On-Going Services and Programs


On-Going Services and Programs
1250 S Ivy
PO Box 10
Canby, OR 97013-0010
Center Hours:
April 2015
On-Going Services and Programs
Contact Wendy May, Client Services Coordinator at 503-266-2970 if you have questions on these programs.
Call at 8:30 a.m. on the
day you need a ride to
the Center and we will
come pick you up. Bus runs Monday,
Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.
Dear friends,
You may have noticed a new face around the Center on Mondays—please join me in welcoming
Jeanne Vodka as our new Home Delivered Meals Coordinator II, working with Bev. Jeanne is taking over the Monday responsibility from Lynne Bonnell, so that Lynne can focus more exclusively
on planning out fun and exciting trips for everyone, in addition to her daily responsibilities as master shuttler to and from the center:).
Jeanne isn’t really a newcomer to the Center; she served as a MOW volunteer driver for a number
of years until moving to Oregon City. We’re thrilled to have her back, this time as a member of our
employee team! Make sure to introduce yourself to Jeanne when you see her, and help us to
make her feel welcome.
See you at the Center—Kathy
Still room for players in our Annual
Irene Collins Memorial Bridge Tournament!
Saturday, April 11th
10:00 am to roughly 3:30 pm
Canby Adult Center
$10 per person
Bring a partner and join us for our annual bridge
tournament! $10 fee pays for soup, bread, dessert,
winnings and door prizes. (Bring a sack lunch if you
need a heavier meal.)
This is a bridge party, not duplicate bridge, although
you will have the same partner all day. Last day to
register is April 6 2015, and advance registration
Applications available at the front desk.
Easter “Hoppinings”… Join Us
April 1st—Hat Decorating
April 2nd—Easter Egg Decorating
April 3rd—
Easter Parade and
Easter Hat Contest
April 13th—Commemoration of 150th anniversary
of Abraham Lincoln’s assassination
The date is actually the 14th, but we’ll mark the occasion on the 13th. Dress up in period costume and have
some fun with a Lincoln trivia quiz. We’ll also have a
reading of the Gettysburg address. (Thanks to Dave
May for the idea!)
Annual Spring Bazaar Coming
Up on April 25th—9 am to 3 pm
Spring is just around the corner and
preparations are being made for our
Annual Spring Bazaar!
We still have a few vendor tables left
but they’re going fast, so sign up
quickly if you want to join us! We are
focusing on smaller plants and starts
this year, so please plan to do your
spring garden shopping with us.
We are looking for help in several
areas: We need volunteers to handle sales on the day of the event,
volunteers with a vehicle willing to
pick up our plant donations (nothing
big this year– promise) and, as always, bakers willing to put a plate of
something wonderful together to sell
at our baked goods table.
Come in to shop with our vendors,
buy your spring starts and have
lunch—all under one roof!. See you
on the 25th—
Mark your May calendar—
The Zoomobile will be back
on May 7th!
Join us for the Zoo’s wonderful
program and a chance to get up
close and personal with some
animals. 10:00 am.
Dedicated to keeping Seniors Safe, Healthy and Independent
Medical Equipment
Loan Program
Kathy Robinson
Medical equipment for loan.
Suggested hours for pick-up
or donations:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday
11:30 to 1:00 and 2:30 to 4:30
Wednesday 1:00 to 4:30
Timpra McKenzie
Legal Assistance
2nd Wednesday of each month an
attorney will meet with you for a 30
minute consultation. To schedule your
appointment call 503-266-2970.
Susan Voss
Jeanne Vodka
Lynne Bonnell
Books, magazines, audio books,
video-tapes, DVD’s, & puzzles available
for loan and no check-out required.
We accept donations of
hard-cover books only.
Free Blood Pressure Checks
1st & 4th Monday in April: 6th & 20th
No appointment needed.
Audrey Barnett
Karen Krettler
June Nice
Foot Care Choices
Monday’s with LaVerne Lind
April 6th, April 20th, April 27th
Charlie Leibrand
Wednesday’s with Tracey McAllen
April 1st, April 15th
Wade Porter
Call 503-266-2970 to schedule
your appointment
Howard Brooks
Carol Clark
June Nice
Carol Clark
Volunteer drivers transport seniors to
destinations in Clackamas, Washington
and Multnomah counties. 5 to 7 business days notice required. Call Wendy
at 503-266-2970.
Health & Wellness
Noon Meal in our
Dining Room
Hot meals, prepared in our kitchen,
served Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday at 12:00 noon. Suggested
meal donation for those over 60 is
$3.50; for those under 60 suggested
donation is $4.25. Musicians provide
entertainment and meals are served
community style.
Sit To Be Fit
Mon….10:30 am
Thur....10:30 am
Suggested donation $1
Meals on
Senior Fitness
Wendy May
Bev Vandecoevering
Reaching People:
Luna Family Hearing
Luna Family Hearing service is
here the 2nd Friday of every
month—this month April 10th, 10 am to
noon. Stop in and they will clean and
check hearing aids, make minor
repairs and check ears. More
Information on page 7.
Mon….9:30 am Wed...10:30 am
Fri......10:30 am
Suggested donation $1
Tai Chi Class
Focus on movement, mobility and balance—meets twice weekly:
Wednesday & Friday
9:00 am to 10:00 am
$2 Minimum Donation Suggested
TOPS: Take Off Pounds Sensibly
Every Tuesday: Weigh-in 9 am - 10 am
Meetings from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m.
Membership $28 per year
Line Dancing:
1:00 pm every Monday,
Tuesday, Thursday
No partner needed.
No fee—Donations accepted
For services listed below, call
503-266-2970 for an appointment:
Linda’s Hair Cut & Style
4th Wednesday of each month
April 22nd— 10 am to 3:00 pm.
Cut $7.50—Cut & Style $10
Appointment Required
Marilyn’s Mini Facials
Thursday, April 16th—
A relaxing facial using
fresh raw botanicals from
Costa Rica! $20 for a
30 minute facial.
Appointment Required
Volunteer drivers deliver nutritious
meals, prepared in our kitchen, to
seniors and the disabled four days
each week. Enough food is delivered
to provide meals for seven days. Call
503-266-2970 to sign up!
Volunteers visit seniors weekly,
providing companionship,
transportation and independence.
If you are interested in volunteering,
or if you need a companion—contact
Client Services!
Senior Health
Benefits Assistance
Prescription Plan D and eligibility for
free premiums.
Call for an
appointment: 503-266-2970
Canby Adult Center
Dedicated to keeping seniors
safe, healthy & independent.
Call Client Services Coordinator Wendy May for more information on programs listed below
Services Offered:
TRP Rides Available: The Center offers TRP (Transportation Reaching
People) rides to Seniors to destinations
in Clackamas, Multnomah & Washington counties. If you need a ride for a
medical appointment or other necessary personal errands, contact Wendy
at 503-266-2970 to see if your trip qualifies for a TRP driver. (5 to 7 business
days minimum notice required.) This
program is a volunteer based program
and rides are not guaranteed. Rides
are filled based upon volunteer availability.
