Newsletter - 22 Mar 2015 - The Catholic Parish of St Swithun Wells
Newsletter - 22 Mar 2015 - The Catholic Parish of St Swithun Wells
NEWSLETTER OF THE CATHOLIC PARISH OF ST SWITHUN WELLS 22th March 2015 Our Mission: LOVE GOD – LOVE OTHERS – MAKE DISCIPLES Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth Registered Charity No. 246871 Fifth Sunday of Lent The days are coming, the hour has come (John 12:23) for the Son of Man to be glorified. The veiling of images in Church from today until Holy Saturday is intended to concentrate our minds on that ‘hour,’ that moment which is at one and the same time both the raising of the Son of Man upon the Cross and his exaltation in glory by the Father. It is Christ’s Passover through death into resurrection: that glory I had with you before the world was made (John 17:5). Through him, with him and in him, we also ‘pass over’ to share in his eternal life. Sunday Cycle: Year A. Weekday Cycle: Year I Psalter Week 1 social media, or stopping replying to e-mails, etc. If Christ’s Passover is really important for us, we will try these things. It’s a good opportunity for selfexamination. Rowan Williams writes that Jesus crucified is God’s chosen victim of human rage, hatred and spite. God identifies totally with this victim – such is God Incarnate. So it is only in the company of that victim that God is to be found. For it is there that we encounter the victim who is our victim – the victim of our rage, hatred and spite against our neighbour. And only in The sacred liturgy names this moment as the ‘Paschal the company of that pure and complete victim can forMystery.’ It is at the heart of every liturgical rite and giveness and reconciliation be found. Christ the Vicevery Christian prayer. It is what the Holy Mass tim judges us, and reconciles us at one and the same means, what Mass accomplishes. It is where Baptism time: this is my Blood, poured out for you for the forand the sacraments of Christian Initiation place us. We giveness of sins. Good Friday and Easter are one stand before it in every act of Christian prayer and event. worship. The days of his saving passion and glorious resurrecWe celebrate the Paschal Mystery as one event, in the tion are approaching, three day act which the Church calls the ‘Sacred Pas- when the pride of the ancient enemy is vanquished chal Triduum’ or the Three Holy Days of Easter. It is and the mystery of our redemption in Christ is celemarked by liturgical rites. The ‘Triduum’ begins with brated the Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy (Roman Missal, Second Preface of the Passion). Thursday and climaxes in the Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday: one liturgical act in three movements. Canon Alan Traditionally, the three days are also a time of fasting, or just eating less, or watching less TV, or abandoning Wishes and Prayers for Fr George Ngwa on celebrating his 21st Ordination anniversary (on 19th March) Fr George, Thank you for your loving service to the Church. May God bless you abundantly in your priestly ministry. The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you... Numbers 6:24-25 Parish Office: Holy Cross Church, 53 Leigh Road, Eastleigh, SO50 9DF Tel.: 023 8027 3882. Email: Office hours:: Monday– Thursday 9am-4.00pm Newsletter items should be received by Thursday 9am St. Edward the Confessor 191-193, Winchester Rd, Chandler’s Ford, SO53 2DU Our Lady Queen of Apostles, Martin Street, Bishops Waltham, SO32 1DN St. Andrew’s, Fleming Avenue, North, Baddesley SO52 9EP Holy Cross, 53, Leigh Road, Eastleigh. SO50 9DF St. Swithun Wells, Allington Lane, Fair Oak, SO50 7DB St. Joseph’s Oratory, 26 Abbey Water, Romsey, SO51 8EJ Readings for next Sunday 29th March Palm Sunday Gospel: Mark 14:1–15:47 The passion of our Lord Jesus Christ 1st reading: Psalm Isaiah 50:4-7 Ps 21:8-9, 17-20, 23-24 r. 2 My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? 