"The Gargoyle" Newsletter - Groton Congregational Church


"The Gargoyle" Newsletter - Groton Congregational Church
Groton Congregational Church
The Gargoyle
a growing church for growing people
April 2015
Pastor’s Pen
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
It has been a long, cold winter. Spring in all its
glory cannot arrive fast enough for most of us.
We long for the warmth of the sun, the bright colors of spring,
and gentle breezes. Even though we know that spring is
coming, sometimes it is hard to believe when we continue to
see snow on the ground and the temperature seems to struggle
to get above 32 degrees and stay there.
In the midst of the winter cold and grayness of grief it is hard to
believe that there is Resurrection and new life. We cannot
imagine how God can bring new life out of death.
Just as it is challenging to imagine carpets of flowers, green
grass, and warm breezes when we find ourselves living in a
snow globe week after week. But our God is a God of life and
the message of Easter is that God’s love and life have the final
word not death.
Death is real but it is not the final word.
Holy Week starts Sunday, March 29th with Palm Sunday,
Jesus’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem. It is a happy day or so it
seems but the public tide of affirmation will turn quickly on Jesus
in the coming days. On Maundy Thursday and Good Friday
Jesus experiences all the physical, emotional, and spiritual
ways human beings hurt each other. Yet, no matter what is said
or done to Jesus he does not waver in his love for God or
humanity and remains obedient to God and love even though it
means he is unjustly executed.
On Easter Sunday morning with flowers adorning the chancel,
trumpets and voices proclaiming, “Christ the Lord is Rise today!”
we will celebrate that first Easter morning when the women
arrived in deep grief at Jesus’s burial tomb and found it empty.
Love was victorious. Violence could not defeat love, death could
not ultimately defeat life given by God. Where human beings put
a “period” God put a “comma”. So now we learn to live and
celebrate in the new life after the “comma.”
Come join us as we observe Holy Week. Enter into this very
special time where we face our darkest fears and doings and
discover God’s redeeming light and love. On Palm Sunday
there will be a luncheon provided with the showing of the movie,
“The Hiding Place”. It is a true story of one Christian family’s
life of discipleship during very challenging and dark times. On
Maundy Thursday a special service of Tenebrae will be held.
During this service we will hear and experience the final hours
of Jesus’s earthly life. It is when we have been in the depths of
darkness and death that we can really begin to appreciate the
power of the Resurrection on Sunday morning, April 5th.
“This joyful Eastertide, away with sin and sorrow! My love, the
Crucified, has sprung to life this morrow. Had Christ, who once
was slain, not burst from three days’ prison, Our faith had been
in vain. But now has Christ arisen, arisen, arisen; But Now has
Christ arisen.” by Charles R. Woodward
Wishing you a Holy and Blessed Easter!
In Christ’s Spirit,
The Reverend Pamela Rose Vollinger
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Committee News
Keep watching the bulletin board in the
Narthex for food donation suggestions
to go to the Groton Community Meals
Our next Saturday at the Soup Kitchen is
June 13, 2015. Thank you for all your help!
The Hiding Place
by Corrie Ten Boom
Start your Holy Week observance with
Palm Sunday Worship then stay for soup
and dessert and a showing of the movie,
The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom.
This is a true story of how one family lived out their faith
following Jesus during World War II in the Netherlands. Both
Reverend Pam and Reverend Dutton have quoted from the
book upon which the movie is based in their sermons.
Lent is the time we have been exploring the theme of
discipleship. This movie shares how the Ten Boom family's faith
and commitment to discipleship shaped their actions
in response to what was happening around them. There will be
a time for discussion following the movie.
There will be a Maundy Thursday Tenebrae Service
on April 2, 2015 at 7:00 p.m.
The service includes the reading of scripture which is
experienced through music, the extinguishing of
lights, and sound.
It is a solemn, contemplative and powerful service
which marks the last three days of the Lenten season
in preparation for the Joy of Easter Morning.
I’m sure you all know by now, but the Annual
Pancake Supper and Talent Show has been
rescheduled until Tuesday, April 7th, 2015,
which is the Tuesday right after Easter. I hope
you will still be able to join us for a yummy
dinner and a fun talent show provided by our
members and friends of the church. The
dinner will begin at 5:30PM in Dutton Hall, with the talent show
following in the sanctuary; the cost is only $5.00 per person, all
ages. All proceeds benefit our youth attending Silver Lake
Camp this coming summer, so if you’re not able to attend the
dinner, please consider donating to this worthy cause. Many
youth members of our church look forward to attending Silver
Lake each summer – and this year we might even have a few
new younger attendees as well.
