Planning Schedule
Planning Schedule
abc CORPORATE OPERATIONS Planning Schedule APPLICATIONS, INFORMATION Date RECOMMENDATIONS, DECISIONS 11 March 2015 Week Number and 10 The Planning Schedule Recommendations contained in the following Planning Schedule will become formal decision of the Planning Authority at 0900hrs on Thursday, 19 March 2015 unless the Head of Planning receives from a Councillor a written objection to the recommendation outlining relevant planning reasons and requesting that the application is referred to the Planning Panel for determination. The deadline for the Head of Planning to receive such written objections from Councillors to this week’s Planning Schedule Recommendations is therefore 1700hrs on Wednesday, 18 March 2015. Planning, Stirling Council, Teith House, Kerse Road, Stirling FK7 7QA, Tel: (01786) 233660 The Planning Schedule The Planning Schedule The Planning Schedule is issued every week and contains information on a range of planning matters. The Schedule is distributed to all Councillors, Community Councils and statutory consultees. It is available on the Council’s internet site – Information on all planning applications submitted to the Council may also be obtained from Applications Received When a Valid Planning Application is registered it is given a unique reference number. If you are enquiring about any of the applications please contact the officer shown in the Schedule and refer to the application reference number. The list of applications received includes an indication of the anticipated decision making level which is governed by the Hierarchy of Developments and the Council’s Scheme of Delegation. An explanation of the Council’s new Section 43A Council report is available at The decision making levels are: Panel – the application will be determined by the Planning Panel having considered the Planning Officer’s recommendation and any other relevant representations. See Hearing Interested Parties. Schedule – the Planning Officer’s recommendation on the application will appear in the Schedule under Planning Schedule – Recommendations – see below. Delegated – the application will be determined by an Appointed Officer and his decision will appear in the Schedule under Decisions of Appointed Officers – see below. Decision of Appointed Officers Generally applications for developments which are classified as “local developments” under the Hierarchy of Developments will be determined by an Appointed Officer under the Council’s Section 43A Scheme of Delegation. There are certain exceptions - see Scheme of Delegation below. The decisions appear in the Schedule as a matter of record only. The applicant has a right of review of the Appointed Officer’s decision. The Council’s Local Review Body will consider any such review. Please refer to Planning Circular 7/2009 Schemes of Delegation and Local Reviews for more information and also at Planning Schedule – Recommendations This part of the Schedule contains the Planning Officer’s recommendation on an application. At the end of the seven day period the recommendation will become the decision of the Planning Authority unless the Head of Economy, Planning & Regulation receives from a Councillor a written objection to the recommendation outlining relevant planning reasons and requesting that the application is referred to the Planning Panel for determination. Such requests must reach the Head of Economy, Planning & Regulation before the deadline shown on the front page of this Planning Schedule. At the end of the seven day period formal Decision Notices will be issued for the recommendations which are not referred to Planning Panel. Hearing Interested Parties at Planning Panel: The Planning Panel may decide if objectors and applicants will be invited to address the Panel on a particular application. Generally this will occur only where it is felt that this will further inform the Panel in its consideration of a Planning Application and will only be used when considering more complex and contentious issues. Contributions will generally be limited to 5 minutes from each side. Community Councils: Any Community Council will be consulted on an application if a written request is made (telephone the case officer in first instance). Community Councils are expected to act within the provisions on PAN47, and concern themselves only with cases that raise issues of genuine community interest. Householder applications will rarely involve issues of this kind. Planning Panel Recommendations This section contains Planning Officers’ recommendations for applications which are scheduled for consideration at the Planning Panel meeting as stated. Planning Panel Decisions This section contains the decisions of the Planning Panel. Hierarchy of Developments The Town and Country Planning (Hierarchy of Developments) (Scotland) Regulations 2009 created a classification for all developments across Scotland. The three categories in the hierarchy of development to which all developments will be allocated are: National development; Major developments; and Local development. The top tier of developments is national developments and these are contained in the National Planning Framework for Scotland published by the Scottish Ministers in June 2009. The National Planning Framework may be viewed at Below national developments are major and local developments. Whether a development is a major or local development is determined by whether the development falls above or below certain thresholds. There are 9 thresholds. Where a development meets or exceeds the following thresholds the development will be classed as a major development. Any development below the thresholds will be local developments. The thresholds are: 1 All development under Schedule 1 to the Environmental Impact Assessment (Scotland) Regulations 1999. 2 Housing where the development comprises 50 or more dwellings or the area of the site is or exceeds 2 hectares. 3 Business of general industrial, storage and distribution with a gross floor space of 10,000 square metres or the area of the site is or exceeds 2 hectares. 4 Electricity Generation where the generating capacity is or exceeds 20 megawatts. 