June 22 2016, Walpole Weekly
June 22 2016, Walpole Weekly
Walpole Weekly June 22, 2016 www.walpole.org.au Free community newspaper Proudly published by the Walpole Community Resource Centre in litter-free Walpole Made possible by our advertisers The Sound to be launched in Walpole Pictured author Sarah Drummond in a stunning photo by Nic Duncan. There is a lot of excitement around the release of Sarah Drummond’s new book The Sound . Sarah who has been residing in Walpole since last year, describes herself as a blogger, inlet dweller and author. Her new book, published by Fremantle Press, is Sarah’s first novel and it follows a disparate mob of sealers, Aboriginal women, children and dogs who travelled from Bass Strait to Albany just before the west was colonised. Sarah said that her tale stays pretty close to historical fact. The novel is based on the true story of the Aboriginal women and sealing crews who sailed from Van Diemen's Land to Western Australia in the 1820s. “The Sound depicts the small sealing community’s arduous journey through the seascapes and landscapes of the Southern Ocean, and their abducting or killing of several people along the way,” Sarah said. The Sound is Sarah’s second book, her first book Salt Story, had tremendous success. Salt Story, a memoir of deck(Continued on page 12) Walpole Weather Temperatures & rainfall recorded in North Walpole Sunday June 12 to Saturday June 18, 2016 Temperatures Min Max Rainfall mm Sunday 12.7 19.4 0 Monday 11.3 16.3 3.6 Tuesday 12.3 15.6 Wednesday 11.3 17.6 11.2 Thursday 11.0 15.2 9.4 Friday 8.0 14.5 4.6 Saturday 5.7 16.4 0 Total rainfall for the week 28.8 Walpole forecast for the next five days: Sources: www.bom.gov.au; www.willyweather.com.au Times to Remember Walpole CRC Tuesday to Friday 9 - 4 Bendigo 9.30-3 Walpole Waste Transfer Station Tuesday and Thursday 1 - 5; Sunday 9 - 5 Peaceful Bay Tip Wednesday 9 - 1; Sunday 1 - 4.30 Library 9840 1108 Wednesday 9 - 12 and 1 - 3.30 Friday 9 - 12 and 1 - 3.30 Saturday 9 -12 Walpole Op Shop Monday—Friday 9.30 - 11.30 and Saturday 10 -1 Submit your friends’ and family members’ birthdays to the editor at weekly@walpole.org.au June 2 - June 22, 2016 24 25 28 Chris Hill, Tracy Hardiman Mathew Burton Maria Goodsell, Eve O'Brien, Gregory Peck, Dallas Hunter Walpole Weekly My Date Weekly events Details Monthly Walpole Cancer Support Group meets second Tuesday of every month. Call Di 0423 937 188 for info and venue. June 24 Age Friendly Walpole, public consultation, Walpole Community Hall, June 24 - Truffle Kerfuffle, info and tickets 26 available at trufflekerfuffle.com.au. June 29 Business After Hours (changed date) Sea Search and Rescue, 5.30 - 7.30pm. June 29 UR Walpole, Walpole Primary School Learning journey 1.15pm, Assembly, 2pm, undercover area. July 1 Launch of Sarah Drummond’s new book ‘The Sound’, 26 Nockolds St (Next to Big Hair Shop) 5.30-7.30pm July 1 Walpole Primary School last day of term. July 1 Walpole Hotel Motel, End of Financial Year Sale with local band ‘Dig the Dust’. July 2 Ficifolia Community Garden, AGM, 10am at the garden. July 2 & Manjimup Regional Aqua Centre, 10 3 year anniversary celebrations. July 6 Walpole Volunteer Fire and Rescue, AGM, 6.30pm, Walpole VFRS station. July 7 Launch of the 2016/17 Walpole Business and Community Directory, Walpole CRC, 5.30-7.30pm, RSVP by June 30. July 20 Walpole Primary School return to school, first day of term 3. Income tax, Tax BAS , BAS&&FBT FBTreturns Returns Financial statements Statements Tax planning Planning & advice Advice Reseller of MYOB & Reckon Bookkeeping set up & training Mobile Mobile service Service available available Sandra Knight T: (08) 9848 1301 M: 0409 376 366 sandra@denmarkaccounting.com.au Unit 7 Palm Court, 63 Strickland St Denmark WA 6333 55 Strickland Street Denmark Check out My Weekly Events online walpole.org.au/events You are invited to the launch of Sarah Drummond’s novel The Sound To be held on Friday June 1, 5.30 – 7.30 pm at 26 Nockolds Street (next door to the Big Hair Shop). There will be music, talk of the book and some refreshments. Please RSVP by leaving a message: 0406698463 or drumms01@gmail.com Walpole Weekly June 22, 2016 -3 Walpole Weekly Published by Walpole Community Resource Centre (Inc) Latham Ave. (PO Box 197), Walpole, WA 