March 11, 2015 - Walpole Weekly


March 11, 2015 - Walpole Weekly
March 11, 2015
Free Community News of Walpole,
Nornalup, Peaceful Bay & Bow Bridge
Proudly published in litter-free Walpole
Gold Cap, Cup up for grabs
More than 200 visitors are
expected in Walpole & Districts
this weekend to participate in
Walpole Country Club’s 28th
Pioneer Cup.
A significant event on the
men’s golfing calendar, the
Pioneer Cup brings with it a
welcome annual boost to economic
activity in Walpole & Districts.
The Cup attracts players from
all over the State; some having
played in more than 20 Pioneer
Cup tournaments.
Apart from the prestigious gold
cap and cup, players have the
opportunity to win a share of
prizes sponsored by local and
regional businesses including
Bendigo Bank, Walpole Hardware,
IGA, Rest Point, Walpole
Concrete, Che Sara Sara, to name a
few. Other major sponsors
include Engel, Yamaha Golf Cars
and Albany City Motors.
People who are not already
involved helping out in the kitchen
and the many other voluntary tasks
are welcome to come along to the
Country Club and watch the fellas
tee off on Saturday and Sunday
mornings from 6.30 am.
Walpole hosts VFRS training
Nine Volunteer Fire & Rescue Service (VFRS) members from Busselton,
Nannup, Northcliffe, and Walpole practised their newly-acquired ladder and
hoisting skills in Walpole’s light industrial area, Sunday, as part of a
defensive structural firefighting course. Walpole VFRS Lieutenant Bruce
Park allowed the group to use his Walpole Motors shed.
Full story page 7. (Pictures courtesy of Neil McKay, Busselton VFRS.)
The plethora of shapes, styles
and sizes is something to behold;
Tiger has nothing on these guys!
The Pioneer Cup and associated
events will take place this
weekend, March 13-15.
More information is available
from the Walpole Country Club
— Rhonda Perpoli, Ladies Golf
Rep, Walpole Country Club
Walpole Weekly
Published by Walpole Community Resource Centre (Inc)
Latham Ave. (PO Box 197), Walpole, WA 6398
Phone (08) 9840 1395
Fax (08) 9840 1394
DISTRIBUTION: Up to 450 print copies + electronic downloads
in PDF format from
DEADLINE for all advertisements, stories and pictures is
10 am each Monday at; news Items
are included solely at Editor’s discretion. Announcements,
notices of meeting etc will be treated as paid advertisements
unless they have particular news value.
(Effective from February 1, 2015; rates include GST;
rates exclude agency commissions where applicable;
rates exclude one-off design fee of $36 if required.)
Full page (190mm wide x 270mm deep)
If right hand page nominated
Full colour (back page, inside front/back)
Half (190mm x 132mm OR 93mm x 270mm)
If right hand page nominated
Quarter (93mm x 132mm OR 190mm x 63mm)
If page 3 or 5 nominated
Eighth (93mm x 63mm)
If page 3 or 5 nominated
If front page nominated
Classifieds (sixteenth; standard font & layout)
If private & non-commercial (one per person)
$ 95
$ 50
$ 55
$ 28
$ 32
$ 15
$ 18
$ 50
$ 10
SPECIAL ADVERTISING: Talk to us. Colour wraps, colour
inserts, dedicated positions, advertorials, centerfolds, special
effects, flyers etc are all available by negotiation.
DISCOUNTS & DEALS: Talk to us. A 13th month of advertising
is FREE if 12 months are paid for in advance. A discount of
50% applies to notices of births, deaths & marriages.
INVOICE issued at the beginning of the month after publication
POSTAL SUBSCRIPTION per calendar year
$ 55
DISCLAIMER: The Management Committee takes no
responsibility for the content of contributions and any views
expressed are those of the contributor.
Temperatures and rainfall for
Sunday March 1 to Saturday March 7, 2015
Total rainfall for the week
Times to Remember
Walpole Waste Transfer Station
Tuesday and Thursday 1 - 5; Sunday 9 - 5
Peaceful Bay Tip
Wednesday 9 - 1; Sunday 1 - 4.30
Library ph: 9840 1108
Wednesday 9 - 12 and 1 - 3.30
Friday 9 - 12 and 1 - 3.30 Saturday 9 -12
Walpole Op Shop
Monday—Friday 9.30 - 11.30 and Saturday 10 -1
Submit your friends’
and family members’
birthdays to the
editor at
Corner Vista and Pier Streets
Contact: Rev Sue Lodge-Calvert
Telephone: 9848 2173
2 - March 11, 2015
Forecast for the next five days:
St George’s
Anglican Church
Holy Communion
Sunday 10am.