5 Waste Management Facilities where the capacity of the facility is or exceeds 25,000 tonnes per annum or for sludge treatment facilities where the capacity to treat more than 50 tonnes (wet weight) per day of residual sludge. 6 Transport and infrastructure projects where the length of road, railway, tramway, waterway, aqueduct or pipeline exceeds 8 kilometres. 7 Fish farming where the surface area of water covered is or exceeds 2 hectares. 8 Mineral extraction where the site area is or exceeds 2 hectares. 9 Other Development not falling wholly within one of the above classes where the gross floor space is or exceeds 5,000 square metres or the area of the site is or exceeds 2 hectares. Scheme of Delegation In the case of Major Developments and subject to the right of Councillors to request (for relevant planning reasons) that the application be referred to the Planning Panel for determination, the recommendation of the Planning Officer shall appear in the Planning Schedule and such recommendation will become the decision of the Planning Authority unless the application is referred to the Planning Panel. Generally, Local Developments will be determined by an Appointed Officer in terms of Section 43A of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 and the Council’s Section 43A Scheme of Delegation which is published below. There are seven exceptions listed (a) to (g) below where Local Developments will either be determined by the Planning Panel or appear as a Planning Schedule Recommendation. Planning - Section 43A Scheme of Delegation The following is an excerpt from the Council’s Scheme of Delegation: This part of the Scheme of Delegation is operated under Section 43A of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 and Part 2 of the Town and Country Planning (Schemes of Delegation and Local Review Procedure) (Scotland) Regulations 2008. The Appointed Officer, being the Officer appointed under Section 43A(1) of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 and EPR52, is authorised to determine any application for planning permission (and any application for consent, agreement or approval required by condition imposed on a grant of planning permission) and being applications which fall within the definition of a local development as specified in the Town and Country Planning (Hierarchy of Developments) (Scotland) Regulations 2009 under the following exceptions:(a) Planning Authority Applications The application (a) is made by the Planning Authority or a Member of the Planning Authority, or by members of staff directly involved in the planning process or (b) relates to land in the ownership of the Planning Authority or to land in which the Planning Authority have a financial interest. Any application falling within this exception shall be determined through the Weekly Planning Schedule under EPR67. (b) Section 43A(6) Remit to Planning Panel Prior to either (a) the determination of the application by the Appointed Officer or (b) the request by the Applicant for a review on the grounds of non-determination under Section 43A(8)(c) of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997, the Planning Panel or the Chief Planning Officer or any officer authorised by him (including the Appointed Officer) decide that the application should be remitted to the Planning Panel for determination under Section 43A(6) of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997. (c) Member Remit to Planning Panel Prior to either (a) the determination of the application by the Appointed Officer or (b) the request by the Applicant for a review on the grounds of non-determination under Section 43A(8)(c) of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997, the Chief Planning Officer receives from a Member a written request setting out relevant planning reasons for referral of the application to the Planning Panel for determination and the Chief Planning Officer, in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair of the Planning Panel, agrees to the request. (d) Significant Local Objection Prior to either (a) the determination of the application by the Appointed Officer, or (b) the request by the Applicant for a review on the grounds of non-determination under Section 43A(8)(c) of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997,and in circumstances where the determination by Appointed Officer would likely to have been to approve the application, the Chief Planning Officer receives significant local objections and is satisfied that the objections disclose relevant planning reasons. Any application falling within this exception shall be determined through the Weekly Planning Schedule under EPR67. (e) Contrary to local Development Plan The application is a significant departure from the local development plan. Any application falling within this exception shall be determined through the Weekly Planning Schedule under EPR67. (f) Scottish Ministers The application requires to be notified to the Scottish Ministers. Any application falling within this exception shall be determined through the Weekly Planning Schedule under EPR67. (g) Listed Building Consent etc Any application which also requires any or all of the following: (i) Listed Buildings Consent, (ii) Conservation Areas Consent; (iii) Hazardous Substances Consent; and (iv) Control of Advertisements Consent. Any application falling within this exception shall be determined through the Weekly Planning Schedule under EPR67. Only exceptions (a), (b), (f) and (g) shall apply to applications for a householder development falling within Classes 1 to 6 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Scotland) Order 1992 or a sundry minor operation falling within Classes 7, 8, or 9 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Scotland) Order 1992. Contents The Planning Schedule contains information on a range of planning matters. 