6398 Phone (08) 9840 1395 Fax (08) 9840 1394 Email: weekly@walpole.org.au Web: www.Walpole.org.au DISTRIBUTION: Up to 500 print copies + electronic downloads in PDF format from Walpole.org.au + social media promotion. Avoid disappointment STRICT SUBMISSIONS DEADLINE 10 am each Monday. News Items are included solely at Editor’s discretion. Announcements, notices of meeting etc will be treated as paid advertisements unless they have particular news value. NEW 2016 ADVERTISING RATES (Rates include GST; exclude agency commissions where applicable; & exclude one-off design fee of $36 if required.) Full page (190mm wide x 270mm deep) $ 95 If right hand page nominated $105 Full colour (back page, inside front/back) $195 Half (190mm x 132mm OR 93mm x 270mm) $ 50 If right hand page nominated $ 55 Quarter (93mm x 132mm OR 190mm x 63mm) $ 28 If page 3 or 5 nominated $ 35 Eighth (93mm x 63mm OR 190mm x 30mm) $ 15 If page 3 or 5 nominated $ 18 If front page nominated $ 50 Classifieds (sixteenth; standard font & layout) $ 5 Cash upfront. If item not sold get next week free! SPECIAL ADVERTISING: Colour wraps, colour inserts, dedicated positions, advertorials, centerfolds, special effects, flyers etc are all available by negotiation. DISCOUNTS & DEALS: Talk to us. A 13th month of advertising is FREE if 12 months are paid for in advance. A discount of 50% applies to notices of births, deaths & marriages. INVOICE issued at the beginning of the month after publication POSTAL SUBSCRIPTION per calendar year $ 60 EMAIL SUBSCRIPTION (Walpole.org.au/subscribe) Free! DISCLAIMER: The Management Committee takes no responsibility for the content of contributions and any views expressed are those of the contributor. St George’s Anglican Church Walpole Corner Vista and Pier Streets Holy Communion Sunday 10am. Contact: Rev Sue Lodge-Calvert Telephone: 9848 2173 Website: www.denmarkanglican.org.au 4 - June 22, 2016 Letters Laura Grieve, passed away on the 12 June. To all Laura’s friends and the community as a whole we thank you. We live in a magical place not only for its natural beauty, but equally for the power and love of the people within it. Laura and I often talked about the wonderful community in which we live and think ourselves as being lucky to live here. When Laura became sick the community went from wonderful to extraordinary. The love and prayers have helped us through this time and enabled Laura to be herself and fight to the end with exceptional bravery. Thank you from myself, Jake and Ella. THANKS DOES NOT SEEM ENOUGH Special thanks to: Sophie Jacoumis and helpers (thanks girls), Wonderful Dianne Pickersgill, Dr Hector, Dr Florian, Dr Caiter, Walpole Silver Chain and Marg Newton - for a soup that was better than any drug. —Mark Harris Signs made a statement Reader Response to ‘Welcome to Walpole no longer litter-free?’ WW June 8, p5. Dear Editor, I really thought the Weekly this week would be full of indignant letters regarding the removal of the LitterFree Signs on the welcome entrance logs. What’s wrong with you all? Gone to sleep? Or gone north for the winter?? Councillor David Tapley and I are the only Walpole folk privileged to have attended both the 2008 and 2014 National Tidy Towns Awards functions in Hobart, Tasmania and Victor Harbor, South Australia, respectively. In both instances, as stated in last week’s article penned by Michael Filby, Walpole was presented with national awards in relation to litter – prevention as well as our litter-free status. Never have I been so proud as I was on both those occasions to be up there on the stage, representing Walpole, and receiving an award that no other town in Australia could lay claim to. We were the envy of the hundreds of delegates present at both functions, some six years apart. I can recall the day back around 2003-ish when the (Continued on page 5) Walpole Weekly (Continued from page 4) litter-free signs were added to the Welcome to Walpole entrance logs. Not a murmur from anyone. It was like they had always been there and were meant to be there. They made a statement. Walpole is litter-free. The signs stand as not only proud positive statements, but an invitation and encouragement to the thousands of visitors who travel through our district each year, to do their bit in helping to keep it