- Ohio Health Information Management Association


- Ohio Health Information Management Association
learn to love
the ride
March 23-25, 2015 • Hilton Columbus at Easton
35th Annual Meeting
learn to love the ride
MONDAY, MARCH 23, 2015
8:00 - 9:00
Registration/Continental Breakfast
9:00 - 10:45
Enjoy the Ride – It Only Gets Better!
10:45 - 11:45
Help Us to Realize Our Vision
11:45 - 1:00
OHIMA Annual Business Meeting & Awards Recognition Luncheon
1:15 - 2:30
1. C
DI Program Development and
Outcomes: Improved CMI and
Quality Measures
2. P
reparing Your Organization for
Round Two: Tips for Surviving
Privacy and Security Desk Audits
3. D
ocument Integrity through the
Legal Health Record
4.a. E xploring ROI’s Role in Patient
Engagement: Opening New
Doors for HIM
2:45 - 4:00
1. C
DI Program Development and
Outcomes: Improved CMI and
Quality Measures
2. P
reparing Your Organization for
Round Two: Tips for Surviving
Privacy and Security Desk Audits
3. D
ocument Integrity through the
Legal Health Record
4.b. Breaking Down the Silos
4:00 - 5:00
‘Meet & Greet the Exhibitors’ Happy Hour
8:00 - 9:00
Registration/EXHIBIT HALL Grand Opening/Continental Breakfast in EXHIBIT HALL
9:00 - 10:30
Who are you BECOMING?
10:30 - 11:30
Impact of Healthcare Reform on HIM Professionals
11:30 - 12:45
Lunch & Raffles in EXHIBIT HALL (Boxed lunch and beverage provided if indicated on registration form)
11:45 - 12:15
Student Networking Lunch
12:45 - 2:00
1.a. D
eveloping Emotional
2:00 - 2:30
Break & Raffle Drawings in EXHIBIT HALL
2:30 - 3:45
1.b. Creative Leadership
3:45 - 4:45
Wine & Cheese Reception/Conversation Tables/Raffles in EXHIBIT HALL
2. L ose Inches and Gain
Dollars with Improved
2. L ose Inches and Gain
Dollars with Improved
3. D
oc for Docs: Giving
“The Talk” to Physicians
4.a. H
IM Competencies and
Career Progression
5.a. S etting Goals
for Success
3. Doc
for Docs: Giving
“The Talk” to Physicians
4.b. L attice “work” Your
5.b. C
oding & Technical
Roles in HIM – Panel
8:00 - 9:00
Registration/Continental Breakfast in EXHIBIT HALL
9:00 - 10:15
9:00 - 10:30
I. C
ODING: Cardiac Cases
10:15 - 11:00
10:15-11:00 Break & Raffle Drawing in EXHIBIT HALL (CODING)
10:30-11:00 Break & Raffle Drawing in EXHIBIT HALL (DIRECTORS DAY)
11:00 - 12:00
11:00 - 12:15
11:00 - 12:15
I. C
ODING: Urology Cases
12:00 - 1:15
12:15-1:15 (CODING); 12:00-1:15 (DIRECTORS DAY):
Lunch & Raffle Drawings in EXHIBIT HALL (Boxed lunch & beverage provided if indicated on registration form)
1:15 - 2:15
1. C
ODING: The Impact of ICD-10 on
DRG Assignment
1:15 - 3:45
9:00 - 10:15
Ia. 2. P
9:00 - 10:30
IRECTOR’S DAY: Make Change Inevitable,
Not Exasperating!
11:00 - 12:00
11:00 - 12:15
Ia.2. P
IRECTOR’S DAY: Information Governance:
Ia.1. C
Principles and Practice
(continued from a.m.) (continued from a.m.)
1:15- 3:45
Ib.1. C
1:15- 3:45
Ib. 2. P
II. 1 :15 - 2:30
DIRECTOR’S DAY: Meaningful Use Rule Changes, Ohio Facts and Figures, & What’s Next
2:15 - 3:15
I. CODING: Sepsis
3:15 - 3:45
I. CODING: ICD-10 Family Feud
II. 2 :30 - 3:45
DIRECTOR’S DAY: Business Impact of Information
Privacy and Security – Lessons Learned from
Enforcement Actions
program descriptions
8:00 AM – 9:00 AM
Registration/Continental Breakfast
9:00 AM – 10:45 AM
Enjoy the Ride — It Only Gets Better!
Cea Cohen Elliott
CE Credits: Program = 5.0
and deal with stress. Warning: This session may cause
you to laugh, cry and enjoy yourself … attend at your
own risk!