2nd reading: Phil 2:6-11 Journey in Faith (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) Wednesdays 7.30-9pm St Edward the Confessor Contact Deacon Paul Owen on 023 8065 8251 Mothering Sunday LIFE Cake Sale — Thank you A big "thank you" to everybody who brought and also bought cakes, jams and raffle tickets. We appreciate the donations, the amazing generosity and the help of your parishioners. The Southampton Life group feels very lucky to have your support. We have been able to raise a grand total of £192.40 over the weekend. The raised funds will help to further the important work the LIFE charity does. - LIFE group Southampton Time for a Cuppa — Thank you A big “thank you” to everyone who supported ‘Time for a Cuppa’ fund raising event on Friday 13th March at St Andrew's. The final amount raised for Dementia UK to support the Admiral Nurses was £322.80. Thank you. - Ann Heslop Thank You — From Fr George Ngwa Father George would like to thank parishioners for their good wishes and prayers on the 21st Anniversary of his Ordination which was celebrated on the Feast of St Joseph this past Thursday. Please join him for tea/coffee etc. after each Mass at St Andrew's this Sunday 22nd April. Let's celebrate Fairtrade Fortnight! Fair Trade Coffee Morning at Our Lady Queen of Apostles on Sunday 29th March after 9.30am Mass. All funds donated will help families grow more, earn more eat more. All are welcome. 60’s Club Come and practise your artistic skills by making greetings cards, under the guidance of Frances Field. Monday 23 March from 2pm-4pm in Holy Cross Resource Centre. Everyone welcome. Contact Maureen Westwood on 023 80 692682 Ignite 2015 Confirmation Retreat Day On Saturday 28th March 2015 10am – 8pm At Saint George Catholic College, Leaside Way, Swaythling, Southampton. SO16 3DQ. Suggested donation: £35 The day will be delivered by the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal from Canning Town, London, and young people can expect a fantastic day where they are led into a deep encounter with Christ through an exciting programme of dynamic talks, testimonies, workshops, praise and worship, and beautiful services! Bishop Philip will join us to meet with the young people on day. For more information and to book please contact Will Hince on 07780221686 or email Filipino Ethnic Mass 1st FILIPINO Ethnic MASS in ROMSEY and NORTH BADDLESLEY and Lenten Talk on “New Evangelization and the Ethnic Communities in UK” will be held on 22 March 2015 Sunday 5pm at St. Andrew Church, Fleming Avenue, SO52 9EP. All are welcome. Please bring family and friends, and food to share after the Mass. For more information contact: Gilda Hinguillo 07791 367383 The General Instruction on the Roman Missal Following on from Canon Alan’s excellent first talk on the General Instruction of the Roman Missal the second talk is on 24th March 2015 7.30pm at Our Lady Queen of Apostles, Bishop Waltham. Mother and baby/toddler group in The Cloister at St Edward the Confessor Church on Tuesdays 10am-12noon. Term time only CRAFT SESSION – MAKE AN EASTER CARD Friends After Bereavement Sunday Tea Sunday 29th March 2015 For the Friends After Bereavement Sunday Tea on Sunday 29th March we will be having a Craft Session with Julie Burns and her friend Francis. The plan is to make an Easter Card. Anybody who is looking