Finding the right job for you matters to us
Finding the right job for you matters to us
7 may 6 - 12 | 2015 NorthEast JOBS Circulating in Wangaratta, Myrtleford, Bright, Mt Beauty, Beechworth, Yackandandah, Rutherglen, Chiltern and districts To place an ad, phone 5723 0101 or email Winslow Constructors requires CHEF CONCRETING SUB-CONTRACTORS To perform kerb & channel and footpath works throughout the Melbourne South East & Regional areas. All sub-contractors must be registered companies and be able to quote their ABN and provide proof that they have in place all required insurance policies. Consistent work is available for reliable sub-contractors. If you are genuinely interested call Suzanne Baird on 03 5943 7301. 4XDOLÀHGH[SHULHQFHG IXOOWLPHFKHIZDQWHG IRUEXV\FRXQWU\ELVWUR 3RDFKHUV3DUDGLVH+RWHO 5XWKHUJOHQ Phone Matt on 0400 844 936 ĂƐƵĂůtĂŝƟŶŐͬ<ŝƚĐŚĞŶ^ƚĂī x x tĞĂƌĞůŽŽŬŝŶŐĨŽƌĞŶƚŚƵƐŝĂƐƟĐŝŶĚŝǀŝĚƵĂůƐƚŽǁŽƌŬ ŽŶĂĐĂƐƵĂůďĂƐŝƐĂƚƚŚĞŶĞǁtŝŶƚŽŶtĞƚůĂŶĚƐ ĂĨĠ͘džƉĞƌŝĞŶĐĞŝŶŚŽƐƉŝƚĂůŝƚLJƉƌĞĨĞƌƌĞĚ͕ďƵƚŶŽƚ ĞƐƐĞŶƟĂů͘'ŽŽĚƉĞŽƉůĞƐŬŝůůƐ͕ĂǁŝůůŝŶŐŶĞƐƐƚŽǁŽƌŬ ĂƐƉĂƌƚŽĨĂƚĞĂŵĂŶĚĂĚĞƐŝƌĞƚŽƉƌŽǀŝĚĞƋƵĂůŝƚLJ ĐƵƐƚŽŵĞƌƐĞƌǀŝĐĞĞƐƐĞŶƟĂů͘ WůĞĂƐĞĐŽŶƚĂĐƚDĞůĂŶŝĞŽŶϬϰϮϵϰϮϯϲϱϵ ƚŽĚŝƐĐƵƐƐLJŽƵƌƐƵŝƚĂďŝůŝƚLJĨŽƌƚŚŝƐƌŽůĞ͘ Part time 20+ hours per week Find out more by visiting the employment section on 4(%2/,%/& 05",)3(%23 WEEKEND AND RELIEF COOK !DVERTISERSPLEASENOTE -UCH HARDSHIP AND DIFlCULTY IS CAUSED TO JOB SEEKERS BY MISLEADINGADVERTISINGPLACEDINTHEEMPLOYMENTCOLUMNS /UR%MPLOYMENTCOLUMNISRESERVEDFORADVERTISEMENTSWHICH CARRYASPECIlCANDGENUINEOFFEROFEMPLOYMENT !DSFOR@"USINESS/PPORTUNITIES@#OMMISSION/NLYTRAINING COURSESANDEMPLOYMENTSERVICESSHOULDBESUBMITTEDUNDER THOSEHEADINGS 0LACINGMISLEADINGADSISANOFFENCEAGAINSTTHE4RADE0RACTICES !CTANDSTATETERRITORYFAIRTRADINGACTSANDALLADVERTISEMENTS ARESUBJECTTOTHEPUBLISHERSAPPROVAL &ORFURTHERADVICECONTACT 4HE!USTRALIAN#OMPETITIONAND#ONSUMER #OMMISSIONONORYOURSTATE CONSUMERAFFAIRSAGENCY .ORTH%AST*/"3 Permanent Part – Time Position Cooinda Village offers the opportunity for a motivated and suitably qualified person to work in our commercial kitchen, with the support of our enthusiastic catering staff. This person will be required to work weekends as per roster. Minimum 30 hours per fortnight. To be eligible for this position you would need to have a Cert 111 Commercial Cookery or catering experience. To discuss this position please call Julie Folan, Quality/Customer Services Manager on 57613300. Applications should be directed to:Julie Folan at by18 May 2015. Swenrick build Victoria wide Prices start from $33,925* (Montana built to lock-up) Extensive experience in high bushfire zones. Customised Woolamai Over 40 YEARS of building in your area, to LOCK UP or COMPLETION. Your design or ours COMPANY ACCOUNTANT/ FINANCIAL CONTROLLER LS Quarry - Benalla/Mansfield Permanent Part time – Up to 4 Days/Week Bright Sports Centre Attendant Miners Cottage Customized This varied position will allow you to play a major role in the further development of a locally owned company with exciting growth plans. We are seeking an experienced and enthusiastic person to provide the owner with monthly management reporting and analysis of all facets of the Company’s operations. You will report to the Managing Director and be located in new offices at their head office. Salary will be negotiable based on qualifications and prior experience. Key responsibilities of the role include:3UHSDUDWLRQDQGDQDO\VLVRIPRQWKO\ management reports &DVKIORZEXGJHWLQJDQGUHSRUWLQJ &RVWFRQWUROPDQDJHPHQWDQGDQDO\VLV %$6VWDWHPHQWSUHSDUDWLRQ 3D\UROOSURFHVVLQJDQGUHODWHGRQFRVWV 'HEWRUV&UHGLWRUVPDQDJHPHQW 