View our Parish Weekly Bulletin - Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic


View our Parish Weekly Bulletin - Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic
Our Lady Star of The Sea Catholic Church, Howick
ROSTER 28/29 MARCH 2015
March 22 to April 2 issue in foyer. Cost $4
In celebration of Eucharist and in your own
personal prayer, please remember
Recently Deceased:
Karl Stolten, Tina Verna, Joan Schischka,
Margaret Magness
Others who have died:
Dorothy Mahony (22nd Ann)
For the sick:
Maureen Stephens; Mick Neenan; Florence Ho,
Pat Hamlet, Lynette Castle, Kristen Smith, Joseph
Ross, Joan Wass, Marie Traue, Joan Arnott, Warren
Holt, Scott Pirie, Peggy Smyth, Josephine Aoun,
Lisette Wesseling, Lovest Reynolds, Agnes Duffy,
Heidi McGowan, John Clapham, Jack Roux, Cassie
Moody, Peter & Margaret Honnan, Shirley Moore,
Carla Enright, Cade Lucinsky, Dr. Vipul Upadhyay,
Virginia Keith, Brian Dodd, Francis McNabney,
Sebastion Bell, Rosie Rowan, Bert Woolcott, David
Maguire, Thomas Chant, Nola Goosman, Jane
Millard, Eileen Waldmeyer, Lydia Schweder,
Phil Kemble, Ferdinand Sombrero, Nola Wolfe,
Hercille Kirchner, Louise Noble-Campbell,
Katie Murray, Caroline Egan, Toni Egan, Maura
Poots, Priscilla Stuart, Anne Shaw, Barbara Grant,
Joanna Murray, Zena Spencer, Mike Hammond,
Janet Saeed
Please contact the Parish Office to add or remove
names in the prayer list. Thank you.
6.30: Theotokos 8.00: Organ & Cantor 9.30: Choir
5.30: Rosy D’Souza
COUNTING: Linda Van Heerden, Jeanette Miller
CLEANING: Gabrielle Wood, Liz Crowe,
Christine & Catriona Couper
FLOWERS: No Flowers during Lent
LAWNS: Richard Stoks, Wayne Cammell
CHILDREN’S LITURGY: No Children’s Liturgy
Co-Ordinator: Kim O’Neill
Hall Preparation: Lee & O’Neill
5.00: Gayle Lee, John Clapham, Joe O’Neill, Bryan
6.30: Betty Nobbs, Elizabeth Stolten
8.00: Pamela & Julian Glynn
9.30: Helen & Mike Hammond
5.30: Wilma Viegas, Lynn Mascarenhass
5.00: Celine Lee, Yvonne Dick
6.30: Allan Danbrook, Dollin Goh, Gabrielle Hern,
Paul Kay, Helen Henkin, Cynthia Keenan, Faten
8.00: Carleen Walshe, John Borkin, Lourdes Bousfield, Holly Cho, Norma Crestanello, Sheryl De
Souza, Ashleigh Cole, Eithne Ness
9.30: John Downie, Jean Wright, Erling Aronsen,
Phillipa Bennetts, Tom Bracken, Josephine Tiong,
Christoph Muller, Carole Brajkovich
5.30: Fran Carne, Nigel & Nathan D’Mello, Liam
Crowe, Marc Futter, Norma Crestanello, Dominic
6.30: Faten Mukhtar, Michelle Hodges, NobleCampbell Family
8.00: Colin & Annette Bisman, Hillary & Hillana Kim
9.30: Carole & Rato Brajkovich
5.30: Stevens Family
6.30: Pauline Chant, Betty Nobbs
8.00: Debbie & Andre Jenkins
9.30: Bernadette Pereira, Mark Spencer
5.30: Fairweather Family
6.30: Enej Ranzinger 8.00: Gordon Sanders
9.30: Misha Pieters 5.30: Zane De Souza
6.30: Charles & Jane Wilson
8.00: Sandie & Wilfred D’Mello
9.30: Walter & Matilda Martis
5.30: Laura Ponio, Louise Turner
6.30: Adrian & Aliyah Suva, Elias Falanitule
8.00: Anna George, Cassandra & Sofia Dela Cruz
9.30: Ben & Jude Payne, Dominic & Christian Stolten, Justin Gumaelix
5.30: Bridgette Carne, Ben Sutherland, Kiahn Quiding
6.30pm: Rex O’Brien 8.00: Sue Bevan
9.30: Mike Currey
Office & Parish Centre: 18 Par khill Road, PO Box 38-276, Howick
Church: Cor ner of Picton & Par k Hill Roads
Parish Priest: Fr Benedict Francis In Residence Fr Ter ry Montgomery
Parish Secretary: Linda Van Heer den
Office Hours: Mon - Fri: 10.00am -12.30pm; 1.00pm - 3.00pm
Phone: 534-8710
Fax: 535 7563 Web address:
Beachlands Mass Centre: Beachlands Community Hall
22nd March, 5th Sunday of Lent
Masses for Sunday
Jer. 31:31-34; Ps. 51; Heb5:7-9; John 12:20-33
Is. 50:4-7; Phil. 2:6-11; Mark 14:1-15:47
Prayer for Fifth Sunday of Lent
Weekday Masses
Mon - Friday
Reconciliation - Rite I
1st Friday
After 8.00am Mass
After 9.15am Mass
Rosary: Weekdays after Mass
Novena: Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Wednesdays after 9.00am Mass
1st Friday: Adoration 10.00am - 3.30pm
1st Sunday: Divine Mercy 2.50pm
3rd Friday: Healing Mass 9.15am
In Parish Centre:
St Vincent de Paul Committee:
Meeting every first Wednesday at
10.00am (downstairs).