Mar 11
Mar 12
Mar 15
Mar 16
Tully Slatter
Patrick Newton
Kerrie Pascoe, Ashleigh Hexter,
Heather Burton, Kasey Hill,
Martin Anning
Colin Hexter
Calendar of Events
Mar 13- Pioneer Cup (golf tournament)
15 @ Walpole Country Club
Income Tax , BAS & FBT Returns
Financial Statement
Tax Planning & Advice
Bookkeeping set up & training
Mobile Service available
Mar 14 Sustainable Living EXPO and Fair
@ the Albany Town Hall
Mar 20 Silver Chain bus to Albany for free
mammograms (Tel 9840 0900 for details)
Mar 21 Walpole Markets (chooks!)
9am-1pm @ Pioneer Park
Mar 24 3 R’s of Volunteer Management Workshop
6-9pm @ Walpole Rec Centre
Mar 26 Asbestos talks 1pm-2:30pm @ CRC
Mar 29 Neighbour Day
2 Last day of term 1 @
Walpole Primary School
5 Walpole Easter Market 9am-2.30pm
@ Pioneer Park
Apr 25 ANZAC Day Service, 11am @ Walpole
Memorial (outside Community Hall)
3 Live Life with Relish Festival
Oct 3-4 Walpole Land Settlement
85th Anniversary/Reunion
On Mar 17 Western Power will undertake maintenance
work which will necessitate turning off the power
between 8am and 6pm. This may delay the Mar 18
edition of the Walpole Weekly.
Clarification: Silver Chain is still the contact for the
Friday community bus trip. Colin Steele no longer runs
the Community/Silver Chain bus. “Time for someone else
to do it,” he said. Call 9840 1309 if interested.
Important Deadlines
Manji grants
Farm finance
Community groups and
not-for-profit applications
for Shire of Manjimup
community grants by
4 pm Mar 27.
Applications for the Farm
Finance Concessional
Loan Scheme close on
Apr 30.
Regional art
Regional Artist
Fellowships applications
close Apr 16.
Rollo and Maria Craib would like to inform
past and present customers that we have
bought the transport business from
KR & NE Williams Transport.
We are now trading as:
The truck number stays the same: 0427 483 570;
Landline: 9842 5991
Rollo’s number: 0438 977 891
Corey Burton is the new driver: 0429 504 303.
We transport bulk grain, lime and fertiliser
as well as the option of leg bins.
We are also happy to transport hay.
We will be offering a prompt and friendly service
and look forward to the continuing support of
current customers and welcoming new customers.
If you have any queries please call or email us.
Rollo & Maria Craib
To Daniel at Silver Chain and St John
Ambulance volunteers Gail and Bob. Thank you
so much for your care and kindness. Julie-Ann
Hard waste
Walpole hard waste
collection May 25.
Walpole Quality Meats
Your Local Butcher
March 11, 2015
Letters and contributions to the
The Walpole Weekly is YOUR newspaper; published
by the community for the community.
There is so much going on that it is impossible for
the Community Resource Centre to cover it all for you.
You can help us with words:
 If you’re on a committee or in a club, let us know
what happened at your big event.
 If you've witnessed something amusing,
dramatic, unusual or eventful, jot it down for us.
 If you’re an expert in a particular subject or a
close follower of politics, sports, books, music,
or anything else, we welcome your idea for a
regular column.
 If you’ve written a joke, poem or a very short
story we’d love to share it with the community.
If you think you can’t write, you probably can; and
of course we will edit and proofread it!
And you can help us with pictures (and captions):
 If you’ve attended an event send us your snaps
(please identify all the people in them).
 If you’ve caught a huge whiting or seen a ghost
in Pioneer Park, send us your pictorial proof.
Submit your contributions and ideas for stories and
columns to
4 - March 11, 2015
The Walpole Weekly values freedom of expression and
welcomes contributions and feedback from readers via
letter or email on any topic of community interest:
1) All content submitted for publication must
provide full name and contact details.
