September 21 2016, Walpole Weekly
September 21 2016, Walpole Weekly
Walpole Weekly September 21, 2016 Free community newspaper Proudly published by the Walpole CRC in litter-free Walpole Made possible by our advertisers Walpole VMR awarded Walpole Volunteer Marine Rescue (VMR) have won the Department of Transport’s Award for Excellence in Marine Safety. The 2016 Volunteer Marine Rescue Services Awards ceremony was held on September 10 at Perth Convention Centre. The awards recognised the volunteer groups for their outstanding contributions to protecting and saving lives at sea. The Department of Transport’s Award for Excellence in Marine Safety was open to volunteer sea rescue groups who delivered a marine safety or pollution prevention program or responded to a safety or pollution event in the last 12 months. A DFES spokesperson said that Walpole was the recipient of the award for showing their commitment to marine safety activities through their strong ongoing efforts to promote marine safety in their nearby inlet and adjoining open ocean, and their key role in coordinating the annual State Search and Rescue Exercise (SAREX). Walpole VMR were key in the Department Of Transport Marine Safety General Manager, Ray Buchholz (left) presents Walpole VMR Secretary Bernie Clark the Award for Excellence in Marine Safety. Photo courtesy DFES. delivery of a combined training day held in Walpole back in April. The day was attended by volunteers from Windy Harbour, Peaceful bay, Denmark and Walpole and included action packed exercises involving the new South West rescue helicopter. The successful event is now being replicated state-wide. Fire and Emergency Services Commissioner Wayne Gregson said that after a big year, involving more than 1400 marine rescue incidents across the State, the 2016 (Continued on page 14) Walpole Weather Temperatures & rainfall recorded in North Walpole Sunday September 11, to Saturday September 17, 2016 Temperatures Min Max Rainfall mm Sunday 6.7 12.1 2.2 Monday 9.1 13.1 1.0 Tuesday 7.9 14.6 0 Wednesday 5.7 16.7 0.2 Thursday 4.7 15.4 Friday 7.6 13.5 19.0 Saturday 6.4 15.3 0.8 Total rainfall for the week 23.2 Walpole forecast for the next five days: Sources:; 2 - September 21, 2016 Walpole Weekly My Date Weekly events Details Walpole Cancer Support Group meets second Tuesday of every month. Call Di 0423 937 188 for info. Monthly Sept 20 Walpole Sub Branch RSL AGM, old Sea Rescue building, 10am. Sept 21 Silver Chain Branch Committee AGM, Silver Chain Walpole, 3pm. Sept 24 Bowls Open Day, Walpole Country Club, 12.30pm. Sept Oct 24 - Bendigo Bank Southern Art & Craft 9 Trail. Sept Oct 249 Valley of the Giants Tree Top Walk, holiday activity program Sept Oct 24 22 ‘Indigo more than just blue’, fine art exhibition, Petrichor Gallery, Walpole, 10am-4pm. Sept 27 St John Ambulance AGM and BAH, St John Ambulance sub-centre Walpole, 5.30-7.30pm. Sept 28 Walpole CRC Management Committee AGM, Walpole CRC, 3pm. Sept 29 Drugs: Facts versus Fiction, Shire of Manjimup & LDAG seminar, Walpole CRC, 6-8pm. RSVP essential. Sept Oct 302 Spring Gathering of flowers and community, St Leonard’s church, Denmark, 9am-4pm. Sept Oct 30 - Walpole Art Award ‘Wild Spring’, 3 Opening Night Friday Sept 30, 7pm. Oct 5 Walpole Country Club Mens’ Golf Division AGM, Walpole Country Club, 7.30pm. Oct 8 Walpole Market, Walpole, 9am-1pm Oct 25 Walpole Nornalup Visitor Centre AGM, Walpole Nornalup Visitor Centre, 7pm Oct 31 Walpole and Districts Seniors Accommodation Inc., AGM Walpole CRC, 5pm. Pioneer Income tax, Tax BAS , BAS&&FBT FBTreturns Returns Financial statements Statements Tax planning Planning & advice Advice Reseller of MYOB & Reckon Bookkeeping set up & training Mobile Mobile service Service available available Sandra Knight T: (08) 9848 1301 M: 0409 376 366 Unit 7 Palm Court, 63 Strickland St Denmark WA 6333 For all of your business, personal and SMSF accounting & taxation needs You will always deal direct with a principal Steele Harken, Tae Wood or Mike Norman M: 0429 500 461 P: 9842 9677 E: Shop 16c Dog Rock Shopping Centre (Upper Car Park) Park, My Weekly events online Walpole Weekly September 21, 2016 -3 Registrations open We welcome your opinion The Walpole CRC will be hosting a workshop on QuickBooks on Monday October 5. The Walpole Weekly values freedom of expression and welcomes contributions and feedback from readers via letter or email on any topic of community interest: 1) All content submitted for publication must provide full name and contact details. 