On-Going Services and Programs


On-Going Services and Programs
1250 S Ivy
PO Box 10
Canby, OR 97013-0010
Center Hours:
February 2015
On-Going Services and Programs
Contact Wendy May, Client Services Coordinator at 503-266-2970 if you have questions on these programs.
Call at 8:30 a.m. on the
day you need a ride to
the Center and we will
come pick you up. Bus runs Monday,
Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.
Dear friends,
How’s everyone doing with their New Year’s resolutions? Did you set a goal for yourself—better
exercise habits, closer connections with friends, more volunteering? I just read an article that
says that, while 75% of people make resolutions at the New Year, less than 35% of them are still
following the resolution six months later. Hmm….I wonder what would happen if your New
Year’s resolution was, say, to eat more cookies? I’ll bet that the success rate would go sky-high
for a resolution like that!
Like they say: Life is short, so eat dessert first (followed by vegetables, fiber and protein).
See you at the Center—Kathy
Mobile Dental Van visits CAC!
We’re pleased to partner with International Medical
Teams, to offer a mobile dental van service on Monday,
February 9th! This is thanks to an Innovation Grant
funded by the State of Oregon Department of Human
Services. In order to qualify as a patient, you must meet
the following criteria:
Individuals accepted for treatment on the dental vans
MUST have incomes less than 200% of federal poverty
level ($23,340 for an individual; $31,460 for a 2-person
Clients must have no dental insurance of any kind
Clients must have no realistic ability to pay for the urgent
dental care they need.
Patients should exhibit URGENT dental needs such as
dental pain, swelling, or possible decay (e.g., discolored
Patients with the greatest need (e.g., pain) shall have
priority over those with less urgent needs.
Please see Client Services Coordinator Wendy May if
you have an urgent dental problem in order to sign up for
this excellent service.
Please note that this is the first of two visits. If you aren’t
able to attend this clinic, we will offer it again later in the
Iwo Jima Breakfast
February 21, 2015 at 10 am
The Canby-Aurora VFW 6057 Post/
Auxiliary invites you to join us for
the 20th anniversary of the Iwo
Jima Flag Raising Ceremony at the
Canby Adult Center! The ceremony begins at 10 am (Veteran service groups and service organizations assemble at 9:30) Breakfast is
served following the ceremony.
See inside for more details!
Kathy Robinson
Timpra McKenzie
Bev Vandecoevering
Lynne Bonnell
Lynne Bonnell
We are once again hosting AARP
volunteers here at the Center, to
assist you in preparing your annual tax return.
Karen Krettler
June Nice
Dedicated to keeping Seniors Safe, Healthy and Independent
2nd Wednesday of each month an
attorney will meet with you for a 30
minute consultation. To schedule your
appointment call 503-266-2970.
Books, magazines, audio books,
video-tapes, DVD’s, & puzzles available
for loan and no check-out required.
We accept donations of
hard-cover books only.
Free Blood Pressure Checks
1st & 4th Monday in February:
No appointment needed.
Foot Care Choices
Charlie Leibrand
June Nice
Carol Clark
Volunteer drivers transport seniors to
destinations in Clackamas, Washington
and Multnomah counties. 5 to 7 business days notice required. Call Wendy
at 503-266-2970.
Health & Wellness
Noon Meal in our
Dining Room
Hot meals, prepared in our kitchen,
served Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday at 12:00 noon. Suggested
meal donation for those over 60 is
$3.50; for those under 60 suggested
donation is $4.25. Musicians provide
entertainment and meals are served
community style.
Sit To Be Fit
Mon….10:30 am
Thur....10:30 am
Suggested donation $1
Mon….9:30 am Wed...10:30 am
Fri......10:30 am
Suggested donation $1
Tai Chi Class
Focus on movement, mobility and balance—meets twice weekly:
Wednesday & Friday
9:00 am to 10:00 am
$2 Minimum Donation Suggested
TOPS: Take Off Pounds Sensibly
Every Tuesday: Weigh-in 9 am - 10 am
Meetings from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m.
Membership $28 per year
Line Dancing:
1:00 pm every Monday,
Tuesday, Thursday
No partner needed.
No fee—Donations accepted
Monday’s with LaVerne Lind
February 2nd, and 23rd
For services listed below, call
503-266-2970 for an appointment:
Wednesday’s with Tracey McAllen
February 4th and 18th
Linda’s Hair Cut & Style
Call 503-266-2970 to schedule
your appointment
Wade Porter
Howard Brooks
Carol Clark
Meals on
Senior Fitness
Legal Assistance
Susan Voss
Audrey Barnett
Center Closed: Monday, February 16th
observing Presidents Day.
Medical equipment for loan.
Suggested hours for pick-up
or donations:
Mondays 2:30—4:30
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
8:30 am—10:30 and 2:30 pm—4:30
Wendy May
Free Assistance with Income
Tax Preparation
This free service offered every
Friday through April 10th. If you
wish to make an appointment
please call our receptionist at 503266-2970. You must have an appointment for this service. See
inside for details regarding types
of returns they cannot prepare.
Medical Equipment
Loan Program
Reaching People:
4th Wednesday of each month
February 25th— 10 am to 3:00 pm.
Cut $7.50—Cut & Style $10
Chair Massage with Dennis
Luna Family Hearing
Luna Family Hearing service is
here the 2nd Friday of every
month—this month February 13th, 10
am to noon. Stop in and they will clean
and check hearing aids, make minor
repairs and check ears. More
Information on page 7.
February 18th- $1 per minute
(10 or 15 minute sessions available).
Marilyn’s Mini
Thursday, February
19th—A relaxing facial
using fresh raw botanicals from Costa
Rica! $20 for a 30 minute facial.
Volunteer drivers deliver nutritious
meals, prepared in our kitchen, to
seniors and the disabled four days
each week. Enough food is delivered
to provide meals for seven days. Call
503-266-2970 to sign up!
Volunteers visit seniors weekly,
providing companionship,
transportation and independence.
If you are interested in volunteering,
or if you need a companion—contact
Client Services!
Senior Health
Benefits Assistance
Prescription Plan D and eligibility for
free premiums.