2) If the writer wishes to remain anonymous, the
words “Name withheld by request” will be used
in the byline.
3) Any content published will be done so without
alteration—except to enhance flow, clarity,
spelling, and grammar—therefore the writer
should carefully check facts and consider their
choice of words.
4) Should content be deemed by the Editor to be too
long, incomprehensible, libelous, illegal, or incite
a sensitive issue, then it will not be published.
5) In the case of content being rejected, the writer/s
will be notified of the decision by the Editor.
6) Should the writer dispute the Editor’s decision
they should take it up in writing with the
Management Committee of Walpole CRC.
7) The Management Committee will make the final
decision on whether or not to publish the content
in the next available edition of the Weekly.
Fire, water, truth, mercy
Dear Editor,
Outside the Federal House of Parliament in
Montreal, Canada stands a fountain of flame issuing
forth and dancing upon a watery surface.
This evocative memorial lies at the heart of that
nation’s democracy, famous for its humanitarian
approach to government.
The image of flame and water encapsulates the
words “mercy and truth are met together”; words found
in the biblical Psalms.
Water and fire appear to us as incompatible in the
same way that truth and mercy often do in our lawless
and violent world.
Gathered outside our Federal House of Parliament
in Canberra last Thursday were politicians and staff
holding candles in a vigil of prayer for the two
Australians awaiting execution in Indonesia for drug
trafficking; a demonstration of the flame of truth upon
the waters of mercy at the very heart of our nation.
Outside the Merdeka Palace in Jakarta many people,
including Australians, are waiting with a plea to that
Nation’s Head of State.
President Joko Widodo is willing to dispense the
truth of his nation’s legal system to execute Mr Chan
and Mr Sukumaran. But truth without mercy is like fire
without water.
St George’s Walpole continues to pray for Andrew
and Myuran and their fellow prisoners on the island of
Nusa Kambangan; that God’s everlasting mercy will be
upon them.
— Geoffrey Newby
Walpole Quality Meats
Supplying & supporting
Walpole for over 11 years
New members of the Walpole Community
Resource Centre are always welcome.
Rates have not altered in 2015.
Membership has benefits! Take advantage of the
generous member discounts that apply to many of
your CRC’s most popular and useful services.
Tel: 9840 1395
Gardening, weeding, yards cleared, rubbish
removed, all round home maintenance, holiday
homes serviced. Ph: 0427 151 242
Call 0419 953 780. Data Entry, Office Admin,
Book Keeping, Spreadsheets, Invoicing, Filing,
Telephonist etc In-house & on-site. Great Rates.
March 11, 2015
Abbott visits Manji Shire fire grounds
personnel, affected landowners and
other volunteers, at an afternoon tea
also organised by Mr Wilson.
“When the Prime Minister
addressed the gathering, he spoke
about how impressed he is with how
the whole community of Northcliffe
banded together during what must
have been a very wrenching and
disrupting experience,” relayed Cr
“He acknowledged everybody’s
efforts, whether they were at the
afternoon tea or not.
“Whilst he didn’t get to meet
with the whole community, his
recognition of everyone involved
speaks volumes.
“Rick Wilson also came down to
Tony Abbott inspected a fire fighting vehicle with fire fighting overseer Steven
Pemberton during the fires and
Luff and Rick Wilson during his visit to Northcliffe on Monday
attended a Community Meeting, and
Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott visited the it was great to see Nola Merino, Member for Forrest, at
Shire of Manjimup on Monday, March 10, as part of a the afternoon tea, whose interest and support still
whirlwind tour organised by Rick Wilson, Federal extends into her former electorate,” said Cr DeCampo.
Member for O’Connor.
Mr Abbott dropped into Northcliffe to thank Prevention strategies?
volunteer and career fire fighters who battled last According to a Weekly reader—who supplied the
month’s fire.
pictures in this story and who does not wish to be
Mr Abbott inspected a fire fighting unit before he identified—there is a “strong” push among Northcliffe
and Mr Wilson received a first-hand briefing from locals for “more prescribed burning and less red tape to
Department of Parks & Wildlife Donnelly District facilitate it”.
manager John Gillard and other fire officials, who
Fire for Life is organising a public forum to discuss
described the magnitude of the bushfire and actions prescribed burning at 6.30pm, March 12 at the
taken to defend assets and prevent further spread.
