Dec 9 2015 Walpole Weekly


Dec 9 2015 Walpole Weekly
December 9, 2015
Free community newspaper of Walpole & Districts
made possible thanks to our advertisers.
Please support them. Buy local.
Proudly published by the Walpole Community Resource Centre
Mental health reforms announced
The Government has announced a
response to the findings of the
Mental Health Commission review.
The review of Mental Health
‘Contributing Lives, Thriving
Communities’, highlighted the
existing complexity, inefficiency
and fragmentation of the mental
health system and presented a
compelling case for long-term
sustainable reform.
“The need for action is critical
when considering almost four
million people in Australia will
experience a mental illness in any
one year. Mental illness is the third
largest cause of disease burden in
cardiovascular disease and the
largest single cause of non-fatal
burden, and results in significant
health, social and economic and
productivity consequences” the
Commission said.
In the recently announced
following nine areas of reform are
services through Primary Health
establishment of a flexible primary
mental health care funding pool.
A new digital mental health
mental health care programmes
and services to support a stepped
care model.
Joined up support for child
mental health, an integrated and
equitable approach to youth mental
health, integrating Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander mental health
and social and emotional wellbeing
A renewed approach to suicide
prevention, improving services and
coordination of care for people
with severe and complex mental
illness and National leadership in
mental health reform.
Federal Member for O’Connor
Rick Wilson MP has welcomed the
planned changes.
“The Mental Health Reform
Package sets out bold reforms to
be phased in over the next three
years, with the Country WA Primary
Health Network (PHN) at the
commissioning better care.
The key reform will see people
with severe and complex mental
illness benefiting from new
funding approaches to co-ordinating
and delivering services, providing
choice and control for people with
mental illness.
The Country WA PHN will be
in charge of commissioning the
mental health services they
consider necessary and appropriate
in the area to meet our specific
local needs,” Mr Wilson explained.
“This is all about recognising
that with mental health or illness,
not everyone is the same and may
need varying levels of care or
treatment depending on how their
condition is assessed.
Included in the reforms is a new
approach to suicide prevention, a
single telephone and digital
gateway to find the mental health
advice or service needed along
with specific care reforms focussed
on children and indigenous
introducing the PHN regional
managers to health service
providers and constituents at
forums I’ve recently held.
(Continued on page 6)
Walpole Weather
Published by Walpole Community Resource Centre (Inc)
Latham Ave. (PO Box 197), Walpole, WA 6398
Phone (08) 9840 1395
Fax (08) 9840 1394
DISTRIBUTION: Up to 450 print copies + electronic downloads
in PDF format from + social media promotion.
DEADLINE for all advertisements, stories and pictures is
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unless they have particular news value.
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exclude agency commissions where applicable; &
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DISCLAIMER: The Management Committee takes no
responsibility for the content of contributions and any views
expressed are those of the contributor.
St George’s
Anglican Church
Corner Vista and Pier Streets
Holy Communion
Sunday 10am.
Contact: Rev Sue Lodge-Calvert
Telephone: 9848 2173
2 - December 9, 2015
Temperatures & rainfall recorded in North Walpole
Sunday May 3 to Saturday May 9, 2015
Total rainfall for the week
Walpole forecast for the next five days:
Times to Remember
Walpole Waste Transfer Station
Tuesday and Thursday 1 - 5; Sunday 9 - 5
Peaceful Bay Tip
Wednesday 9 - 1; Sunday 1 - 4.30
Library ph: 9840 1108
Wednesday 9 - 12 and 1 - 3.30
Friday 9 - 12 and 1 - 3.30 Saturday 9 -12
Walpole Op Shop
Monday—Friday 9.30 - 11.30 and Saturday 10 -1
Submit your friends’
and family members’
birthdays to the editor at
10 Dec
12 Dec
Alan Barrington
Riley Hawkins
Westlink simulcast
WASO-Symphony in the City
At the Walpole CRC Saturday 12 7.30pm
Gold coin donation BYO Supper
Dec 11
Business after hours, Tree Top Walk
Dec 13
Sailing Season opening Walpole Yacht
Club Open 9am,11:30 BBQ, 1pm Race
Dec 15
Prevention Plan 2015-2020, CRC 6pm
Dec 15
Walpole Primary School Presentation
Night, Community Hall, 6pm
Dec 17
Last day of term 4, Walpole Primary
Dec 19
Environment Centre, Walpole 4pm
Dec 30
Walpole Market, Pioneer Park 9am-1pm
Find ‘My Weekly events’ calendar online:
Email your events to
Income tax,
Financial statements
Tax planning
Planning & advice
& Reckon
set up
& training
Mobile service
Service available
Sandra Knight
T: (08) 9848 1301
M: 0409 376 366
Unit 7 Palm Court, 63 Strickland St
Denmark WA 6333
For all of your business, personal and SMSF
accounting & taxation needs
You will always deal direct with a principal Steele
Harken, Tae Wood or Mike Norman
M: 0429 500 461 P: 9842 9677
Shop 16c Dog Rock Shopping Centre (Upper Car Park)
Important deadlines
Shire of Manjimup E m e r g e n c y
Community safety Services Volunteer
& crime prevention Fuel Card
Submissions by Dec 18.
