Bulletin - St. Pauls Whitesboro


Bulletin - St. Pauls Whitesboro
The Catholic Community
Of Whitesboro
New 1972
Founded 1883
Rev. Thomas P. Durant
16 Park Ave.
Whitesboro, NY
March 22, 2015
For Sacramental Information
Please Call the Parish Office
Parish Trustees:
Chuck Harvan
Mary Lou O’Connor
Ed O’Toole
Patricia Samarco
Parish Council Members
visit us on the web @
email: stpauls@stpaulswhitesboro.org
Facebook: St. Paul’s Catholic Church, Whitesboro
736-1124, 736-4018
Day Care, 736-4807
Fax 768-7915
Saturday Confessions
3:00 - 3:45
Deacons, Chr istopher Engle & Anthony Papar ella
Business Administrator, Dar leen Riggles
Music Director & Organist, Ger ar d Pecor ello
Nazareth Day Care Director, Sue Gentile
Maintenance Supervisor, Car los Molina
Nazareth Maintenance, Ken Sullivan
Director of Religious Education, Cynthia Godemann
Adult Education, Mar cia Alcur i & J anet O'Toole
Family Life Minister, Andr ea Cittadino
Youth Team, Kevin & Denise Jaskolka, Joe & Martha Pietruch,
Patti Althoff, Butch Meyers, Amanda Cieslewitz, Lisa & Tony
LoConte, Celeste Pytko, Patricia Carroll, Deacon Tony Paparella,
Steve Barrie & Deacon Chris Engle
R.C.I.A., Deacon Chr is Engle, J ohn & Mar y Gazak
Ministry to Sanctuary, Car ol Babowicz
Altar Servers, Lynn Cr owley
Human Development, J oyce McKevitt & Patr icia Samar co
Wedding Coordinators, David & Candy Haas
Ministry Coordinator for Sick & Shut-Ins,
Deacon Anthony Paparella
Ministry of Social Justice, Ray Lee
Prayer Group & Prayer Chain, -Patricia Moore
Parish Secretary, Peg Hyland-736-1124 ex: 0
March 22, 2015
St. Paul’s Church, Whitesboro, New York
Page 2
Fr. Tom’s Column
Easter Confession Times at St. Paul’s
Thurs., March 26…..4:00-5:00p.m.
Fri., March 27…..5:00-6:00p.m.
Sat., March 28…..3:00-3:45p.m.
Tues., March 31…..5:30p.m.-7:00p.m.
Wed., April 1…..11:00a.m.-12 Noon
PCA Penance Service
Mon., March 30
Our Lady of Lourdes, Utica
The Act of Contrition is usually associated with the Sacrament of
Confession, but Catholics should also pray it every day as part of
their normal prayer life. In it, we acknowledge our sins, ask God
for forgiveness, and express our desire to repent.
The Act of
O my God, I am heartily sorry
for having offended Thee, and I
detest all my sins because of
your just punishments. But
most of all because they offend
you, my God, who are all good
and deserving of all my love. I
firmly resolve, with the help of
your grace, to sin no more and
to avoid the near occasions of
sin. Amen.
This Week in Our Parish
Saturday, March 21, 2015
9:30-10:30.m.—First Eucharist
Girl Scout
9:30-10:30.m..—First Eucharist Parent Mtg.-Ch
3:00-3:45 p.m.—Confessions—Ch
Sunday, March 22, 2015
9 & 11a.m. Mass—Child Church—Pre-K—Ch
9:45-10:45a.m.—Gr. 1 & 2 Religious Education
12-1:30p.m.—Grades 9—Session IV ends
12-1:30p.m.—Grade 10—Confirmation Direct Preparation
Monday, March 23, 2015
1:00 p.m.—Legion of Mary—Church
7:00-8:30 p.m.— Bible Study (Feast of the Lord) —FDH
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
1:30 p.m. —Family of God Prayer Mtg.
