april topics 2015 - Tambellup Community Resource Centre
april topics 2015 - Tambellup Community Resource Centre
April 2015 Tambellup Topics Tambellup Topics Page 1 Ron and Judy Meade Tambellup Deli Tambellup Hotel Graeme Bradshaw Stan & Edith Aylmore Donation Box Nora and Bill Wingravve Volume: 44 Issue: 06 April 2015 Page 2 April 2015 Tambellup Topics April Birthdays Stan Aylmore Hugh Beaton Tonia Brown Ada Brown Roger Farmer Len Farmer Emily Griffiths Janene Heron Murray Bowman Brendon Boyle Ben Bradshaw Richard Burridge Bronwyn Winmar-Williams Graham Edwards Ian Gordon George-Anna Gordon Steven Grant Lurlene Herbert Jessica Hankinson George Hull Lee Jamieson Keelan lay Livia Letter Didy Miller Jason Ogier Zak Plant Jacob Plant Marion Sewell Charlotte Smith Dylan Squibb Jo Taylor Jack Taylor Rhys Wiemeheyer Brian (Mick) Trezona Clarissa Drage Kira-lee Yiend Karl Wiehemeyer The photo on the left is a picture of Leo and Deb Page’s cactus flowering in their front yard Thankyou to the lovely community members who attended the free simulcast screening of Barber of Seville Ray and Tim Schlueter would like to thank their neighbours and David Kingsey for their attendance at the fire on Sorrento on the 28th January Gladys Squibb celebrated her 80th birthday in March, by having morning tea at the Post Café, with her sister Dot and friends from the Uniting Church HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO..?? We are once again updating The Birthday List. If you could email your Name, Birthday Month and don’t forget the Year you were born (so we can make a list of the special milestone birthdays) . Please send any updates to topics@tambellupcrc.net.au THANK YOU! April 2015 Tambellup Topics Page 3 Page 4 Tambellup Topics April 2015 April 2015 Tambellup Topics Page 5 TAMBELLUP TOPICS ADVERTISING RATES Advertising Rates (black & white only): (all prices include GST) Full Page (A4) $75 1/2 Page $40 1/4 Page $20 Business card size $12 Local only Business card size is FREE—However donations are greatly appreciated. Tambellup Topics is proudly produced by your local Community Resource Centre. The only funding we receive to continue into Topics in to its 43rd year comes from our generous donors and paid advertising. **Free ads and community news submissions may be reduced in size to reduce costs of printing. Help support the community newspaper that supports your business! Submissions close on the 25th of each month. Please send your submissions to: topics@tambellupcrc.net.au FARMERS The CRC has received information that may be of interest for you. We would like to host an Information session in the month of August to assist development of services that relate to “On Farm Waste Management”. The session will be facilitated by Mr Graeme Passmore to deliver the following. 1. Waste management as an integral part of running a farming operation. 2. Why on-farm waste/resource management? (limiting risk etc) 3. Having an on-farm waste management philosophy and plan for incremental improvement. 4. How to prepare and take full advantage of the current stewardship programs of drumMUSTER, Chemclear waste oil program. 5. How to take full advantage of council services or contractor services. 6. Looking at orderly long/medium and short term waste/recycling management/storage strategy. and potential Graeme seeks to meet with local farmers to deliver information that some may not be aware of and to determine the needs within the farming community and to facilitate further development and improvements for “On Farm Waste Management” inclusive of OIL. To get things off the ground, we need to hear from you. Either give us a quick call at the CRC on 9825 1177 or send us an email at tambellupcrc.net.au to simply let us know “YES” I’m interested in the On Farm Waste Management info session. We’ll put your name in the book and make contact later in the year to confirm the date. Page 6 April 2015 Tambellup Topics CRC Gift Shop ‘A Glimpse into the Past” Built On The Sheep’s Back’ Tambellup’s History in a photo book Available for sale at the Tambellup CRC On sale now at the Tambellup CRC $40 $35.00 Photography by Luke Owen Needing a gift? Don’t forget to drop in to the CRC for your ‘Tambellup’ gifts! The CRC also personalises all types of greeting cards, such as: Items available (pictures below) Travel Mugs Drink bottles (silver) Wine, beer