10:45 AM – 11:45 AM
Help Us to Realize Our Vision
Professional Motivational Speaker
Dana C. McWay, JD, RHIA
Remember how much we laughed with Cea and her
magic wands at the 2010 Annual Meeting? Well,
get ready to laugh some more because Cea is
back! Learn how to use humor to diffuse stress and
negativity, live life to the fullest and create joy instead
of anger and hostility! Learn about techniques such
as deep breathing, relaxation techniques, healthy
eating, exercise and learning to say “no” to feel good
Envision the future of HIM in this evolving healthcare
environment by learning new skills to add value
to our organizations, and by teaching others the
standards and principles required for effective
governance and the creation of true intelligence.
Success starts with believing in yourself and your
role as an HIM professional. As a member of the
Board of Directors, AHIMA
AHIMA Board, Ms. McWay will provide you with an
overview of AHIMA’s strategic initiatives and how
they can help prepare you to lead in the future.
11:45 AM – 1:00 PM
OHIMA Annual Business Meeting &
Awards Recognition Luncheon
Enjoy a delicious, hot, sit-down luncheon while
networking with friends and honoring OHIMA’s
Distinguished Member and Achievement Award
recipients. The OHIMA Business Meeting will also
be conducted at this time during which the newly
elected Board Members will be introduced.
* IMPORTANT NOTE: Be sure to check YES on
your registration form to attend this luncheon!
CONCURRENT SESSIONS: 1:15 PM – 2:30 PM & 2:45 PM – 4:00 PM
Choose one session from each timeslot. Note that sessions 1, 2 and 3 repeat; session 4 does not repeat.
1. C
DI Program Development and Outcomes:
Improved CMI and Quality Measures
Melissa Burton, RN, BSN, CCDS
Associate Director, MIM - OSUWMC
Elizabeth Curtis, RHIA, MA, CHPS
Administrative Director, MIM - OSUWMC
Carol E. Osborn, RHIA, PhD
Coding Quality Consultant, MIM - OSUWMC
After several false starts, the CDI program expanded to
16 FTEs to cover three facilities at the OSUWMC. This
session will discuss the goals of the program, how it
developed and qualities of effective CDISs. The major goal
was to improve the organization’s case mix index (CMI)
in order to truly represent the severity of illness (SOI) of
our patients. An internal scorecard is used to measure the
following: Medical and Surgical CMIs in selected MDCs,
CC/MCC capture rate, query rate, query response rate,
revenue impact, and the observed to expected mortality
ratio. The program also has had a positive impact on
University Hospital Consortium quality measures.
session, attendees will explore the new privacy and
security audit parameters with particular focus on HIM,
IT and compliance impacts. Ms. Bowen will define new
expectations for round two “desk” audits along with
specific OCR targets and penalties. Tips for shoring up
compliance with breach risk identification and mitigation,
policy implementation and enforcement, and securing
devices through encryption and strong BYOD practices
will also be shared.
ROI has been the front door to patient health information
access for decades. However, with the rapid expansion of
patient portals and need to meet Meaningful Use Stage 2
requirements, the ROI function is poised for change. This
forward-thinking session will explain how HIM Directors
can evolve their ROI staff, expertise and relationships
to better engage with patients and contribute to their
organization’s strategic patient engagement goals with
practical steps to get started today.
3. D
ocument Integrity through the Legal
Health Record
4.b. Breaking Down the Silos
Darice Grzybowski, MA, RHIA, FAHIMA
Senior Director, HIM - Cleveland Clinic
President - H.I.Mentors, LLC
Marcia Matthias, MJ, RHIA, CHPC
Corporate Director, HIM & Privacy Officer- Southern
Illinois Healthcare
2. Preparing Your Organization for Round
Two: Tips for Surviving Privacy and Security
Desk Audits
Telling the “story” of the patient episode of care through
the Legal Health Record (LHR) is key to successful
workflow for HIM department. Protecting the document
integrity in the EHR is a vital component of Information
Governance. Understand the important role electronic
document management serves in protecting document
integrity and supporting HIM specific best practices as
demonstrated by an actual case study from Southern
Illinois Healthcare.
