Smithsburg Middle School


Smithsburg Middle School
Smithsburg Middle School
October 2014
Volume 1, Number 2
Dates & Details
From the Principal’s Desk…
Oct. 6 – 10 – Fall Book Fair Week
Oct. 6 – All County Chorus
Rehearsal @ Western Heights
6:30-8:30 PM
Oct. 8 – Book Fair Family Night
5:00-7:00 PM
Oct. 14 – PTSA Meeting – 6:00 PM
Oct. 16 – All County Chorus
Rehearsal @ Western Heights
6:30-8:30 PM
Oct. 16 – Activity Night -6:30-8:30
Oct. 16 – Fundraiser Delivery – 2:15
– 5:00 PM
Oct. 16 – All County Chorus
Concert @ NHHS – 7:00 PM
Oct. 17 – Association Day –
Schools & Central Office Closed
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Thank you for all who made our Meet the Teacher Nights a great success. I hope you were able to meet your
children’s teachers and witness what I have seen here at SMS. We have a superb cadre of staff who dedicate
themselves to your children each and every day. Staff continues to participate in staff development activities to better
serve the SMS school community.
Teachers are updating ParentVue every two weeks to better communicate with parents. In addition our grade level
teams meet weekly to discuss the progress of students and to share strategies for working with our students. We also
have a Student Support Team that meets weekly to identify strategies to work with students who are having difficulty in
school. The team addresses attendance, academics and behavior issues. The grade level teams and the Student
Support Team are in contact with parents as needed.
Staff is now working with students preparing them for the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and
Careers (PARCC) tests. This test will take the place of the Maryland State Assessments (MSA) in Mathematics and
English Language Arts. The MSA will still be administered in Science. The Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) is
being given to students again this year. This test will take approximately 50 minutes and will measure a student’s
academic achievement and academic growth, independent of grade level, across time. Using the data from MAP will
allow teachers to individualize instruction and better plan their classes.
I continue to look forward to working with you and your children. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any
questions or concerns.
Dr. Stephen Tarason,
October is:
National Book Month
National Bullying Prevention Month
Cyber Security
Awareness a.
at a minimal
National Breast Cancer Awareness
SMS Vision
Within a nurturing, safe environment Smithsburg Middle School
encourages academic excellence for all students and demonstrates
leadership in character development. Our students are excited,
responsible learners who are encouraged by home, school, and
community. As successful, life-long learners and productive citizens of
high morals, they work to their fullest potential to make a positive
difference in the community. Our premier educational team
enthusiastically embraces innovative teaching methods and high
standards of performance using the latest technology; the world is truly
our classroom.
Our School Newsletter is now available on our
school website Go to
Schools, Middle, More Info
Contact Us
Stephen Tarason, Principal
Kyle Lingg, Asst. Principal
Phone – 301-766-8353
Fax – 301-824-5147
68 N. Main Street
Smithsburg, MD 21783
The Board of Education of Washington County does not discriminate on
the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, size, age, or disability
in employment or the provision of services. If you have a question about
this policy, call the Director of Human Resources at 301-766-2808.
Student Leaders
Student Council
“A Student Council is a representative structure for
students, through which they can become involved in
the affairs of the school, working in partnership with
school management, staff and parents for the benefit
of the school and its students.”
8 Grade Officers: President – Lindsey
Draheim, Vice President – Jasika Singh,
Secretary – Julia Koterwas, Treasurer – Zach
Brown, Representatives: William Schupp, Ryan
Chinn, Matthew Claggett, Leah Lindsey
7 Grade Officers: President – Ashley Davis,
Vice President – Hannah Spinks, Secretary –
Katie McCleaf, Treasurer – Ashlin Viar,
Representatives: Joel Martirano, Abby Hebert
6 Grade Officers: President – Rachel Barnes,
Vice President – Gabby Brown, Secretary –
Katie McCleaf, Treasurer – Jack Brown,
Representatives: Nick Bono, Lauren Kalons,
Elizabeth Lund.
ParentVue and StudentVue
Please call Mrs. Holmes in the front office if you need
assistance with access to ParentVue or StudentVue. Please be
reminded that only a parent may request ParentVue information
– your student may not request this information for you. Also,
you need to come to the office personally to obtain your access
code or have the information mailed to you. This information
may not be given over the telephone.
