March 11th, 2015 - Rotary Club of BENTLEIGH MOORABBIN


March 11th, 2015 - Rotary Club of BENTLEIGH MOORABBIN
March 18th, 2015
Richard’s Scribhinni
Greetings fellow Rotarians,
On Friday I drove to Ballarat for the District 9810
Conference which was held at Federation University. It
was only 2 weekends ago that I attended the President
Elect Training sessions conducted at the same venue.
Ballarat is a very pleasant city. It was a good feeling
being amongst such a large gathering of like-minded
Rotarians. John Mason has provided a report on the
conference elsewhere in the Bulletin.
So what does one come away with from such an event?
For each Rotarian the conference was about renewal,
motivation and daring to dream. Speaker after speaker demonstrated the “power of
one” – the ability to recognise the need, the dream, and then to turn the dream into reality by taking action. How
would you have reacted if a member of our club stood up at a meeting and said “I think we should commence a
project to eliminate polio worldwide”. As in the 1997 movie “The Castle”, Darryl Kerrigan (Michael Caton) might
have said “Tell the Rotarian to sit down. He/she is dreaming”. The dream, “the elimination of polio worldwide”, is a
dream that began in 1985 and is now so tantalisingly close to reality.
In Africa there is a saying, 'If you want to
go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go
together.' To achieve their dreams the
speakers needed to work together with
others. Working together could be simply
working with communities or forming
partnerships with an organisation that has
a “specific skill set”. Rotary is well placed to
bring pieces of the community jigsaw
together to help solve problems.
Speaker after speaker at the conference
saw the need, dared to dream and took up
the challenge. For our club, it is time to
celebrate and review our wonderful rotary
journey so far. Then we should conjure up
our dreams and enjoy together our journey
to new destinations. As I drove back from
Ballarat, I wondered about the rotary
dreams our club members might have. “Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could>>>>.”. You know, we can
together. Yours in Rotary, Richard Wright, President.
Club meeting report March 11
21 members and visitor Michael Hopworth (3rd visit)
were present at Classic Residence, more or less on
time, to hear Corporal Tim introduce Chairman Chris.
The minimalist regalia had appeared by magic having
been left last week. Regilar Sergeant Tony limped in
late with minor surgical modifications. Pres Richard
welcomed us all and advised Lisa is still on sick leave
with Bells Palsy. John M updated on Celestina from
Timor who is now at ‘Children First’ at Kilmore with her
mum, recovering from the hole in the heart surgery and
preparing for operations on her legs.
New member Faye Weeks was the ‘behind the badge’
speaker and related the ‘this is my life’ bits about being
born in Murrumbeena and growing up in Moorabbin.
Moorabbin PS, Gardenvale Central then Mc Rob; mar-
ried at 17 , her (now late) husband
9 years older, they quickly had
three children, after which Faye
went back to study and became a
Working in the era of ‘deinstitutionalisation’, she related experiences with setting up houses
for ‘clients’ in prime residential areas. Later she taught nursing at
Deakin, and boldly failed a student,
an unheard of step. Her later work
has been with municipal councils in
assessment of aged and disabled ‘clients’ to endeavor to support them and keep them at home.
Between times she travels extensively with a lady
friend, recently to Europe and soon to the Americas.
Her husband had been a Public Servant working
with Police Comissioners, and they refurbished and
traded houses, Faye doing the decorating. Her current activities include embroidery and travel. There
was a lively discussion after her talk which revealed she had a grandson with Cystic Fibrosis,
and that her work position if funded by three levels
of government but is moving to federal funding.
Sergeant Tony rabbited on about seagulls and
Scottish Councils, and Larry noted the next Board
meeting as April 13th, the week after Easter. Richard closed the meeting with the usual injunction to ‘Light Up
Rotary. Next meeting
is again to be at Classic Residences.
Report provided
by John Mason in
the absence of our
bulletin reporter
Just seven of the members of RCBMC* (and
two 'accompanying persons') travelled to Ballarat for the Conference last week end, to join
the 510 others from around the district. It was
an outstanding success.
DG Tony Monley had selected as his theme, "The Six
Areas of Focus" of the Rotary Foundation, and this gave
all the presentations a cohesion that is often missing. All
speakers (two on each area of focus) were excellent and
relevant. The Federation University facilities and general
presentation techniques were all excellent. The Rotary
International President's Personal Representative (aka
the RIPeR) was past International Pres Bill Boyd from
NZ. He succinctly explained changes to the Foundation
and Grants, including the adoption of the 'Six Areas of
For those that don't remember, the Six Areas of Focus are>
• Peace and Conflict Resolution
• Disease Prevention and Treatment.
• Water and Sanitation
• Maternal and Child Health
• Basic Education and Literacy
• Economic and Community Development.
It was fascinating to learn how they are all linked. If
women and children are better educated (and this can
only happen if there are toilets at the schools),
Health will improve, Economic prosperity will increase,
and the chances of conflicts will be markedly reduced.
Our Club could well adopt these Six Areas as the main
focus of our funding priorities. After each session we
were challenged to find a 'Eureka Moment' to take away and act on.
On the lighter side the Saturday Night Gala had the theme 'Under the Southern Cross', and our team won third
prize for our star spangled blue hats and vests designed and made by Linda and Karin. Friday night Club dinner
was in our room with a three course dinner cooked and served by Margaret. We were treated to excellent singers
and dancers and a comedian. The whole event was seamlessly and professionally run.