that way. To the person who thought it was smart or funny (neither) to remove the signs, I say, do your homework on the internet – and see just how Walpole has benefitted from being acknowledged the first and only town in Australia to be litter-free. We stand apart as a testament to the rest of the Shire, State, Country and the World, that with small things, big things grow. We are an example that it can be done. Why should we reduce ourselves to the same disrespectful level as the rest of this putrid world and dump our rubbish anywhere and everywhere. Littering has to stop or we’ll all drown in it. Come on Walpole, grow up – get on with the big picture (like getting behind a concerted movement to declare the area World Heritage listed) rather than attacking a sign in the false belief that it relates negatively to “rubbish”. Walpole is becoming insular. We should be claiming all and any fame we can in order to remain a popular destination to tourists. And a clean and green environment is the best we have. And it’s already ours. Let’s support it. Try googling Walpole Western Australia and see how many litter free articles come up. How can you say that visitors don’t choose to come here because we are clean? If we had rubbish everywhere do you think we would get more tourists? Has anyone ever done a survey? No. I for one would rather have a holiday in a clean town than a rubbish dump. And to the Weekly – shame on you for printing the attention grabbing statement that because the signs have been removed Walpole is no longer litter-free. Surely the ethos is indelibly etched on all Walpole residents’ minds that WE ARE LITTER-FREE - signs or no signs. An outstanding thankyou to John Kolo and Michael Filby who have set the standard for the rest of us to follow. They don’t do all the “rubbishy” jobs because they like doing them – they do them for Walpole! So, put the signs back and let’s all be proud of the statement they make. —Jenny Willcox The headline ‘Welcome to Walpole no longer litterfree?’ poses a question for open discussion. It also refers to the ‘Welcome to Walpole’ entry sign not the Walpole town as a whole. The Weekly hopes all headlines are attention grabbing. —Ed Walpole Weekly GRIEVE, Laura Our Heartfelt sympathy to Mark, Jake and Ella on the sad loss of Laura, a strong and beautiful woman who we will always remember with love. Those we love don't go away. They walk beside us every day. Unseen, unheard, but always near. Still loved, still missed and very dear. Rest in peace Laura. From your Colleagues at the Tree Top Walk and Walpole and Manjimup Offices of the Department of Parks and Wildlife Rest peacefully Dear Laura, You have taught us the true meaning of strength. Sophie, Nic & Family June 22, 2016 -5 We welcome your opinion Letters continued... The Walpole Weekly values freedom of expression and welcomes contributions and feedback from readers via letter or email on any topic of community interest: 1) All content submitted for publication must provide full name and contact details. 2) If the writer wishes to remain anonymous, the words “Name withheld by request” will be used in the byline. 3) Any content published may be edited to enhance flow, clarity, spelling, and grammar—not facts or meaning—therefore the writer should carefully check facts and consider their choice of words. 4) Should content be deemed by the Editor to be too long, incomprehensible, libelous, illegal, or incite a sensitive issue, then it will not be published. 5) In the case of content being rejected, the writer/s will be notified of the decision by the Editor. 6) Should the writer dispute the Editor’s decision they should take it up in writing with the Management Committee of Walpole CRC. 7) The Management Committee will make the final decision on whether or not to publish the content in the next available edition of the Weekly. Email weekly@walpole.org.au. Your weekly f Men’s health day a good day Friday last, the Silver Chain hosted Men’s Health Day, at which several local chaps were given a ‘going-over’, told about the good ways to keep healthy, and also told about some facts that we would have preferred not to hear! i.e. “Not too much of this and more of that.” However, all in all, it was a good day, and thanks go to various specialist ladies who were Vivienne, Andrea, Heather, Sue, Louise, and our local doctor Katja. They were all under the control of Daniel with Rae having booked us all in making sure we attended. Don’t alter a thing Daniel, for several short sessions of intense scrutiny and ideas from females, will make any man sit up and think! Once again, thank you all. —Peter Newton, Walpole Menshed Walpole Quality Meats More Customers Better Prices ood and coffee guide What’s on offer in and around Walpole this week... Old Kent River Winery and Marron House ‘Our specialty marron and champagne scones.’ Open Wednesday to Sunday 11am - 4pm, South Coast Hwy Kent River 9840 8136 Philippine Magic Café ‘Asian Fusion Cuisine’ Open every day Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner 8.30am - 8pm, Nockolds Street Walpole 9840 1921 Peaceful Bay Seafood Café ‘Fresh line-caught fish directly from the continental shelf off Peaceful Bay’ Open every day Lunch 11am - 3pm, Takeaway 11am - 5pm Mon-Sat, 11am - 4pm Sun, Peaceful Bay 9840 8060 Thurlby herb farm ‘Try our new dish - Holy smoked duck with apple and walnut salad.’ Open Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm Lunch service until 3pm, 3 Gardiner Rd North Walpole 9840 1249 Top Deck Café ‘All our food is made fresh!’ Open Tuesday to Saturday 9am - 2pm Dinner 5.30 - 8pm, Nockolds Street Walpole 9840 1344 Walpole Hotel/ Motel ‘Come in and try our new winter menu’ Open every day Lunch 12 - 2pm Dinner 6-8pm 9840 1023 6 - June 22, 2016 Walpole Weekly Litter-free advertising on global scale Reader Response to letters to the Editor WW June 15. A letter to the editor celebrated the removal of the “Welcome to Litter-Free Walpole” signs and asserted that no one would google “litter-free holiday”. The latter he may indeed be correct, but should you google search “litter-free Walpole” there will be 89,300 references. This is an enormous amount of free advertising, on a global scale, to the benefit of all businesses in Walpole including those businesses that haven’t raised a finger, soiled their hands nor donated $1 towards my costs for cleaning 100 kilometres of this highway for twelve years. These expenses have now exceeded $45,000 based on a conservative estimate of 80cents per km of road cleaning. These same businesses have publicly stated their approval and support for my continuing the cleaning of the highway that bisects the Walpole Wilderness but raised their objection to the use of the “litter-free” entry statement, which was there to inform the hundreds of thousands of visitors as to the environmental standards of this town. These businesses are certainly generous in spirit, if nothing else.—Michael Filby CR De Campo implores Walpole ‘settle down’ Following the Ordinary Meeting of Council held in Walpole last Thursday June 16, the Weekly spoke to Shire President Cr Wade De Campo to discuss some of the issues raised by the community. With regard to the removal of the litter-free signs from the Walpole entry Cr De Campo said that he was disappointed the signs had been removed. “I don’t understand why a community wouldn’t want to be litter-free, we want to be litter-free everywhere don’t we?,” he said. Cr De Campo also said that the removal of the signs was considered an act of vandalism. When asked what the Shire’s position was with regard to the signage and the request submitted to the Council for the signs to be re-instated and registered as iconic entry for Walpole, Cr De Campo said that the litter-free signs were not Shire signs. “The signs had been installed as a community initiative and have also been trashed by the community”, he said. Cr De Campo explained that the Shire wants the community to solve this issue rather than expect the Shire to exert a heavy hand to resolve the matter. (Continued on page 9) Walpole Weekly June 22, 2016 -7 8 - June 22, 2016 Walpole Weekly (Continued from page 7) Walpole ‘settle down’…. Cr De Campo also said that at this point there were no plans for the Shire to undertake any public consultation on the matter or to re-instate the signs. Cr De Campo told the Weekly that there is a segment of the Walpole community who believed they could do whatever they liked without proper approvals or approaching the issues through the right channels. “With the illegal removal of trees