Graceful Greetings Newsletter - Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church


Graceful Greetings Newsletter - Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church
Visit us on the web at
Church Office: 610.948.3684; Fax: 610.948.3304
Office Hours: Monday-Friday; 8:30am-noon & 12:30– 2:30pm
IS Mon., March 16th
Growing Together Through God’s Grace
March 2015
Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church
The Reverend Paul H. Neff &
The Reverend Janelle L. Krais, Pastors
Located at 6th Avenue & Main Street
594 Church Street - 1stFl. (Office & Mailing)
Royersford, PA 19468
March 2015 Issue
Graceful Greetings
Worship Times: Sundays — 8:00 AM Traditional Service
9:00 AM Faith Full Families Service (in Social Hall)
& 10:45 AM Contemporary Service
Palm Sunday - The Passion
Sun., March 29, 2015 - 8:00 & 10:45am
Procession and Blessing of the Palms
Passion Reading, Holy Communion
9:00am Faith Full Families Service
9:30am - Sunday School Easter Egg Hunt
Maundy Thursday—April 2, 2015 at 7:30pm—
Public Confession, Holy Communion & Stripping of the Altar
Good Friday—April 3, 2015 at 7:30pm—Sanctuary
Service of Tenebrae & Seven Last Words of Jesus
8:00 AND 10:45 A.M.
And Faith Full Families Service at 9:00
Parent day in Sunday school! Every first Sunday of the
month, parents are invited to join & participate in their
child's Sunday school classroom! Mark your first Sunday's
now & plan on joining us!
Join us for our Wednesday evening Lenten series:
Heaven is For Real. Together, we’ll watch the movie & discuss this
story of a small-town father who must find the courage to share his
son’s extraordinary, life-changing experience of visiting heaven during
a near death experience. Dinner begins at 6:30; devotions & movie
discussion at 7:00 in the social hall. This is a great opportunity to meet
new friends at Grace and discuss thought-provoking questions about
heaven, faith & courage. All are welcome to come explore this story of
hope & love - bring a friend!
Meals will be provided this year by local restaurants. Please plan on
giving $5 per person (not to exceed $10 per family) to cover costs.
Child care will be provided for children through kindergarten in the
Childcare Center, Rm. E04. Children in 1st-6th grade will engage in
activities & crafts that teach us how to live a life of faith in Jesus (in the
All Purpose Room). Youth grades 9-12 are invited to participate in the
adult study or the youth led Bible study (in the parlor). Confirmation
students may join adults or help assist with the children.
A Lenten offering will be received, with half going to the Youth for
the National Youth Gathering and half going to our missionaries Stephen
& Marta Deal.
Topics for Adult Study: Feb 25: Heaven is For Real- movie, part 1
Mar 4: Movie, part 2;
Mar 11: What is Heaven?;
Mar 18: What is Faith?
Mar 25 : What is Courage?
The first 2 weeks all children are invited to watch the movie; weeks
3-5, there will be special children’s programs.
Prayer Chain Reminder - Please contact Jan Slack
(prayer chain coordinator), 610-948-3539 or with your prayer concerns for the
Prayer List. The weekly Ledger prayers will be kept to the
new, more short term & immediate prayer needs of the
church & community.
Prayer Lists are available on the back windowsill in the Narthex & in
the pew racks. Please take a list home with you to enhance your daily
devotions & prayer life; also use it to help you prepare your heart for
worship with prayer. Prayer lists name our concerns & thanksgivings
and are a way to stay connected to God & to the needs of others.
