This Week`s Bulletin - St. Raphael Catholic Church
This Week`s Bulletin - St. Raphael Catholic Church
Divine Mercy Sunday St. Raphael Catholic Parish Divine Mercy Sunday Second Sunday of Easter P.O. Box 10508 Fairbanks, Alaska 99710 Finance Council Anna Atchison Jeff Gibson Council Chair Nancy Kelly Mike Mathers David Szumigala Physical Address: 1125 Old Steese Hwy N Parish Office Schedule Office Phone: 457-6603 Office Fax: 457-4461 Tuesdays: 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Wednesdays: 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Thursdays: Varies Fridays: 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Saturdays: 4:00 pm—7:00 pm * Sundays: 8:30 am - NOON * * depends on scheduled events Parish Council Thor Bergstrom Council Vice Chair Ramona Berry Karen Chancler Mike Kramer Council Chair Tammy Miller Marc Lee Madeline Nance Two Vacant Seats Liturgy Schedule Sundays, Tuesdays, Thursdays : 9:30am Wednesdays & Saturdays: 5:30 pm Wednesdays - Rosary: 6:00 pm Pastor and Hospital Chaplain Father Kasparaj Mallavarapu 457-6603 347-5438 (c) Parochial Vicar Father Nelson Marilag 457-6603 385-7320 (c) Lay Pastoral Ministers Marie Martin 457-6603 (church) 458-8960(h) 328-3986 452-5592(h) 457-3542 378-4039 455-0262 456-1446 479-5994 457-4447 Accountant, Parish Secretary Nancy Kelly 457-6603 457-3542 (h) If you are interested in joining St. Raphael’s community, Catholic Radio Responsorial Psalm Psalm 118:2-4, 13-15,22-24 Give thanks to the Lord for he is good, his love is everlasting. Thursday Easter Weekday Acts 5:27-33 Jn 3:31-36 Second Reading 1 John 5:1-6 Whoever believes that Jesus is the Christ has been begotten by God. “The Spirit is the one that testifies, and the Spirit is truth.” Friday Easter Weekday Acts 5:34-42 Jn 6:1-15 Saturday Easter Weekday Acts 6:1-7 Jn 6:16-21 THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER Acts 3:13-15 Lk 24:35-48 SUNDAY Second Reading John 20:19-31 Jesus appeared to the disciples and said, “Peace be with you” and breathed the Holy Spirit on them. Thomas doubted and then believed saying, “My Lord and my God!” Mass Intentions 479-3883 If you would like to have a mass said, please see Nancy Kelly. WELCOME VISITORS AND GUESTS to our Parish! Easter Weekday Acts 4:32-37 Jn 3:7B-15 Saturday, April 11th Marriage/Family Counseling and Spiritual Direction Madeline C. Nance MA PS, CFLE 479-3883 We invite you to join us for refreshments after Mass. Tuesday 479-9004 Marriage Contact the office at least six months prior to the wedding. Maintenance Manager Tim Smith 488-9807 Easter Weekday Acts 4:23-31 Jn 3:1-8 347-6159 Baptism Call Marie Martin to schedule the One month preparation. Monday Wednesday Easter Weekday Acts 5:17-26 Jn 3:16-21 457-1077 Confessions Saturdays 4:30-5:00 PM or by appointment Deacon George Bowder 488-9063 (h) 374-9541(w) First Reading Acts of the Apostles 4:32-35 The community of believers shared “one heart and mind.” No one claimed ownership over anything, everything was held in common, nobody went needy among them, and all “bore witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus.” 457-3290 PARISH COUNCIL meets the 3rd Tuesday of each month. See parish calendar for details. Camille Connelly–Terhune 457-6603 (church) Parish Prayer Chain Please e-mail Gloria Slagle at Visitation of the Sick If you know of a parishioner who is in the hospital or homebound, please notify the parish office, so we can visit with them. April 11th & 12th, 2015 Weekly Readings KQHE 92.7 fm Parish MINISTRY SCHEDULE April 11 & 12th, 2015 Cup Lectors Jeff Gibson Super Sunday John Bunten Anna Atchison Madeline Nance Bread Mark Terhune Collection Counters Sue Heinrichs & ?????? Hospitality Dorothy Ostanik (Saturday) Richard Stout (Sunday) April 18th & 19th, 2015 Cup Lectors Tammy Miller Andee Mitchell Bill Mitchell William Mitchell Hospitality Ministers PLEASE PICK UP YOUR NAME Thor Bergstrom TAGS thisDavid next week!!!!! Staff…. Katie Martin SzumigalaSee office Bread Hospitality Leo & Colleen Zeek Collection Counters Bill Mitchell & Tammy Miller Hospitality David Mann (Saturday) Hendricks Family (Sunday) Marian Prayer Group for the rosary on Wednesdays at 6:00 p.m. In the Hospital? Remember to tell the staff of Fairbanks Memorial that you are Catholic and wish to be on the Catholic List. Fr. Kaspar and our Stephen Ministers visit and bring Holy Communion to Catholic patients daily. They can arrange to offer the Sacraments of Reconciliation and/or Anointing of the Sick. The fervent prayer of a righteous person is very powerful James 5:16 Please remember these dear friends in your prayers: Patrice Buck, Betty Upright, Marylee Dexter, Richard Martin, Shirley Hanchett, Annie, Bjorn Talvi , Kaci, Teresa, Mette Russell, Thalia Stout, Mark, Russell Talvi, Robin Eagan, Tom Slagle, Michael & Leslie Harrington Saint of the Day St. Stanislaus April 11th Anyone who reads the history of Eastern Europe cannot help but chance on the name of Stanislaus, the saintly but tragic bishop of Kraków, patron of Poland. He is