Also, if you view your child’s attendance on a daily basis please
be aware that even though attendance is reported in real time it
may take up to 48 hours for updates to occur. Our attendance
secretary, Mrs. Martirano, works from 8:00 – 11:45 AM only.
Attendance duties and coding may run over into the next school
Please be prompt when picking up students who have stayed
after school for extra help or other school activities.
Please send a note with your child in the morning whenever
possible if they need to be dismissed early from school rather
than calling or coming in to the office. This procedure will save
time for everyone involved and will eliminate interruptions to
instructional time in the classroom. We also ask parents’
cooperation in not asking office personnel to deliver messages
to students or calling them to the phone from class unless it is
extremely important. When possible, please try to make
arrangements in the morning before school begins.
Please remember that a written note from a parent or doctor is
required whenever a student is absent from school. Without
documentation, students are unable to make up missed
assignments, which will greatly affect their grades. Please refer
to the Student/Family Handbook for questions about excused
Family Vacation Time – a parent/guardian MUST submit a
written request to the principal to have a student’s absence
lawfully excused. This request must be received ten (10) days
in advance of the proposed absence. If approved, the
maximum number of excused days for any school year shall not
exceed three (3).
Students may not use the school phones without permission
from office personnel or administration. Calls must be essential
in nature. With this in mind, we remind students
and parents of the school rules/regulations
regarding the use of cell phones during the
school day. Please refer to the SMS Student and
Family Handbook (page 5, under Portable
Electronic Communication Devices and also on
page 9 of the WCPS 2014-2015 Handbook &
Guide. In particular number 2 which states,
“Students may only use portable communication
devices, as tools of instruction, during the
school day when under the supervision of a
teacher.”) Also, students should not text parents
when they have forgotten lunches, instruments,
homework, etc. Student should also be
reminded that they should report to the Health
Office when ill, rather than text parents.
Violation of this policy will result in disciplinary
Please have a plan in place for days when we may be
dismissed for inclement weather or other emergencies. If you
would like to receive regular e-mail communications from your
school or system-wide information from WCPS, please make
sure we have your current e-mail information on file.
Additionally, you may want to take advantage of text messaging
as an additional option to receive emergency communications.
Both tools are part of the Connect 5 system, used by WCPS.
Fund Raiser pick-up day is Thursday, October 16th. Small orders will be
sent home with students. Large orders need to be picked up by parents.
Items can be picked up between 2:15 -5:00 PM. Frozen items will need
to be picked up promptly because we do not have freezer space to store
If your child is missing a house key or a pair of eye glasses have them
check the front office. We have acquired quite a collection!
FFA News for October
FFA meeting dates for October are: 6th, 13th, and 20th from 3:30-4:30 PM
in Mrs. Coleman’s room.
The focus for the month of October is planting bulbs and mulching the
schools grounds to prepare for winter
Our fall fundraiser will benefit Tabatha’s Table~ our local food bank. The
Movie Ticket (Leitersburg theater) fundraiser will begin on October 20th
and will close on October 31st. Order forms are in the front office .Prices
are as follows regular ticket - $6.00, VIP ticket - $9.00 Popcorn and
Soda Concession ticket - $5.50.
We’re Having a Book Fair!
October 6th – 10th
Family Night – Wednesday, October 8th from 5:00 – 7:00 PM
Smithsburg Middle School’s Fall Book Fair is heading your way!
During the week of October 6th, all students will visit the book
fair in the Library Media Center through their Language Arts
classes. While at the fair, students will be given a chance to look
at the books and other items. Starting Wednesday, October 8 ,
students will visit the fair a second time only if they plan to
purchases items.
A “Family Night at the Book Fair” is planned for Wednesday,
October 8 from 5:00 to 7:00 PM. This event is held in the
Library Media Center. The Family Night allows parents and
other family members to visit the fair and buy books. All
proceeds from the fair are used towards improvements in the
library such as new books, technology and supplies.
So mark your calendars now and join us at the Scholastic Book
Book Fair Volunteers Needed
Volunteers are needed to help with the book fair during the
school day all week long and also on Family Night, Wednesday,
October 8, from 5:00 to 7:00 PM. If you would be interested in
helping students during the day find specific books in the fair or
would like to run the money box during the last part of the week,
please call Mrs. Aughinbaugh at 301-766-8357. By
volunteering, you are entitled to one free paperback book from
the fair for you or your child!
