD WASTE; REMOVE GUARDRAIL; REMOVE THERMOPLASTIC TRAFFIC STRIPE; REMOVE THERMOPLASTIC PAVEMENT MARKING; REMOVE PAVEMENT MARKER; RECONSTRUCT GUARDRAIL; RECONSTRUCT GUARDRAIL (7’ POST); COLD PLANE ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT; SHOULDER BACKING; COLD IN-PLACE RECYCLING; CEMENT (COLD IN-PLACE RECYCLING); EMULSIFIED RECYCLING AGENT (COLD IN-PLACE RECYCLING); ASPHALTIC EMULSION (COLD IN-PLACE RECYCLING); SAND COVER (COLD IN-PLACE RECYCLING); ASPHALTIC EMULSION (FOG SEAL COAT); PRE-PAVING INERTIAL PRPROFILER; PRE-PAVING GRINDING DAY; REPLACE ASPHALT CONCRETE SURFACING; HOT MIX ASPHALT (TYPE A); DATA CORE; PLACE HOT MIX ASPHALT (MISCELLANEOUS AREA); TACK COAT; MISCELLANEOUS IRON AND STEEL; GUARD RAILING DELINEATOR; OBJECT MARKER (TYPE L-1); TRANSITION RAILING (TYPE WB); END ANCHOR ASSEMBLY (TYPE SFT); THERMOPLASTIC PAVEMENT MARKING; THERMOPLASTIC TRAFFIC STRIPE (SPRAYABLE); TRAFFIC COUNT STATION. J.F. Shea Construction, Inc. is a union signatory contractor. Subcontractors must possess a current contractor ’s license, insurance coverage and worker ’s compensation for the entire length of the contract. All subcontractors will be required to sign our standard Subcontract Agreement. 100% payment and performance bonds may be required. Please call if you need assistance in obtaining insurance, bonding, equipment, materials and/or supplies. Plans and specifications can be viewed at our office located at 17400 Clear Creek Road, Redding, CA 96001 or call for any additional needed project information. J.F. Shea Construction Inc. intends to work cooperatively with all qualified firms seeking work on this project. We are an equal opportunity employer and will work with any interested subcontractor to identify opportunities to break items into economically feasible packages. Women and Minority Employees are encouraged to apply. J . F. S H E A C O N S T R U C T I O N , I N C . P. O . B o x 4 9 4 5 1 9 , R e d d i n g , C A 9 6 0 4 9 Phone: (530) 246-4292 • Fax: (530) 246-9940 An Equal Opportunity Employer R E Q U E S T F O R C E RT I F I E D D B E S U B C O N T R A C T O R S & S U P P L I E R S : ROUTE 8 WARING TO COLLEGE - CONTRACT NO. 11-405504 LOCATION: SAN DIEGO, CA OWNER: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (CALTRANS) BID DATE: MARCH 11, 2015 AT 2:00 P.M. DBE Goal - 12% Quotes requested for, but not limited to, the following types of work: • AC Dike • Aggregate Supply • Asphalt Paving • CIDH Pile • Clear & Grub • Cold Plane AC • Concrete Barrier • Concrete Supply • Construction Area Signs • Crack Treatment • Drill and Bond Dowel • Electrical • Erosion Control • Fence & Guardrail • Grind PCC • Haul & Dispose of Lead Soil • Joint Seal • Landscape & Irrigation • Materials Trucking • Minor Concrete • Miscellaneous Iron & Steel • Overhead Signs Panels • Pipe Supply • Railing • Reinforcing Steel • Roadside Signs • Striping Plans and specifications can be downloaded, at no cost from Caltrans at Additionally, plans and specifications are available at Flatiron’s San Marcos, CA and Chino Hills, CA offices. Please call to make an appointment to view plans and specifications. Assistance in obtaining bonding, lines of credit, insurance, technical assistance, equipment, supplies and materials is available upon request. Flatiron analyzes and considers each DBE quote, including those that are broken down into economically feasible units to facilitate bidding. Quotations must be valid for same duration as specified by owner for contract award. Bond Requirements: Notwithstanding any contrary language in a bid to Flatiron West, Inc. (”Flatiron”) or any prior course of dealing between Flatiron and a bidder, and unless waived in writing by Flatiron, Flatiron reserve the right, pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 4108 and otherwise, to require each bidder to provide payment and performance bonds assuring bidder’s obligations to Flatiron in the amount of 100 percent of the bid to Flatiron. Flatiron will reimburse the bond premium at actual cost not to exceed 3%. The surety on the bonds must be a California admitted surety. Non-DBE Subs/Suppliers: Indicate 2nd tier DBE participation offered on your quotation as it will be evaluated with your price. F L AT I R O N W E S T, I N C . 