Pemberton Town Hall.
Manjimup Shire President Wade DeCampo thanked
Mr Wilson for taking the time to organise the visit from
the Prime Minister.
Cr DeCampo said: “As we can all imagine, the
Prime Minister’s schedule is a busy one, but
nonetheless his interest and awareness regarding the
bushfire incident was humbling [and] demonstrates the
significance of what has occurred in Northcliffe.
“1,600 people were involved in the incident [and] in
excess of 98,000 hectares of land was burnt making it
the largest fire the South West has ever seen.
“There was trilateral cooperation between federal,
state and local government that ran seamlessly; 600
firefighters were deployed from interstate; the Royal
Australian Air Force was involved ... the list goes on;
this is why he visited,” explained Cr DeCampo.
Following the briefing, the Prime Minister was
greeted by about 50 guests, including Northcliffe Wade DeCampo (left) ensured Mr Abbott and Mr Wilson
would remember the region for more than just the fire.
volunteer bushfire brigade personnel, operations
6 - March 11, 2015
Walpole hosts VFRS training
If you were wondering why Busselton’s 3.4U urban
fire truck was in Walpole over the weekend, March 78, the reason is that it was here to supplement our
brigade’s Hazmat Structural Rescue (HSR) appliance
on a Volunteer Fire & Rescue Service (VFRS)
structural firefighting course.
Department of Fire & Emergency Services’ (DFES)
District Officer Capes Danny Mosconi conducted the
course assisted by VFRS veterans John Matten
(Molloy Island) and Ean Osborne (Busselton).
Joining Walpole VFRS members Nigel Fry and
David Gillbanks as students on the two-day
programme were two vollies from Busselton, four from
Nannup, and one from Northcliffe.
Saturday’s sessions covered fundamental theory as
well as essential ladder, fire blanket, extinguisher, and
knot-tying skills.
After a theory test on Sunday morning and a hose
laying refresher session, the group were asked to
respond to a series of hypothetical scenarios that
layered newly acquired skills atop those learned in
introductory firefighting courses.
All who participated met the requirements to pass.
VFRS members learned how to safely and efficiently use
ladders in defensive structural firefighting situations.
With a new website offering free subscriptions to
anyone who cares about Walpole & Districts—
including hundreds of absentee property owners—
supplementing its traditional place in the hearts and
homes of full-time residents, Walpole Weekly now
offers even better value for your advertising dollar.
"Thanks to advertising in the Walpole Weekly our
new business has benefited greatly.” — Mark Gladish
& Courtenay Lockyer, Ocean Beach Mobile Marine.
DFES DO Capes Danny Mosconi extinguished doubts
about the correct use of fire extinguishers.
The Walpole Weekly has a new home on the World
Wide Web at the newly redeveloped
A free email subscription is available to those who
want to download the full-colour PDF version of the
Weekly as soon as it is published.
Visit to subscribe.
It’s greener! For every three confirmed email
addresses subscribed, the Weekly will reduce its print
run by one copy! :-)
March 11, 2015
What a mess! How did it happen?
Ocean debris has become a key
threat to the survival of many
marine life species, causing death
when a plastic bag is mistakenly
consumed as food or serious injury
when an animal becomes entangled
in a discarded fishing net.
Although it is essential to
remove marine debris washed up on
local beaches, this is just managing
a symptom, according to the
Tangaroa Blue Foundation.
The Foundation wants to know
how the rubbish was generated in
the first place.
In an attempt to find an answer,
Tangaroa Blue will hold a
Community Source Reduction Plan
workshop in Albany, allowing
members of the general public to
propose practical solutions to
identifying and preventing the
causes of oceangoing rubbish.
Tangaroa Blue has documented
the different types of rubbish
collected during its WA Beach
Clean-Up events over 10 years.
8 - March 11, 2015
workshop will empower the
community to tackle litter and
marine debris sources.
“It complements a project
delivered by South Coast NRM and
professional fishermen which
identified and cleaned hotspots for
flotsam and jetsam east of
"If people from across the
community, government and
industry come along to the
workshop, we will get a broad base
of knowledge, skills and experience
to draw from in the creation of the
Source Reduction Plan.”
