Smithsburg Middle School - Washington County Public Schools


Smithsburg Middle School - Washington County Public Schools
Smithsburg Middle School
April 2015
Volume 1, Number 9
Dates & Details
From the Principal’s Desk…
April 1-6 – Spring Break –
Schools closed
April 7 – Professional Day – No
school for students
April 14 – PTSA Mtg. – 6:00 PM
April 14 – Charity Volleyball
Game @ SHS – 7:00 PM
April 15 – Student Council
Meeting-3:30 PM
April 16 – Art Show, History
Day and Science projects
Exhibit Night-5:30 PM
April 21, 22 – Grade 6 SSL
April 22 – Chorus and Band
Recruiting trip to SES
April 23 – Grades 6, 7, & 8
To Maryland Theater
April 24 – Music recruitment
Trip to Old Forge & Cascade
April 29 – Grade 6 SSL
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Our students were focused during the administration of the PARCC Assessments in
Mathematics and Reading. Our results should demonstrate the time and effort put into
instruction and preparation for the tests. When we return from Spring Break the Science
MSA will be administered to 8 grade students. Later in the spring we will be
administering the end of year PARCC Assessments and the MAP Assessment.
Our students did an excellent job winning a number of events at the History Day
Competition. The results are included in this newsletter.
Remember, PTSA can always use your support. Your membership is greatly appreciated
but we also need people to participate in our meetings and to volunteer to support the
activities sponsored by the PTSA. Please become an active member of our PTSA.
Finally, we are all ready for spring and warm weather as the staff looks forward to
finishing the year strong and continuing to serve you to the best of our ability. We still
have to keep students focused. There is a lot of course work they will need for next year
that teachers are continuing to deliver daily.
Enjoy the warm weather.
Dr. Stephen Tarason,
e…students at a minimal a.
SMS Vision
Smithsburg Middle School is a
professional learning community where all students
feel valued, safe, and will become
life long learners
Our School Newsletter is now available on our
school website Go to
Schools, Middle, More Info
Contact Us
Stephen Tarason, Principal
Dan Brennan, Asst. Principal
Phone – 301-766-8353
Fax – 301-824-5147
68 N. Main Street
Smithsburg, MD 21783
The Board of Education of Washington County does not discriminate on
the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, size, age, or disability
in employment or the provision of services. If you have a question about
this policy, call the Director of Human Resources at 301-766-2808.
Archery Team
Congratulations to the SMS Archery Team who
placed third in the state at the 2015 Maryland State
NASP (National Archery in the Schools Program)
Tournament held recently at the ARCC at
Hagerstown Community College.
Top Shooters for boys:
Tyler Mullins – 268 – 2nd in State
Dawson Rinehart – 264
Parker Malcolm – 262
Top Shooters for girls:
Abby Kittel – 234
Paige Egupov – 227
Olivia Vetter – 216
Tyler Mullins and Parker Malcolm qualified and will
compete in the National NASPS Competition in
Lousiville, Kentucky May 7 – 11, 2015.
Good Luck Tyler and Parker
Pictured from bottom left: Tyler Mullins, Joel Martirano,
Dawson Rinehart, Babby Ryder, Olivia Vetter, Abby Kittel,
Andrew Mentzer, Abby Whittington, Reece Lehaman, Parker
Malcolm, Devon Gross, Coach Ocasek and Coach Greszler
Important Notice to Parents
Happy Spring!!
The PTSA has been busy planning our “Spring Training” Activity
Night which will be held on May 1. If you are able to chaperone
and/or donate snacks, please let us know.
State vaccination requirements for students entering 7 grade
for school year 2015-2016 have been revised. Your child must
have the following:
If you are home during spring break, please join us on March
31 at The Greene Turtle for our fundraiser from 11:00 AM –
midnight. Mention you are dining for SMS PTSA and we will
receive 20%. Help celebrate spring and make tax day a little
sweeter by bringing your family out to Sweet Frog on April 15 .