and scotch glasses EFTPOS is now available at the Tambellup CRC. Coffee Mugs Coasters Caps, hats, beanies and jumpers Aprons Postcards Soy Candles & Much More! Birthdays Mothers Day / Fathers Day Easter & Christmas Anniversaries Or other special events Tambellup Topics April 2015 Page 7 CRC Memberships are now due If you haven’t done so already, pop in to the CRC and apply for membership. Members get cheaper prices on services provided and 1 hr free per week of computer/internet usage. Can these books please be returned to the Tambellup Library; The Fire in the Flint by Candace Robb, Thunder Heights by Phyllis A Whitney, A Sisters Shame by Carol Rivers Thankyou!! To all Tambellup residents, The Tambellup public library is in need of some padded postage bags. We would like to ask all community members if you are getting a parcel can you please bring in the used padded bag so that we may reuse them. Page 8 Tambellup Topics April 2015 What does financial freedom mean to you? Not having to work? Being able to afford life's luxuries without worrying about the cost? Financial security? Perhaps supporting the needy or disadvantaged? Well, if you believe and follow the conventional approach to investing then forget it! It's unlikely you'll ever be financially free. To survive. You need a different approach, and in this book expert property investor Steve McKnight reveals how to start from scratch in today's property market. BARN FIND! There are no two more exciting words for car collectors the world over! And there's an incredible hunt going on for valuable cars that were at one time forgotten, abandoned, or cast aside, but which are now regarded as valuable and historical treasures. Author Wallace Wyss, a "Motor Trend" veteran, recounts stories that are almost beyond belief. " Betty Cornell's Teen-Age Popularity Guide" offers advice and guidance for teens who want to be poised, self-confident, and "shiny bright." Betty covers topics ranging from "Figure Problems," "Good Grooming," and "What to Wear Where" to hints on dating, hosting a great party, and becoming "the most popular girl in your set!" AND THE PRIZE GOES TO……………………… Forty-one scenarios and solutions for the irresponsibility of many grown men are presented in this guide that breaks down a method for dealing with men who insist on behaving like boys. Maintaining that immature behaviour is bad for men, women, couples, and society as a whole, the author gives specific advice on how to counter and reform men behaving badly. Come down and have a look at the great range of new books available, from audio books to DVD’s, something to cater for everyone. And if by any chance we do not have a book you like, let us know and we are happy to order books in for you. April 2015 Tambellup Topics Soup and Sweets for Seniors is back!!!! Join us at the Tambellup CRC on the 23rd of April at 11:30am for 2015’s first soup and sweets. With guest speaker Peter McMahon from The National Stroke Foundation from 1pm. Come and enjoy a day of food and socialisation. Page 9 Page 10 Tambellup Topics April 2015 Public Notice The Tambellup Agricultural Society Inc. will be holding its Annual General Meeting on Thursday 16th April 2015. WHERE: Tambellup Community Resource Centre 34 Norrish Street Tambellup TIME: 7:00 pm SHARP Nominations to become a Committee Member will require the following; 1. Completion of a Nomination Form (Financial Members Only) Nomination forms are available from the Secretary, Cheryl Chambers Ph: 0487 635 538 2. NOMINATIONS: Any person who wishes to submit an application for committee call the Secretary, nominations to be completed and returned to the secretary 7 days before the AGM. No Motions or Resolutions after this date will be accepted President: John Dewar: 0419 041 812 Tambellup Topics April 2015 Page 11 MEETINGS Tambellup Card Players Group TAMBELLUP SENIORS DAY CLUB Card afternoons are held every Our monthly meetings are held at the Wednesday afternoon in Tambellup Tambellup CWA Hall Place: Tambellup C.W.A Hall Time: 1-30pm to 4pm, or later Cost: $3.00 Games played are Bridge, Bolivia, Frustration and others, or bring your own. Everybody welcome On the first Friday of each month at 1.30pm All members and any persons interested in joining with us would be most welcome for a social afternoon with Ronnie Whitmore our HAAC lady. We all join