Call for an
appointment: 503-266-2970
Canby Adult Center
Dedicated to keeping seniors
safe, healthy & independent.
Board News
Call Client Services Coordinator Wendy May for more information on programs listed below
Phantom Visions … Are you crazy???
Services Offered:
TRP Rides Available: The Center offers TRP (Transportation Reaching
People) rides to Seniors to destinations
in Clackamas, Multnomah & Washington counties. If you need a ride for a
medical appointment or other necessary personal errands, contact Wendy
at 503-266-2970 to see if your trip qualifies for a TRP driver. (5 to 7 business
days minimum notice required.) This
program is a volunteer based program
and rides are not guaranteed. Rides
are filled based upon volunteer availability.
Medical Equipment Loan Program:
Equipment is available to loan at no
charge; we appreciate donations of
clean, functioning equipment. Check
with Wendy to confirm what we are currently accepting.
To ensure prompt service, please note
hours below for medical equipment
pick-up or drop off :
Mondays thru Friday:
11:30 to 1:00; and 2:30 to 4:30
Share The Warmth Program
Tuesdays Only: 9 am to Noon
The Canby Utility Board Share The
Warmth Energy Assistance program is
now open each Tuesday from 9 am to
Noon. We accept 30 applicants each
Tuesday. Eligible customers may receive up to $200 per fiscal year.
Q. Looking out a window, you see a
tall building in what you know to be a
wooded field, so detailed you can
count its steps. Then, it vanishes,
only to reappear a few hours later.
You’re seeing things. Are you crazy?
vision problem is earmarked by the appearance of images that are not actually there. While there is no definitive cure
for this type of health problem, there are
treatments that have proven helpful in
some situations, allowing the individual
to be free from the emotional discomfort
that is sometimes caused by the halluciA. Phantom visions may appear to oth- nations.
erwise healthy people whose sight is
The phenomenon of phantom vision
impaired by retinal degeneration or cat- can be extremely troubling for those
aracts or loss of perceptual processing, who experience it. The images can
says McGill University psychologist
sometimes be rather benign, such as
Ronald Melzack in “Scientific Amerithe apparent appearance of an old
can :Mysteries of the mind:. Lacking
friend or other loved one. However,
sensory inputs, the brain creates its
some people with phantom vision expeown images.
rience episodes where the images are
extremely troubling in their content.
Most common are phantom people and Since the image cannot be blocked out,
buildings, but miniature people and ani- the individual suffers with the image
mals have also been reported. While
until it begins to fade as mysteriously as
these may seem quite real, they are not it first manifested. Often, the image is
confused with reality. “Some 15 percent so crisp and real that the individual at
of the people who lose all or part of
least momentarily believes he or she is
their vision (many of them elderly) recatching a glimpse of what everyone
port phantom visual experiences. The
else can see.
proportion may be higher because
some people avoid discussing phantom If you have experienced phantom vivision for fear of being labeled as psysions, you may want to discuss this
chologically disturbed”.
matter with your doctor. You are not
alone and it is quite common.
Phantom vision is a phenomenon that is
experienced by people with a partial or Strange but True….by Bill Sones and
complete loss of vision. Also known as Rich Jones, Ph.D
Charles Bonnet syndrome, or CBS, this http://www.wisegeek.com/what-isphantom-vision.htm#didyouknowout
Clackamas County 2014-2015 LIEAP Program
Available for Seniors and Disabled: You may be
eligible for assistance with your heat bill (electricity, gas or
wood) through LIEAP (Low Income Energy Assistance
Program). To apply for energy assistance you must: live in
Clackamas County and be within the following gross
(before taxes and deductions) income guidelines:
For a household size of
Income cannot be over:
$1,792.14 per month
$2,343.56 per month
$2,894.99 per month
$3,446.42 per month
*For each additional member, add $103.42 monthly
Applications are processed in the order received and
based on available funding. To request an application
contact the Energy Assistance Line at 503 650 5640. If
you need assistance in filling out your application contact
Wendy May at 503 266 2970.
Stress-Busting for
Family Caregivers:
This program is designed for
family caregivers of persons
with Alzheimer’s or Dementia
and teaches stress management techniques as well as
relaxation and coping strategies. Classes offered free of
charge at the Lake Oswego
Adult Community Center: 505
G Avenue, Lake Oswego. This
program meets for 90 minutes
for 9 weeks on Tuesdays from
February 10 thru April 7. Class
is limited to 8 and registration
is required. Call 503-635-3758
to register.
Amy Carlton
(Term ends Sept 2016)
Mark Adams
Director’s Report: The annual appeal has generated over $38,000 so far, some $8000 over
what was budgeted. The Board discussed and approved the proposal to use excess funds for
the renovation/upgrade of the computer lab and storage area.
(Term ends Sept 2015)
Iwo Jima event will be held Saturday February 21 at the Center. The kitchen needs volunteers.
Nicolle Harold
Plant Sale/Spring Bazaar – Kathy noted that the event as currently organized takes a significant amount of time and work, relative to the net return. She would like to limit the plant part of
the event to smaller plants. Several Board members suggested that we consider taking plants
from nurseries on consignment—have them bring in plants, man their booth and take any unsold plants home with them. All members agreed this would be a great idea. Kathy will call a
separate meeting of Board members involved in last year’s sale in February for further planning.
(Term ends Sept 2015)
Art Hall
(Term ends Sept 2015)
Dave May
(Term ends Sept 2016)
Mary Bosch
(Term ends Sept 2017)
Robert Sheveland
(Term ends Sept 2017)
Thank you to everyone
who helped spruce up our
Spam Can centerpieces.
We appreciate your help
and they are ready for use!
Look for them at the Iwo
Jima Breakfast here on
February 21st!
The meeting started with Scott Gustafson of Gustafson Insurance, which provides the Adult
Center’s liability insurance. Scott gave an overview of the different policies held by CAC, together with their cost.
Judy Hogland
February 19th
10:00 am
Regence Blue
Guests: Scott Gustafson, Paul Carlson, Gretchen and Mike McCallum
Paul Carlson, with Edward Jones went over endowment balances and trends — nothing significant to report. The Investment Committee will meet with Paul Carlson February 10th.