4:15-5:30p.m.—Gr. 4,5,6 Religious Education
6:00-7:15p.m.—Gr. 3,4,5 Religious Education
6:00-7:30p.m.—Rehearsal-Living Stations of the Cross—Ch
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
9:00a.m.—Sandwich Ministry—FDH
9:30-11a.m.—Bible Study—FDH
6-7:15p.m.— Gr. 6,7,8 Religious Education
7-8:30p.m.—Bible Study—FDH
7:00p.m.—Choir Rehearsal—Ch
Thursday, March 26, 2015
9:30-11:00a.m.—Bible Study (Seven Last Words of Jesus)—FDH
6:00-7:30p.m.—Rehearsal—Living Stations of the Cross—Ch
7:00-8:30p.m.—Bible Study (Seven Last W ords of Jesus)—FDH
Friday, March 27, 2015
7:00p.m.-9th Grade—Living Stations of the Cross—Ch
Saturday, March 28 2015
9:30-10:30a.m.—First Eucharist
3:00-3:45 p.m.—Confessions—Ch
Plant Sale
Sunday, March 29, 2015-Palm Sunday
After all
9 & 11a.m. Mass—Child Church—Pre-K—Ch
9:45-10:45a.m.—Gr. 1 & 2 Religious Education
6:00-8:00p.m.—Life Teen Movie Night—FDH
Reminders for Lectors/Eucharistic Ministers
Holy Week and Easter Schedule: If you are interested in
serving, please contact Carol Babowicz.
Schedule- Lectors/Eucharistic Ministers-Next Sat./Sun., March 28/29
Palm Sunday
March 28/29
Our Confirmation
Candidates will be
selling beautiful
Easter Flowers.
These beautiful potted
flowers will put a smile
on a loved one’s face!
Proceeds benefit our
Confirmation Students.
C/D Haas
D Kelly, J O’Toole
B Wroblewski, K Beha
C Sorrell, M. Swiderski
L Williamson, J Wurz
C Babowicz, D Boehlert
F/D Folino
L LoConte, MA Manley
B Pohoreskey, J Read
T Jordan, K O’Hara
C/T McNicholl
G Olivella, N Olney
Please remember to sign in in the Sacristy before Mass!
St. Paul’s Church, Whitesboro, New York
Page 3
March 22, 2015
St. Paul’s requests donations of individually wrapped Easter candy for egg stuffing! If you
can donate a bag or two, please drop them off at the parish office sometime this week.
Small, colorful, plastic eggs also needed. Thank you!
Presentation by our
First Grade
Religious Education
this Sun., March 22
at the 11:00a.m.
St. Paul’s Human Development
needs your assistance in
providing Easter dinners….
We need Jell-O, applesauce, canned
fruit, vegetables (corn, peas, beans).
These food items may be left in the
vestibules of church.
Monetary donations for perishable foods are greatly
appreciated also.
Simply put an envelope marked
“Human Development—Easter” in the collection
basket or drop off at the Parish Office.
If YOU are in need of food for an
Easter dinner, please call 736-0756 or
the parish office (736-1124) .
Our Lenten Theme
Christ our Light
uring the 40 days of Lent, which began on Ash Wednesday,
we need to establish first and foremost a solid base built on
prayer, a continual dialogue with God.
Acknowledge Christ first thing in the morning.
Acknowledge Christ throughout the day.
The Life Teens and moderators who attended a Retreat
this past weekend would like to say Thank You to all
those in the parish who made this weekend memorable!
Movie Night
This Sun.,
March 22
Fr. Donovan Hall
We plan on
lots of fun.
Join us and
bring a friend!
Utica Comets vs.
Syracuse Crunch
Sun., April 12
Only $5.00
Our tickets are limited!
Call the Parish Office to reserve
your ticket (736-1124 )(ex. 0).
Parish bus leaves at 2:10p.m.
We do God’s will when we obey his calling to serve others. It
might not always be fun. Can you imagine cleaning up after
all those animals on the ark? But, we know that serving
others is exactly what God wants us to do. Whether you’re a
zookeeper or a gardener, or a doctor or lawyer,
you can serve God too.
Heavenly Father, show me what I should do for you
this week to make your light shine in me.
Our two Lenten tables hold our Journal books.
We are all asked to make notations of our individual deeds
of goodness…..how we have brought the light of Christ out
into the world!
There are no names…...just enter simple
phrases such as:
 Visited a sick person
 Cleaned my room
 Shoveled the neighbor’s walk
Please take a moment to share a deed of
goodness in our journals.
