Department of Health & Human Services LOAD OUT LABOURER
Department of Health & Human Services LOAD OUT LABOURER
EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT We are looking for EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT Family Relationship Counsellor Two Experienced Sales People here at Wangaratta Rural Supplies You need to have recent chemical and animal health product sales experience or roofing products and shed sales experience. These are a must-have, along with a car and forklift licence. Please email resume to Part Time – 0.50 EFT Closing Date: 18/05/2015 For further information please email or contact Lisa Pryor, Director of Clinical Services – (03) 5728 0316 A position description and more detailed advertisement may be obtained at Please email applications to: Beechworth Health Service is a smoke free workplace Discover a career full of diversity Employment opportunity We are a seeking motivated and enthusiastic individual to join our staff team, in the position of Operations Co-ordinator Full Time: $45,922 - $50,665 Duties will include the delivery of OH&S guidelines, plant operations, duty management and staff co-ordination. This position requires excellent leadership qualities, communication and organisational skills. Relevant industry experience will be an advantage. The applicant may be required to work outside regular business hours, including evenings and weekends. 0LQLPXPTXDOL¿FDWLRQV&XUUHQWOHYHO)LUVW$LG &35TXDOL¿FDWLRQV)XOO/LIHJXDUGDQGFXUUHQW:RUNLQJ :LWK&KLOGUHQ&KHFN'HVLUDEOHTXDOL¿FDWLRQV3RRO 2SHUDWLRQVFHUWL¿FDWH2+6FHUWL¿FDWHDQGUHOHYDQW industry experience. $IXOOSRVLWLRQGHVFULSWLRQLVDYDLODEOHDW:,6$& Written applications to Deb Brockwell, People & &XOWXUH6SHFLDOLVWDW:,6$& Email: $SSOLFDWLRQVPXVWEHUHFHLYHGE\SRVWRUHPDLOE\SP Wednesday 20 May 2015. Wangaratta Indoor Sports & Aquatic Centre H.P. Barr Reserve, Schilling Dve Wangaratta 3677 T (03) 5722 1723 F (03) 5722 2970 W LOAD OUT LABOURER Wangaratta Abattoirs Requires a fit, reliable person To join our Load Out team. Sunday – Thursday afternoon shift Some heavy lifting involved. Forklift and HR Licence an advantage. Apply in person to 53 Greta Rd, Wangaratta Or ring office on (03) 57212349 Staff Development Officer Planned Activity Group Coordinator COMPANY ACCOUNTANT/ FINANCIAL CONTROLLER LS Quarry - Benalla/Mansfield Permanent Part time – Up to 4 Days/Week This varied position will allow you to play a major role in the further development of a locally owned company with exciting growth plans. We are seeking an experienced and enthusiastic person to provide the owner with monthly management reporting and analysis of all facets of the Company’s operations. You will report to the Managing Director and be located in new offices at their head office. Salary will be negotiable based on qualifications and prior experience. Key responsibilities of the role include:3UHSDUDWLRQDQGDQDO\VLVRIPRQWKO\ management reports &DVKIORZEXGJHWLQJDQGUHSRUWLQJ &RVWFRQWUROPDQDJHPHQWDQGDQDO\VLV %$6VWDWHPHQWSUHSDUDWLRQ 3D\UROOSURFHVVLQJDQGUHODWHGRQFRVWV 'HEWRUV&UHGLWRUVPDQDJHPHQW 0DQDJHPHQWRIRIILFHVWDII 6SHFLDOSURMHFWZRUNDVUHTXLUHG To be successful in the role you will need to possess the following:6ROLGILQDQFLDOPDQDJHPHQWDFFRXQWLQJ knowledge and experience &$RU&3$TXDOLILFDWLRQVSUHIHUUHG 0LQLPXPRI\HDUVH[SHULHQFHLQDVLPLODU role 6WURQJFRPSXWHUVNLOOVLQFOXGLQJ0<2% 3UHPLHUDQG06([FHO 3OHDVHFRQWDFW%UHQGDQRQ should you require any further information. Written application and CV to be sent to by 22nd May, 2015. GD\VSHUZHHN %DVHGLQ:DQJDUDWWD &RPSHWLWLYHVDODU\LQFOXGLQJVDODU\SDFNDJLQJ LifeWorks is a dynamic, not-for-profit organisation specialising in human relations and interpersonal communication. We are seeking a qualified, passionate and dedicated individual committed to making a difference through the provision of high quality psycho-education groups, counselling and therapeutic interventions. 