The Albany Source Reduction
Plan workshop, supported by South
Coast NRM and the WA Museum
will be held at the Old Co-Op WA
Museum on Monday, March 23,
from 4pm – 7.30pm.
Light snacks and refreshments
will be provided.
To register, please contact or
9841 4844.
For more information go to
It will present South Coast data
at the workshop to inform the
development of a local strategy.
Foundation co-founder Heidi
Taylor said: “When volunteers
create and implement a local Source
Reduction Plan they can easily
In Maori and Polynesian
check its success through further
mythology, Tangaroa is one of the
clean-ups and data collection.
great gods; the god of the ocean.
"This means that beach clean-up
He is the son of Ranginui and
volunteers are much more than just
(Sky and Earth) and
rubbish collectors, they are
the father of the many sea creatures.
researchers, investigators and assist
Tangaroa’s breaths are the tides.
in natural resource management,"
Tangaroa made laws to protect
she added.
the ocean and its creatures, and
Tangaro Blue claims that since
promised "Tiaki mai i ahau, maku
WA Beach Clean-Ups began in
ano koe e tiaki" meaning “If you
2004, volunteers and partners have
look after me I will look after you.”
removed more than 1,130,859
pieces of rubbish weighing more
than 74.7 tonnes
from WA beaches.
South Coast
NRM coastal
Support us.
project leader
Sheryn Prior said:
We do support you!
“The Albany
Tangaroa’s promise
Walpole Quality Meats
How well do you know your neighbours?
Getting to know your neighbours is
an important step in creating a
resilient community that responds
effectively in an emergency
situation, according to the
Department of Fire & Emergency
Services (DFES).
Communities that are well
connected can work together to
identify community concerns and
help each other prepare and
respond to emergencies.
Building relationships with your
neighbours can create safer,
healthier and more supportive
It can also promote tolerance,
respect and understanding and
protect the elderly, vulnerable and
disadvantaged in our community.
How you can prepare for
emergencies with your neighbours:
 Invite your neighbours to
meet to discuss local risks
and concerns and decide on a
plan of action;
 Exchange contact numbers or
set up a phone tree to
communicate with each other
during an incident;
 Include your neighbours in
your Emergency Survival
Plan; and
 Consider how you can share
equipment & supplies during
an emergency.
Neighbour Day
Get involved in Neighbour Day on
Sunday, March 29
Coordinated by Relationships
Australia, Neighbour Day is an
annual celebration of community,
bringing together the people next
door, across the street or on the
next farm for a chat, a barbie or just
a cuppa.
For more information or to
register to receive a free e-kit to
help you plan and promote
your event, visit the Neighbour
Day website
Bushfire Ready Group
Join your local Bushfire Ready
Group. Bushfire Ready is a
community-based program
that encourages and supports local
residents to work together to
prepare their properties and protect
their families from bushfires.
The program aims to build the
resilience of communities by
providing opportunities to network,
share ideas and information and
develop and implement strategies
to reduce their bushfire risk.
Visit for
more information.
March 11, 2015
Solar shines on Sustainable Living EXPO
Great Southern Solar and Albany Solar will be two of
the stars of the all-day Sustainable Living EXPO and
Fair at the Albany Town Hall this Saturday, March 14.
Recent data shows that the number of households
and businesses in the Great Southern installing solar hot
water systems and in particular, photovoltaics for
electricity production, continues to rise.
Don Anderson from Great Southern Solar has good
reason to be upbeat about his business.
“Solar hot water has been cost effective for decades.
But with the improvements in efficiency and increasing
price of electricity and gas, the payback time for
investment is now only around three years”, he said.
“It is a similar story with photovoltaic (PV) cells.
They used to be installed by people who like new
technology or who wanted to take a lead for the
environment. Now Australia has the highest rate of PV
10 - March 11, 2015
installation per household in the developed world.
“Solar technology is so affordable it is becoming the
default option for people building new houses.
“What everyone is talking about now is batteries and
storage with a view to being totally self-sufficient offgrid or on-grid and making a profit.”
Great Southern Solar will have a live demonstration
of an off grid power system as part of their EXPO
booth. There will be discounts offered for people who
sign up on the day.
Neil Howitt from Albany Solar is equally positive.
“People really started putting in systems when there
was a government incentive to do so,” he said.