Rita Bowen, MA, RHIA, CHPS, SSGM
Sr. Vice President of HIM - HealthPort
High-level privacy and security audits conducted as part
of the HHS Office for Civil Rights pilot program are
becoming permanent—with a few important changes. The
new audits carry an added burden for HIM and IT. They’ll
be more focused on the operationalization of HIPAA,
not just the presence of policies and procedures. In this
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM
‘Meet & Greet the Exhibitors’ Happy Hour
4.a. E
xploring ROI’s Role in Patient
Engagement: Opening New Doors
for HIM
Alisha Smith, RHIA
Tracy Peffley, RHIA
Lisa Knowles-Ward, RHIT, CCS
Director of Coding and Reimbursement Cleveland Clinic
Sharon Slivochka, RHIA
Director HIM/EHR - Cleveland Clinic
This session will focus on changing the culture of HIM –
including reinventing HIM, transparency, telecommuting,
integrating LEAN principals and tools into the culture,
value-based documentation (aligning CDI & coding),
scanning & HIMSS 7 preparedness, and employee
engagement & development. Attendees will learn and
benefit from hearing the key changes the enterprise
HIM department at the Cleveland Clinic is embarking
upon in effort to break down the silos and leverage
technology and other tools to enhance workflow and
service delivery in effort to achieve the best patient
experiences and performance outcomes while striving to
foster high employee engagement and ongoing growth and
development opportunities in this ever changing, fast-pace
healthcare industry.
HIM Educator - HealthPort
OHIMA’s Happy Hour is the perfect ending to a day of thought-provoking sessions! Enjoy complimentary
food and drink, including a tropical beverage! – all while listening to the island sounds of a ukulele band and
welcoming the many exhibitors to our show!
program descriptions
8:00 AM – 9:00 AM
Registration/Continental Breakfast in
CE Credits: Program = 5.0 | Exhibits = 1.0
10:30 AM – 11:30 AM
Impact of Healthcare Reform on
HIM Professionals
HIM professionals and how the “traditional” role of
HIM is being transformed.
Ann Chenoweth, MBA, RHIA
11:30 AM – 12:45 PM
Boxed Lunch & Raffles in EXHIBIT HALL
Senior Director of Industry Relations and Market
Research - 3M Health Information Systems
9:00 AM – 10:30 AM
Who are you BECOMING?
Jonathan Fanning
Leadership Development Expert & Speaker
A year from now, you will be a better leader... or not.
Learn the “Simplest and Most Effective Leadership
Development Plan” for yourself, your family, and your
team. Mr. Fanning will share lessons from the greatest
leadership development organizations in the world,
including GE, the sporting world, world-class nonprofits, and great parents.
Healthcare providers from physicians to health
delivery organizations of every size and type are
increasingly entering into value-based payment
arrangements. With the expanded use of process
of care and outcomes measures, the adage that
good health data means good healthcare has never
been more relevant. The opportunities for HIM
professionals are expanding like never before. This
presentation will highlight payment reform initiatives
happening today, the impact of payment reform on
Enjoy lunch and participate in the exhibitor raffles while
browsing through the wide variety of exhibits.
11:45 AM – 12:15 PM
Student Networking Lunch Session
Attention all students! Enjoy your boxed lunch while
hearing from OHIMA leadership about great resources
available and ways you can get involved.
CONCURRENT SESSIONS: 12:45 PM – 2:00 PM & 2:30 PM – 3:45 PM
Choose one session from each timeslot. Note that sessions 2 and 3 repeat; session 1, 4 and 5 do not repeat.
1.a. D
eveloping Emotional Intelligence
Jonathan Fanning
Leadership Development Expert & Speaker
Continue this morning’s General Session with more
leadership expertise from Jonathan Fanning! Emotional
Intelligence affects everything. Mr. Fanning’s EQ programs
offer excellent application models and have been favorites at
organizations around the world, including NYU’s graduate
school, the US Military, and NC Hospital Association.
1.b. Creative Leadership
Jonathan Fanning
Leadership Development Expert & Speaker
Mr. Fanning continues to help advance your leadership skills
with this session! Building creativity and innovation into your
leadership in today’s business environment is not optional.
The 6 keys to increasing creativity will have a positive impact
on every part of your life.
2. Lose Inches and Gain Dollars with
Improved CDI
Marion Kruse, RN, MBA
Senior Managing Director - Precyse
Melanie A. Annicelli, BSN, RN, CCDS
Lead Clinical Documentation Improvement Specialist NCH Healthcare System
NCH Healthcare System will present outcomes from its
Clinical Documentation Improvement (CDI) program that
fixed a broken revenue cycle due to a fragmented HIM
department that was lacking skills and access to
best practices.
3:45 PM – 4:45 PM
Wine & Cheese Reception
Conversation Tables &
3. D
oc for Docs: Giving “The Talk”
to Physicians
Jon Elion, MD, FACC
President and CEO - ChartWise Medical Systems, Inc.
There is often a need to provide a talk to physicians about
the principles of sound clinical documentation and of CDI.
This session is a “talk within a talk” providing a presentation
that is ready to be given to physicians. At the same time,
commentary about the presentation is provided.The
speaker will pop in and out of character, at times playing the
part of the speaker addressing the physicians, and at other
times addressing the attendees to offer tips, observations,
and stories to illustrate the trials and tribulations of giving
“The Talk”.
