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Int. J. Biosci. 2015 International Journal of Biosciences | IJB | ISSN: 2220-6655 (Print), 2222-5234 (Online) http://www.innspub.net Vol. 6, No. 6, p. 91-96, 2015 RESEARCH PAPER OPEN ACCESS Effect of seed bio-fertilization on yield and nitrogen use efficiency of a new released winter wheat cultivar: Alvand Saber Shahim Germi, Bahram Mirshekari* Department of Agronomy and Plant Breeding, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran Key words: Bio-fertilizer, harvest index, nitrogen use efficiency, synthetic chemical fertilizers. http://dx.doi.org/10.12692/ijb/6.6.91-96 Article published on March 22, 2015 Abstract Nitrogen is required in large quantities for plants to grow, and is mainly provided in the form of synthetic chemical fertilizers. Such products pose a health hazard and microbial population problem in soil, besides making the production cost high. The aim of this experiment was evaluation of effects of bio-fertilizer and different levels of nitrogen fertilizer on yield and nitrogen use efficiency in winter wheat. A factorial experiment was conducted in Ahar, Iran. Seeds were inoculated with Nitragin bio-fertilizer under shade condition as 50 g bio-fertilizer per kilogram of seeds, and then sown immediately after inoculation. Nitrogen was applied at the rates of 0, 50, 75 and 100 kg ha-1 as urea form, which 50 % was applied basally and the rest at the booting stage. Bio-fertilization caused to 25 % increases in fertile tiller number in compare with non-inoculated one. Among studied treatments only N75 caused to 67 % increase in flag leaf area. In this experiment 1000 seed weight affected just by seed inoculation with bio-fertilizer resulted in 10 % increase in the attribute from 48.1 g to 52.7 g. Also, the yield increased 9 % in bio-fertilized seeds in comparison with non-primed check plots. The results showed that application of bio-fertilizer resulted in 4 % increase in harvest index and nitrogenous fertilizer application up to N75 caused to 8 % increase in harvest index in compare with N0. It is concluded from the results of this experiment, ANUE of wheat can be improve by bio-fertilization plus nitrogen application, as well as, nitrogen use can be economized by this way. * Corresponding Author: Bahram Mirshekari Mirshekari@iaut.ac.ir 91 Germi and Mirshekari Int. J. Biosci. 2015 Introduction fennel was observed with biofertilizer plus a half dose Nitrogen deficit is a most important restrictive factor of nitrogen (Mahfouz and Sharaf-Eldin, 2007). in plant growth and recognition of mechanisms that In a greenhouse survey about phosphorus solvent increase plant nitrogen use efficiency is important. micro-organisms on wheat growth and yield it was Intensive farming practices that aim to produce observed higher yield, require extensive use of agro-chemicals Pseudomonas which are costly and create environmental pollutions dissolution (El-Komy, 2005). The aim of this (Sitepu Et al., 2008). experiment was evaluation of effects of bio-fertilizer that Bacillus fluorescens megaterium increased and phosphorus and different levels of nitrogen fertilizer on yield and Nitrogen is required in large quantities for plants to nitrogen use efficiency in winter wheat. grow, and is mainly provided in the form of synthetic chemical fertilizers. Such products pose a health Materials and methods hazard and microbial population problem in soil, Experimental procedure besides making the production cost high. Bio- A factorial experiment was conducted based on a fertilizers are able to fix atmospheric nitrogen in the randomized complete block design in Ahar Research available form for plants (Chen, 2006). Positive Field located at the north west of Iran. The climate is response of maize to nitrogen fertilizer has been semi-arid and cold. Experimental soil was sandy- reported by Aflakpui et al. (1997). Many attempts loam with EC of 0.74 ds m-1, pH of 7.9 and 0.81 % have been tried to replace a part of those harmful organic matter. In all the plots, two cultivations with a fertilizers by bio-fertilizers in crop plants to get yield tractor-drawn cultivator along with manuring 12 t ha-1 of a good quality without loss in its quantity (El-Kholy followed by a planking were given to achieve desirable Et al., 2011). Diazotrophs such as Azospirillum, soil structure. Then fields were plotted in the early Azotobacter, Bacillus and Pseudomonas frequently autumn before sowing. Seeds were inoculated with colonize the important cereal crops including wheat, Nitragin bio-fertilizer under shade condition as 50 g rice and maize, and promote plant growth by bio-fertilizer per kilogram of seeds, and then sown producing certain PGPR (Malik Et al., 1994; Rashid immediately after inoculation. Seeds were hand sown Et al., 2013). Inoculation of plants with Azospirillum in rows 20 cm apart at 4-5 cm depth. The seeding rate could result in significant changes in various growth in the experiment was 120 kg ha-1. Based on soil parameters, such as crop biomass, nutrients uptake, analysis, fertilizers P and K were applied basally at plant height, leaf size and root length of cereals the rate of 85 and 20 kg ha-1, respectively. Nitrogen (Bashan Et al., 2004; Cakmakc Et al., 2006). was applied at the rates of 0, 50, 75 and 100 kg ha-1 as Inoculation with urea form, which 50 % was applied basally and the plant rest at the booting stage. Four time irrigations were growth, nutrients uptake and yield (Dobbelaere Et al., given to all treatments until 20 days after pollination. 