Announcements - Cuningham Memorial Presbyterian Church


Announcements - Cuningham Memorial Presbyterian Church
Rev Dr David Murphy
Cuningham Memorial
Presbyterian Church
Associate Minister
Rev David McGaughey
To Our Corporate
Worship Services Today,
May you know the reality of God’s
presence as you worship with us.
We would like to extend a very warm welcome to you.
If you are a visitor we hope you enjoy your time with us and that you will return again
soon. If you are new to the congregation we encourage you to make yourself known to
any of our stewards or one of our ministerial team. Should you require any details about
the congregation please do not hesitate to ask or to make use of the information cards,
which are available in the vestibule areas of the Church.
The Shorter Catechism.
Question 89:
How is the word made effectual to salvation?
Answer: The Spirit of God maketh the reading, but especially the
preaching of the word an effectual means of convincing and converting
sinners, and of building them up in holiness and comfort through faith
unto salvation.
1) The entrance of thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple.
(Psalm 119:130)
2) For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged
sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and
marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. (Hebrews 4:12)
3) All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for
reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God
may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.
(2 Timothy 3:16-17)
Services Today 22nd March 2015
Sunday School at 10.30am in the Church Hall
Prayer Meetings: 10.45am & 5.30pm in Cuningham Room 2
11.30am: Rev David McGaughey
6.00pm: Rev Dr David Murphy
Children’s Church: In the Cuningham Suite.
22 Mar: L. Egerton, N. Clarke, A. Moore
29 Mar: L. Egerton, R. Clarke, A. Moore
Creche: in the Creche Room, Cuningham Suite.
22 Mar: S. Brown, A. Bamber, S. Campbell
29 Mar: J. Clements, M. Cruikshank, S. Campbell
Foyer Duties: In the Cuningham Suite. (Morning & Evening)
22 Mar: G. Harcourt
29 Mar:
Flower Arrangements:
22 Mar:
29 Mar: Mrs A. Bamber
CONNECT Youth Fellowship: There will be no CONNECT Youth
Fellowship tonight.
Please note that next week we hope to attend a Youth Rally in Connor
Presbyterian Church and would encourage all of our CONNECT members to
attend. Come along at the usual time of 7.15pm for some bacon butties before
we travel over to Connor. We hope to return to the church hall at 10.00 p.m.
Squirrels: 6.30-7.30pm in the Church Hall. Boys aged 4-6 are welcome.
Beavers: 6.30-7.30pm in the Church Hall. Boys aged 6-8 are welcome.
Guides: 7.30-9.00pm in the Church Hall. Girls aged 10-14 are welcome.
GB Explorers: (ages 3-7) from 6.00pm-7.30pm, Methodist Church Hall.
GB Company Section: (ages 8-18) from 7pm-9pm, Methodist Church Hall.
BB Junior Section: (P5-P7) from 6.30pm-8.00pm, Methodist Church Hall.
Bowls: at 8.00pm in the Church Hall.
Prayer Meeting: from 6.45am to 7.30am in the Church Hall.
Brownies: 6.30pm-7.55pm in the Church Hall. Girls aged 7-10 welcome.
Midweek Service: 8.00pm in the Cuningham Room. This week our midweek
service will take the form of a prayer meeting as we seek to intercede for the
Christians who are being persecuted for standing by their beliefs. All welcome.
Parents & Toddlers: 10.00am – 12 Noon in the Church Hall.
Young at Heart Fellowship: meet at 3.00pm, (until approx 4pm), in the
Church Hall. This month Mr Billy Patterson will join with us to speak on the
theme: Retirement Years. All welcome.
Rainbows: 6.30pm-7.30pm in the Church Hall. Girls aged 4-7 welcome.
BB Anchor Boys: (P1-P4) from 6.30-7.30pm, Reformed Church Hall.
Thursday (cont’d)
Men’s Fellowship Choir Practice: at 8.30pm in the Cuningham Room. All
men are welcome to come along.
Cubs: 6.30pm-8.00pm in the Church Hall. Boys aged 7½ to 11 welcome.
BB Company Section: from 7.30pm-9.30pm, Methodist Church Hall
(Secondary School, Years 8-14).
Movie Night: in the Church Hall Coffee Bar at 8.00pm. All welcome.
Scouts: 8.15pm-10.00pm in the Church Hall. Boys aged 10½+ welcome.
Sports Plus: from 7:30pm to 10pm in the Church Hall. All young people of
Secondary School age & upwards are warmly invited to come along welcome.
More Events & Information
CONNECT Youth Fellowship invites you to join with us today
for our annual soup lunch after the morning service. Come and
enjoy delicious homemade soup, sweet treats and fellowship.
We also hope to show you a little of what we get up to at
CONNECT and explain where proceeds received will be
donated to.
Kirk Session Meeting
Elders please note there will be a Session Meeting this Monday, 23rd March,
at 8.15pm in the Cuningham Suite.
Congregational Committee Meeting
There will also be a meeting of the Congregational Committee this Monday,
23rd March, in the Cuningham Suite commencing 9.00pm.
All members of the Committee are encouraged to attend.
Midweek - Prayer Meeting
Our Midweek Service this Wednesday, 25th March, will take the form of a
prayer meeting as we meet at 8pm in the Cuningham Room.
We encourage as many as possible to come along and join with us as we
seek to participate in Ballymena Presbytery’s Day of Prayer and intercede for
Christians who are being persecuted for standing by their beliefs.
Points for Prayer information sheets will be available on the evening.