4.a. H
IM Competencies and Career
Pam Greenstone, MEd, RHIA
Faculty - University of Cincinnati
The newest HIA/HIT competencies relate not only to
HIM educational programs and students but also to HIM
professionals currently working in healthcare.This will
be a hands-on session allowing the audience to perform
a gap analysis of skills required to keep current and
relevant within the HIM career field, map new HIA/HIT
competencies to emerging roles in HIM, research ways
of gaining additional or new HIA/HIT skills and create an
actual career plan for future HIM roles.
4.b. Lattice”work” Your Career
Lattice career paths provide a fresh way for HIM
professionals to explore career growth. This nontraditional
approach to career advancement quells the notion that the
only way up in a career is via a ladder. Learn what lattice
work is and how it can assist you in your HIM career
development through AHIMA’s interactive career map.
5.a. Setting Goals for Success
Tracy Austin, MS, MBA, RCC
Student and Faculty Coach - Franklin University
We are all very busy people with multiple commitments but
often we have to give up something to get something and
make some sacrifices to reach our goals. In this interactive
and engaging session for Students & New Graduates, we
will explore how to get balance in your life and make a
commitment to achieving one goal within a three month
period. Learn four important factors that go into setting
and achieving goals for success.You will also participate in a
hands-on activity to create one personal or professional goal
using a coaching tool which can be used to set and achieve
your future goals.
5.b. Coding & Technical Roles in HIM Panel Discussion
While health information is a rapidly growing field, finding
the right entry-level position can be a challenge. In this
interactive Q&A session for Students & New Graduates,
hear from a panel of HIM professionals working in coding and
technical roles such as inpatient and outpatient coding, coding
quality and education, electronic medical records and health
information systems. Panel members will discuss their career
and the opportunities for jobs in these arenas.
Dianna Foley, RHIA, CHPS
Independent Coding Consultant
Browse the many exhibits and visit our new “Conversation Tables”! Six stations covering a variety of roles in HIM will be set up
throughout the Exhibit Hall. Come for 5 minutes or the whole hour – Board Members will be facilitating discussion on current
happenings in Coding, Compliance/Risk Management, Education, IT/Informatics, Operations/Administration and the Revenue
Cycle. Share your experiences and network with other HIM professionals in roles similar to yours!
program descriptions
CE Credits: Program = 5.0 | Exhibits = 1.0
Choose One Full-Day Session to Attend: CODING or DIRECTORS DAY
Coding Roundtables
We are pleased to announce the return of half-day ICD-10 Coding Roundtables to our show! A Coding Roundtable is a working, hands-on coding session that
strengthens your knowledge of ICD-10 conventions and concepts as you work through coding cases and scenarios together as a group. Actual patient charts will be
used and all Coding Roundtable sessions will be facilitated by an AHIMA-approved ICD-10 Trainer who will assist and support the group’s review and discussion.
This year, we will offer ICD-10-CM (diagnosis coding) and ICD-10-PCS (procedure coding) separately. So choose the session where you need the most practice – or
attend both! Space is limited so register early to ensure your seat in the session you want to attend! Please note that if you attend a Roundtable session, you will not
be able to attend the general session Coding presentations for that corresponding time period. A limited supply of ICD-10 coding books compliments of Channel Publishing, Inc. will be provided in each Roundtable session.
IMPORTANT! Space is limited for these Coding Roundtable sessions so register early to secure your spot. If you are registering by mail, you must verify space
availability at www.ohima.org/annmtg15/cr.html prior to registering. Online registration will provide real-time space availability. All Coding Roundtable
registrations will receive an email confirmation of registration. Onsite registrations are not accepted for Roundtable spots.
View the Annual Meeting & Exhibits – Program Information section of our website at www.ohima.org for further information about the Coding Roundtables!
9:00 AM - 10:15 AM
Cardiac Cases
John C. Alexander, Jr., MD, MBA
Cardiac and Thoracic Surgery - Huff DRG Review
Lynn Ashton, CCS, CCS-P, CCDS
AHIMA Approved ICD-10-CM/PCS Trainer - Huff
DRG Review
Dr. Alexander, accompanied by AHIMA-approved
ICD-10 Trainer, Lynn Ashton, will discuss the
diagnoses and procedure codes associated with
two cardiac cases – a coronary artery bypass graft
procedure and an aortic aneurysm repair. They
will identify how to code the cases in ICD-10, the
specific changes in ICD-10 related to these codes,
and the documentation necessary to derive
the codes.
10:15 AM - 11:00 AM
Break & Raffle Drawing in EXHIBIT HALL
Take advantage of this break to visit the many
vendors in the Exhibit Hall and participate in the
Exhibitor Raffles!
