Bulletin - Immaculate Conception


Bulletin - Immaculate Conception
Immaculate Conception
Catholic Church
Serving Clarksville Since 1845
Immaculate Conception Church
709 Franklin Street
Clarksville, TN 37040-3347
Parish Office 931.645.6275
Parish Fax 931.552.0331
Email: icsecretary@immaconception.org
Most Rev. David R. Choby
Eleventh Bishop of Nashville
Rev. David J. Gaffny
Immaculate Conception School
1901 Madison Street
Clarksville, TN 37043-5001
Rev. Theophilus Ebulueme
Associate Pastor
Pre School
740 Franklin Street
Clarksville, TN 37040
Rev. Christiano Nunes
Associate Pastor/Youth Director
Sunday Obligation Masses
Saturday, 5:30 p.m.
Sunday 8:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m.,
5:30 p.m.
1:00 p.m. (Spanish),
3:00 p.m. (Korean-Last Sunday Month)
Deacon Dominick Azzara
Director of Pastoral Ministry
Deacon Juan Garza
Director of Religious Education
Weekday Masses
Bob Berberich
John Carroll
Manuel Martinez
Tim Winters
Monday (Chapel) ................................ 6:00 p.m.
Tuesday (Chapel) ............................... 7:00 a.m.
Wednesday (Chapel) ......................... 7:00 a.m.
(Spanish) (Chapel) ............. 7:30 p.m.
Thursday (Chapel) .............................. 7:00 a.m.
(Chapel) ............. 6:00 p.m.
Friday (M. Church) .............................. 7:00 a.m.
Saturday (M. Church) ......................... 8:00 a.m.
Mrs. Stephanie Stafford
Weekdays after morning Masses and before
evening Masses, Saturday morning after
Mass and from 4-5 pm, as well as by
Office Hours
Monday—Friday ......................... 8 a.m.—4 p.m.
5th Sunday of Lent
709 Franklin Street
Clarksville, Tennessee
Deacon Dominick Azzara
Pastoral Ministries
Deacon Tim Winters
Austin Peay Newman Club
Deacon Bob Berberich
Chaplain, I.C. School
Rev. Christiano Nunes
Youth Director
Deacon Juan Garza
Director of Religious Education
Bill Young
Facilities Director
Kathy McDonough
Office Manager, Accounting
Judy Spink
Parish Secretary
Venus Newhouser
Mary Hoffpauir
Sacramental Records
Linda Steiner
Office Assistant
Regina Azzara
Safe Environment Coordinator
Pam Loos
Pre-School Director, Dean of Students
June Esquilin
Liturgical Music
Nancy Garza
Pat Paszek/Pat Riley
Hispanic Ministries
Runyon & Runyon
Parish Attorneys
Patty Pierce
Pat Paszek
Nancy Garza
Kathie Schuler
Juan Garza
Len Stolz
Selene Anderson
Ed Wilson
Parish Clergy
Mike O’Malley
Dr. Clif Sites
Coy Baggett, Jr
Maggie Kulback
Tom Edwards
Scott Donnellan
Raby Nance
Len Stolz, Chair
Andi Orr, Vice Chair
Christine Bryant,
Irene Buck
Lisa Meeks
Richard Meeks
Robert German
Jamie Schacht
Sunny Wells
Tom Vaughn
Maggie Kulback
Scott Donnellan
Ray Runyon
Raby Nance
Tom Skrodzki
Patty Pierce
Parish Clergy
 To Register in the parish, just call
the parish office and all necessary
information will be mailed to you or
visit our website to register online.
 In hospital? Going to hospital?
HIPPA regulations no longer allow
us to get names of the sick at hospitals. Call the office for anointing
or a visit. Everyone either in the
hospital, going to the hospital, or
having an outpatient procedure
should receive the Sacrament of
the Sick.
 To schedule a Baptism, call the
office to reserve a seat at the Baptism Class held the last Monday of
the month.
 To schedule a Wedding, call the
priest or deacon you wish to perform the wedding at least four
months in advance.
 Want to be a Catholic? Either call
us or have a friend call the office.
You will receive a quick return call
from a member of our education/
formation program who will invite
you to our formation classes. If you
have questions about joining and
wish some direction, call one of
our clergy.
 Immaculate Conception Catholic
School: K-8. If you have questions
or wish to enroll, call the church or
school office. We’ll help you investigate the school for your students.