2011). El-kholy and Gomma (2000) have succeeded to Weeds were hand removed during growing season. reduce the recommended dose of chemical fertilizers The seeds harvested separately for each plot when in corn and millet by 50 %, using biofertilizers spikes were fully ripened at the approximate moisture without of 20 %. Azotobacter of maize and significant and wheat Azospirillum yield loss. seeds increased Kloepper and Beauchamp (1992) have shown that wheat yield increased up to 30 % with Azotobacter inoculation Characteristics measured and up to 43 % with Bacillus inoculation. Kandeel Et At harvesting time, agronomic traits and yield al. (2012) found that dual inoculation with symbiotic components was N2 fixers (Azotobacter and Azospirillum) increased procedures. Agronomic plant height, number of branches per plant and dry (ANUE) measured as equation 1; weight of Ocimum basilicum. The highest oil yield of 92 Germi and Mirshekari examined following nitrogen use standard efficiency Int. J. Biosci. 2015 Results and discussion Variance analysis Equation (1) Seed inoculation with bio-fertilizer had significant effect on fertile tiller number, stem height, biological Statistical analysis Data were statistically analyzed using the software MSTAT-C. Analysis of variance was used to test the significance of variance sources, while LSD test (P=0.05) was used to compare the differences among treatment means. yield and harvest index of wheat at 1 % probability level. In addition to effect of chemical fertilizer rate on fertile tiller number, flag leaf area and ear seed number was significant at 5 % probability level. Interaction of studied factors on ANUE was significant at 5 % probability level (Table 1). Table 1. Variance analysis of effects of bio-fertilizer and chemical nitrogenous fertilizer on studied attributes in wheat. SV df Fertile tiller Stem number height Flag area leaf Ear length Ear seed 1000 number weight Replication 2 0.03 50.28* 11.44 1.05 12.59 4.40 Bio-fertilizer (A) 1 1.58** 100.99** 0.003 0.03 22.58 32.00** Nitrogenous fertilizer 3 (B) 0.99* 8.89 0.99 * 1.85 55.85* A*B 3 0.45 3.11 0.44 0.42 Error 14 0.24 12.40 0.21 0.66 CV (%) - 18.00 5.12 19.88 13.67 seed Seed yield Biologic yield Harvest index ANUE 1712.22 872311 0.004 4.125 17645.13* 14152.78** 16.02** 4.02** 0.44 8412.90 2000.65 0.040 1.41* 19.35 1.54 3280.14 3524.55 0.002 1.50* 12.58 8.27 4573.32 1523.11 0.69 0.33 15.55 15.40 21.57 15.74 16.23 13.00 Mean squares *; ** indicate significant at P<0.05 and P<0.01, respectively. Bacillus increased tiller number. Application of nitrogenous fertilizer caused to significant increase in fertile tiller number. N50 and N75 had higher positive effects on fertile tiller increment as 55 % and 50 %, respectively in compared with N 0. Nitrogen application more than as 75 kg ha-1 decreased tillers number significantly (Fig. 1). There are some reports about negative effect of higher nitrogenous fertilizer application on tiller number of wheat (Malik Et al., 1994). Fig. 1. Fertile tiller number per plant of wheat as affected by urea application. Tiller number Bio-fertilization caused to 25 % increases in fertile tiller number in compare with non-inoculated one. Wheat tiller number is one of the important determinant attributes of yield and there is a positive and significant correlation between fertile tiller number and productivity (Malik Et al., 1994). Saleem Et al. (2006) observed positive correlation between Fig. 2. Stem height of wheat as affected by urea these attributes in wheat. Afzal Et al. (2012) reported application. that wheat seed inoculation with Pseudomonas and 93 Germi and Mirshekari Int. J. Biosci. 2015 Stem height weight affected just by seed inoculation with bio- Egamberdiyeva Et al. (2004) reported that fertilizer resulted in 10 % increase in the attribute Pseudomonas caused to 22 % wheat stem height from 48.1 g to 52.7 g. However other researchers increase in compare with control. In the present study reported that bio-fertilizers and chemical fertilizers just N75 caused to improvement of plant height (Fig. application caused to production of heavier seeds 2). (Abbas Et al., 2009; Jelıć Et al., 2004). May be in this experiment nitrogenous bio-fertilizer through seed number increase caused to sinks increment and 1000 seed weight decrease as a result of seed competition enhancement in assimilates allocation. Fig. 3. Flag leaf area of wheat as affected by urea application. Flag leaf area Among studied treatments only N75 caused to 67 % increase in flag leaf area (Fig. 3). Fig. 5. Harvest index of wheat as affected by urea application Also, the yield increased 9 % in bio-fertilized seeds in comparison with non-primed check plots. On the base of Afzal Et al. (2012) study Pseudomonas and Bacillus resulted in significant seed yield increase in compare with non-inoculated seeds. It has been showed that yield of inoculated wheat with Azotobacter and some species of Bacillus has increased 30-45 % (Chang and Yang, 2009). Munir Et al. (2007) reported that ear seed number, ear length and 1000 seed weight are important determinant Fig. 4. Seed number per ear of wheat as affected by attributes in seed yield of wheat. Also, they urea application. emphasized on positive correlation between yield and tiller number. Yield components and ANUE Nitrogen application as 50-75 kg ha-1 caused to 28 % The results showed that application of bio-fertilizer increase in seed number per ear compared with resulted in 4 % increase in harvest index and control (Fig. 4). Jelic Et al. (2004) found that nitrogenous fertilizer application up to N75 caused to nitrogenous fertilizer application caused to ear length 8 % increase in harvest index in compare with N0 and ear number increase per square meter and (Fig. 5). Holten (2002) has reported that wheat consequently This cultivars are different in view of nitrogen uptake and increase results from nitrogenous fertilizer effect on consumption efficiency. This researcher observed that energy transfer and micronutrients action in plants nitrogen increased crop seed yield, but it did not have physiologically (2009). In this experiment 1000 seed significant effect on above-ground dry matter. This seed number enhancement. 94 Germi and Mirshekari Int. J. 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