Medical Equipment Loan Program:
Equipment is available to loan at no
charge; we appreciate donations of
clean, functioning equipment. Check
with Wendy to confirm what we are currently accepting.
To ensure prompt service, please note
hours below for medical equipment
pick-up or drop off :
Monday/Tuesday/Thursday & Friday
11:30 to 1:00 and 2:30 to 4:30
Wednesday: 1:00 to 4:30
Correction—Please note: the number BELOW is now correct—thanks
to the member who made us aware of
the error in last month’s newsletter!
Just call 1-888-382-1222 from the
phone number you want to register,
or visit www.donotcall.gov to add
your number to the do not call registry.
Reminder: Canby Utility Share
the Warmth program is now closed.
The PGE/NWN (Northwest Natural
If you need assistance and are a customer of either Portland General
Electric or NW Natural—please call
the Energy Assistance number:
April in Action Around the Center
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program is Now Closed
Oregon Patient Safety Commission and Early
Discussion and Resolution
The Clackamas County federal Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) have been expended or are committed to the existing wait
list. This program serves Clackamas County residents who need winter heating
April 24th – 11:00 am – Canby Adult Center
Although healthcare providers strive to give every patient
the best care possible, patients can still be injured during
care. After serious physical injury or death, patients and
their families may struggle to get answers about what happened or to get the resolution they need to move forward.
Callers who left a message through March 15 will still be eligible for service, but
they are unable to accept any new requests for this service.
Clients may call back October 1 or after to receive an update for the 2015-16
LIHEAP program year funds.
Early Discussion and Resolution (EDR) brings together
patients (or their representatives) and their healthcare facilities or providers to talk about what happened and build
a shared understanding about what should happen next.
By participating in this process, it’s possible to get honest
answers and maintain relationships.
The PGE/NWN (Northwest Natural Gas) PROGRAMS REMAIN OPEN . If
you need assistance and are a customer of either Portland General Electric or
NW Natural—please call the Energy Assistance number: 503-650-5640.
Senior Companion Volunteers Needed—
Special Training Not Required… You Can Make a Difference!
The Oregon Patient Safety Commission manages this
process as part of our mission to reduce the risk of adverse events and promote a culture of patient safety
across the state of Oregon. On April 24, Melissa Parkerton
will tell you more about the Oregon Patient Safety Commission’s activities and how to get started with Early Discussion and Resolution if you or someone you love wants
to wants to have a discussion.
Do you enjoy helping others? Would you like to help a senior with trips to the
grocery store, running errands or activities in their home such as putting puzzles
together, reading, watching movies? The Senior Companion Program may just
be what you are looking for. We need volunteers. We have many seniors and
adults with disabilities in the Canby community who would benefit from the program. However, currently I do not have enough volunteers to fill the need.
What is the Senior Companion Program?
Senior Companions are volunteers who can offer just a little extra help to homebound seniors and disabled adults. There is no charge for the services. If the
volunteer is income-qualified, they can receive a stipend for the services. Mileage is reimbursable.
The purpose of the program is to help seniors live independently in their own
familiar surroundings for as long as is safely possible.
Senior Companion Volunteers can:
Provide companionship by talking, taking walks, listening, sharing experiences, playing games or cards, reading or watching TV;
Provide transportation and accompany clients to their medical appointments,
the grocery store, and other household or personal errands;
Help with light housekeeping and meal planning and preparation;
Provide a break for family or primary caregiver.
Senior Companion Volunteers can NOT:
Provide services usually performed by a doctor or nurse,
Handle money or medication,
Do major household repairs or major cleaning,
Do any heavy lifting
Provide services for anyone other than the client.
For more information on how to become a Senior Companion Volunteer,
please contact Wendy May,
Client Services Coordinator
Canby Adult Center
at: 503 266 2970.
Smoke Alarms … Time to Check Them with
Canby Fire Department—Free Service
Have you checked your smoke alarm lately? Do you have
enough smoke alarms? Are they in the right places? When
did you last change your smoke alarm batteries? Do you
have 10 year batteries?
If you don’t know the answer to these questions, Canby
Fire Department would like to evaluate your smoke alarms
and put some new alarms up if you need them at no cost.
We received a Grant from the Oregon State Fire Marshal’s
office to put alarms up in any home that needs them. Call
Canby Fire at 503-266-5851 to set an appointment.
*Older adults (ages 65 and older) represent 13 percent
of the United States population but suffer 35 percent of all
fire deaths.
*Older adults are 2.7 times more likely to die in a fire
than the general population. The risk worsens as we age.
*People ages 85 and older are 4.6 times more likely
to die in a fire.
*Having a working smoke alarms can give you vital
seconds and a 95% chance of getting out in the event of
a Fire.
It really can mean the difference between life & death!
Advance Directive Workshop: April 29th at 10 am
“What You Need To Know”
In the state of Oregon, everyone has a right to express
their wishes in writing regarding their healthcare via an Advance Directive. Most
healthcare providers and lawyers suggest that all adults,
regardless of age, get their
healthcare affairs in order and
start thinking about their endof-life options and wishes long
before a health crisis occurs.
To learn more about advanced directives and start the
process of creating one,
Willamette Valley Hospice offers information and a free
workshop April 29th at 10 am.
“An advance directive is a gift
we can give to those who
might be in a position to make
medical decisions for us, if we
aren’t able to do so ourselves.
By writing our wishes down in
the legal format of the advance directive, it takes a
large burden off of our loved
ones. It’s free and easy to do,”
says Melissa Lindley, community outreach coordinator at
Willamette Valley Hospice,
who will be facilitating the
workshop. “Most of us plan for
the major events in our lives;
education, marriage, children
and retirement. Amazingly,
less than 50% of us formally
plan for the one major life
event that we all have in common – the end of life.”
Staff from Willamette Valley
Hospice will be available from
11:00 am – 12:00 pm, to assist
those who would like to stay to
complete their advance
By offering this workshop,
Willamette Valley Hospice
hopes to help families reduce
the anxiety and stress of making difficult decisions during a
medical emergency.
Willamette Valley Hospice resources are available to the
community at large. Participants will be encouraged to
share their completed directives with their loved ones,
attorney and physician.
About Willamette Valley
Hospice: A nonprofit, mission
-driven provider of hospice
and palliative care services for
more than 35 years; offering
care and support for patients
and families of those facing
life-limiting illnesses. Also
offering the Edward F. Tokarski Home and Transitions
Program and a range of community bereavement services.
Call 503-266-2970 to
register for this class—
advance registration is
preferred to ensure
enough materials for everyone.
Share the Ride Meeting:
April 2nd at 1:00: A pilot project through Clackamas County
Social Services running thru
Share the
December 2015. This program
is designed to connect those
who need occasional transportation with people who can provide it. This meeting is open to all people who need a ride
AND residents who are willing to offer rides to others. Join
us for an information meeting Thursday, April 2nd at 1:00 pm
to find out more about this great program!