 Want to volunteer for something
but do not know who to call? Call
Deacon Dominick Azzara in the
 Need an appointment with a
priest or deacon? Venus in the
office will help you.
 Bulletin notice? Call Judy. Deadline is Friday noon! (Ten days in
advance of date you wish it to
Parents and Godparents are required to
attend a Baptism preparation class prior
to their child’s Baptism. The class meets
on the last Monday evening of each
month at 6:30 pm, except December.
Please register for the class in the
Church Office.
First Communion
Children are prepared for First Communion by participating in the Sunday
School, Immaculate Conception School,
or Hispanic Community preparation
programs. They must be enrolled for at
least one year prior to enrolling in a
preparation class.
Confessions are heard daily, after the
morning Masses and before the evening
Masses as well as, 4 to 5 pm on Saturdays, or by appointment.
Preparation classes are conducted
through the Sunday School, Immaculate
Conception School, or the Hispanic
Community. Candidates must be enrolled for at least one year prior to enrolling in a preparation class.
Preparation is conducted by parish
clergymen and the Diocese of Nashville.
Please contact the Parish Office at least
four months before the proposed date.
Anointing of the Sick
Anyone may request this sacrament. It is
for major or minor health problems. It is
for the elderly, disabled, homebound or
children. Anyone anticipating a surgery
or a stay in the hospital should request
the sacrament before surgery.
La Quinceañera
Ministerio de la Comunidad Hispana
Coordinadora del Ministerio Hispano ....Nancy Garza ........................ 931-320-2049 (cell)
Secretaria de la Comunidad ..................Elizabeth Ramos .................. 931-801-0733 (cell)
Tesorera de la Comunidad ....................Carmen Onate ...................... 931-801-7132
Clases de Bautismo ..............................Jose Hernandez ................... 931-302-1562
Sacramento del Matrimono ...................Diacono Manuel Martinez..... 931-206-7371
Ministerio de la Eucaristía .....................Veronica Garcia .................... 931-801-8217
Ministerio de la Palabra .........................Nancy Garza ........................ 931-320-2049 (cell)
Ministerio de Bienvenida .......................Manuel Baez ........................ 615-968-7235
Ministerio de Monaguillos ......................Gladivee Roman ................... 931-551-3831
Ministerio de Música .............................Elizabeth Ramos .................. 931-801-0733 (cell)
Ministerio de Sociales ...........................Jaime Nolasco ...................... 931-206-3938
Catecismo ............................................Arlene Perez ......................... 931-906-1665
..............................................................Yolanda Torres ..................... 931-553-8551
Los padres de una candidata de la quinceañera tienen que estar registrados en
la parroquia y presentarla por lo menos
seis meses antes de la ceremonia. La
candidata debe haber recibido los sacramentos del bautismo, reconciliación,
comunión, y estar por lo menos preparada para la confirmación. Además ella
tiene que prepararse con buena asistencia al curso especial para esta ceremonia. También es necesario reservar
la capilla y, si lo desea, el salón del
Family Life Center y pagar las cuotas
correspondientes con anticipación.
Para más informes, contacten la oficina
de la parroquia.
Fifth Sunday of Lent
Do you have or know elderly parishioners in
your area? Please let us know by calling the
office so that our team of volunteers may
pay him/her a visit and see how we can help
him/her especially with regard to the sacraments—Eucharist, penance, and anointing
and others if need be. Help us to attend to
our older parishioners!
Anointing of the Sick- We are doing everything possible to serve our parishioners here
at Immaculate Conception. So, if you happen to be in the (Gateway) Hospital, please
let them know during registration that “I am
a Catholic and need to be visited by a
priest, deacon or Eucharistic Minister.” In
case of emergency, let your family members
know to give this information during your
registration. You can also call the office
anytime to schedule the Sacrament of the
Prayer Request Line 645-6275 ext. 111
Fish Fry Schedule
Friday, March 27th
Friday’s of Lent in the FLC beginning at 5pm
Stations of the Cross
Friday, March 27th ~ R.C.I.A.