Karl Campobosso
February 26th
1:00 pm
Providence Health
Directors Present: Amy Carlton, Art Hall, Mary Bosh, David May, Bob Sheveland, Judy Hogland, Karl Campobasso, Mark Adams and Nicki Harold, Center Director Kathy Robinson
(Term ends Sept 2016)
(Term ends Sept 2017
Health Insurance
Board meeting minutes excerpts—Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Funding opportunity: Kathy mentioned that a funding opportunity has arisen, to purchase a
replacement mini van. She will be working on the proposal over the coming month.
Strategic Planning: Mike and Gretchen McCallum attended the meeting to present a preliminary strategic report, reflecting the work and discussions of key staff over several meetings.
The report details CAC’s current operating environment and likely needed changes over the
next five—ten years. The Board thanked Mike for all of the gratis work he has put into this project, then discussed best ways to move forward. Mike noted that the staff can’t devote substantial time to further flesh out a plan while still doing their jobs; he strongly suggested the
hiring of a project manager and offered to work with Kathy and a committee to write up a SOW
and identify an appropriate candidate. After much discussion, the Board agreed to allocate an
initial budget to the further development of a complete strategic plan, suitable for presentation
to government bodies and donors.
The next board meeting is February 11, at 1:00 pm.
Thanks to…
Mary Bosch who worked diligently to
separate and organize a huge fabric
and yarn donation.
We appreciate all your time in that
week-long endeavor.
Thank you Mary!
Thanks to Mary Weber for
over-seeing our yarn inventory and
making it useable for our knitters!
Thanks to all who donated to the
Homeless Veteran Event!
The Adult Center had an extraordinary
response to our request for donations for the
Homeless Veteran Stand-down event.
Those of you who donated made a huge
impact and the items were distributed to
veterans at the “Stand down” event on
January 17th!
Thanks to each of you who made a donation
to our Veterans!
Around the Center
February Trips & Movies
Scrap Retail Store and Lunch
February 3, 2015
SCRAP is a donation-based creative reuse store and donation center in Northeast Portland. Along
with the ever-changing and diverse store items, SCRAP also provides a range of educational
opportunities within the community and hosts local reuse-based artists in their Re-Boutique. Join
us for a tour and some time for shopping. We’ll stop for lunch on the way home.
Depart Center 10am
Return center 3:30pm
Bring money to shop and for lunch
Bus Fee: Donations Accepted
Bob’s Red Mill Tour, Dave’s Killer Bread Outlet Store, and Lunch
February 10, 2015
Come and learn about the wonderful world of stone grinding whole grains on a free guided tour of
the BRM manufacturing facility. You’ll hear a brief history of how Bob and Charlee Moore championed the goodness of simple, natural whole grains and created a company now respected around
the world and watch the action of a working mill as seen through viewing windows. Questions are
welcome during the tour and everyone leaves with a free sample. We’ll eat lunch at Bob’s Store,
and stop at Dave’s Killer Bread outlet after lunch.
Depart Center 9:30am
Return center 3:30pm
Bring money for lunch
Bus Fee: Donations Accepted
Culinary Institute for Lunch
February 17, 2015
Join us as we experience the enjoyment of an exquisitely prepared 3 course meal by students of
the Culinary Institute. . Bring exact cash for lunch and pay driver when getting on the bus that
Depart Center 11:15am
Return center 3:00pm
Cost of Event $12.00 Bring exact cash day of event.
Bus Fee $5.00 (due at sign up)
Chamber Orchestra Dress Rehearsal in Salem
February 21, 2015
Dress rehearsals are a great way to hear fantastic live music, see behind the scenes, and even get
a chance to sit on stage behind and next to the orchestra. The atmosphere is more relaxed than a
formal concert—musicians wear jeans instead of suits—but it is still a working rehearsal. There will
be starts and stops in the music, as well as run-throughs of the pieces that will be on the concert.
We get the great music of a wonderful Orchestra for a wonderful price to boot! We’ll stop for lunch
in Salem on our way home
Depart Center 8:30am
Return center 3pm
$5.00 for rehearsal payable at event. /bring money for lunch
Bus Fee: $5.00
(due at sign up)
The Melting Pot Restaurant
February 26, 2015
The Melting Pot Restaurant offers a unique dining experience like no other! The premier fondue
restaurant where guests can enjoy a choice of fondue cooking styles and a variety of unique
entrees, salads and indulgent desserts
Depart Center 4:30pm
Return center 7:30pm
$45.00 Payable at event.
Bus Fee: $5.00 (due at sign up)
Wednesday Afternoon At the Movies—1 pm sharp ...
February Movie Features:
February 4th – State of Play, starring Russell Crowe and Helen Mirren. When DC reporter McCaffrey is assigned to investigate the murder of an assistant to an up and coming politician, he uncovers a conspiracy that threatens to bring down the nation’s power structures.
February 11 – Sabrina, starring Harrison Ford. Get in the mood for Valentine’s Day with this
wonderfully funny romance. Ford plays a ruthless tycoon with no time for love…..
February 18th – The Outlaw Josey Wales. A Clint Eastwood classic, about a cowboy on the lam
who acquires a ragtag group of outcasts, that he doesn’t have the heart to leave behind.
February 25th – Joe Somebody. Fun family comedy starring Tim Allen and Jim Belushi.
Monthly Happenings:
… Treat Yourself!
Hair Cut & Style with Linda, Now
Every 4th Wednesday: February 25th
Linda Hagstrom is a licensed beautician
who comes to the Center the fourth
Wednesday of each month, 10:00 am to
3:00 pm to cut and or style your hair!
Still a Wednesday, but now the 4th
Wednesday. Linda is also accepting
clients later in the afternoon until 3:00
pm. $7.50 for a haircut and $10.00 for a
cut and style. Please come with freshly
washed hair and bring any special products that you use. Call the front desk at
503-266-2970 to make your appointment.
Please take note of
the following
 We take trip signups from the last Monday of the month prior.
 Phone Bookings
acceptable only for trips
without prepayment.
 People may only
sign up themselves and
a spouse/family member.
Chair Massage with Dennis Cone, 3rd
Wednesday Afternoon—February 18
$1 per minute; 10 or 15 minute sessions
available! Make your appointment at the
reception desk.