in for some quiz games and sometimes Bingo, in an informal afternoon with a small cost of $2.00 and then a cup of tea with a biscuit. In the warmer months we travel on the HAAC bus to places of interest for the day, so there is always something to keep us busy. If you are a Senior, please come and join us. Meeting 1st Wednesday of every month: For enquiries, please phone 98251 167 Phone Duncan Chadbourne TAMBELLUP MEN’S SHED 98251 167 Come along and meet the guys who have got Tambellup CWA Meet every 2nd Thursday of the Month at the CWA rooms. Ag Society A.G.M 16th April - 7:00PM TAMBELLUP ART GROUP.. Now meeting every Monday 6-9pm (or anywhere in between). Join us at the CRC rooms...all levels welcome. For more info please contact Jenny 0427 174 659 this great new show on the road. All men and apprentices welcome. When: every Wednesday at 1pm Where: cnr Crawford and Taylor Street Tambellup Contact Christopher Penny 98216 366 Page 12 Tambellup Topics April 2015 April 2015 Tambellup Topics Page 13 Page 14 April 2015 Tambellup Topics 2015 BROOMEHILL, TAMBELLUP, PHONEBOOK The Tambellup CRC will be printing a 2015 directory. Please send in your current details BY THE END OF APRIL to be included in the new phonebook! Addition or Removal (please circle) BUSINESS LISTINGS Family Name:______________________ Business Name:_____________________ Name/s: __________________________ _________________________________ Contact Name/s: ___________________ _________________________________ Address (optional)) Address (optional)) _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ ABN (optional)_____________________ Phone:___________________________ Mobile Number/s (optional): 1)Name____________Number____________ 2)Name____________Number____________ 3)Name____________Number____________ Phone:___________________________ Fax:______________________________ Fax:______________________________ UHF:_____________________________ Email (optional): _________________________________ _________________________________ Email (optional): _________________________________ _________________________________ Mobile Number/s (optional): 1)Name____________Number____________ 2)Name____________Number____________ 3)Name____________Number____________ Tambellup Topics April 2015 Page 15 Date - Wednesday 10th June Location - Tambellup CRC Time 10am – 12ish Fire Extinguisher Session – Practical - Note - Participants need to wear long pants and closed in shoes. Come and use a fire extinguisher and blanket hands on Please RSVP to the Tambellup Resource Centre—9825 1177 Only 20 places are available Morning tea from 9:15am please bring a plate to share Are you eligible for FREE Influenza vaccine? 65 years or older Indigenous over the age of 15 Pregnant Do you have a medical condition? Heart disease Chronic respiratory condition Diabetes Renal disease Immunocompromising conditions If so, you can receive FREE Influenza vaccination from your Community Health immunisation provider. Influenza vaccination is seasonally adjusted and is recommended annually. People over the age of 65 years are at a higher risk of contracting pneumococcal disease than the general population. Pneumococcal disease comprises a range of infections that can be life threatening. A single dose of Pneumococcal vaccine will help protect you. Influenza & Pneumococcal Vaccinations FREE CLINIC Tambellup Health Centre Thursday 7th May, 2015 9.30am – 1pm Phone 9825 1101 for an appointment Page 16 Tambellup Topics April 2015 April 2015 Tambellup Topics Page 17 Join us at the Tambellup CRC for a morning movie starting at 10:30am followed by lunch, and ending with an afternoon of craft. Join us at 10:30am as we spend the morning building cubbies and after lunch design a t-shirt. Page 18 Tambellup Topics April 2015 TAMBELLUP TWILIGHT TUNES On March 15, Tambellup St John’s Ambulance presented Tambellup Twilight Tunes as a fundraising event towards a new Sub Centre in the coming years. We were treated to a balmy tropical twilight with over 130 people in attendance, who came to listen to some fantastic music by the talented Bec and AB and watch some local ‘superstars’ battle it out to claim victory in the five Superstar Challenges. We raised a total of $1066.55 from the Superstar Challenge bids, Gold coin donation entry, Face painting, Merry-Go-Round, Glow in the Dark products, Delux BBQ dinner, Ice