1 Valid Planning Applications Received 2 Decisions of Appointed Officers 3 Planning Schedule Recommendations 4 Planning Panel Recommendations 5 Planning Panel Decisions 6 Planning Applications Withdrawn 7 Applications Approved by Historic Scotland 8 Planning Appeals & Public Inquiries 9 Local Review Body Decisions 10 Planning Enforcement 11 Enforcement Matters 12 Tree Preservation Orders/Trees in Conservation Areas/Trees on Development Sites 13 Forestry Planting and Felling Proposals 14 Street Naming 15 Roads and Transport Development 16 Other Planning Issues 17 Countryside Matters The Schedule is distributed to all Members of the Council, Community Councils and statutory consultees. It is available for inspection at Planning & Regulation Reception, Council Access Points and in local Libraries. It is available on the Council’s internet site – Information on all planning applications submitted to the Council can also be obtained from Who to contact in Planning If you have a query about a Planning Application or related matter you should contact the appropriate member of staff using their personal direct dial phone number. If they are not available, your call will be automatically redirected to our Planning Support staff who will be pleased to help you. If necessary they can arrange an appointment for you to see somebody who can deal with your particular query. The dialling code for Stirling is (01786). CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT Peter Morgan: ... 233682, Email: Principal Planning Officer, Jay Dawson: .............................. 233683 ............................. Email: Senior Planning Officer, Iain Jeffrey: .................................... 233676 ................................ Email: Senior Planning Officer, Jane Brooks Burnett: ................... 233672 ....................Email: Planning Officer, Peter McKechnie: ...................................... 233679 ....................... Email: Planning Officer, Gavin Forrest: ........................................... 233674 .............................. Email: Planning Assistant, Mark Laird: ............................................ 233678 ................................ Email: PLANNING ENFORCEMENT Enforcement Officer, Lynne Currie: ...................................... 233673 ................................. Email: Asst Enforcement Officer, Andrew Gardiner: ...................... 233675 ............................ Email: TREES Tree Officer, Ingrid Withington: ............................................ 233681 .......................... Email: Valid Planning Applications Received Major Developments Application Number 15/00107/MSC 6 March 2015 Ward 5 Stirling West 279767 692121 Description Demolition of buildings (in part) and extension and redevelopment of Stirling Community Hospital to provide 4 GP Practices, emergency care, x-ray, other clinical facilities, 116 bed residential accommodation, ambulance station and associated services, parking, external works and landscaping at Stirling Community Hospital, Livilands Gate, Stirling, FK8 2AU, for NHS Forth Valley per Ryden 130 St Vincent Street Glasgow G2 5HF Officer: Iain Jeffrey, Telephone: 01786 233676 Status Constraints: Historic Scotland Battlefield Site Consultations Issued: Roads Development Control Service Manager (Environmental Health) Kings Park Community Council © Crown Copyright and database right 2015. All rights reserved. Ordnance Survey Licence Number 100020780 Decision Level Schedule UPRN: 000122017667 Local Developments Application Number 15/00099/FUL 5 March 2015 Ward 7 Bannockburn 283289 691939 Description Single storey extension to side and rear to provide additional bedroom, shower room & living room at 9 Ochil Street, Fallin, FK7 7HQ, for Mr Steven Geddes per Graham Design Services 10 Graham Crescent Bo'ness EH51 9QG Officer: Gavin Forrest, Telephone: 01786 233674 Status Constraints: None mapped Consultations Issued: No consultations sent or requested. © Crown Copyright and database right 2015. All rights reserved. Ordnance Survey Licence Number 100020780 Decision Level Delegated UPRN: 000122033775 15/00113/DOM 3 March 2015 Ward 7 Bannockburn 283216 687102 Change to definition of "Commencement of Development" in Clause 1 of Section 75 Agreement in regards 07/00967/OUT to enable a start to be made on development of the site without triggering the requirements set out in Clause 7 of the Agreement at Land West And North West Of Willow Brae And To The Rear Of East Plean Primary School, Willow Brae, Plean, for Strawson Holdings Ltd per Andrew McCafferty Associates Burn House Collessie Fife KY14 7RQ Officer: Peter McKechnie, Telephone: 01786 233679 Status Constraints: None mapped Consultations Issued: No consultations sent or requested. Delegated UPRN: 000122061042 © Crown Copyright and database right 2015. All rights reserved. Ordnance Survey Licence Number 100020780 15/00092/FUL 2 March 2015 Ward 4 Castle 279776 693296 Change of use from Class 1 (retail) to Class 3 at Mountain Warehouse Unit 5 The Thistles, Goosecroft Road, Stirling, FK8 2EE, for SLI UK Shopping Centre Trust C/o Standard Life Investment per CDA 299 West George Street Glasgow G2 4LF Officer: Mark Laird, Telephone: 01786 233678 Status Constraints: Ancient Monument - Historic Scotland, Consultations Issued: No consultations sent or requested. © Crown Copyright and database right 2015. All rights reserved. Ordnance Survey Licence Number 100020780 Delegated UPRN: 000122056116 15/00112/FUL 3 March 2015 Ward 4 Castle 280127 695271 Single storey rear extension at Ashton, 2 Marlborough Drive, Causewayhead, Stirling, FK9 5HZ, for Mrs Walker per Lex Wardrop Architectural Consultant 11 Pine Court Doune Stirling FK16 6JE Officer: Gavin Forrest, Telephone: 01786 233674 Status Constraints: Historic Scotland Battlefield Site Consultations Issued: No consultations sent or requested. Delegated UPRN: 000122029831 © Crown Copyright and database right 2015. All rights reserved. Ordnance Survey Licence Number 100020780 15/00085/FUL 9 March 2015 Ward 3 Dunblane & Bridge Of Allan 278121 705919 Change of use of bothy to dwelling house and demolition of existing washbay at Land And Building To South East Of The Square, Auchinlay Road, Dunblane, for Mr H Eden per Bidwells 5 Atholl Place Perth PH1 5NE Officer: Peter McKechnie, Telephone: 01786 233679 Status Constraints: Countryside Policy, Consultations Issued: Roads Development Control Service Manager (Environmental Health) © Crown Copyright and database right 2015. All rights reserved. Ordnance Survey Licence Number 100020780 Delegated