Frontline Youth Initiatives and Community Initiatives Programs


Frontline Youth Initiatives and Community Initiatives Programs
Frontline Youth Initiatives and
Community Initiatives Programs
Information Brochure 2015
Koori Justice Unit
Victorian Aboriginal Justice Agreement initiatives
What is the Community Initiatives Program (CIP)?
CIP funding is available to support pilot programs or research which provide
community based responses to justice issues. CIP funding is for up to two years
and projects considered for funding will primarily be those that:
If you are unable to contact your RAJAC Executive Officer, further information can
be obtained from:
Mary Morison
Manager, Community Programs, Koori Justice Unit
Tel: (03) 8684 1745
increase community participation in the development of culturally appropriate
and innovative early intervention programs
promote cultural strength
What happens after I apply?
promote reconciliation and partnerships between communities and justice
The PMC will meet on in mid-May 2015 to consider applications and shortlist
projects. The shortlisted projects will then be prioritised by the Select PMC. The KJU
will advise all applicants of the outcome of their application in writing.
assist in research and the identification of community-based best practice
initiatives including the planning and development of regional strategic plans
and submission proposals
clearly promote activities which support the objectives of the Victorian
Aboriginal Justice Agreement (AJA)
are a catalyst to, or basis for, long term sustainable capacity building
Pending endorsement of the application by PMC and Select PMC, approval of
funding will be sought from the Attorney-General. The KJU will notify all applicants
of the outcome of their application in writing.
What is the Frontline Youth Initiatives Program (Frontline)?
Frontline funding is available for the delivery of projects targeting at risk Koori youth
from the ages 10 – 24 years who are: victims of family violence and/or have been
affected by of family violence, currently and/ or have been, in out of home care,
disengaged from education and/or employment and in contact with the criminal
justice system. Projects considered for funding under Frontline will be communitybased initiatives that aim to promote healthy and pro-social life activities that reduce
the likelihood of future negative contact with the criminal justice system. Frontline
funding is for a maximum of three years and projects could include (but are not
limited to) those that promote:
youth leadership
sporting activities (both individual and team based)
culture and cultural understanding of healthy lifestyles
music, arts and performance-based activities
engagement with education, training or vocational activities
employment readiness.
Frontline Youth Initiatives and Community Initiatives Programs
Information Brochure 2015
What you need to know to apply for funding
How do I obtain RAJAC endorsement of my application?
Contact your RAJAC Executive Officer to discuss your application, the application
process and deadline for submitting your application to the RAJAC.
All applications must be endorsed by the RAJAC prior to submission to the KJU for
RAJAC Executive Officer contact details are as follows:
Who may apply?
Applications will be accepted from incorporated Victorian Koori community
organisations and/or incorporated community organisations in which both the
majority of members and directors are Koori. Non-Koori organisations may only
apply in limited circumstances (see page 5 of Program Guidelines 2015).
Applications will not be accepted or considered from organisations that have
outstanding program reporting or financial acquittal requirements with the
Department of Justice Regulations and/or other Government Departments. This
requirement can also apply to outstanding program and financial commitments and
requirements with other Victorian and Commonwealth government departments and
Barwon South West RAJAC
John Bell
Tel: (03) 5564 1003
Mob: 0417 112 779
Northern Metropolitan RAJAC
Troy Austin
Tel: (03) 9936 9292
Mob: 0418 333 391
Gippsland RAJAC
Nicole LeSage
Tel: (03) 5116 5744
Mob: 0400 411 727
Western Metropolitan RAJAC
Anne-Maree Kirkman
Tel: (03) 9094 2486
Mob: 0408 578 036
Grampians RAJAC
Jon Kanoa
Tel: (03) 4301 7012
Mob: 0408 574 679
Eastern Metropolitan RAJAC
Thomas Bell
Tel: (03) 8803 8436
Mob: 0439 558 945
Frontline applications: up to $110,000 including GST per annum for a period not
exceeding three years.
Vicki Atkinson
Tel: (03) 5858 7654
Mob: 0408 579 392
Southern Metropolitan RAJAC
Tim Kanoa
Tel: (03) 8765 5275
Mob:0427 126 997
Applicants should seek funding for projects that start no earlier than 1 July 2015
and will be delivered over either a two year period (CIP) or a three year period
Loddon Mallee RAJAC
Paula Murray
Tel: (03) 5440 6100
Mob: 0458 367 019
How much funding is available?
CIP applications: up to $55,000 including GST per annum for a period not
exceeding two years.
When can projects commence?
Where can I find the guidelines and application?
The Program Guidelines 2015 and Application form can be obtained from your
Regional Aboriginal Justice Advisory Committee (RAJAC) Executive Officer, or
online at the Department of Justice and Regulation website
If you are accessing these online, look under ‘Your Rights  Aboriginal Justice
Agreement Initiatives of the Victorian Aboriginal Justice Agreement  Community
Programs  Frontline Youth Initiative and Community Initiative Program
Frontline Youth Initiatives and Community Initiatives Programs
Information Brochure 2015
How do I apply?
Who makes decisions about funding?
1. Read the Program Guidelines 2015 to ensure your organisation and project
are eligible for funding.
The process for assessing applications is undertaken in partnership with the Koori
community and Victorian Government representatives. This process involves:
2. Contact the Regional Aboriginal Justice Advisory Committee (RAJAC) Executive
Officer in your respective region to discuss the application and process for
obtaining RAJAC endorsement.
3. Complete the Application form and submit to your relevant RAJAC Executive
Officer for RAJAC endorsement.
4. If your application is endorsed by RAJAC and selected to proceed to the Project
Management Committee (PMC) meeting for consideration, you will be invited to
a workshop to develop a program logic for your proposal.
5. You will also be required to provide the Koori Justice Unit with the following
compliance documents:
endorsement of application by the relevant RAJAC
shortlist of application by the Project Management Committee (PMC)
prioritisation of application for funding by the Select Project Management
Committee (Select-PMC)
approval for funding by the Attorney-General.
Further details about the assessment and approval process (including membership
of PMC) are available in the Program Guidelines 2015.
Certification of Incorporation or status under specific legislation
What is the closing date for submitting my application?
Audited annual reports for the last two (2) financial years as lodged with the
appropriate authority (Consumer Affairs Victoria, The Office of the Registrar
of Indigenous Corporations and/or Australian Securities and Investment
All applications must first be endorsed by the respective RAJAC and then submitted
to the KJU by Friday 17 April 2015.
Proof of current insurance, including public liability insurance. Additional
forms of insurance may also be required as they apply to the nature of the
service or project for which funding is being sought.
6. You will be required to attend the PMC meeting and provided a short
presentation on the proposed project.
Please note that this may require submitting your application to the RAJAC several
weeks prior to the closing date above (depending on when the RAJAC will be
meeting to consider applications). Please contact your RAJAC Executive Officer to
The RAJAC Executive Officer is responsible for submitting endorsed applications to
the KJU. The KJU will not accept applications directly from applicants.
Frontline Youth Initiatives and Community Initiatives Programs
Information Brochure 2015