1 7 7 0 L a C o s t a M e a d o w s D r i v e , S a n M a rc o s , C A 9 2 0 7 8 Phone (760) 916-9075 • Fax (760) 471-4860 C o n t a c t : Ve ro n i c a G a rc i a , E s t i m a t i n g C o o rd i n a t o r- E m a i l : S D B i d s @ f l a t i ro n c o r p . c o m An Equal Opportunity Employer J.F. Shea Construction is requesting quotes from all qualified subcontractors and suppliers including certified UDBE/DBE firms for all items of work, including but not limited to: LEAD COMPLIANCE PLAN; CONSTRUCTION AREA SIGNS; TRAFFIC CONTROL SYSTEM; PORTABLE CHANGEABLE MESSAGE SIGN (LS); JOB SITE MANAGEMENT; PREPARE STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN; RAIN EVENT ACTION PLAN; STORM WATER SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS DAY; STORM WATER ANNUAL REPORT; TEMPORARY HYDROSEED; TEMPORARY DRAINAGE INLET PROTECTION; TEMPORARY FIBER ROLL; TEMPORARY GRAVEL BAG BERM; STREET SWEEPING; TEMPORARY CONCRETE WASHOUT; TEMPORARY FENCE (TYPE ESA); TREATED WOOD WASTE; ABANDON CULVERT (LF); REMOVE GUARDRAIL; REMOVE ROADSIDE SIGN; REMOVE INLET; REMOVE HEADWALL; RECONSTRUCT GUARDRAIL; ADJUST INLET; COLD PLANE ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT; CLEAN CULVERT; SAND BACKFILL; CLEARING AND GRUBBING (LS); ROADWAY EXCAVATION; SHOULDER BACKING; WOOD MULCH; HYDROSEED; CLASS 2 AGGREGATE BASE (CY); REPLACE ASPHALT CONCRETE SURFACING; HOT MIX ASPHALT (TYPE A); GEOSYNTHETIC PAVEMENT INTERLAYER (PAVING FABRIC); PLACE HOT MIX ASPHALT (MISCELLANEOUS AREA); TACK COAT; RAIL ELEMENT WALL; MINOR CONCRETE (MINOR STRUCTURE); MINOR CONCRETE (BACKFILL); FURNISH SINGLE SHEET ALUMINUM SIGN (0.063”-UNFRAMED); ROADSIDE SIGN - ONE POST; ROADSIDE SIGN - TWO POST; FURNISH SINGLE SHEET ALUMINUM SIGN (0.063”-UNFRAMED) FOR RETROREFLECTIVE SHEETING (TYPE XI); FURNISH SINGLE SHEET ALUMINUM SIGN (0.080”UNFRAMED) FOR RETROREFLECTIVE SHEETING (TYPE XI); FURNISH SINGLE SHEET ALUMINUM SIGN (0.063”-FRAMED) FOR RETROREFLECTIVE SHEETING (TYPE XI); FURNISH SINGLE SHEET ALUMINUM SIGN (0.080”-FRAMED) FOR RETROREFLECTIVE SHEETING (TYPE XI); RETROREFLECTIVE SHEETING TYPE XI); 18” PLASTIC PIPE; 12” REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE; 15” REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE; 18” CORRUGATED STEEL PIPE (.109” THICK); 17” X 13” CORRUGATED STEEL PIPE ARCH (.079” THICK); 18” STEEL FLARED END SECTION; 12” CONCRETE FLARED END SECTION; 15: CONCRETE FLARED END SECTION; 17” X 13” STEEL FLARED END PIPE ARCH SECTION; 36” PRECAST CONCRETE PIPE INLET; MINOR CONCRETE (CURB) (LF); DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE; MISCELLANEOUS IRON AND STEEL; MILEPOST MARKER; MARKER (CULVERT); OBJECT MARKER (TYPE P); OBJECT MARKER (TYPE L-1); OBJECT MARKER (TYPE L-2); VEGETATION CONTROL (MINOR CONCRETE); CONCRETE BARRIER (SPECIAL); TRANSITION RAILING (TYPE WB-SPECIAL); ALTERNATIVE IN-LINE TERMINAL SYSTEM; 4” THERMOPLASTIC TRAFFIC STRIPE (ENHANCED WET NIGHT VISIBILITY) (BROKEN 18-12); 4” THERMOPLASTIC TRAFFIC STRIPE (ENHANCED WET NIGHT VISIBILITY); 4” THERMOPLASTIC TRAFFIC STRIPE (ENHANCED WET NIGHT VISIBILITY) (BROKEN 12-3); 4” THERMOPLASTIC TRAFFIC STRIPE (ENHANCED WET NIGHT VISIBILITY) (BROKEN 36-12); 8” THERMOPLASTIC TRAFFIC STRIPE (ENHANCED WET NIGHT VISIBILITY); THERMOPLASTIC CROSSWALK AND PAVEMENT MARKING (ENHANCED WET NIGHT VISIBILITY) PAVEMENT MARKER (RETROREFLECTIVE); LED CROSSWALK SIGN SYSTEM; RADAR SPEED FEEDBACK SIGN SYSTEM; MOBILIZATION. J.F. Shea Construction, Inc. is a union signatory contractor. Subcontractors must possess a current contractor’s license, insurance coverage and worker’s compensation for the entire length of the contract. All subcontractors will be required to sign our standard Subcontract Agreement. 