“Incentives are no longer needed; the industry is
moving so fast that people who installed even two years
ago are amazed at what is available now and the great
“PV purchased today will pay for itself in three to
five years and the payback period is coming down as
energy prices go up.
“The feedback from businesses and households who
have installed solar is very positive.
“People love that feeling of being in control of their
energy and hot water sources and reduced reliance on
the grid for their power.”
The Great Southern Solar and Albany Solar booths
are only two of dozens of exhibitors at the Sustainable
Living EXPO and fair covering all aspects of home and
business regarding design, energy, water, lighting,
waste, insulation, food, recycling, and lifestyle.
For more information, visit
New $476m skills fund
Businesses can now apply for support to boost the
skills of their workforce under the Abbott
Government’s new $476 million Industry Skills Fund.
Federal Member for O’Connor Rick Wilson said
businesses in O’Connor are now able to take advantage
of the Industry Skills Fund to upskill or retrain their
“The Fund will help businesses with training places
and skills advice over the next four years. We want to
offer real help and real solutions to the varied
industries across the electorate,” Mr Wilson said.
“In contrast, Labor wasted billions of dollars on
skills programmes that failed to deliver training that
led to real jobs. The era of training for training’s sake
is over.
“Employers will be supported to decide what
training is needed in their business, and which training
provider they want to work with.”
The Industry Skills Fund is a key part of the Abbott
Government’s ambitious program of vocational
education and training (VET) reform to lift the quality
of both training providers and their courses, enhancing
the contribution VET makes to the employment
prospects of students and the competitiveness of
Australia's economy.
Businesses wanting support to train workers will be
required to make a contribution between 25 and 75 per
cent to the cost of training. The co-contribution rate
depends on the number of employees, with smaller
businesses receiving higher levels of support.
Guidelines and more information are available at
Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis,
throughout the year.
Mixed Darts
Registrations of Interest are sought
from Men and Ladies in Walpole and
surrounding districts for MIXED
DARTS social competition nights.
Individuals and teams are urged to
register your interest in the view to
forming a mid-week competition.
Please phone Rynea Millen on
0474 564 445 (nights) or email
with contact details.
SFFC takes food from
bush to Perth beach
The Southern Forests Food Council has joined forces
with the Cottesloe Beach Hotel and Manjimup Farmers
Market to bring the bush to Perth beaches this autumn.
The first of a series of pop-up farmers markets
featuring a selection of Genuinely Southern Forests
producers will be open to the public on Saturday
March 14 from 8am - 12pm.
The markets will offer Perth locals and visitors a
relaxed opportunity to meet Southern Forests growers
and purchase quality produce direct from them.
Subsequent markets will be held at the same time on
the second Saturday of April and May.
March 11, 2015
- 11
All about you, your family, your friends, and
your happy snaps taken at social events
around town. Email
Walpole CRC hosts opera simulcast
WA Opera, accompanied by the
WA Symphony Orchestra,
performed Rossini’s The Barber of
Seville, March 6, which was
simulcast live on Westlink.
The nine local culture vultures
who attended the simulcast event at
the Walpole Community Resource
Centre on Friday night all agreed
that it was enjoyable evening.
With unusual scaffolding as the
backdrop as well as the use of a
barbers’ chair as a central prop, the
plot about star-crossed lovers, a
fierce but lovesick guardian, and an
unlikely go-between
unfolded before our
eyes; and thickened,
twisted, and turned
until it all ended well.
A big thank you
must go to Westlink
who provided the
satellite link and to
Lotterywest and the
Perth City Council
for making it
— Helen Webster
Ph. 9840 8052
12 - March 11, 2015
Kerry Halse 0427 482 437
A/hrs Ph/Fax 9848 2437
Mike Murphy leaves Crystal Springs
Mike Murphy has returned
to Perth after 16 years
living in Crystal Springs.
In 1995, the Perthbased journalist bought
land at Crystal Springs.
He and his wife Penney
were regular visitors until
1999 when Mike retired.
With a rammed earth
house completed on their
Crystal Springs property
Mike began breeding
chickens and raising
orphan kangaroos.