As was stated in last month’s Gargoyle, we are starting
a new Sunday school curriculum, which will start in the month of
April. The children will remain upstairs on Easter Sunday, and
the new curriculum will begin the following Sunday, April 12,
2015, with each month having a new theme and Bible verse
with activities and crafts to accompany the lessons. I’m hoping
the children enjoy it and have fun while still learning more about
the Bible, Jesus and being a Christian.
The Annual Cookie Bake will be taking place in the
near future. We will need some ingredient donations and
possibly some extra adult helpers in the kitchen. More details
will follow soon!
I really enjoyed the retreat with the confirmation
students at Silver Lake Camp that we attended in February. I
believe all of the confirmands enjoyed it as well, too. It was my
very first visit to Silver Lake, and I can see why so many of our
youth like to attend camp there during the summer! Everything
was well planned, the accommodations were cozy, and the food
was great – plus we all had a good time participating in activities
while still learning about and growing our faith! If you’ve never
experienced Silver Lake Camp, and would like to learn more
about it – they have family day coming up on May 17th – you
can spend the afternoon there and see what they have to offer.
Feel free to contact me for more information, my contact
information is current in the church directory, or leave me a
message with the church office.
As a reminder, there are coloring and activity pages
along with crayons at the back of the church on the table. Feel
free to let your children use these before, during or after service
– they can even take one home if they’d like! I hope this spring
brings you many blessings!
In Christian Love,
Cindi Bryte
Director of Christian Education
Committee News
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The April Women’s Fellowship meeting
will be held on Wednesday April 8th at
12:30 p.m. Bring a lunch and join us.
The business meeting follows.
The 87th Spring Gathering of CT Women
of the UCC will be held at Faith Congregational Church,
Hartford, CT on April 25th. Further details and registration
forms will be available in Dutton Hall. Registrations close on
April 15th.
Help us plan ahead for our Annual Ladies Night Out in June
(date to be announced) and October 3rd for our Fall Festival.
All of the women of the church are embers of Women’s
The Stewardship Committee will be
hosting an “Earth Day” Brunch on
Sunday April 26th following the worship
service. God has charged us to be
good stewards of the earth as well as
one another. Come join in the
celebration of God’s great creation.
For the Women's Fellowship
Alma Doughtery
Friday, April 10 , 2015 at 6:00 PM
Mission’s Committee
Spring Fling Dinner
“Boredom comes from a lack of purpose. When someone
without Christ gets bored, it makes sense; they are living life
with no purpose. But what about the bored Christian? I think the
reason we get bored in the church is not because we do not
have a purpose but because we have forgotten our purpose.
When a church exists without purpose, it slowly turns into a
Zombie church.”
Featuring the 8 Mile River Band!
― Tyler Edwards, Zombie Church
Western Beef Brisket with all the trimmings
Limited Seating – For reservations call the
church office: 860-445-7409
On May 3rd, 2015 we will celebrate the dedication of Dutton Hall
following the worship service. Refreshments will consists of
various home-made cookies. If you would like to donate a
dozen, please see a member of the Special Events Committee.
We would like to have an assortment of cookies in remembering
Reverend Dutton who, “never met a cookie I didn’t like.”
The Pulpit
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April Scripture Readings
April 5
Acts 10:34-43 or Isaiah 25:6-9
Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24;
1 Corinthians 15:1-11 or Acts 10:34-43
John 20:1-18 or Mark 16:1-8
April 12
Acts 4:32-35; Psalm 133
1 John 1:1-2:2; John 20:19-31
April 19
Acts 3:12-19; Psalm 4
1 John 3:1-7
Luke 24:36b-48
April 26
Acts 4:5-12; Psalm 23
1 John 3:16-24
John 10:11-18
May 3
Acts 8:26-40; Psalm 22:25-31
1 John 4:7-21
John 15:1-8
Christian Symbol
A ladder is sometimes pictured with a
sponge at the end of a long stick,
reminiscent of the soldier offering Jesus
vinegar to drink on the cross (Matthew
27:48). Thus, a ladder may symbolize
Christ's Passion. In the Old Testament,
Jacob dreamed of angels ascending and
descending a ladder (or staircase,
depending on the Bible version) set up
between earth and heaven (Genesis 28:12).
Both accounts show that through Jesus, our
Savior, we — like the angels — have ready
access to God, now and for eternity!