6NLOOV4XDOLILFDWLRQV 4XDOLILFDWLRQLQSV\FKRORJ\VRFLDOZRUN behavioural or social sciences or equivalent post graduate qualifications in couple or relationship counselling or family therapy. 'HPRQVWUDWHGH[SHULHQFHLQIDPLO\DQGFRXSOHV counselling &DSDFLW\WRZRUNLQDIHHIRUVHUYLFHRUJDQLVDWLRQ $ELOLW\WRVHOIPRWLYDWHDQGZRUNLQGHSHQGHQWO\ ([SHULHQFHLQFKLOGLQFOXVLYHSUDFWLFH ([SHULHQFHLQWKHIDFLOLWDWLRQRISV\FKR HGXFDWLRQDOSURJUDPVZLOOEHKLJKO\UHJDUGHG DVZLOOH[SHULHQFHZLWK(PSOR\HH$VVLVWDQFH Programs. 7R DSSO\ $SSOLFDWLRQ GHWDLOV DQG D SRVLWLRQ GHVFULSWLRQDUHDYDLODEOHIURPZZZOLIHZRUNVFRP au/employment or by calling Sue Pratt, Stream 0DQDJHU &RXQVHOOLQJ (GXFDWLRQ DQG ($3 RQ (03) 8650 6200. $SSOLFDWLRQVFORVH-XQHWK CPP4:- $73,854 - $83,796 pa, plus super Location:- Wangaratta Status:- Ongoing Full time The Advanced Child Protection Practitioner receives and assesses reports of alleged abuse and neglect of children and young people. They undertake investigations and develop plans to ensure the safety and wellbeing of children and young people is achieved. For further information on the position description and the selection criteria visit; or contact Louisa Hayes on 03-5722-0962 Job Reference No: DHHS/ED/381444 Applications close: Sunday 31st May 2015 For more information about the Department of Health & Human Services visit To apply online and for other DHHS and Victorian Government job opportunities please visit Police Checks form part of the Department of Health & Human Services recruitment process. Aboriginal Australians are encouraged to apply. For information and support contact 1300 092 406 or POSITIONS AVAILABLE CHEF/COOK Required for part-time work. Must be able to run kitchen independently. WAIT STAFF & FRONT OF HOUSE Part to full-time positions available for 7 days a week business. Barista training preferred. Must be available for some weekend work when required. Please forward application to Marni and Dean Rees, 34 Ovens Street, Wangaratta 3677. Applications close Friday, May 29. SPA THERAPIST We are seeking exceptional, career minded individuals with a genuine passion for wellness & the spa industry, to join our growing team. Applicants will be trained to perform all spa treatments. Excellent waxing skill is essential. Minimum qualification Cert V Beauty Therapy. Above award wages, and incentives. Busy general practice looking for a well organised experienced Dental Assistant who loves helping people and working in a close knit team. The ideal applicant will be a self motivated person, have great attention to detail, be an exceptional communicator and have a friendly and caring nature. Great remuneration with negotiable hours dependant on the applicant, knowledge of ‘Oasis’ operating system preferred. Please apply in person or send your resume and handwritten application to Goodison Dental Services, 44 Reid St, Wangaratta Vic 3677. Applications to: CHEF/COOK Old Block Café Department of Health & Human Services Advanced Child Protection Practitioner Full Time (Negotiable) For further information please email or contact Lisa Pryor, Director of Clinical Services – (03) 5728 0316 Closing Date: 01/06/2015 A position description and more detailed advertisement may be obtained at Please email applications to: Beechworth Health Service is a smoke free workplace CONTRACTS AND PROCUREMENT COORDINATOR FULL-TIME RE-ADVERTISED POSITION Applications are invited from suitably qualified persons to lead our Contract and Procurement function. Reporting to the Manager Finance you will be responsible for providing high level expert tendering and contract services ensuring our statutory obligations and business needs are met. To be successful, you will need: 3 Tertiary qualifications at a degree level or equivalent in a relevant discipline. 