Remuda Ranch - Daniel Rodriguez Realtor
Remuda Ranch - Daniel Rodriguez Realtor
Remuda Ranch CALL CRAIG @ 210-592-7759 Prices, plans, features, options and co-broke are subject to change without notice. Additional restrictions may apply. All square footages are approximate and vary by elevation. Offer valid only for new contracts and does not apply to offers, transfers, cancellations or re-writes. Sales agent MUST be present at time of contract. Additional restrictions apply and offer is subject to change without notice. Addresses chosen by DR Horton® can change at any time. Please contact a community sales representative for additional requirements for the offer. AMENITIES Remuda Ranch offers an affordable & restful country living experience, with luxurious open floorplans Excellent Northside I.S.D. Convenient access to 1604, I10, and HWY 151 as well as all the area attractions Fiesta Texas & The Shops at La Cantera Remuda Ranch Area Information Utilities Recreation Tiger Sanitation (210) 333-6287 Six Flags Fiesta Texas I-10 West & 1604 (210) 697-5050 City Public Service (210) 353-2222 S.A.W.S (210) 704-7297 Time Warner Cable (210) 244-0500 AT&T Post Office U. S. Post Office 6815 Huebner Rd. Leon Valley, TX 78238 (210) 520-3041 Public Schools Northside Independent School District (210) 706-8500 Sea World Westover Hills Blvd. & 1604 (210) 523-3611 San Antonio Zoo 3903 N. St. Mary’s Street (210) 734-7183 Hyatt Hill Country Resort & Golf Club 9800 Hyatt Resort Drive (210) 647-1234 Racquetball & Fitness Club 1604 & Bandera (210) 523-1223 Shopping & Restaurants Henderson Elementary School 14605 Kallison Bend (210) 398-1050 DR. John M. Folks 9855 Swayback Ranch (210) 398-1600 Taft High School 11600 FM 471 W (210) 397-6000 6/15/2015 Wal-Mart - 1604 & Culebra Culebra Market - 1604 & Culebra o Various shopping and grocery Bill Miller BBQ - Culebra & Westwood Loop Bandera Point – 1604 & Bandera o Various shopping and grocery The Shops at La Cantera – 1604 & La Cantera Pkwy Taxing Jurisdiction (2014) Bexar Co Rd & Flood SA River Auth Alamo Com College Univ Health System Bexar County Northside ISD Bexar Co Emerg Dist #7 TOTAL * Per Hundred $ Value 0.030679 0.017500 0.149150 0.276235 0.283821 1.375500 0.099510 2.232395 Remuda Ranch Area Info The Rockwall - Plan 1480 B. C. THE ROCKWALL PLAN 1480 COV'D PATIO DINING MASTER BEDROOM DW SHOWER FAMILY MASTER BATH KITCHEN C T MC CW PANTRY 5 SHLV's W ARCH WH D BATH 2 MC BEDROOM 3 UTILITY 6" WALL W.I.C. 5 SH. W.I.C. GARAGE ENTRY BEDROOM 2 W.I.C. PORCH FLOOR PLAN Valid only for San Antonio area D.R. Horton, Inc.® new home communities. Prices, plans, features, options and co-broke are subject to change without notice and will vary between communities. AdditionalFloorplans restrictions may apply. All square footages areseeapproximate and vary by elevation. Rev: 03/18/15 may vary slightly depending upon the elevation; your Equal Housing Opportunity sales representative. Plans subject to changes without notice. Drawings are artist's conceptions, and may not be to scale. 11/14 EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY The Kerville - Plan 1580 B. C. THE KERVILLE PLAN 1580 COVERED PATIO MASTER BEDROOM FAMILY ARCH DINING OPT MC DW R 5 SHELVES 5 SH EL VE S NI CH E SHOWER M. BATH STOR. 5-SHELVES UTILITY D 6" WALL PANTRY KITCHEN W.I.C. 6" WALL W BATH 2 BEDROOM 3 WH ARCH GARAGE ARCH OPT MC HALL ENTRY BEDROOM 2 PORCH FLOOR PLAN Floorplans may vary slightly depending upon the elevation; see your representative. PlansPrices, subject to changes without notice. Valid onlyEqual for San Antonio area D.R. Horton, Inc.