programme book - Magister Program in Geothermal Technology
programme book - Magister Program in Geothermal Technology
PROGRAMME BOOK PROGRAMME BOOK Sponsorships 2 PROGRAMME BOOK Contents Sponsorships Contents Welcome Remarks About ITB International Geothermal Workshop Background and Objectives Organizing and Technical Committee Workshop Venue Map ITB Campus Map Room Layout 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 7 8 Programme at A Glance Pre-Workshop Pre-Workshop Course 1 (ITC Faculty – Twente University - ITB) Pre-Workshop Course 2 (ITB) Workshop Keynote Speaker Plenary Session Parallel Technical Session Post-Workshop Field Trip Field Camp 9 10 11 12 13 13 16 18 19 19 Abstract Author List Technical Session 21 24 3 PROGRAMME BOOK Welcome Remarks Dear Colleague, Geothermal Technology Master Program of Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) is organizing the Fourth Annual ITB International Geothermal Workshop (4th Annual ITB International Geothermal Workshop). This event is an immediate response from academic, government, and industrial geothermal community by unifying forces to accelerate geothermal development in Indonesia. The chosen theme is “Strengthening the Role of Human Resources for Geothermal Development”. This event will be held at East Hall in ITB Campus, Bandung, March 16th – 20th, 2015. The program will involve plenary session and paper presentation hosted by distinguished speakers which cover the following topics: 1. Education and Research 2. Business and Regulation 3. Exploration / Earth Sciences 4. Exploitation / Engineering 5. Environmental aspects This year theme “Strengthening the Role of Human Resources for Geothermal Development”, will bring new information about current research, innovation and exploration results in some frontier area of studies, in particular for Indonesian Geothermal Communities. Such results include engineering research and exploration for geothermal low-medium enthalpy apart from advance techniques in developing high enthalpy geothermal system. We invite you to join our informative and exciting program in this 4th workshop which includes pre-workshop courses and trainings, plenary sessions, technical paper presentations, geothermal field camp and field trip. Sincerely, Dr. Suryantini 4th ITB International Geothermal Workshop Organizing Committee 4 PROGRAMME BOOK About ITB International Geothermal Workshop Background Continuing our last theme of knowledge and experience sharing between universities and geothermal industries to success Indonesia Government’s target in geothermal power generation, our next focus would be on enhancement of human resources’ competences to boost geothermal technology research. Recognizing the importance of human resource competences and skills improvement to achieve nationally geothermal capacity goals, ITB Geothermal Master Program conducts the workshop with theme Strengthening the Role of Human Resources for Geothermal Development, which aims to build the capacity of human resource in geothermal energy development in Indonesia. The workshop represents a new approach to capacity development of human resource management and skills improvement by facilitating the exchange of ideas, best practices and innovations on a sustainable geothermal technology, expert group meetings, short training courses, as well as field trip and field camp. The overall objectives of the workshop is to make a contribution to the increasing number of the geothermal experts and leaders especially on augmenting human resource knowledge and skills to make a notable performance in the geothermal development in Indonesia. For that reason, we will be conducting the workshop on March 16th – 20th, 2015 at ITB Campus. Objectives The workshop will have the following exclusive objectives: To draw attention from scientists, engineers, including academia, industrial stakeholders, and also geothermal leaders about the significant role of capable human resource to support geothermal development. To facilitate a knowledge exchange forum with worldwide colleagues in education and research, business and regulation, exploration, exploitation, and environment aspects of geothermal development in Indonesia and all over the world. 5 PROGRAMME BOOK Organizing and Technical Commitee Steering Committee Nenny Miryani Saptadji and Staff of Geothermal Technology Study Program, FTTM – ITB Chairman Suryantini Vice Chairman Muhammad Mirza Aquario Secretary General Fidya Varayesi ,Evanda Eko Putra Maris, Riostantieka Mayandari S Treasurer Fitri Oktaviani Purwaningsih, Rizki Trisna Hutami Creative Team Fuad G, Hendro H Wibowo Sponsorship, Publications & Promotion Prihadi, Damar Nandiwardhana, Gugun Abdurrahman, Hutra Guswinanda, Andhika Arief Rachman Akib Pre – Workshop Course M. Rachmat Sule, Rangga Aji Nugraha, Waldy Afuar, Fery Ismar D, Nurita Putri H, Sitti Nur Asnin, Mahesa Pradana, Ali Fahrurozi, Agastyo N Technical Session & Planning Field Trip Kamojang & Field Camp Geothermal Photo Contest 6 Hendra Grandis, Nurita Putri H, Sitti Nur Asnin, Mahesa Pradana, Ali Fahrurozi, Agastyo N, Rangga Aji Nugraha, Waldy Afuar, Fery Ismar D Suryantini, Betseba Br Sibarani, Dian Darisma Betseba Br Sibarani, Rizki Trisna Hutami PROGRAMME BOOK Workshop Venue Map ITB Campus Map 7 PROGRAMME BOOK Workshop Venue Map Room Layout 8 PROGRAMME BOOK PROGRAMME AT A GLANCE Pre – Workshop Courses PROGRAMME BOOK Pre Workshop Course 1 Monday-Tuesday, March 16-17th 2015 Application of Remote Sensing for Geothermal Exploration (ITC Twente – ITB Joint Course) Venue Exploration Room, Geothermal Master Program, Energy Building 2nd floor Day 1 : Introduction to GIS and Remote Sensing (Dr. Dhruba Pikha Shresta) 08.00-10.00 Introduction to Remote Sensing/GIS 10.00-10.30 Break 10.30-11.45 Exercise 11.45-12.30 LUNCH 12.30-13.30 RS/GIS Applications in Natural Resources and Environmental Impact Assessment 13.30-15.00 Exercise 15.00-15.30 Break 15.30-17.30 Discussion Day 2 : Application of GIS and Remote Sensing in Geothermal (Dr. Dhruba Pikha Shresta; Dr. Suryantini; Dr. Asep Saepuloh; Ir. Hendro Wibowo MSc) 08.00-10.00 Introduction to Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing 10.00-10.30 Break 10.30-11.45 Application of Radar for Structural Mapping 11.45-12.30 LUNCH 12.30-13.30 Remote Sensing for Assessing Vegetation Stress in Thermal Areas 13.30-15.00 Spatial Analysis for Area Selection 15.00-15.30 Break 15.30-17.30 Spatial Analysis for Well Targeting 17.30-18.00 Closing 10 ITC ITC ITC ITC ITC ITB-ITC ITB ITB ITB ITB ITB PROGRAMME BOOK Pre Workshop Course 2 Tuesday, March 17th 2015 Geothermal for Everyone (ITB Geothermal Study Program) Venue IMAGE Room at Geothermal Study Program, Energy Building 2nd floor Day 1 : Geothermal for Everyone (Dr. Suryantini, Ir. Nenny Miryani Saptadji, PhD, Ir. M. Ali Ashat, Dipl. Geothermal Tech.) 08.00-10.00 Geothermal System; Type, Worldwide Occurrence and Utilization 10.00-10.30 Coffee Break 10.30-12.00 Geothermal Manifestation and Geothermal Exploration 12.00-13.15 LUNCH 13.15-15.00 Engineering and Exploitation of Geothermal Energy 15.00-15.30 Coffee Break 15.30-17.00 Economic and Environmental Issue of Geothermal Energy Utilization 11 PROGRAMME BOOK PROGRAMME AT A GLANCE Workshop PROGRAMME BOOK Keynote Speaker and Plenary Session Wednesday, March 18th 2015 Venue : Aula Timur / East Hall 07.30-08.45 : Registration and Morning Coffee (registration continued after opening by Dean FTTM) Opening and Keynote Speaker (Moderator : Nenny Saptadji ) 09.00-09.05 Welcoming Remark from the Chairman of IGW2015 09.05-09.10 Indonesia Raya 09.25-09.45 Opening of the IGW2015 by the Dean of Faculty Keynote speaker-1 : National Energy Policy 09.45-09.55 Question and Discussion 09.55-10.15 Keynote speaker-2: Acceleration Program for HRD for Supporting Geothermal Development in Indonesia. 