call for proposals - 3rd Annual eLearning Innovations Conference


call for proposals - 3rd Annual eLearning Innovations Conference
2015 Theme: Changing Lives
2015 eLearning Innovations Conference
An International Conference for ICT Innovators, Leaders, and Educators!
Event Description
The conference secretariat welcomes you to the 2015 the eLearning Innovations
Conference hosted by in partnership with the Kenya Institute of Curriculum
Development, and Talents Coaching and Consulting Kenya. The conference will be held
on September 28 - 30, 2015, and post-conference workshops on October 1- 2,
2015, at the NACECE Resource Center at the Kenya Institute of Curriculum
Development buildings, (KICD, formerly KIE) Nairobi, Kenya.
2015 Theme: Changing Lives
Conference Partners
The 2015 eLearning Innovations Conference is a collaborative learning event, brought to you by the
Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development, and Talents Coaching and Consulting (TALENTS) and a
dedicated team of Program Committee members, who represent a diverse team of thought leaders,
researchers, and practitioners from academia, corporate and NGO sectors.
TALENTS Coaching and Consulting:
Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development
Conference Features & Dates
This annual event attracts ICT innovators, educators, and leaders from all sectors. Presenters and delegates
from over 75 institutions and organizations from over 11 different countries presented at the 2013 and
2014 eLearning Innovations Conferences. We welcome all education and training stakeholders to attend
and present. Corporate, education, government, and NGOs using eLearning, mobile learning, and blended
learning platforms for formal, non-formal, and informal learning may submit an abstract to speak or
3-day Conference: 28 – 30 September, 2015
2-day Post-Conference Training Workshops: 1 - 2 October, 2015
Internationally-recognized keynote speakers
Expert Panels from all sectors
Poster presentations
Presenters in break-out sessions
Networking events including a cocktail reception
2015 Theme: Changing Lives
Call for Proposal
This document provides conference delegates with more information about the conference:
Context: event venue
Content: theme and presentation formats
Process: how to submit an abstract
Central to the conference focus is the integration of electronic technologies for learning (eLearning) and
their applications in these areas:
Computer-based learning (e.g. PCs, Macs, Laptops, Podcasts, e-books)
Traditional distance education media (videos, radio, correspondence, TV, etc.) or a
Mobile learning (mLearning): a component of eLearning that provides solutions across any type of
mobile device including phones, hand-held computers (tablets), GPS, gaming devices, etc.
Blended Learning: a combination of two or more media including face-to-face formats
For brevity purposes, the term eLearning is used to represent these four areas
Who Should Attend?
All individuals, institutions, product developers, and service providers working in the electronic learning
environment are invited to join us as we mark the 3rd International elearning Innovations Conference.
Sponsors wishing to connect with professionals and showcase eLearning and mobile learning solutions,
including new tools, technologies, products, services, and strategies are welcome! The following
professionals have attended in the past:
mLearning & eLearning Developers
Corporate Training facilitators
Instructional Designers
Curriculum Developers
ICT & IT managers
Chief Learning Officers
LMS and App Developers
ICT Program Managers
eLearning Specialists
Human Resource Leaders
Higher Ed. Lecturers Professors
University or College Administrators
Education officers
NGO leaders
Scholars & Researchers
High School Teachers
Mobile service providers/Telecom
Value Added Service (VAS) providers
IT practitioners
Organizational Development Consultants
Visit our website to see list of attendees from the past conferences as well as the past conference reports
and shared presentations.
2015 Theme: Changing Lives
All presentations must be aligned to the conference theme and one of the following Conference Tracks
Theme: Changing Lives through eLearning/Mobile Education
Presentations under this year’s theme will show how eLearning is changing lives through the six tracks
presented below. Speakers should discuss how the mobile and web-based technologies they are using are
changing lives and provide related research and/or case studies.
1. Changing Lives: Growing Careers
How are lives being changed through mobile education?
What applications (software) and hardware are promoting career development?
How are individuals (professionally and personally) being affected by eLearning?
What are the emerging opportunities being realized through eLearning/mobile education?
Looking beyond the challenges, how are the stakeholders benefiting from eLearning?
What self-employment opportunities are emerging in the eLearning sector?
Examples of mobile innovations for learning
2. Changing Lives through Mobile Education
What are some examples mobile education innovations changing lives?
How are lives being changed through mobile education?
Who is being affected and how?
How can we better prepare for and take advantage of mobiles for learning/training?
3. Changing Lives through the Teaching Professions (Trainers, Teacher Education and Faculty
This track will examine the impact of eLearning across the teaching professions. Speakers will discuss
contributions to Teacher Education and Training and the impact on school systems and higher education.
Case studies of Professional development of teachers and trainers’ and faculty development.
How are teachers, schools, students, being affected?
How are teachers/trainers lives being changed through mobile education?
How is teacher education, faculty training changing?
What opportunities or gaps are emerging?
How are government ICT initiatives and policies changing delivery of such programs?