Submissions by Jan 10.
Huge Garage Sale!
Saturday 12 December 8.30-1 pm
347 Jacksonii Avenue, Tingleview
Thompson's place
Household furniture, appliances, baby items, toys,
camping and farming gear, gates,
star pickets and lots more!
Phone 9840 1494
December 9, 2015
This is your
The Walpole Weekly is YOUR newspaper; published
by the community for the community.
There is so much going on that it is impossible for
the Community Resource Centre to cover it all for you.
You can help us with words:
 If you’re on a committee or in a club, let us know
what happened at your big event.
 If you've witnessed something amusing,
dramatic, unusual or eventful, jot it down for us.
 If you’re an expert in a particular subject or a
close follower of politics, sports, books, music,
or anything else, we welcome your idea for a
regular column.
 If you’ve written a joke, poem or a very short
story we’d love to share it with the community.
If you think you can’t write, you probably can; and
of course we will edit and proofread it!
And you can help us with pictures (and captions):
 If you’ve attended an event send us your snaps
(please identify all the people in them).
 If you’ve caught a huge whiting or seen a ghost
in Pioneer Park, send us your pictorial proof.
Submit your contributions and ideas for stories and
columns to
4 - December 9, 2015
Synthetic greens pose
potential health issues?
Response to our cover story ‘Walpole golf course a
first for WA’ WW November 11.
I work on behalf of Turf Australia and we read with
great interest the article about the installation of
synthetic greens at the Walpole golf course.
I just wanted to alert you to some of the potential
health issues that arise from synthetic grass areas over
natural grass for any future articles.
The main issues of concern for a golf course are:
1. The surface heat can reach temperatures as high as
three times the air temperature - a 2002 study on
synthetic turf at Brigham University in Utah showed
the surface temperature of a synthetic soccer field was
93.3 degrees Celsius on a day the air temperature was
37 degrees.
2. Regular disinfecting is required to control bacteria
and germs from sweat and any blood.
—Rebekka Wake
Senior Account Manager
Positive feedback on story
Response to our cover story ‘Mandalay’s history
retraced’ WW 18 November.
WOW! What a fantastic article and on the front page
too; I am so pleased.
You did such a wonderful job of bringing my
mission to the attention of others, and with a little luck,
maybe others will have information and contact me.
Please feel free to give my email address to anyone
who would like to help.
It was such a pleasure to meet you and, who knows,
perhaps we will have another opportunity .
Again, thanks so much. A copy of the article will be
framed and hung in my office.
—Arne Kolbjornsen
‘Litter free’ projects supported
Response to WW December 2, p 5.
With reference to the letter in last week’s Walpole
Weekly titled ‘Why we are litter free’, some points may
need clarification.
1. The Walpole / Nornalup Visitor Centre (WNVC)
fully supports a litter free highway and where possible
will continue to canvas assistance for this programme.
2. It is the WNVC committee (not a group of local
business people) who at this stage are planning an
upgrade for Pioneer Park.
The Visitor Centre in its wisdom continually
reviews all aspects of visitor attractions and one of
these is the potential experience that a revitalized
upgrade of the park will achieve.
The concept has been in the planning phase for the
past 6 years and will always be subject to availability
of funding avenues and community support.
A statement received from chairperson, Harold
Luxton supports this concept, and “The CDG has
discussed the Pioneer Park concept plan, supports it
and places a high priority on its progression.
Similarly CDG has always been supportive of the
Keep Australia Beautiful program and places a high
priority on local litter free projects. Both are supported
and each is complementary”
CDG Group member Ivan Gardner advises that the
CDG does have the environmental portfolio vacant and
seeks community support to fulfil this role
—Rod Burton
President Walpole/ Nornalup Visitor Centre
—Harold Luxton
Chairperson Walpole Community Development Group
December 9, 2015
(Continued from page 1)
I look forward to continuing to work with them
directly to make a real difference at the grassroots
Chairman of beyondblue Jeff Kennett has expressed in
principle support for the Government’s new mental
health reforms.