Board News & Announcements
Amy Carlton
(Term ends Sept 2016)
Mark Adams
(Term ends Sept 2016)
Judy Hogland
(Term ends Sept 2015)
Nicolle Harold
(Term ends Sept 2017
Karl Campobosso
(Term ends Sept 2015)
Art Hall
(Term ends Sept 2015)
Dave May
(Term ends Sept 2016)
Mary Bosch
(Term ends Sept 2017)
Robert Sheveland
(Term ends Sept 2017)
It’s Your Center!
Do you have a great
idea, or concern about
our Center? We'd like to
hear from you!
Come share your
thoughts with a Board
member! On April 8th
one or more board members will be available
from 11:00 am at the
Center to hear from you,
reporting back to the full
Board as necessary.
Please take advantage
of this opportunity to
share your ideas – this is
YOUR center!”
April Trips
Board meeting minutes excerpts—Wednesday, March 11,2015
Directors Present: Amy Carlton, Art Hall,
Mary Bosch, Bob Sheveland, Judy Hogland,
Karl Campobasso, Mark Adams and Nicki
Director Excused: David May
add on of 60 additional diners. We had close to
180 guests for the event.
Center Director: Kathy Robinson
Guest: City Council liaison Tracie Heidt
Bridge Tournament – is set for April 11th. Invitations have gone out in the mail and we’ve lined
up help for both the lunch and the game.
Report from Tracie Heidt, City Council:
Tracie gave an update on the Library project,
indicating that several community input meetings will be held in the coming days.
Director’s Report: The Center hired a new
Meals on Wheel Coordinator II, Jeanne Vodka,
to work Mondays and to fill in for vacationing
staff. She started training March 2, 2015.
The semi-annual “Share a Meal” fundraiser is
up and running, event to be held March 17th.
Orders coming in steadily.
Plant Sale/Spring Bazaar- April 25th will go forward but with some revisions. No large plants/
trees this year. Kathy will have a list of nurseries to call for donations soon and will share
with Board members.
Strategic planning team- comments on the draft
RFP made by committee and will be sent back
to Mike within the next couple of weeks.
Ride sharing project pilot launch still on track for
March with an open orientation here at the cen- Canby Rotary has given the Adult Center a donation of $500 with a match of $500 from Dister on March 19th.
trict Rotary to be earmarked for the computer
The AARP Tax Clinic is fully booked for the rest lab.
of the season. We now refer people to the drop
Budget- We are $49,000 in the black as of end
-in Saturday clinic at Canby Utility.
We’ve had to tighten up on several food-related
Treasurers Report – Judy went over the latest
practices because of difficulty in meeting increasing demands—see below for further infor- investment report. No questions or input so
agreed report was accepted.
Fundraising and Other Events: Iwo Jima
event was a success even with a last minute
The next meeting is scheduled for April 8th at
1:00 pm.
Reminders for Members and Guests
Coffee service: Coffee service runs through
lunch on the days the dining room is open. Left
-over coffee from lunch will go out the coffee
area, but once hostesses are gone, no new
coffee will be made.
Beverage service will not be provided on Tuesdays because we do not have kitchen staff and
volunteers to prepare, manage and clean up
after the service. Please bring your own coffee,
ice or other needs with you on Tuesdays. We
will continue to sell sodas at the front desk on
Tuesday afternoon.
Thursday Soup Lottery: Our left-over soup is
in high-demand—so to provide an opportunity
to all those interested in taking some home, we
will have a “Soup Lottery Drawing” each Thursday. All you need to do is put your name on a
ticket at the front desk each Thursday. After
lunch has been served we will draw tickets for
left-over soup. Everyone is welcome to enter
this “soup lottery”.
Special meals requests: With the large number of meals prepared, we are not able to honor
special requests beyond those necessitated by
medical conditions (ie diabetic). MOW clients
with standing requests (ie no pork) will receive
an extra frozen meal from what we have available. For congregate diners: we are happy to
leave something off your plate or add additional
vegetables, but we will not prepare a substitute
Kitchen Doors—Staff only Entrance:
Please note that the kitchen entrances are for
use by kitchen staff and those volunteering in
the kitchen only—for safety and food hygiene
purposes, those entrances may not be used by
center guests. You may use the side doors
next to the stage area if you prefer to enter the
building from that parking area.
Goodwill/Red White and Blue/Big Lots shopping
April 7, 2015
Come shop with us on a day full of bargain and treasure finding! We’ll start at Oregon City Goodwill and shop until we drop that day! Bring money for lunch, we’ll eat somewhere along the way.
Depart Center: 9:30 am
Cost of Event: Bring Money for lunch
Murder Mystery dinner at Spaghetti Factory
April 9, 2015
This event is fully booked - stay tuned for future opportunities if this proves to be a good
Sax Sational Canby Community Concert Series
April 13, 2015
“Sax-sational” showcases the most unusual saxophones ever manufactured and the classic melodies that popularized this warmly embraced and versatile musical instrument.
Depart Center 6:30 pm
Cost of Event $25.00, pay at the door that evening
Return center 10pm
Bus Fee: Donations accepted
Depoe Bay Wooden Boat Show and Crab Feed
April 18, 2015
Dinners of locally caught Dungeness crab with all the trimmings will be served at the community
hall. The 20th Annual Wooden Boat Show at "the world's smallest harbor" will feature 40 exhibits
of both vintage and modern vessels from all over the Northwest. WE MUST HAVE A MINIMUM
Depart Center 11 am
Cost of Event $20.00 ½ crab $25.00 whole crab meal
Return center 7pm
Bus Fee: $10.00(due at sign up)
Wooden Shoe Tulip Festival
April 21, 2015
There is nothing like the colors of our tulip fields in the spring backed by Mt. Hood and surrounded
by fresh country air. Every year the varieties are arranged differently in a new pattern of color as
we rotate our tulip fields to a new location. Enjoy 40 acres of tulips. We’ll stop at Senior Estates
for lunch on our way home.
Depart Center: 10:00 am
Cost of Event: Bring money for lunch
Return center 3:30pm
Bus Fee: Donations accepted
Chinese Gardens Tour
April 28, 2015
Lan Su Chinese Garden is one of Portland's greatest treasures. Built by Chinese artisans from our
sister city Suzhou (home of China's famous ancient gardens), it's among the most authentic Chinese gardens outside of China. Much more than just a beautiful garden, Lan Su is a creative wonder -- a powerfully inspiring experience based on a 2,000-year-old Chinese tradition that melds
art, architecture, design and nature in perfect harmony.
Depart Center 10:15 am
Cost of Event $7.00 Payable at Event
Return center 3:30pm
Bus Fee: $5 (due at sign up)
“Grease” At the Broadway Rose
May 7, 2015
Grease has earned its place among the world’s most popular musicals. A powerhouse Broadway
musical and enduring movie classic, Grease picks up the story of bad boy Danny and girl-nextdoor Sandy where their summer lovin’ leaves off: at the start of a new school year at Rydell High,
1959. Amid fast cars, teen angst, and moon-lit nights, the two discover that to remain hopelessly
devoted, sometimes you’ve got to wake up, shape up, and shake it up! Injected with irresistible
music and electrifyin’ dance numbers. *Bring money for dinner on our way to the show that
Depart Center
5 pm
Return center 10:30pm
Cost of Event
$32.00 payable at sign up
Bus Fee $5.00 (due at sign up)
If you have questions please see Kathy. We
appreciate your cooperation and understanding!
