Fortitude Valley Rotary


Fortitude Valley Rotary
Fortitude Valley Rotary
Bulletin Number 30
This Week
February 12
Next Week
February 19
Planned Giving and the
Charities Trust
Larry O'Toole, David Hassall
Gerry Crooks, St James
Chair: David Hassall
Chair: Larry O'Toole
“If Not Now – When? If Not Us – Who?”
Peter Baines
12 February 2015
The Four Way Test
Is it the Truth?
Is it Fair to all concerned?
Will it build goodwill and better
Will it be beneficial to all
* Maria King 15th Feb
From the Acting President / President Elect
* Geoff & Louise Street 17th
Guest Speaker - Steve Burroughs delivered a poignant message on the caring and
compassionate spirit that he assures us is alive in his generation, the so-called millennium
generation, the generation most people have come to call the “me” generation. His humble
personal beginnings and hardships throughout his upbringing helped him form a deep connection
with those in need and, following his military training in the US Army and his graduation from West
Point, he has dedicated himself to helping those in suffering, particularly disease related
suffering. He shared details of his role models including Malala Yousafzai, the Pakistani advocate
and activist for female education and the youngest-ever Nobel Prize laureate. He talked about the
greatest challenge in the world today being the fight against disease and he is inspired by groups
such as Rotary that have long term programs for the eradication of diseases such as polio. It was
an interesting and thought provoking presentation that was appreciated by all. Steve was awarded
the 2013 Fulbright Postgraduate Scholarship and is studying a Master’s Degree in International
Public Health at the University of Queensland. He is also involved as a foundation member of the
new Rotoract Club in Brisbane City.
Rotoract City – we were joined by David Brand and Melanie Packer who, along with Steve
Burroughs, have formed a new Rotaract Club in Brisbane. They are looking forward to the club’s
Charter Night on 31 March.
Club Anniversaries
* Nil
Rotary Club
Fortitude Valley
enjoys the
support of the
Pavilion Function
Sergeant’s Roster
Other Guests – the meeting welcomed three visitors who may be potential new members. Linda
Tatt was the guest of David Hassall and Ben Weaver and Nikky Wells were Lisa Bateson’s guests.
Dirty Dancing – please see Dianne if you wish to join us on 10 June.
Glamping – see Ken Callaghan for details of the proposed Moreton Island trip on 20-22
12 - Larry O'Toole
19- Bill Hunt
26- Geoff Street
5- Greg Windsor
Rotary Grace
O Lord, giver of all good
President Michael returns this week from his Perth and Vietnam travels.
We thank you for our daily food
Remember: Light up Rotary.
May Rotary Friends in Rotary ways
Help us to serve you all our days
See you on Thursday,
Cheers, Larry
President Elect
PO Box 171 Fortitude Valley Qld 4006
Pics from last week.
Sergeant Ken
Top Table
Guests Ben and David
Leo, Philip, Ossama and Debbie
John, Sue and Wayne
Alan, John and Peter
A Message to Members.
Each Monday an email is sent to each member requesting that they
indicate whether or not they will be attending Thursday's meeting
and if they will be bringing guests.
Last week, 19 members indicated that they would be attending and
indicated that there would be guests.
26 members turned up!
This creates problems with catering and table setting etc with the
Please indicate whether or not you will be attending as this will help
us maintain a good relationship with the Pavilion.
Yes, we do allow for a couple of extra seats but 40% additional
meals means the chef runs into difficulties as the kitchen is only
catering for us.
Please email if you do not receive
the Monday emails. I will update your file with the address of the
email you send.
Note, those on leave of absence are automatically marked as not
Pyjama Foundation
February 20
March 21,22
March 27
June 10
Guests Melanie and Nikki with Lisa
Marie, Linda and David
Guest Speaker, Steve Burroughs
Restaurant Night at "Rhubarb Rhubarb"
Stradbroke/Moreton Is Camping
Restaurant Night TBA (Italian)
"Dirty Dancing" QPAC
Duty Roster
If you can’t be there, as a good Rotarian, please arrange a substitute and let your team captain know.
This Month (February)
Captain: John Cox
Wayne Amisano, Sue Beckett (iPad)
Jim Corser
Captain: John Egan
Valda Nichol (iPad)
Michael Potts, Hank Van Lieshout
Captain: Geoff Street
Bruce Dore (iPad)
Alan Muldoon, Ossama El Saadi.
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