If you mention you are with SMS PTSA to the cashier, we will
receive 20%.
We have had several requests for more Spirit Wear. Order
forms will be sent out via email. If you are interested in a hard
copy of an order form, please let us know and we will be happy
to send one home with your child.
Are you interested in holding a PTSA position next year? If so,
please contact us to let us know. Elections for next year’s
executive board will take place at our May meeting.
Our meetings are held the 2 Tuesday of each month at 6:00
PM in the Media Center. Please join us April 14 for our next
Single dose of Tdap vaccine (Tetanus, Diphtheria,
Single dose of Meningococcal vaccine (MCV)
The Washington County Health Department is holding an
immunization clinic on Monday, April 6 from 1:00 PM to—
4:00 PM at the Health Department at 1302 Pennsylvania
Avenue in Hagerstown, Maryland. No appointment is
necessary. Take your child now and avoid the rush.
After your child receives the vaccination, please take the
vaccination documentation to your child’s school as soon as
If you have any questions about the new vaccination
requirements, please contact your child's health care provider
or your child’s school nurse.
We wish everyone a relaxing, fun, and safe spring break!
National Junior Honor Society
Smithsburg Middle School PTSA Presents
Exhibit Night
Mark your calendar now for April 16, 2015 – 5:30-7:30
PM. Join us as we present exhibits of student art work,
National History Day Projects, and Science activities.
Watch for more exciting information to come!
Reminders to Parents
Sixth and Seventh grade applications for membership in
the National Junior Honor Society are due no later than
Friday April 10, 2015. Student must have an overall GPA
of 3.5 (Distinguished Honor Roll). Return applications to
Miss Wintle (in media center next to Gold Lab) or Mrs.
Kelley, room 126, in the 8 grade area.
FFA News for April
Club meeting dates in April are: 13 , 20 , 27 , 3:30-4:15 PM.
(please note ending time)
From the Cafeteria
Please be sure to keep your child’s lunch account up to date.
You can check your lunch balance on the Parent Access to
Meal Account site at the below address.
Quick Reference number for Parents:
Food/Nutrition Services – 301.766.2890
Parent Access to Meal Accounts –
Online FARM Application –
Special Diets Requests – Mike Embly – 301.766.2896
Refund Requests – Cherrie Williams – 301.766.2892
From the Office
Walkers and car riders are dismissed on 2 wave. Any
walker or car rider leaving on first wave without
permission will be sent back to class.
Members are busy planting and preparing outside flower beds
for spring.
Thanks for buying movie tickets. Members will have another
sale again soon!
Box Tops for Education
We have collected over $950 this year. Please keep clipping for
the remainder of the year so we can try and hit that $1000
mark. We will continue to reward ice cream sandwiches to
those students that bring 30 box tops in a baggie but when we
run out of ice cream, that’s it for the year so send yours in
today. The PTSA thanks you for your support and your student
thanks you for their treat.
Congratulations to Zach Wandalowski who qualified and
will represent SMS at the state level of the National Geographic
Bee. The state Bee will be held on Friday, March 27, 2015 at
the Theater on the Community College of Baltimore County in
Catonsville, MD.
MathCounts Team
Congratulations to the MathCounts Team who finished third in
the recent competition. Ryan Goodmansen, Katie Li, and Aidan
McCoy move on to the State level of competition.
Congratulations to the PE Department for raising $319
during the Annual 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament. Proceeds
went to “Friends of Veterans Park.”
Congratulations to Lindsey Draheim, grade 8, Abigail
Kittel, grade 7 and Nick Bono, grade 6, for being named Carson
Each year the Carson Scholars Fund recognizes high achieving
students who demonstrate outstanding academic achievement
and humanitarian qualities. Students receive a $1,000 college
scholarship award and the honor of being named a Carson
Lindsey, Abigail, and Nick are among over 2,600 gifted students
from across the country who, have been named Carson
Scholars. Their academic achievements and service to their
communities are what make them stand out as future leaders.