Sun., March 1—2nd Sunday of Lent
8:00am Traditional Worship
9:00am Faith Full Families
9:30am Sunday School for all ages/Adult HC Leaders Mtg.: SH
10:45am Contemporary Worship
Tues., March 3—Council Reports Due
3/6-3/8—Harvey Cedars Weekend
Sat., March 7—Prayer Vigil, 10AM-4PM: Sanctuary
Sun., March 8—3rd Sunday of Lent/Girl Scout Sunday
8:00am Traditional Worship
9:00am Faith Full Families
9:30am Sunday School for all ages
10:45am Contemporary Worship
Tues., March 10—7:00PM Council Meeting: Parlor
Sun., March15—4th Sunday of Lent/Baptism Sunday
8:00am Traditional Worship
9:00am Faith Full Families
9:30am Sunday School for all ages
10:45am Contemporary Worship
Noon National Youth Gathering Meeting: Parlor
Noon New Member Lunch: Social Hall
6-8PM Youth Game Night: Social Hall
Mon., March 16—March 2015 Newsletter Articles Due
Sun., March 22—6th Sunday in Lent
8:00am Traditional Worship
9:00am Faith Full Families
9:30am Sunday School for all ages
10:45am Contemporary Worship
Sun., March 29—Palm Sunday
8:00am Traditional Worship
9:00am Faith Full Families
9:30am Sunday School for all ages
10:45am Contemporary Worship
Noon New Member Lunch: Social Hall
Do you TWITTER? You can sign up for Grace ministry
update & announcement tweets by visiting our home page at
Main Street Connections - It’s been a c-c-c-c-old winter,
but hearts are warm at Main Street Connections! We gather
on Monday evenings from 7-8 pm at The Main Street Café in
Royersford to share ideas, conversation, and refreshments!
This outreach is open to the entire Spring-Ford community –
bring a friend!
Faith First: The Wednesday morning breakfast & devotions
group will not meet until April 8th. During March, come join
Grace’s Lenten dinner & study every Wednesday at 6:30pm.
Holy Grounds: This month, the Thursday morning bible
Study will be reading & discussing Ephesians and Colossians.
Come learn what these letters teach us today! We meet in the
parlor from 9:30-11:00 am. See you there!
Pastor’s Points by Pastor Krais
Lent is here and I’ve begun to pray daily through those little
purple prayer strips that we’ve been filling out in worship on Sunday
mornings. I have integrated this into my prayers so that this is the first
thing I do as I get into the office each day. (OK, I admit, I’ve been
turning on the portable heater first- then, I begin praying for you!) I
didn’t mean for this to become one of my Lenten disciplines, but it has.
And to my surprise, it quickly became one of the most meaningful
Lenten practices I’ve ever engaged in.
Through these prayer strips, I’m learning that we share many of
the same concerns - particularly the health of ourselves and loved ones.
I’m also learning that you have hearts that are very open to people and
places whom you barely know, but you feel compassion for in the midst
of their suffering. I have been touched deeply by the longings that you
are bringing to God and I admire your courage and honesty. Your
prayers have also given thanks to God for blessings that have been lifechanging and blessings that have been quite small, but significant to
you, nonetheless.
I thank you for sharing your prayers with me. I am praying
along with you and I am grateful that God has placed me here to pray
and grow in faith with you. May God bless you in Lent with his grace
and love.
Adult Sunday School Join us Sunday mornings 9:30-10:30AM.
People of the Bible - Get to know these people (who may
just sound a bit more familiar than you’d think!) Come learn
and be surprised at who they are, what they did, and how
they relate to our lives. Led by Dr. Judy Stryker; Lower level
of church—room 6 (library)
PRISM - Where is God in today’s world? Where is God in
your life? Join us to discuss current headlines–from the news & your
life! Led by Mr. Richard Harshaw; Lower level of church—room 4
(choir room)
Faith Journeys - Why is grace so amazing? Join us to explore
questions of faith. This is a great place to learn about scripture,
Lutheran teachings, and make friends! Led by Pastor Krais; parlor
(lower level of church, room 5)
Children are welcome in all of our worship services at Grace!