Every Friday of Lent in the Chapel at
6:00 pm
Good Friday, April 3rd~Live
Stations of the Cross
4:00 pm in the FLC Parking Lot
For more information please contact the
church office at 931-645-6275-or check
out our website www.immaconception.org
Office Phone (931) 645-6275
6:00 pm Mass in Chapel
Tuesday, March 31
7:00 am Mass in Chapel
8:15 am Mass at ICS
Wednesday, April 1
6:00 pm Chrism Mass at Cathedral
7:00 pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper
(Main Church)
Vigil & Adoration following Mass
(in Chapel)
Vigil closes with night prayer
at 11:30 pm
Good Friday, April 3
4:00 pm Live Outdoor Stations
Bi-lingual in IC parking lot
7:00 pm Passion & Veneration of the
Parish Youth Council-Our young people
have enormous talents to share with our
parishioners and their fellow youths. If you
are interested call Fr. Theo, or Fr. Chris
Nunes, at the church office 645-6275.
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults
(R.C.I.A.)-Informal classes are held on the
1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month at
7:00 pm in the St. Joseph Center
(downstairs-room #9). Formal Classes Meet
Sundays, after the 8 am Mass in the St.
Joseph Center (upstairs).
Monday, March 30
Holy Thursday, April 2
Mother’s Group- “Pray & Play” meets on
scheduled Monday mornings at 9 am in the
St. Joseph Center (during school year) w/
childcare in the nursery. Call Cheryl Cole
for more details 931-896-3878 or e-mail at:
Natural Family Planning (NFP)-if you
want help with INFERTILITY; or are interested in learning about today’s effective
methods of Natural Family Planning; if
you are married or single and looking for a
way to treat Women’s Health Problems
other than using birth control pills then you
need to come to a class. Classes scheduled
for 1st Saturday of every month at 9:00 am.
Call the church office to register!
March 22, 2015
Holy Saturday, April 4
10:00 am –Blessing of Food Baskets
7:00 pm Easter Vigil Mass (MC)
Family Life Center
April 4, 2015
Begins at 9:00 am
Children under 9 years
Easter Baskets for Sale
The Ladies of St. Francis
of Assisi Church in Dover
will once again be selling
Filled Easter Baskets at Immaculate
Conception in the narthex, on Sunday, March 22nd, and again on Palm
Sunday at the 8am & 11am Masses!
Easter Sunday, April 5
Mass Schedule
8:00 am
10:00 am
12:00 Noon
2:00 pm Misa en español
5:30 pm
There are no Masses for Holy Week
other than those scheduled above.
Confessions cannot be heard on Holy
Saturday as no sacraments may be
celebrated by a priest or deacon from
the end of Mass on Holy Thursday
until after the Easter Vigil on Saturday evening, except in the case of a
medical emergency.
Note: the Church office will close at noon on Holy Thursday, April 2nd
and resume business on Tuesday, April 7, 2015.
Email : icsecretary@immaconception.org
Fifth Sunday of Lent
Prayer Request Line 645-6275 ext. 111
March 22, 2015
From the Pastor’s Desk
Del escritorio del Párroco
By Rev. David J. Gaffny
Por Pbro. David J. Gaffny
Not so many years ago at this time of year, and still today in
some places by some people, Christian children used to make
sport of their Jewish schoolmates or neighbors calling them
“Christ killers”. It has always been easy to blame the death of
Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on someone else or on some
other group. To do so makes us feel that we ourselves are not
to blame. Nevertheless, when a person points a finger at another person, three fingers point back to accuse the pointer.
No hace muchos años en este tiempo del año, y aún hoy en algunos lugares por alguna gente, los niños cristianos hacían el deporte de sus compañeros de clase o vecinos judíos que los llamaban
los “asesinos de Cristo”. Ha sido siempre fácil culpar la muerte
de Nuestro Señor y Salvador Jesucristo en otra persona u otro
grupo. Hacerlo nos hace sentir que nosotros mismos no tenemos
culpa. Sin embargo, cuando una persona apunta un dedo a otra
persona, tres dedos puntean al indicador.