10.15-10.25 Question and Discussion 09.10-09.20 Suryantini Sri Widiyantoro (Dean FTTM) Abadi Purnomo (Chairman of INAGA) Triharyo Indrawan Soesilo (President Director of Supreme Energy Ltd.) Plenary Session 1 Challenges and Opportunity in Geothermal Development Opening and Keynote Speaker (Moderator: Rachmat Sule ) 10.30 -11.00 Implication of New Geothermal Law to Geothermal Development in Indonesia. Majedi Hasan and Anton Wahyu Sudibyo (PEN Consulting) 11.00-11.30 Challenges and Opportunity in Geothermal Energy Development in Indonesia Sanusi Satar (INAGA) 11.30-12.00 12.00-13.00 13.00-13.30 13.30-14.00 Modular Well Head Power GenerationBenefits of Matching Generation to the Dave Jenson Geothermal Drilling Program; An Alternative (Green Energy Group) Solution to Accelerate Geothermal Utilization in Indonesia LUNCH and PRESS CONFERENCE at Aula Timur A / East Hall A Plenary Session 2 Resource and Reserve Global Classification of Geothermal Resources IGA and Reserve Geothermal Resources Risks and Mitigation Antonie de Wilde from A Private Sector Perspective: Mindoro (Emerging Power Inc.) Geothermal Project 13 PROGRAMME BOOK 14 14.00-14.30 Classification of Indonesia Geothermal Resources and Reserve Amir Fauzi (PT. Geo Power Indonesia and PT. Bio Energy Prima Indonesia) 14.30-15.00 Toward New SNI Arief Munandar, Dikdik Risdianto (Geological Agency) 15.00-17.00 17.00-17.30 17.30-20.00 Discussion Gathering DINNER Moderator Ali Ashat PROGRAMME BOOK Plenary and Technical Session Thursday, March 19th 2015 Venue: Aula Timur / East Hall 08.30-08.50 08.50-09.10 09.10-09.30 09.30-09.50 09.50-10.00 10.00–10.20 10.20-10.40 10.40-11.00 11.00-11.20 11.20-11.40 11.40-12.30 12.30-14.00 14.00-16.50 16.50-17.30 Plenary Session 3 GEOCAP Netherlands – Indonesia Collaboration Moderator : Murtiti Setiasih Muharamiah – ITC Twente Geocap Overview, Research and Education Freek D. van der Meer Opportunities (ITC Faculty Univ Twente) Technical Paper 1 : ORC, TAG and TEG – C.A.M. van den Ende, and C. "Technology, Applications and Risks” Savy (KEMA) Technical Paper 2 : Processing Workflow for MT Wouter van Leeuwen Exploration of A Geothermal Prospect Guus Willemsen (IF Technology) Technical Paper 3 : Thermal Energy Estimation Setya Drana Hari Putra of The Onshore North West Java Basin (ITB) Coffee Break Plenary Session 4 USC-ITB Collaboration Funding by USAID-Star Energy Moderator : Nenny Saptadji Industry Commitment for Geothermal Capacity Sanusi Satar – Star Energy Building Technical Paper 1 : Use of Microseismicity to Aminzadeh, F. and Lovenitti, J. Predict Permeability in Geothermal Systems (USC) Technical Paper 2 : Calibrating Exploration Methodologies to Identify Hydrothermal and Lovenitti, J. (USC) EGS Drilling Target Rachmat Sule, Andri D. Technical Paper 3 : Microseismic Investigation Nugraha in Indonesian Geothermal Field (ITB) Technical Paper 4 : Resource Investigation of Udi Harmoko Low Temperature Geothermal Areas in Klepu (Diponegoro University ) Sub-district, Semarang LUNCH LIMITED EXHIBITION AND PHOTO CONTEST Parallel Technical Session 1 and 2 Room A: Integrated Exploration / Earth sciences Room B: Geophysics Room C: Utilization, Social-Economic, Environment, International Collaboration, Education CLOSING CEREMONY Band performance , door prize announcement, Field Trip – Field Camp announcement and preparation 15 PROGRAMME BOOK Parallel Technical Session Information Power Point File Check-In For you who have not yet sent us your power point file via email in advance, you will be asked to give your powerpoint file on first day of workshop (March 18). Please visit the author check-in desk in East Hall ITB on March 18. Time Allowance The time allowance for each presentation in Technical Session is 15 minutes followed with a 5 minutes of Questions and Answers Session, which means that the total time you will have is 20 minutes. The speakers will be announced when the time lapse. Please follow the bell signal: First bell: You will have 5 minutes to finish your presentation (10 minutes passed) Second bell: Your time is up (15 minutes passed) Note for the Speakers: Please be present in the room where you will give presentation 15 minutes before your session starts Paper Code A01 : A Room A (The paper will be presented in room A : Aula Timur A / East Hall A) 01 Paper Number : Integrated Exploration / Earth sciences : Geophysics : Utilization, Social-Economic, Environment, International Collaboration, Education 16 PROGRAMME BOOK Parallel Technical Session Thursday, March 19th 2015 Room B Aula Timur B/ East Hall B Chairperson: Roy Wenas and Wahyu S. Chairperson: Hendra Grandis and Fadli F. Chairperson: Jooned H. and Agastyo N. 14.00 – 14.20 A01 B09 C17 14.20 – 14.40 A02 B10 C18 14.40 – 15.00 A03 B11 C19 15.00 – 15.20 A04 B12 C20 Coffee Break Chairperson: D.E. Irawan and Ali Fahrurrozie Chairperson: Rachmat Sule and Tria Selvi R. Chairperson: Asep S. and Mahesa Pradana 15.30 – 15.50 A05 B13 C21 15.50 – 16.10 A06 B14 C22 16.10 – 16.30 A07 B15 C23 16.30 – 16.50 A08 B16 C24 2nd Session 15.20 – 15.30 Room C Sayap Aula Timur/ East Hall Wing 1st Session Room A Aula Timur A/ East Hall A Note: A01 : Paper Code, See the “Author List” on page 21 for details 17 PROGRAMME BOOK PROGRAMME AT A GLANCE Post – Workshop PROGRAMME BOOK Field Trip & Field Camp Friday, March 20th 2015 Field Trip Schedule This year’s program provides the opportunity for the participants to visit Wayang Windu Geothermal Field. The field is being operated to world class standards by Star Energy. The trip will become even more exciting as participants will be given a chance to enjoy the refreshing and pleasant Malabar Tea Plantation in the end of the trip. Instructors The Field Trip will be guided and instructed by the lectures and graduate students of the ITB along with Star Energy representatives. Field Camp Schedule This program provides opportunity for participants to be introduced to geothermal field works, characterization of geothermal systems and basic concepts of geothermal exploration. This year, the geothermal field camp will be exercised in the incredible geological settings and features of Tangkuban Parahu and its surrounding areas (Ratu Crater, Domas Crater, and Ciater). Instructors The field camp courses are taught by the lectures and graduate students of the ITB Geothermal Magister Degree Program: Instructor to participant ratios are ~ 4:1. 19 PROGRAMME BOOK ABSTRACT Author List PROGRAMME BOOK Author List Paper Code A01 A02 A03 A04 A05 A06 A07 A08 B09 B10 B11 B12 Paper Author Integrated Exploration – Room A Leapfrog Geothermal – A Comprehensive Geological Modelling Tool for the Clare Baxter Geothermal Industry 3D Geology and Geophysical Modeling Angga Bakti Pratama Using Leapfrog; Lesson Learned. Development Simulation Of Lainea Lia Putriyana, Hari Soekarno Geothermal Field Integrated Data of Alteration, Geology, and Dimas Aji R. Prawiranegara, Geochemistry of Bantarkawung Area; Rizal Tawakal Alya, Sigit Implication to Geothermal System Yuniarto, Gandi Anas N. Hakim Geochemistry – Room A Occurrence of Non-volcanic Geothermal K.P.B.D. Sudono, A.S.O. Manifestations in Tarakan Basin, East Tampubolon and N.R. Borneo Herdianita R. D. Mahantara, S. Khurniawan, Volcanic Gasses and Unconfined F. A. Rosyid, M. Chandra, M. I. Groundwater Mixing in Cibuni Area: A Hasani, S. Hidayat and D.E. Preliminary Investigation Irawan Geochemical and Geothermometry Studies Muhammad Abdurrozak on Manifestations of Showers Seven and Siamashari, Priyo Adi Nugroho, Shower Three at Baturraden, Purwokerto, Dhevi Andhini Antikasari, Irfania Central Java Fitria Arsah, As’ad Argiansyah Geochemistry Study For Identification of Sitti Nur Asnin, Suryantini, Seawater Intrusion Into A Geothermal Antonie de Wilde System Geophysics – Room B Magnetic Data Analysis for Subsurface Ratu Mifta Fadilla dan Rosita Structure Identification at The Geothermal Renovita Field of Way Ratai, Padang Cermin Audio-Magnetotelluric Investigation at The Andriyan Saputra, Widodo and Geothermal Prospecting Area in Pariangan Muhammad Kholid Tanah Datar, West Sumatra The Application of Magnetotelluric Method Agung Bimo Listyanu, Widodo, in Geothermal Prospect Area of Mount Tony Rahardinata Batur, Kintamani, Bali Optimizing 2D Resistivity Method to Reveal Prihadi Sumintadireja, Diky Complex Structures Beneath an Old Basaltic Irawan and Hendra Grandis Volcano in West Java, Indonesia 21 PROGRAMME BOOK B13 B14 B15 B16 C17 C18 C19 C20 C21 C22 C23 C24 22 Geophysics – Room B High Resolution Delay Time and Shear Wave Splitting Tomography for Reservoir Rexha Verdhora Ry, Tania Monitoring of The “RR” Geothermal Field, Meidiana, and Andri Dian West Java, Indonesia Using MicroNugraha earthquake Data Determination of Focal Mechanism, Local Magnitude, and Coda Magnitude of Massita A. C. Putriastuti and Microseismic Event in “North Villy” Andri Dian Nugraha Geothermal Field, Indonesia Microgravity Modelling for Mass Balance Ferry Rahman Aries and Hendra Monitoring Grandis Estimating Fluid Pathsatsurface Geothermal Deny Dwi Nurwati, Asep System Using Surface Roughness Model of Saepuloh and Prihadi Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar Sumintadireja (Polsar) Data Utilization – Room C Geothermal Direct Use for Breweries Rob Kleinlugtenbelt Geothermal Energy Applications as a Coffee Drying Technology to Increase Coffee Taufiq, Farkhan Raflesia and Nur Production in Ulubelu Geothermal Field, Sya’bana Santoso Lampung Modelling