St. Paul’s Church, Whitesboro, New York
Page 4
March 22, 2015
Living Stations of
the Cross
Saturday, March 21, 2015
4:00 p.m. –Teofil Kubala—Suzanne/Nanci
Stephen Joseph Fukes (3rd Anv)—Phelan Family
Martin Fitzgerald—Bob/Jill Humphrey
Sunday, March 22, 2015
Fifth Sunday of Lent
7:30 a.m.—Donald Seavey—Teddie
Maurice Gauthier—Wife
9:00am.—Pat Wankel—Cherubin Family
Bedelia Lewis—Pat Deck
Margaret Goodman—William & Family
11:00a.m.—Anthony Lumbrazo (10th Anv)— Mom & Dad
John Hennessy—Betty (Wife)
Friday, March 27
7:00p.m. in Church
Presented by our
Ninth Grade Students
Monday, March 23, 2015
Feast of St. Turbius of Mogrovejo, Bishop
8:15a.m—Pat Wankel—Helen Conklin
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
8:15a.m.—Daniel Emery—Joann (Wife) & Family
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Feast of the Annunciation of the Lord
8:15a.m—Eleanor White—Joe/Kathy Edic
Friday, March 27, 2015
8:15a.m.—–9th Grade Confirmation Students & Teachers
7:00p.m.—Living Stations of the Cross
Saturday, March 28, 2015
4:00p.m.—Mary Knight—Don Knight
Jeanette Daviau—Donald (Husband)
Mary Getz/Harold Burke—K Eichler/K Dylis
Sunday, March 29, 2015
Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord
7:30a.m.—Francis W. Roberts—Rosemary Zombik
Donald Seavey—George/Cindy Roberts
Earl/Pat Wankel—Children
9:00a.m.—Marlin Boone—Karen Warner
11:00a.m.—St. Paul’s RCIA Candidates/Teachers
Frances Cieslinski—Sherr ee Jackson
If you are having a Mass offered, and would like to bring
up the gifts, please see one of our Sacristans, Lorraine or
Stephanie, before Mass.
Sanctuary Lamp Intentions
Walter J. Worn
Eleanore (Wife)
Holy Thursday, April 2
Caritas Dinner-5:00p.m.
You are asked to call the Parish
Office (736-1124 ex.0)with the dish you
will bring to pass and
number of people coming.
St. Paul’s provides the drink
and main meat entrée.
Liturgy follows the dinner-7:00p.m.
St. Paul’s Bus will take us to
local churches for prayer.
Good Friday, April 3
3:00p.m.—Passion of the Lord
7:00p.m.—Stations of the Cross
Holy Saturday, April 4
11:00a.m.-Blessing of Food
8:00p.m.-Vigil of Easter Liturgy
Easter Sunday, April 5
Easter Masses are at
7:30a.m., 9:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m.
St. Paul’s Church, Whitesboro, New York
Page 5
Stewardship of:
Time, Talent & TREASURE
Parish Community
Weekend of March 14/15
Weekly Envelope… .....................................$10,986.50
Loose Basket…. ................................................$622.55
Total Weekly Collection… .......................$11,609.05
Fuel ………………………….............................$55.00
Diocesan… ........................................................$786.00
Flowers… ..........................................................$212.00
Parish Human Development.. ...........................$455.00
Christmas……….. ..............................................$20.00
Holy Land….. .......................................................$5.00
Holy Day ….. ......................................................$20.00
Justine Bankert
Paul Kuhn
March 22, 2015
2015 Community Lenten Luncheons
Whitesboro Presbyterian Church
1 Elm St., Whitesboro
Homemade soup and desserts with a sandwich and
beverage will be served for $4. Lunch will be at 11:30
a.m. with a speaker 12:30-1:00 p.m.
This Wed., March 25
Deacon Tony Paparella
will be the speaker.
Thank you Chuck/Pat Harvan and all the volunteers
who will help us this Wednesday!
Legion of Mary
Celebrates Annual Acies
This Sun., March 22-2:00p.m.
St. Joseph/St. Patrick Church, Utica
Renew and deepen our
consecration to Mary.
All are welcome. Refreshments will be served.
St. Paul’s Church
Whitesboro, NY 13492