® new sales home communities. plans, features, options and co-broke are subject to change without Housing Drawings aremay artist's conceptions, and may not be toare scale. 11/14 notice and will vary between communities. Additional restrictions apply. All square footages approximate and vary by elevation. Rev: 03/18/15 Opportunity EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY THE INGRAM The Ingram - Plan 1736 PLAN 1736 A. W.I.C. COVERED PATIO 6" WALL MASTER BEDROOM SHOWER M. BATH ARCH B. OPT LINEN FAMILY OPT LAV ARCH BATH 2 BEDROOM 2 ARCH ARCH BREAKFAST D 6" WALL C. UTILITY BEDROOM 3 W WH E CH NI DW KITCHEN GARAGE PANTRY 5-16" SHLVS. ARCH BEDROOM 4 ENTRY PORCH FLOOR PLAN Equal Housing Opportunity Floorplans may vary slightly depending upon the elevation; see your sales representative. Plans subject to changes without notice. Drawings are artist's conceptions, and may not be to scale. Valid only for San Antonio area D.R. Horton, Inc.® new home communities. Prices, plans, features, options and co-broke are subject to change without notice and will vary between communities. Additional restrictions may apply. All square footages are approximate and vary by elevation. Rev: 03/18/15 EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY The Blanco - Plan 1847 THE BLANCO PLAN 1847 A. COV'D. PATIO MASTER BEDROOM FAMILY BREAKFAST AR CH B. DW 6" WALL M. BATH BEDROOM 2 KITCHEN SHOWER CH AR PANTRY W.I.C. 5-SHELVES D DINING ROOM UTILITY 6" WALL 6" WALL ARCH C. BEDROOM 3 BATH 2 W AR CH COAT 5 SHELVES ENTRY WH PORCH GARAGE BEDROOM 4 FLOOR PLAN Equal Housing Opportunity Floorplans may vary slightly depending upon the elevation; see your sales representative. Plans subject to changes without notice. Drawings are artist's conceptions, and may not be to scale. Valid only for San Antonio area D.R. Horton, Inc.® new home communities. Prices, plans, features, options and co-broke are subject to change without notice and will vary between communities. Additional restrictions may apply. All square footages are approximate and vary by elevation. Rev: 03/18/15 EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY THE DRIFTWOOD PLAN 2050 The Driftwood - Plan 2050 A. PATIO MASTER BEDROOM SLOPE CLG 5-16" SHLVS. DW 5 SHELVES KITCHEN W.I.C. PANTRY ISLAND SHOWER M. BATH ARCH B. 6" WALL BATH 2 W.I.C. 6" WALL ARCH DINING BEDROOM 2 ARCH LINEN 5 SHELVES C. HALL CH AR W W.I.C. 6" WALL UTILITY FAMILY BEDROOM 3 D WH GARAGE AR CH E CH NI STUDY ENTRY PORCH FLOOR PLAN Equal Housing Opportunity Floorplans may vary slightly depending upon the elevation; see your sales representative. Plans subject to changes without notice. Drawings are artist's conceptions, and may not be to scale. Valid only for San Antonio area D.R. Horton, Inc.® new home communities. Prices, plans, features, options and co-broke are subject to change without notice and will vary between communities. Additional restrictions may apply. All square footages are approximate and vary by elevation. Rev: 03/18/15 EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY The Spicewood - Plan 2213 PANTRY 5-16" SHLVS. A. KITCHEN COVERED PATIO DINING AR CH DW UTILITY FAMILY B. 6" WALL D PWDR. UP 17R LOW WALL 2nd FLR. ABV. BENCH W/ CUBBIES MUD 6" WALL W ARCH WH GARAGE 1R 1S COAT 2nd FLR. ABV. ENTRY STUDY THE SPICEWOOD FIRST FLOOR PORCH PLAN 2213 C. SHELVES OPT LINEN Floorplans may vary slightly depending upon the sales representative. Plans subject to changes Drawings are artist's conceptions, and may n OPT. SLOPE OPT. SLOPE Equal Housing Opportunity MASTER BATH MASTER BEDROOM W.I.C. 36" X 36" SHOWER OPEN TO BELOW OPT. SLOPE DN 17R BEDROOM 2 W.I.C. W.I.C. LOW WALL LINEN LOFT BEDROOM 3 OPT. SLOPE BATH 2 PANTRY SECOND FLOOR 5-16" SHLVS. COVERED PATIO KITCHEN DINING Valid only for San Antonio area D.R. Horton, Inc.