Miss Krietz, Advisor, Megan Goodmansen, Katie Li, Zach
Wandolawski, Aidan McCoy, Abigail Kittel. Back row: Ryan
Goodmansen, Trinity Burdette, Mrs. Kelley, Advisor
History Day Winners:
Congratulations to the following Middle School History Day
Individual Documentary – 1 Place – Sydney Scott, 2 Place
– Michael Rowan
Group Documentary – 1 Place – Jacob Robison and Adam
Group Exhibit – 2 Place – Nick Bono, Riley House, and
Austin Smith
Group Website – 1 Place – Hannah Lund, Zach Brown, and
Alicia Proctor
Individual Website – 2 Place – Ryan Franklin
Left to Right: Nick Bono, Lindsey Draheim, Abigail Kittel
Middle School Boys Basketball League
Congratulations to the SMS boys basketball teams for winning
the 2015 1A Varsity Championship and the 1A Jr. Varsity
Runner - Up
Pictured: L to R: Nick Bono, Ryan Franklin, Austin Smith, Hannah
Lund, Zach Brown, Michael Rowan, Sydney Scott, Alicia Proctor, Riley
House, Adam Tice, Jacob Robison
5th Annual Benefit Concert
The SMS Music Department presented their 5 Annual Benefit
Concert recently. The concert featured music by the 8 Grade
Chorus, 8 Grade Band, and Festival Orchestra. Each group
performed selections they had prepared for the Washington
County Large Ensemble Adjudication Festival.
Thanks to the generosity of those in attendance, a check for
$2,426.50 was presented to Breast Cancer Awareness
Cumberland Valley.
Music Notes
The SMS Music Department invites you to the upcoming
spring concerts:
Chorus Concerts – Tuesday, May 12, at 6:00 PM – 6 Grade
at 7:00 PM – 7 Grade
at 8:00 PM – 8 Grade
SMS Marching Band-Smithsburg Pride Day Parade
Band Concert – Monday, May 18, at 6:30 PM – 6 Grade Band
Band Concert – Tuesday, May 19, at 6:30 PM – 7 Grade Band
at 8:00 PM – 8 Grade Band
Orchestra Concert – Tuesday, May 26, - 7:00 PM – 6 , 7 , &
8 Grade Orchestra
Solo & Ensemble Festival
Congratulations to the following students who participated in the
Washington County Solo & Ensemble Festival which was held
on March 7 at North Hagerstown High School. ALL students
represented Smithsburg Middle with excellence and pride!
Trumpet Trio: Rachel Keller, Edey McDougal, Kassidy Mislan
Clarinet Duet: Emma Chandler, Olivia Vetter
Flute Solo: Hannah Babylon
Piano Solo: Bethany Hovermale
Student Council News
Reflections of Ultimate Pi Day
Advisor for this year’s Student Council: Mrs. Lisa Waters
Pride Schedule
Friday, April 10th
Friday, April 24th
Smithsburg Pride
College Pride Day
Important Dates
Tuesday, April 14th
WCASC Meeting @ CES
Permission Slips can be obtained from Mrs. Waters and must be signed
and returned by March 5th. Please indicate whether or not you are
buying lunch on your form. You must let your teachers know that you
will be absent from class that day, and you are Responsible for any
work that you miss. No parent notes accepted!
“I Love Pi Day”
Ultimate Pi Day
By Megan Goodmansen
On Saturday the 14th of March was a very memorable day. It was ultimate pi
day. That’s right pi day. Not the pie you eat on Thanksgiving. It’s a math
term. Pi is the circumference of any circle divided by the diameter of the
same circle. The number fourteenth pi day? March is the third month of the
year. 3 is the first number of pi. The next two digits are 1 and 4. The
fourteenth looks like 14. That is the first three digits of pi, 3.14. This year it’s
ultimate pi day. We have the next 7 digits of pi. The 3rd month of the year, the
14th day of the month and the 15th year.3/14/15. It still goes on. It is also at
9:53:26am. This day will only happen in a life time. So all of the staff and
students celebrated this extraordinary day on Friday the 13th. The amazing
Mrs. Kretsinger (a six grade merit math teacher) had a brilliant idea. She
gathered three sixth grade math classes. She also gathered the two seventh
grade math classes, and the three eighth grade math classes. She gathered
over 344 of us in the gym!! Each student had a plate that they decorated with
a digit of pi. The first number digit, 3, stood in the very middle of the gym.