Perhaps we finger pointers want to use the fool’s consolation
that others are worse off than ourselves. The sad truth is that
our sinfulness is much worse than any of the Jews of Jesus’
time or, even more so, those of today. We who call ourselves
Christians claim that we are followers of Jesus Christ, our
Lord and Savior, while they are not. Yet, all too often we
only follow him when it is convenient to do so or we pick and
choose those teachings of Holy Mother Church which give us
warm and fuzzy feelings but require no sacrifice. (The term
“cafeteria Catholic” is appropriate here.) As a result, we crucify the Son of God anew in our hearts and hold him up to
scorn by our example. Our guilt is worse because we know or
should know what we are doing and we know its effect on the
body of Christ. As for the Jews, Jesus himself said, “Father,
forgive them; they do not know not what they are doing” (Lk
23:34). Or, as Paul wrote to the Corinthians, “None of the
rulers of this age understood this [that is, God’s plan]; for if
they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory” (I
Cor 2:8).
Quizás cuando apuntamos el dedo deseamos utilizar el consuelo
de los tontos porque los otros son peores que nosotros mismos. La triste verdad es que nuestra culpa es mucho peor que
cualquier de los judíos del tiempo de Jesús o, aun más peor, los
de hoy. Nosotros que nos llamamos cristianos pretendemos que
somos seguidores de Cristo, Nuestro Señor y Salvador, mientras
muchas veces no lo somos. Todavía, muy a menudo lo seguimos
solamente cuando es conveniente hacerlo o seleccionamos esas
enseñanzas de la Santa Madre Iglesia que nos den sensaciones de
complacencia pero que no nos requieren ningún sacrificio. (El
término “católico de la cafetería” es apropiado aquí.) El resultado es que crucificamos al Hijo de Dios de nuevo en nuestros corazones y hasta lo ponemos en ridículo por nuestro mal ejemplo. Nuestra culpabilidad es peor porque sabemos o debemos
saber lo que estamos haciendo y sabemos su efecto en el cuerpo
de Cristo. En cuanto a los judíos, Jesús mismo dijo, “Padre,
perdónalos, no saben lo que están haciendo” (Lc 23:34). O, como Pablo escribió a los corintios, “Esto [el plan de Dios] es algo
que no han entendido los gobernantes de este mundo, pues si lo
hubieron entendido no habrían crucificado al Señor de la gloria” (1 Cor 2:8).
God gives each one of us opportunity after opportunity to turn
back to him, to abandon our reckless ways, to truly trust in his
love and mercy, in a word, to take up our cross daily and follow him. His love is never lacking; it is unconditional. He
waits for us as the father waited for his dissolute son to return
to his home; where the father ordered that the son be clothed
in the finest robes, that a ring be put on his finger, sandals on
his feet, the fatted calf be butchered, and a celebration begin
with music and dancing (Lk 15:22-24). Are we ever to think
that the son left his father again?
Dios da a cada uno de nosotros oportunidad tras oportunidad de
regresar a él, de abandonar nuestras maneras imprudentes, de
confiar de veras en su amor y misericordia, en una palabra, de
llevar nuestra cruz de cada día y seguirle. Su amor nunca falta;
es incondicional. Él nos espera como el padre esperó a su hijo
disoluto para volver a su casa; donde el padre mandó a los sirvientes que traigan el mejor ropa para vestirlo, que le pongan un
anillo en el dedo y sandalias en los pies, que le maten el ternero
más gordo para celebrar un banquete con música y baile (Lc
15:22-24). ¿Piensan ustedes que el hijo iba a dejar a su padre
otra vez?
God has committed himself to us; he has loved us. Out of
gratitude we show our thanks for his unmerited gifts to us by
committing ourselves to him. We show this by accepting the
totality of his love and teachings which bring us to the total
practice of our faith. In this we are united to Christ’s sacrifice
as we participate at the Eucharist and we are united to one
another in loving service for the glory of God and the salvation of Jew and gentile alike.
Dios se nos ha encomendado a nosotros; él nos ha amado. De
gratitud, demostrémosle las gracias por los regalos que nos ha
dado sin merito de nuestra parte por encomendárnosle a él. Demostramos esto por aceptar la totalidad de su amor y enseñanzas
cuáles nos lleven a la práctica total de nuestra fe. Con esto nos
unimos al sacrificio de Cristo por participar en el Eucaristía y nos
unimos los a unos a los otros en el servicio cariñoso para la gloria
de Dios y la salvación tanto del judío como del gentil.