® new home communities. Prices, plans, features, options and co-broke are subject to change without DW notice and will vary between communities. Additional restrictions may apply. All square footages are approximate and vary by elevation. Rev: 03/18/15 AR C H EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY CHA The Stonewall - Plan 2352 PATIO A. MASTER BEDROOM BREAKFAST FAMILY KITCHEN SHOWER M. BATH ARCH DW LOW WALL 2nd FLR. LN. 2nd FLR. LINE B. 6" WALL LINEN 5 SH UP 17R THE STONEWALL PANTRY PWDR 6" WALL W.I.C. UTILITY HALL PLAN 2352 6" WALL W 5 -16" SHELVES D ARCH WH ARCH DINING/ ENTRY GARAGE PORCH FIRST FLOOR C. FIRST FLOOR A/C CHASE Equal Housing Opportunity Floorplans may vary slightly depending upon sales representative. Plans subject to chan Drawings are artist's conceptions, and m LOW WALL BEDROOM 2 DOWN GAME ROOM LINEN LOW WALL 5 SHELVES 6" WALL BATH 2 PATIO WIC WIC SECOND FLOOR MASTER BEDROOM AKFAST A/C CHASE WIC SECOND FLOOR FAMILY BEDROOM 4 BEDROOM 3 TCHEN SHOWER Valid only for San Antonio area D.R. Horton, Inc.® new home communities. Prices, plans, features, options and co-broke are subject to change without 2nd FLR. LN. notice and will vary between communities. Additional restrictions may apply. All square footages are approximate and vary by elevation. Rev: 03/18/15 LOW WALL UP 17R EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY LINEN 5 SH FLR. LINE M. BATH ARCH DW LOF The Llano - Plan 2555 PATIO A. SHOWER DINING SHELVES ARCH W.I.C. M. BATH LIVING S DW OPT LINEN 6" WALL ARCH KITCHEN MASTER BEDROOM B. W COAT ARCH 2nd FLOOR LINE UTILITY PANTRY D PWDR. 5 SHELV'S ARCH WH 2nd FLOOR LINE 2nd FLOOR LINE SITTING UP OPEN TO ABOVE ENTRY GARAGE PORCH FIRST FLOOR THE LLANO PLAN 2555 FIRST FLOOR C. Equal Housing Opportunity BEDROOM 5 Floorplans may vary slightly depending upon the eleva sales representative. Plans subject to changes with Drawings are artist's conceptions, and may not be BEDROOM 3 BEDROOM 4 5 SHLVS STORAGE ARCH LOFT BATH 2 5 SHELVES W.I.C. HALL BEDROOM 2 LOW WALL DOWN PATIO W.I.C. W.H. CHASE OPEN TO BELOW TO SWITCH BELOW SHOWER DINING SHELVES ARCH W.I.C. M. BATH LIVING SECOND FLOOR DW OPT LINEN SECOND FLOOR 6" WALL KITCHEN ARCH Valid only for San Antonio area D.R. Horton, Inc.® new home communities. Prices, plans, features, options and co-broke are subject to change without notice and willMASTER vary between communities. Additional restrictions may apply. All square footages are approximate and vary by elevation. Rev: 03/18/15 BEDROOM EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY ARCH The Hondo - Plan 2702 PATIO A. W.I.C. MASTER BEDROOM 5-16" SHLVS. DW 5 SHELVES PANTRY KITCHEN ISLAND SHOWER ATTIC ACCESS M. BATH ARCH 5 SHELVES LINEN BATH 3 5 SH. BATH 2 W.I.C. LOW WALL UP DINING LOW WALL BEDROOM 2 DOWN 6" WALL W.I.C. ARCH LINEN 5 SHELVES ARCH AR B. HALL CH 5 SHELVES THE HONDO UTILITY W W.I.C. BEDROOM 3 PLANT SHELF 6" WALL FAMILY PLAN 2702 LOW WALL D WH GARAGE AR CH HE NIC ENTRY STUDY PATIO C. PORCH W.I.C. MASTER BEDROOM FIRST FLOOR 5-16" SHLVS. DW 5 SHELVES PANTRY KITCHEN FIRST FLOOR SECOND FLOO ISLAND SHOWER ATTIC ACCESS M. BATH ARCH 5 SHELVES LINEN UP DINING BATH 3 5 SH. BATH 2 LOW WALL Equal Housing W.I.C. Opportunity BEDROOM 4 LOW WALL Floorplans may vary slightly depending upon the elevation; see your sales representative. Plans subject to changes without notice. Drawings are artist's conceptions, and may not be to scale. BEDROOM 2 DOWN W.I.C. ARCH 6" WALL LINEN 5 SHELVES AR ARCH HALL CH 5 SHELVES UTILITY W W.I.C. BEDROOM 3 LOFT PLANT SHELF 6" WALL FAMILY LOW WALL D WH VENT CHASE FOR OPT. GAS WATER HEATER GARAGE AR CH HE NIC ENTRY STUDY PORCH SECOND FLOOR Valid only for San Antonio area D.R. Horton, Inc.