100% payment and performance bonds may be required. Please call if you need assistance in obtaining insurance, bonding, equipment, materials and/or supplies. Plans and specifications can be viewed at our office located at 17400 Clear Creek Road, Redding, CA 96001 or call for any additional needed project information. J.F. Shea Construction Inc. intends to work cooperatively with all qualified firms seeking work on this project. We are an equal opportunity employer and will work with any interested subcontractor to identify opportunities to break items into economically feasible packages. Women and Minority Employees are encouraged to apply. J.F. SHEA CONSTRUCTION, INC. P.O. Box 494519, Redding, CA 96049 Phone: (530) 246-4292 • Fax: (530) 246-9940 An Equal Opportunity Employer Sub Bids Requested From Qualified (DBE) Subs and Suppliers FOR: CITY OF BELLFLOWER FLOWER STREET PAVEMENT PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS 13/14-01, FEDERAL PROJECT STPL-5348(028) BID DATE: MARCH 11, 2015 @ 11:00 AM (POSTPONED FROM MARCH 5, 2015 @ 11:00 AM) TRADES REQUESTED (but not limited to): COLD MILLING, ELECTRICAL, FENCING - CHAIN LINK, MANHOLE-ADJUSTING, RETAINING WALL, ROOT PRUNE/BARRIER, STRIPING/MARKING, SURVEY, EQUIPMENT RENTALS, MATERIALS AND TRUCKING S U L LY- M I L L E R C O N T R A C T I N G C O M PA N Y An Equal Opportunity Employer License No. 747612A, C-10 135 S. State College Boulevard, Suite 400, Brea, CA 92821 Phone: (714) 578-9600 • Fax: (714) 578-9672 Contact: Estimating Department Plans, specifications and project requirements are available on the Sully-Miller web site at Plans, specification and project requirements are available at City of Bellflower, Public Works Department, at the Public Works Maintenance Yard, 9944 Flora Vista Street, Bellflower, CA 90706. Sully-Miller is willing to set aside any portion of work, no matter how small to encourage (DBE) participation. If you require information regarding assistance in obtaining bonding, insurance, credit, equipment, supplies, materials, or related services, please call our office. REQUEST FOR SUB-BIDS Los Angeles Engineering, Inc. is requesting sub-bids from certified DVBE Firms for the following Work: CONCRETE, STRIPING, TRAFFIC CONTROL, DRILL AND BOND, JOINT SEAL, BASE BOND BREAKER OWNER: CALTRANS PROJECT: REPLACE CONCRETE WITH RAPID STRENGTH BIDS: MARCH 17, 2015 AT 2:00 PM Plans, specifications and requirements for the work are available for review in our office at 633 N. Barranca Ave., Covina, CA 91723, Mon-Fri 8:00 am - 5:00 pm, or by Owner at: Caltrans ( Los Angeles Engineering, Inc. will provide information to interested business enterprises including DVBE’s in obtaining bonding, lines of credit, and insurance required by the Owner or Los Angeles Engineering, Inc. upon request. Los Angeles Engineering will assist interested business enterprises including DVBE’s in obtaining necessary equipment, supplies, materials or related assistance. Bonds may be required for subcontracts over $100,000.00. For technical assistance related to plans, specifications, and requirements for the work call Joseph Haygood at 626-454-5222 Ext. 208, email at . In accordance with California Public Contract Code Section 4108 amended January 01, 1992, all subcontracts will be awarded on Los Angeles Engineering, Inc. standard form of subcontract and may include the requirement to provide a Payment and Performance Bond from a T-Listed Surety. We will pay premium up to 1.5% of Bid Amount. For additional information contact