 At sign-up clearly
note any mobility device
you will take on the trip,
i.e., walker, scooter,
wheelchair, etc...
Facials with Marilyn:
Thursday, February 19th: 10 am to
2:30 pm. Sign up at the front desk for a
relaxing and refreshing facial. Invigorating botanicals from Puerto Rico leave
your skin feeling revitalized and fresh.
30 minutes, $20.
 Trip involving advance ticket booking by
the Center, or a required bus fee MUST be
paid in advance before
your name goes on the
Please Note: If you must
cancel your appointment,
please call in ADVANCE.
Please honor the appointment you’ve made AND if you
cannot keep it, please give us a
courtesy call. Thank you!
 Some longer distance/after hours trips
transportation fee, payable in advance.
 If you must cancel a
spot on a prepaid trip,
we will reimburse any
transportation fee collected; we will reimburse
for prepaid tickets ONLY
if we have another traveler ready to take your
February Pie Raffle:
Audrey’s Amazing
Chocolate Cream Pie!
A Chocolate Lovers delight...be sure and
purchase your raffle tickets early for our
pie raffle on Friday February 20th
Raffle tickets available at the front desk:
25-cents each or 5 for $1.
Pie raffle drawing: Friday the 20th
* Seniors (age 60+) and
caregivers receive first
priority for trips. Under
60 travelers may attend
if space permits.
Luna Family Hearing
Service: February 13th
at 10:00 am.
No appointment needed.
Thank you for
your cooperation!
Monthly Music Line-Up
Wednesday, February 18th: The Imperfect Strangers
This band played for us in December and will join us again
on Chicken & Dumpling Day.
Thursday, February 19th: Jim Wilkey Country, Gospel & more
Thursday, February 26th: “Accordian to Go” with Leta Bunnell
Beautiful accordion music including some well-known favorites!
Fiddling Friend’s Music Group: Every Monday at 11:00 am!
Ron Burghard with CM Riders returns next month!
Happy February Birthdays
1 Shirley Oliver
1 Irene Dietz
2 Betty Langdon
2 Robert Stewart
2 Steve Avery
2 John Oliver
5 Linda George
5 Ruth Stinson
6 Bob Herman
7 Ray Forson
7 Beverley Warren
8 Ray Means
8 Tookie Hall
8 Janet Morton
10 Shirley Johnson
10 Ernest Cowen
11 Betty Davis
14 Janet Cantere
14 Joyce Skogen
14 Dorothy Brending
15 Mardeen Hultgren
16 Gayle Acker
16 Pat Wright
17 Donna Lebold
17 Jean Epley
17 Oliver Korsness
18 Wanda Hendrick
19 Monika Diehl
20 Doris Wheatley
20 Mal McCann
20 Jan Folger
21 Robert Riggen
22 Sylvia Wiegand
22 Larry Ball
22 Ruth Hepler
23 Dale Johnson
23 Beverley Mitchell
23 Janet McFadden
23 Jan Hunt
25 Dawn Turczynski
27 Larry McBride
27 Mrs. Jensen
28 Janet Potter
28 Christine Ehlert
28 Jim Langham
Additional Tax Information regarding Tax Clinic at the Center:
They cannot prepare taxes which include the following:
Schedule C (Business Profit and Loss) if a loss or expenses exceed $5000
Complicated Schedule D without proper paperwork (Capital Gains and
Schedule E (Rental Property)
Schedule F (Farm Income)
2106 (Employee Business Expenses)
3903 (Moving Expenses)
8615 (Minor’s Investment Income)
Portions of Schedules A and B that are not included in their training
Schedule K-1 that involves depreciation or deductible expenses
Other rental income or business income
Returns (original or amended) farther back than three prior years.
On-going Classes and Activities
February Speakers and Events
Weatherization Presentation
Thursday February 5th
Kurt Torgerson, an Energy Educator from Clackamas County, will be
teaching a class on saving energy
in your home. The class will cover
low cost and no-cost ways to reduce your heating, water heating
and appliance energy usage. The
class starts at 10:30, is free, and
last approximately 1.5 Hours. Join
us for this great information!
Fall Prevention
February 12th at 10 am
Todd Gary with the Fire Department
will be here on Thursday, February
12th at 10:00 am for a presentation
on falls and fire prevention. Topics
will include: physical hazards,
medications, glasses, smoke
detectors, and much more. Please
join us on Thursday, February 12th
to learn more on staying safe.
Aimee Orr, RN, from Willamette Valley Hospice will be here on February 11th at
10:30 to discuss how to help those who are facing a life-limiting illness. She will explain the life transitions that many face in the last years of their lives and the resources and tools available to help a family member or friend. Aimee is a nurse with
over 10 years of experience assisting those dealing with life-limiting illnesses.
Game Day:
Often we do not want to think or talk about end of life until we are actually facing it
with a loved one. It is important to know where to turn when the time comes and
best to able to be active in decisions rather than reactive.
Bridge players meet at the
Center every Monday from 1:00
pm to 4:00 pm for a friendly
game of Bridge. If you are interested in
joining this fun card game, just stop by the
Center any Monday at 1:00 and you can
join the fun. No need to sign up in advance … just stop in to play.
New players are always welcome!!!
This is a free presentation. Sign-ups are encouraged but not mandatory. It is helpful to know how much material the presenter should bring in order to have enough
for everyone.
Oregon Department of Justice
Presentation: February 18th 2 pm
Every year, thieves and con artists cheat
thousands of Oregonians out of their
hard-earned money and valuable personal information. This presentation will help
you stop the fraud before it starts and
teach you how to alert others so they can
avoid becoming victims. Join us and
spread the word to your family, neighbors
and friends to help them become smarter
consumers as well.
Ellen Klem has 10 years of experience
working to strengthen the legal rights of
older Americans. She currently works for
Oregon Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum as her Director of Consumer Education and Outreach. Her mission is simple - prevent financial harm to older Oregonians. To achieve her mission, she
Alert—phone tax scam
TRANSITIONS.…Are YOU Ready? February 11th at 10:30 am
(1) serves as a liaison between the Oregon Department of Justice, federal, state,
and local government entities and officials, tribes, community organizations,
advocacy groups, and members of the
media, (2) coordinates financial educational campaigns that target older Oregonians, (3) Works with the Attorney General and the Oregon Department of Justice to prevent and address financial
harm that affects older Oregonians, and
(4) plans and hosts speaking engagements and other events to address the
need for more safeguards and public
awareness activities to prevent financial
harm to older Oregonians.