creams, Raffle and the infamous Photo booth! The Superstar challenge compiled of five competitions in which punters could place a $5 bet on who they thought would win the challenge and if they backed the right winner they would received a dividend of the total betting pool for that challenge back. Our superstars were: Ray Squibb – representing the Squibb families (Penny, Leon and Glenn) plus his own talents in Hockey, Laurie Hull – Champion Clay Target Shooter, Glenn (Yogi) Kendall – TV Superstar for 7mate’s Outback Truckers, Damien Boyle – Champion Shearer and one Volunteer Ambulance Officer per challenge (Beth Trezona, Jessica McPartland, Trevor Prout, Kristy Boyle and Bronwyn Bradshaw). The first event was: Who will fly their homemade paper plane the furthest? We had a very close betting field with Ray and Laurie on low odds and Damien a big outsider. They made their aeroplanes – some with very unique styles and lined up to throw them in the sometimes gusty wind. The overall winner was Ray with an approximate 5m throw. His punters scored a nice $10 refund on their $5 bet. The second challenge was: Who will draw the best portrait of a local identity (Rod King – thanks Roderick!) and Judged by Shire President Gary Sheridan. The pressure was on Volunteer Ambo Officer, Jess, also a local school teacher with 13 people backing her for a win against the next highest of Glenn with only 5 bets. Luckily enough 13 people received their $5 back with Jess taking out top prize for the second challenge. The third challenge needed a fair bit of imagination for the viewers once it was finished but congratulations to Laurie who won the best dog sculpture out of play dough as judged by Beth Schlueter. His three punters were happy with a $25 payout from their $5 bid! Way to go. April 2015 Tambellup Topics Page 19 Our fourth event proved how much some loved chocolate in the: Who can eat the most M&Ms with chopsticks in 3 minutes? Challenge. Unfortunate for the hot favourite Volunteer Ambulance Officer Kristy’s punters as she went down in a hall of flames only to be topped by her husband Damien – a very unlikely winner with only 1 person (his parents!!) out of 29 placing their bid on him and scoring a massive $70 payout!!! I’m sure he paid his mum to put that $5 on him. Along came our final challenge with the crowd quietly anticipating who would be the winner of eating a cold pie and drinking a ginger beer the fastest round. Our punters were hot with a total of 55 bids being placed and a favourite was picked as Yogi. Unbeknown to us he loves ginger beer and has been known to eat many pies. They struggled with the cold pie with many taking it very slowly – top effort to all who even attempted it and you guessed it Yogi didn’t disappoint and came out trumps. So after five challenges amazingly enough every superstar won one! We would love to thank everyone who came and enjoyed the afternoon, especially with the last minute venue change. We were fortunate enough to receive a Bendigo Bank grant to go towards this project plus we were well supported by Tambellup Deli and Newsagency, Tambellup Post Cafe, Tambellup G & T Motors, Threads on Line, Jewelpani, Landmark, Shire of Broomehill – Tambellup (especially Pam), VES Tambellup, Tambellup CRC, Tambellup Agriculture Society, Carly Groves Design and Illustration, Boyles Shearing Service, Ken and Barb Groves, Ken and Beth Schlueter along with Alan Jones, Peter and Evelyn Brown, Mike Batchelor, Bec and AB plus all the volunteers who took time out to man a stand or help in the kitchen so the afternoon ran as a success. We would love to hear any feedback for next year’s event and please keep on supporting the one organisation that supports you most when you need it. We also have a special get well soon to Devin Thorn who broke his leg in two places during the afternoon – take care! Page 20 Tambellup Topics April 2015 April 2015 Tambellup Topics Page 21 Page 22 Tambellup Topics April 2015 April 2015 Tambellup Topics Page 23 Tambellup Cranbrook Community Bank® Branch Tambellup Cranbrook Community Bank’s Sarah Cavanagh SHARES AVAILABLE A block of Shares has recently become available. If you are looking to increase your shareholding or if you missed the opportunity at the initial offering and would now like to be a part of your Community Bank®, please contact our Company Secretary