Next year, Conference is at Shepparton; March 18th to 20th. Newer members who have not been to a confer-
Coming Guest Speakers and Events
Today— LORRAINE PIRIHI - Director "Relaunch your Life"
March 25 - Club member to talk about anything, eg. Holiday/accomplishments
April 22- Samantha Hunter CEO of Crimestoppers
April 29- Pastor Rob Buckingham (refer below)
May 13—Dr Benedict Valdez – Mission Director of Maharlika Charity Foundation
May 20—Open forum for club members
A reminder that upcoming speakers can be reviewed on the Club website via the calendar. If you have any
suggestions for guest speakers, please contact Terry Kane
CONTRIBUTIONS AND REPORTS: Pease use the email address when sending in any contributions to the Bulletin.
Please have them in by Sunday evening of each week.. Must be in format that allows for text to be "copied" NO scanned documents. In
addition, please reduce photos to no larger than 100k. Thank you.
Today’s Guest Speaker, Lorraine Pirihi
Lorraine has a unique background, including over 13 years in business helping small business owners get organized so they can be much more productive and profitable.
Time management was a major issue for her clients, however Lorraine identified it was ‘Mind Management’ that created what they were experiencing. She
realized that the reason many business owners didn’t get the results they
were looking for was because of their lack of awareness and having the right
mind-set. Lorraine identified that the majority of people she worked with were
babyboomers who were unaware that their business,
health, relationships and life in
general could improve dramatically by changing themselves!
Through her studies on human behaviour, Lorraine created Relaunch Your Life, specializing in helping babyboomer business owners reignite their passion for business and life! A practical, straight-talking
person, Lorraine pulls no punches and shares her simple, yet very
powerful insights that will help anyone who is feeling worn out and
overwhelmed by their business and life itself, get back on track.
Lorraine has also produced a range of products including “How You Can Work Less Make More Money and Have
Guest Speaker April 29
Pastor Rob Buckingham is 57 and has been married to Christie for 21 years.
They have three daughters, Gigi (16), Paris (13) and Trinity (6).
Rob is the Senior Minister at Bayside Church - a contemporary multi-site church in
the southern bayside region of Melbourne. Rob started the church in 1992 with a
team of 40 people and over the past 23 years the church has grown to over 2,000
people in regular attendance. Bayside Church has a strong commitment to make a
positive difference in its community and beyond. Bayside’s slogan is “Church has
changed – check it out!”
As well as his church work, Rob is a well-respected part of Melbourne's media community having worked as an announcer with Easy Music 3MP for 15 years. In December 2002 he began work with Melbourne's new Christian radio station, Light FM.
Along with radio work Rob and Christie also co-host an interactive TV Chat show
Market Report, 15th March:
O'Shea, Lewis, Moorleigh, Pullan, new club bailey....(hence paid two lots each
of $250 out), weather cold, sold out of tables and racks by 7.15am, party shop requiring access to side lane all
morning-system worked with the shop staff moving fence as needed.
Greg O’Shea
Danny Schwarz
Kevin Davidson & John Mason
Lisa Kinross & ????
Richard Wright
Geoff Gartly & Tim Moran
John Lehner & Zilla Roth
Geoff Gledhill & Peter O'Brien
Peter Lewis & Tony Ryan
Charles Agius
Peter Guttmann & Greg O'Shea
Tim Lynch & Maria Saunders
Ian Ballantine
Terry Kane & Grant Perry
Chris Mara & Karin Soster
Ron Brownlees
Alan Kempton & Charles Rener
Margaret Mason & Danny Schwarz
Kevin Davidson
Lisa Kinross & Merv Ritter
John Mason & Richard Wright
Geoff Gartly
John Lehner & Zilla Roth
Tim Moran & ?
Geoff Gledhill
Peter Lewis & Tony Ryan
Peter O'Brien & Charles Agius
Peter Guttmann
Tim Lynch & Maria Saunders
Greg O'Shea & Ian Ballantine
Richard Wright
Jun Zeccola
Maria Saunders & Faye Weeks
Margaret Mason
John Mason
E Rotary Club
Kevin Davidson
Ron Brownlees
Karin Soster
Peter O’Brien
Geoff Gartly
Peter Guttman
Geoff Gledhill
Alan Kempton
Larry Green
Tony Ryan
Tim Lynch
Lisa Kinross
John Lehner
Paul Ferguson
Peter O'Brien
Linda O'Brien
Peter Guttman
Please try to do your allotted duty on the appropriate day. If you are unable to do this it is YOUR responsibility to arrange a replacement by
way of swapping. If you are the designated market leader, you must swap with a person who will take on role of leader. The above rosters will
NOT show swaps so it is up to you to keep track of your changes. viewed within the members section of the website.
The Four Way Test of Things We Say and Do
1. Is it the truth?
2. Is it fair to all concerned?
3. Will it bring goodwill and better friendship?
4. Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise,
and in particular, to encourage and foster :
FIRST, the development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service.
SECOND, high ethical standards in business and professions, the recognition of the worthiness of all useful
occupations, and the dignifying of each Rotarians occupation as an opportunity to serve society:
THIRD, the application of the ideal of service in each Rotarians personal, business, and community life:
FOURTH, the advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of
business and professional persons united in the ideal of service.
Rotary Grace
For good food, for good fellowship, and the opportunity of service through Rotary, we thank you O Lord. Amen.
Our Club is one of over 32,000 in the world and our members are a part of a group totalling over 1.2 million in
over 200 countries. If you would like to learn more about Rotary, please email - we would
love to hear from you.
This Bulletin can be viewed on line at