Return center: 3:30pm
Bus Fee: Donations accepted
Please take note of
the following
 We take trip signups from the last Monday of the month prior.
 Phone Bookings
acceptable only for trips
without prepayment.
 People may only
sign up themselves and
a spouse/family member.
 At sign-up clearly
note any mobility device
you will take on the trip,
i.e., walker, scooter,
wheelchair, etc...
 Trip involving advance ticket booking by
the Center, or a required bus fee MUST be
paid in advance before
your name goes on the
 Some longer distance/after hours trips
transportation fee, payable in advance.
 If you must cancel a
spot on a prepaid trip,
we will reimburse any
transportation fee collected; we will reimburse
for prepaid tickets ONLY
if we have another traveler ready to take your
* Seniors (age 60+) and
caregivers receive first
priority for trips. Under
60 travelers may attend
if space permits.
Thank you for
your cooperation!
Around the Center
Coming Up in April
Wednesday Afternoon At the Movies—1 pm sharp ...
April Movie Features:
April Pie Raffle:
Suzie’s Beautiful
Blueberry Pie
April 1st – Tootsie, starring Dustin Hoffman. Wonderful movie about an out of work actor
who makes himself up as a woman named Dorothy to get a job. All goes well until
“Dorothy” falls for his beautiful co-star Julie, while Julie’s father falls in love with
“Dorothy”!. Romantic comedy.
Home-made and ready for
you to take home
Friday, April 24th
April 8th - For the Love of the Game, starring Kevin Costner. A washed up pitcher flashes
through his career.
Raffle tickets are
25-cents each or 5 for $1.
Pie raffle drawing:
Friday, April 24th
April 15th – The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel. British retirees travel to India to take up residence in what they believe is a newly restored hotel. Less luxurious than advertised, the
Marigold Hotel nevertheless slowly begins to charm in unexpected ways.
April 22nd –– The Next Three Days, starring Russell Crowe and Liam Neeson. After his
wife is arrested for murder, John Brennan learns that he only has three days to get his wife
released before she goes to prison for life. Their only hope for a future together rests in a
deadly race against time and impossible odds. Action Thriller
April 29th – Get Smart. Funny remake of the comedy show about novice secret agent Maxwell Smart, who must foil the nuclear scheme of the evil spy group KAOS. Stars Steve
Carrell and Anne Hatheway.
Hat Decorating Party Wednesday— April 1st
Bring your creativity to our hat decorating party on Wednesday, April 1st
at 10:30 a.m. and create a fun Easter hat to be worn on Friday April
3rd. If you have a straw hat or a hat that you wish to decorate, bring it. If not, we will have
hats on hand. (If you by chance have any silk flowers that you are no longer using , we
would gladly take them as a donation to this event- Thank you).
By the way — this event is not limited to ladies only—in the past we have gentlemen who
have also participated in the hat event and the eventual contest on Friday, April 3rd.
Easter Egg Decorating Party—April 2nd
On Thursday April 2nd at 10:30, we will be decorating Easter eggs. Come join in on the fun
and take away your own basket of decorated Easter eggs! We will be decorating with dyes
and stickers. Don’t miss out on this egg..cellent opportunity!
Easter Parade—April 3rd
Friday, April 3rd at noon—come prepared to be in our “Easter Parade” and model that Easter Bonnet you made on April 1st, or bring one from home that you already have. All Bonnets are welcome! We hope to have a full-house for this Easter Parade—prizes awarded!!!
Monthly Happenings:
Treat Yourself!
Hair Cut & Style with Linda, Now
Every 4th Wednesday: April 22nd
Linda Hagstrom is a licensed beautician
who comes to the Center the fourth
Wednesday of each month, 10:00 am to
3:00 pm to cut and or style your hair!
Still a Wednesday, but now the 4th
Wednesday. Linda is also accepting
clients later in the afternoon until 3:00
pm. $7.50 for a haircut and $10.00 for a
cut and style. Please come with freshly
washed hair and bring any special products that you use. Call the front desk at
503-266-2970 to make your appointment.
Facials with Marilyn:
Thursday, April 16th: 10 am to 2:30
pm. Sign up at the front desk or call to
make an appointment for a relaxing and
refreshing facial. Invigorating botanicals
from Puerto Rico leave your skin feeling
revitalized and fresh. 30 minutes, $20.
Baseball Day April 8th
Batter up! Come join us for
hot dogs, peanuts, cracker
jacks, a lively game of
baseball on the Wii fit
and ...Kevin Costner in a
great baseball movie!!!
Please Note: If you must cancel your
appointment please call in
ADVANCE. Please honor
the appointment you’ve
made AND if you cannot
keep it, please give us a
courtesy call. Thank you
We are celebrating the
start of the baseball season on Wednesday April
After lunch our movie feature be For the Love of
the Game starring Kevin
Be sure to wear your favorite baseball cap or jersey. Lets Play Ball!
April 16th—Deadline for Puzzle Challenge—One of our members has given us
a challenge—if we can put together the Mickey-Mouse Puzzle on the table by the popcorn
machine before April 16th she will donate $100 to the Center! Everyone can help with this!
Flower Planting Day—May 1st
Luna Family Hearing
Service: 2nd Friday of
each month—April 10th at
10:00 am. No appointment
Large Print Books Needed!
If you have any large-print books
belong to the Center, that you are
finished reading, or if you have
large-print books you’d like to donate, please do so. We’d love to
have them in our Library!
[As a reminder: we are no longer
able to accept paperback book
Thank you.
Join us in celebrating spring and summer on our Annual Planting Day—this year Friday May
1st at 10:30. We’ll have a selection of plants, pots and soil—you just come ready to plant
that flower that you will enjoy all season. We’ll have everything here waiting for you!
Monthly Music Line-Up
Thursday, April 9th—Ron Burghard with CM Riders
Thursday, April 16th— Jim Wilkey Country, Gospel & more
Friday, April 17th—Michael O’Rear from Prescott Arizona
Folk and “old-time” music—guitar and singing!
Thursday, April 23rd: “Accordian to Go” with Leta Bunnell
Beautiful accordion music including some well-known favorites!