UPRN: 000122062337 15/00086/FUL 5 March 2015 Ward 3 Dunblane & Bridge Of Allan 279560 704583 Change of use, rebuilding and extension of existing redundant store to form dwelling house at Land And Buildings Adjacent To North Of Old Glassingall, Dunblane, for Mr A H Readman per Bobby Halliday Architects 3 The Avenue Bridge Of Allan FK9 4NR Officer: Gavin Forrest, Telephone: 01786 233674 Status Constraints: Historic Scotland Battlefield Site Countryside Policy, Consultations Issued: Service Manager (Environmental Health) Roads Development Control Delegated UPRN: 000122062814 © Crown Copyright and database right 2015. All rights reserved. Ordnance Survey Licence Number 100020780 15/00089/FUL 4 March 2015 Ward 3 Dunblane & Bridge Of Allan 278146 706171 Change of use from storage building to form dwelling house at Former Cromlix Gas House, Auchinlay Road, Dunblane, for Cromlix House Hotel per Bidwells 5 Atholl Place Perth PH1 5NE Officer: Mark Laird, Telephone: 01786 233678 Status Constraints: Countryside Policy, Consultations Issued: Service Manager (Environmental Health) Roads Development Control © Crown Copyright and database right 2015. All rights reserved. Ordnance Survey Licence Number 100020780 Delegated UPRN: 000122060506 15/00116/FUL 5 March 2015 Ward 3 Dunblane & Bridge Of Allan 278687 701168 Erection of porch and alterations to house including rendering south elevation at Beeches, Glen Road, Dunblane, FK15 0DJ, for Mr Steven Shepherd per Robert Paul Architects 102 High Street Dunblane FK15 0ER Officer: Mark Laird, Telephone: 01786 233678 Status Constraints: Historic Scotland Battlefield Site Conservation Area, Consultations Issued: No consultations sent or requested. Delegated UPRN: 000122040257 © Crown Copyright and database right 2015. All rights reserved. Ordnance Survey Licence Number 100020780 15/00093/LWP 9 March 2015 Ward 2 Forth & Endrick 255106 688553 Erection of conservatory, and decking to rear of dwelling house at 17 Balglass Drive, Balfron, Glasgow, G63 0UA, for Mr Jim Holmes per Hunter Conservatories & Sunrooms Arran House Drybridge Road Dundonald KA2 9AF Officer: Iain Jeffrey, Telephone: 01786 233676 Status Constraints: Countryside Policy, MOD Radar Consultation Zones, Consultations Issued: No consultations sent or requested. © Crown Copyright and database right 2015. All rights reserved. Ordnance Survey Licence Number 100020780 Delegated UPRN: 000122069236 15/00105/FUL 4 March 2015 Ward 2 Forth & Endrick 251924 685750 Amendment to planning permission 14/00568/FUL to include a porch at Uplands, 13 New Endrick Road, Killearn, G63 9QT, for Mrs Ali McLean per Murray Macleod Architectural Services St James Business Centre Linwood Road Paisley PA3 3AT Officer: Iain Jeffrey, Telephone: 01786 233676 Status Constraints: MOD Radar Consultation Zones, Tree Preservation Order, Consultations Issued: No consultations sent or requested. Delegated UPRN: 000122007222 © Crown Copyright and database right 2015. All rights reserved. Ordnance Survey Licence Number 100020780 15/00106/FUL 4 March 2015 Ward 2 Forth & Endrick 251957 685973 New proposed 3 storey extension to the rear of the property replacing earlier 2 storey extension at 6 Allan Road, Killearn, G63 9QE, for Mr Richard Gray per Ross Murray 3 Lawder Place Dunblane FK15 0NF Officer: Mark Laird, Telephone: 01786 233678 Status Constraints: MOD Radar Consultation Zones, Consultations Issued: No consultations sent or requested. © Crown Copyright and database right 2015. All rights reserved. Ordnance Survey Licence Number 100020780 Delegated UPRN: 000122007195 15/00103/FUL 4 March 2015 Ward 6 Stirling East 280255 694311 Proposed extension to rear of dwelling to form open plan kitchen/family room area at 34 Shiphaugh Place, Riverside, Stirling, FK8 1UY, for Mr Chris Hobbs 34 Shiphaugh Place Stirling FK8 1UY Officer: Gavin Forrest, Telephone: 01786 233674 Status Constraints: Historic Scotland Battlefield Site Floodland, Consultations Issued: No consultations sent or requested. Delegated UPRN: 000122029371 © Crown Copyright and database right 2015. All rights reserved. Ordnance Survey Licence Number 100020780 15/00120/FUL 9 March 2015 Ward 6 Stirling East 280389 691778 Remove existing rear conservatory and construct new sitting room extension at 51 Keith Avenue, Stirling, FK7 7UA, for Mrs M Cody per Mark Thomson 40 Wallace Street Bannockburn FK7 8JG Officer: Mark Laird, Telephone: 01786 233678 Status Constraints: Historic Scotland Battlefield Site Consultations Issued: No consultations sent or requested. © Crown Copyright and database right 2015. All rights reserved. Ordnance Survey Licence Number 100020780 Delegated UPRN: 000122027545 15/00078/LBC 6 March 2015 Ward 5 Stirling West 279060 693579 Replacement of door and window on rear elevation with french doors and new steps with wrought iron handrails at 5 Royal Gardens, Stirling, FK8 2RJ, for Mr & Mrs Spears per John Gordon Associates Ltd 3 Dean Acres Comrie Dunfermline KY12 9XS Officer: Mark Laird, Telephone: 01786 233678 Status Constraints: Ancient Monument - Historic Scotland, Article 4 Directions, Conservation Area, Within 50m of Listed Building Consultations Issued: No consultations sent or requested. © Crown Copyright and database right 2015. All rights reserved. Ordnance Survey Licence Number 100020780 Schedule LB Cat: C(s) UPRN: 000122019576 15/00108/FUL 3 March 2015 Ward 5 Stirling West 277910 693147 Formation of dormer extension to create additional bedroom and bathroom at first floor, alterations in existing ground floor accommodation to create a WC, store, en-suite and utility room and formation of a single storey link lobby, kitchen and dining area at 8 Homesteads, Stirling, FK8 3AW, for Mr Andrew Scott 8 The Homesteads Stirling FK8 3AW Officer: Iain Jeffrey, Telephone: 01786 233676 Status Constraints: Conservation Area, Countryside Policy, Green Belt, MOD Radar Consultation Zones, Consultations Issued: No consultations sent or requested. Delegated UPRN: 000122037690 © Crown Copyright and database right 2015. All rights reserved. Ordnance Survey Licence Number 100020780 15/00111/FUL 6 March 2015 Ward 5 Stirling West 279060 693579 Alterations to form new doors at 5 Royal Gardens, Stirling, FK8 2RJ, for Mr & Mrs Spears per