11:00 AM - 12:15 PM
Urology Cases
transurethral resection of bladder tumor – and
discuss how to assign ICD-10 diagnosis and
procedure codes to each case. They will also
discuss specific changes in ICD-10 related to
these cases and the documentation required to
adequately code each case.
12:15 PM - 1:15 PM
Lunch & Raffle Drawings in EXHIBIT HALL
Last chance to visit the Exhibit Hall and participate
in the exciting Exhibitor Raffles! The Exhibits close
at 1:15 PM.
*Indicate on the registration form if you would like
to order a boxed lunch.
1:15 PM - 2:15 PM
The Impact of ICD-10 on DRG Assignment
Kathleen E. Wall, MS, RHIA
3:15 PM - 3:45 PM
ICD-10 Family Feud
Kathy Murchland, RHIA Coding Business Analyst - Kettering
Health Network
Let’s play ICD-10 Family Feud! Our own Kathy
Murchland will play Richard Dawson (and she plays
the part 100% - suit and wig included!). Get your
colleagues together to form your “feud family” to
compete by answering ICD-10 questions from a
handout provided to win fabulous prizes! This over
the top exciting game of ICD-10 based on the TV
game show Family Feud will be an exciting way to
end our day!
Ms. Wall will discuss the impact that ICD-10 CM
and PCS will have on the assignment of DRGs. She
will also discuss coding convention changes, PCS
procedure approaches, and other important things
to keep in mind when coding in ICD-10.
3:45 PM
Program Conclusion
Urology - Huff DRG Review
2:15 PM - 3:15 PM
Lynn Ashton, CCS, CCS-P, CCDS
Dianna Foley, RHIA, CHPS
Dr. Pearson and Lynn Ashton will dissect two
urology cases – a radical prostatectomy and a
ICD-10 Director - HIMagine Solutions
Richard Pearson, MD
AHIMA Approved ICD-10-CM/PCS Trainer - Huff
DRG Review
with this diagnosis - including urosepsis, bacteremia,
septicemia, etc. This presentation will also cover
guidelines, a comparison of coding sepsis in ICD-9
and ICD-10, as well as the major ICD-10 CDI impact
with the term urosepsis.
Independent Coding Consultant
Ms. Foley will discuss sepsis, including the many
different terms that are often seen in association
program descriptions
CE Credits: Program = 5.0 | Exhibits = 1.0
8:00 AM – 9:00 AM
Registration/Continental Breakfast in
1:15 PM – 2:30 PM
Meaningful Use - Rule Changes, Ohio Facts
and Figures, & What’s Next
9:00 AM – 10:30 AM
Make Change Inevitable, Not Exasperating!
Operations Manager, Physician & REC Services - Ohio
Health Information Partnership
Robert Brzezinski, CHPS, CISA, MBA
Cathy Costello, JD
What do CEOs, CFOs and Board of Directors need
to know about information privacy and security?
This session links information privacy and security
to business value. It translates the security incidents
and data breaches into business impacts on the
organization using real examples of regulatory
enforcement actions, settlements, data breaches and
security incidents case studies.
Kurt Southam, PhD
President - Southam Consulting
Ever try to implement a change in your organization?
In your community? In your family? Why is getting
the change we need so difficult, especially when
it’s for the best? The answer lies in six sources of
influence conspiring against the change. Learn how
to make these sources work for you and make change
inevitable, not exasperating!
10:30 AM – 11:00 AM
Break & Raffle Drawing in EXHIBIT HALL
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Information Governance: Principles
and Practice
This session will provide an update to recent &
proposed changes to the Meaningful Use program,
facts and figures regarding the achievement of
Meaningful Use (MU) across Ohio (including
incentive funds), MU related areas of concentration
for coming years, common obstacles in achieving
MU Stage 2, and insight into the future of the
Meaningful Use program. Attendees will learn
about modifications to the MU program that are not
well publicized and often buried in an FAQ posted
on the CMS site. This session will also prepare
organizations to adjust their internal teams, retained
documentation, and project plans to ensure a
successful MU program.
3:45 PM
Program Conclusion
AHIMA released the groundbreaking Information
Governance Principles for Healthcare (IGPHC). This
is the first comprehensive set of IG principles tailored
specifically for healthcare. During this session,
the IGPHC will be reviewed and related to HIM
operations. Attendees will leave this session with a
better understanding of IG and how the IGPHC are
important not only to the HIM profession but to the
healthcare industry as a whole.
8:00 am – 9:30 am
11:30 am – 4:45 pm
Wednesday:8:00 am – 1:15 pm
ce credits
If ordered, a boxed lunch will be offered – be sure to
indicate on the registration form if you would like to
order a boxed lunch.
exhibit hours
Board Member - AHIMA
Last chance to visit the Exhibits and participate in the
exhibitor raffles – the Exhibits close at 1:15 PM!