of Milk Pasteurization System Ichwan A.E, Nursanty B, Ariel Using Geothermal Energy. H.G, Jooned Hendrarsakti The Evolution of Liquid Dominated Geothermal Reservoir Under Exploitation : Heru Berian A Review Geology, Geochemistry – Room C Volcanotratigraphic Study Based on Topography and Remote Sensing Analysis Betseba Br Sibarani, Evanda and Its Implication to Wayang Windu EPM, Dian Darisma Geothermal System Geochemical Analysis of Hot Spring and Fauzu Nuriman, Yudhi Try Hydrothermal Alteration of Geothermal Saepuddin and Ryan Jodi Prospect at Kendalisodo, Semarang District, Pratama Central Java Geochemistry of Hot Water and Interpretation of Permeable Zone from Heri Nurohman, Hendra Bakti ASTER-GDEM and Radon Concentration in and Sri Indarto Mount Slamet, Central Java, Indonesia Application of Geochemical Methods in Anggita Agustin and Dasapta Geothermal Exploration in Indonesia: A Erwin Irawan Literature Review (Part 1) PROGRAMME BOOK R25 R26 R27 R28 R29 RESERVED PAPER Spatial Association of Geological Features With Geothermal Producing Wells; A Literature Review From Geothermal Field in Indonesia Mapping of Magnetic Anomaly Zone to Identification Heat Source of Hot Spring Manifestation in Desa Pinaras Tomohon North Sulawesi Comparison Geothermal Potential on Mount Kendeng and Mount Patuha Base on Vulcanostratigraphic Study Volcanostratigraphy Studies and Its Implications of Geothermal System based on Topographic Map And SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission) Map at Awibengkok-Salak Geothermal Field, West Java Collaboration Program on Geothermal District as Geothermal Direct Use in Indonesia. Suryantini, A. Prihadi and H.H. Wibowo Donny R. Wenas, Cyrke A. N. Bujung Chikal Rakhmatan, Ryan Hidayat and Damar Nandiwardhana M. Nurwahyudi Yulianto, Rizki Trisna Hutami and Fery Ismar Darajat Nursanty Elisabeth, Ichwan Elfajrie, Jooned Hendrasakti, Tubagus Nugraha, Imam Asmara 23 PROGRAMME BOOK ABSTRACT Technical Session PROGRAMME BOOK CODE : A01 Leapfrog Geothermal - A Comprehensive Geological Modelling Tool for The Geothermal Industry Clare Baxter ARANZ Geo Limited CODE : A02 3D Geology and Geophysical Modeling Using Leapfrog; Lesson Learned Angga Bakti Pratama Magister Program in Geothermal Technology ITB Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Jl. Ganesa 10 Bandung, Indonesia ABSTRACT 3D conceptual model can be made by combining all data from the study that have been conducted. Geological, geochemical, geophysical, well data and other study were needed to give a better explanation about geothermal system. Availability of the data depend on the geothermal field development stage. In this study we try to create a 3D conceptual model who were in the preliminary survey stage, so there will be a limitation for constructing the model especially in geological model because the geological information only based from surface information. All the study should have a result in 3D geometry so it make interpretation easier. To get the 3D geometry sometimes we also have to confront with software limitation, in this case with 3D inversion geomagnetic processing. So in this study, constructing a 3D geological model only based on surface study and 3D geomagnetic data modeling will become a headline to be discussed. To create a 3D geological model was started by making geological section to help a subsurface lithological prediction. Based on the section that have been made, a 3D geological model were constructed by combining all the information from section into lithological model. For the magnetic susceptibility model based on geomagnetic survey we can predict the heat source location based on demagnetization body that can be interpreted from the result of geomagnetic data processing. The geomagnetic data processing conducted until 2D inversion only, so we need visualization to have a 3D geometry result. The 3D visualization result depend on the data quantity and interpolation method. Using all that method a 3D conceptual model that have information about geothermal system can be made even in preliminary survey stage. 25 PROGRAMME BOOK CODE : A03 Development Simulation Of Lainea Geothermal Field Lia Putriyana, Hari Soekarno Puslitbangtek Ketenagalistrikan, Energi Baru, Terbarukan, dan Konservasi Energi; ABSTRACT Lainea geothermal field located in South East Sulawesi, subdistrict South Konawe. On 2012, intergrated survey of geology, geochemistry and geophysics has been conducted by Pusat Source Daya Geologi to determine prospect area. Geology survey is aimed to get mapping, structural and site interpretation. Geochemistry survey is a fundamental tools to support geothermal exploration, fluid and gas sampling, geothermometer, and analysis of fluid patterns also environmental issues as a data base. Geophysics survey can improved understanding of subsurface structure. Temperature gradient drilling or thermal gradient holes for direct measurement of temperature field has been conducted in 4 different locations, LNA-1, LNA-2, LNA-3 and LNA-4. Gradient thermal as a result of temperatur gradient drilling shows anomaly area in 3 different locations around manifestations.It provides valuable information/most reliable information on the subsurface. Capacity estimation of power plant with different development scenarios results binary power plant capacity in 1250 kW (Scenario 1, one production well) and 2250 kW (Scenario 2, two production wells). Analyzing and predicting the behaviour of a geothermal resource over time is a critical element to ensure availability of geothermal fluid as a working fluid for geothermal power production.The information gained from integrated survey and temperatur gradient drilling will support numerical reservoir modelling and assessment. Keywords : Non volcanic geothermal field, reservoir assessment CODE : A04 Integrated Data of Alteration, Geology, and Geochemistry of Bantarkawung Area; Implication to Geothermal System Dimas Aji R. Prawiranegara, Rizal Tawakal Alya, Sigit Yuniarto, Gandi Anas N. Hakim Geological Engineering Department Faculty of Engineering, University of Jenderal Soedirman ABSTRACT Brebes is located in the western part of the mountain Slamet, in this area there are several hot springs as geothermal surface manifestations. The appearance of these hot springs by some studies are considered as an influence by geothermal systems of Mount Slamet. However, the presence of intrusions in some places can be considered responsible for the occurrence of geothermal manifestations. Bantarkawung is area in Brebes with interesting geological conditions to be studied and has a geothermal manifestations and intrusion around the study area. The study focused on alteration and geological characteristics in the area of research that can be known geothermal systems research area. The method used in this study consists of mapping of surface alteration which indicated hydrothermal activity in the area of research, supported by secondary data, Fault and Fracture Density (FFD) and geochemistry of hot water. Based on the research, this area is composed of claystone unit, sandstone unit, and igneous intrusions. There are deposits of travertine around the hot springs, FFD anomaly is in the o o northern part of the study area, the hot water temperature between 43 C-62 C field with bicarbonate-chloride water type and showed partial equilibrium. Spreading rock alteration and placer deposits is more intense around igneous intrusions. Integration of new data in the form of geological data, geochemical, and surface alteration may open a new understanding of geothermal systems in Brebes especially Bantarkawung area. Keywords : Alteration, Bantarkawung, Geochemistry, Geology, Geothermal PROGRAMME BOOK CODE : A05 Occurrence of Non-volcanic Geothermal Manifestations in Tarakan Basin, East Borneo K.P.B.D. Sudono, A.S.O. Tampubolon, N.R. Herdianita Geological Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Earth and Science Technology, ITB 26 ABSTRACT Tarakan basin was a sedimentary basin with several sub-basin located in East Borneo. Several hot springs were found in several area within the basin and its surrounding area. However the occurrence of hotsprings within the sedimentary basin was still unclear.The origin of hot water was analyzed from the water geochemistry. Then soil and gas geochemistry were also analyzed to detect subsurface anomaly. Heat flow, thermal conductivity and geothermal gradient derived from old oil exploration wells were interpolated and used to approximate a hypothetical model that would explain how geothermal was heated and flowed onto the surface by abnormal geothermal