John Gordon Associates Ltd 3 Dean Acres Comrie Dunfermline KY12 9XS Officer: Mark Laird, Telephone: 01786 233678 Status Constraints: Ancient Monument - Historic Scotland, Article 4 Directions, Conservation Area, Within 50m of Listed Building Consultations Issued: No consultations sent or requested. © Crown Copyright and database right 2015. All rights reserved. Ordnance Survey Licence Number 100020780 Schedule LB Cat: C(s) UPRN: 000122019576 15/00115/FUL 5 March 2015 Ward 5 Stirling West 279072 693410 Erection of a rear porch and single garage at 6 Victoria Place, Kings Park, Stirling, FK8 2QX, for Mrs V Smith per John Gordon Associates Ltd 3 Dean Acres Comrie Dunfermline KY12 9XS Officer: Gavin Forrest, Telephone: 01786 233674 Status Constraints: Article 4 Directions, Conservation Area, Within 50m of Listed Building Consultations Issued: No consultations sent or requested. Schedule LB Cat: C(s) UPRN: 000122019525 © Crown Copyright and database right 2015. All rights reserved. Ordnance Survey Licence Number 100020780 15/00117/LBC 5 March 2015 Ward 5 Stirling West 279072 693410 Erection of rear porch and single garage at 6 Victoria Place, Kings Park, Stirling, FK8 2QX, for Mrs V Smith per John Gordon Associates Ltd 3 Dean Acres Comrie Dunfermline KY12 9XS Officer: Gavin Forrest, Telephone: 01786 233674 Status Constraints: Article 4 Directions, Conservation Area, Within 50m of Listed Building Consultations Issued: No consultations sent or requested. © Crown Copyright and database right 2015. All rights reserved. Ordnance Survey Licence Number 100020780 Schedule LB Cat: C(s) UPRN: 000122019525 15/00098/FUL 2 March 2015 Ward 1 Trossachs & Teith 271393 701421 Proposed footpath to the rear garden area at Manor Hall Care Home, Doune, FK16 6AD, for Seddon Construction Limited per Young And Gault Suite 3, 3Rd Floor, Merlin House Mossland Road Glasgow G52 4XZ Officer: Peter McKechnie, Telephone: 01786 233679 Status Constraints: Article 4 Directions, Conservation Area, Within 50m of Listed Building Thornhill Aerodrome Cons. Over 20M high Consultations Issued: No consultations sent or requested. Delegated LB Cat: B UPRN: 000122048780 © Crown Copyright and database right 2015. All rights reserved. Ordnance Survey Licence Number 100020780 15/00114/FUL 3 March 2015 Ward 1 Trossachs & Teith 261347 701184 Installation of an air source heat pump at Garden Ground North East Of Carnoch Beag, Thornhill, for Mr M Gaughan per T Square Architects 39 Allanvale Road Bridge Of Allan FK9 4PA Officer: Mark Laird, Telephone: 01786 233678 Status Constraints: Countryside Policy, MOD Radar Consultation Zones, Thornhill Aerodrome Cons. Over 20M high Consultations Issued: Service Manager (Environmental Health) © Crown Copyright and database right 2015. All rights reserved. Ordnance Survey Licence Number 100020780 Delegated UPRN: 000122068587 Developments in which there is Council Interest These are applications where the Council has a financial interest in the land or the applicant is the Council. Application Number Description Decision Level No Council Interest applications have been received this week. 15/00036/LBC 2 March 2015 Ward 3 Dunblane & Bridge Of Allan 278193 701042 Removal and replacement of concrete extensions at Dunblane Bridge, Stirling Road, Dunblane, for Stirling Council per Mouchel Shorefield House Kinnegar Drive Holywood County Down Officer: Gavin Forrest, Telephone: 01786 233674 Status Constraints: Article 4 Directions, Conservation Area, Floodland, Consultations Issued: Planning & Policy Historic Scotland Schedule LB Cat: C(s) UPRN: 000122059185 © Crown Copyright and database right 2013. All rights reserved. Ordnance Survey Licence Number 100020780 Proposal of Application Notices Application Number No Notices have been received this week. Description Decision Level Decisions of Appointed Officers The decisions are published here as a matter of record only. The applicant has been informed of the Appointed Officer’s decision and of the right to seek a review of the decision by the Council’s Local Review Body. PROPOSAL: Proposed rear extension and retrospective change of use from open space to garden ground at 21 Ochre Crescent Cowie FK7 7AZ UPRN: Ward: Reference: Type: Date Valid: Officer: 000122033321 Ward 7 Bannockburn 15/00004/FUL Full 13 January 2015 Gavin Forrest, Telephone: 01786 233674, Email: Applicant/Agent: Mr D Connelly per BDA Design 65 Lamberton Avenue Stirling FK7 7TT Decision: Approve with Conditions PROPOSAL: Proposed single storey rear extension and conversion of attic space with 2No. dormers to front elevation at Greglyn Main Street Plean FK7 8BH UPRN: Ward: Reference: Type: Date Valid: Officer: 000122032115 Ward 7 Bannockburn 15/00017/FUL Full 15 January 2015 Peter McKechnie, Telephone: 01786 233679, Email: Applicant/Agent: Mr T Frame per BDA Design 65 Lamberton Avenue Stirling FK7 7TT Decision: Approve with Conditions PROPOSAL: Fascia signage at 10 Port Street Stirling FK8 2LD UPRN: Ward: Reference: Type: Date Valid: Officer: 000122019675 Ward 4 Castle 14/00744/ADV Advertisement 20 January 2015 Gavin Forrest, Telephone: 01786 233674, Email: Applicant/Agent: Notemachine UK LTD Russell House Elvicta Business Park Crickhowell NP8 1DF Decision: Approve PROPOSAL: Fascia sign and totem at Sheriff Service Station 43 - 47 Causewayhead Road Causewayhead Stirling FK9 5EG UPRN: Ward: Reference: Type: Date Valid: Officer: 000122030266 Ward 4 Castle 15/00051/ADV Advertisement 9 February 2015 Jane Brooks-Burnett, Telephone: 01786 233672, Email: Applicant/Agent: Wm Stephen (Bakers) Ltd per Oliver & Robb Architects Pitreavie Drive Dunfermline Fife KY11 8UH Decision: Approve with Conditions PROPOSAL: Installation of a 12 metre high SMART Metering street pole with a 3 metre Omni antenna at Land 170M North East Of Dumyat Farm Blairlogie Stirling UPRN: Ward: Reference: Type: Date Valid: Officer: 000122069418 Ward 3 Dunblane & Bridge Of Allan 14/00740/FUL Full 5 December 2014 Peter McKechnie, Telephone: 01786 233679, Email: Applicant/Agent: SMART Metering per Harlequin Group Rutland House 5 Allen Road Livingston EH54 6TQ Decision: Approve with Conditions PROPOSAL: New detached house at Land Adjacent And East Of The Doll's House Blanefield UPRN: Ward: Reference: Type: Date Valid: Officer: 000122069317 Ward 2 Forth & Endrick 14/00602/PPP Planning Permission in Principle 14 October 2014 Peter McKechnie, Telephone: 01786 233679, Email: Applicant/Agent: Mr Allan Barns Graham per Warren Consultants Milngavie Enterprise Centre Ellangowan Court Milngavie G62 8PH Decision: Approve with Conditions PROPOSAL: Proposed steading development, involving the demolition of existing farm buildings currently in a state of disrepair, of three new dwellings constructed on the same footprint as the original buildings and parking provision to be provided by informal spaces surrounded by selected areas of indigenous planting at Land And Buildings At Greenfoot Farm Stirling UPRN: Ward: Reference: Type: Date Valid: Officer: 000122069321 Ward 2 Forth & Endrick 14/00613/FUL Full 15 October 2014 Mark Laird, Telephone: 01786 233678, Email: Applicant/Agent: Mr John Kyle per Mparchitecture Ltd Macfarlane Gray House Castlecraig Business Park Springbank Road Stirling Decision: Approve with Conditions PROPOSAL: Proposed rear and side extension at 18 Kirkburn Road Strathblane G63 9ED UPRN: Ward: Reference: Type: Date Valid: Officer: 000122009450 Ward 2 Forth & Endrick 14/00692/FUL Full 5 January 2015 Iain Jeffrey, Telephone: 01786 233676, Email: Applicant/Agent: Mr & Mrs McColl per Archiplan Glasgow 42 Trondra Place Eastfield Gardens Glasgow G34 9AX Decision: Approve PROPOSAL: Single storey side extension at 27 Strathview Terrace Balfron G63 0PU UPRN: Ward: Reference: Type: Date Valid: Officer: 000122008070 Ward 2 Forth & Endrick 15/00001/FUL Full 7 January 2015 Iain Jeffrey, Telephone: 01786 233676, Email: Applicant/Agent: Mr Barry Costello per Murray Macleod Architectural Services St James Business Centre Linwood Road Paisley PA3 3AT Decision: Approve PROPOSAL: Proposed formation of french doors and balcony on south-facing gable (as part of attic conversion). at Corrie Lodge Mugdock Road Strathblane G62 8EJ UPRN: Ward: Reference: Type: Date Valid: Officer: 000122047192 Ward 2 Forth & Endrick 15/00003/FUL Full 7 January 2015 Iain Jeffrey, Telephone: 01786 233676, Email: Applicant/Agent: Mrs Laura Jones per The Hay Lough Davis Partnership Glenfield House 69 Glasgow Road Dumbarton G82 1RE Decision: Approve PROPOSAL: Extension of bedroom at 1st floor level into footprint of existing balcony, internal alterations to form new en-suite and dressing room at 9 Drumbeg Loan Killearn G63 9LG UPRN: Ward: Reference: Type: Date Valid: Officer: 000122007332 Ward 2 Forth & Endrick 15/00016/FUL Full 13 January 2015 Iain Jeffrey, Telephone: 01786 233676, Email: Applicant/Agent: Mr Michael Timar per PEAK Building Consultancy Ltd 1 Whitehill Grove Newton Mearns Glasgow G77 5DH Decision: Approve PROPOSAL: Proposed residential development of 44 dwellings at Land Adjacent And East Of Home Farm Road And North Of St Ninians Road Cambusbarron UPRN: Ward: Reference: Type: Date Valid: Officer: 000122062809 Ward 5 Stirling West 14/00457/FUL Full 28 July 2014 Iain Jeffrey, Telephone: 01786 233676, Email: Applicant/Agent: Ogilvie Homes Ogilvie House Pirnhall Business Park Stirling FK7 8ES Decision: Approve with Conditions PROPOSAL: Application under Section 42 of the Town & Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 to extend the period of permission granted under Condition 1 of planning permission 12/00014/FUL at Garden Ground Of Barns Knowe Stirling UPRN: Ward: Reference: Type: Date Valid: Officer: 000122068009 Ward 5 Stirling West 15/00083/FUL Full 24 February 2015 Iain Jeffrey, Telephone: 01786 233676, Email: Applicant/Agent: Dr John Richards Barns Knowe Stirling FK7 9QF Decision: Approve PROPOSAL: Single dwelling in principle at Land 70 Metres South West Of Easter Rossburn Farmhouse Stirling UPRN: Ward: Reference: Type: Date Valid: Officer: 000122069398 Ward 1 Trossachs & Teith 14/00714/PPP Planning Permission in Principle 19 November 2014 Gavin Forrest, Telephone: 01786 233674, Email: Applicant/Agent: John And Catherine Killen per Houghton Planning 102 High Street Dunblane FK15 0ER Decision: Approve with Conditions PROPOSAL: Erection of general purpose storage building at West Rossburn Lane Farm Stirling FK9 4AH UPRN: Ward: Reference: Type: Date Valid: Officer: 000122010968 Ward 1 Trossachs & Teith 14/00796/FUL Full 22 January 2015 Gavin Forrest, Telephone: 01786 233674, Email: Applicant/Agent: Mr William Flemming per Algo Design And Build Algo Business Centre Glenearn Road Perth PH2 0NJ Decision: Approve with Conditions Planning Schedule Recommendations All of the applications in this Schedule have been considered against the Development Plan and unless otherwise stated accord with the provisions of the Development Plan, in terms of Sections 25 and 37 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997. PROPOSAL: Installation of an ATM through the shop front. Installed replacing part of the existing glazing to the far right of the shop front with a blue laminate finished composite security panel incorporating the ATM fascia with black surround and illuminated white lettering Free Cash withdrawals out of black surround at 10 Port Street Stirling FK8 2LD UPRN: Ward: Reference: Type: Date Valid: Officer: Website: 000122019675 Ward 4 Castle 14/00743/LBC Listed Building Consent 20 January 2015 Gavin Forrest, Telephone: 01786 233674, Email: Applicant/Agent: Notemachine UK LTD Russell House Elvicta Business Park Crickhowell NP8 1DF © Crown copyright and database right 2015. All rights reserved. Ordnance Survey Licence number 100020780 Recommendation: Approve with Conditions Subject to the following Conditions: 1 Compliance with Details: All works shall be carried out and completed strictly in accordance with the approved details, to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority. Reason(s): 1 To ensure that the overall development is undertaken in accordance with the approved drawings. Status Constraints: Conservation Area, Within 50m of Listed Building LB Cat: B Supplementary Information: As the proposals concern a B Listed building referral to Historic Scotland is required. The ground floor shop unit will provide an ATM unit that is not deemed to have a detrimental impact on the Listed Building or the Conservation