Consultant - Bizwit LLC
Director, CliniSyncPLUS Services - Ohio Health
Information Partnership
Susan White, PhD, RHIA, CHDA
12:00 PM – 1:15 PM
Lunch & Raffles in EXHIBIT HALL
2:30 PM – 3:45 PM
Business Impact of Information Privacy
and Security – Lessons Learned from
Enforcement Actions
The American Health Information Management Association
(AHIMA) approves all sessions for continuing education credits.
As a state branch of AHIMA, all sessions are also approved for
continuing education by The American Academy of Professional
Coders (AAPC).
Monday: 5.0 = Program
Tuesday: 5.0 = Program | 1.0 = Exhibits*
Wednesday: 5.0 = Program | 1.0 = Exhibits*
* A total of one CE credit may be earned for this meeting by visiting the
Exhibits for a minimum of one hour.
general information
Registration and name badges are required
for admission to the sessions and Exhibit Hall.
Registration fees cover continental breakfast, lunch
(if selected when registering), program materials,
admittance to the OHIMA Exhibit Hall, speaker
expenses, and any planned social events.
If paying by check, complete the registration form in
this program and send with check payable to OHIMA.
Mail to: OHIMA, PO Box 30966, Gahanna, OH 43230.
To pay by credit card, you
must register ONLINE. Visit the Annual Meeting
section of our website at www.ohima.org and follow
the registration links using our secure server
through PayPal.
Registration and payment must be postmarked or
submitted online NO LATER than March 3, 2015 to
qualify for the early bird discount. All registrations
must be prepaid, purchase orders are not accepted.
You may register after 3/3/15 or onsite at the
meeting, but must pay the late fee charges. For those
registering onsite, a $15 processing fee will be added
to the total fee.
To qualify for the $60 discount, you must be an active
OHIMA member registered for all three days. Full
conference registration rates for active members:
Early Bird (by 3/13/15) = $285; Late (after 3/3/15) =
$330. Non-members and member categories that
are already discounted do not apply.
OHIMA Board of Directors: OHIMA officers
and directors on the Executive Board have their
registration fee waived for the entire program.
Committee chairmen, project leaders, and regional
presidents have their registration fee waived for one
day of their choice. All board members attending are
required to mail in the completed registration form
or register online.
Students/Emeritus: To qualify for the
STUDENT rate, you must be an active student
member of AHIMA with Ohio as your chosen state
association. Note that “New Graduate” membership
status does not qualify for the student rate. To qualify
for the EMERITUS rate (formerly ‘senior’), you must
be designated as an emeritus member of AHIMA with
Ohio as your chosen state association.
New Graduates: To qualify for the NEW GRAD
rate, you must be designated as a new graduate
member of AHIMA at the time of registration, with
Ohio as your chosen state association.
Hilton Columbus at Easton
(614) 414-5000
cancellation policy
Registration fees will be refunded less a $25 processing fee if notice is received by Monday,
March 9, 2015. Cancellations received after this
date will not receive a refund. Substitution of
registrants is permitted - please contact OHIMA.
exhibit hall
The Exhibit Hall will be located in the Easton Grand
Ballroom and adjacent foyer areas on the main floor.
Visit www.ohima.org in the Exhibit Hall section to
view an up-to-date floor plan, directory of participating exhibitors, and to take a virtual tour in our New
Product Showcase.
Tuesday: 8:00 am - 9:30 am; 11:30 am - 4:45 pm and
Wednesday: 8:00 am - 1:15 pm
One CE credit may be earned for this meeting by
visiting the exhibitors for a minimum of one hour.
meeting materials
We’ve gone green! All speaker materials will be
provided electronically in lieu of printed handouts.
You’ll receive access to the speaker presentations
to download from our website to print prior to the
meeting or save on your mobile device. Materials will
be posted online beginning March 16, 2015 and will
remain available at least six weeks after the meeting.
Access instructions will be sent to your registered
email address.
hotel reservations
Lodging arrangements should be made directly
with the Hilton Hotel (614-414-5000). To receive
the OHIMA convention discount rate, make your
reservation prior to the deadline of February 28,
2015 and tell the hotel that you are with the OHIMA
meeting. A reservation form for the hotel is included
below for your convenience. The hotel must receive
this form by the 2/28/15 deadline. Or, if you prefer
to make your reservation online, follow the hotel
links located at www.ohima.org in the Annual Meeting
section of our website to access our customized
reservation page.
Reservations requested after February 28, 2015 or
after the room block has been filled are subject to
availability and may not be guaranteed at our special
convention rate. Thus, you are strongly encouraged to
make your reservations early.