Joseph Haygood at (626) 454-5222 Ext. 208. Los Angeles Engineering, Inc. 633 N. Barranca Ave., Covina, CA 91723 (626) 454-5222 x208 • Fax (626) 454-5226 Contractor’s License No. 591176 100% Payment and Performance Bonds May Be Required REQUEST FOR QUALIFIED DVBE AND SMALL BUSINESS SUBCONTRACTORS & SUPPLIERS FOR: INVITATION TO BID TO: DVBE AND SMALL BUSINESS/ALL QUALIFIED SUBCONTRACTORS & SUPPLIERS WE WOULD APPRECIATE YOUR SUB-BID AND/OR MATERIAL QUOTE FOR THE FOLLOWING PROJECT: State of California Department of Transportation - Caltrans Replace AC Surfacing IN HUMBOLDT AND MENDOCINO COUNTIES AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS Contract #: 01-0E3904 - Engineer’s Estimate: $810,000.00 BID DATE: 3/24/15 @ 2 PM GOAL: 5% DVBE J.F. Shea Construction is requesting quotes from all qualified subcontractors and suppliers including certified DVBE and Small Business firms for all items of work, including but not limited to: LEAD COMPLIANCE PLAN; CONSTRUCTION AREA SIGNS; TRAFFIC CONTROL SYSTEM; PORTABLE CHANGEABLE MESSAGE SIGN (LS); JOB SITE MANAGEMENT; PREPARE WATER POLLUTION CONTROL PROGRAM; REPLACE ASPHALT CONCRETE SURFACING; SHOULDER RUMBLE TRIP (HMA, GROUND-IN INDENTATIONS); CENTERLINE RUMBLE STRIP (HMA, GROUND-IN INDENTATIONS); 4” THERMOPLASTIC TRAFFIC STRIPE; 8” THERMOPLASTIC TRAFFIC STRIPE; THERMOPLASTIC PAVEMENT MARKING; 4” THERMOPLASTIC TRAFFIC STRIPE (BROKEN 36-12); PAVEMENT MARKER (NON-REFLECTIVE); PAVEMENT MARKER (RETROREFLECTIVE); PAVEMENT MARKER (RETROREFLECTIVE-RECESSED). J.F. Shea Construction, Inc. is a union signatory contractor. Subcontractors must possess a current contractor’s license, insurance coverage and worker’s compensation for the entire length of the contract. All subcontractors will be required to sign our standard Subcontract Agreement. 100% payment and performance bonds may be required. Please call if you need assistance in obtaining insurance, bonding, equipment, materials and/or supplies. Plans and specifications can be viewed at our office located at 17400 Clear Creek Road, Redding, CA 96001 or call for any additional needed project information. J.F. Shea Construction Inc. intends to work cooperatively with all qualified firms seeking work on this project. We are an equal opportunity employer and will work with any interested subcontractor to identify opportunities to break items into economically feasible packages. Women and Minority Employees are encouraged to apply. J.F. SHEA CONSTRUCTION, INC. P.O. Box 494519, Redding, CA 96049 Phone: (530) 246-4292 • Fax: (530) 246-9940 An Equal Opportunity Employer RAMONA PAVING & CONSTRUCTION CORP. Requests Quotes From Qualified DVBE Subcontractors and/or Suppliers for the Following Project: COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO - OLD HWY 395 NEAR VALLEY CENTER AND DE LUZ RD. NEAR FALLBROOK, MILLING EXISTING AC PROJECT NO. J19615 BID DATE/TIME: MARCH 11, 2015 - 2:00 PM Please respond by: March 9, 2015 - 10:00 am Seeking DVBE Subcontractors for: • Asphalt Materials • Trucking • Striping • Traffic Loops • Traffic Controls Plans and Specs are available at no cost by contacting our office. Assistance is available for obtaining bonding, lines of credit, insurance. Assistance also available for obtaining necessary equipment, supplies, or materials. For more information contact: RAMONA PAVING & CONSTRUCTION CORP. Jess Libsack 1303 Olive Street, Ramona, CA 92065 (760) 788-2847 • Fax (760) 789-9935 E q u a l O p p o r t u n i t y E m p l o y e r Orion Construction Corporation is soliciting bids for: T H E C A R L S B A D M U N I C I PA L WAT E R D I S T R I C T R E C Y C L E D WAT E R P H A S E I I I P I P E L I N E E X PA N S I O N S E G M E N T N O . 