in Pioneer Park, the ongoing removal of trees from the Walpole foreshore and now the removal of the litter-free signs matters have gone too far.” Cr De Campo implored people in Walpole to “settle -down” and consider the repercussions of their actions. “Residents need to consider that Walpole is in the middle of a wilderness area and a marine park,” he said. With regard to the clearing of the foreshore Cr De Campo said that the removal of the trees would have an adverse effect on the area promoting further weed growth. Cr De Campo said that he supports tree removal if warranted and if the proper approval channels have been followed. He said that to clear “just because” was unjustified and illegal. “The illegal clearing of the foreshore is a police matter and we hope those responsible are brought to justice.” Cr De Campo said that a solution on how to deal with illegal clearing required broader discussions within the council, and that some of the only tools the Shire has is to hold back funds from Walpole projects. “We don’t want to have to resort to that, but we could decide to withhold funds,” he said. To end, Cr De Campo spoke of the Council meeting with the year six students from Walpole Primary School. Cr De Campo said that they loved the opportunity to meet the students, who displayed ownership of the town and interest in the community. He said that the students had fantastic ideas to improve the town that could be developed easily and cheaply. “The students had fantastic ideas on how to improve Walpole, like mural art, a maze, urban art for the skate park and power pole art. “These are not extravagant projects. We will consider getting at least one of these projects off the ground before the end of the year,” he said. Cr De Campo concluded by saying that with a good community turnout and the public behaving well, the Ordinary Meeting of Council in Walpole had been a success. He also said that no unexpected issues were raised at the meeting. “We have a good idea of the issues in Walpole and we are on top of what’s going on. Cr Dave Tapley is a great communicator for Walpole,” he said. Walpole Weekly June 22, 2016 -9 My Weekly social On Saturday 18th June, 7 Walpole Auskick kids played footy for the half time entertainment at the Fremantle Dockers vs Port Adelaide game at Subiaco Oval. What an amazing experience it was for the kids, something they will remember for ever. Thank you to the parents and helpers for making it all possible. Congratulations Michael Baldock, Tiannah and Shanae Dixon, Jorja and Tristan Kirkwood, Keenan Ninyette and Krystal Taylor. —Shane Kirkwood #mywalpoleweekly e: weekly@walpole.org.au Walpole Auskick players at Subiaco Oval for the Fremantle Dockers vs Port Adelaide Power on June 18. Photos S. Kirkwood. What’s on: Friday 1 July Join us for our End of Financial Year Sale! Walpole Hotel/ ‘Dig the Dust’ Motel with local band Restaurant Open Hours Lunch 12-2pm, Dinner 6-8pm 7days Op en 7 day s a w ee k Phone: (08)9840 1023 10 - June 22, 2016 Walpole Weekly Arts & Music Celebration of voice among tree tops Acting Assistant Manager Julie Ewing with the visiting choirs. Photo J. Ross Visitors at the Tree Top Walk enjoyed an impromptu performance from two choirs who participated in the annual Festival of Voice held in Denmark over the WA Day long weekend. Tree Top Walk Manager Julie Ross said that the choirs were guests of the Tree Top Walk which partnered with Denmark Arts to provide performers, some of whom came from very different landscapes. Ms Ross said that singers from Poco Tutti and the Central Australian Aboriginal Women’s Choir performed a song each and collaborated on a moving rendition of ‘Kumbaya My Lord’ with the sound filtering out across the Valley of The Giants into the Tingle forest. Poco Tutti is Australia’s first completely inclusive choir and takes its name from the musical term ‘Tutti’ meaning everyone. Ms Ross said that with its strong commitment to access and inclusion, Tutti is passionate about supporting talented disabled artists to develop high quality work for international presentation. The Central Australian Women’s Choir sing in six languages including traditional Aboriginal languages, English, German and Zulu. The performance at the Tree Top Walk was the Choir’s last in the