How are ICTs being used to inform eGovernance training academies?
4. Changing Lives: Mobile Education Making Waves across the Sectors
This track will examine the impact of mobile learning across the sectors. Speakers will discuss
contributions to Governance, Medical and Health education and training, eAgriculture, Extension services,
Financial services, Military, Transportation etc.
What ICT applications are useful for professional growth across the sectors?
2015 Theme: Changing Lives
How are lives being changed through mobile education for the professions?
To what extent are professions being affected by mobile or Web-based education?
Who and how are the stakeholders benefiting (or not)?
Case studies of Professional development of medical health educators
eLearning contribution to agricultural education, extension, and training
How are the stakeholders benefiting from mobile education?
5. Changing Lives: Digital Tools for Leadership
This track will examine the impact of digital tools on leadership. Speakers will discuss digital tools that
facilitate leadership. Topics can feature leadership decisions and policies are affecting the eLearning
offerings and practices.
What ICT applications are useful for digital leadership?
To what extent is eLearning affecting leadership practices?
How are government policies affecting eLearning?
What are the ICT implications for leadership?
6. Changing Lives for Disadvantaged Audiences
How is eLearning changing girls’ education?
Impact of mobile education on those with accessibility challenges
Mobile education reaching the rural audiences, at-risk populations
What applications are promising for such audiences?
Overcoming “last-mile” barriers to reach the unreached
Promising digital programs for refugees
Session Formats
Poster Sessions: Visual displays on poster boards and presentations are given to conference participants
as they interact with the presenters as they review the posters, positioned on poster boards. We would like
to encourage presenters to consider using posters to present their work.
Advantages of poster presentations over oral presentations by Scott W. Plunkett
• A poster session has potential to reach larger numbers of people than a typical oral presentation.
• An appealing poster can interest people who walk by who might not be in your specific field of research.
• A poster presentation allows you to interact one-on-one with people interested in your research.
• There is more time to present your research at a poster session; versus the 12-20 minutes allotted in
most oral sessions.
Symposium Sessions: Each symposium session includes 2-3 related full papers that are grouped
together by topic by the Conference Program Committee. The proposal MUST have objectives and content
that demonstrates what participants will learn and fit within the conference theme. Proposals for
2015 Theme: Changing Lives
symposium sessions must clearly indicate how this session fits with the selected track. Each symposium
presenter will be allocated 30 minutes to present (time includes question/discussion time).
Panel sessions: Panels will include e-learning experts, IT professionals, educators, HR practitioners,
students, and policy makers and others involved in eLearning. Your abstract must indicate who will sit on
the panel (2-3 individuals) and their roles. You must receive permission from the panelists before you
include them in your abstract. Panels will be conducted in 1 hour sessions.
Exhibition: Showcasing of products and services is open to exhibitors. Exhibitors will be provided with
booth spaces at a cost. Contact us to learn more about how to book a space at the Expo. An
abstract/proposal is not necessary but registration and payment to exhibit is required. The Expo booths
will be open throughout the duration of the conference.
What to Expect
This conference offers delegates an exceptional opportunity to experience:
Cutting-edge presentations and showcases
Engaging thought-provoking topics in panel presentations
Innovative ways of integrating ICTs in education
Inspiring the exchange of ideas and knowledge
Meet potential collaborators
Develop a learning community and a support system beyond the conference
Reach a diverse audience with your products/services
Network and make personal connections
Conference Paper Submissions
Priority Submission Deadline is June 30th, 2015
All abstracts will be reviewed and MUST include
1. Title of the paper
2. Format of presentation- symposium, poster, panel, exhibit
3. Conference track -select one that fits your topic from the 3 tracks provided
4. Session learning outcomes that participants attending your session should expect
2015 Theme: Changing Lives
5. Abstract MUST have a minimum of 1000 – and a maximum of 1500 words.
6. References MUST be included at end of abstract.
Training Workshops - October 1-2, 2015
The Post-Conference workshops will take place on October 1st and 2nd 2015. These workshops will be
delivered by eLearning experts. Workshops will be hands-on interactive sessions for those new to
eLearning and those seeking to understand the fundamentals of successful eLearning and to enrich their
eLearning competencies at a deeper level.
2015 Workshop topics will feature:
October 1: Moving to Mastery: Virtual Facilitation Using Moodle: 1-day training workshops
targeting Human resource directors, faculty, trainers, and other leaders in charge of training
October 2: Digital Tools for Leadership: 1-day training workshops for Senior executives and
2015 Theme: Changing Lives
The conference venue is the NACECE Resource Center within the Kenya School of Curriculum Development
buildings along Desai Road, off Muranga Road. The center is strategically located about 2 kilometers from
the central business district in Nairobi in the quiet parklands neighborhood. The center provides
conferencing facilities complete with
an auditorium, multilingual
delegate’s system, affordable
accommodation, meals and a
business center.
For questions and reservations
Contact Us/Follow Us
ELI Conference Email:
Facebook page:
Twitter Hashtag: #changinglives