Mrs Jan Pope on 0417 981 264 for further information. Your Community Bank® has now been servicing the Tambellup Cranbrook and Frankland River areas for 15 years and in that time has provided financial support through donations & sponsorships to almost all community & sporting groups. Each of our Primary Schools and P&C Associations have received $5,000 each over the past five years and the Cranbrook & Frankland River Sporting Clubs received substantial contributions towards their facilities. The recently opened Tambellup Independent Living Units for Seniors received $50,000 towards this project. As a Shareholder, you are making a valued contribution to strengthen your community through improved facilities and opportunities for future development. This opportunity to purchase shares in your local Community Bank® Company allows you to be part of our bank which is Bigger than a bank and a vital part of the future of our communities. Nickname: Cav What attracted you to your current position? It was close to home & in the Community I grew up in Favourite TV Show: Mcleods Daughters & Sons of Anarchy Favourite Movie: Any Romance Movie Favourite Ice-cream: Mint Choc Chip Last Concert attended: Pink Furtherest Place you have been from Home: East Coast Describe yourself in 3 words: Kind/caring, Warm hearted & Fun First Job: Farm Hand/Labourer Greatest Sporting Achievement: Champion Girl Athletics Carnival MBCC 2009 If you weren’t doing this job, what would you be doing: Studying or Travelling What dish would you cook if you were a contestant on Master Chef: Tomato & Basil Bruschetta or Creamy Garlic Marron on Steak What do you have a weakness for: Chocolate & Puppies If you could invite 6 people for dinner, who would they be: Princess Mary Carl Barron Jimmy Barnes Prince Harry Libby Trickett Charlie Hunnan Favourite place? My Parents Place—because it is Home! Or the Beach TAMBELLUP OPENING HOURS: CRANBROOK OPENING HOURS: Tues … 9am—5pm Thurs … 9am—5pm Friday … 2pm—5pm Mon … 9am—5pm Wed … 9am-5pm Friday … 9.30—12.30pm Page 24 Tambellup Topics April 2015 The 2015 Lions Biggest BBQ is in full swing with many Lions Clubs around Australia working together to encourage Australian communities to support the efforts of the Australian Lions Childhood Cancer Research Foundation (ALCCRF) achieve its vision of 100% survival for kids with cancer. Many of the 1400 Lions Australia Clubs will hold barbeques during April to raise funds for medical research into the causes and prevention of, and to find a cure for, childhood cancer. Lions have been supporting childhood cancer research since 1996 because "We believe every child deserves the chance at a healthy life" The Tambellup Lions Club will be holding a sausage sizzle on Sunday April 19th opposite the CRC on Norrish Street between 8.30 and 10.00 am. Your support of this event would be appreciated. You can BYO your favourite mug for coffee or tea or we will supply it in a hot cup. April 2015 Tambellup Topics Page 25 Page 26 Tambellup Topics FOR SALE April 2015 FOR SALE 6 X 4 TRAILER - $250 Solid body, working lights, roadworthy tyres, Unregistered...needs whole new underbody framework. If you are a welder its probably a weekend job. ($250 is what it costs to buy and replace tyres – asking no more no less) Ph: Jenny 0427174659 Honda Civic 2003 White Honda Civic GLI manual transmission. Excellent condition owned by lady driver. Six months registration. Travelled 115,000km. Log books and service history. $5,500 ONO Call 0438 504 810 to view FOR SALE PEDIGREE 18 FT CARAVAN - $18,000 In good condition this van just needs a couple of window rubbers replaced and possibly resealing but nothing urgent. 2 berth but bonus free tent if you have teenagers so would suit family. Ph: 0427174659 or arcticdreamer34@hotmail.com can supply photos on request or view anytime. For Sale by PUBLIC TENDER EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST Lynthia Flowers has kindly donated the use of 2 x kilns plus numerous moulds which are available to anyone who may be interested in starting up a ceramic class in Tambellup. These have been donated at no change. please call Lynthia on 0488 914 873 Ride on Lawn Mower Jonsered Model LT 2115A. Purchased 2006. 