area. Walpole Quality Meats Supplying & supporting Walpole for over 12 years Open as normal this week and next week. Closed first week of the school holidays commencing Monday July 4. Re-opening Monday July 11. For bookings phone 9840 1777 Walpole Weekly June 22, 2016 - 11 (Continued from page 1) handing for a commercial estuarine fishing operation, was the fastest selling new release for Fremantle Press in 2013. The book has also been critically acclaimed, being shortlisted for the West Australian Premier's Book Awards in 2014 and longlisted for the Dobbie Literature Award in 2014. Sarah said that compared to Salt Story, The Sound tackles some difficult issues when it comes to our past. “The subject matter is grittier, nastier. There aren’t as many jokes. However it has been reviewed already as beautifully written and unique in that it describes the Australian landscape from the sea,” she said. Sarah said that she has spent her whole life on the south coast and only learned about the pirate sealers who lived on Breaksea Island in Albany about ten years ago. “One of them was even called Hook! Once I started researching, I realised that people from all over the world lived and worked in King George Sound before colonisation,” Sarah said. Walpole Quality Meats More Customers Bigger Range 12 - June 22, 2016 Sarah explained that the sealers and their women, children and dogs roamed between King George Sound and the Swan River in small boats. “I believe they are the same mob that the ‘Deep River of the Sealers’ was named after. “This history struck me as a ripping yarn, but it is also a piece of history that hasn’t been properly explored before.” In her down to earth and friendly manner Sarah told the Weekly that she moved to Walpole last year because she loves the landscape but also because she was “sucked into” another piece of history and story that happened here. “I want to live here and absorb that story and I think I’m in the best place in the world to do that.” The Great Big Book Club Tour will present the official launch of The Sound at the Albany Entertainment Centre on Friday June 24. Sarah has also announced a book launch in Walpole on Friday July 1, from 5.30 to 7.30 pm. The event will be held at 26 Nockolds Street (right next door to the Big Hair Shop). Sarah said that there will be music, talk of the book and some refreshments. Please RSVP by leaving a message: 0406698463 or drumms01@gmail.com Sarah’s blog can be found on her website thawinedarksea.blogspot.com.au. Walpole Weekly Walpole litter-free case study It was brought to the Weekly’s attention that the litterfree welcome sign in Walpole had been selected for inclusion in an international study relating to how attractions are part of creating destination identities. The study yet to be completed is a topic of interest of Professor Johan R Edelheim (PhD), Director of The Multidimensional Tourism Institute in Finland. With the topic currently up for discussion in town, the Weekly sought comment from Dr Edelheim on the removal of the litter-free entry signs. Dr Edelheim kindly provided the following comment: “What I analyse is councils and municipalities webpages (how tourism is portrayed, and what is emphasized); printed material from the same entities; slogans that councils are using to distinguish themselves from others (both in printed material and in town-entry statements), and physical information signs/ maps in councils that driving-tourists come across”. Dr Edelheim said that he is looking at responsible tourism from five different directions: economic, ecologic, social, cultural, and political responsibility with special interest in how policy makers, entrepreneurs and other people with power in society are creating messages that underlay a destination. Dr Edelheim said: “Walpole’s town entry statement on litter-free is in my mind a strong and valuable statement, that reminds me of forward looking places that are forbidding plastic bags, producing all energy with renewable sources, have eco-villages with joint city-farming options, to mention some examples. “Examples like these stand out from crowds, and interestingly produce satisfied local residents, higher income for local businesses overall, and satisfied visitors (who are more likely to recommend and return to