3 Experience in procurement or contract management. Download an employment information pack at www.benalla or obtain a pack from Human Resources Coordinator Rhonda McDonald, telephone (03) 5760 2662. Applications addressing key selection should reach us by 5pm, Friday, 5 June, 2015. For a confidential discussion on the position, telephone Manager Finance, Brett Davies (03) 5760 2650. Baileys of Glenrowan require a passionate Chef/ Cook to oversee the operation of our popular Old Block Café. The café offers lunch service each Friday, Saturday and Sunday with occasional functions, festivals and events held throughout the year. In this permanent part-time role the successful applicant will be responsible for all ordering, menu creation and costing, preparation and lunch service (working alternate weekends) in the Old Block Café across a 20-24 hour week. Our offering is based around our much loved wood fired oven, utilising fresh, regional and seasonal produce wherever possible. The successful applicant will be – +DUGZRUNLQJDQGHQHUJHWLFZLWKWKHPRWLYDWLRQ to work autonomously. $EOHWRSODQDKHDGDQGPDQDJHWLPHHIIHFWLYHO\ ([SHULHQFHGLQFUHDWLQJFRVWLQJDQGGHOLYHULQJ seasonal menus. $IRRGZLQHORYHUZLWKDIODLUIRUWKHFUHDWLYH Reporting to the Cellar Door Manager this role offers great hours, a picturesque winery setting and great staff benefits. To apply email your resume and a brief covering letter to Applications close Wednesday, May 27, a role description is available on request. EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT MAINTENANCE TRADES COORDINATOR Galen Catholic College Wangaratta is a co-educational College with an enrolment of 1100 students from Years 7 - 12 and 120 full and part time staff. first national O’Meara Kennedy R E A L E S T A T E Due to growth within our Agency we are now seeking an experienced McDonald’s is currently seeking a permanent Part / Full Time Property Manager MAINTENANCE / CLEANER To be successful in this role you’ll have enormous energy, rock solid integrity, intelligence, sound judgement and a love of learning and an ambition to be the best in your profession. Other qualifications include: Current Real Estate Certificate of Registration; Minimum of 3 years’ experience working as a Property Manager; Current Drivers licence; Excellent time management and organisational skills; High level of attention to detail; and Excellent communication & interpersonal skills. To attract the best, we realise that we have to be attractive. That’s why we are offer a competitive salary, continued training and fantastic support from your team. This is a fun and dynamic environment that is highly focused, highly rewarding and fully supportive of a work life balance. Applications close 31st May, 2015. Please email your application to: First National O’Meara Kennedy Real Estate Belmore St Yarrawonga. CARPET/ VINYL LAYER Make a lifestyle move to beautiful Bright. Full-time carpet/vinyl layer required for busy Carpet Court store. Excellent rates and very varied work. Phone for details 57 551453. Alpine Furnishings P/L 10 Ireland St. Bright 3741, Vic. Applications close 5pm, Friday 22nd May, 2015 We are looking for people in the Wangaratta area to join our team. At Kirinari, we aim to be known for professional services and great lifestyles. You should have a warm and friendly personality and a genuine desire to work with older people as well as a Certificate 3 in Aged or Community Care. Kirinari will provide flexible work arrangements, and an attractive remuneration package including superannuation plus penalties as applicable. Apply online through our website at www., or contact reception on 02 6056 2111 to obtain an application pack. For job related enquiries please contact Ann Krautz on 02 6056 2111. Applications close 5pm on 22nd of May 2015. All successful applicants are required to undergo a criminal records check as a condition of employment. Kirinari Community Services is an equal opportunity employer. Follow us on: 80 hours/fortnight, Ref No: 15/27 Closing Date: 22 May 2015 HIM/CLINICAL CODER Enquiries Annalee Gardam, Team Leader Acute Allied Health positions contact: Leesa Milne onFor (03)both 5722 0113. 