You don’t want to miss this opportunity to
educate and arm yourself with the resources and tools needed to protect
yourself from becoming a victim. Sign up
at the front desk, or call 503-266-2970.
license. The scam call may include:
-Call you about taxes you owe without
· Scammers use fake names and badge first mailing you an official notice.
One of our volunteers alerted us to the numbers, adopting common names and -Demand that you pay taxes without
re-emergence of this scam now that tax surnames to identify themselves.
giving you the opportunity to question or
season is upon us—please read:
appeal the amount they say you owe.
· Scammers may be able to recite the
In September 2014, The Oregon De-Require you to use a specific payment
partment of Justice warned consumers last four digits of a victim's Social Secu- method for your taxes, such as a prerity Number.
about a phone scam. The person repaid debit card.
ceiving the call is told they owe money · Scammers spoof the IRS or Depart-Ask for credit or debit card numbers
to the IRS, the U.S. Treasury or the Or- ment of Revenue toll-free number on
over the phone.
egon Department of Revenue.
caller ID.
The caller warns that the debt must be Tell-tale signs of a scam: According to -Threaten to bring in local police or other law-enforcement groups to have you
paid immediately through a temporary
the IRS, it's pretty easy to know when a arrested for not paying.
debit card or wire transfer. If the target supposed IRS caller is a fake. Here are
refuses to pay, they are threatened with five things scammers often do but the
Stay safe this tax season!
police arrest or suspension of a driver's IRS will not do. The IRS will never:
Monday at 1:00 pm
Tuesday & Friday 1:00
Thursday at 1:00 pm
Bridge Players Wanted
Doors open at 12:00, games start at 1:00.
Bring your own
project — A
great time to
work on your
project and be
with friends.
Special games: $2 for four games, 3 cards to a game,
and payouts vary by number of games purchased.
Exercise Classes Open to Everyone!!!
Sit & Be Fit: Class meets Monday and Thursdays at
10:30. A great exercise choice focusing on exercises you
can do from a sitting position! This class also offered yeararound with instructor Kay Walter.
No fee—donations appreciated.
Senior Fitness— Class meets Monday at 9:30, Wednesday and Friday at 10:30. Get a great work-out, rain or shine,
using weights, balls and bands. Join this class with our experienced instructor, Hurshall Walls.
No fee—donations appreciated.
Senior Tai Chi— Walk-ins welcome!
We are pleased to offer Tai Chi classes twice each week.
Class meets every Wednesday and Friday from 9 am to 10
am. Check out this class—a great way to increase mobility
and balance!
No fee—$2 donation suggested.
Canby Communicators
Speakers’ Club
Every Wednesday,
12 o’clock Noon
Canby Community Speakers
Group meets here at the
Center every Wednesday at
noon. Make
new friends and
have fun finetuning your public speaking
skills. Join us!!!
at 10 am:
Game Day
Every Thursday
At the Center
We supply the space
and the games, you
just come and enjoy
socializing and a great
variety of games: Mexican train, dominos,
bunco, cards, and even
Join a fun game group
every Thursday at 1:00
Regular games:
1 packet $5,
2 packets for $8, 3 packets for $10
Minimum $5 per game for 7 – 11 players,
$7 per game for 12-18 and it keeps going up!
Black-out Bingo: 1 number added
every week! Maximum pot $200,
weekly $20 consolation prize.
Line Dancing Classes:
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday at 1 pm
No partner needed for these ever popular and fun
line dancing classes! Mondays are geared toward beginners, and start with the basics.
Tuesday and Thursday classes are for those with
more experience. New dancers always welcome!
Yarn Needed for our Knitting and
Crocheting Volunteers…
If you have spare yarn for our knitters and
crocheters, please feel free to donate it to the Center. Our
volunteers knit all year long, hats, scarves and sweaters for
us to sell at our fundraisers. We will put your yarn to good
use if you have no need of it. Our supply is unusually low
and our holiday bazaar is coming up so all donations are
especially appreciated...Thank you!
Computer Lab—
Did You Know…
Internet access and
printer are available for
your use. You will soon
be seeing some changes
in the computer lab so
watch future newsletters
for more details!
The first photograph of a U.S.
President was taken on
February 14, 1849 by Matthew
Brady in New York City.
Wifi is also available—
just check with the front
desk if you need the
James Polk
was the
subject of the
Around Town
Thelma’s Place: 352 NW 2nd Ave.
Thelma’s Place: Adult Day Center offering a place to
engage in stimulating activities with other people who have
memory loss. Thelma’s Place also provides caregivers the respite, or rest, they need to “recharge their batteries”, helping to
minimize stress and helping provide caregivers with information
and encouragement they need! Call 503.266.5100 for details.
Canby Police Department Offers:
Home Safe Program— Designed to identify where displaced
or memory impaired persons may belong if they have wandered
away from home or a care facility. Identification is made by use
of a specially designed bracelet which is provided at no cost to
the individual. See Wendy or stop by Canby Police Department
for more information.
24-hour Prescription Drug Drop Off at Canby Police
Department: 1175 NW 3rd Avenue: Items accepted for
deposit include: Prescription & non-prescription medications; Vitamins; Pet Medications; Medicated ointments and liquid medications (in a leak-proof container).
Church, is located at 190 SW 2nd Avenue, and they
offer a free, on-going dinner, every Tuesday, from 5
pm to 7 pm. Call 503-266-4061 for more information.
A Slight CHANGE to Cutsforth’s Thriftway’s Battery
Recycling: Cutsforth’s still accepts batteries for recycle, however, you will now need to sign your name, address and phone
number when you take your batteries to the Customer Service
Desk—that is because they need to show that the batteries are
coming from individuals and not a business. So, you can still
recycle your Standard batteries (“AA”, AAA”, and “C”) at the
Customer Service counter—you will just need to “sign-in”. . Be
sure to thank them for this service, free to customers but
Cutsforth’s pays the recycling fee.