2) If the writer wishes to remain anonymous, the words “Name withheld by request” will be used in the byline. 3) Any content published may be edited to enhance flow, clarity, spelling, and grammar—not facts or meaning—therefore the writer should carefully check facts and consider their choice of words. 4) Should content be deemed by the Editor to be too long, incomprehensible, libelous, illegal, or incite a sensitive issue, then it will not be published. 5) In the case of content being rejected, the writer/s will be notified of the decision by the Editor. 6) Should the writer dispute the Editor’s decision they should take it up in writing with the Management Committee of Walpole CRC. 7) The Management Committee will make the final decision on whether or not to publish the content in the next available edition of the Weekly. Email QuickBooks is an accounting software package geared toward small and medium-sized businesses. The package offers on-premises accounting applications that accept business payments, manage and pay bills, and offer payroll functions. Places are limited to 10 participants. To register please phone Linda Beard on 9840 1395. 4 - September 21, 2016 Walpole Weekly Young artist’s talent on display The 2016 Blooming Wild Festival, which runs from September 3 to November 20, is currently being promoted throughout the Southern Forests. Walpole Nornalup Visitor Centre Manager Adele Brown explained that the Festival had been co-ordinated to celebrate the Southern Forests amazing wildflowers seen flourishing in the Artwork by Jorja Brown. aftermath of the bush fires of Photo A. Brown. early 2015. Northcliffe local, Fiona Sinclair, with support from Southern Forest Arts & Drug Aware, invited girls from the region, including Amber Ninyette & Jorja Brown from Walpole, to participate in art camps last September as part of the 2015 Festival. Adele said that the drawing workshops focused on native wildflowers and large banner designs were created by the girls with ‘zentangled’ designs. This year Jorja Brown’s design was selected to be printed on promotional coffee cups. The cups are being used across the region to promote the Festival. Dear Joe, a special friend and neighbour for 27 years, remembered for his gentle nature. Our sympathy go to Melva and Families. Rest in peace Joe, Jan & Ray Pink Ribbon Breakfast Saturday October 22, 2016 from 8am at Walpole Community Hall The National Breast Cancer Foundation’s Pink Ribbon Breakfast to raise funds for vital life-changing breast cancer research. Can you help? Prize donations are being sought for the fundraising raffle. New unused items can be delivered to the Walpole CRC, Tues-Fri, 9am-4pm. Volunteer cooks/cleaners also required to assist. Phone 9840 1395. Walpole Weekly September 21, 2016 -5 Walpole & Districts Seniors Accommodation Inc. Walpole 2D Art Award Opening Night 7pm Friday 30th September Come along for Art, Music and Wine Entry $10 per person Rob Vermeulen on Guitar. Sponsors: Shire of Manjimup, Ferngrove Wines, Thurlby Herb Farm, Colin Holt MLC, Coalmine Beach Holiday Park, Walpole Rest Point Caravan Park, Walpole Op Shop, Walpole Wilderness Resort, That Girl the one with the Camera, Wow Cruises, Walpole Pharmacy, Tree Top Walk Motel. Supported by: Walpole Community Resource Centre, Walpole Primary School, Walpole Sport & Recreation Centre, Nornalup Community Hall, Walpole Country Club, Walpole Work Camp, Department of Parks & Wildlife. Your weekly f Submit your friends’ and family members’ birthdays to the editor at September 22 Sophie Burton 24 Chris Hoskins; Kaylee McLauchlin 26 Andrew Barrow Walpole Nornalup Visitor Centre Notice of ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING All members of the WNTA are invited to attend our AGM on Tuesday 25th October 2016 commencing at 7pm at the Walpole Nornalup Visitor Centre. Nominations for committee positions need to be received before 8 am 25/10/16. Nominations can be sent to or PO Box 196 WALPOLE WA 6398 Light refreshments will be served following the meeting. ood and coffee guide What’s on offer in and around Walpole this week... Nornabar ‘Open, Wine, Food, Coffee.’ Open Tuesday to Sunday 10am - 4pm. Dinners coming soon! South Coast Hwy, Nornalup 9840 1407 Old Kent River Winery and Marron House ‘Our specialty marron and champagne scones.’ Open Wednesday to Sunday 11am - 4pm, South Coast Hwy Kent River 9840 8136 Philippine Magic Café ‘Asian Fusion Cuisine’ Open every day Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner 8.30am - 8pm, Nockolds Street Walpole 9840 1921 Peaceful Bay Seafood Café ‘Fresh line-caught fish directly from the continental shelf off Peaceful Bay’ Open every day Lunch 11am - 3pm, Takeaway 11am - 5pm Mon-Sat, 11am - 4pm Sun, Peaceful Bay 9840 8060 Thurlby herb farm ‘Try our new dish - Holy smoked duck with apple and walnut salad.’ Open Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm Lunch service until 3pm, 3 Gardiner Rd North Walpole 9840 1249 Top Deck Café ‘All our food is made fresh!’ Open Tuesday to Saturday 9am - 2pm Dinner 5.30 - 8pm, Nockolds Street Walpole 9840 1344 Walpole Hotel/ Motel ‘Come in and try our new winter menu and weekly specials!’ Open every day Lunch 12 - 2pm Dinner 6-8pm 9840 1023 6 - September 21, 2016 Walpole Weekly Drugs fact or fiction The Shire of Manjimup, in collaboration with the Walpole Local Drug Action Group LDAG) and the St John of God South West Community Alcohol and Drug Service, will offer a free community seminar titled ‘Drugs: Facts versus Fiction’ on Thursday September 29, from 6-8pm at the Walpole CRC. Walpole LDAG Chairperson Linda Beard said that she welcomed the opportunity to bring the seminar to Walpole. “Concerned parents, youth and community members who want to know more about drug trends and their effects are encouraged to attend this informative seminar. There will be an opportunity to express concerns, ask questions, get the facts and debunk myths,” Linda said. Shire President Wade DeCampo explained that drugs can cause long term problems in the community. “Drug use of any kind can lead to social and emotional problems and have a negative effect on the lives of partners, family and friends of the users”, Cr DeCampo said. Cr DeCampo added that this initiative is taken from the Southern Forests Alcohol and Other Drug 20162018 Strategic Plan, which was recently adopted by Council. Light refreshments will be provided so RSVPs are essential. For further information phone Assunta at the Shire of Manjimup on 9771 7777 or email Anyone concerned about their own or another person’s alcohol or drug use can call the confidential and 24hours/7 days Alcohol and Drug Support Line on 1800 198 024. Walpole Weekly Walpole Quality Meats Support us. We do support you! September 21, 2016 -7 Plenty of new activities on offer these spring holidays Walpole Quality Meats Your Local Butcher 8 - September 21, 2016 Parks and Wildlife’s Tree Top Walk business manager Julie Ross said the spring holiday activity program offers plenty of new nature-based activities for all ages and abilities. “This spring our holiday program is not just centered around children, we’ve got something for everyone,” Ms Ross said. Ms Ross explained that among the new activities, Wildflower lovers will be able to enjoy a stunning display of native orchids on show for the two weeks of the school holidays. “There will be guided wildflower walks through the Ancient Empire, and a talk presented by local orchid expert Dr David Edmonds will give you an insight on the diversity of our native orchid species,” she said. In addition Ms Ross said that Alyce Burton from ‘Tattoo Cupcakes’ will present some amazing delicacies with a wildflower theme for visitors to purchase, and will be hosting an activity to show you how to create your own sweet masterpieces. The Tree Top Walk will also be part of the Southern Art and Craft Trail throughout the holiday period and will be hosting the Timber, Time & Light exhibition. The not to be missed exhibition is a combination of eclectic timber pieces and unique local images and is a collaboration between Matt Wrigley and Anthony Thompson of Tree Time Artworks, and Denmark photographer Gregory Paul Edwards. The Tree Top walk holiday program runs from Saturday September 24 to Sunday October 9. For more information visit or email Walpole Weekly Young achiever nominations sought for prestigious Award Nominations for the Western Australian Young Achiever Awards are now open. Organiser, Stephanie Commons, said that the Western Australia Young Achiever Awards aim to acknowledge, encourage and promote the positive achievements of all young people up to 29 years of age. “Nominations are sought from young people who are actively involved in the community or who have excelled in innovation or commitment,” she said. Nominations can be made in the following categories: The Coffee Clubs Arts and Fashion Award, SDERA Health and Wellbeing Award, WFI Insurance Small Business Achiever Award, Scott Print Environment and Sustainability Award, Surge Fitness