for an enjoyable afternoon is welcome. We meet at 2.30 for a 3.00 pm start in the Resource Centre at Holy Cross Church. If you need help with transport speak to a member of the group or call Brian Stansbridge on 02380 470461. Teacher of Religious Studies Required St George Catholic College, Southampton Closing date for applications: 3 pm on Friday 27th March 2015 For further details , please see the vacancies section of our website ( EASTER TRIDUUM St Andrews NB & St Joseph’s, Romsey Holy Cross, Eastleigh & St Edward’s Chandlers Ford OLQA, Bishops Waltham 2nd April Thursday of Lord’s Supper 7:00 pm , Mass of Lord’s Sup- 7:30 pm , Mass of Lord’s per (St Andrews) Supper (St Edward’s) 8:00 pm , Mass of Lord’s Supper (OLQA) 3rd April Good Friday 3:00pm The Passion of our Lord (St Andrews) 3:00pm The Passion of our Lord ( St Edward’s) 3:00pm The Passion of our Lord (OLQA) 4th April Holy Saturday 8:30 pm , Easter Vigil in the Holy night (St Andrews) 8:00 pm , Easter Vigil ( St Edward’s) 8:00 pm , Easter Vigil (OLQA) 5th April Easter Sunday 9:00 am (St Andrews) 10:30 am, St Joseph’s (URC Hall) 9:00 am (St Edward’s) 11:00 am (Holy Cross) 9:30 am (OLQA) Divine Mercy Sunday — 12th April 2015 Holy Cross, Eastleigh Lent Penitential Services St Andrew's, North Baddesley , Thurs 26th March 7:30pm OLQA, Bishops Waltham, Fri 27th March 7:30pm Holy Cross, Eastleigh, Tues 31st March 7.30pm Stations of the Cross & Confession Led by Fr George Ngwa at St Joseph’s Oratory on Wednesday 1st April 12:00 noon Chrism Mass In St Johns Cathedral , Portsmouth On Tuesday 31st March 2015, At 11:00 am The feast of Divine mercy is celebrated on the 2nd Sunday of Easter , and was granted to the Universal Church by Pope John Paul II on the occasion of the canonization of Saint Faustina Kowalska on 30 April 2000. Concerning the Feast of Divine Mercy Jesus said: It is My desire that it be solemnly celebrated on the first Sunday after Easter. Mankind will not have peace until it turns to the Fount of My Mercy. (St Faustina’s Diary 699) Whoever approaches the Fountain of Life on this day will be granted complete forgiveness of sins and punishment. (St Faustina’s Diary 300) I want the image solemnly blessed on the first Sunday after Easter, and I want it to be venerated publicly so that every soul may know about it. (St Faustina’s Diary 341) Friday Night Supper in aid of CAFOD at St Edward’s. Lenten Suppers in aid of CAFOD project in El Salvador—every Friday night after Stations of the Cross and Mass. £4. All Welcome. LENT STUDY COURSE WEEK 5 St. Swithun Wells Church This week's topic- Walking and Praying with Christians of the Middle East. This week we focus on the Christians in Lebanon, where 40% of the population are estimated to be Christian. This is the largest percentage of Christians in the Middle East. Wed. 25th March 7.45 - 9 p.m. Enquiries to Peter Baggott 02380694060 or Deacon Bob Birtles 02380692416. Everyone is very welcome. Healing Mass—St Joseph’s, Ashurst A healing mass will be celebrated in St Joseph’s Ashhurst (8 Lyndhurst Road, Hants SO40 7DU ) on Monday 23rd March at 7:00pm. All are welcome. Mini Bus Drivers Wanted Holy Cross, Eastleigh is looking for volunteer mini bus drivers to drive parishioners in for Sunday 11:00am Mass . All necessary training will be provided. Please contact Ted Dunne on 02381 780630 if you could help. Divine Mercy Sunday celebration will be led by Fr George Ngwa in our Parish on 12th April 2015, at 2:45pm at Holy Cross Church, Eastleigh. The celebration will start with procession of the image followed by 3 O’clock Divine Mercy prayers, Divine Mercy Chaplet and veneration