Every Monday at 11:00 am: Fiddling Friend’s Music Group
Happy April Birthdays
1 Gladys Anderson
2 Anna Chesser
4 Jeanne Dinnell
5 Wanda Herman
5 Linda Dodge
5 Alice Jordyn
5 Patricia Williams
6 Anita Childers
7 Ted Edlin
7 Lora Heli
7 Conrad Nystrom
8 Susan Stewart
8 Mark Adams
8 Omalee Beckham
8 Patricia Heilman
9 Ruth LaRue
10 Violet Burley
10 Dorothy Barich
11 Lynn Holbrook
11 Lois Becker
11 Maxine Fricke
11 Marlene Dopp
12 Marlene Benson
12 Kathy Levy
13 Marilyn Wilson
14 Jeannine Borde
15 Mary Jean Pedersen
17 Betty Johnson
17 Ellen Gray
18 Alice Lyman
18 Doris Montgomery
19 Patti Lucht
19 Sunya Porter
19 Richard Meyer
19 Louise Doney
19 Geni Pittelkau
19 Carolyn Hoopes
20 Lynn Campbell
21 Judy Adams
24 Ken Beaver
24 Monna Hodge
24 Marvin Buck
26 Suzanne Marshall
27 Thomas Chapman
27 Jan Kluth
28 Caleb Lyman
28 Jeanne Sweet
29 Maria Cox
29 Joanna Stauffer
30 Dan Pitts
30 Marlene
Chair Massage on Hold—Unfortunately due to lack of interest we have
temporarily cancelled our chair massage service which had been scheduled
once a month on Wednesday afternoon. If you are interested in Chair Massage please contact Kathy so that we might be able to re-establish this service. Thank you.
Health Insurance
Save the Date—May7th
Zoomobile Here…
Thursday, April 9th
10:00 am
Regence Blue Cross
Lions, Tigers and Bears… well, not quite.
But still a great opportunity to see and hear
about some unique reptiles and mammals.
Thursday, April 16th
10:00 am
United Healthcare
We look forward to this visit from the Zoomobile and we usually have a full-house.
Thursday, April 16th
1:00 pm
Providence Health
Be sure to join us on May 7th for this fun
visit with some unusual guests
(the animals)
Activities—April 2015
Cole Slaw
Chilled Peaches
Serving Group:
Canby Police
Serving Group:
Canby Adult Center
Special Volunteers
Swedish Meat Loaf
Potato Wedges
Cole Slaw
Wheat Roll
Fruit Jell-O
Baseball Day
Jumbo Hot Dog
Tossed Greens
Ice Cream
Serving Group:
St. Patrick’s Church
Chicken A La King
With vegetables
Bean Salad
Baker’s Choice
Serving Group:
Zion Mennonite
Chicken &
Tossed Greens
Broccoli Normandy veg.
Applesauce Cake
Shrimp Salad
Tossed Greens
& Vegetables
Vegetable Soup
Chilled Fruit
Roast Turkey
Sweet Potatoes
Relish Dish
Wheat Roll
Bakers Choice
Serving Group:
LDS Church
2nd Ward
Serving Group:
Rackcleff House &
CAC Volunteers
Serving Group:
Smyrna Church
Serving Group:
LDS Church
Baked Lasagna
With Meat Sauce
Caesar Salad
Ice Cream Jell-O
Hamburger Feed
Baked Beans
Potato Salad
Carrot Coin Salad
Peach Crisp
Serving Group:
Volunteer Team
Serving Group:
Canby Telcom
Pulled Pork
Rst. Potatoes
Mixed Vegetables
Banana Pudding
Nutty Chicken
Tossed Greens
Vegetable Soup
Chilled Pears
Serving Group:
United Methodist
Serving Group:
Volunteer Team
Roast Pork Dinner
Potatoes & Gravy
Chilled Pea Salad
Mixed Vegetables
Birthday Cake
Serving Group:
Canby Adult Center
Special Volunteers
Beef Stroganoff
Broccoli Salad
Mixed Vegetables
Tampico Pudding
Honey Mustard Baked
Tossed Greens with
Peanut Butter Bar
Serving Group:
LDS Missionaries
Serving Group:
Canby American
Legion Auxiliary
Serving Group:
Canby Adult Center
Special Volunteers
Serving Group:
LDS Church
1st Ward
Oriental Chicken Wrap
Vegetable Soup
Lemon Poppy Seed
3 Good Friday
Baked Fish
Marinated Garden
Baked Potato
Baker’s Choice
Pork Stir Fry
Fresh Vegetables
Soba Noodles
Oriental Vegetables
Baker’s Choice
Serving Group:
Thanks to Regence
for providing the
Birthday Cake!
9:00 Tai Chi
10: 00 Foot Clinic
10:30 Senior Fitness
10:30 Hat Decorating
12:00 Speaker’s Club
1:00 Movie: “”
10:30 Sit & Be Fit
10:30 Egg Decorating
1:00 Line Dancing
1:00 Game Day
1:00 Share the Ride
9:00 Tax Clinic
9:00 Tai Chi
10:30 Senior Fitness
12:00 Easter Parade
1:00 Pinochle
9:00 Tax Clinic
9:00 Tai Chi
9:30 Senior Fitness
10:00 Foot Clinic
10:00 Blood Pressure
10:30 Sit & Be Fit
11:00 Music: Fiddlers
& Friends
1:00 Line Dance
1:00 Bridge
9:30 Trip: Goodwill
10:00 TOPS
10:00 Handiwork
1:00 Line Dance
9:00 Tai Chi
10:30 Senior Fitness
11:00 Board Member
12:00 Speaker’s Club
1:00 Board Meeting
1:00 Legal Assistance
1:00 Movie: “
10:00 Regence Blue
Cross Presentation
10:30 Sit & Be Fit
11:30 Music with Ron
Burghard– CM Riders
1:00 Line Dancing
1:00 Game Day
10:00 TOPS
10:00 Handiwork
10:00 United
10:00 Marilyn’s Facials
10:30 Sit & Be Fit
11:30 Music with
Jim Wilkey
1:00 Line Dancing
1:00 Providence
1:00 Game Day
9:30 Senior Fitness
10:00 Foot Clinic
10:30 Sit & Be Fit
11:00 Fiddlers & Friends
12:00 Reading of
Gettysburg Address
1:00 Line Dance
1:00 Bridge
6:30 Trip: Sax Sational—Canby Concert
9:00 Tai Chi
10:00 Foot clinic
10:30 Senior Fitness
12:00 Speaker’s Club
1:00 Movie—”
9:30 Senior Fitness
10:00 Blood Pressure
10:30 Sit & Be Fit
11:00 Music: Fiddlers
& Friends
1:00 Line Dance
1:00 Bridge
10:00 TOPS
10:00 Trip: Wooden
Shoe Tulip Festival
10:00 Handiwork
1:00 Line Dance
9:00 Tai Chi
10:00 Hair Cuts with
10:30 Sit & Be Fit
11:30 Music with
Leta—Accordion to Go
1:00 Line Dancing
1:00 Game Day
Coming in May:
9:30 Senior Fitness
10:30 Sit & Be Fit
11:00 Music: Fiddlers
& Friends
1:00 Line Dance
1:00 Bridge
10:00 TOPS
10:00 Handiwork
10:15 Trip: Chinese
Gardens Tour
1:00 Line Dance
1:00 Pinochle
1:00 Bingo
9:00 Tai Chi
10:00 Presentation:
Advance Directive
10:30 Senior Fitness
12:00 Speaker’s Club
1:00 Movie: “”
10:30 Sit & Be Fit
12:00 Birthday Lunch
1:00 Line Dancing
1:00 Game Day
1:00 Pinochle
1:00 Bingo
1:00 Line Dance
1:00 Pinochle
1:00 Bingo
1:00 Pinochle
1:00 Bingo
Baseball Day
10:00 Luna Hearing
10:30 Senior Fitness
1:00 Pinochle
Trip: Murder Mystery
10:30 Senior Fitness
12:00 Speaker’s Club
1:00 Movie: “”
9:00 Tai Chi
10:30 Senior Fitness
11:30 Music with
Michael O’Rear
1:00 Pinochle
9:00 Tai Chi
10:30 Senior Fitness