For more information please refer to the attached letter from Ballymena
Presbytery (overleaf) and we encourage you to also remember these matters
during your own personal prayer time.
Presbytery of Ballymena
Day of prayer for Christians under pressure.
The Presbytery if Ballymena has called for a day of prayer on Wednesday 25th
March, the eve of the case against Asher’s Bakery supported by the Equality
Commission NI, to pray for ALL CHRISTIANS under pressure because of their
faith in Jesus Christ both at home and overseas.
The days of being a soft Christian for us in Northern Ireland, if there ever were
such days, are long gone! For many of our persecuted brothers and sisters in
countries such as North Korea, Somalia, Iraq, Syria and countless other places
the fundamental human rights of freedom of conscience and freedom of thought
and the reasonable expression of such rights in the public sphere are a capital
offence. Yet these are the very places where the Church of Jesus Christ is
growing in strength both numerically and spiritually. It Northern Ireland it is
increasingly difficult to be an authentic witness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ in
the public arena and there are increasing costs to bear – which shouldn’t surprise
us since Jesus warned us that this is how it would be! A Christian who is willing
to act publicly as though they are not ashamed of the Gospel is becoming more
and more socially unacceptable and they appear to be in for a rough time.
Powerful forces and currents within our society press us to be ashamed of the
Gospel, to be ashamed of the good that it does in our society and to be ashamed
of the clear teaching of God’s Word. These very same forces insist that the
Bible’s teaching on matters of morality and ethics is out of date, retrograde,
insensitive, uncompassionate and even hateful and that matters of faith should
therefore only be practiced in private, and not given any public expression
This is why the Presbytery of Ballymena is asking you to make this a priority for
prayer on Wednesday 25th March. Collectively we want to seek the Father’s face
on behalf of all who pay a high price simply because they love and serve Jesus.
You can pray wherever you are; in your own personal devotional time, at your
Church’s Midweek Meeting, at your small group Bible Study or at a time of
prayer specifically organised for this purpose in your
congregation/neighbourhood. Alongside this we have organised three central
venues where we encourage you to come from 1.00 - 2.00pm on the same day.
The venues are:2nd Broughshane; Brookside, Ahoghill; West Church, Ballymena
This gives us the opportunity to gather together so that we can multiply our
prayers and galvanise our efforts in corporate times of prayer on behalf of all
who are seriously oppressed on account of their faith. You might even consider
giving your lunch a miss and adding fasting to your prayers!
Please give this your whole-hearted support.
♥ Young at Heart Fellowship ♥
Young at Heart Fellowship meets this Thursday, 26th March, in the Church
Hall at 3pm, (until approx 4pm). This month Mr Billy Patterson will join us to
speak on the theme: Retirement Years.
The Young at Heart Fellowship is open to all in the community and we
encourage you to come along and also to invite others. If you or anyone you
know requires transport or assistance, please do not hesitate to get in touch
with Rev David Murphy or any church officer/elder.
PW Annual Meetings
The PW Annual Meetings will take place on Thursday 7th May at 2.00pm and
Friday 8th May 2015 at 7.30pm in the Assembly Buildings, Belfast.
There will be an evening bus only and any ladies wishing to attend the PW
Annual Meeting on Friday 8th May at 7.30 pm on the bus which will depart
from Waveney Road car park at 6.00 pm at a cost of £6 can you please
contact Rhonda Featherstone on or before this Thursday, 26th March 2015.
Movie Night
We are planning to hold a Movie Night this Friday 27th March in the Church
Hall Coffee Bar with the film commencing at 8.00pm. The film we plan to
show is the US Box Office hit 'God's not Dead'. This is very much a Christian
based film which is described as 'intensely thought provoking, faith inspiring
and uplifting'. The publication 'Christian Today' has described it as 'One of
the best Christian Films in Years'. The film is open to everyone and we
encourage you to bring a friend along. Unlike some other establishments you
are more than welcome to bring along your own popcorn or pick 'n' mix. Hot
drinks can be purchased from the coffee bar for a small charge.
Easter Children's Club
To enable more families to attend the upcoming Holy Week Services it is our
intention to hold a Children's Club for children of Primary School age. The
Club will be held on Wednesday 1st, Thursday 2nd and Friday 3rd April.
We will have a bible story and refreshments each evening.
To facilitate this venture we are looking for volunteers to help. If you would be
able to help on any of these evenings there are sign up sheets in the
Cuningham Suite or contact Shirley Hutchinson.
Congregational Mission (Preliminary Notice)
Please note that we hope to have a Harvest Mission 2015. This will
commence on Harvest Sunday 11th October and conclude on Sunday 25th
October. The speaker will be Very Rev Dr David J. McGaughey.
Further details will be provided in due course and members are asked to
remember this very special event in their prayers.
Next Sunday 29th March 2015
Sunday School at 10.30am in the Church Hall
Prayer Meetings: 10.45am & 5.30pm in Cuningham Room 2
11.30am: Rev Dr David Murphy
6.00pm: Rev David McGaughey
Easter Services
Wednesday 1st April 2014
8.00pm: Rev Dr David Murphy
Thursday 2nd April 2014
8.00pm: Rev David McGaughey
Good Friday 3rd April 2014
8.00pm: Rev Dr David Murphy
Easter Sunday 5th April 2014
11.30am: Rev David McGaughey
6.00pm: Rev Dr David Murphy
Please Note that a Children’s Club will be available each evening.
Christ died for our sins in accordance with the scriptures, that he was
buried, that he was raised on the third day
(1 Corinthians 15:3-4)