Area. Community Council: None. PROPOSAL: Installation of an ATM in glazed shop front replacing part of the existing glazing with a blue laminate finished composite security panel incorporating the ATM fascia with black bezel surround and white illuminated lettering Free Cash Withdrawals out of black background. Blue LED halo illumination to ATM surround at 10 Port Street Stirling FK8 2LD UPRN: Ward: Reference: Type: Date Valid: Officer: Website: 000122019675 Ward 4 Castle 14/00745/FUL Full 20 January 2015 Gavin Forrest, Telephone: 01786 233674, Email: Applicant/Agent: Notemachine UK LTD Russell House Elvicta Business Park Crickhowell NP8 1DF © Crown copyright and database right 2015. All rights reserved. Ordnance Survey Licence number 100020780 Recommendation: Approve with Conditions Subject to the following Conditions: 1 Compliance with Details: All works shall be carried out and completed strictly in accordance with the approved details, to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority. Reason(s): 1 To ensure that the overall development is undertaken in accordance with the approved drawings. Status Constraints: Conservation Area, Within 50m of Listed Building LB Cat: B Supplementary Information: Report of Handling Summary of Representations No letters of representation have been received regarding this application. Summary of Consultation Responses No consultation sent or requested regarding this application. Development Plan and Other Material Considerations Stirling Local Development Plan Policy 1.1: Site Planning (relevant sections) All new development, including alterations and extensions to existing buildings, are required to contribute, in a positive manner, to quality of the surrounding built and natural environment. All proposals are therefore expected to meet the following criteria (where relevant):a) The siting, layout and density of new development should; contribute towards or create a coherent structure of streets, spaces and buildings; respect, complement and connect with its surroundings; be safely accessed; and create a sense of identity within the development. b) All new development should consider and respect site topography, and any surrounding important landmarks (built or natural), views or skylines. c) The design should be appropriate to both any building to which it relates, and the wider surroundings in terms of appearance, position, height, scale, massing, and should use materials, finishes and colours which complement those prevalent. d) In urban settings in particular, buildings should be positioned so as to respect an existing building line, or establish one where none exists. Thereafter, access, uses and orientation of principal elevations should reinforce the street or areas of open space. Policy 7.2: Development within and outwith Conservation Areas a) Development within a Conservation Area and development outwith, that will impact on the Conservation Area, shall preserve or enhance its character, appearance and setting. All new development should respect the architectural and visual qualities of the area, have regard to the character of the area as identified in the relevant Conservation Area Character Appraisal, and should:i) Relate well to the density and pattern of existing development; the design, massing, scale and materials used in surrounding buildings; means of access and boundary and landscape treatments such as walls, railings, trees and hedges. [See Policy 7.4 for the treatment of boundaries/hardstandings in Conservation Areas and Listed Buildings]. ii) Retain existing natural and built features which contribute to the character of the Conservation Area and/or its setting. b) Given the importance of assessing design matters, applications for Planning Permission in Principle will not normally be considered appropriate for development proposals in Conservation Areas. c) Where an existing building, Listed or not, contributes positively to the character of the Conservation Area, proposals involving demolition will be considered in terms of Part (a)(ii) and Policy 7.3. Proposals for demolition will only be considered if accompanied by a detailed planning application for a replacement development that enhances or preserves the character of the Conservation Area. If allowed, demolition should not commence until evidence is given of contracts let for the approved redevelopment. Policy 7.3: Development affecting Listed Buildings a) The layout, design, materials, scale, siting and use of any development must preserve the character of the Listed Building and its setting. Where this is not proposed, development will be refused. There is a presumption against demolition or other works that adversely affect the special interest of a building or it's setting. b) Listed Buildings should not be demolished unless it can be clearly demonstrated that any of the following apply: i) The building is no longer of special interest. ii) The building is beyond repair. iii) The demolition of the building is essential to delivering significant benefits to economic growth or the wider community. iv) The repair of the building is not economically viable and it has been marketed at a price reflecting its location and condition to potential restoring purchasers for a reasonable period. Policy 7.6: New/Replacement Shopfronts within Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas. In relation to new or altered shop fronts, proposals will be supported which:a) Respect the architectural and historic character of the building(s) to which they relate and are sympathetic to their townscape context. b) Support the retention and restoration of traditional or historic shopfronts where these survive or where evidence of their former appearance can be produced in support of restoration. c) Do not apply standardised 'house' styles or standardised shopfront designs in situations where their use would be detrimental to the character or architectural integrity of the building concerned or the character of the Conservation Area. d) Remove shopfronts and introduce an alternative frontage treatment at street level, only where clear historic evidence supports this as the original appearance, and where the existing shopfront