The Tot Spot, lovingly & skillfully supervised by Mrs. Ellen Jones, will
be open on Sunday mornings during both services, for parents who are
worshipping with us. Volunteers are still needed to provide
support for our childcare center. If you would like to help,
please contact Laurie Fodor at
What a wonderful way to serve the Lord and our little ones!
Children’s Church is offered to children in kindergarten 2nd grade during the 10:45 worship service. Children’s Church is run
by volunteers who do stories and games & crafts during the lessons and
sermon time. Interested children should go with the volunteer waiting
in the narthex, immediately following the children’s sermon and will be
returned to parents in the sanctuary during the prayers. Parents –
please make sure your child is in the age-appropriate place!
New member lunch gatherings begin on Sunday,
March 15th. If you are interested in joining Grace
this Spring, please contact Pastor Krais at or 610-948-3684. We
are growing together through God’s grace!
Coming this Spring… a one day mini-retreat for
couples at Grace! Couples of all ages and length
of relationship are invited to join us on Saturday,
April 25th from 9 am- 3pm. This fun & meaningful
day is designed to get you talking with each other, finding points of
appreciation & visioning into the future as a couple. Childcare will be
provided by the youth. Retreat led by Pastor Krais. Save the date!
Come join the Caring Crafters on Wednesdays,
9:30 - 11:30AM. We’re open for new members at all
times! If you have a Wednesday morning free come
join us for card making, prayer blanket/shawl making, small gift
making & prayer. All skill levels accepted! Any questions or concern?
Sue Perry 610-495-8587 or
Important Church News - Please know that the Y school at Grace will
be closing by Aug., 31, 2015. This was a Y decision. This means that
Grace will not have $22,000 of rent for Sept. through Dec. and a loss of
rent of more than $65,000 for 2016. At the present time the Church
Council is looking at ways to adjust for the loss of income for this year,
as well as looking at new opportunities to rent and use the building in
the future. Please pray for the families, children and staff of the Y and
for Grace Lutheran during this time of transition.
Upper Montgomery Conference - First Tuesday BIBLE STUDIES
March 3rd, 10a.m. (Coffee & treats 9:30a.m.) at St. Mark’s Lutheran
Church; 81 N. Main St., Pennsburg.
Theme: Transforming Life & Faith
Presenter: Elaine Strimpel
Suffering & Endurance
High school youth, 9-12th graders meet the 1st & 3rd
Tuesday of each month, from 6:30-8:30pm, at different
fun locations. Next meeting is 3/3 at Veekoo Asian
Cuisine (next to Corner Café/behind Giant), 3/17 at
Dickey’s BBQ Pit (in DQ Plaza) & 3/31 Laser Tag 6:30-8:30pm, at
Arnold’s in Oaks, RSVP with $20 by 3/17 to Kelsey.
Upper Elementary Youth Group, 4th–6th grade, will meet 3/14,
from 6-8pm, in the Parlor. Come join the fun!!
Lower Elementary Youth Group, 1st-3rd grade, will be changing its
meeting to only the 4th Sunday of every month, at noon, in the Social
Hall, starting March.
Middle school youth group: During the weeks of lent they’re
welcome to attend Wednesday night and either attend the Bible Study
with the pastors or help with the children's bible study.
RENT-A-KID...It’s time to think about scheduling some youth to help
with that “to do” list that you’ve been putting off . The hard working
teenagers are raising money for our trip to Detroit, to attend the
National Youth Gathering. The typical donation is $10/hour of service
and youth are rented in pairs. We appreciate your support. Jobs are to
be completed between now & June 1st. Please call the church office for
a list of names & numbers of youth available for rental.
Grace Lutheran Evangelical Church
Grace Lutheran Youth Group
“Like” us to see recent news & events
Grace Lutheran Church Scholarship Forms for
Bear Creek Camp are available on the Camp
table at the 6th Ave., church entrance or in the
Church Office. To be considered for a BCC
Summer Camp Scholarship from Grace, fill out the form & submit it to
the church office, by Aug. 31st. Scholarships will be awarded in the
fall; amounts awarded depend on scholarship money available &
number of applications received. Only one church scholarship per
camper, per year will be awarded. Checks will be mailed directly to the
address listed on the form, sometime in the fall.
