22 March 2015 - Our Lady of the Rosary Church
22 March 2015 - Our Lady of the Rosary Church
March 22nd, 2015 Fifth Sunday of Lent Our Lady of the Rosary Mission Statement Rectory 1659 Columbia Street Pastoral Center Parish Office 1629 Columbia St. (619) 234-4820 ~ FAX (619) 234-3559 ~ www.olrsd.org 1668 State Street; San Diego, California 92101 Italian National Catholic Parish Our Lady of the Rosary Church Hall 1654 State Street We, the Parish of Our Lady of the Rosary, are a pilgrim church. Under the mantle of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we grow as a people of God following Jesus, celebrating the Eucharist, living apostolic service, continuing faith formation and Marian devotions. We strive to bring the joy of the gospel and imitate Jesus through compassion, mercy and love, especially for the poor and marginalized. We seek to be faithful stewards providing a heart and home for all. Our Lady of the Rosary Page 2 We welcome all visitors to our celebration. While Holy Communion may only be received by prepared Catholics, our non-Catholic guests are welcome to receive a special blessing from the priest during distribution. Simply cross your arms on your chest as you approach the priest. Masses of the Week: March 22nd to 29th, 2015 Saturday, March 21: 5:30 p.m. Angie Giacalone † Tony & Marie Cefalu & Family This Sunday, March 22: Fifth Sunday of Lent 7:30 a.m. Parishioners, Benefactors & Friends 9:00 a.m. Angie Giacalone † Dianna Families 10:30 a.m. Umberto Assenti † Anna Fiorentino 12 noon Caterina Zizzo † Mr. & Mrs. Frank Zizzo Monday: 7:30 a.m. Sheila Navratil † Grimm Family 12 noon Dominic Vitrano † Anna Fiorentino Tuesday: 7:30 a.m. Giuseppe Giacalone † Nino & Dorothy Zizzo 12 noon Mario Ted Garland Wednesday: 7:30 a.m. Frank Anthony Fradella, Jr. † Loli Victorio 12 noon Jack, Lilly & Frank Tarantino † Joann & Nick Pecoraro Thursday: 7:30 a.m. Joseph Petronaci † Mary Giacalone 12 noon Matilda Vattuone † Carolann & Children Friday: 7:30 a.m. Pino Giacalone † Lena & Vito Ingrande 12 noon Departed of DeSanti/Trevisani Family Family Saturday: 7:30 a.m. Perpetual Membership 12 noon Mario Sanfilippo † Chuck & Frances Sanfilippo & Family 5:30 p.m. (Vigil) Pasquale & Antonina Brunetto † Family Next Sunday, March 29: Passion Sunday 7:30 a.m. Girolamo & Antonina Carini † Mimmo Carini & Family 9:00 a.m. Parishioners, Benefactors & Friends 10:30 a.m. Giuseppe Giacalone † Paul & Giustina Crimi 12 noon Madonna del Paradiso Please remember that our daily Mass Calendar fills rapidly. Presently the wait is six to eight months in advance. If you hope to have a mass celebrated on a special date, look ahead and call early. Little Italy, San Diego, CA Pastor’s Corner When Jesus tells us that we must lose our life in order to gain it, he is not playing mind games with us. On the contrary, he is giving us words that could make the difference between life and death. If we ignore his words, we could find ourselves in a kind of living death. But if we take his words into ourselves and live by them, we could start to experience life as Jesus wished us to experience it. There are many things we tend to cling to, but one thing that many of us cling to are our ideas. In our lives, many of us cling to destructive, or simply false, ideas that prevent us from really living healthy and full lives. Clinging to old and outworn ideas is the surest way to prevent growth in our lives, and, in fact, such clinging prevents growth in understanding of one another and of life, in general. It can also put a roadblock in our love for one another. Clinging to old and outworn ideas can also prevent proper and life-giving respect for our environment. It can hinder progress and keep us enslaved to inefficient and backward ways of doing things. Actually it is hard to imagine the wide-ranging and devastating effect that such clinging can have in our lives and in our world. If it is true that we carry around within us so many unexamined ideas about our lives, then why don’t we just stop, examine our ideas and then change our lives accordingly? Why? Because the cost is too high. If we really looked closely at many of our ideas, we would soon see that our false ideas protect us. They protect us from being just, compassionate, kind, human, understanding and so forth. May we all have the wisdom to look closely at the many ideas which push us through life, and the courage to let die what needs dying, and to embrace what gives life. Go in peace, to love and serve our God! Our Lady of the Rosary Page 3 Little Italy, San Diego, CA Decorate the Church! Buy an Easter Lily for a Loved One. $15. Call Rosa Crivello (619) 295-0694 Palm Crosses This Thursday, March 26th- 9 AM in the Parish Hall. Members and friends of the Parish are invited to come enjoy fun times with fellow parishioners while preparing the Palm Crosses to be distributed for Palm Sunday. Please, bring your scissors. March 15th’s Collections Weekly Goal = $11,000 Masses$6,357 Mailed In$558 Online $1,387.50 Total $8,302.50 Thank