Senior Tuesday: Shop on Tuesdays and present your Thriftway Rewards Card and the register will apply 10% of your total
bill to your Thriftway rewards card balance. Check with Customer Service at Cutsforth’s if you have questions.
Calling all fiber crafters - Volunteers Needed February
6th: If you crochet, knit, weave, or felt wool Knight Elementary
school can use your help. They are holding a fiber arts literacy
day February 6th 8:45 to 3:30 and will introduce elementary students to various fiber arts. Parent volunteer Heather Anderson
is looking for adults to work with small groups of students teaching them simple chain crochet, knitting with straws and other
various simple projects. This one day event needs volunteers
for morning and afternoon shifts. They would be honored to
have community members come share their knowledge and
teach kids a lifelong skill. Crochet hooks and knitting needles
are also needed if you have some you can spare. Interested in
volunteering? Please call Heather Anderson at 503-502-4862 or
email heather@tcspdx.com. See Kathy for more information.
Friends of the Canby Adult Center
“Oregon Trail Pitchpipers” Barbershop Chorus
Thank you to our 2014-2015 Annual Appeal Donors
Presents 49th Annual Show: “Love’s Serenade”
On February 14, the Oregon Trail Pitchpipers perform
along with the following guest performers: “SNAFU” ,
“Private Label” .“Social Insecurity” and “The Tonsorial
Four”. Performances at Richard R. Brown Fine Arts
Center (at Canby High School). Contact Nathan Mitts at
503-538-4335 for ticket information.
Silent Auction and Benefit for Clackamas County
Meals on Wheels Program: Metropolitan Senior Network is hosting a fundraiser to benefit the Clackamas
County Meals on Wheels program! The Silent Auction
style fund-raiser will be held in Oregon City at the historic
Ainsworth House & Gardens on Thursday, March 5th
from 5:00-8:00 PM and includes hors d’ouevres, wine,
and great company. The Ainsworth House is located at
19130 S. Lot Whitcomb Drive .
$30 registration fee includes Hors D'oeuvres and two
drink tickets. Raffle tickets are $5 each or 5 tickets for
$20 and can be purchased in advance or at the door. All
proceeds benefit Clackamas County Meals on Wheels to
help them with their mission of feeding local seniors and
helping them stay in their homes with dignity. If you have
questions or wish to register please contact Jason at
American Legion Update—
Canby American Legion Post #122
424 NW 1st Street
Canby American Legion invites you to the following:
BINGO every Thursday, 6:30 at the Legion. Open to
the public every Thursday night - 16 games are played.
Hamburger Feed every Friday, 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm,
Upstairs in our dining room. The meal is $5 & includes
French Fries. Chicken Strips & Fries available for $6.
Sunday Breakfasts: Serving from 8:30 to 11:00. The
Breakfast is $6 for guests 11 and over; $3 for guests 10
and under. Choices are Bacon, Sausage, Ham or
Chicken Fried Steak. Includes Eggs, Hash browns, Hot
Cakes, English Muffin, Biscuits & Gravy or Buscuits &
Jelly and Coffee, Juice and Milk.
Sunday February 1st - - - - - - -- - - - Auxiliary
Sunday February 8th - - - - - - - - - - - Sons of the
American Legion
Sunday February 15th - - - - - - - - - Legionaries
Sunday February 22nd - - - - - - - - Auxiliary
March 1, 2015 Sunday Breakfast profits are for Canby
Adult Center Meals on Wheels program. Mark your
calendar and plan to attend!
Bronze Donors: Donations of $1—$50
Cindy Adovnik
Daryl Allen
Robert and Karelyn Backstrom
Hank Baker
Gary Bamber
Frank & Dorothy Barich
Jeff & Pam Barrow
Steve Beckham
Evalena & Ronald Berg
Charles & Berta Belding
Petty Bigham
Diane Bronn
Kathleen Budnick
Marvin & Leona Buck
Sarah Carter
Elsa Cervantes
Wayne and Judy Clawson
Chris & Shawn Clawson
Maria Cox
Patricia Crussell
Tonia Culpepper
Trudy Dalley
Denise Davis
Dorothy deHackbeil
Mark & Bonnie Dunham
Ken and Lorraine Dworschak
Don Eby
Marilyn Edmonds
Bonnie Edwards
Roberta Flinn
Lee & Fran Flory
April & Jared Gensman
Jean Goodin
Mary Lou Gunis
Charles & Karen Hathcoat
Barton and Arline Herr
AK Hilley
Barbara Isom
Connie and Joe Kalinowski
Jack & Janeen Kemp
Mary Kern & George Vaughn
Jan Kluth
Elroy Knutson
Marjorie Kraxberger
Verlyn and Darline Kraxberger
Betty Langdon
Vicki Lang
Marilyn Lashua
Helena Leavell
Mary Lesina
Jean Lessard
Robert and Barbara Magee
Edward Mathies, Jr.
Barbara Menkel
Bess Milhauser
Suzanne Nichols
Tim and Sally Nichols
Dorothy Penne
Joan Perinchief
Robert Phillips
Diane Randall
Yvonne Recker
Silver Donors:
Lori Andersen
Kyle & Heather Anderson
Joyce & Rich Ares
Joanne & Delburt Bauer
Catherine & Burl Bean
Debra Besner
Margaret Birkemeier
Laurel Boone
Cheryl Canon
June Casper
Helen Dobak
Benny Dodge
Fred Egger
Christine Ehlert
Doris Eide
Etta Gaillard
Scott and Sue Goetchius
Terry & Pat Riley
Don & Jan Rogers
Arthur Roskott
Christine Rudy
Sharon Rueda
Dale Rushton
Don Stafney Jr.