the place.)” Dr Edelheim further explained, “To therefore remove the statement sounds in my mind rather backward and poses the question of values that the people behind the campaign really want to highlight, progressiveness it isn’t.” Send comments to the editor weekly@walpole.org.au. Fire hazard reduction works RODERICK’S TREE LOPPING SERVICES We are a fully-insured company with very experienced & qualified staff to handle your job professionally. Any size Tree Removal or Lopping, Pruning, Mulching. Stump Grinding, Bobcat Clearing, Fire Breaks or Parkland Clearing Please call Paul for a free quote Mobile 0428 481 280 Office 08 9848 1113 We offer our sincere condolences to Mark, Jake and Ella on the passing of Laura. Emma, Denise, Rynea and Catherine Walpole Pharmacy Walpole Weekly June 22, 2016 - 13 Weekly sport Gymnastics Walpole Gymnastics champions again Walpole gymnastics took part in the Great Southern Gymnastics Competition held in Denmark over the weekend. The competition against Mount Barker and Denmark tests competitors’ skill in the Australian Women's Levels Program. Coach Maree Pickett said, “A group of the clubs girls competed from Level 1 to 4 and Walpole won the overall championship Club shield. “It is the fourth year the competition has been held and Walpole Gymnastics Club brought home the Club Shield for the second time, so a big congratulations to our hard training gymnasts." Jaqueline Bachmann won the Level 2 Trophy and Bindi Robertson, Level 4, came 2nd in the overall results. Maree was thankful to Denmark Gymnastics Club for hosting the event and providing the opportunity for Walpole gymnasts to compete locally. Maree also said that the club will be sending competitors to the Country States competition in Perth later in the year. Coaches Lisa Teague Robertson (left) and Maree Pickett with proud Walpole gymnasts. Golf Walpole Pharmacy Trophy Stroke 18/6/16 Winner K Anderson 71 R Up M Lumb 71 C/B Long Putt #9 T Ireland Least Putts N Burton 22 Best Gross C Burton 83 Birdies G Becker 1,10,16; W Dumbrell 10; K Anderson 8 Next week: PAR Modern Mouldings Trophy. Bowls Walpole gymnasts showcase their ribbons. Photo Maree Pickett. Sunday 19/06/2016 Bowls Scroungers. Winner Graham Becker Runner up Bob Eddington. Congratulations to you both. Scroungers is on again next Sunday 9.30 a.m. —Trish, Colin Anning BRAD PIERCE Mob: 0428 927 158 Ph/Fx: 08 9848 3191 Email: g.s.concreting @bigpond.com 14 - June 22, 2016 HOUSE Slabs Verandahs Driveways sheds Aggregate CONCRETE Brick paving PO Box 434 Denmark wa 6333 Walpole Weekly Football JUNIOR FOOTY is BACK IN WALPOLE! Come and support our local kids this Saturday as the Denmark - Walpole Magpies put their skills to the test against Albany’s best. It’s great to watch our young kids “have a go” and you know you could be watching some AFL stars of the future! The action kicks off at 9am with the u/11s, the u/13s clash at 10.30 followed by the 15s at noon. Of course there will be a sausage sizzle and morning tea available, so do yourself a favour and come on down for some Aussie Rule action! —Lee Classifieds WALPOLE CONCRETE SUPPLIES and EARTHMOVING SERVICE Pre-mix concrete Sand, gravel carting Site works, house & shed pads, driveways Back hoe, bobcat, loader and grader hire Blue metal and metal dust available. Contact Nigel Fry Phone 9840 1626 - Mobile 0419 948 072 22T Excavator & D6 LGP Dozer Back Hoe & Tip Truck with Hiab ABN: 56 925 355 168 Car for sale 1991 Toyota 4runner Wgn., reliable 4x4, good cond., roo bar & tow bar. $1750 ONO. Phone 0429 401 321. Car for sale Phone: Rusty 0427000 983 Email: 2rusty@iinet.net.au AWD 2005 Subaru Forrester, midnight blue, reliable, good cond., tow ball, roof racks, rego to Dec 16, reduced to sell $6,500 0431 284 925. Car poolers wanted Do you travel regularly or occasionally to Albany or Denmark? Would you be prepared to give someone a lift? Are you looking to travel to Albany or Denmark? We may be able to connect you with someone. For more information contact Walpole CRC 98401395 17-21 Cockburn Rd PO Box 5628 Albany WA 6332 Ph: 9842 1533 Fax: 9842 1833 www.rainbowft.com.au Your suppliers for Timber Roof Trusses & Wall Frames Kerry Halse 0427 482 437 Email: halsee@westnet.com.au Walpole Weekly June 22, 2016 - 15 16 - June 22, 2016 Walpole Weekly