Food bank open every Wednesday
after 9.00am Mass.
Need help? Please contact: David on 273
8859 or Patsy on 534 3940
Interested in becoming a Catholic?
An enquiry group meets every 2nd &
4th Tuesday at 7.30pm in the Parish
Centre or contact the parish office.
E Hehu Karaiti, Jesus Christ, you have willingly sac-
rificed your own life and this has yielded a rich harvest, drawing all people to yourself. As we reflect on
your word, may we encounter you once again and be
inspired, for our lives of service to others.
Fit For Mission - Lenten Quotes from Pope Francis
How greatly I desire that our parishes and communities
may become an island of mercy in the midst of a sea of
indifference! Pope Francis
In what ways is our parish or community
an island of mercy?
Please put your name down if you can help with the
various ministries during Holy Week. Sign up sheets
are in the foyer.
Holy Thursday - Adoration
Spend an hour with our Lord after Mass until midnight. Please put your name on the board which will
be in the foyer.
Fridays during Lent at 7pm
Reconciliation available during
the Stations of the Cross.
27th March
Altar Servers
Pastor’s Column....
From Death to Life
Now, we are well into the second half of the season of Lent and the commemoration of the last
days of Jesus on earth, his death and resurrection
(the Paschal Mystery) will be the focus of our
celebrations during Holy Week. This is reflected
especially in the words of Jesus in today's Gospel,
where he awaits his death as the culmination of
his work and his mission.
The image of the seed that has to die in order to
produce a crop, first of all, applies to Christ himself. He gave his life, thus he gave himself. This is
true of Jesus, but it is to become true of every
disciple of his as well. If we were already perfect,
morally and spiritually, we should not talk about
certain aspects of our nature having to die, or lose
our life to find it. But we are not perfect, and inevitably there is an element of struggle and sacrifice
to know God better and live the way he wants us
to. The demands of Jesus’ teaching are increasingly forced to compete against our egocentric
aspirations - all plans and objectives that we have
set for ourselves in the pursuit of our happiness.
There are motivations, desires and concerns within us that must die before God can come to life in
us, or perhaps God's life grows within us; all selfish and worldly motives gradually wither and die.
We see it in the lives of great saints, more God
takes hold of a person, the more they become
detached from all worldly things that people believe it is perfectly reasonable and normal to want
for themselves. Appetite for money, comfort, safety, acceptance and approval of the people around
us die as the hunger for God takes root and
spreads. Although it is also true that there are lots
of people who angrily renounce their faith in God
when it seems to demand. If we really want to find
God, sharing in the paschal mystery in some way
will be an inevitable part of our life of faith. Let us
continue to celebrate the promise of Christ that
leads us from death to life.
Holy Thursday 2nd April - Howick
Mass of the Lord’s Supper
Night Prayer
Good Friday 3rd April - Howick
Stations of the Cross - Howick Only
Commemoration of the Lord’s Passion
Followed by Reconciliation
Holy Saturday 4th April
Morning prayer - Howick Only 9.15am
Easter Vigil
Easter Sunday 5th April
8.00am & 9.30am
Good Friday 3rd April
Commemoration of the Lord’s Passion
Holy Saturday 4th April
Easter Vigil
Lent Sacrament of Penance - Rite II
Tuesday 24 March
Flat Bush
Please see noticeboard for other
Parish Reconciliation dates and times.
The Caritas Lenten Appeal is ‘Light a fire in the heart of the
world’. Receipts will be issued at the end of Lent by Caritas.
There are two collections, the first the usual Parish collection, the second for the Lenten Appeal.
Total collected:Week 1 : $2119.30
Week 2 : $1926.00
Week 3 : $2286.60
Week 4: $4196.90
Needed, large and small palms for
Palm Sunday, 29 March.