gradient within Tarakan basin and produced a surface manifestation. The water chemistry data showed the water mostly influenced by sedimentary rocks. The hydrothermal system was interpreted as anonvolcanic system.Regionally the heat could be transferred to the surface through conduction. However on a smaller scale, local geological structure could augment the geothermal gradient by allowing convection of geothermal fluid unto the surface. Keywords : Tarakan basin, East Borneo, water geochemistry, heat flow, geothermal gradient CODE : A06 Volcanic Gasses and Unconfined Groundwater Mixing in Cibuni Area: A Preliminary Investigation R. D. Mahantara, S. Khurniawan, F. A. Rosyid, M. Chandra, M. I. Hasani, S. Hidayat and D.E. Irawan Department of Geology, Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung ABSTRACT Cibuni crater is one of the surface manifestations of Patuha Geothermal System which is vapor dominated. A river flowing across the crater triggers mixing process between volcanic gases such as H2S, CO2, Cl2, and etc emitted from the crater with surface water and ground water. The purpose of this research is to find preliminary indications of such mixing in the groundwater. As many as 9 groundwater spring and 13 river points have been measured for Cl, pH, TDS, and temperature to detect traces of volcanic gases in the unconfined aquifer system. Groundwater level has also been measured at each point to produce water flow map. This preliminary investigation shows no mixing process o in groundwater, as indicated by normal values from the measurements: Cl (0.02-0.04 mg/l), TDS (20-124 mg/l), and temperature (17.2 Co 20.7 C). Such mixing only possibly occurs in the Cibuni river water, as shown by the higher values. Effluent water flow from aquifer to the river is also identified from the flow map. Dilution process occurs to this river by groundwater flow, along with the dilution by other river in the some watershed. This research shows the connection between groundwater and river water in the area. It also detects the occurrences of mixing water based water quality. However, more data are needed to build more detail water flow and hydrochemical model. PROGRAMME BOOK CODE : A07 Geochemical and Geothermometry Studies on Manifestations of Showers Seven and Shower Three at Baturraden, Purwokerto, Central Java Muhammad Abdurrozak Siamashari, Priyo Adi Nugroho, Dhevi Andhini Antikasari, Irfania Fitria Arsah and As’ad Argiansyah Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, H.R. Boenyamin, Purwokerto, Central Java ABSTRACT st Geothermal in the Act No. 21 , 2014 is a source of heat energy contained in the hot water, steam and rock along with other associated minerals and gases that are genetically inseparable in a geothermal system. Most of geothermal production fields in Indonesia are situated in Java Island. Some of geothermal prospects are associated with a specific geological setting on Java. Those geological setting are on a subduction zone which is located on the South of Java Island. The subduction of oceanic crust (Indo-Australia) beneath continent crust (Eurasia) produces magma that ascends to the surface and forms a volcanic arc along Java Island. Volcanoes in Java are dominantly composed by andesitic rock that is related with a stratovolcano - high terrain geothermal system. One of geothermal systems associated with volcanic island of Java is the geothermal system in Baturradenlocated at the foot of Mount Slamet. Geothermal systems in Baturraden has the potential 175 MW with an area of 24,660 ha. In this geothermal systems, there are manifestations of geothermal energy in the form of hot springs and Pancuran 7 and Pancuran 3. Making this paper aims to compare both the hot springs are based on geochemical data and geothermometry fluid. Sampling for geochemical analysis is in the form of samples of water, soil, and rocks that surround the area manifestations. While collecting data for analysis geothermometry derived from water temperature and air temperature around the hot springs. We want to know hot fluid classification using Ternary diagram. Data from the diagram is used to determine the level of maturity of the geothermal system and to determine reservoir temperature and to recognize equilibrated waters suitable for geothermometry CODE : A08 Geochemistry Study For Identification of Seawater Intrusion into a Geothermal System 1 1,2 Sitti Nur Asnin , Suryantini , Antonie de Wilde 3 1 Geothermal Technology Study Program, Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering (FTTM), Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Jl. Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia 2 Applied Geology Research Division (KK GeologiTerapan), Faculty of Earth Sciences and Engineering (FITB), Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) 3 Emerging Power International, Phillipines. ABSTRACT A geothermal system which is located adjacent to the coast line may be influenced by seawater intrusion. The input of seawater into surface or subsurface thermal water will influence the chemical composition of springs that emerge to the surface. Subsequently this will affect the interpretation of reservoir properties such as, for example, reservoir temperature. This study presents the results of a geochemistry survey to investigate seawater intrusion into a non-volcanic geothermal system located o near the seashore. Thermal manifestations consist of warm to hot springs (30-77 C) and gas seepage. Some of the manifestations occur within the tidal zone and some of them are submerged in the shallow seawater. Sampling and analysis of surface thermal manifestations show that there is an anion-cation, stable isotope of δ18O and δD which does not originate from seawater. It suggests that seawater intrusion is absent from the system. The thermal waters are of meteoric origin. In addition, calculation of common geothermometer o measures of other reservoir fluid properties were performed, confirming this finding. The estimated reservoir temperature is 180-200 C. Keywords : Coastal, Deuterium, Isotope, Non-Volcanic, Manifestation, Oxygen-18 27 PROGRAMME BOOK CODE : B09 Magnetic Data Analysis for Subsurface Structure Identification at The Geothermal Field of Way Ratai, Padang Cermin Ratu Mifta Fadilla and Rosita Renovita University of Lampung ; 28 ABSTRACT Way Ratai is a village in Piabung sub-district, Pesawaran district, Lampung. Ratai Mountain have a unique geological structure ,until need to do geophysics preliminary survey with magnetic method. This research is to find out of the geology structure of the area geothermal o prospect ,with spacing 200m using a Magnetometer Quantum and GPS handheld. the inklinasi value in this research area is -29 and o deklinasi value is 0 . Data processing begins with IGRF corrections and daily variations corrections concerning to base value obtain magnetic total value. After that make the contours of a magnetic total field using software Surfer 10. Will look at the pattern of dipole at the contours. As well as make slice on the contours data will be used as modeling in the Mag2DC. On the output of Mag2DC modeling has been correlated with geology map then obtained the top layer of the left with a suseptibility value is 0,4 nT the form of sandstones and shale. The bottom with a layer of suseptibility value is 1,4 nT the form of basalt rocks. The top layer of the right hand with a suseptibility value is 0,02 nT the form of shale.The bottom with a layer of suseptibility value is 1,5 nT the form of basalt rocks. Keywords : Magnetic data analysis, subsurface Identification, Ratai Geology CODE : B10 Audio-Magnetotelluric Investigation at The Geothermal Prospecting Area in Pariangan Tanah Datar, West Sumatra 1 1 Andriyan Saputra , Widodo , Muhammad Kholid 2 1 Geophysical Engineering, Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering, ITB 2 Geological Resource Center (PSDG) ; ABSTRACT The Audio-Magnetotelluric (AMT) method is made to determine variations in electrical resistivity of earth with depth. In order to determine geothermal conductivity structure, we used 1-D and 2-D models using AMT real data from geothermal study area in Pariangan, Tanah Datar, West Sumatra. Our result shows that all of these technique can delineate different number of layers and structure beneath the study area. We assumed that for first layer as the conductive zone (±10 Ωm) indicated as the quartz sandstone contain with clay content, the second layer with resistive layer (±100 Ωm) and the last layer with high resistive value can be interpreted as the granitic (±1000-10000 Ωm) which is the basement