Meaningful Worship
Memories/Old Stuff Day
Our country/ National Anthem Day
GIs/Hug a GI Day
The BIBLE/Bible Study Day
Grace’s Dentists/Dentist’s Day
Prayer / Prayer Vigil
Federal employees / National Recognition Week
Farmers/Farmer Day
Those suffering with AIDS/HIV/Awareness Day
Grace’s musicians / Music in Our Schools Month
Apples/Johnny Appleseed Day
Girl Scouts / Founded 1912
Good food/Popcorn Lover’s Day
Butterflies/ Learn About Butterflies Day
Social workers. / Professional Social Work Month
The Irish. / St. Patrick’s Day
Farming/National Agriculture Day
Scientists. / Science Month
Those suffering from hemophilia/Hemophilia Month
The Seasons/Spring Equinox
Singers/ National Sing Out Day
Workers/National Goof Off Day
Treats/National Chocolate Covered Raisin Day
Safety/ Poison Prevention Awareness Month
Those with Rosacea /Awareness Month
Enjoying Spring / Fly A Kite Day
The Caring Crafters / Craft Month
People suffering from Hemophilia. / Hemophilia Month
Grace’s Doctors / Doctor’s Day
Vietnam veterans. / The first combat troops ordered into Vietnam
in 1965.
The monthly newsletter & church info is always available, anytime,
on our website at
We are in the midst of Lent and a big part of Lenten disciplines have to do
with prayer. Lent is the time to draw yourself closer to God. The best way
is by prayer. Have the 2 way conversation with a lot of listening. I came
across a blog by Jennifer Gerhardt, who calls herself a God Scout. She
lives in Round Rock, TX (just north of Austin) with her husband & favorite
person, Justin Gerhardt, preaching minister at Round Rock Church of
Christ. She has a list of 51 prayer starters. I will list the first 10. Google her
to find the rest of the list. Try using these this Lenten season:
“1. Pray The Lord’s Prayer. Pray it on loop until you mean it. Elaborate as you
2. Pray the Psalms. Read a few and highlight phrases you want to repeat to God.
When you’re done picking out phrases, read the highlighted passages in praise
to God. Personalize them.
3. Pray for your family. Begin closest to you and work your way out. Don’t just
say their names. Think about what they need, what God’s vision for them might
be. Pray until you can’t think of another family member.
4. Pray the house. Walk through the rooms in your house praying in each one.
In the living room, pray for the moments you spend there, pray for the people
who sit on your couch and the conversations you’ll have. Pray in the bedroom
for good sleep, for peace. Go ahead and pray the bathroom, too. Why not? :)
5. Pray your church directory. Get it out and pray over each name inside,
offering up petition and thanksgiving.
6. Pray the books in your library. Pray for every living author represented. Pray
that more people would read books that have changed you. Pray that the truths
in those books would continue to shape you.
7. Pray your Facebook feed. Pray for the people represented, the issues
discussed, any groups/movements/efforts you support. Facebook is oftentimes
a reflection of what you care about. It only makes sense to pray over it. While
you’re there, you might pray for wisdom as you post.
8. Pray Instagram. This is one of my favorite ways to offer Thanksgiving. I pray
over every moment represented in the pictures and thank God for the people,
places, and events He’s putting in my life.
9. Pray your goals. Make a list and pray over it, asking God to grow, stretch and
challenge you in these directions. Be sure to make at least some of the goals
spiritual maturity markers.
10. Pray your favorite passage of scripture. Read it and either ask God to do
what He’s promised to do or thank Him for the blessing communicated there.”