Everyone spiraled around her in their order. When we were all finished we
showed everyone that pi is never ending, it has a spiral effect. At the very
end we held up our pi plates and, “3, 2, 1, I LOVE PI DAY!!!” Shouted
everyone in the gym. A special thank you to Mrs. Kretsinger and all of the
Smithsburg Middle math teachers. Thank you students for also helping show
how pi works and for cooperating. I hope nobody will forget that miraculous
Wednesday, April 15th
SMS Meeting @ SMS
There will be a meeting in Mrs. Waters’ room after school; 3:30-4:30.
Plans for an Earth Day themed Week (Color Wars) will be discussed.
Various end- of- the-year events including the 8th grade dance will be
discussed. All members need to attend!
Wednesday, April 22nd
Earth Day
All Students including Students Council Members will participate in
Earth Day activities during the week of April 20th-24th.
Looking Ahead
Sunday, May 10th
Annual Mother’s Day 5k
The race will be held on Mother’s Day in Marty Snook Park on. We will
be looking for students to help us get sponsors and plan and staff the
race. We will be holding an open officers meeting in March for anyone
interested. Anything you or your student government organization can
do to support this county wide event would be appreciated.
Looking Ahead
BOGO is Back
Pi Day 3.14.15 9:26:53
By ~Kaitlyn Payne
On March 13, 2015, over 300 kids were gathered in the Smithsburg Middle
School gym to celebrate the ultimate Pi day. In case you didn’t know, Pi Day
is the only day with the first ten digits of pi in the date and time. Everybody in
the middle school decorated their own plate. All the students were arranged
in numerical order. They all were a specific number of pi. The kids were lined
up in a spiral. It seems incredible right? You are probably wondering: how did
the staff at Smithsburg get all of the kids to cooperate? Well, that was the
tricky part. It was very loud. It was hard for the teachers to get the attention of
every student. Once everybody was calmed down, the staff was able to get
almost every student to hold up their plate and smile. Even though it may
sound like that day was a mess, everybody had fun celebrating Pi Day with
pi, pie, and more pie. In loving memory of Albert Einstein, the greatest
mathematician to ever walk the earth.
May 4 - 8
Family Night – Wednesday, May 6th from 5 PM to 7 PM
Smithsburg Middle School’s Spring Book Fair is heading your way! During
the week of May 4th, all students will visit the book fair in the Library Media
Center through their Language Arts classes. While at the fair, students will be
given a chance to look at the books and other items. Starting Wednesday,
May 6, students will be permitted to visit the fair a second time only if they
plan to purchases items.
A “Family Night at the Book Fair” is planned for Wednesday, May 6th from
5:00 to 7:00 PM in the Library Media Center. The Family Night allows parents
and other family members to visit the fair and buy books. And what makes
this book fair so special? It’s a BOGO, a buy one and get another one
So mark your calendars now and join us at the Scholastic Book Fair.
*Applies to all items, not just books. Cost of the free item must be equal to or
less than the item purchased.
Claire Seibert’s Pi pie
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Our spring book fair will be held May 4th to May
8th and volunteers are needed to help with the fair. On Monday and Tuesday
(May 4 and May 5), volunteers are needed to help students find the books
they are looking for. On Wed – Friday (May 6 – May 8), volunteers are
needed to run the cash box. Volunteers are also needed on Wednesday
evening (May 6) from 5 PM to 7 PM, during Family Night at the Book Fair. If
you can give just an hour or you would like to stay for half a day or more,
please contact Mrs. Aughinbaugh at 301-766-8357. Any help will be