Sports Award, Catholic Education Western Australia Young Leadership Award, Awards Australia Community Service and Volunteering Award and the WAFarmers Agriculture Award. Stephanie explained that the Western Australian Young Achiever Awards will culminate with a Gala Presentation Dinner held at the Pan Pacific Perth on May 12, 2017. Category winners will each receive $2,000 and a trophy. One of the eight category winners will be chosen as the Western Australian Young Achiever of the Year and will win an additional $2,000 and a prestigious state trophy. Nominations can be made online at wa_yaa. For more information, contact the Awards Office email or telephone 9201 1155. Walpole Weekly September 21, 2016 -9 10 - September 21, 2016 Walpole Weekly Endangered baby numbat rescued Rescued baby numbat. Photo Jen Thompson. Members of Project Numbat assisted in the rescue of a baby numbat from Frankland River over the weekend. Project Numbat is a community group that is helping in the conservation of the endangered numbat and president Tamara Wilkes-Jones told the Weekly that she received a call for assistance from Uralla Wildlife Sanctuary on Friday evening. “The baby numbat had become separated from his mother near Perup and required specialist care. With only 1,000 numbats left in the wild, the finding of a baby numbat came as a big surprise to all involved,” Tamara said. “Once it was confirmed by the Department of Parks and Wildlife that it was indeed a numbat, we knew there was no time to waste. Only a handful of people know how to take care of a numbat. So we got in our car for the 4-hour drive down – and back”, she explained. The baby numbat was safely delivered to Perth Zoo early Saturday morning, where specialist keepers took over. The baby male numbat has been called Frankie after the Frankland River, the place where he was found. He is estimated to be between 6 to 7 months old. Walpole & Districts Seniors Accommodation Inc. Notice of Annual General Meeting The WADSA Committee will hold its AGM Monday 31st October 5pm at Walpole CRC Community members are invited to attend and to consider joining the Management Committee. Demands on your time are light and the rewards are satisfying. Walpole Weekly September 21, 2016 - 11 My Weekly social The story of Peter Tripovich, the amazing 90 year old walker from Echuca Victoria, making his way around Australia was recently featured in the September 8 edition of Take5 Magazine. The Welcome to Walpole litter-free entry sign appears in Peter’s story and Walpole and “it’s vibrant forests” receive a mention as one of the amazing places visited in his travels. Peter walked through Walpole back in January and was featured in our WW February 3 edition. Peter is due to complete his journey in about a month’s time at Melbourne GPO. 12 - September 21, 2016 #mywalpoleweekly Peter’s story as featured in Take5 Magazine September 8 Edition, includes a photograph of Walpole’s litter free entry sign. Image source Take5 magazine. Email your social photos and stories to: We’d love to hear from you! Walpole Weekly Customers ‘offline’ with nbn co and Sky Muster Customers of licensed Telecommunications carrier Sky Mesh have received an apology from the company for encountering significant issues with the new Sky Muster service from nbn co. According to the provider these issues have ranged from provisioning errors and missed appointments to customers being completely offline. Sky Muster Satellite NTDs (modems) are also taking an excessive amount of time to connect to the satellite and nbn co. has said that the repair could be four or more weeks away. Sky Mesh has said that the magnitude of issues that they have experienced, and are currently experiencing, has meant that their responsiveness to enquiries from new and existing customers, for all types of services, is well below their standards. Sky Mesh has advised customers to keep an eye on current and recent issues and check the advisories for Sky Muster and other services and systems via If you are a newly established Sky Muster customer experiencing connection problems, email the editor: Walpole Quality Meats Supplying & supporting Walpole for over 12 years 0439 692 555 Walpole Weekly September 21, 2016 - 13 (Continued from page 1) Volunteer Marine Rescue Services Awards were presented across five categories. “These awards are homage to the hard work and commitment of our marine rescue volunteers, who attend many incidents each year that result in the return of a loved one to their