Dick & Linda Schmidt
Paul & Sheryl Schmidt
Gwen Schweitzer
Lynn Shirrell
David & Irene Shriever
Murl Smidt
Evelyn Staehely
Ruth Stinson
Bob & Marina Struthers
Deve & AJ Swaim
Al & Sandy Tate
Scott & Vicki Taylor
Kathy Thompson
William & Lynn Tibbils
Travis VanGorder
Jon Viter
West Automotive
Cynthia Wales
Jennifer Walker
Patricia Williams
Carolyn Wilmes
Dean & Ardeth Woods
William Yates
Betty Zolnikov
Florence Zwicker
Donations of $51—$100
Susan Green
Carl & Kathy Hanson
Margaret Hart
Tom & Bobbie Hibbert
The Hickman Family
Mary Ann Johnson
Karen Joy
Gene Kleinschmidt
Jim and Eileen Lettenmaier
The Meadows Residents Council
Brenda & Steve Morse
Keith & Nancy Murphy
June Nice
Mary Ann Johnson
Daniel & Lynette Onion
Darlene Palmer
Everett and Terry Pearson
Irene Pellatz
Patricia & Leighton Perkins
Joyce Peters
Arlene Peterson
Erik Petereson
Donna Peterson-Nagle
Sunya & Wade Porter
Gary & Theresa Raines
Riverside RV Park
Phil & Sarah Seale
Dale & Karlynn Shatto
Joseph Templeton
Cordell & Molly Tietz
Scott & Robin Way
United Methodist Women
Janice & Duane Weeks
Lawrence & Mary Weber
Doris Wightman
Bruce & Peggy Yeats
Marilyn & Bob Zimmer
Friends of the Canby Adult Center
Menu—February 2015
Thank you to our 2014-2015 Annual Appeal Donors
Gold Donors: Donations of $101—$250
Laurie Harmon
Judy & Roy Harvey
Madeleine Henderson
Yvonne & Larry Hepler
Hope Village
Judy & Butch Hogland
Curt & Nola Hovland
Glacie Iverson
Keith & Caroline Jensen
Lynn & Diane Kadwell
Marvin & Marcella Kastama
Betty Keys
Chuck & Mary Ann Kocher
Kathryn Levy
Arleta Lucht
Patti & Arnie Lucht
Dorothy McCormick
Mary & Bernie McWilliams
Sheldon Marcuvitz & Carole Laity
Mernie & Steve Martin
Robert & Maxine Martin
Todd May
Alice Merrill
Linda Michaelsen
Marty Moretty
Nancy Muller
Betty Prakken
Geni Pittelkau
Gary & Lisa Potter
Rose City Garden Railway
Stutes Financial Group
Judy Torgeson
Irene Wolf
Al & Nori Zieg
Thank You Business &
Organizational Supporters
Providing on-going donations
Canby Fred Meyer, Canby Telcom.
Canby Kiwanis Foundation & Thrift Store,
Cutsforth’s Thriftway, Hulbert’s Flowers,
Starbucks Kahut Waste Services,
Andrew Kauffman—Attorney at Law,
Pioneer Pump, Reif, Reif & Thalhofer,
The Chair Outlet Custom Plumbing &
Jane Dahl
Gregg Ekenbarger
Leona Hart
Patty Hatfield
James & Paulette Hefflinger
Delbert & Rosa Hemphill
Bob & Wanda Herman
Kathleen Hostetler
Ken & Sherley Howell
Dave May & Christine Parno
Larry & Ann McBride
Michael & Gretchen McCallum
Financial Donors
Calvary Women’s Missionary Society
Patty Hatfield
Zoar Lutheran Women
In-Kind Donations
Susan Brown
Canby Christian Church
Danielle Inness
Cherie & Rob Rainwater
The Family of Dorothy Roler
The Family of Lenora Weiss
The Family of Lucy Rogers
St. Patrick’s Church & Food Bank
Bill & Sue Wingard
Renee Shaw
More than 36 million heart-shaped boxes of chocolate will be sold for Valentine's Day.
A survey conducted by the Chocolate Manufacturers Association revealed that 50 percent of women will
likely give a
gift of chocolate to a
guy for Valentine's Day
Baked Meat Loaf
Hubbard Squash
Marinated Bean Salad
Tapioca Pudding
Serving Group:
St. Patrick’s
Elizabeth Meyer
Richard Miller
Betty Meyers & Lowell Hall
Conrad Nystrom
Mariah Olson
John & Marge Pursley
Rackleff Place
Melvin Saraceno
Steve & Janet Skinner
Sons of the American Legion
Shelly Taranoff
Harvey & D'Anne Tofte
Uptown Medical Billing
Earl & Suzie Voss
Thank You January Donors
Valentine’s Day Trivia…
Sustaining Donors: Donations of $251 +
Lori Alexander
Julia Barklow
Ted and Linda Baumgardner
Lois Becker
Wesley & Eleanor Belieu
Janey Belozer
Calvary Women’s
Missionary Soc.
Canby American
Legion Auxiliary
Canby Lions Auxiliay
Canby Telcom
Gwen Carriera
Stanley Cullington
Baked Chicken
Tossed Greens
Ginger Cookies
Serving Group:
LDS Church
2nd Ward
Center Closed
President’s Day
New & Renewing Members
Carole Allison, Ron & Evie Berg,
Laura Caldwell, Dagmar Dettinger,
David & Jan Folger, Ruth Garcia,
Virginia Keil,
Oliver & Gretchen Korsness,
Anne Krous, Marian McDonald,
William Miley, Evelyn Moeller,
Jean Moore, Beula Payzant,
Mary Perez, Josie Peterson,
Sally Poznanski, Leslie Rhodes,
Joline Shroyer,
Edgar & Cynthia Wales,
Catherine Walters.
Daniel & Carolyn Weber,
Louise Williams, Linda Wayne
BBQ Chicken
Baked Potato
Tossed Greens
Fruit Jell-O
Serving Group:
United Methodist
Asian Chicken Salad
Mixed Greens
Vegetable Soup
Peach Crisp
Serving Group:
Canby Police Dept.