0DQDJHPHQWRIRIILFHVWDII 6SHFLDOSURMHFWZRUNDVUHTXLUHG To be successful in the role you will need to possess the following:6ROLGILQDQFLDOPDQDJHPHQWDFFRXQWLQJ knowledge and experience &$RU&3$TXDOLILFDWLRQVSUHIHUUHG 0LQLPXPRI\HDUVH[SHULHQFHLQDVLPLODU role 6WURQJFRPSXWHUVNLOOVLQFOXGLQJ0<2% 3UHPLHUDQG06([FHO 3OHDVHFRQWDFW%UHQGDQRQ should you require any further information. Written application and CV to be sent to by 22nd May, 2015. Emailyouradvert Finding the right job for you matters to us Also available relocatable plans and lock-up kits DISPLAY CENTRE: 7 Buxton - Marysville Road Buxton 3711 Ph: (03) 5774 7066 Fax: (03) 5774 7582 Mobile: 0447 462 844 2SHQ:HHNGD\VDPSP:HHNHQGVQRRQSP ADMINISTRATION OFFICE: Unit 7/4 Royan Place Bayswater North Vic 3153 Ph: (03) 8761 6610 Fax: (03) 9728 8285 Mob: 0447 462 844 Open Mon to Fri 9am - 5pm SWENRICK CONSTRUCTIONS ( VIC) PTY LTD Swenrick Constructions (Vic) Pty Ltd Master Builder No. 1492 DB-U28406 Ph: (03) 8761 6610 Fax: (03) 9728 8285 Visit: Email: j/31d23753/03-15 MAINTENANCE / CLEANER to work Monday - Friday at a local restaurant in Glenrowan. Previous cleaning experienced preferred and available to work early mornings. We are offering a competitive salary package. APPLY IN WRITING TO: The Manager, McDonald’s PO Box 856, Wangaratta Vic 3676 or Email Applications close 22-5-15 Advertising Sales Manager – part-time Ryan Media are specialist publishers to the forest, timber, olive and general agriculture industries. Our print and electronic products are recognised and renowned for credibility and quality. We are seeking an experienced, dedicated and ‘hands-on’ advertising sales manager to work on the Australasian Timber magazine (published 8 times per year) and Daily Timber News e-newsletter (published weekly). Ideally the applicant will have a background in strong strategic sales planning, communication, time management and administrative skills with a good working knowledge of Excel and Outlook. Advertising sales experience and knowledge of the forestry or timber industries would be an advantage. Melbourne location. Written applications with resume and references to: General Manager, Ryan Media Pty Ltd, Elizabeth Bouzoudis, INDEPENDENT & AUSTRALIAN OWNED Advertising Account Manager Wangaratta Chronicle An exciting opportunity exists for a sales professional to join the award-winning Wangaratta Chronicle, where you will be responsible for managing and growing display advertising working with an established client database. The successful candidate must be self motivated and have proven communication and time management skills, as well as the ability to build sustainable customer relationships in person and over the phone. We seek a person with creative flair, strong administration skills and high attention to detail. Previous experience in sales is essential. A thorough understanding of developing and maintaining new business will be your key to success in this role. An attractive remuneration package is offered including a base salary, commission and nine and half per cent employer superannuation contribution. If you are looking for a new challenge in an energetic and stimulating environment with a long-standing media group, we would encourage you to apply. Applications to: Terry Harding Regional Manager North East Media 10c124770/1615 For your free brochure Please call 5774 7066 or 8761 6610 Check out the North East Jobs section inside the Regional Extra every Wednesday, or online anytime at McDonald’s is currently seeking a permanent Part / Full Time
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