1 A & 7 (CONTRACT NO. 52081) B I D D AT E / T I M E : M A R C H 2 4 , 2 0 1 5 @ 2 : 0 0 P M We are requesting solicitations from the following DBE/MBE/WBE/SBE/SBRA/LSAF/HUB subcontractors and suppliers: AC Paving, Striping, Trenchless Pipe Installation, Traffic Control, Piping Materials, Aggregates, Trucking, Saw Cutting. Plans, specifications and project requirements are available at no cost and may be viewed at our office at 2185 La Mirada Drive, Vista, CA 92081. Orion Construction Corporation is willing to set aside any portion of work, no matter how small, to encourage DBE/MBE/WBE/SBE/SBRA/LSAF/HUB participation. We encourage DBEs to team with other DBE firms if the scope of work is too large to handle individually. If the DBE awards subcontracts, they are required to take the 6 affirmative Good Faith Effort steps. Assistance will be made available to help selected firms in obtaining equipment, supplies, materials, bonding, lines of credit, and insurance. Interested bidders, please contact the Orion Construction estimating department at 760-597-9660. Orion Construction Corporation An Equal Opportunity Employer 2185 La Mirada Drive, Vista, CA 92081 License No.: 549309 Phone: (760) 597-9660 • Fax: (760) 597-9661 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Sub Bids Requested From Qualified (SBE/VSBE) Subs and Suppliers FOR: PORT OF LONG BEACH CUTOFF WALL AND PAVEMENT REHABILITATION AT PIER F, BERTH 203-206 SPECIFICATIONS HD-S2470 BID DATE: MAY 19, 2015 @ 9:59 AM (POSTPONED FROM MARCH 10, 2015 @ 9:59 AM) TRADES REQUESTED (but not limited to): COLD MILLING, FIBER OPTIC PROTECTION, PRESSURE GROUT CUTOFF WALL, PULVERIZATION, SOIL TESTING, SURVEY, SWPPP, UTILITIES ADJUSTING, EQUIPMENT RENTALS, MATERIALS AND TRUCKING S U L LY- M I L L E R C O N T R A C T I N G C O M PA N Y An Equal Opportunity Employer License No. 747612A, C-10 1 3 5 S . S t a t e C o l l e g e B o u l e v a rd , S u i t e 4 0 0 , B re a , C A 9 2 8 2 1 Phone: (714) 578-9600 • Fax: (714) 578-9672 Contact: Estimating Department Plans, specifications and project requirements are available on the Sully-Miller web site at Plans, specification and project requirements are available at Port of Long Beach, Interim Administrative Office Building, Plans and Specifications Office, 4th Floor, 401 Airport Plaza, Long Beach, CA 90815. Sully-Miller is willing to set aside any portion of work, no matter how small to encourage (SBE/VSBE) participation. If you require information regarding assistance in obtaining bonding, insurance, credit, equipment, supplies, materials, or related services, please call our office. 100% Payment and Performance Bonds May Be Required 11555 Dublin Blvd., P.O. Box 2909 Dublin, CA 94568-2909 (925) 829-9220 • Fax (925) 803-4263 Contractors License No. 704195A DESILVA GA TES Construction Desilva Gates Construction Is requesting Qualified DBE (Disadvantaged Business Enterprises) subcontractors/suppliers for the following Project: PROJECT: 2014 OVERLAY PROJECT - Federal Aid Project No. STPL-5029(033) OWNER: CITY OF REDWOOD CITY - City Hall, 1017 Middlefield Rd., Redwood City, CA BID DATE: MARCH 17, 2015 @ 3:00 P.M. ESTIMATOR: VICTOR LE We hereby encourage responsible participation of local Disadvantaged Business Enterprises, and solicit their subcontractor or materials and/or suppliers quotation for the following types of work including but not limited to: ADJUST IRON, LOOP DETECTORS, PAVEMENT REINFORCING FABRIC, MINOR CONCRETE, STRIPING, TRUCKING, WATER TRUCKS, STREET SWEEPING, HOT MIX ASPHALT (TYPE A) MATERIAL. 