���������English) ���PDF���10240KB���


���������English) ���PDF���10240KB���
Automatic fryer makes deep frying easy and
safe for everyone
Streetlight minimizes environmental burden
by providing LED lighting at night powered
by a battery that stores energy collected via a
solar panel during the day
Compact, high-performance grain grader
can rapidly separate good and inferior
quality rice, grain, and beans
Lighting & Bluetooth Speaker System fuses
light and sound by pairing a Bluetoothcompatible speaker with a striking design
Chiba Prefecture has been a prominent producer of pears since the Edo Period. Thanks
to a combination of fantastic farming conditions and techniques accumulated over the
years, Chiba ranks number one in pear growing area, crop yield, and production.
The birthplace of Japanese dairy farming, Chiba is one of the nation's top prefectures for dairy.
Chiba's Macro Bonsai are exported in larger and larger quantities to
Asian and EU countries, where they are very popular.