11:00 Presentation
Oregon Patient
Safety Commission
12:00 Pie Raffle Beautiful Blue Berry
1:00 Pinochle
Bridge Tournament
Chef Salad
Tossed Greens
Vegetable or
Spinach Tortilla Soup
Lemon Pudding
Trip: Depoe Bay: 11 am
Happy Easter
Bridge Tournament
Spring Bazaar Cinnamon rolls/ Soup &
Sandwich Served
Spring Bazaar
Menu—April 2015
May 1st—Planting
May 7th—
Bits & Pieces
Nutrition Tips from Marlene:
Go for the ‘bright’
On-going Classes and Activities
Summer Paving Projects Ahead
Eat the ‘brights’! Our focus is on red cabbage, beets and
red peppers for this issue. Red cabbage and red beets get
their pigment from specific antioxidants known as anthocyanins. They also contain moderately high amounts of vitamin
C and potassium. Potassium is an electrolyte mineral that
helps with muscle contractions, and it is also beneficial if
you have high blood pressure. Consuming potassium-rich
foods on a regular basis helps reduce the blood pressureelevating effect of sodium, according to the American Heart
The Oregon Department of Transportation
(ODOT) is working on a project to repave
OR 99E from SW Berg Parkway in Canby, to just north of
2nd Street in Aurora. ODOT expects construction to start in
summer 2015. The project will:
Red peppers contain almost 300 percent of your daily
vitamin C besides B6 and magnesium.
Vitamin C is
needed for proper iron absorption. If you are iron deficient,
try combining red peppers with your iron source for maximum absorption.
*Restripe OR 993 north of Lone Elder Road & add rumble strips to the shoulder and center line to improve safety.
Here is a recipe for combining these three power horses;
Red Flannel Slaw
2 medium beets boiled until tender, cut into matchsticks
1 small head of red cabbage shredded
½ red pepper minced
3 red radishes minced
*Repave OR 993, completing most of the work at night to
minimize impacts to local businesses, residents & travelers.
*Update sidewalk ramps to meet Americans with Disabilities ACT (ADA) standards at the corners of OR 993 & Berg
Parkway, Barlow Road, and 1st Street (in Aurora).
Monday at 1:00 pm
Tuesday & Friday 1:00
Thursday at 1:00 pm
Bridge Players Wanted
Bridge players meet at the
Center every Monday from 1:00
pm to 4:00 pm for a friendly
game of Bridge. If you are interested in
joining this fun card game, just stop by the
Center any Monday at 1:00 and you can
join the fun. No need to sign up, just stop
in and play. New players welcome!
Doors open at 12:00, games start at 1:00.
Bring your own
project — A
great time to
work on your
project and be
with friends.
Special games: $2 for four games, 3 cards to a game,
and payouts vary by number of games purchased.
Exercise Classes Open to Everyone!!!
Railroad Construction During April & May
Please note: Union Pacific Railroad has updated
their closure dates for the following street intersections. Closure times start at 7 am and end
the following day at 5 pm, with total over-night
Elm Street: Closed March 31st and April 1st.
Sit & Be Fit: Class meets Monday and Thursdays at
10:30. A great exercise choice focusing on exercises you
can do from a sitting position! This class also offered yeararound with instructor Kay Walter.
No fee—donations appreciated.
Senior Fitness— Class meets Monday at 9:30, Wednes-
N Elm Street & 99E: Tuesday, April 21 overnight until
5:pm on Wednesday, April 22, 2015
N Grant Street & 99E: Saturday, May 2 nd overnight until 5
pm on Sunday, May 3, 2015
day and Friday at 10:30. Get a great work-out, rain or shine,
using weights, balls and bands. Join this class with our experienced instructor, Hurshall Walls.
No fee—donations appreciated.
Senior Tai Chi— Walk-ins welcome!
e Bo
Orange Ginger Vinaigrette
This delicious recipe has been requested repeatedly so Audrey is
sharing it with us:
1/4 C. Pineapple Juice Concentrate
1/4 C. Orange Juice Concentrate
1/4 C. Soy Sauce or Tamari
1/4 C. Rice Wine Vinegar
dry mustard
fresh garlic paste
dry ginger powder
1 C.
Sesame Oil
1 C.
Salad oil
1/4 C. toasted white or black sesame seeds
Zest of 1 orange, 2 T Honey
Mix all ingredients in food processor, slowly. Add in oil to
emulsify. Sweeten with honey.
Regular games:
1 packet $5,
2 packets for $8, 3 packets for $10
Minimum $5 per game for 7 – 11 players,
$7 per game for 12-18 and it keeps going up!
Black-out Bingo: 1 number added
every week! Maximum pot $200,
weekly $20 consolation prize.
*Perform minor repair to the bridge over Pudding River.
Whisk together; 2 T olive oil, 2 T fresh orange juice,
1 T fresh lemon juice, ½ tsp sugar, ½ tsp salt,
¼ tsp ground pepper and celery salt, 1/8 tsp Tabasco
sauce. Taste and adjust seasonings. Chill for at least one
hour and enjoy.
Game Day:
at 10 am:
N Pine Street & 99E: Monday, May 4 overnight until 5 pm
on Tuesday, May 5, 2015.
MOVIE REQUESTS for Spring & Summer?
We show movies every Wednesday afternoon at 1 pm.
We provide the movie and the popcorn, you just sit back
and enjoy.
We are pleased to offer Tai Chi classes twice each week.
Class meets every Wednesday and Friday from 9 am to 10
am. Check out this class—a great way to increase mobility
and balance!
No fee—$2 donation suggested.
Canby Communicators
Speakers’ Club
Every Wednesday,
12 o’clock Noon
Is there a movie that you would like to see? Let us know
and we will try our best to arrange for a showing. Please
leave your suggestion at the front desk.
Canby Community Speakers
Group meets here at the
Center every Wednesday at
noon. Make
new friends and
have fun finetuning your public speaking
skills. Join us!!!
Speaking of movies—did you know…
In the movie Grease, Olivia Newton John’s role
was first offered to Marie Osmond… who rejected it!
Actor Sean Connery’s first name is Thomas!
Marilyn Monroe’s real last name was Mortensen.