family,” he said. “The recipients should be extremely proud of what they do on an ongoing basis to keep Western Australians safe on the water. The marine rescue service is a critical part of our emergency response capability and these volunteers are a reflection of the calibre of the people we have out there saving lives every week,” he added. VMR South Coast Commander Alex Williams told the Weekly that Walpole VMR were recognised for their contribution to Marine safety across a broad spectrum. “Walpole assist in providing input to DoT Marine on things such as the local guides, providing the 24/7 log on log off radio coverage for boaties and keeping a system of markers current that assist people to navigate the channels in Nornalup Inlet towards the mouth.” “They offer continued support for the annual South Coast MARSAREX that draws public attention to the broader VMR community and promotes awareness,” Alex explained. Pictured From left Bernie and Debbie Clark, Alex Williams. Photo D. Clark Kerry Halse 0427 482 437 Email: 14 - September 21, 2016 Walpole Weekly Weekly sport Golf Scroungers Golf 13/9/16 Stableford 1st 2nd 3rd L/Putt 9 Best 3rd 10 —M Lumb RODERICK’S TREE LOPPING SERVICES We are a fully-insured company with very experienced & qualified staff to handle your job professionally. Any size Tree Removal or Lopping, Pruning, Mulching. Stump Grinding, Bobcat Clearing, Fire Breaks or Parkland Clearing Please call Paul for a free quote Mobile 0428 481 280 Office 08 9848 1113 M Burton 22 M Anning 18 S Hunter 17 C Devine M Burton Sunday 18/09/16 Bob & Gail Laing Trophy Winner W Dumbrell +1 R/Up C Hill 0 NTP No2 B Laing NTP No7 C Devine NTP No1 M Jeffs (Leyton Hewitt's Dad) L/Putt 18 G Doust Birdies W Dumbrell No11 Next Week Merv & Debbie Hull Trophy, Stroke CYPutts Points 12.30 pm Tee Off. —Norm WALPOLE CONCRETE SUPPLIES and EARTHMOVING SERVICE Pre-mix concrete Sand, gravel carting Site works, house & shed pads, driveways Back hoe, bobcat, loader and grader hire Blue metal and metal dust available. Contact Nigel Fry Phone 9840 1626 - Mobile 0419 948 072 Times to Remember Walpole CRC Tuesday to Friday 9 - 4 Bendigo 9.30-3 Walpole Waste Transfer Station Tuesday and Thursday 1 - 5; Sunday 9 - 5 Peaceful Bay Tip Wednesday 9 - 1; Sunday 1 - 4.30 Library 9840 1108 Wednesday 9 - 12 and 1 - 3.30 Friday 9 - 12 and 1 - 3.30 Saturday 9 -12 Walpole Op Shop Monday—Friday 9.30 - 11.30 and Saturday 10 -1 BRAD PIERCE Mob: 0428 927 158 Ph/Fx: 08 9848 3191 Email: g.s.concreting HOUSE Slabs Verandahs Driveways sheds Aggregate CONCRETE Brick paving PO Box 434 Denmark wa 6333 BENSON FENCING & GARDENING All residential fencing repairs and installation. Yard clean up, gardening, mowing, setting up garden beds, wood chopping and gutter cleaning. NO JOB TOO SMALL Please contact Jamie Benson 0428 818 651 Walpole Weekly September 21, 2016 - 15 Walpole Weekly Published by Walpole Community Resource Centre (Inc) Latham Ave. (PO Box 197), Walpole, WA 6398 Phone (08) 9840 1395 Fax (08) 9840 1394 Email: Web: DISTRIBUTION: Up to 500 print copies + electronic downloads in PDF format from + social media promotion. Avoid disappointment STRICT SUBMISSIONS DEADLINE 10 am each Monday. News Items are included solely at Editor’s discretion. Announcements, notices of meeting etc will be treated as paid advertisements unless they have particular news value. NEW 2016 ADVERTISING RATES (Rates include GST; exclude agency commissions where applicable; & exclude one-off design fee of $36 if required.) Full page (190mm wide x 270mm deep) $ 95 If right hand page nominated $105 Full colour (back page, inside front/back) $195 Half (190mm x 132mm OR 93mm x 270mm) $ 50 If right hand page nominated $ 55 Quarter (93mm x 132mm OR 190mm x 63mm) $ 28 If page 3 or 5 nominated $ 35 Eighth (93mm x 63mm OR 190mm x 30mm) $ 15 If page 3 or 5 nominated $ 18 If front page nominated $ 50 Classifieds (sixteenth; standard font & layout) $ 5 Cash upfront. If item not sold get next week free! SPECIAL ADVERTISING: Colour wraps, colour inserts, dedicated positions, advertorials, centerfolds, special effects, flyers etc are all available by negotiation. DISCOUNTS & DEALS: Talk to us. A 13th month of advertising is FREE if 12 months are paid for in advance. A discount of 50% applies to notices of births, deaths & marriages. INVOICE issued at the beginning of the month after publication POSTAL SUBSCRIPTION per calendar year $ 60 EMAIL SUBSCRIPTION ( Free! DISCLAIMER: The Management Committee takes no responsibility for the content of