100% Performance and Payment Bonds may be required for full amounts of the subcontract price. Surety company will have to be approved by DeSilva Gates Construction. DeSilva Gates Construction will pay bond premium up to 2%. Subcontractors must possess current insurance and worker’s compensation coverage meeting DeSilva Gates Construction’s requirements. Please call if you need assistance in obtaining bonding, insurance, equipment, materials and/or supplies. Plans and specifications are available for review at our Dublin office. Dalke & Sons Construction, Inc. REQUEST FOR SUB BIDS FROM QUALIFIED MBE/WBE/DBE/DVBE/SBE/UDBE SUBCONTRACTORS AND/OR SUPPLIERS F O R T H E F O L L O W I N G P R O J E C T: VALLE VISTA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL BUILDING RENOVATIONS - BID CATEGORY 4 RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA PROJECT NO. 2014-0138-0 BID DATE/TIME: THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 2015 @ 2:00 PM Please respond by: Wednesday, March 25, 2015 Plans can be viewed at: h t t p : / / w w w. d a l k e a n d s o n s . c o m / b i d s . h t m . Dalke & Sons Construction, Inc. Contact: Kevin Rounsaville 4585 Allstate Drive • Riverside, CA 92501 (951) 274-9880 • Fax (951) 274-0319 A N E Q U A L O P P O R T U N I T Y E M P L O Y E R Shimmick Construction Company, Inc. is Prime Contractor seeking quotes from certified Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs) Subcontractors/Suppliers for the following project: City of Carlsbad, Agua Hedionda Sewer Lift Station, Vista/Carlsbad Interceptor Sewer Reaches VC-11B-VC15, & Recycled Water Line CONTRACT NO. PWS13-40UTIL Bid Date and Time: April 1, 2015 @ 2:00 pm Subcontractors/Suppliers Requested for, but not limited to, the following: Demolition, Asbestos Pipe Removal, Earthwork, Dewatering, Micro-Tunneling, Directional Boring, Underground Utilities, Minor, Rebar, Masonry Block Wall, Structural Steel, Misc. Metals, Electrical, HVAC and Mechanical, Pipe, Pumps and Grinder Suppliers. Items of work may be broken down into economically feasible packages to encourage participation. Shimmick Construction intends to conduct itself in good faith with all firms for participation on this project. Shimmick Construction Company, Inc. 16481 Scientific Way - Irvine, CA 92618 Phone (949) 333-1500, FAX (949) 333-1510 For additional project information or to discuss obtaining necessary equipment, supplies, and/or materials please contact Mark Zhang, (949) 333-1500 x504 for additional contract assistance please contact Trina Clay,, (949) 333-1500 x517. Contract documents are available at: Plans, various supplemental provisions, and contract documents are available in digital format only and may be downloaded for the bidder’s convenience at no cost from the City’s web site: Shimmick has also made plans and specifications available through our SmartBidNet program, please contact Trina Clay at for access to these documents. If you require additional assistance with plans, specification or requirements of the contract please contact Trina Clay at or (949) 333.1517. Any bid submitted will confirm the acceptance of the terms and conditions of SCCI’s Standard Long Form Subcontract, available upon request. A Subcontractor providing a proposed bid/price will be viewed as accepting SCCI’s Standard Long Form Subcontract. 100% Performance and Payment bonds with a surety company acceptable to of Shimmick Construction are required of subcontractors. Shimmick Construction will pay bond premium up to 1.0%. Subcontractors will be required to abide by terms and conditions of the AGC Master Labor Agreements and to execute an agreement utilizing the latest Shimmick Construction Standard Long Form Subcontract incorporating prime contract terms and conditions, including payment provisionssubcontract draft copy available upon request. Subcontractor must provide insurance coverage for their work as required by the Prime contract or Shimmick minimum - whichever is greatest. Shimmick’s minimum insurance requirement is: General Liability $1M-Per Occurrance/$2M-Agg/$2M-Completed Operations; Excess Liability $5M; Auto Liability $1M; Workers Comp & Employer Liability $1M. Shimmick Construction’s listing of a Subcontractor is