of the image. There will be opportunity for confession to obtain the plenary indulgence attached to the day. Please check indulgence.htm to learn more about the conditions of decree of plenary indulgence attached to Divine Mercy Sunday. There will be refreshments in the resource centre afterwards. All are welcome. Living our Faith Newsletters Living our Faith newsletter is now available in the welcoming area/notice board of all churches. WE ACKNOWLEDGE WITH THANKS Last week’s collections at St Swithun Wells Parish: £1,950.35 Standing order/Direct debits for the month of Feb: £14,310.18 SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES: St Swithun Wells Primary School 023 8026 6210; St George Catholic V.A. College 023 8032 2603; St Anne’s Catholic School 023 8032 8200; Charlton House 023 8067 7575 / St Mary’s College 023 8067 1267 Mass Times for our Six Church Communities TIME DATE CHURCH MASS INTENTION Sat 21th 9.30am HC Sat 21th 5.00pm St Sw Vigil Masses 6.00pm OLQA 6.00pm St J 6.30pm St Ed Dennis Gray RIP 9.00am 9.00am HC St Ed Polska Msza Święta Bridie Peckham RIP Sun 22th Fifth Sunday of Lent 9.15am Tues 24th Wed 25th Solemnity Annunciation of the Lord AND PRAYERS Phyllis Altman RIP Fri 27th Kevin Cashman RIP 9.30am 10.00am HC HC 6.oopm St J 9.30am HC 10.00am Abbey House 7.00pm St Ed 7.oopm St J. 9.30am OLQA 11.00am 11.00am 5:00pm SA HC SA Alice Lockwood RIP Ludwick Kolacz RIP FILIPINO Ethnic Mass Sat 28th 9.30am HC 9.30am HC Giuseppina Bova & Francesco Papallo RIP Sat 28th 5.00pm St Sw Vigil Masses 6.00pm 6.00pm OLQA St J 6.30pm St Ed 9.30am HC 10.00am St SW 10.00am SA Holy Souls Stations of the Cross Sun 29th 9.15am SA 9.00am St Ed 10.00am St Ed Angela Adams RIP 9.30am OLQA 6.30pm 7.00pm St. A St. A Stations of the Cross 11.00am 11.00am SA HC Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Sunday Saturday The Holy Rosary The Holy Rosary Evening Prayer Morning Prayer The Holy Rosary The Holy Rosary CONFESSION (SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION) 10.00am Holy Cross Church 12 noon St. Edward the Confessor Church 5.30pm Our Lady Queen of Apostles Church 5.30pm St. Joseph’s Parish Centre. 8.45am St. Andrew’s Church. Palm Sunday HC HC Marie-Louise House 7.30pm St Ed 9.30am St J 6.00pm St A 10.00am St Ed 8.25 am HC 9.10am Oliver Shamkhani — Birthday 9.00am 9.30am ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Sundays: CHURCH MASS INTENTION Grace Moore (FM) Stations of the Cross Captain Andrew Mackie RIP Tuesday - HC Adoration 7-8pm Thursday - St Ed at 11.00am, closing with Benediction 8.30pm Thursday - St J from 12.00 noon until 6.00pm. Thursday - St A following Morning Prayer until 11.00am Saturdays: Thurs 26th TIME Catherine Pearson RIP Stations of The Cross. Oratory Mon 23th ROSARY St A DATE Joe McCarthy RIP Robert Harris RIP In Honour of agony of our Lord Jesus Christ in the garden of Gethsemane Polska Msza Święta Friends of Angela Adams (RIP) - In Thanksgiving Beatriz & George White, David, Laura & Eduardo Fernandes (FM) Fr David O’Sullivan Tel: 023 80612430 (Parish Priest) mob: 07554 427063 Deacon Bob Birtles Tel: 023 8069 2416 Fr George Ngwa Tel: 023 8027 3882 Tel: (Assistant Priest) Deacon John di Meo Tel: 01794 515688 Canon Alan Griffiths (Assistant Priest) POLISH PRIEST : Fr Zbigniew Budyn Tel: 023 8178 6316 RETIRED PRIEST: Fr David Whitehead Deacon Paul Owen Tel: 023 8065 8251 Deacon Paul Hollingworth Tel: 01794 524287 Co-ordinator & Adviser for Catechesis & Formation: Holy Cross Resource Centre & Fin Admin: Richard Martin Tel:023 8065 8338 Linda Roberts Tel: 023 8065 8339 Parish Administrator: Cristina Carretero Tel: 023 80 27 3882