contributions and any views expressed are those of the contributor. St George’s Anglican Church Walpole Corner Vista and Pier Streets Holy Communion Sunday 10am. Contact: Rev Sue Lodge-Calvert Telephone: 9848 2173 Website: 16 - September 21, 2016 Weekly sport Bowls The winner of Sunday Scroungers on September 18, Champion of Champions, is Bill Vermeulen. Great game Bill, congratulations. A really good turnout for our wind-up. The food was great as usual and many thanks to Bill and Trish for running the winter bowls. —Heather Pictured Bill Vermeulen. Photo H. McConchie AGM Walpole Country Club Mens’ Golf Division 5th October 2016 at 7.30 pm sharp. Meeting to be held at the Walpole Country Club Election of office bearers and committee followed by general meeting, all members welcome. Classifieds For Sale Dry Split firewood $140 per ute load. Ph. Wayne 0427 071 361 Work wanted Lady looking for full/part-time work. Will be happy to learn new skills. Can do cleaning, gardening etc. Please phone 0474 217 206 Walpole Weekly Top Weekly pics Spring is here, according to Mother Duck (on the right in the photo). Our winter-resident pair of wood ducks delighted us last week with a clutch of 13 ducklings. Wood ducks nest in a tree hole lined with down and lay 710-plus eggs, according to the literature. So 13 ducklings is quite an achievement. The new family swam this way and that on our lake, went for a walk, then another swim, settled on the lake’s island, and this went on for the rest of the day. But the next day there was no sign of them – as has happened in previous years. Did they seek shelter in the forest, or a more secluded water hole? Who knows how many go on to survive foxes, feral cats, kookaburras, ravens and birds of prey, but let’s hope they were a lucky 13. —Philip Powell, Nornalup Got a great photo? Email: ‘Lucky thirteen’ photo by Phillip Powell. Your local 24/7 365 business & community directory. Business of the month coming soon! Situation vacant We are seeking an enthusiastic and passionate staff member to help us with the daily operations at our Cellar Door and Restaurant. Reporting to the Manager, your responsibilities will include: • Maintaining the highest level of customer service • Wine tastings • Food preparation and service • Promoting and selling our wine club The successful applicant will possess: • Previous experience in a hospitality venue • Beverage product knowledge, wine knowledge favourable • Available to work school holidays and weekends (days only) closed most Monday and Tuesday’s • Current RSA Please address your interest to Debbie Noack Email: Walpole Weekly September 21, 2016 - 17 Research into micro-plastics continues at Shelley beach Further to our recent story on the local research into the effects of micro-plastics on our environment, Kate Born Micro-Plastics Coordinator with the Conservation Council of Western Australia, has commenced her research project ‘Benchmarking the Accumulation of Micro-Plastics off South-Western Australia’, in partnership with UWA. Kate said that the her research aims at determining if there are any hotspots, and where these are, for micro -plastic pollution on the South West Australian coast. “We have known about plastic pollution in our marine environment for years, but not the threat from micro-plastics and fibres. For the first time this project will engage the community in gathering reliable data to measure the extent of the problem right here in Southwest WA,” Kate said. The project is supported by funding from the WA Government’s State Natural Resource Management Program and the Northern Agricultural Catchment Council. Kate and Jen Mitchell from South West Catchment Council, who are also supporting the project, visited Shelley and Bellanger Beach accompanied by Gary Muir from WOW cruises last Wednesday. There they collected two samples of beach sand for their project. 18 - September 21, 2016 Gary Muir, Kate Born (left) and Jen Mitchell at Shelley beach. Photo K. Born. Kate said that the project will collect 200 samples of beach sand between Geraldton and Esperance. Kate emphasised that this project would not be possible without the help of supporters, conservation groups, community volunteers and Citizen Scientists. She said that the combination of community involvement and extent of sampling is unique in WA. To get involved in this project sampling sites east of Walpole are still available. To volunteer email or phone 0458204844. Walpole Weekly
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