of geothermal system. PROGRAMME BOOK CODE : B11 The Application of Magnetotelluric Method in Geothermal Prospect Area of Mount Batur, Kintamani, Bali 1 1 Agung Bimo Listyanu , Widodo , Tony Rahardinata 2 1 Geophysical Engineering, Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering, ITB 2 Geological Resource Center (PSDG) ; ABSTRACT In achieving the energy acceleration program to become 9500 MWe in 2025 which is a government alternative in the provision of geothermal resources, the efforts needed to be made for inventory, investigation, research, and exploration in geosciences in order to get geothermal potential data. Magnetotelluric method is used in this project because of its ability to map deep resistivity structure. Twelve measurement stations are used in the analysis, divided into 2 line which perpendicular and parallel to the regional strike direction. In the resistivity model, caprock is indicated by the appearance of 8-20 Ωm with the height of 1000-1200 m until the depth of -1000 m which has the thickness of 1300-1500 m. Meanwhile, the reservoir is indicated by the appereance of 12-100 Ωm with -125 m until -100 m of top reservoir depth. The location of geothermal prospect lies on the area of Batur Tengah Village, Batur Nandang Dalem, to the Songan A Village. Keywords: Geothermal, Magnetotelluric, Mount Batur, Kintamani, Bali CODE : B12 Optimizing 2D Resistivity Method to Reveal Complex Structures Beneath an Old Basaltic Volcano in West Java, Indonesia 1 2 Prihadi Sumintadireja , Diky Irawan S and Hendra Grandis 2,3 1 Applied Geology Research Group, Faculty of Earth Science and Technology - ITB Graduate Program in Geophysical Engineering, Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering - ITB 3 Applied Geophysics Research Group, Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering – ITB 2 ABSTRACT Mount Manglayang is one of the B-type volcanoes located at eastern part of Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. A Geophysical resistivity survey with the vertical electric sounding (VES) method using Schlumberger electrode array configuration was carried out at the summit of this volcano. We performed a quasi-2D modeling by inversion of VES data using guided random search algorithm and applied vertical and lateral smoothness constraints. The imaged subsurface resistivity distribution has a good agreement with the local geology of this area. The nearsurface resistive bodies correspond to the basaltic rocks found along the VES measurements line. Conductive layers beneath the resistive bodies in the northern part were interpreted as a reservoir aquifer system providing fresh water resources for the surrouding areas. Discontinuities of the resistive body between northern and southern sections can be associated with geologic structures, due to volcanic edifice landslides. The conductive body below the summit of the volcano (southern part) could be interpreted as an alteration zone. The existence of such alteration zone indicates a possibility of “hidden” geothermal system with low to middle enthalpy. A shallow drilling for temperature survey is necessary for further investigation at this area. 29 PROGRAMME BOOK CODE : B13 High Resolution Delay Time and Shear Wave Splitting Tomography for Reservoir Monitoring of The “RR” Geothermal Field, West Java, Indonesia Using Micro-earthquake Data 1 1 Rexha Verdhora Ry , Tania Meidiana , and Andri Dian Nugraha 30 2 1 Master Program of Geophysical Engineering, Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering, InstitutTeknologi Bandung, JalanGanesha No.10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia 2 Global Geophysical Group, Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering, InstitutTeknologi Bandung, JalanGanesha No.10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia ABSTRACT Intensive geothermal exploitation at the “RR” geothermal field in West Java, Indonesia, induces micro-earthquakes which are monitored by a local seismometer network. Using this network, tomographic inversions were conducted for the three-dimensional Vp, Vs, and Vp/Vs structures of the reservoir for January 2007 to December 2009. We used dense parameterization blocks to image velocity structure of reservoir with high resolution. We relocated hypocenters location and updatedone-dimensional initial velocity models using Velest method.Then, we conducted seismic tomographic inversions using delay time tomography. We also conducted shear wave splitting (SWS) tomography to image subsurface anisotropy distribution. Our tomographic inversion results indicate the presence of low Vp, low Vs, and low Vp/Vs at depths of about 1 – 3 km below MSL. This features were interpreted as steam-saturated rock in the reservoir area of The “RR” geothermal field.The existences of the reservoir area are supported by the data of well-trajectory.Futhermore, SWS tomography results image high anisotropy located at elevations of about -0.5 to -3 km and can be related to the fractures caused by injection well in the geothermal field. The extensive low Vp/Vs anomaly that occupies the reservoir is attributed to depletion of pore liquid water in the reservoir and replacement with steam. Continuous monitoring of Vp, Vs, and Vp/Vsis an effective geothermal reservoir characterization and depletion monitoring tool and can potentially provide information in parts of the reservoir which have not been drilled. Keywords : MEQ, velest, delay time tomography, shear wave splitting, reservoir monitoring CODE : B14 Determination of Focal Mechanism, Local Magnitude, and Coda Magnitude of Microseismic Event in “North Villy” Geothermal Field, Indonesia 1 Massita A. C. Putriastuti and Andri Dian Nugraha 2 1 Geophysical Engineering, Faculty of Mining and Geophysical Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Ganesha No.10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia Email: 2 Global Geophysical Research Group, Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering, InstitutTeknologi Bandung, Ganesha No.10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia Email: ABSTRACT Geothermal exploration is not like oil and gas industry which use active seismic as a stable method, this exploration still has a problem in using active seismic due to high attenuation in volcanic area. Many method has been applied in geothermal industries including microseismic monitoring to help people to understand about reservoir characterization. The objective of this research is to determine local fault signature and fracture structures in geothermal field, determine directions of fluid movement, and assess hazard mitigation due the seismicity caused by production in “North Villy” Geothermal Field (not real field name) which has been recorded by 5 stations for ± 6 months. In this study, we conducted focal mechanism analysis with full waveform modeling method, local magnitude and duration magnitude calculation. The results of this research show domination of fluid movement that caused the micro earthquakes in the production area. Fluid movement can be seen flowing to “CHRS” Lake,while below the production area there are hydrothermal activities which moving along fractures with ± 35 ° dip , and there is also a dextral , sinistral , normal and oblique fractures in eastern research area, showing that this area is still in a very active form. In addition, the results of local magnitude and duration magnitude show a similar value of less than 3.So, we concluded that the production activities is still safe and did not have a big impact on the area around the geothermal field for this time period observation. PROGRAMME BOOK Keywords focal mechanism, local magnitude, duration magnitude CODE: :Microseismic, B15 Microgravity Modelling for Mass Balance Monitoring 1 Ferry Rahman Aries and Hendra Grandis 2 1 Master Program of Geothermal Technology 2 Applied Geophysics Research Group Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering Bandung Institute of Technology, JalanGanesha 10 Bandung Email: 31 ABSTRACT Geothermal field sustainability controlled by both how much enthalpy stored in heat source and how much fluid remain in reservoir that heated by this heat source. Geothermal fluid in reservoir are extracted to the surface by production wells, thus a “cold water” are injected to the reservoir by reinjection wells to maintain the fluid in reservoir. Geological complexities may result not all reinjection fluid filtrated into reservoir. Thus, there will be a slight different of gravity change due to mass difference. These change are very small, and need precise gravity measurement. For this purpose, precise