Father David
Padre David
Office Phone (931) 645-6275
Email : icsecretary@immaconception.org
Fifth Sunday of Lent
Prayer Request Line 645-6275 ext. 111
March 22, 2015
ICC Women’s Group Invite the Children of the Parish to an
Easter Egg Hunt
Divine Mercy
Immaculate Conception Chapel
3:00 pm
At the Family Life Center-April 4, 2015
Beginning promptly at 9:00 A.M
For Children 9 years and younger
If you have any questions please call Etta Dean: (931) 553-0775
Want to check on the 5
Just go to our website at:
Click on the HOME PAGE
Then click on WHATS NEW
Next click on
It’s that simple!
Office Phone (931) 645-6275
Nashville Council of Catholic Women
Convention April 10-11, 2015 Riverview Inn 50 College Street Clarksville, TN 37040 Hostess: Immaculate Conception Council of
Catholic Women Chairperson: Donna Ellis (931-647-4181) Stop by IC Info Booth located in Church for
more info and registration forms
Email : icsecretary@immaconception.org
Fifth Sunday of Lent
Prayer Request Line 645-6275 ext. 111
March 22, 2015
Adult Faith Exploration
All women of the parish are welcome and invited to attend. Our meeting starts at 6:30PM with social/light refreshments followed by our guest speaker and business meeting. These meetings are a great way to connect with
other women in our parish and stay informed on the various
ways you can participate in the many things we do.
We hope you will be able to join us.
Apr. 4: Easter Egg Hunt - 8AM - FLC
Apr. 10, 11: Hosting NDCCW Convention- watch for further details
Apr. 21: Meeting/speaker on IC ADORATION - 6:30 PM St.
Joe Center
May 19: Meeting/ Year End Social Potluck - 6PM- St. Joe Center
For more info please contact our President- Carol Buyna at
cbuyna@thda.org, or Vice President - Nancy Oelgoetz at
The Immaculate Conception Guild of the Catholic Medical Association will hold its quarterly meeting on Wednesday, March
25th. The topic will be the panel of local health care providers
on the “Implementation of the Affordable Care Act, Where Are
We Now, A Year Later? This topic was suggested by last year’s
panel and attendees by popular demand. We will have mass @
6:00 p.m. (1800), followed by a light supper and panel beginning
at 7:00 p.m. (1900). The location has changed and our new meeting place will be in the house at 715 Franklin Street. Please
RSVP to Donna Sabash at dsabash@hotmail.com or to the
church office 931-645-6275. All health care professionals are
invited and anyone interested in this topic.
ICCCW Book Club
ICCCW Book Club meets in the library at St. Joe’s from
11am-12:30pm on the first Wednesday of each month.
Francis Repair My Church by John Raub
Still Alice by Lisa Genova
June-July All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr
Leaving Time by Jodi Picoult
September Go Set Watchman by Harper Lee
Please join us as we explore the beauty, depth & history of
our Catholic Faith.
We will continue with the ‘Symbolon Series’ The Catholic Faith Explained.
Sunday Mornings in the Library located downstairs in
the St. Joseph Center.
9:25am-10:30am (we follow the CCD Schedule).
The Catholic Faith Explained is a stunning new video series that systematically presents the BIG picture of the Catholic Faith. Filmed on location in Rome, the Holy Land, Calcutta, and in the Augustine Institute studios in Denver, dozens of nationally‐
known teachers clearly present the beauty and brilliance of Catholicism.
There will be time for discussion and questions. We look for‐
ward to seeing you!!!
Are you on Facebook?? If so, please check us out, just search for : Immaculate Conception Catholic Adult Faith Formation
For more information please contact:
Scott Audet
Email- sjaudet@me.com
Ph# 931-249-5893
The Legion of Mary extends an invitation to all who are
wanting to be a member in the Blessed Mother’s Army.
We meet every Monday at 7:00 pm in the St. Joseph Center. Please call Mary Vozar at 931-801-6897 for more information.
The Pilgrim Virgin, Our Lady of Fatima, the most loving
of mothers, also wants to come into your home. Please call
Terry Sumrell at 931-395-4759.
CONTACT Kay Lange : kaygracelange@gmail.com
Speaking to his brethren abut Our Lady, St. Maximilian
Kolbe said:
Note: We are happy to announce that the author of April’s
book, Francis Repair My Church, John Raub and his wife “My dear, dear brothers, our dear little, little mother, the
will be our special guests at our April meeting...you won’t Immaculate Mary, can do anything for us. We are her chilwant to miss it!
dren. Turn to her. She will overcome everything.”