not to be construed as an acceptance of all of the Subcontractor’s conditions or exceptions included with the Subcontractor’s price quote. Shimmick requires that Subcontractor and Supplier price quotes be provided at a reasonable time prior to the bid deadline to enable a complete evaluation. For assistance with bonding, insurance or lines of credit contact Scott Fairgrieve at (510) 777-5000. S h i m m i c k C o n s t r u c t i o n C o m p a n y, I n c . i s A n E q u a l O p p o r t u n i t y E m p l o y e r OHL USA, INC. REQUESTING SUB-BIDS ON ALL TRADES From Qualified Subcontractors & Suppliers, expressly DBE For the following City of Carlsbad Project: #PWS13-4OUTIL - AGUA HEDIONDA SEWER LIFT STATION PROJECT Bids requested for (but not limited to), asphalt paving, backfill, clear & grub, demo, dewatering, electrical, engineering design, erosion control, excavation, fencing, irrigation, landscaping, mechanical, misc. concrete, painting, pipe supply, plumbing, ready mix, rebar, road signs, SCADA, security, signage, specialties, steel structures, storm drain, striping, traffic control, trucking, tunneling. BIDS: WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1, 2015 AT 2:00 PM BIDS DUE BEFORE: APRIL 1, 2015 AT 1:00 PM Plans & Specs are available at OHL offices from 7:00 am - 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday at: OHL USA, INC. is an AAE/EOE 1920 Main St., Suite 310, Irvine, CA 92614 Phone: 949-242-4432 • Fax: 949-231-1255/949-231-1256 Or anytime at the DropBox Link below: https/ Contact: OHL USA Estimating Department. - Craig Huss 100% BONDING MAY BE REQUIRED FOR ALL SUBCONTRACTORS. ASSISTANCE AVAILABLE IN OBTAINING BONDS, LINES OF CREDIT, INSURANCE, NECESSARY EQUIPMENT & TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE.. OHL USA, INC. INTENDS TO CONDUCT ITSELF IN “GOOD FAITH” WITH ALL CATEGORIES OF DISADVANTAGED, SMALL, MINORITY AND WOMEN FIRMS REGARDING PARTICIPATION ON THIS PROJECT. THEREFORE PLEASE SEND YOUR CERTIFICATIONS PRIOR TO QUOTES. PLEASE RESPOND BACK VIA EMAIL or FAX (include ANY DISADVANTAGE CERTIFICATE and/or applicable certifications issued and validated by pertinent agencies) EMAIL: Craig Huss at, FAX: (949) 231-1255/(949) 231-1256 VALENTINE CORPORATION 111 P e l i c a n Wa y, S a n R a f a e l , C A 9 4 9 0 1 Request for Qualified MBE/WBE/DBE/DVBE/SBE/UDBE Subcontractors and/or Suppliers for the Following Project: 2015 EMERGENCY SLIDE REPAIR PROJECT LUCAS VALLEY RD. @ MP 1.66 SAN RAFAEL - PROJECT NO. 2015-11 BID DATE/TIME: MARCH 19, 2015 @ 2:00 PM Please respond by: March 19, 2015 @ 1:00 pm Valentine Corporation will be bidding the above referenced project as a general contractor. Your firm is invited to submit a sub bid in your area of expertise. Plans and specifications are available in our office for review. Our estimating team will be available before the date of the bid should you have any questions or require technical assistance. Areas of work that we require sub bids for are as follows: Requesting MBE/WBE/DBE/DVBE/SBE/UDBE Subcontractors and/or Suppliers For, But Not Limited To: Concrete Grinding, Traffic Control, Signage, CIDH, AC, Thermoplastic Striping, SWPPP. We look forward to receiving your written quotation via facsimile on or before the date of bid. It is the policy of Valentine Corporation to encourage the utilization of MBE/WBE/DBE/DVBE/UDBE firms at all levels of construction contracting. Valentine Corporation may require a Performance and Payment Bond. If so, the bond premium will be paid for by Valentine Corporation. We will contact you prior to the date of the bid to discuss this project with you. For more information regarding this project call: Va l e n t i n e C o r p o r a t i o n • L i s a D a v i s Phone 415-453-3732 ext. #10 • Fax 415-457-5820 E q u a l O p p o r t u n i t y E m p l o y e r