Activity Night
After school tutoring sessions are in full swing again. Help is
offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:30 – 4:30 PM in the
Media Center. Sessions are open to all students. Permission
slips are available in the front office. This is a good opportunity
for those students struggling in their classes. Please call Mr.
Lingg, Assistant Principal, if you have any questions.
The Smithsburg Middle School Faculty Honors Organization will
sponsor an Activity Night on Thursday, October 16, 2014 from
6:30-8:30 PM. ONLY students who attend Smithsburg Middle
School may attend Activity Night. Admission is $5.00 which
includes drinks and snacks.
Please keep in mind that if students have not returned the
Concussion Form they will not be permitted to enter the gym.
If you are able to chaperone or donate baked goods, please
contact Mrs. Izat at or Mrs. Dawn Reed
Intramural Club – Monday and Wednesday, 3:30-4:30 PM
7 & 8 Grade Archery Club – Tuesday and Thursday, 3:30 4:30 PM
6th Grade Archery Club – Wednesday, 3:30-4:30 PM
AM Reading/Technology Club – Tuesday, Wednesday, and
Thursday, 7:20-8:20 AM
FFA – Monday, 3:30-4:30 PM
MathCounts Club – (9/10/14-03/18/15) – Wednesday, 3:304:30 PM
Fellowship of Christian Athletes – Wednesday, 8:00-8:30 AM
Art Club – Wednesday – 3:45 – 4:45 PM
Advisor: Mrs. Lisa Waters –
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
2014-2015 6th Grade Student Council Members
Rachel Barnes-President, Gabby Brown-Vice President, Abby SprecherSecretary, Jack Brown-Treasurer. Council Member Representatives:
Nick Bono, Lauren Kalons, and Elizabeth Lund, Leah Lindsay – 6th
Grade Liaison
Pride Schedule for October
Friday, October 3rd Smithsburg Pride
Friday, October 17th College Pride Day
Important Dates
Tuesday, October 14th - WCASC Meeting for Student Council Members
@NHHS. All Members may attend. Permission Slips can be obtained
from Mrs. Waters and must be signed and returned by October 9th. You
must let your teachers know that you will be absent from class that day,
and you are responsible for any work that you miss.
Thursday, October 16 - Student Council Meeting at Smithsburg
Middle. The Meeting will be in Mrs. Waters’ room after school from 3:45
to 4:45 PM. All members must attend! See Mrs. Waters if you absolutely
cannot attend. The SGA By-Laws will be discussed. Also, the Red
Ribbon/Drug Free Week Activities will be planned; this year’s theme is
Love Yourself, Be Drug Free! All students are encouraged to participate
during the week of October 27th- 31st. Please listen to the morning
announcements for details. The school dress code must be followed! No
Halloween Costumes Allowed!
Friday, November 21st - SGA Activity Night. Student Council is
sponsoring an Activity Night from 6:30-8:30 PM. The admission is $5.00
and includes a snack and drink. Music, karaoke, and games such as
bowling, Wii Just Dance, Basketball, Limbo, and Hula Hooping will be
provided. Student council Members are encouraged to bring desserts;
cookies, brownies, etc… Volunteers are needed in order to make this
night a success! Please contact Mrs. Lisa Waters, Student Council
sponsor, at or at 301-766-8353.
Come join us at FCA for mornings full of worship, donuts, games, and
fun! Joining FCA is a free, memorable way to combine both your
passion for sports and your passion for Christ. You will meet other
students who have similar goals, explore issues that are important to
you, and discover how God is working in your daily life. ALL
STUDENTS are welcome to attend, but be prepared to participate!
Meetings are held every Wednesday from 8:00-8:30 AM in Mr. Smith’s
8th grade social studies classroom. Look for an FCA student leader to
guide you to the room as soon as you are buzzed into the building. Feel
free to speak to one of the following student leaders or Mr. Hutzell about
joining FCA. Hope to see you there!
Student Leaders:
Morgan Domenico (7th)
Taylor Golden (7th)
Bailey Grove (7th)
Tyler Barnhart (8th)
Leah Lindsay (8th)
Easiest Fundraisers Ever!