You for your continued generosity! Chrism Mass 4:00 PM, this Thursday, March 26th at Good Shepherd in Mira Mesa. Special thank you to Peter, Sophie, Dominic & Annamarie Piconi for representing our parish to receive the sacred oils for the coming Sacraments to be received here throughout the year. Sanctuary Candle Dedication Remember your departed loved ones or special intentions by purchasing a sanctuary candle for a week. The two beautiful candles that hang on the sides of the tabernacle will be lit in honor of your request. For $20 a week you may purchase the candles through the office during normal business hours. Join Us for an Afternoon with Bishop Emeritus Robert Brom Today, Sunday, March 22, 2015 1:30 PM – 4:30 PM In the upstairs hall Please join us as we reflect on our call to evangelize with the help of a very gifted spiritual teacher. OLR Ministries Fair D LE L E C N CA Today, Sunday, March 22n, after each Mass in the downstairs hall. Baptisms ~ The following children have been joyfully welcomed into the family of God: Major Macapagal Calantoc, son of Mardino Palattao Calantoc & Marriekit Macapagal Amelia Ray Cassady, daughter of James Paul & Amanda Bernadine Morris Cassady Luke Morris Corbett, son of Kellen Craig Corbett & Charity Morris Sophia Leighton, daughter of Anthony John & Christina Josephine Russo Leighton Miranda Elisa Medina, daughter of Edward & Lorena Patricia Terrazas Medina Beatrice & Dianne Villatoro, daughters of Erick Daniel Villatoro & Roanne Fantone God love & bless them always. Marriage Banns ~ The following couple has exchanged a promise to marry in Christ: Andrew Cardillo & Nina Heck The Fifth Week of Lent REPENT Meditations for the Season of Lent AND BELIEVE Jesus Predicts His Own Death John 12:20-33 Bridgeman Images, Above and bottom right: Shutterstock As the Gospel opens, Jesus is well aware that his time on earth is coming to a close. In fact, he admits that he is “troubled,” but adds, “Yet what should I say? ‘Father, save me from this hour’? But it was for this purpose that I came to this hour. Father, glorify your name.” Upset as he admits he is, he still puts the Father first. In today’s Gospel, a voice responds to Jesus’ prayer by saying, “I have glorified it and will glorify it again.” Also, Jesus tries to explain to the crowds his true identity, the Son of Man, and the real meaning of the cross — the salvation of all the world. Through his obedience to the Father, Jesus reveals God’s glory. He foreshadows his crucifixion and death through the language of service: “Whoever serves me must follow me, and where I am, there also will be my servant” (John 12:26). As we enter the final weeks of Lent, we are called to bring forth the glory of the Lord as we follow Christ in service to God and one another. Let us remember not just the pain of Christ’s passion, but the reason for his death — to bring us the gift of reconciliation with God the Father. POINTS TO PONDER • Have you ever considered that Jesus might have been “troubled” about what was going to happen to him? How can the way he dealt with his anxiety help you deal with your own worries and fears? • Is there someone in my life that I need to forgive? Do I keep in mind that it is as we forgive that we are forgiven? • How am I doing on keeping my Lenten discipline? “ When Jesus stepped into the waters of the Jordan and was baptized by John the Baptist, he did so not because he was in need of repentance, or conversion; he did it to be among people who need forgiveness, among us sinners, and to take upon himself the burden of our sins. ” — Pope Francis C AT H O L I C I N S I G H T S The Sacrament of Reconciliation According to Church law, all Catholics “having reached the age of discretion” are required to confess all “grave sins” at least once a year. It is also recommended that they confess venial sins. Lent is the ideal time to make a good confession. Most parishes offer extended confession times and even special penance services. LENT PRAYER Unto to you, I cry, my God! “This is the promise that he made us: eternal life.” — 1 John 2:25 Thank you, my God, for your steadfast love, which guides me in this life and waits to welcome me home to the next. FamilyActivity Random Acts of Kindness We are called to serve one another with joyful hearts! As a family, write out on slips of paper several random acts of kindness that can be carried out over the week. Include things like smiling at someone, picking up trash, making a phone call to a grandparent, and helping someone carry a package. Throughout the week, have each family member draw a slip and complete the action. When everyone has completed their random act, talk about what happened and how it felt. On March 25, we celebrate the Annunciation, the day that the Angel Gabriel announced to Mary that she had been chosen to be the mother of the Savior. Read Luke 1:26-38 for SEASON the complete story. Pray the Rosary in Mary’s honor today. SI G N S OF THE The Annunciation Catechism CONNECTION “It is called the sacrament