97cm cut, 2 blades, good tyres. Photocopier Canon iR -2270 Black & White copier A3,A4. Purchased 2005 Please submit tenders in writing by Thursday 23rd April 2015 via email or mail. Broomehill Primary School 40 Hassell St Broomehill WA 6318 Or Sherryl.Altus@education.wa.edu.au If you need further information please contact Sherryl at the office on 9824 1250 or email as above. Page 27 Tambellup Topics April 2015 TAMBELLUP HEALTH CENTRE Opening hours: 9.00am - 11.30am & 1pm - 4pm Phone 98251 101 for appointments Dr. Wole conducts clinics on the 2nd & 4th Wednesday of each month. Appointments: 9am - 11am (11am - 1.30pm is a drop in clinic) The Nurse Practitioner will visit every second Tuesday (opposite weeks to Drs visit) between the hours of 9.00am-12 NOON. The Nurse Practitioner is an additional service being provided to Tambellup residents, she will be able to write scripts and treat simple, uncomplicated illnesses in conjunction with the clients own GP. Also accessible through the Centre: CHILD HEALTH NURSE HACC ( Home & Community Care) DIETICIAN PODIATRIST DIABETES EDUCATOR Tambellup Uniting Church Service Times Good Friday 3rd April April— —9:30am Easter Sunday 5th April April— —9:30am April 12th 12th— —9:30am April 26th 26th— —9:30am Everyone Welcome. PHYSIOTHERAPIST For further information, please contact the Tambellup Health Centre on 98251101. Page 28 Tambellup Topics April 2015 Country Women’s Association of WA (Inc.) Tambellup Branch Pres: Mrs Anne-Marie Lockyer Sec: Mrs Barbara Groves Pres: Anne-Marie Lockyer Sec: Aileen Prout Treas: Jonel Householder Treas: Mrs Chris Schlueter Phone: 9825 1054 Phone: 98251182 Phone: Everyone is welcome to the Tambellup commemoration of Anzac Day on the 25th April Please refer to the main flyer within this edition We are encouraging all who come to participate in the ANZAC BISCUIT competition Enter individually or as a family, kids and adults alike. After the service bring along 3 Anzac Biscuits you have made to the CWA Room. They will all be judged by two independent judges. Refreshments by the CWA members We attended Wagin Woolorama recently and assisted in the catering with the Wagin CWA It was fun but more fun was looking about the Woolorama. Thankyou to everyone who helped on the day. No we did not have sandwiches or a roll for our lunch! Don’t forget ladies that any of you out there that would like to come along to CWA are more than welcome. “CWA— A Voice for Country & City Women” April 2015 Tambellup Topics Page 29 MARY KAY INDEPENDENT BEAUTY CONSULTANT I would like to introduce you to see the latest, most advanced products in the Beauty Market. If you are interested in viewing the products, having a Beauty Party, a one-on-one skin consultation or just wanting to try some samples, call me anytime. There are some fabulous new products out to keep your skin healthy and hydrated. Also available: Gift vouchers and Gift Baskets to suit your budget. Regards, your Mary Kay Beauty Consultant Sheree Beaton Phone: 0403 261 531 Reiki Reiki is an ancient healing art rediscovered in the late 19th century by a determined Japanese Christian Minister. His name was Dr Mikao Usui. Reiki is a Japanese word meaning Life Energy. Reiki is a non-threatening gentle healing art which when activated a natural healing ability becomes available. Reiki balances the physical, the mental, the emotional and the spiritual systems of the body. Also Reiki alleviates stress and brings with it a sense of well being and a relaxed state. When a Reiki treatment is given to a person the remain clothed and a full treatment takes usually one hour. Reiki is a hands on treatment and there are set hand positions for the head, abdomen and back. Once a person acquires Reiki they are able to give themselves Reiki as well as another person or animal. The practice of Reiki is very simple and uncomplicated, an art anyone can acquire. Reiki is not a religion, cult or sect. the individual take from Reiki what they need. A Reiki 1 class is being taught by John over a Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday morning. A free introductory talk will be given before the class starts on the Friday evening to explain more about Reiki and to answer any questions. REIKI 1 CLASS With Reiki Master John Hall At the CWA Rooms Tambellup Free introductory talk Friday May 22nd—7:00pm Friday May 22nd—7:30pm-9:30pm Saturday May 23rd—9:00am-3:00pm Sunday 24th May—9:00am-12:00pm REIKI 1 CLASS cost $150 For registering a place for: The Talk, Reiki