Open Bulletin Fullscreen - St. Joseph`s Parish, Douro


Open Bulletin Fullscreen - St. Joseph`s Parish, Douro
St. Joseph’s Parish Calendar
April 20, 2015 – April 26, 2015
MONDAY, April 20
8:30 am - Mass † Mary Towns (Bernard Sullivan)
TUESDAY, April 21
7:00 pm – Mass † Living & Deceased Members of our Knights of Columbus Council #11486
8:30 am – Mass † Monica Sullivan (Jessie Mullin)
THURSDAY, April 23
8:30 am – Mass † ANNIV: Frank & Agnes Sullivan & Dec’d Family Members (Bernard Sullivan)
FRIDAY, April 24
9:00 am – School Mass † Carl O’Brien (Beverly O’Brien & Family)
SATURDAY, April 25
5:00pm - Mass ~ For the people
SUNDAY, April 26
Fourth Sunday of Easter
10:00am – Mass † ANNIV: Richard & Marie Moher (The Family)
Parish Stewardship:
Last Year
This Year
Thank you sincerely for your continued support of our Parish!
Downtown Douro Dances !
Please join us on April 25, May 30, June 27, July 25 and Sept 5 – Live music and lunch!
Sponsored by our Knights of Columbus – Tickets only $10 each!
For tickets, please call Brian O’Grady 705-930-6661, Greg Holland 705 872-2151, or Ada
Leahy 705 772-4475
The Band for the upcoming dance (April 25th) is Soulshine – 70’s/80’s music!
CWL Corner:
Please Bring Us Your Large Milk Bags ~ There will be a box at the back of the
church to collect large milk bags in. Our CWL ladies as well as some school
children are planning to start in the fall to weave these into sleeping mats to be sent
to poor countries. It takes 400 bags to make one mat, so we really need your help
to provide the materials!
A sample of the mats will be on display after Mass this weekend at the back of
the church. Please take a minute to have a look! These mats provide a dry and
bug free place for these families to sleep.
Apr 25-26
5:00 PM
10:00 AM
Ministers of Holy
Rosemary Towns
Wendy Tedford
Paul Sweeney
Brian Condon
Michelle Towns
Brian Moloney
Altar Servers
Liam McCarthy
Rachel Condon
Cheyanne Demaeyer
Joe Fitzgerald
Yvonne Joachim, Jessie Mullin
Paul & Barbara Meade
Frank Condon
Doug Scott
Bell Ringer
John Moher
Mike Sullivan
Altar Cleaning
Nancy Wood, Dorothy Heath
(Apr 21st)
Ed & Arlene Leady, Barb Vollering
Readings for Next Sunday (Sunday April 26 – The Fourth Sunday of Easter)
 Acts 4.7-12
 Ps 118.1
 1 John 3.1-2
Gospel: John 10.11-18
There is no other name under heaven by which we must be saved.
The stone that the builder rejected has become the cornerstone.
We will see God as he is.
The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.
Knights of Columbus Meeting
St. Martin’s Ennismore
Spaghetti Supper
THIS Tuesday is our regular monthly Knights of
Columbus Meeting – The Executive will meet
immediately following the 7 pm Mass (7:30 pm), with
the general meeting to follow. We hope to see a good
turnout of our Brother Knights!
Saint Smarts
“Even the holy men who lived before the coming of
Christ understood that God had in mind plans of
peace for the human race”
~ St. Bernard
St. Alphonsus Community Breakfast
Sunday May 3 – 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
Sausage, eggs, homefries, etc.
Adults $7 – 12 and under $3
Pay at the door!
Wed Apr 29 6:30 pm (Mass at 6)
Adults $10, 10 and under $5
Includes spaghetti dinner, salad,
bun & dessert
This is a Youth Group Fundraiser –
please come out to support our
young people!
To reserve a seat, please call Liz
Brioux 705 768-9423
Read the Bulletin Online!
Forgot to pick up a bulletin? No worries!
Our weekly bulletin is posted on our website
CWL Workshop! “Strip-pieced Bag” in the Parish Hall on Monday April 27 at
9:00 am – please bring your sewing machine – basic sewing skills required.
Bring your brown bag lunch, and enjoy this event! For a fabric list and more
information please contact Barbara Meade by April 22 . Cost is just $10 –
includes batting.
Our Diocesan
Please pray this week for the Parishioners, staff and clergy of the Parish of
St. Joseph’s in Bowmanville, that they may become ever closer to God and to
his word.
The Ballagh Bunch! Market Hall Sunday June 7 at 2pm & 7pm
A multi-talented family from Teeswater – fiddle, piano, guitars, dancing, etc.
Adults $22.50 Students $12.00 Please call the Parish Office for tickets!
All proceeds to be used to replace the cross atop the bell tower!
compiled by
Dennis McCloskey
March for
A dying woman was getting her affairs in order. She prepared her will and made her
final arrangements. As part of this process, she met with her Parish Priest. She told
him she had only two requests. One, to be cremated, and two, that her ashes be
scattered over the local shopping mall. ‘The mall?” the Priest asked? Why the mall?”
“Well, that way I know my daughters will visit at least twice a week!”
Join with thousands of fellow pro-lifers at the MARCH FOR LIFE in Ottawa on
Thursday, May 14 . See the poster at the back of the church for more details of the
A one-day return excursion by highway coach is available for only $37.
Please contact Bruce at 705 652-1130 to reserve your seat.
May 14th
If for some reason you are unable to attend, please consider sponsoring a
member of the clergy or a student. Over 100,000 babies are lost each year in
Canada to abortion. Together we can save lives!
Sunday, April 19th from 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm
An afternoon of singing for children at the Cathedral of St. Peter-in-Chains, led by
Randy Mills and Dr. Giles Bryant (music director at All Saints Anglican, Peterborough).
Any young singer aged 7 and up is welcome!
Rehearsal will begin at 2pm in the Cathedral, with Evening Prayer (open to all) at 4pm
led by the children.
No cost to attend, but please contact Mr. Mills to register –
Sat May 30 – 6:00 pm
Taste of
Poland Dinner
Polish Sausage, Bigos, Perogies, Potatoe Salad, Cakes
Adults $15, Under 12 - $8, Up to 5 yrs FREE!