“The Bride of Frankenstein” was the first female
monster to appear in a movie!
Game Day
Every Thursday
At the Center
We supply the space
and the games, you
just come and enjoy
socializing and a great
variety of games: Mexican train, dominos,
bunco, cards, and even
Join a fun game group
every Thursday at 1:00
Line Dancing Classes:
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday at 1 pm
No partner needed for these ever popular and fun
line dancing classes! Mondays are geared toward beginners, and start with the basics.
Tuesday and Thursday classes are for those with
more experience. New dancers always welcome!
Yarn Needed for our Knitting and
Crocheting Volunteers…
If you have spare yarn for our knitters and
crocheters, please feel free to donate it to the Center. Our
volunteers knit all year long, hats, scarves and sweaters for
us to sell at our fundraisers. We will put your yarn to good
use if you have no need of it. Our supply is unusually low
and our holiday bazaar is coming up so all donations are
especially appreciated...Thank you!
Internet access and
printer are available
for your use. Look
for some changes in
the computer lab—
watch future newsletters for details!
Wifi is also available— check with
the front desk if you
need the password.
Attention Bridge Players
Annual Irene Collins Memorial
Bridge Tournament is Saturday, April
11th. See Page 1 for details. Advance Registration Required.
If you are interested in starting a
Canasta card group please sign up
at the front desk. We are glad to
provide the space for your use if we
have enough people to start a weekly group.
This & That
Around Town
Thelma’s Place: 352 NW 2nd Ave.
Thelma’s Place: Adult Day Center offering a place to
engage in stimulating activities with other people who have
memory loss. Thelma’s Place also provides caregivers the respite, or rest, they need to “recharge their batteries”, helping to
minimize stress and helping provide caregivers with information
and encouragement they need! Call 503.266.5100 for details.
Canby Police Department
Home Safe Program—
24-hour Prescription Drug
Drop Off at Canby Police
Identify where displaced or
Department: 1175 NW 3rd
memory impaired persons may Avenue:
belong if they have wandered
away from home or a care facility. Identification is made by
use of a specially designed
bracelet which is provided at no
cost to the individual. See
Wendy or Canby Police Department for more information.
Cutsforth’s Thriftway:
Battery recycling available but
you need to sign your name,
address and phone number
when you take your batteries to
the Customer Service Desk—
they need to show that the batteries are coming from individuals and not businesses. Recycle standard “AA”, AAA”, and
Items accepted for deposit include: Prescription & nonprescription medications; Vitamins; Pet Medications; Medicated ointments and liquid medications (in leak-proof container).
“C” batteries at the Customer
Service counter. Thank them
for this service, they pay the
recycling fee!
Senior Tuesday: Shop on
Tuesdays and present your
Thriftway Rewards Card— the
register will apply 10% of your
total bill to your Thriftway rewards card balance.
MEALS AROUND TOWN: Zoar Lutheran Church, is located at 190 SW 2nd Avenue, and offers a free, on-going dinner,
every Tuesday, 5 pm to 7 pm. Call 503-266-4061 for details.
American Legion Update—
Canby American Legion Post #122
424 NW 1st Street
Share-A-Meal Report:
A monthly column offered in partnership
with Canby Public Library
Tuesday April 7 at 6:30 pm: Estate, Incapacity, and
Tax Planning 101: How to minimize headaches and
maximize security. Learn how to take care of your family after you pass away, the best ways to leave assets
for your family, and how to make those transitions as
smooth as possible. Find out how you can plan ahead
for any potential period of incapacity that you may endure near the end of your life.
Tuesday April 14 at 6:30 pm Elder Law: How to Take
Care of a Loved-One Who is Struggling to Take Care
of Themselves: Learn about tools, legal documents,
and steps you and your loved-one can take to make it
easier to care for your loved-one once they lose the capacity to make financial and health care
decisions for themselves. Also find out about options
available for those struggling with paying for long-term
Tuesday April 28 at 6:30 pm Social Security: When
Should I Take It and How Much Will I Likely Receive? Learn strategies you can use to maximize your
potential lifetime social security benefits along with retirement planning.
Master Gardener Program: Soil Preparation Tuesday
April 21 at 6:30 pm April and May are the perfect time
for gardeners to prepare for a successful planting season. Learn how to create a gardening environment.
Music in the Stacks April 11 at 2:30 pm. 1940s and 50s
style entertainment with Two Sisters and a Mister.
Three strong voices, 3 strong harmonies. Fun and
laughter guaranteed.
You Can GET FIT After Cancer
GET FIT is a research study designed to learn more
The following events are open to the public:
about exercise for women who have had cancer. WomBINGO every Thursday, 6:30 at the Legion, 16 games played.
en who join GET FIT will attend a group exercise class 2
Sunday Breakfasts: 8:30 am to 11:30 am. $6 for guests 11 and times a week for 6 months and will complete physical
over; $3 ages 10 and under. Choices are Bacon/Sausage/Ham or function tests and health surveys 4 times over 12
Chicken Fried Steak and includes Eggs, Hash browns, Hot Cakes, months. These group exercise classes are led by trained
English Muffin, Biscuits & Gravy or Biscuits/Jelly; Coffee, Juice or professionals, are safe for cancer survivors, and designed for women 50-75. Classes are free and are held
at flexible times and locations in the Portland metro arApril 12th - - - - - - -- - - - Auxiliary** proceeds from this breakfast ea. Participants will be selected to participate in 1 of 3
benefit Clackamas County Foster Care Program. Mark your
types of exercise: strengthening, stretching, or tai chi. Of
calendar—Rose City Clowns will be treating young & old!!!
you or someone you know is interested in learning more
about the study or eligibility requirements, call Lauren
April 19th - - - - - - - - - - - Sons of the American Legion
Bumgarner, MS at 503-494-4361 or email
April 26th - - - - - - - - - Legionaries
Funded by The National Cancer Institute
[No breakfast April 5th—Easter Sunday]
Many thanks to all the local businesses who participated in our recent
Share A Meal—we are fortunate to have a business community that is supportive of the services we offer here at the Center.
Please join us in thanking these local businesses for their support in our March Share-A-Meal:
Appliance Renewal Service
Austen's Body Shop Inc
Better Homes & Gardens Real Estate
Bikes 'N More
Canby Builders Supply
Canby Disposal (Kahut)
Canby Electric Inc
Canby Funeral Chapel
Canby Insurance
Canby Police Department
Canby Rental & Equipment Inc
Canby Station Cleaners
Canby Swim Center
Canby Tax Center
Canby Telcom
Clancy & Slininger
Clem's Tractor & Trenching
Club Fit
Computers Made EZ by Jim
Dave and Sheila Muck
Dave's Prescription Shop
Dr. Darling, DMD
Edward D Jones
Ernie Graham Oil Inc
Fisher's Supply Inc
Gentle Groomers
Gustafson Insurance
IFA Nursery
J & M Accounting Service
J.M. Mechanical
Joy Kitchen
Big Thank You’s to…
Ruth LaRue—for cleaning and sanitizing all of our medical
equipment—and keeping everything ready for use.