Office Phone (931) 645-6275
Email : icsecretary@immaconception.org
Fifth Sunday of Lent
Prayer Request Line 645-6275 ext. 111
March 22, 2015
9:15 ~ 10:30 a.m.—English
11:00~12:15 p.m.—Spanish
Leading teens closer to Christ
High School Youth Group
Immaculate Conception School
Wednesday evenings
6:30pm to 8:30pm
Dinner, Games, Teaching, Prayer
Contact: Mary Obringer
937-423-4265 (cell)
Office Phone (931) 645-6275
Email : icsecretary@immaconception.org
Fifth Sunday of Lent
Prayer Request Line 645-6275 ext. 111
March 22, 2015
It is just a bit puzzling that Jesus does not directly answer the disciples
when they come to him with the request from some Greeks who would like
to meet him. We are not actually told whether he met with them or not. Instead, we see him fully absorbed in the brief time that remains for him on
earth. It is quite clear that the full significance of his decision to pursue his
Father's will sits squarely before him, and he is struggling with that reality. "What should I
say," he asks, "Father save me from this hour? But it was for this that I came." The disciples
must surely have been puzzled by the expression of these thoughts, since they did not understand what was about to happen. "When I am lifted up, I will draw everyone to myself." Jesus understands that it is only by his death and resurrection that the work of salvation will be
accomplished. All of this he did out of love, love for his Father, and love for us.
Lent is a time of penance, a time in which we are meant to practice self-denial and to
shore up the weak spots in our personal spiritual edifices. What is the primary tool to which
we must all have recourse if we are to accomplish this goal? How can we find the strength to
restore our faith to its proper place, to come to grips with our failure to serve the poor, or to be
chaste, or to refrain from vanity or over-indulgence? There is one thing and one thing alone
that will suffice: the love of Christ. Certainly the most difficult task we have during Lent is to
believe in our hearts that Christ loves us. We are so absorbed in addressing our sinfulness that
we can easily lose sight of the fact that Christ does forgive the penitent and that we must accept his forgiveness. That acceptance means that we must also forgive ourselves, no matter
how impossible that may seem. If we fail to do so, then we essentially say that our sin is
greater than God's love, we put ourselves and our sins beyond God, and that is a situation that
cannot be true.
"I will place my law within them and write it in their hearts." says the Lord in the first
reading. Yes, we should always be aware of the existence of God's law in our hearts, and as
we go through Lent we should also be aware that God draws us to himself out of love. Failure
to accept that love would be a terrible thing indeed.
Deacon Tim
Unhappy is death
without the love of the Savior;
unhappy is love
without the death of the Savior.
—St. Francis de Sales
“Agnusday appears with the permission of www.agnusday.org"
Office Phone (931) 645-6275
Email : icsecretary@immaconception.org
Fifth Sunday of Lent
Prayer Request Line 645-6275 ext. 111
The Celebration of the Eucharist March 28—29
Mass Intentions
Sunday, March 22
8:00 am ...  Joseph Albert Greenwood, Sr.
By Sheila Pirkle
11:00 am .. Edward Buck
By Irene Buck
1:00 pm ...
Intention of our Hispanic Community
5:30 pm...  People of the Parish
Monday, March 23
Saturday 5:30 PM
Sunday 8:00 AM
Sunday 11:00 AM
Sunday 5:30 PM
Tommy Key
Jackson Becker
J. T. Miller
Sam Johnson
Matthew Wieber
Joseph Tran
Hannah Goins
Ben Johnson
Volunteer needed
Volunteer needed
Molly Goins
Volunteer needed
Amy Jackson
Barbara Miller
Jack Turner
Mike Cassady
Connie Pierotti
Pat Riley
Walter Stockton
T. Justin Miller
Dan Calderon
Volunteer needed
Marilyn Carroll
Allyne Petersen
Nancy Calderon
Irene Buck
Linda Cunningham
Christine Voorhis
Linda Nichols
Theresa Sumrell
Regina Azzara
John Cruz
Edward Grimes
Kathleen Lange
Mae Cruz
Debra Flowers
Patricia Doyle
Mary McIntosh
Lori Akscin
Tina White
Myrta Arboe
Jackie Vandal
6:00 pm ... Intention of Fr. Charles Mathew
By Irene Buck
Tuesday, March 24
7:00 am ...  Matilda Baird
By Steve Baird
Intention of ICP and ICS
Wednesday, March 25
7:00 am ... Duane Marsh
By Vanna Gassman
7:30 pm ... Celia & Manuel Baez
By Manuel & Lourdes Delis-Baez
Thursday, March 26
7:00 am ...  Christine Westfall
By Nancy Charlton
Heidemarie Burton
Gary Newman
Mary Vozar
Maggie Kulback
Ginny Newman
Amy Stockton
Volunteer needed
Therese Ansberry
Volunteer needed
Volunteer needed
Selene Anderson
Volunteer needed
Patty Pierce
Frieda Duke
Cheryl Tancrede
Volunteer needed
Judy King
Thomas Aaron
Bob Tancrede
Volunteer needed
Anne Starr
Jenny Rye
Kathie Schuler
Volunteer needed
Howard French
Sierra Sturdivant
6:00 pm ...  Horace Davis
By Family
Friday, March 27
7:00 am ... Etolia Booth
Saturday, March 28
8:00 am ... Intention of Fr. David Gaffny
By Gerald LeFave
5:30 pm ...  Joseph Albert Greenwood, Sr.