remembered with Saints Thomas More (June 22) and Thomas Becket (December 29) for vigorous opposition to the evils of an unjust government. Born in Szczepanow near Kraków on July 26, 1030, he was ordained a priest after being educated in the cathedral schools of Gniezno, then capital of Poland, and at Paris. He was appointed preacher and archdeacon to the bishop of Kraków, where his eloquence and example brought about real conversion in many of his penitents, both clergy and laity. He became bishop of Kraków in 1072. EVENT CALENDAR Knight’s Corner Pancake Breakfast is back - Super Sunday April 12th! LENTEN CANNED FOOD DRIVE…… Yielded 580 pounds of Food!! Thank you parishioners!!!!! Forced to flee to Hungary, Boleslaus supposedly spent the rest of his life as a penitent in the Benedictine abbey in Osiak. April 11th, Saturday SUPER SATURDAY ICE FISHING with the Knights: Chena Lakes April 12th, Sunday DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY EM Training after mass SUPER SUNDAY SECRET SISTER Dinner 5:30 pm April 14th, Tuesday Men in Black Dinner Tickets $35.00 April 16th, Thursday 1st Communion Class 5:30 pm April 17th—19th CONFIRMATION RETREAT April 19th, Sunday TEEN/Confirmation Mass 12:30 pm Super Saturday April 11th For all pre-K through 5th Fr. Tim Shadow box reveal (after mass) RCIA Are you interested in becoming CATHOLIC? April 21st, Tuesday Parish Council meeting 6:30 pm April 25th, Saturday Reconciliation 1st Communicants MEETS EACH Sunday after mass! See Marie Martin or Nancy Gibson. 2nd Collection CCHD 2nd Collection CCHD Teen Mass 5:30 pm Teen mass 5:30 pm April 26th, Sunday Men In Black Dinner April 14th, Tuesday 6:30 pm Get your Tickets ! Get your Tickets!!!! $35.00 See Marie or Camille (Proceeds help fund NCYC). DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY Holy Hour @ SHC 2:30 pm. Featuring a talk by Bishop Chad, Adoration, Divine Mercy prayers, and priests available for confession. He was canonized by Pope Innocent IV in 1253 and is the principle patron of Cracow. Patron Saint of: Poland FIRST COMMUNION Next class April 16th Meets Thursdays monthly. Dinner 5:30 pm, with class afterwards. Jr./Sr. High Watch for announcements! On our regular Feast & Faith gathering for April, we are pleased to host Sr. Nancy Murray, OP as she presents a 1 woman play on the life of Catherine of Siena. We will hold it at Miguel’s on Airport Way at 6:30 pm on April 16th Space is limited. Contact Kelle Lynch Baldwin @ 374-9542. SECRET SISTERS…IT’S TIME TO REVEAL! THE SECRET SISTERS REVEALING POTLUCK SCHEDULED FOR SUNDAY, APRIL 12, 2015 5:30 PM IN THE SOCIAL HALL ….. QUESTIONS – CALL NANCY AT 457-3290 $197,067.00 KEEP THE SECRET UNTIL THE 12TH. Monthly Projected Need: $16,422.25 Weekly Need: $4,135.90 Last week’s: Mass Collections $5,191.44 We share collections: $1,570.00 Thank you for your Generous Support !!! ICE FISHING WITH THE KNIGHTS OF ST. RAPHAEL’S !!!! April 11th @ Chena Lakes Following the noon Mass at Immaculate Conception Church, we will meet downstairs for a potluck lunch, games and a craft. Parish Finances - March 2015 Monthly Projected need: $16,422.25 Actual Receipts: Mass collections $11,920.36 We Share Collections $3,170.00 SHORTAGE in March $1,332.00 Please contact the office for help with our We Share program.. CONFIRMATION May 9th ALL WOMEN OF THE PARISH ARE INVITED TO JOIN US. Parish Finances - April 2015 Actual Receipts to date (July 1st to today) $129,667.74 Collection for the Holy Land $899.00 The Catholic Homeschoolers will resume their First and Third Friday get-togethers on Friday, April 17. Education program. Learn about Jesus and His presence in our everyday lives. All are welcome! BRING A DISH TO SHARE, ALONG WITH YOUR GUESSES! Budgeted Annual Sunday/Holy Day Collections 6th Grade Enrollment is currently OPEN. Excellent prep for Jr. High. Band, Orchestra, Choir, and Art opportunities as well as an annual Retreat, daily prayer, and weekly Mass during school. Call Catholic Schools of Fairbanks at 456-4574 to set up a tour today. grade. Please join us from 9:30-12:00 for our Religious 1:00 pm During an expedition against the Grand Duchy of Kiev, Stanislaus became involved in the political situation of Poland. Known for his outspokenness, he aimed his attacks at the evils of the peasantry and the king, especially the unjust wars and immoral acts of King Boleslaus II. The king first excused himself, then made a show of penance, then relapsed into his old ways. Stanislaus continued his open opposition in spite of charges of treason and threats of death, finally excommunicating the king. The latter, enraged, ordered soldiers to kill the bishop. When they refused, the king killed him with his own hands. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Opportunities They will have hamburgers, hotdogs and other snacks for everyone. They have lots of fishing gear and bait. All you need to do is show up. Past years has proven to be a great fun especially for younger children. Questions call Mark Terhune at 388-0803 or Jeff Gibson