gravity data observation must be done periodically over the production period. Geothermal reservoir geometry is approached with one layer 3-D prism model, so the density change distribution can be determined laterally with simple linear inverse method. The method is applied to Kamojang Geothermal Field data spanning from 1984 to 1999. Negative gravity change distribution at central of the area corresponds to geothermal fluid extraction to the surface by the production wells. Positive gravity change distribution at recharge area corresponds to fluid reinjection to ground by reinjection wells. The magnitude of the gravity value is in 100 μGal order, while density value is in 0.1 gr/cc. CODE : B16 Estimating Fluid Pathsatsurface Geothermal System Using Surface Roughness Model of Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar (Polsar) Data 1 Deny Dwi Nurwati , Asep Saepuloh 1,2 and Prihadi Sumintadireja 1,2 1 Study Program of Geothermal, Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering-ITB 2 Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology-ITB Jl. Ganesha 10, Bandung, Indonesia E-mail: ABSTRACT Identifying fluid paths in fractured zones are crucial for geothermal exploration and exploitation, especially for estimating recharge and discharge zones. Fractured zones usually could be estimated using Linear Features Density (LFD). In this study, we combined the surface roughness model and LFD for identifying recharge and discharge zones at ground surface of geothermal system. The Phased Array type Lband Synthetic Aperture Radar (PALSAR) on board the Advanced Land Observing Satellite (ALOS) were used in this study. The surface roughness modeling was generated using full polarimetricALOS PALSAR data. The surface roughness measurement at field study was used as basis of modeling. Furthermore, field survey data were also used to control the correctness of the model due to backscattering variability from surrounding objects. The full Polarimetric SAR (PolSAR) sensor has capability to transmit and receive microwave radiation in Horizontal (H) and Vertical (V) directions termed as HH, HV, VH, and VV. The PolSAR has advantage in describing different types of scattering presented by surface scattering, low-order multiple scattering (double bounce), high entropy scattering (volume), and dielectric target scattering. We selected Mt. Manglayang in West Java Province, Indonesia as study area. The volcano has summit elevation about 1818 m above mean sea level. The result of this study showed that the surface roughness model and LFD could be used to estimate recharge and discharge zones at ground surface. We could define that the recharge and discharge zones are located at high surface roughness and LFD. Keywords : Mt. Manglayang, Polarimetric SAR, Surface Roughness Model, Linear Features Density (LFD) PROGRAMME BOOK CODE : C17 Geothermal Direct Use for Breweries Rob Kleinlugtenbelt IF Technology 32 ABSTRACT Breweries use a lot of heat in their processes. Usually, steam is generated using gas fired boilers, creating steam at temperatures between 140 to 180°C. With the increasing awareness that fossil energy use and CO 2-emissions should be minimized, breweries in the Netherlands are looking for more sustainable sources of heat, including geothermal energy. This study focuses on the integration of geothermal heat into the process of a brewery in the Netherlands, while optimizing the financial business case. In the Netherlands a typical geothermal temperature gradient is approximately 30°C/km. With this temperature gradient and the use of heat pumps, it is possible to deliver a significant amount of sustainable, geothermal heat to the brewery. The business case depends on many variables, including the subsurface potential, processes and energy prices. Due to the feed in tariff in the Netherlands for renewable heat, the business case can be good. A sensitivity analysis will give insight in the financial feasibility for breweries in Indonesia. CODE : C18 Geothermal Energy Applications as a Coffee Drying Technology to Increase Coffee Production in Ulubelu Geothermal Field, Lampung Taufiq, Farkhan Raflesia, Nur Sya’bana Santoso Geophysical Engineering Department, Engineering Faculty University of Lampung Soemantri Street No.1, Bandar Lampung Email : ABSTRACT Geothermal is a source of heat generated in the earth as a result of the process of geology and geophysics. As a result of the process, forming a geothermal system that is likened to a boiler, heat source is obtained from the movement of magma under the earth or magma in volcanoes, the heat then radiates into the rock to the aquifer and then heated through the process of convection. As the cooking water, boiling water vapor can form directly to the surface because of the covering which was prevented by an impermeable layer (caprock) so that vapor exists at high temperatures and pressures pushed up to the surface through faults and fractures in the rock lead to the manifestation of the surface. The energy generated from the heat source is called geothermal energy. The application of geothermal energy is generally used as the driving force in power plants, but the steam produced can also be used directly as a result of agricultural drying technology. Using case studies, literature, and comparative studies that we try to apply in Ulubelu geothermal field, Lampung, which is one of the coffeeproducing areas and the areas with geothermal potential in Indonesia, coffee drying technology obtained by passing steam or brine from geothermal wells to heat exchangers and heat is passed to the drying room. With a temperature of 125ºC - 250ºC, geothermal energy capable of drying coffee within 2-4 days, 5x faster than conventional drying (10-14 days with temperature 60-80ºC). From this study we concluded that the use of geothermal energy as a coffee drying technology in Lampung Province has several advantages such as quality and hygienic product, land drainage is relatively small, and ease labor and relatively easy. It certainly can help increase the production of coffee farmers and can boost the economy in Lampung Province. Keywords : geothermal, coffee drying technology, CSR PROGRAMME BOOK CODE : C19 Modelling of Milk Pasteurization System Using Geothermal Energy. 1 2 1 Ichwan A. Elfajrie , Nursanty E. Banjarnahor , Ariel H. Gursida , Jooned Hendrarsakti 2 1 Indonesia Geothermal Center of Excellence, Soekarno-Hatta 576, Bandung, Indonesia 2 4 InstitutTeknologi Bandung, Tamansari 64, Bandung, Indonesia e-mail: ABSTRACT Geothermal energy can be used directly in a variety of applications, where the combination of a variety of applications in the synergies and chain system can be called a cascading system. One of the applications on a cascading system using geothermal energy is milk pasteurization. The high consumption of dairy milk in Indonesia is one of the reasons for the importance of innovation in the milk pasteurization system. The heat required in the heat transfer of milk pasteurization process can be extracted from geotherma lbrine. In cascading system, milk pasteurization can be the first application by reference to Lindal Diagram before another application, such as binary cycle. Modelling of heat transfer needed to determine the milk pasteurization process design. Were commend the use of three gasketed plate heat exchangers, in which each heat transfer between process water with milk, process water with geothermal fluid and process milk with cooling water o o .Geothermal fluidat 160 C is used to heat 3000 gph of milk, where the output geothermal fluid temperature is 152.6 C, and planned to be used for the next system in the cascading system. The total investment of al lheat exchangers is equal to IDR 61,5 million, IDR 31,5 million more efficient than heating the milk using a boiler and two gasketed heat exchangers. Utilizing geothermal fluid to heat the milk is also more efficien tabout IDR 5 million per day compared to using diesel. Keywords : Direct use, milk pasteurization, geothermal brine CODE : C20 The Evolution of Liquid Dominated Geothermal Reservoir Under Exploitation : A Review Heru B. Pratama Magister Program in Geothermal Technology ITB Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Jl. Ganesa 10 Bandung, Indonesia ABSTRACT Mostly in the world, liquid-dominated hydrothermal system is used widely for direct and indirect utilization even in Indonesia. Therefore, most study of geothermal field discussed how to utilized liquid-dominated hydrothermal system with proper production-injection strategies to obtain sustainable development. Production and