Business casual attire is suggested. Visit the OHIMA
web site at www.ohima.org for meeting information
and important updates. For further information,
contact: Lauren Manson, RHIA – Executive Director,
ohima@ohima.org or 614-795-7514.
OHIMA 35th Annual Meeting
March 23 – 25, 2015
Arrival Date: __________________________ Departure Date: _____________________
Check-in time: 4:00pm
2015 highlights
Check-out time: 12:00 noon
Day Phone: _____________________________________________________________
Don’t Miss This Wave! The 2015 OHIMA Annual
Meeting brings you sessions on a vast variety of
topics ranging from Change Management, Information
Governance, ICD-10, Document Integrity, ROI,
Emotional Intelligence, Meaningful Use, and much more!
You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn
to surf! Healthcare and HIM is an ever-changing field.
With a constant flow of new information, changes and
challenges, continuing education like the OHIMA Annual
Meeting can help you stay on top of the wave!
Take the Plunge… and take advantage of the many
networking opportunities at the 2015 Annual Meeting!
New this year, we will be hosting ‘Conversation Tables’
in the Exhibit Hall during Tuesday’s Wine & Cheese
Reception. Each table will host a discussion on the
current happenings in six different roles in HIM - Coding,
Compliance/Risk Management, Education, IT/Informatics,
Operations/Administration and the Revenue Cycle.
Also, each of Ohio’s 5 Regional Associations will have an
information table set up near Registration. Visit to learn
more about what’s going on in your area!
‘Seas’ every Opportunity! Plan to attend all 3 days
of our Annual Meeting & Trade Show – worth up to 16
CEUs! Plus, all active OHIMA Members who register for
all three days will receive a $60 discount! All sessions
have been approved by AHIMA for 5 CEUs each day
with 1 additional CEU if you attend the Exhibits for a
minimum of one hour. As a state branch of AHIMA, all
sessions are also approved for CE credit by the AAPC.
Stand Out from Your ‘Piers’. Due to its popularity
last year, the Student & New Graduate Track is back!
Take advantage of this opportunity to learn more about
the advantages of having a mentor, setting goals and
building a successful career in HIM.
The Tide is High. ICD-10 is approaching and the
2015 Annual Meeting offers a new format for Coding
Roundtables. CM (diagnosis coding) and PCS (procedure
coding) will be offered separately – so choose the session
where you need the most practice – or attend both!
Space is limited so register early to secure your spot!
Splish, Splash, Meeting App! Our App is back!
We will again offer a FREE mobile app to view the events
schedule, exhibitor floorplan and directory, and more!
Free Wi-Fi will again be available in all sessions to utilize
the app and stay connected.
Tidal Wave of Raffle Prizes! The Easton Gift Card
raffle will be held each morning and you will automatically
be entered if you submit your registration and payment
by the Early Bird Deadline, 3/3/15. In addition, fabulous
prizes donated by generous exhibitors will be raffled off
in the Exhibit Hall on Tuesday and Wednesday during
peak exhibit hours.
If using this form to reserve your accommodations, the Hilton Hotel must receive it no later than
February 28, 2015. Be sure to identify yourself with OHIMA to receive the convention rate. Mail
to: Hilton Hotel, 3900 Chagrin Drive, Columbus, OH 43219
Reservations received by the hotel after February 28, 2015 or after the room block has been
filled are subject to availability and may not be available at discounted rate.
Guaranteed by one of the following:
American Express/Optima
Diner’s Club
Carte Blanche
Sharing Room With: ______________________________________________________
Amount: $________________________________
Requested Room Type (tax not included):
Credit Card #: ____________________________ Exp. Date ________
Deluxe Room - 1 king bed ($193)
Deluxe Room - 2 double beds ($193)
Signature: _________________________________________________
registration form
Annual Meeting | March 23 – 25, 2015 | Hilton Easton, Columbus, Ohio
Please print and complete as you want your badge to appear. Register one person per form.
Email address is required to process your registration and grant access to speaker handouts.
Name:____________________________________________________If OHIMA Active Member, AHIMA ID#:______________________ Phone:_________________________ Fax:________________________ Email:______________________________________________ Address:____________________________________________________________________________________________________
City:_____________________________________________________ State:____________________ Zip:_______________________
Employer:_________________________________________________ Title:______________________________________________
Do not include my e-mail address in attendee lists provided to the attendees and exhibitors.
Yes, I have obtained a new AHIMA credential within the past 12 months. Please indicate: _____________
Check here if you have a disability that requires special arrangements. Please contact us (ohima@ohima.org) to discuss your needs.