Class or any other enquiry please notify John on 9851 4531 Page 30 Tambellup Topics April 2015 April 2015 Tambellup Topics Page 31 Page 32 Tambellup Topics April 2015 MEN'S Club pairs Winners—R. Williams—A. Jones Runner up—N. Herbert—A. Hankinson Plate—J. Hull—C. Kingston League Singles and Triples held at Broomehill Winners—Singles—N. Herbert Triples—R. Williams – C. Kingston – M. Sadler League Pairs and Fours held at Tambellup Pairs—Gnowangerup White Fours—Gnowangerup White Final Pennant Results for season 2014-15 will be in May Topics, also Tambellup Men's Classic. Closing Day—Saturday 18th April Social Bowls to be played, names in by 1:00pm—Casual Dress Presentation of trophies. Please bring a casserole or cold platter to share. Tea served approx.. 6:30pm Sweets provided by Club Committee Meeting—Monday 20th April at 7:30pm Please Note—Final Night for ’Friday Social Teas’ will be served Friday 24th April at the Club. Many thanks to Sue and Megan for supplying enjoyable evenings from all who attended. Thanks to barman Trevor and helpers also. LADIES: Pennants Results—Gnowangerup White Congratulations Pauline Roosendaal for winning the Novice Singles Page 33 Tambellup Topics April 2015 SPORTING INFORMATION Tambellup Tennis Club Closing Day & presentations for the tennis season was 28 March. A big thank you to all of our club sponsors and volunteers for the season. A special mention to the volunteers who made the Junior Tournament possible on a very hot Sunday in February – Jen & John Cristinelli, Kim & Justin Taylor, Kathryn Collins, Bronny Bradshaw, Monica Nazzari, Jane & Ian Cunningham – thanks for your time and effort. Championship Doubles Results Winners: Stuart Witham & Kendall Lange R/Up: Winton Nazzari & Neal Nazzari Ros Bowman & Bronny Bradshaw Jan Sadler & Shamara Letter Championship Mixed Doubles Results Winners: Jen Cristinelli & Kaine Cristinelli R/Up: Shamara Letter & Nicholas Lockyer Congratulations also to Jan Sadler & Shamara Letter who were Runners up in the Katanning Open Doubles Tournament during February!! mOONIES HILL FOOTY TIPPING COMPETITION Yes it’s that time again! The Moonies Madness AFL footy tipping comp is on again and will start up with the big league. Moonies Madness is open to anyone who wants to join and this year is even being run from EAST of the line. So if your good or bad at tipping come on board, revel in the local rivalry and take home the big prize. Call Nic 0427251254 or email nicandjot@bigpond.com Page 34 April 2015 Tambellup Topics Station Master’s House Norrish Street, Tambellup WA 6320 Would you like to help us preserve our local history? Would you like to help us preserve our local history? We are looking for interested people who may have some time to spare to help us record our history, update it to include present day history and help us tell our stories. Alternatively, join – just for fun! MEMBERSHIP: Family … … … … … … … $20.00 Single … … … … … … $15.00 Pensioner … … … … … … … $10.00 Remember, your Museum can be opened anytime by appointment. Phone Anne-Marie Lockyer on 9825 1054 or Thalma Nazzari on 9825 1017 to arrange a time. April 2015 Tambellup Topics Page 35 Page 36 Tambellup Topics April 2015 Tambellup Topics April 2015 Page 37 Gnowangerup Building Supplies RANBUILD AGENT 32 Stutley Street, Gnowangerup, 6335 Ph.: 08 9827 1685 Fax: 08 9827 1945 Email: admin@gbshardware.com.au Gnowangerup Building Supplies is now open to the public as well as Trade. Come see us for all your building and trade supplies such as: Plasterboard & Accessories Doors Timber Cement Plumbing Fixings Tools & Equipment & more Steel If we haven’t got it, we will get it. Your local RANBUILD Shed Dealer. Obligation free quotes available. Opening Hours: Mon – Fri: 7am – 5pm Sat: 8am – 12pm Page 38 Tambellup Topics April 2015 Tambellup Deli Ph / fax: 98 251105 At new premises on Norrish St, Fuel-Diesel– Papers-Magazines delicious take away food convenience lines freshly baked bread and rolls Regular Opening Hours: Monday - Thursday 6:30am - 6:00pm Friday POST OFFICE HOURS 9am - 12noon & 1pm - 5pm ~ OPEN FOR CAFÉ LUNCHES Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 11.30am - 2.30pm THE WORKERS LUNCH Early pickup 5.30am - 7.00am Monday - Friday Closed DAILY between 12noon & 1pm Ph 9825 1169 6:30am — 5:00pm Saturday & Sunday Are you behind in your ironing? 