® new home communities. Prices, plans, features, options and co-broke are subject to change without FIRST FLOOR SECOND FLOOR notice and will vary between communities. Additional restrictions may apply. All square footages are approximate and vary by elevation. Rev: 03/18/15 EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY The Boerne - Plan 2710 6" BALLOON FRAME WALL PATIO A. DN 17R BEDROOM 5 LINEN 5 SHELVES MASTER BEDROOM FAMILY MC BEDROOM 4 BREAKFAST BATH 3 LOW WALL MASTER BATH 2nd FLR. LINE DW UP 17R HERS 36"x36" SHWR. KITCHEN UTILITY PANTRY W PWDR. D B. HIS 5-16" SHLVS. ARCH ARCH ENTRY WH DINING/ THE BOERNE PLAN 2710 FIRST FLOOR Equal Housing Opportunity Floorplans may vary slightly depending upon the elevation; see your sales representative. Plans subject to changes without notice. Drawings are artist's conceptions, and may not be to scale. 6" BALLOON FRAME WALL 6" BALLOON FRAME WALL C. LOW WALL 6" BALLOON FRAME WALL PATIO LOFT DN 17R BEDROOM 5 LINEN 5 SHELVES MASTER BEDROOM FAMILY MC HALL BEDROOM 3 BEDROOM 4 BREAKFAST BATH 3 LOW WALL MASTER BATH DW UP 17R 2nd FLR. LINE HERS BEDROOM 2 36"x36" SHWR. KITCHEN UTILITY PANTRY W BATH 2 SECOND FLOOR PWDR. D 5-16" SHLVS. HIS Valid only for San Antonio area D.R. Horton, Inc.® new home communities. Prices, plans, features, options and co-broke are subject to change without notice and will vary between communities. Additional restrictions may apply. All square footages are approximate and vary by elevation. Rev: 03/18/15 ARCH ARCH DINING/ ENTRY WH EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY The Mason - Plan 2900 COV'D PATIO W.I.C. FAMILY A. MASTER BEDROOM BEDROOM 3 BREAKFAST 6" WALL ARCH BATH 2 ARCH LOW WALL 36" X 36" SHOWER LOW WAL 6" WALL UP 17R M. BATH STOR. DW KITCHEN W 6" WALL UTIL. ARCH PANTRY HALL B. OPEN TO BELOW BEDROOM 4 W.I.C. D ARCH 6" WALL WH COAT 5 - 16" SHELVES ARCH PWDR. ARCH GARAGE SECO THE MASON DINING ENTRY PLAN 2900 OPEN TO ABOVE FIRST FLOOR C. FIRST FLOOR Equal Housing Opportunity Floorplans may vary slightly depending upon the elevation; see your sales representative. Plans subject to changes without notice. Drawings are artist's conceptions, and may not be to scale. COV'D PATIO BEDROOM 2 W.I.C. FAMILY MASTER BEDROOM DN 17R BEDROOM 3 LINEN LOW WALL W.I.C. SHLVS. BREAKFAST LOFT 6" WALL BATH 2 36" X 36" SHOWER ARCH ARCH LOW WALL LOW WALL 6" WALL UP 17R M. BATH STOR. DW KITCHEN W W.I.C. D ARCH 6" WALL SECOND FLOOR WH COAT 5 - 16" SHELVES ARCH PWDR. GAME ROOM BEDROOM 4 STOR. HALL 6" WALL UTIL. ARCH PANTRY OPEN TO BELOW GARAGE SECOND FLOOR Valid only for San Antonio area D.R. Horton, Inc.® new home communities. Prices, plans, features, options and co-broke are subject to change without notice and will vary between communities. Additional restrictions may apply. All square footages are approximate and vary by elevation. Rev: 03/18/15 ARCH DINING ENTRY OPEN TO ABOVE EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY Remuda Ranch From 1604 : Remuda Ranch is 3 miles outside loop 1604 from Cuelbra/471. Turn right on Galm road travel for about ¼ of a mile and the community is on the left side. From 1560 and Braun Rd : Turn right on Galm road travel for 3 miles passed the government canyon, Remuda Ranch will be on the Right hand side. 13302 Pecos Parke, San Antonio, TX 78253 Remuda Ranch visit us online at