Keen to become part of
our community, Mike
attended meetings and
served on several
committees including
Elizabeth Shaw, Mike Murphy, Lee Hunter upon presenting Mr Murphy with his Award
Silver Chain, the
Telecentre (CRC), the Townscape
his guitar, composed the ‘Walpole
time ‘Hour of History’, researched
Development Group (Manjimup
Waltz’, performed in Pioneer Park,
material for the ‘Horses Honour
Shire), the National Parks
entered short story competitions,
Board’ in Pioneer Park, and
Association (WNNPA) and the
and ran a course at the CRC on
gathered material for the ‘Cars in
Historical Society (WNDHS).
‘How to Write a Novel’ .
Tingle Trees Project’ (unfinished).
He was also a founding member
Being interested in history, Mike
On Sunday, March 1, WNDHS
of the Men’s Shed.
joined the WNDHS in 2000.
Committee members had a morning
Mike worked at Burton Realty
Over the years he has been
tea with Mike at Crystal Springs.
for a time before becoming Editor
President, Treasurer, Accessions
WNDHS President Elizabeth
of the Walpole Weekly, covering
Officer in charge of documents and
Shaw presented him with an
many meetings and social functions. photographs, Editor of the
‘Outstanding Contribution Award’
With Penney nursing full-time at Walpolian, and organiser of
in recognition of his 14 years of
Silver Chain, Mike devoted time to
displays and activities.
involvement with the Society.
WNNPA projects such as surveys
Who could forget the ‘Ghost
We wish him all the very best
of the hooded plover and ground
Walk’ held in 2000 to celebrate the
for his return to Perth.
parrot populations.
75th Anniversary of the Walpole
— By Lee Hunter on behalf of
An avid musician and writer,
Land Settlement Scheme?
the Walpole Nornalup & District
Mike appeared on ‘Red Faces’ with
Mike also instigated the lunch
Historical Society
17-21 Cockburn Rd
PO Box 5628
Albany WA 6332
Ph: 9842 1533
Fax: 9842 1833
Your suppliers for
Timber Roof Trusses & Wall Frames
March 11, 2015
- 13
Summer & scroungers golf
Whether it’s for fun or money we want to
know what inspires competitiveness in
Walpole. Email
Scroungers Golf
(Stroke Count Putts):
Count Putts
Longest putt
Best chip
Best 2nd
Nearest the pin
N Fry 36 nett
G Doust 42 nett
M Hull 43 nett
G Becker 14
#9 G Peck
#1 J Fry
#11 N Fry
#7 M Hull
B Cooper #2, C Burton #10,
G Becker #10, N Fry #10,
M Hull #8, G Peck #11.
Final results of the Summer Golf season:
B Cooper 549 points
M Jeffs 540 points
M Lumb 506 points
Men’s Golf opening day results from March 8 (mixed
individual Stableford):
Ladies Winner
Men’s Winner
Best putt
Best chip
Nearest the pin
B Cooper 41 point
S Hawkins 40 points
G Peck 42 points
E Tindale 40 points
#4 M Lumb
#6 B Cooper
#17 M Lumb
S Hawkins #9 & 18,
G Peck # 10 & 12,
G Becker # 6
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PO Box 434 Denmark wa 6333
14 - March 11, 2015
— Betty Cooper
Single bed & mattress
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ABN: 56 925 355 168
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Phone: Rusty0427 000 983
Lady bowlers celebrate in black and white
The theme for this year’s Ladies
Bowls Gala Day at the Walpole
Country Club, March 4, was black
and white.
It looked great! I have never
seen so many black flowers.
This year we had 11 teams from
our league participate in the Gala
Day, including one team from as far
away as Thornlie /Armadale in
Perth as well as two teams from our
local club.
The day’s bowling was won by
Albany’s Middleton Beach with the
visitors from Perth runners up.
The main sponsors for the day
were Chris McNamara, Bendigo
Bank, Walpole Hardware, IGA, and
Lotteries West.
A special thanks to the Walpole
Ladies who also sponsored prizes.
And a big thank you to all the
ladies who worked together to help
make the day the big success it was.
— Heather McConchie
Bowls results from March 7:
Ladies Pennants
Walpole 0 Albany 4
Men’s Pennants 1st Division
Walpole 1 Emu Point 5
Men’s 3rd Division
Walpole 0 Albany Mid Beach 6
— Peter Grant
We are a fully Insured Company with very Experienced
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Please call Paul for a free quote
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March 11, 2015
- 15
16 - March 11, 2015