If you can assist please ring Mike on 537 3781.
For those parishioners who contribute to our parish by
cheque, please make your cheques payable to RC Bishop
of Auckland - Howick Parish. This is the legally correct
name of our bank account. The banks have tightened up
their rules and are checking payees on cheques we deposit.
Unfortunately cheques made out to Our Lady Star of the Sea
will no longer be accepted by the bank. Alternatively, you
could choose to change your method of giving to internet
banking or direct credit. Contact the parish office to find out
how. Thank you for your continuing generosity.
Will be ready for collection soon. As you were issued with
a new gifting number last year, please do not to use your
old gifting envelopes, please throw your old gifting envelopes away.
Cleaners Wanted - If you are prepared to do this ministry,
please put your name on the list in the foyer or phone
Margaret on 535 9310.
CHURCH FLOWERS The new roster will be out
soon. Are you interested in doing the church flowers.
Experience not necessary as we can buddy you up or offer
you beginners lessons through the Howick Floral Art
Club.? If so call Jeannette 5344845 or
email dajkwylie
Passion Play in beautiful setting of Villa Maria Winery Saturday 28 March
Bishop Pat Dunn would like to invite as many people as
possible to see the Passion Play on 28 March and would
encourage parishes to arrange group transport to the
venue. There is plenty of parking for buses as well as
private vehicles. "I believe that this very moving portrayal
will be an opportunity for all Catholics, in fact for all Christians, to reflect upon the meaning of Holy Week. With the
combined expertise of the professional team who are
producing the play, and the participation of the parishes of
South Auckland, I am confident that this will be a memorable and deeply uplifting and moving experience,” Bishop
Pat said. More details are available at
Parish Operations Manager - Vacancy
St Patrick’s Cathedral seeks a Parish Operations Manager
to manage the operational, HR and financial aspects of
Cathedral life. The ideal candidate will have 3-5 years of
successful, people and business management experience
to fill this permanent, minimum 20 hr/wk role. This leadership position will report to the Cathedral Administrator. To
view the job description, visit
under staff vacancies.
Please send a cover letter and CV to Leanne Killgour,
Private Bag 47-904, Ponsonby or email Applications close 2nd April 2015.
One week to go - Only one week left of the current
40Days for Life campaign. More than 265 pre-born children have been saved from abortion; many mothers have
been spared the grief of post-abortion trauma. Join fellow
Christians praying at 284-296 Dominion Rd, daily from 8 4pm and Sat/Sunday 12 - 4pm. Final prayer hour on
March 29th, 3 - 4pm. Call 6294361
If any young parishioners 13+ or 18+ are keen to go out
and do something together as a small group, then contact
Anthony Mukhtar 021 205 8513
or message on Facebook.
Good Friday Stations of the Cross: Friday 3 April
Auckland Catholic Tertiary Chaplaincy is hosting the
annual Good Friday Stations of the Cross. Last year over
1800 people walked, prayed and sang their way through
the city streets as a witness to the reality of God's love for
us. The Stations will begin at the Band Rotunda, Albert
Park in the City at 9am, and conclude at the Cathedral at
approximately 11am. For further information contact the
Tertiary Chaplaincy 09-303-3852, or
Joshua Catholic Men’s Fellowship warmly invite all
men to a meeting at St Josephs Centre, 1 Fred Thomas
Drive, Takapuna. Speakers Owen Kowalewski & Robert
Saunders on the topic “As brothers in unity.. Hear Him,
Serve Him, Proclaim Him.” Wednesday 25 March,
7.30pm to 9.30pm. Contact Basil on (09) 443 5755
Study Theology by distance or on-campus: Applications
are invited for students wishing to study part-time
GradDip in Theology from Good Shepherd College, Auckland, in Semester 2, 2015. Applications close 29 May
2015. Email for forms.
Catholic Young Professionals
Catholic Young Professionals are excited
to introduce Dina Ceniza as our speaker on Wednesday
8th April 6.30pm at the Gus Fisher Gallery, 74 Shortland Street. We invite working Catholics in their 20s and
30s to attend our event "PRAYER: my steering
Come along to hear this BEAUTIFUL WOMAN share
about her personal prayer journey and the Church's
teaching about prayer. For further information find us on
Facebook at 'Catholic Young Professionals' or email us
Don’t miss out on hearing from this life giving, passionate
and empowering lady!
Baradene Alumnae Scholarship Fundraiser
Movie Night; “A Little Chaos” Lido Epsom
Tickets $30 includes a glass of wine
Monday March 30th at 8.15pm
Ticket sales
Baradene Alumnae A.G.M
Wednesday 1st April 2015, 6pm, In the Parlour.