Sign up for Martins A+ Rewards Card today! Use the school ID code
00164 to give points and $$$ to Smithsburg Middle School. Program
Dates: October 5, 2014 – March 21, 2015.
“Take Charge of Education” with a Target Visa or store card. Go to to designate Smithsburg Middle School and Target will
donate 1% of every purchase to our school.
Sign up at to register Smithsburg Middle School for the
classroom rewards program using our school code 212106.
College and Career Fair will be held at Hagerstown Community
College on Wednesday, October 15 from 6:00 to 8:00 PM.
Welcome new families and welcome back veteran families. We hope
that everyone had a wonderful, fun-filled summer.
School is off to a fabulous start and the PTSA is already planning for
this school year. We will continue to host 2 activities nights and dinner
out fundraisers. We are also hoping to sell various spirit paraphernalia
this year. Please watch for information about the different events. We
greatly appreciate your support.
Our membership drive is in full swing. Our goal this year is 112
members. We currently have 90. Please consider joining to help us
attain our goal. Anyone can join: parents, students, grandparents, etc.
Remember that your membership dues of $6 benefit your child/ren.
Please mark your calendar for our meetings. They are usually the
second Tuesday of each month at 6:00 PM in the Media Center, unless
school is closed. Because of a school event, our December meeting will
be on December 2. Don't forget to "like" us on Facebook.
We wish everyone a successful 2014-2015 and truly hope to see you at
our meetings and events.
Thank you,
Jennifer Ashbaugh, Mary Glessner, Amy Woodward, Anne Jessop, Jen
PTSA Executive Board
What Parents Can Do to help ensure middle
school success:
child has a planner in the front of their notebook. The planner is
one of the most important tools they will use. The format inside
should let him see a full week at a glance, and should also
include a monthly calendar. The right planner is the first step
toward keeping track of due dates and appointments. There is
too much going on in middle school to keep it all in your head! A
planner works only if it's used every day. Discuss the times
throughout the day when they should be using the planner, and
check it each evening. Consider providing a reward or incentive
to help get them started.
TAKE TWO – 2 minutes, that is, to organize papers every day.
As your child begins homework each evening, have him take
the first two minutes to clean papers out of his bag and organize
them into folders. This simple habit helps students transition into
doing homework.
ESTABLISH A HOME PAPER STATION. When folders get full,
students need to clean them out. But they should hold onto
returned notes and assignments; these become valuable study
Kudos …
To the following students who completed the 2014 Summer
Reading Club sponsored by the Washington County Free
Library. The theme for the summer program was “Spark a
Reaction.” During the summer months, students were required
to read eight books.
AVOID MORNING MAYHEM. Have your child pack his bag
every night, using his planner to verify that nothing is left out.
Hannah Jones, Hunter Wiley, Isaac Lowe, Iyanna Tutson,
Jeremy Wood, Kaitlyn Carrera, Kameron Boward, Katelyn Scott,
Katie Li, Lalia Bowlus, Lucy Hamman, Madison Ashbaugh,
Mercedes Boward, Nick Bono, Piper Partlow, Righteous James,
Samantha Kline, Sydney Scott, Trinity Burdette, Zach
Mrs. Helen Huffer and Mrs. Stacy Doak
School Counselors
8 Grade Students: Information for the SALT program at the
high school is available in the counseling center
All students: Are you interested in babysitting? There is a
class being offered at HCC beginning October 4 . Please see
the information on the bulletin board in the counseling center.
If you are a student who volunteers in the community, please
stop by to pick up information on the Prudential Spirit of
Community award in the counseling center.
Gage Holsinger, T. J. Branch and Landon Dahl stand in front of the 6th
grade Constitution Day display. Most of the 6th grade students were
able to sign the Proclamation to read the Preamble of the Constitution.
Constitution week took place September 17 through the 23 .
This observance of the Constitution was signed into law in
1956. The goals of this celebration are to emphasize citizen’s
responsibilities for protecting and defending the constitution, to
inform people that the Constitution is the basis for America’s
great heritage and the foundation for our way of life, and finally
to encourage the study of the historical events which led to the
framing of the Constitution in September 1787. Constitution
week is a great time to learn about this important document and
celebrate the freedoms it gave us.