Sue Perry
MARCH 2015 Worship Assistants
Communion Asst.:
3/1: 8:00 Keith Meitzler & Cindy Henson
10:45 Sue Vukovich, Darrell Lewis, Bob Mull & John Snyder
3/8: 8:00 Carly Bauer & Diane Webb
10:45 Mary DeAlba, David Bauer, Shawn & Margie Alloway
3/15: 8:00 Dave Fritz & Mike Bauer
10:45 Carol Marchesani, Kathy Mills, Carol Ferguson & Roxanne
3/22: 8:00 Terry Piersol & Karen Asbert
10:45 Sue Tramontana, Mike & Trish McGarry, Mike & Denise Starr
3/29: 8:00 Kathy Horning, Katie Zielinski, Kurt Meyers, Joy
Fraunfelter & Kelly Weikel
10:45 Jean Mizas-Floyd, Tina Meredith, Maggie Finnegan & Tracy
Acolytes, Crucifers and Torch Bearers
3/1: 8:00
Gracyn Marchesani/Natalie Peak
Eric LeVan/Jake Alloway
3/8: 8:00
Amanda Sprague/Sam Leonard
Andrew Raxer/Ryan Fretz
3/15: 8:00
Abby Dantonio/Elliott Dantonio
Kenny Butler/Nathan McMullan
3/22: 8:00
Makayla Brant/Nick Harshaw
Gavin Straface/Ashley Della Guardia
3/29: 8:00
Natalie Peak/Hayley Lightcap
Gracyn Marchesani/Sam Leonard
Caroline Thompson/Eric LeVan
Jake Alloway/Amanda Sprague
Children’s Church—3/1: Roxanne Troiano; 3/8: Julie Reicher
3/15: Stephanie Loeb; 3/22: Stephanie McMullan; 3:29: Colleen Felder
Children’s Sermons—3/1: Stephanie McMullan; 3/8: Kelsey Hlavac;
3/15: Cindy LeVan; 3/22: Judy Lukens; 3/29: Darrell Lewis
Faithful Families: 3/1: Kelsey Hlavac
3/8: Karen Thomson
3/15: Brenda Johnson
3/22: Tiger or Eliza Bee
3/29: Karen Thomson
Trustees: Bruce Leister
Altar Guild: Joy Fraunfelter
3/1: 8:00 Mike & Rita Walters/Gladys Pouchan
10:45 Richard & Diane Harshaw/Sharon Gehman
3/8: 8:00 Wilma Ries/Mark Rehrer
10:45 David Thompson/Sue Vukovich
3/15: 8:00 Mike & Denise Starr/Glenn & Natalie Peak
10:45 Dave & Debbie Fritz/Shawn & Margie Alloway
3/22: 8:00 Rick & Anne Pennypacker/Jim Campbell
10:45 Darrell & Karen Lewis/Judy Lukens
3/29: 8:00 Phil & Kathy Horning/John & Hilde Holms
10:45 Christian & Stephanie McMullan/Skip & Bev Meitzler
Tot Spot:
3/1: 8:00 Laurie Fodor
3/8: 8:00 Tyler Campbell
3/15: 8:00 Debbie Moore
3/22: 8:00
10:45 Jen Miller
10:45 Allie Jordan
10:45 Dawn Beers
Ushers: 3/1: Team 2, Tim Anspach
3/8: Team 3, David Fritz
3/15: Team 4, Jim Bauer
3/22: Team 5, Kurt Meyers
3/29: Team 6, John Groff
Counting Team—3/1: Team F, Patty Esslinger
3/8: Team G, Kurt Meyers;
3/15: Team H, John Fraunfelter
3/22: Team A, Mike McGarry
3/29: Team B, Kelly Granato
Readers: 8:00
3/1: Becky Fretz
3/8: Claire Nelson
3/15: Jackie Perry
3/22: Joy Fraunfelter
3/29: Palm Sunday Readers
Darrell Lewis
Bob Kerr
Will Moyer
Kris Maersch