treatment is of no architectural or historic interest. Summary of Submission This application seeks permission for the installation of an ATM in glazed shop front replacing part of the existing glazing with a blue laminate finished composite security panel incorporating the ATM fascia with black bezel surround and white illuminated lettering on black background, blue LED halo illumination to ATM surround. The proposals will be implemented at 10 Port Street, Stirling. The proposed cash machine unit will be elevated approximately 0.9 metres above ground level, will measure approximately 1.3 metres x 0.9 metres and will be situated to the left hand side of the existing shop entrance. The materials used and the levels of lighting associated with it are deemed to be appropriate for the building to which it relates. The proposals are not deemed to cause a detrimental impact on the property. The proposals are deemed to accord with the relevant Development Plan policies and Supplementary Planning Guidance. Summary of Main Issues Raised In Respect of: Any Environmental Statement submitted. Any assessment under Conservation (Natural Habitats &c.) Regulations 1994 carried out. Any Design Statement or Design and Access Statement submitted. Any report on impact or potential impact of the proposed development (e.g. retail, transport, noise or risk of flooding) submitted. Not applicable to this application. Summary of terms of Section 75 Legal Agreements Not applicable to this application. Directions Under Regulations 30, 31 or 32 Not applicable to this application. Planning Applications Withdrawn PROPOSAL: New 1.5 storey dwelling house encompassing cottage ruin at Land Adjacent And East Of Nos 1-4 Calderwood Place Dunblane UPRN: Ward: Reference: Type: Date Valid: Officer: 000122069423 Ward 3 Dunblane & Bridge Of Allan 14/00770/FUL Full 9 December 2014 Iain Jeffrey, Telephone: 01786 233676, Email: Applicant/Agent: Crammond Select Homes per Bobby Halliday Architects 3 The Avenue Bridge Of Allan FK9 4NR Decision: Withdrawn PROPOSAL: Erection of garden room at The Croft Blairlogie Village Road Blairlogie FK9 5PX UPRN: Ward: Reference: Type: Date Valid: Officer: 000122047645 Ward 3 Dunblane & Bridge Of Allan 14/00708/FUL Full 18 November 2014 Gavin Forrest, Telephone: 01786 233674, Email: Applicant/Agent: Mrs Laura Ewing per Dalrymple Design 49 Coldstream Avenue Leven KY8 5TW Decision: Withdrawn Planning Enforcement – week ending 06/03/15 New Cases Received Issue: Alleged erection of an unauthorised advertisement Address: Melville Terrace, Stirling, FK8 2NE Ward: Ward 5 Stirling West Reference: EN/15/020/UNADV Case Officer: Lynne Currie, Telephone: 01786 233673, Email: Issue: Alleged Breach of Condition Address: Hillfoots Road, Causewayhead, Stirling, FK9 5LF Ward: Ward 4 Castle Reference: EN/15/021/NONCOM Case Officer: Andrew Gardiner, Telephone: 01786 233675, Email: Delegated Decisions Cases Closed Issue: Siting of Advertisement Address: Doune, Ward: Ward 1 Trossachs & Teith Reference: 14/047/UNADV Case Officer: Andrew Gardiner, Telephone: 01786 233675, Email: Supplementary Information: The Advertisement has been removed. Issue: Alleged commercial operation from domestic garage Address: Balfour Street, Whins Of Milton, FK7 0NG Ward: Ward 6 Stirling East Reference: EN/15/001/UNAUTH Case Officer: Lynne Currie, Telephone: 01786 233673, Email: Supplementary Information: No breach of planning control. Issue: Erection of Extension Address: Torbrex Road, Torbrex, Stirling, FK7 9HN Ward: Ward 5 Stirling West Reference: EN/15/015/UNAUTH Case Officer: Andrew Gardiner, Telephone: 01786 233675, Email: Supplementary Information: No breach of planning control. Planning Contravention Notices Served None Breach of Condition Notices Served None Enforcement Notices Served None Amenity Notices Served None Forestry Planting and Felling Proposals Forestry Commission Scotland Public Register - New Applications Application Type:- Felling Licence Location:- Mount Farm Ballikinrain Muir, SE of Balfron O.S. Grid Reference:- NS 575 859 Forestry Commission Scotland Reference:- FLA00291 Proposed Works Duration – 7 March 2015 to 6 May 2016 i) Clear Felling - 20.17 Ha Sitka Spruce in 7 Compartments. Further Information:- Windblow with some standing clumps and fringes following January 2012 and January 2014 gales. ii) Restocking - 18.25 Ha Sitka Spruce, with 1.92 Ha designed open ground. Further Information - Site will be mounded prior to restocking. Any functional drains will be cleaned out. Comments on the applications can be submitted via the Forestry Commission Scotland website: and entering relevant FCS ref no FLA00291. The public consultation ends on 19 March 2015. Further information is also available via the FCS website or from the Perth and Argyll Conservancy, Algo Business Centre, Glenearn Road, Perth, PH2 0NJ Phone: 01738 442830 Forestry Commission Scotland Public Register - New Applications Application Type:- Felling Licence Location:- Ardveich Woods, by Lochearn O.S. Grid Reference:- NN 636 246 Forestry Commission Scotland Reference:- FLA00230 Proposed Works Duration 1 March 2015 to 1 March 2018 i) Clear felling and Selective Felling 25.26 ha Mixed Conifers. Further Information:- First stage of restructuring of conifers within Ardveich. Conifers received its max growth and critical height that makes them susceptible for windblow. Broadleaves and areas along the burns will be maintained. ii) Restocking Mixed Conifers 18.34 ha, Mixed Broadleaves 1.37 ha, Mixed Braodleaves by natural regeneration 3.01 Ha, Designed Open Ground 2.54. Further Information - Most of the site will be replanted, upper hills left for natural regeneration, expected to achieve a Mixed Broadleaves cover in the future. Conifers comprise productive species and will also benefit red squirrel present on the site. Mixed Native Broadleaves - Birch, Aspen, Rowan. Comments on the applications can be submitted via the Forestry Commission Scotland website: and entering relevant FCS ref no FLA00230. The public consultation ends on 18 March 2015. Further information is also available via the FCS website or from the Perth and Argyll Conservancy, Algo Business Centre, Glenearn Road, Perth, PH2 0NJ Phone: 01738 442830