• Although Easter eggs were once part of pagan spring festivals,
they’ve become Christian symbols of new life. A cracked-open
shell also represents Jesus’ empty tomb on Easter morning.
Lord Jesus, You know how we feel today, our secret
fears and pains. I pray for healing in whatever way You know
will help those who are sick or hurt in body, mind, or spirit. I trust
in Your power. You proclaimed God’s reign by curing the sick,
comforting and strengthening those who are sad, and giving
new freedom to all who accepted You. Guide also, those who
help in Your healing work: doctors, nurses, chaplains, and all
who extend Your care. Together we do the work of Your
Father. We pray in Your Spirit, Lord Jesus. Amen.
Please pray for:
Those who are shut-ins or are in nursing homes
Those who are struggling with the loss of a loved one
Those in the armed services and their families
Those recovering from illness
Those who are unemployed
Our Search Committee
• The early Christians of Mesopotamia began staining eggs red
in honor of Jesus’ blood shed on the cross. Red eggs remain part
of Greek Orthodox celebrations today.
• For Lent, some families used to give up eggs and dairy, so they
prepared a pancake feast on Shrove Tuesday, the day before
Ash Wednesday. They solved the egg surplus by hard-boiling
them in various broths, which led to colored eggs.
• In medieval times, churches held “egg-throwing” festivals. The
priest threw a hard-boiled egg toward the choir boys, who tossed
it back and forth. When the clock struck 12, whoever was holding
the egg got to keep it.
• In some European countries, children go from house to house
to collect Easter eggs.
• Each year, the PAAS Dye Co. sells more than 10 million eggcoloring kits, which consumers use to decorate 180 million eggs.
• The tallest chocolate Easter egg ever produced weighed 16,000
pounds — more than an elephant!
The Last Page
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The Gargoyle Deadline:
The deadline for all Gargoyle articles is the 15th of
each month.
The deadline for the May 2015 Gargoyle is
April 15th.
The preferred method of submission is via
electronic download or e-mail.
There is a volunteer opportunity to help with
Groton Family Meals. The meals will be served on
Monday’s from 5-6:30 p.m. either at St. John’s Christian
Church on Shennecossett Rd. or Faith Lutheran Church
on Poquonnock Rd. The program is being coordinated
through Union Baptist Church in Mystic.
Areas where volunteers are needed include:
cooking, picking up donations, preparation, set up, clean
up, serving, to name a few.
There is a Volunteer Application form available
from Gay Lambert (Missions Committee coordinator)
which needs to be completed and mailed to the address
on the back of the form. Please do not just show up to
There is also a need for donations of money,
food, and supplies.
Thank you in advance for considering giving back
to our community.
The Missions Committee
Reverend Pamela Rose Vollinger will be
with us for extended Pastoral support.
She will be in the church office on
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00 a.m.
to 1:00 p.m. Please welcome her to our
church family.
If you would like a private meeting with
Reverend Vollinger, please call the
church office or email her at:
revpamrose@aol.com to set up a
mutually convenient.
Groton Congregational Church
Groton, Connecticut 06340
The United Church of Christ
The Rev. Dwight A. Dutton, Pastor Emeritus
The Rev. Pamela Rose Vollinger, Visiting Pastor
“Bringing people to a saving relationship with
Jesus Christ and a satisfying relationship with
the church.”
Church Office Hours:
Monday-Friday 9:00 AM-1:00 PM
(860) 445-7409
Email: Grotoncc@gmail.com
Website: www.grotoncongregational.org
onvenient time.
April 2015
12:30 ~AA
6:30 ~ Search
7:00 p.m.
w/ Communion
Rev. Vollinger
Easter Sunday
9:30-2 ~
12:30 ~ W/F
5:30 ~ Trustees
6:30 ~ Search
6:00 ~ Bells
6:45 ~ Youth Choir
7:30 ~ Sr. Choir
12:30 ~AA
12 & 7:30~AA
Rev. Vollinger
9:30-2 ~
11:30 ~ Deacons
12 & 7:30~AA
6:30 ~ Search
6:00 ~ Bells
6:45 ~ Youth Choir
7:30 ~ Sr. Choir
12:30 ~AA
Mr. Shawn Fisher
5:45 ~
9:30-2 ~
6:30 ~ Search
6:00 ~ Bells
6:45 ~ Youth Choir
7:30 ~ Sr. Choir
12 & 7:30~AA
Rev. Vollinger
12 & 7:30~AA
6:30 ~ Search
6:00 ~ Bells
6:45 ~ Youth Choir
7:30 ~ Sr. Choir
12:30 ~AA