of confession, since the disclosure or confession of sins to a priest is an essential element of this sacrament. In a profound sense it is also a ‘confession’ — acknowledgment and praise — of the holiness of God and of his mercy toward sinful man. “It is called the sacrament of forgiveness, since by the priest’s sacramental absolution God grants the penitent ‘pardon and peace.’1 “It is called the sacrament of Reconciliation, because it imparts to the sinner the love of God who reconciles: ‘Be reconciled to God’ (2 Cor 5:20). He who lives by God’s merciful love is ready to respond to the Lord’s call: ‘Go; first be reconciled to your brother’ (Mt 5:24).” — Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1424 1 OP 46: formula of absolution For print use only. Copyright © by Our Sunday Visitor, Inc. Nihil Obstat: Msgr. Michael Heintz, Ph.D. Censor Librorum Imprimatur ✠ Kevin C. Rhoades, Bishop of Fort Wayne-South Bend Our Lady of the Rosary Page 6 Little Italy, San Diego, CA Special after Mass Gathering Next week, Sunday, March 29th Please join your fellow parishioners after each Mass in the hall upstairs for free coffee & donuts and a wonderful video presentation about the works of our Diocese and how our contributions through the Annual Catholic Appeal (ACA) impact so many, if not all, the people living in this diocese. These gatherings are purely informative to share how your local church is living out the message of Jesus, so no one will be obligated to participate in the ACA. This Sunday’s Rosary is led by the ICF Branch #230 10:00 AM Next Sunday’s Rosary will be led by the Madonna del Paradiso 10:00 AM OUR LADY OF THE ROSARY - PRESENTS LENTEN - u! nk yo ha T isso ad el Par nna D a o d a 27 – M p Lasagn March Shrim FRIDAY’S FEBRUARY 27, MARCH 6, 13, 20, 27 the a to onn e ad m M l Lu iety! de Soc MEAL: 5:00 P.M. TILL 7:00 P.M. ADULTS: $8.00 CHILDREN (12 & UNDER): $5.00 STATIONS OF THE CROSS: 7:30 P.M. Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. For further information, please call the Parish Office. 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FRANK STELLA, CPA TAXES, ACCOUNTING,TRUST & ESTATE TAXATION AND COUNSULTING 2635 Camino Del Rio South, Ste 211 San Diego, CA 92108 (619) 280-7076 - Office (619) 293-0807 - Fax E-MAIL: fstella@juno.com www.PALUCHPARTNERS.com Zino’s international hair, skin care & nail designers Nicholas & Marc-Anthony Bongiovanni Generations in Charge! 7610 Hazard Center Dr. Suite 702, Hazard Center (619) 574-7895 Bob Stivers Shell & Auto Service Center Brakes, Tune-Up, Oil Change, Tires, Battery, Etc. Jamin Henry Auto Technician 1011 A Street San Diego, CA 92101 619-232-2906 $10 Free Gas With Any Paid Auto Service: One coupon per customer, per visit. JoJo Giordano REALTOR ® California Realty Italian Bread FRANK’S BAKERY 3555 India St., B (minutes from Church) 296-0245 IN HOME CARE - Recuperative/Continuing Care. Insured & Bonded. 1221 Rosecrans St., San Diego, CA 92106 619-995-5252 JoJoGiordano@cox.net An independently owned and operated member of Prudential Real Estate Affiliates, Inc. 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It asks me to name not only my serious sins but also to probe why I am committing them, that I may correct them and grow. Too little time is spent in reflection on my sins and what they might teach me. Honesty does not exaggerate the gravity of our lesser sins. For sin to be serious it must be gravely serious, it must be freely done and knowingly done (i.e. it must involve self-reflective knowledge). Honesty faces the whole picture; it does not conveniently “forget” an embarrassing or stubborn sin, nor does it forget to mention the good we could have done but failed to do. Feelings in themselves are not morally good or bad. Morality begins with my deciding what I will do with those feelings. While being tempted is no sin, putting oneself in harm’s way is folly and might be sinful. Forgiveness is not the cessation of a feeling of anger or hurt; it begins with making a commitment not to take revenge but to act for the other’s good whenever possible. Repentance is more than sorrow; it is a conversion of heart that commits to beginning a practical process of change and growth. It is more than stopping some vice; it is a commitment to practice the corresponding virtue. Our mission is to become like Christ. It asks us to “prayerfully imagine” the kind of person we wish to become and to take concrete steps to make it real. Our task is to follow the Spirit’s lead—even if it takes time. You are invited to a threefold Examination: Examination of Conscience: Name the serious sins that wreak havoc in my life. Name my lesser failings that are areas for improvement. Examination of Consciousness: “Why do I do what I do?” Learn from the pattern of your behavior and seek both God’s help and a practical remedy. Examination of Imagination: I will never become the kind of person that God or I want, unless I take the time to envision it. What practical steps can I take to make that vision real?