- St Katherine Greek Orthodox Church


- St Katherine Greek Orthodox Church
Sunday, April 19, 2015
Sermon: The Eighth Day
Tone: of the feast
First Eothinon: Matthew 28:16-20
Divine Liturgy
Epistle: Acts of the Apostles: 5:12-20 (pg. 46)
Epistle Reader: Reader Michael Ghekiere
Prosphora: Bonnie Mitrosilis
Coffee Set-Up: Kay & Gus Alex
Coffee Hostesses: Irene Crossley, Mary Tervo, Sandra Wilson
Parish Council: John Giakouminakis, Tony Kostas, Bill Marutsos
Altar Boys Team: Three
Gospel: John 20:19-31 (pg. 47)
Next Week’s Team: Four
Parish Schedule for the Week April 19, 2015
Sunday, April 19
Divine Liturgy
Sunday School
Stewardship Committee Mtg (Fotion Fellowship Hall – EC104b)
Festival Chairman’s Meeting
Chess Club (Fireside Room – EC200)
GOBL Home Game (vs. Assumption)
Monday, April 20
Greek Dance Practice Resumes
5:00 PM
Tuesday, April 21
Youth Choir Practice
YAL Basketball Practice
AHEPA Movie Night (Fotion Fellowship Hall – EC104)
6:00 PM
7:00 PM
7:00 PM
Wednesday, April 22
Bible Study (Fireside Room)
Capital Campaign Meeting (Fireside Room)
Parish Council Meeting (Fireside Room)
Boys Basketball Practice
Thursday, April 23
St. George Feast Day
Girls Basketball Practice
Bible Study (Fireside Room)
7:00 PM
7:00 PM
Friday, April 24
Greek School
4:30 PM
Saturday, April 25
Greek School
GOBL Quarter Finals (at St. Sophia)
9:00 AM
10:00 AM
11:00 AM
11:30 AM
12:00 PM
12:00 PM
2:00 PM
10:00 AM
5:00 PM
7:00 PM
7:00 PM
9:30 AM
Time TBA
Our Help & Comfort newsletter deadline extended to April 20 – Let the community know “What’s Up”:
If the IRS can give an extension so can Dcn. Cary. Please email your article for the May/June newsletter by 5PM.
Small Entrance hymn for the Sunday of St. Thomas:
Christ our God, You are the Life that dawned from the grave, though the tomb was sealed. Through closed
doors You came to the Apostles. You are the Resurrection of all. And, through them, You renewed us with an
upright spirit, according to Your great mercy.
Parish Assembly – Next Sunday April 26:
At next Sunday’s Parish Assembly we will be making very important decisions affecting the entire community.
A letter was mailed out recently with information regarding each family’s eligibility based on current and prior
year’s stewardship. We hope that all of you will be eligible and available to attend and vote.
Stewardship News – Get your card in today!
We are reminding those of you who have not turned in your 2015 Pledge Card to do so as soon as possible. If
you have misplaced your card, more are available in the Office or every Sunday near the Stewardship Board.
Online Giving – Safe, Easy, Convenient… give it a try in 2015:
Do you ever forget to pay your stewardship? It’s a busy world… try using our online giving service and you won’t
have to think about it again! Click on the DONATE image at the bottom of the St. Katherine home page
(www.StKatherineGOC.org). It is easy and quick. God bless you for your financial support!
Oratorical Festival 2015 continues today with the district level finals at St. John in Anaheim:
We congratulate all our oratorical participants, and especially our winners: Ellen Furgis, Stella Gianoukakis,
Kasiani Wolfe and Benjamin Edwards. Best wishes to Ellen and Ben who have elected to represent out parish at
today’s district finals. All our participants already know the value this program offers for personal development.
Festival Chairman’s meeting – TODAY:
Please plan to attend and bring your ideas. For more details please contact Christ at tzoepas@hotmail.com.
50th Anniversary Festival Ad Book – Don’t miss the opportunity to participate in this historic AdBook:
Show your St. Katherine pride and place an ad in our Golden Anniversary edition of the South Bay Greek Fesitval
Ad Book. Please use the enclosed order form to place your ad before the May 15 deadline.
Save the date! Kids‘n’Cancer Fundraiser, May 3, 2015 at the Big Canyon Country Club (Newport Beach):
Please join us for this lovely event supporting Camp Agape, a refuge and escape for children fighting cancer.
Orthodox Christian Mission Center – Calling All Medical Personal:
If you are a health care worker, OCMC mission health care teams need you! By participating on a Health Care
Team, you will help treat various common illnesses by healing the sick & caring for the poor and needy. For
additional information please call the OCMC at 877-463-6784 x141 or email teams@ocmc.org.
Let’s Go to Cyclades – «Πάμε Κυκλάδες» – “Our Greek Village” Immersion Camp – June 20-27:
Take a trip drive to St. Nicholas Ranch in the foothills of the Sierra Nevadas, but end up on a virtual trip to the
Cyclades! Join us at Ellinko Horio enjoy geography, music, dancing, food, Orthodox faith, arts & crafts, sports,
campfires, and more. Registration $475 (thru 4/31), $25 discount for siblings. More info at OurGreekVillage.com.
Philoptochos’ ongoing food drive for those in need – Non-perishable food items needed:
Please bring a gift of canned or dry-goods items & toiletries. A black collection tub is located by the trophy case.
AHEPA Movie Night –Tuesday, April 21 at 7:00pm – Featuring “Nicoleta” & “The Immortalizer”:
Nicoleta relates a young boy’s struggle to survive in post-civil war Greece. Director Sonia Kenterman will be
on hand for discussion. The Immortalizer tells of a (circa 1878) Cypriot man’s desperate efforts to save his
dying daughter. Suggested donation $10. RSVP to Tony Kostas at 310-316-0884 or adonakis@verizon.net.
Toastmasters – Become a better speaker & communicate with confidence. Join us on May 3:
Do you have a fear of public speaking? Do you want to amplify your leadership skills? We will be hosting the
Toastmasters here at 12 noon on May 3. For info contact Evan Georgoulis at evang2@verizon.net or 310-486-1318.
Saint Sophia Philoptohos Mother’s Day Luncheon & Fashion Show – Saturday, May 9:
A beautiful afternoon is planned in honoring Tina Vasila Callas as the Mother of the Year at Saint Sophia’s
Maniatakos Pavilion & Ballroom. For reservations, please call Jeanne Boukidis at 818-389-7661.
Superheroes for Life: The Pregnancy Help Center’s 28th annual Walk for Life – Saturday, May 16:
Please help us in our goal to respect, protect and defend preborn babies, by joining in our annual “Walk for
Life”. For more information call the center at 310-320-8976 or visit www.SupportPHCTorrance.org.