“The reforms will redirect funds to the Primary
Health Networks (PHNs) who understand local needs,
and to deliver and monitor performance and outcomes
for their communities.
However, we do have some reservations about the
level of support the PHNs will need to help them adjust
to their rapidly increasing responsibilities.
This will demand exemplary governance and having
people with personal experience of mental illness and
suicide at the table to ensure they understand the
complexities of mental health issues in their
communities. beyondblue has long articulated the need
for a single and easy entry point to the system for
people with mental health conditions.
We look forward to hearing more about how the
new mental health digital gateway will direct people to
the help they need promptly and compassionately.
Everyone in Australia should know who to phone or
where to go to get help if the need arises, just as they
know what to do if they have a physical injury or
illness. It should be exactly the same for mental health
Your weekly f
Denmark CEO resigns
Denmark Shire Council announced at their December 1
meeting that CEO Mr Dale Stewart would depart after
eight years in the job. Council and Mr Stewart agreed
to terms on early cessation of his employment contract
Mr Stewart said it was the right time for him to step
down. "I have enjoyed my time in Denmark
immensely, however after the recent election and with
a new Council, it is a good time to let the Council
select a new CEO and set a new direction."
Newly appointed Shire President David Morrell
praised Mr Stewart for his contribution to the Shire,
with the search for an eventual replacement likely to
begin immediately.
In the same meeting a motion to bring back the
Denmark pool discussion was passed. “That Council,
with respect to the building of an Aquatic Facility in
Denmark: Recognises the community's need and desire
for an Aquatic facility; however Council concludes that
accessing adequate grants and other financing to enable
the building of this facility is unlikely in the short and
medium term.
Council acknowledges that a staged approach to
building an Aquatic Facility has yet to be investigated
and as such Council encourages ongoing dialogue with
DACCI via two Councillor Delegates”
ood and coffee guide
What’s on offer in and around Walpole this week...
Bow Bridge Roadhouse ‘Try our home made food, burgers and fish and chips.’
98408 062
Open Monday to Saturday 8 - 6 pm Sunday 8.30 am - 6 pm, Valley of the Giants Road/South Coast Hwy Bow Bridge
Old Kent River Winery and Slow Food Café ‘Our specialty marron and farm reared lamb.’
Open Wednesday to Sunday 11am - 4pm, South Coast Hwy Kent River
9840 8136
Philippine Magic Café ‘Our Summer Asian buffet is on now.’
Open every day Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner 8.30 am - 8pm, Nockolds Street Walpole
9840 1921
Peaceful Bay Seafood Café ‘ Fresh line-caught fish directly from the continental shelf off Peaceful Bay’
9840 8060
Open every day Lunch 11am - 3pm, Takeaway 11am - 6pm, Dinner Fri & Sat 5 - 7pm, Peaceful Bay Caravan Park
Thurlby herb farm
‘Try our new dish - Holy smoked duck with apple and walnut salad.’
Open Monday to Friday 9am - 5 pm Lunch service until 3pm, 3 Gardiner Rd North Walpole
9840 1249
Top Deck Café
‘All our food is made fresh!’
Open Tuesday to Saturday 9am - 2 pm Dinner 5.30 - 8pm, Nockolds Street Walpole
9840 1344
Walpole Hotel/ Motel ‘This week’s special Nanagi with chips and salad $33’
Open every day Lunch 2-2pm Dinner 6-8pm
9840 1023
6 - December 9, 2015
Manjimup Timber and
Heritage Park vandalised
The public toilet located at History House, adjacent to
the adventure playground in Manjimup Timber and
Heritage Park, was recently severely vandalised.
Shire President Cr DeCampo said, “Public toilets
are provided as a convenience for park patrons,” and
this act is disrespectful, selfish and an absolute
It is really difficult to understand why people feel
the need to deface and destroy a public facility that has
been provided, for our community and our visitors, in
good faith.
The whole aim and concept behind the Manjimup
Timber and Heritage Park, which includes a state of the
art adventure playground, is to provide a place where
youth and families can visit to enjoy themselves,
remain active and even learn something about the
history of our region,” said Cr DeCampo.
Two female offenders have been identified and
police investigations are continuing.