injection processes involving mass and heat transfer from the fluid reservoir will trigger changes in the characteristics of the liquid-dominated reservoir. The characteristic changes include an increase of the enthalpy of the fluid, boiling, steam-capformation. The increased production of geothermal fluid needs a lot more of steam, the process exploitation of steam from steam-cap can’t be offset by the establishment of its steam-cap itself. Thus, a proper production-injection strategy make sustainable for liquid-dominated geothermal reservoir. Keywords : liquid-dominated, steam-cap, production-injection, sustainability 33 PROGRAMME BOOK CODE : C21 Volcanotratigraphic Study Based on Topography and Remote Sensing Analysis and Its Implication to Wayang Windu Geothermal System Betseba br Sibarani, Evanda Eko Putra Maris, Dian Darisma 34 Postgraduate Program of Geothermal Engineering, Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology Jalan Ganeca 10, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia E-mail: ABSTRACT The Wayang – Windu geothermal field is located about 35 km south of Bandung. This field has installed electric capacity by 220 MWe with a total 39 drilling wells. From all of these wells, there are some unproductive wells located in North Malabar Volcanic Complex, in the vicinity of Mt. Puncak Besar. The approach that can be used to determine the cause of the drilling failure is with vulcanostratigraphic study of geological conditions of the research area through topography and remote sensing analysis. The result were used to evaluate and validate geothermal potential in the region, and compared with some subsurface data.By identifying and analysing of topographic map of Mt. Wayang – Windu area scale 1:100.000, it was found 11 khuluk. With making lineation trend on a map scale of 1:50.000 Bandjaran Sheet, with a smaller area, it was found 9 khuluk. While by analysing the SRTM map, there are 3 gumuk on Khuluk Wayang – Windu and 5 gumuk on Khuluk Malabar. Both khuluk is estimated to be a heat source that affects different geothermal systems. This is also supported by the MT and gravity anomalies data which show the existence of two positive anomalies as an indication of the presence of two different heat sources. Based on the geothermal evaluation from Wohletz and Heiken flow chart, Khuluk Wayang – Windu has a potential to produce geothermal energy, but on the contrary with Khuluk Malabar. Therefore, there are some unproductive wells around Khuluk Malabar. Keywords : volcanostratigraphic study, geothermal potential, Wayang – Windu; khuluk, gumuk CODE : C22 Geochemical Analysis of Hot Spring and Hydrothermal Alteration of Geothermal Prospect at Kendalisodo, Semarang District, Central Java Fauzu Nuriman, Yudhi Try Saepuddin and Ryan Jodi Pratama Teknik Geologi, Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang JL. Prof. H. Soedarto, SH, Kampus Tembalang Semarang-50239 ,Jawa Tengah Telp. 024-7460038, Fax. 024-7460038 ABSTRACT Kendalisodo is area that is assumed to have geothermal potential. It is based on the surface manifestations such as hot spring and rock alteration. This research supported by secondary data and existing literature. Geothermal fluid geochemical analysis conducted in the area of hot spring is used to determine the chemical characteristics of the fluid, fluid type, and temperature reservoir. Rocks around Kendalisodo analyzed by petrographic methods to determine the mineral composition changes. It also test the physical properties of rocks like porosity, o permeability, and density. Based on research on the 5 hot spring known that the temperature between 36-40 C and pH between 5.9-7.8. Type of fluid in the study area the dominant form of bicarbonate fluid. Rock alteration is found generally in the form of alteration of andesite, which is generally transformed into clay minerals in the argillic zone. Alteration in andesite are divided into three classes, weak alteration intensity, moderate, and strong, that it depends on the size composition of secondary minerals. Alteration causes decrease value of porosity o and increase the density. Based on the analysis geothermometer Na-K-Ca obtained by 175,19 C reservoir temperature that makes the location of the geothermal system is assumed as a medium enthalpy geothermal systems. Keywords: alteration, geochemical, Kendalisodo, a medium enthalpy geothermal systems PROGRAMME BOOK CODE : C23 Geochemistry of Hot Water and Interpretation of Permeable Zone from ASTER-GDEM and Radon Concentration in Mount Slamet, Central Java, Indonesia Heri Nurohman, Hendra Bakti and Sri Indarto 35 Research Center for Geotechnology - LIPI Complex of LIPI buildings, Sangkuriangstreet, Bandung 40135 ABSTRACT Mount Slamet is one of the active volcanoes in Java with geothermal potential inside. Hot springs are discharging in the north, west, and south of Mount Slamet. Nine hot water samples were collected from Guci (6 samples), Kalipedes (1 sample), and Baturraaden (2 samples) for geochemical analysis. Cl-SO4-HCO3 ternary diagram was used to distinguish hot water types. Cl-Li-B ternary diagram was used for hot water source determination. Na-K-Mg ternary diagram was used for water rock reaction interpretation. Based on the hot water geochemical analysis, Mount Slamet discharges bicarbonate waters in Guci, Baturraden, and Kalipedes. Those water discharge from 2 different sources atKalipedes (older hydrothermal system) and Guci-Baturraden (younger geothermal system). Interpretation of permeable zone in the study area was carried out by combining hot water geochemical analysis, morphological analysis, and Radon measurement. Two permeable zones of Guci and Kalipedes were detected. Keywords : hot water geochemistry, geothermal system of Mount Slamet, permeable zone CODE : C24 Application of Geochemical Methods in Geothermal Exploration in Indonesia: a Literature Review (Part 1) 1 2 3 Anggita Agustin , Dasapta Erwin Irawan , Arif Susanto , and Rina Herdianita 2 1 Groundwater Engineering Master Program, Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology, ITB 2 Research Group on Applied Geology 3 Research Group on Geology Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jl. Ganesha No. 10, 40132 Bandung, Indonesia ; ABSTRACT A literature review has been composed to look for potential future topics and approaches in geochemical application in geothermal exploration, using online databases: Google Scholar, Scopus, and GRC library. Three sets of search terms have been used in the search. As many as 298 relevant documents in form of conference abstracts, proceedings, and journal papers have been selected from a total of 522 documents of geothermal of Indonesia, using the following criteria: the availability of pdf, full paper, and data set. Based on the evaluation, we can draw some points. Geochemical has been used in Kamojang field to identify geothermal system since 1975. Since then many published works were working on the fluid behaviour and geotermometry. Kamojang field were the most published geothermal site in Indonesia 65 papers, followed by Darajat field, 36 papers and Karaha field, 31 papers. Compared to other geothermal-rich countries, geothermal publications in Indonesia is still low, due to the high confidentiality of the data set. Increasing the number of open data could increase the number of scholarly works, that at the end could add some new knowledge about the system. We propose the following terms as the future topics: Boron, Lithium, and Mercury (and other trace elements) cycle, stable isotope, and rare earth elements (REE). We also recommend to maximize the use of multivariate statistics (cluster, PCA, multiple regression, RandomForest). Utilization of open source apps, eg: R, Python, Orange Data Mining, is also part of our recommendation. PROGRAMME BOOK Keywords Indonesia, geochemistry CODE: :Geothermal, R25 Spatial Association of Geological Features with Geothermal Producing Wells; A Literature Review from Geothermal Field in Indonesia Suryantini 1,2 1 , A. Prihadi and H.H. Wibowo 1,2 1 Geothermal Master Study Program, Faculty of Petroleum and Mining (FTTM), Applied Geology Research Division, Geology Study Program, Faculty of Earth Science and Technology Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jl. Ganesha 10 Bandung 40132, Indonesia 2 36 ABSTRACT The success of geothermal drilling in particular at the exploration of high enthalpy geothermal system is significantly controlled by the success to locate an area of high permeability with sufficient fluid flow and high temperature within economically drilling depth. This area is often