By Sheila Pirkle
Sunday, March 29
8:00 am ...  Barbara Eckman
By Ken Balog
11:00 am .. Nelson Castro
By Barbara DeRegis
1:00 pm ...
People of the Parish
3:00 pm ...
Intention of IC Korean Community
Rev. John McMurry
St. Lea
Rev. James Norman Miller
St. Toribio Alfonso de Mogrovejo
Rev. Bruce T Morrill
St. Aldemar
Rev. Joseph Mundakal
St. Dismas
Rev. James B Murray
St. Margaret Clitherow
Rev. Jayd Neely
St. Rubert
Msgr Bernard Niedergeses
St. Venturino of Bergamo
I risk being wrong if I trust too much. But I
risk living in torment if I don’t trust enough.
5:30 pm... Hedwig Bacasa
By Larry & Louise McGuire
“Stewardship…Living Gracefully”
Stewardship of Treasure
TOTAL $196,557.11
TOTAL $216,243.95
Office Phone (931) 645-6275
Jer 31:31-34; Ps 51:3-4, 12-15;
Heb 5:7-9; Jn 12:20-33
Alternate readings (Year A): Ez 37:12-14; Ps
130:1-8; Rom 8:8-11; Jn 11:1-45 [37, 17, 20-27, 33b-45]
Dn 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62 [41c62]; Ps 23:1-6; Jn 8:1-11
Nm 21:4-9; Ps 102:2-3, 16-21; Jn 8:21
Is 7:10-14; 8:10; Ps 40:7-11; Heb 10:4
-10; Lk 1:26-38
Gn 17:3-9; Ps 105:4-9: Jn 8:51-59
Jer 20:10-13; Ps 18:2-7; Jn 10:31-42
Ez 37:21-28; Jer 31:10, 11-13; Jn
Mk 11:1-10 or Jn 12:12-16
(procession); Is 50:4-7; Ps 22:8-9, 17-20, 23-24;
Phil 2:6-11; Mk 14:1 — 15:47
Sunday envelopes and loose
c o l l e c t i o n f r o m 3/8/15
Contrib. Average
Families Contrib.
Envelopes w/ Cash or
Loose Currency
March 22 thru March 29
Pray Daily for our Priests
Seminarians, and Religious
By Helen Hock
March 22, 2015
TOTAL -$19,686.84
Thank you to all who contributed your time, talent and treasure!
Especially the 269 families who used their contribution envelopes,
the 51 who offered their gifts by loose check
and the 139 who offered by e-tithing!
Email : icsecretary@immaconception.org
Fifth Sunday of Lent
SUNDAY, March 22
Gift Shop Open Before / After ALL Masses ...