Howard Thomas— for running errands for us!
Fiddling Friends for playing for us each Monday!
Leta Bunnell and Canby Art Association for displaying beautiful paintings for us to enjoy.
Marlene Daugherty and Wade Porter for giving our flowerbeds a proper “spring cleaning”!
Sunya, Jane and Kaye for flower arrangements in our dining
Canby Lions Auxiliary for the pretty St. Patrick’s Day napkins!
Canby Fire Department for serving in the kitchen on Monday!
You are Appreciated!!!
April Fun Facts… Did you
know April is “Humor Month”
Definition of Humor: “…the
quality that makes something
laughable or amusing”
Luna Hearing Center
Martin's Town & Country Furniture
Matt Olsen State Farm Insurance
Millar's Highway Tire Factory
Morgan's Automotive Repair
Providence Medical Group
R & C Carpet Care
Rackleff Place
RE/MAX Equity Group Inc
Sequoia Veterinary Clinic
SP & B Reprographics
Studio 103
Swan Island Dahlias
Trent B Warren MD PC
Thank you to Canby Rotary Club and
District Conference
...for your very generous donation to the Center. Your gift
is much appreciated and we are grateful for your support.
Thank you to
Canby American Legion Ladies Auxiliary
...for hosting your “March for Meals” breakfast to benefit
Canby Adult Center. Many thanks as well to everyone who
attended the breakfast—we appreciate the support!
Facts About Volunteering
Research demonstrates that volunteering leads to
better health and that older volunteers are the
most likely to receive physical and mental health
benefits from their volunteer activities.
Non volunteers say that they are more likely to serve if
a trusted friend asks them to serve.
As a volunteer—YOU make a difference!
Remember as a child how you
would laugh so many times
throughout the day? The average child laughs 300 to 500
times a day while the average adult laughs only about 15
times a day. Research supports that humor as an
excellent stress management tool.
"You don't stop laughing because you grow old, you
grow old because you stop laughing."
Michael Pritchard
Thanks to all our
many volunteers—
you are appreciated!
Friends of the Canby Adult Center
Friends of Canby Adult Center Inc
PO Box 10
Canby OR 97013-0010
Thank you to our 2014-2015 Annual Appeal Donors
Sustaining Donors:
Gold Donors:
Donations of $251 +
Donations of $101—$250
Robert & Janet Adrian
Thomas & Anna Adams
Lynne Anderson
Ken & Millie Blodgett
Wyatt & Jake Brawner
Marjorie Brood
Canby Import Auto
Bob & Amy Carlton
Bob Cornelius
Janis Cox
Bob & Cec Cullison
Carol Davidson
Henry & Georgia Deetz
Norman & Brenda Elie
Susan & Scott Enyart
Jean Epley
Ellen & Emmett Gray
Carmen Hamilton
Laurie Harmon
Judy & Roy Harvey
Madeleine Henderson
Yvonne & Larry Hepler
Hope Village
Judy & Butch Hogland
Curt & Nola Hovland
Glacie Iverson
Keith & Caroline Jensen
Lynn & Diane Kadwell
Marvin & Marcella Kastama
Robert Kauffman
Betty Keys
Chuck & Mary Ann Kocher
Kathryn Levy
Arleta Lucht
Patti & Arnie Lucht
Dorothy McCormick
Mary & Bernie McWilliams
Sheldon Marcuvitz &
Carole Laity
Mernie & Henry Martin
Robert & Maxine Martin
Todd May
Alice Merrill
Linda Michaelsen
Marty Moretty
Nancy Muller
Kathy & Richard Oathes
Mary Jean Pedersen
Betty Prakken
Geni Pittelkau
Gary & Lisa Potter
Rose City Garden Railway
Stutes Financial Group
Judy Torgeson
Irene Wolf
Al & Nori Zieg
Lori Alexander
Julia Barklow
Ted & Linda Baumgardner
Lois Becker
Wesley & Eleanor Belieu
Janey Belozer
Bridge to Life Fellowship
Calvary Women’s
Missionary Soc.
Canby American
Legion Auxiliary
Canby Lions Auxiliary
Canby Telcom
Gwen Carriera
Stanley Cullington
The Chair Outlet
Custom Plumbing
& Construction
Jane Dahl
Gregg Ekenbarger
Leona Hart
Patty Hatfield
James & Paulette Hefflinger
Delbert & Rosa Hemphill
Kathryn Henderson
Bob & Wanda Herman
Kathleen Hostetler
Ken & Sherley Howell
Charlie Lam
Dave May & Christine Parno
Larry & Ann McBride
Michael & Gretchen
Elizabeth Meyer
Richard Miller
Betty Meyers & Lowell Hall
Conrad Nystrom
Mariah Olson
John & Marge Pursley
Rackleff Place
Melvin Saraceno
Steve & Janet Skinner
Sons of the American
Shelly Taranoff
Howard Thomas
Harvey & D'Anne Tofte
Uptown Medical Billing
Earl & Suzie Voss
Canby Fred Meyer,
Canby Telcom
Cutsforth’s Thriftway,
Hulbert’s Flowers,
Kahut Waste Services,
Reif, Reif & Thalhofer,
Canby Kiwanis Foundation & Thrift Store,
Andrew Kauffman—Attorney at Law
New & Renewing Members
Janis Crum
Jimmie Fox
Gaye McClellen
Jacque & Richard Meyer
Leroy Myers
Jerry & Nancy Sullivan
New Member
Thank You February Donors
Thank You Business & Organizational
Supporters Providing on-going donations
Financial Donors:
Howard Thomas, Larry Perry, Steve & Janet Skinner, Patty
Hatfield, Calvary Women’s Missionary Society, Dorothy
DeHackbeil, Canby American Legion Auxiliary
Under 65___
65-70___ 70-75___ 75-80___ Over 80 ___
Under 65___
65-70___ 70-75___ 75-80___ Over 80 ___
Birth Month_______ Birth Day: _______
Birth Month_______ Birth Day: _______
Renewal postcards are mailed quarterly as a reminder to
renew your membership & update your information.
Tom Doupe’ & Sierra Springs
The Family of Homer Gifford
Family of Helena Leavell
Dieter & Sally Schmolinski
Johnette Williams
Enclosed: Check: $_________
E-Mail Address: ____________________________
Check here
to receive newsletter by e-mail only with
thanks for helping us save on postage!
Cash: $_________
May we contact you about becoming a Canby Adult Center Volunteer? Yes
Donor Name:
Annual Appeal Donors
Bronze Donors:
Single Membership: $15/year Couple: $25/year
Phone: ____________________________________
In-Kind Donations:
Laura Caldwell
Jimmie Fox
Don Hart
Margaret Haworth
Bob & Shirley Peebles
Bill Vermillion
Donation Enclosed:$
Betty Hubbell
Sustaining Donors: Charlie Lam, Kathryn Henderson
In Memory of:
Acknowledgement Address:
Memorial Enclosed $