associated with upflow zone. However, finding this target is not always easy when the existence of geological features that indicates this target is absent or subtle. The features that often used to indicates this area are structural geology, such as fault, fracture and contact lithology; surface manifestations such as crater, fumaroles, solfataras, steam vents in general, steaming ground, acid sulphate hot springs or acid pools, boiling chloride springs or pool. The distribution of these surface manifestation is controlled by the type of geothermal system, thus surface manifestation that occur in a geothermal area are not always the same in the other area. This paper presents the analysis of the spatial association between these features and the geothermal drilling that successfully producing. The study is literature review from some geothermal fields that have been drilled in Indonesia. The analyses consist of qualitative assessment that is the relation of success well and the presence of any geological features and the quantitative assessment that is the distance between the geological features and the success well. The results shows that the drillings that are located within radius of horizontal distance <1000 m from fumaroles or solfataras are mostly success. Whereas the geothermal system that is associated with caldera with absence of post volcanic activity within the caldera, the geothermal well that have highly success is mostly located in the vicinity of caldera rim structure. The narrow zone along this structure has width about <500 m from the rim toward inside of the caldera. The presence of post caldera volcanism show different result, where the drilling success are mostly associated with the younger volcanism. A more detail study by integrating geophysical data is required for better spatial analysis. The result from this study will be used for spatial analysis study using GIS which is later may help in well targeting. Keywords : Spatial analysis, geothermal well, geological features, surface manifestation, drilling success, well targeting CODE : R26 Mapping of Magnetic Anomaly Zone to Identification Heat Source of Hot Spring Manifestation in Desa Pinaras Tomohon North Sulawesi Donny R. Wenas, Cyrke A. N. Bujung Physics Department FMIPA Manado State University e-mail:, ABSTRACT The existing of several active volcanoes around the Tomohon City indicates occurrences of geothermal resources in the subsurface. This has been proven by the existence of geothermal resources of Lahendong and Tompaso prospect. Geothermal manifestation hot springs appear in several places that are relatively distance from geothermal sources for example in Desa Pinaras. Measurement of the magnetic method showed negative magnetic anomaly in this area that is -100 to -105 nT. The mapping of magnetic anomalies indicates that the locations of the hot springs of Desa Pinaras are in the anomalous zones with Lahendong geothermal resources. This gives an indication that the heat flow is derived from Lahendong geothermal sources. Keywords : magnetic method, geothermal, magnetic anomaly PROGRAMME BOOK CODE : R27 Comparison Geothermal Potential on Mount Kendeng and Mount Patuha Base on Vulcanostratigraphic Study Chikal Rakhmatan, Ryan Hidayat, Damar Nandiwardhana Master Program of Geothermal Technology Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering Bandung Institute of Technology, Jl. Ganesha 10 Bandung 40132, Indonesia ; ; ABSTRACT Vulcanostratigraphic mapping is one of the reconnaissance exploration survey methods in volcanic geothermal system which aims to distinguish different products based on their volcanic eruption centers. However, a difficulty may arise when using this method because the products that are produced from different volcanic eruption centers are able to have nearly identical physical characteristics on the field.In this research,the volcanicstratigraphic studyconducted in Ciwidey, West Java, itis used to assess the geothermal prospects Mount Kendeng with co mparisons against Mount Patuha that has already been produced electricity. The methodology of this research refers to the concept of geothermal exploration made by Wohletz (1992). The Interpretation of detailed topographic map on the scale of 1: 50,000 found that there are 5 Khuluk units which are Khuluk Padang, Khuluk Patuha, Khuluk Rancabali, Khuluk Ciwide and Khuluk Kendeng, as well as 12 Gumuk units which are Gumuk Rancabali, Gumuk Ciwidey, Gumuk Prug, Gumuk Kunti, Gumuk Putri, Gumuk Tambagruyeng, Gumuk Kutalak , Gumuk Tikukur, Gumuk Cadas, Gumuk Wayang, Gumuk Tilu, Gumuk Cadaspanjang and Gumuk Masigit. Volume of Mount Kendeng is 137.9 km3 with heat stored energy 2.1 x 1018 Joules and volume of Mount Patuha is 61.5 km3 with heat stored energy 1.8 x 1017 Joules. Based on the comparison of volume and heat stored energy between Mount Kendeng and Mount Patuha, Mount Kendeng has more geothermal potential prospects than Mount Patuha. Keyword : Vulcanostratigraphic, Khuluk and Gumuk CODE : R28 Volcanostratigraphy Studies and Its Implications of Geothermal System Based on Topographic Map and SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission) Map at Awibengkok-Salak Geothermal Field, West Java M. Nurwahyudi Yulianto, Rizki Trisna Hutami, Fery Ismar Darajat Postgraduate Program of Geothermal Engineering, Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology, Jalan Ganeca 10, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia e-mail: ABSTRACT A study of volcanostratigraphy is a method that were carried out in the early stage of geothermal exploration. Volcanostratigraphy analysis with topographic maps will help the determination of a distribution, volume and source of volcanic products to provide a preliminary description of the location with a potential of geothermal energy. This study was conducted in the Awibengkok-Salak geothermal field, West Java. The aims of the study is to determine the geothermal potential around Awibengkok field that may be used as the target of future development. Volcanostratigraphy studies done using topographic 1: 100,000 maps scale, 1: 50,000 map scale of and SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission) map. Awibengkok-Salak area contains 3 khuluk units (same as formation unit in stratigraphy) which are Khuluk Cianten, Khuluk Awibengkok and Khuluk Bengkok. Beside the units, there are also 8 units of gumuk; the Perbakti Gumuk, Endut Gumuk, Gagak Gumuk, Kiaraberes Gumuk, Putri Gumuk, Pasir Batu Gumuk, Parabakti Gumuk dan Peleus Gumuk. Based on the analysis of the volume and the age of volcanoes, the degree of evolution of the magma, the existence and the state of the surface manifestations of geothermal systems, in addition to khuluk Awibengkok, khuluk Salak has a geothermal potential for further development. The state of geothermal in khuluk Salak -which is submature in the verge of mature- and the active manifestation are the key factors this area has a great potential in geothermal energy. Keywords : volcanostratigraphy, topogographic maps, Awibengkok Khuluk, Salak Khuluk 37 PROGRAMME BOOK ‘ CODE : R29 Collaboration Program on Geothermal District as Geothermal Diretct Use in Indonesia 1 1 1 2 Nursanty Elisabeth ; Ichwan Elfajrie ; Jooned Hendrasakti ; Tubagus Nugraha ; Imam Asmara 3 1 38 Institut Teknologi Bandung Indonesia Geothermal Center of Excellence 3 Energy and MineralResource Agency of West Java Provincial Government, Indonesia e-mail: 2 ABSTRACT Indonesia Geothermal Center of Excellence, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) – GeoCAP and Energy and Mineral Resource Agency of West Java Provincial Government collaborate to conduct Geothermal District program. The Geothermal District is an area that utilize geothermal resource commercially using cascaded system in order to optimize utilization of low to medium enthalpy geothermal energy and to foster development of a community around the geothermal field. The area and application of geothermal district selected by integrating assessment of studies in several aspects such as resource, technology, social, economic, market and legal. Program planning in 2015 divided into four steps; lesson learned studies from successful and unsuccesssful story of direct use applications, data update for proposed area of Geothermal District, area and applications determination of Geothermal District, and program socialization. The program roadmap during 2016-2018 are construction and commercialization of Geothermal District, also the replication into another potential area. Keywords : Geothermal District, direct use, cascaded system PROGRAMME BOOK 39