Make check payable to: OHIMA (Tax ID # 31-0918571)
Send this form with payment to: OHIMA Annual Meeting, PO Box 30966, Gahanna, Ohio 43230
Deadline: To qualify for the Early Bird Discount, registration and payment must be postmarked by MARCH 3, 2015.
(postmarked by 3/3)
(postmarked after 3/3)
by 3/3
after 3/3
by 3/3
after 3/3
Monday, March 23
I will attend Awards Luncheon:
Tuesday, March 24
Boxed Lunch Order:
Wednesday, March 25
Boxed Lunch Order:
MEMBER FULL REGISTRATION BONUS! Active OHIMA members can deduct $60 from the total if
registering for all 3 days! Full conference registration rates: EARLY BIRD = $285; LATE = $330
* 2015 Active AHIMA/OHIMA Member
** To qualify for the new grad or student/emeritus rate: Must be an active new grad, student or emeritus member of AHIMA, with Ohio as your chosen state association.
Refer to the Program Agenda grid on page 1 and circle below the sessions you plan to attend so that room size can be determined.
Monday, March 23
Concurrent Sessions
1:15 pm
2:45 pm
Choose only one session from each time slot. Note: Sessions 3 and 4 do not repeat.
2 3
1 2 3
Tuesday, March 24
Concurrent Sessions
12:45 pm
2:30 pm
Choose only one session from each time slot. Note: Sessions 3, 4 and 5 do not repeat.
1a 2 3
1b 2 3
Wednesday, March 25
Choose one full day session:
CODING Session Registrants: If you are interested in attending a Coding Roundtable*,
select the 1) TYPE, and 2) TIME you wish to attend: 1) TYPE: ___ CM – Diagnosis
2) TIME: ___ Morning (9am - 12:15 pm) ___ No Preference
___ PCS – Procedures
___ Afternoon (1:15 pm - 3:45 pm) *Limited seats are available for Coding Roundtable sessions. Before registering, visit the Annual Meeting section of www.ohima.org to view real-time availability of Roundtable slots and FAQs.
For Office Use Only:
Received: __________________ Check #: __________________ Date Entered:_________________
exhibitor preview
*as of 12/15/14
3M Health Information Systems
Altegra Health
Amphion Medical Solutions
BACTES Imaging Solutions
Berkeley Research Group, LLC
BizWit LLC
Blueware Group
Care Communications, Inc.
Carstens, Inc
Charter Oak State College
ChartMaxx by Quest Diagnostics
ChartWise Medical Systems, Inc.
Conifer Health Solutions
Diversified Medical Records
Fireproof Records Center
Franklin University
Genesis 10
Health Information Associates
HIMagine Solutions
Huff DRG Review
IOD Incorporated
Kent State University Health
Libman Education
Maxim Health Information
MedData, Inc.
Medi-Copy Services, Inc.
MedPartners HIM
Modern Office Methods
MRO Corporation
Nexus Practice IT Services
On Call Consulting
OnBase by Hyland
Opportunities for Ohioans
with Disabilities
thank you to our
show sponsors
*as of 12/15/14
Oxford HIM
Peak Health Solutions
Perry Johnson & Associates
Precyse Solutions
Professional Dynamic Network
Standard Register Healthcare
Star-Med, LLC
The Wellington Group, LLC
Unicor Medical Inc
United Audit Systems, Inc.
Universal Coding Solutions
University of Cincinnati BS in HIM
University of Findlay
Woodham HIM
Columbus, OH
PO Box 30966
Gahanna, OH 43230
from the north
Take 71 South to 270 East to Easton Exit (Exit 33).
Exit onto Easton Way and remain on Easton Way through two traffic
lights. Turn right on Chagrin Drive and right into hotel parking lot.
from the south
Take 71 North to 670 East (to Port Columbus International Airport).
Remain on 670 to 270 North (approximately 1 mile). Take Easton
Exit (Exit 33) onto Easton Way and remain on Easton Way through
two traffic lights. Turn right on Chagrin Drive and right into hotel
parking lot.
from the east
The Ohio Health Information Management Association
(OHIMA) is Ohio’s professional health care organization
of over 4,000 specialists in the field of health
information management (HIM). OHIMA is committed
to advancing the HIM profession through leadership
in education, advocacy, membership engagement, and
lifelong learning.
Take 70 West to 270 North. Take Easton Exit (Exit 33) onto Easton
Way and remain on Easton Way through two traffic lights. Turn right
on Chagrin Drive and right into hotel parking lot.
from the west
Take 70 East to 71 North to 670 East (to Port Columbus International Airport) Remain on 670 to 270 North (approximately 1 mile).
Take Easton Exit (Exit 33) onto Easton Way and remain on Easton
Way through two traffic lights. Turn right on Chagrin Drive and right
into hotel parking lot.