Cr DeCampo expressed his concern that the act of
vandalism was committed by such young offenders,
"The very age group that should be appreciating the
park and everything within it." he said.
The estimated cost to have the facility reinstated is
almost $2,000, including a complete repaint and a
plumber to unblock and fix the toilet.
“The Shire are the custodians of ratepayers’ money
and the caretakers of Shire assets, which are actually
owned by everyone in the community.
Diverting funds that would have been better spent
elsewhere is frustrating for all of us.”
The Manjimup Timber and Heritage Park is open
until 8pm during summer and Cr DeCampo asked
people to continue visiting the park to experience all
that is on offer, including barbecue facilities, grassed
areas and the playground.
“We’re coming up to a very busy period with school
holidays and the festive season approaching and the
Shire always aims to provide places and amenities that
are both safe and clean.”
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File image: Manjimup Timber and Heritage Park
December 9, 2015
Philippine Magic
Nature in ‘Artistrees’
The South Coast Environment Group will be holding
an art exhibition from works by talented local artists
Anne Luscombe and Robin Dale with friends Greg
Hale and Allen Catalano joining them.
Open Christmas Lunch
Buffet special
Book now to avoid
$65 adults
$55 seniors
$45 kids
For bookings
Phone 98401921
Twilight Respite Care
Overnight in home respite for you
and your loved ones
Overnight care, emergency respite, personal care, social
support, transport, domestic assistance, flexible hours
Director of Services Lee Carter Mobile 0457204274
8 - December 9, 2015
Above from left: Anne Luscombe and Robin Dale
Below: Artwork by Robin Dale. Photos R. Dale
The exhibition will include artworks with a nature
focus, artist Robin Dale told the Weekly:
“The show is called ‘Artistrees’ and it will
showcase paintings, drawings and sculpture all with a
nature focus. Half of all the proceeds of the sales will
be donated to SCEGS.
The exhibition will open on Saturday 19 December
and then will remain open from the 20 December until
the 20 January from 10 to 4 every day.”
Police in dramatic collision
Any locals travelling to Denmark late on Monday
afternoon would have witnessed the dramatic scene of
a collision involving a Police car and a Hyundai Getz.
Denmark Police have released the following
statement with regard to the collision.
"At approximately 3:05pm yesterday, 7 December
2015, Walpole Police observed the driver of a white
Hyundai Getz not wearing a seatbelt at the intersection
of Pier Street and Vista Street, Walpole. They
attempted to stop the Getz, however it is alleged that
the driver accelerated away, refusing to stop.
A short time later Denmark Police were patrolling
on South Coast Highway, Denmark when they
observed the Getz travelling towards them at speed.
Officers activated their lights and sirens, turned around
and caught up with the Getz.
At this time it is alleged that the Getz was travelling at
110km/h in a 90km/h zone. It is further alleged that
when officers were behind the Getz it veered to the
incorrect side of the road and braked heavily.
This positioned the Getz alongside the police
vehicle. The driver of the Getz then sharply turned
back into the left lane, ramming the police vehicle.
Police braked as the Getz continued to turn left
colliding with the front driver’s side of the police
vehicle. The Getz skidded sideways across the front of
the police vehicle and both vehicles came to stop on
the side of the road.
Officers arrested the driver and he was conveyed to
Denmark Hospital with minor injuries. He was later
released and conveyed to Albany Police Station.
A 24 year old man from Halls Head has been
charged with: reckless driving, exceed speed limit in a
Speed Zone, 2 x Fail to Stop when Directed by Police,
2 counts No Authority to Drive (Suspended), Driver
Fail to Wear a Seatbelt, Cross Continuous White
Lines, 2 counts Possess Drug Paraphernalia.
He will be appearing in the Albany Magistrates
Court on 8 December 2015.”
December 9, 2015
A fitting finale to a good year
By Jenny Willcox
Historical Society played host to invited guests who
had provided support for the 85th Reunion and
Anniversary of the Walpole Land Settlement Scheme
weekend event held recently over the weekend of 3rd
and 4th October.
The event was in the form of a BBQ lunch at the
Nornalup Hall where WN&DHS President, Elizabeth
Shaw, paid tribute to those who worked tirelessly to
help make the event the great success that it was.
Vice President, Don Burton, paid tribute to
Elizabeth herself, who has been the driving force
behind the 85th event.
Many had worked behind the scenes for the last
twelve months to ensure the event was as good as
could be, as was confirmed by the feedback since
received from folk who came from far and wide to
attend, utilising the opportunity to catch up with family
and past friends to reminisce on old times.