Baked Cod Fish
Rice Pilaf
Cole Slaw
Chilled Pears
Serving Group:
Marquis Team
Pulled Pork
Cole Slaw
Serving Group:
Canby Police
Hungarian Goulash
Tossed Greens
Garlic Bread
Baker’s Choice
Serving Group:
LDS Church
Chef Salad
Mixed Greens
Vegetable Soup
Apple Sauce Cake
Serving Group:
American Legion
Auxiliary Team
Valentine Luncheon
Baked Ham
Scalloped Potatoes
Cherry Cheese Cake
Service Group:
Zion Mennonite
Chocolate Chip Cookies
Chicken & Dumplings
Potatoes & Gravy
Marinated Carrot
Sugar Cookies
Serving Group:
Rackcleff House
Lasagna Egg Noodles
Pasta Sauce
Tossed Greens
Fresh Orange
Serving Group:
Wednesday Team
Hamburger Feed
Potato Salad
Baked Beans
Lemon Pudding
Serving Group:
Church Ladies
Almond Chicken
Tossed Greens
Vegetable Soup
Butterscotch Pudding
Serving Group:
Thursday Team
Turkey Creole
Brown Rice
Mixed Beans
Baker’s Choice
Serving Group:
LDS Church
Birthday Luncheon
Roast Beef
Potatoes & Gravy
Birthday Cake
Serving Group:
Canby Morning TOPS
Thanks to Christopher Boon and
Regence foBlue Cross for
providing the Birthday Cake
Robert & Janet Adrian
Thomas & Anna Adams
Lynne Anderson
Ken & Millie Blodgett
Marjorie Brood
Canby Import Auto
Bob & Amy Carlton
Bob Cornelius
Janis Cox
Bob & Cec Cullison
Carol Davidson
Henry & Georgia Deetz
Norman & Brenda Elie
Susan & Scott Enyart
Jean Epley
Ellen & Emmett Gray
Carmen Hamilton
Activities—February 2015
Senior Fitness
Foot Clinic
Blood Pressure
Sit & Be Fit
Music: Fiddlers
& Friends
1:00 Line Dance
1:00 Bridge
10:00 TOPS
10:00 Handiwork
10:00 Trip: Scrap
Store & Lunch
1:00 Line Dance
9:00 Tai Chi
10:30 Sit & Be Fit
10:30 Speaker:
1:00 Line Dancing
1:00 Game Day
9:00 Tax Clinic
9:00 Tai Chi
10:30 Senior Fitness
1:00 Pinochle
9:30 Senior Fitness
10:30 Sit & Be Fit
11:00 Music: Fiddlers
& Friends
1:00 Line Dance
1:00 Bridge
9:30 Trip: Bob’s Red
Mill Tour & Lunch
9:00 Tai Chi
10:30 Senior Fitness
10:30 Speaker:
Valley Hospice
10:00 Speaker:
Fall Presentation with
Canby Fire Depart.
9:00 Tax Clinic
Mobile Dental Van
Here Today!
1:00 Pinochle
1:00 Bingo
10:00 TOPS
10:00 Handiwork
1:00 Pinochle
1:00 Bingo
10:00 TOPS
10:00 Handiwork
1:00 Line Dance
11:15 Trip: Culinary
Institute Lunch
1:00 Line Dance
1:00 Pinochle
1:00 Bingo
10:30 Valentine Craft with
10: 00 Foot Clinic
10:30 Senior Fitness
12:00 Speaker’s Club
1:00 Movie:
“State of Play”
12:00 Speaker’s Club
1:00 Board Meeting
1:00 Legal Assistance
1:00 Movie: “Sabrina”
10:30 Sit & Be Fit
11:30 Ron Burghard–
CM Riders
9:00 Tai Chi
10:00 Luna Hearing
10:30 Senior Fitness
1:00 Pinochle
1:00 Line Dancing
1:00 Game Day
9:00 Tai Chi
10:00 Foot clinic
10:30 Senior Fitness
11:15 Music Guests:
The Imperfect Strangers
12:00 Speaker’s Club
1:00 Movie—”The
Outlaw Josey Wales”
2:00 Chair Massage
with Dennis
2:00 Speaker:
Oregon Dept. of Justice
Stopping Fraud
10:00 Facials with
10:00 Regence Blue
Cross Health
10:30 Sit & Be Fit
11:30 Music with
Jim Wilkey
12:00 Pie Raffle
1:00 Line Dancing
1:00 Game Day
9:00 Tai Chi
10:30 Senior Fitness
12:00 Pie Raffle
1:00 Pinochle
9:30 Senior Fitness
10:00 Blood Pressure
10:00 Foot clinic
10:00 Blood Pressure
10:30 Sit & Be Fit
11:00 Music: Fiddlers
& Friends
1:00 Line Dance
1:00 Bridge
10:00 TOPS
10:00 Handiwork
1:00 Line Dance
10:00 Hair Cut with
10:30 Senior Fitness
12:00 Speaker’s Club
1:00 Movie:
“Joe Somebody”
10:30 Sit & Be Fit
11:30 Music with Leta—
Accordion to Go
9:00 Tax Clinic
1:00 Line Dancing
1:00 Game Day
1:00 Providence
Health Presentation
9:00 Tai Chi
10:30 Senior Fitness
12:00 Pie Raffle
12:00 Birthday Lunch
1:00 Pinochle
4:30 Trip: The Melting
Pot Restaurant
Join us for our Valentine Craft—Wednesday, February 4th at 10:30 am Hershey Kiss Rose:
Save it for yourself or give it as a Valentine to that special someone.
9:00 Tax Clinic
1:00 Pinochle
1:00 Bingo
10 am—Iwo Jima Breakfast
Trip: 3 pm Orchestra—Salem
Friends of Canby Adult Center Inc
PO Box 10
Canby OR 97013-0010
New Member
Single Membership: $15/year Couple: $25/year
Under 65___
65-70___ 70-75___ 75-80___ Over 80 ___
Under 65___
65-70___ 70-75___ 75-80___ Over 80 ___
Birth Month_______ Birth Day: _______
Birth Month_______ Birth Day: _______
Phone: ____________________________________
Renewal postcards are mailed quarterly as a reminder to
renew your membership & update your information.
Enclosed: Check: $_________
E-Mail Address: ____________________________
Check here
to receive newsletter by e-mail only with
thanks for helping us save on postage!
Cash: $_________
May we contact you about becoming a Canby Adult Center Volunteer? Yes
Donor Name:
Donation Enclosed:$
In Memory of:
Acknowledgement Address:
Memorial Enclosed $