8:00am - 12:30pm Do you need help? YES? Well see below for details. Ironing $25 per hour - Non smoker Police reference for last 10 years Broomehill and surrounding areas M & MP BUILDERS You drop off and pick up at your convenience. Phone Meriel - 0429 025 862 For all your maintenance needs, odd jobs, renovations and building requirements. PO Box 98 odd jobs Gnowangerup WA 6335 mmpiker@bigpond.com Phone: 08 98271399 April 2015 Page 39 Tambellup Topics Fruity Rose Beauty Carrie Dowsett Beauty Therapist 1 Taylor St, Tamellup 9825 1681 0427 969 690 Fruityrosebeauty@gmail.com Manicure’s & pedicure’s Waxing & tinting Relaxation Massage Shellac Facials using ARBRE products You can come into the Tambellup Public Library to order any book you like! Just let us know what type of books you like to read and we will find something to tantalise your tastebuds! Page 40 Tambellup Topics April 2015 Garrity St Tambellup WA 6320 Ph 98251 009 Fax: 98251 191 Email: gtmotors@wn.com.au 27 Garrity Street, Tambellup Self Contained, Three bedroom fully furnished house. for enquiries, call Trevor and Aileen P:98251 182 email: tprout@katel.net.au April 2015 Page 41 Tambellup Topics Tambellup Radiator Service Repairs and recons for all makes and models. Also ..welding repairs and modifications on Agricultural machinery Phone 0429 835599 98251066 CLOVER SEED 75% Nungarin, 20% Geraldton, 5% Daliak or Esperance Cleaned, Ag Department Variety Tested $3.30/Kg incl GST in 500kg Bulka Bags Contact Graeme Bradshaw 9825 8228 0r 0419 900 434 E A RT H M OV I N G TAMBELLUP & SURROUNDING AREAS *Truck & Loader Hire *Clearing *Grader Hire * Sand & Gravel Supplies *Site Pads *Road Construction etc PHONE GRAY: 0429 983 836 PO BOX 19 TAMBELLUP WA 6320 FOR SALE - CLOVER SEED Cleaned and ready for pick up from Tambellup Seed Shed. SUB CLOVER - Dalkeith-Nungarin Mix and MEDIC - Circle Valley. For further information, please contact Luke Simpson 0427 251 257. Page 42 April 2015 Tambellup Topics SWAT PEST MANAGEMENT SWAT Pest Management Nyabing ~ P O Box 102 Servicing your pest control TAMBELLUP Requirements using environmentally friendly pyrethrum-based chemicals. P:9825 1542 E: coralgreen@bigpond.com -Patch working and Sewing Supplies- Available in your area . Control of flies, spiders and most other insects. Rodent control. Building pre-treatments. Termite inspections with a written report supplied. Termite treatments. Quotes. Contact owner operator Craig Bamess 9829 1126 or mob. 0428 291 126 Health Dept of WA License No. 2923. SWAT Pest Management License No. 1251 BRIAN GREEN ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR PHONE 08 9825 1694 ABN 99 736 560 027 email brian.green6@bigpond.com Electrical Lic 002287 Refrigeration Lic L007808 Free advise and information service. Free advise to Senior Citizens with regards to the new digital TV service. STOCK CARRIER Four Deck Semi Available Split loads welcome. Farmers keep your business local. Phone Phil Hams Mobile: 0427251133 A/H:98251 133 Page 43 Tambellup Topics April 2015 TINY’S SHEARING SERVICE TAMBELLUP Your Local , Reliable Shearing Team WATER CARTING Ring Trevor to confirm shearing dates 9825 1199 04 2968 4732 LANDMARK TAMBELLUP FOR FRIENDLY, LOCAL SERVICE 8-5 MON-FRI PH 08 98251430 FAX 08 98251432 MOB 0427 251 207 Make your local Tambellup store your one stop shop for your merchandise requirements with proven backup sales & service. CALL IN TO SEE HOLLY & FRIENDLY STAFF FOR FARM BUSINESS, SPECIALIST ADVICE AND SERVICE: Merchandise Livestock Insurance Wool Real Estate Landmark Tambellup - proud sponsor of community organisations and events. Page 44 April 2015 Tambellup Topics COMMUNITY CALENDAR APRIL 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed 1 Thu 2 Fri 3 GOOD FRIDAY Sat 4 CRC closed Service9:30am 5 EASTER SUNDAY 6 CRC Closed 7 13 Art Group 14 8 9 10 11 Kids Movie Day Geordies Drums Church Service9:30am 12 15 16 Geordies Drums Tamb Golf Club Busy Bee (pg 28) 18 24 25 ANZAC Day Tamb Service -10am Kids Craft Day Ag Society AGM Church Service9:30am 19 17 20 Art Group 21 22 23 Soup & Sweets BH Service6:45am 26 27 CRC Closed 28 29 30 ChurchService9:30am SUBMISSIONS DUE 25th April for next issue EMAIL ADDRESS: topics@tambellupcrc.net.au Tambellup Community Resource Centre, 34 Norrish St, Tambellup. WA 6320 P: 08 9825 1177 F: 08 98251187 E: topics@tambellupcrc.net.au W: www.tambelllup.crc.net.au