With no actual local museum per se, several private
collections of historical memorabilia were relocated to
the Rec Centre for the weekend making the displays
very interesting and comprehensive.
To mark the event, the Society, in collaboration
with the Walpole Community Resource Centre,
produced a commemorative booklet “85 Years in the
Making”, the contents of which were researched and
refined by Lee Hunter.
While many copies were sold over the Anniversary
weekend, some copies still remain and are available
for purchase from the Walpole CRC, Walpole Visitors
Centre and Walpole Wilderness Resort. At a cost of
only $20 they make a wonderful keepsake and an ideal
gift, especially at this time of year.
Many who attended the two day Anniversary event
will recall seeing ABC News Albany, Lead Reporter,
Mark Bennett busily photographing and interviewing
many people who came from pioneer families.
News to hand just last Saturday is that his
completed story has been scheduled for telecast as part
of ABC’s Australia Wide TV program on Channel 24
at 8.30am on Saturday December 19th. It is also
planned to be re-shown at later times.
See pictures of this event in ‘My Weekly social’.
Pioneer Store Walpole IGA
Nockolds Street, Walpole. Phone 98401031
Christmas Monthly Specials
1/12/15 TO 31/12/15
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Specials valid from 01/12/2015 to 31/12/2015 or while stocks last.
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We are your local IGA supermarket with Fresh Fruit, Veg and Bakery.
Newsagent and Lotterywest outlet. Liquor Store. Fishing Bait Ice Camping.
10 - December 9, 2015
Combined outing nostalgic visit
Twenty two members and friends of the Walpole
Nornalup & District Historical Society and Denmark
Historical Society enjoyed a combined social outing
visiting historic sites in the Denmark Shire on Saturday
28 November.
Elizabeth Shaw, President of the WN&DHS said, “We
visited the tobacco kiln at Nornalup where Captain
Tom Price grew tobacco in the 1930’s and dried the
tobacco in a wood fired concrete kiln.
This was also a nostalgic visit to their childhood
home for Helen Pierce and Hilda Price.
The shingle hut at Bow Bridge was built c1909 by
Bert Saw a pioneer of the area as a dwelling; the
shingle hut is now Heritage Listed.”
Historical Society representatives presented
Lorraine Bain owner of the property with early
photographs of the shingle hut.
Elizabeth explained, “One of the many culverts
under the old railway line along Benson Rd is
overgrown and difficult to see. However Ross
McGuinness was able to show some photographs of
how these culverts were constructed under the railway
Electoral boundaries changed
New electoral boundary changes announced by the
Office of the Electoral Distribution Commissioners today
will see the Warren-Blackwood electorate gain some
towns and cede others whilst maintaining the name
The boundary changes will mean that the
Plantagenet Shire alongside part of the Stirling Range
National Park locality will re-join the WarrenBlackwood electorate, whilst the Shire of DonnybrookBalingup will become part of the Collie-Preston electorate.
Member for Warren-Blackwood, Terry Redman
MLA said, “The boundary changes mean the whole of
Margaret River township and the localities of
Burnside, Forest Grove and Witchcliffe will be united
and included in my Warren-Blackwood Electorate.
I have worked hard for the people in the Margaret
River region and I am delighted that I will have the
opportunity to continue to represent them.”
The Heritage Listed shingle hut at Bow Bridge built
c1909 by Bert Saw . Photo Don Burton
After the visits a most enjoyable seafood lunch
followed at the Peaceful Bay Café.
This combined outing was a great success. It is
suggested our Societies meet again next year and
possibly follow the railway line from the Hay River to
Nornalup locating the railway sidings.”
Phone: 9840 1031
Fax: 9840 1135
7.30am - 6.00pm
7.30am - 5.30pm
7.30am - 5.00pm
Walpole Quality Meats
Supplying & supporting
Walpole for over 12 years
December 9, 2015
- 11
Social cycling group enjoying the skate park.
Photo A. Barrington
Seniors monthly outing on WOW cruise. Photo L. Broun
Email us your social photos
Post your photos on the web or social media
12 - December 9, 2015
Tingledale ladies club Christmas lunch.
Photo M. Smith
WN&DHS hosted BBQ lunch at the Nornalup Hall
Photo J. Willcox
Walpole Quality Meats
Your Local Butcher
December 9, 2015
- 13
Walpole champions
Congratulations to the Walpole seniors, who have
triumphed in the Live Lighter Seniors' Games held in
Albany last week.