STACKS FOR STAFFORD ..................... FLC
Religious Ed 9:15 .......................................All
R.C.I.A./R.C.I.C. 9:15 AM ........................ SJC
Adult Ed 9:15 am ..................................... SJC
Religious Ed (Sp) 11:00 am ..................... FLC
Adult Bible Study (Spanish) 11:00 am ........... SJC
R.C.I.A./R.C.I.C. (Sp) 9:15 am ................... WH
MONDAY, March 23
Mother’s Pray & Play 9:00 am ......... SJC/NYS
Charismatic Prayer (Sp) 6:45 pm ............. CH
Legion of Mary 7:00 pm ........................... SJC
TUESDAY, March 24
Adult Bible Study 9:30 am .................... SJC
Cub Pack 526 6:00 pm ............................. SJC
Kerigma/CYO 6:00 pm ............................. SJC
Charismatic Prayer (Sp) 6:00 pm ............ SJC
Life Teen 6:30 pm .................................... ICS
IC Medical Guild 6:30 pm ....................... SJC
Boy Scouts 6:45 pm ............................... KCH
THURSDAY, March 26
Room in the Inn 3:00 pm ........................ FLC
Newman Club 6:00 pm......................... APSU
Venture Crew 7:00 pm ............................ KCH
AA Meeting 8:00 pm ................................. ICS
FRIDAY, March 27
ADORATION ............................................ MC
K of C FISH FRY 5:00 PM ....................... FLC
Stations of the Cross 6:00 pm ................ CH
SATURDAY, March 28
Gift Shop Open Before & After 5:30 Mass ....
LENTEN RETREAT (SP) ......................... FLC
Nocturnal Adoration Society ................. SJC
Spanish Choir 11:00 am .......................... SJC
Little Mexico 11:00 am ............................ SJC
RCIC RETREAT (Sp) 2:00 pm ................. SJC
SUNDAY, March 29
Palm Sunday
Gift Shop Open Before / After ALL Masses ...
STACKS FOR STAFFORD ..................... FLC
Religious Ed 9:15 .......................................All
R.C.I.A./R.C.I.C. 9:15 AM ........................ SJC
Adult Ed 9:15 am ..................................... SJC
Religious Ed (Sp) 11:00 am ..................... FLC
Adult Bible Study (Spanish) 11:00 am ........... SJC
R.C.I.A./R.C.I.C. (Sp) 11 am ..................... SJC
Korean Pot-Luck 4:00 pm.......................... FLC
Blue Color ......................YOUTH ACTIVITIES
MC .............................................. Main Church
CH ....................................................... Chapel
SJC ............................ St. Joseph Center
FLC .......... Family Life Center/Social Hall
KCH .................. (Knights) Columbus Hall
NSY .................................... IC Nursery
WH ........White House (next to Moores)
ICS .... Immaculate Conception School
CPL ...................... Church Parking Lot
All ................................. SJC,FLC,KCH
Prayer Request Line 645-6275 ext. 111
March 6/7
March 13
March 20
March 21
March 27
March 28
Eucharistic Adoration
Eucharistic Adoration
Eucharistic Adoration
USCCB Holy Hour
Eucharistic Adoration
Nocturnal Adoration Society
March 22, 2015
Nursery hours:
During 8 am
For children of CCD Teachers,
RCIA, Adult Ed and Choir participants
During 11 am Mass
Volunteers Needed! Call Sylvia
@ (931) 257-0777
“Christians should make expiatory
supplications and prayers, prolonged
for a whole hour, which is rightly
called a “Holy Hour.”
~ Pope Pius XI
24 hour Adoration is held in the main
church every Friday 7:30 a.m. to Saturday 8:00 a.m. Adoration is also held on
the first Friday and Saturday of each
month from Friday 7:30 a.m. through
Benediction on Saturday at 4:00 p.m.
upon arrival.
For information on Adoration
check our website at:
Open before and after weekend Masses
If you would like to register as a
member of the parish, register
your child for CCD, change your
membership information or just
looking for information,
please …
Check out our Parish website :
AA Meetings are held every Thursday at 8:00 p.m.
in the Immaculate Conception School gym.
Meetings are open.
Thoughts on Stewardship
What does it mean to be God’s people? It means we recognize that everything we
have and everything we are belongs to God. We aren’t “owners” of anything, we
are merely “stewards” of the gifts God has given us. It means we are willing to use
our gifts and our lives to care for our neighbors and the world, just as God cares for
“I will be their God and they shall be my people.” – Jeremiah 31:33
Stewardship Commitment forms are available at the church office or on our church
website at www.immaconception.org for your convenience. Thank you.
Office Phone (931) 645-6275
Email : icsecretary@immaconception.org
Immaculate Conception Church #331300
709 Franklin Street
Clarksville, TN 37040
931 645-6275
Judy Spink
EMAIL: icsecretary@immaconception.org
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