Mr Daniel Moore from Silver Chain said: “Our team
brought home the cup with an outstanding
performance competing against groups from
throughout the Great Southern.
The team won with fantastic efforts by everyone
and achieving high points in the beanbag toss and
skittles games.
Adding to their success, Barbara Ebbett received an
individual award for the most senior competitor.
Mrs Ebbett was supported by an enthusiastic team
of Walpole diehards and assistance from Carers Heike
and Lucilla.”
Above: Walpole Seniors team.
Above Left: Mrs Barbara Ebbett. Photos L. Broun
Walpole Quality Meats
Support us.
We do support you!
14 - December 9, 2015
17-21 Cockburn Rd
PO Box 5628
Albany WA 6332
Ph: 9842 1533
Fax: 9842 1833
Your suppliers for
Timber Roof Trusses & Wall Frames
Kerry Halse 0427 482 437
A/hrs Ph/Fax
9848 2437
December 9, 2015
- 15
Results 29th/11/15
Longest putt #9
Nearest the pin #7
M Lumb 46 Points
M Jeffs 40 points
M Jeffs
B Laing
B Laing #5
Cohen and Krystal Taylor
winners at Bunbury little athletics state championships.
Photos T. Taylor
Lawn bowls
Pennant Results Ladies
28 November 2015
Walpole 3.5 points - Albany .5 point
Pennant Results Men
2nd Div Walpole 5 points – Frankland 1 point
3rd Div Walpole 0 points 1 – Mt Barker 6 points
29 November 2015
Captains Trophy
B Crossley
Runner-up: K James
—Nelia Pumphrey
Pre-mix concrete
Sand, gravel carting
Site works, house & shed pads, driveways
Back hoe, bobcat, loader and grader hire
Blue metal and metal dust available.
Contact Nigel Fry
Phone 9840 1626 - Mobile 0419 948 072
What’s on:
Op en 7 day s a w ee k
Restaurant Open Hours
Phone: (08)9840 1023
Lunch 12-2pm, Dinner 6-8pm 7days
We are a fully-insured company with very
experienced & qualified staff to handle your job
professionally. Any size Tree Removal or Lopping,
Pruning, Mulching. Stump Grinding, Bobcat
Clearing, Fire Breaks or Parkland Clearing
Please call Paul for a free quote
Mobile 0428 481 280
Office 08 9848 1113
Mob: 0428 927 158
Ph/Fx: 08 9848 3191
Email: g.s.concreting
16 - December 9, 2015
Walpole Hotel/
Fridays: Chase the Ace
Happy Hour
Bar Snacks
Brick paving
PO Box 434
Denmark wa 6333
December 9, 2015
- 17
Torndirrup set to re-open
Tourist can have a sneak preview of the $5.75 million
redevelopment of facilities at The Gap and Natural
Bridge, near Albany.
Environment Minister Albert Jacob said "When
finished, the redevelopment will include new worldclass lookout structures with connecting paths, picnic
areas, a visitor gathering area with interpretative
facilities and a bigger car park.
The project was scheduled for completion in
November but due to challenges in fabricating
stainless steel elements of the spectacular Gap lookout
structure, this new drawcard will not be completed
until next year.
However, because such a significant amount of
work has been completed we have decided to
temporarily open part of this exciting new facility for
the public to enjoy during the school summer holidays.
The Natural Bridge lookout, picnic area, car park
and interpretative signage have all been completed and
will be available for visitors to access, but the Gap
lookout site will remain a construction site and closed
to the public.
Once the entire project is completed these new
lookout structures will provide exhilarating views”
For sale
Monster garage sale
2 grey laminate office desks.
Good condition, $50.00 each ono.
Phone 98401345
Sat 12 & Sun 13 Dec
Moving house sale! Crystal Springs
Phone 0458569339
For sale
For sale
Landcruiser 100 Series
2006, 287000 Km, $11,000 ONO
Phone 98401 880
Young hens and roosters $5
Hens with chickens $10
Phone 98401 880
All friends of Geordie Whitwell are
invited to an informal gathering to
scatter Geordie’s ashes.
Meet at the old Swarbrick Jetty at the
bottom of Inlet Street, off Walpole Street
at 11.00am Sunday 13th December
for the scattering of the ashes (as per
Geordie’s wishes) and after at the
new Town Jetty for a
sausage sizzle and refreshments.
For catering purposes only,
please contact
Dallas 9840 1395 at the CRC
9840 1373 home
18 - December 9, 2015
December 9, 2015
- 19
20 - December 9, 2015

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