5428 Position closing date - 5pm Friday(03) 21st 5722 November, 2008. ST H EA E H W AN G A R AT T The successful applicant will have undergone a WWC & police check. For further details including a position description visit: CLASSIFIEDS WORK! 5723 0101 Department of Health & Human Services Department of Justice & Regulation Team Manager Investigation & Response CPP5 Programs Officer Salary CPP5 $85,215 - $103,103 + Super Beechworth Correctional Centre Status:- Ongoing Full time (76.0 hours per fortnight) Location:- Wodonga } Fantastic ongoing, full-time opportunity } Salary range $45,461 - $58,380 plus superannuation Beechworth Correctional Centre is a minimum security prison for men which focuses on reparation and pre-release activities. As the Programs Officer, you will assist with the delivery and monitoring of pre/post-release and orientation programs, including supporting prisoners with their day-to-day welfare needs. You will handle administration duties such as scheduling, program research, data collection and group facilitation to meet the overall requirements of your client base. As our ideal candidate, you will have: } a background in providing administrative support, ideally within a complex or diverse environment } outstanding interpersonal, communication and stakeholder management skills } the ability to work autonomously and part of a team in order to deliver work accurately and on time. For further information and to submit your application, please visit Applications close on Wednesday 27 May 2015. Full time fixed term teaching vacancy beginning Monday 13th July 2015 and concluding Friday 24th June 2016 Italian Religious Education Applications close Wednesday 27th May 2015 at 3.30pm Please email letter of application and a current CV to or post to The Principal, Galen Catholic College, PO Box 630, Wangaratta 3676 Please mark your envelope ‘confidential’ CLERK H Key Selection Criteria &HUWLILFDWH,,,RUDERYHLQ(GXFDWLRQ6XSSRUW or Community Services. 3UHYLRXVH[SHULHQFHZRUNLQJZLWKFKLOGUHQ\RXQJSHRSOH :LOOLQJQHVVWRZRUNLQFKDOOHQJLQJVLWXDWLRQV &XUUHQW:RUNLQJZLWK&KLOGUHQ&KHFN(PSOR\HH Please email a resume including 2 referees, and a letter of application addressing the Key Selection Criteria to Teneille Smith at, or post to PO Box 961 Wangaratta 3676. Health Information Services has the following vacancies: LT (2 Part Time Positions) Borinya Wangaratta Community Partnership offers young people from years 7 to 12, an opportunity to be members of a flexible learning setting. We invite applications for one position to commence in Semester 2, 2015 and another to commence immediately. The part-time Classroom Assistant will be required varied hours Mon – Fri. The role of the Classroom Assistant is varied, but focuses mainly on assisting students that have difficulty learning in group situations. NORTHEAST HEALTH WANGARATTA A (Casual) Classroom Assistant Applications Close: Monday 1st June 2015 at 12.00pm 12 Months Maternity Leave 80 hours/fortnight, Ref No: 15/28 Closing Date: 29 May 2015 education. New graduates are encouraged to apply. Home Care Workers To apply and for full details, please log-on to: A Applications close 22-5-15 For more information regarding the role contact: Bill Foster, Maintenance Trades Coordinator on 5761 4238. T APPLY IN WRITING TO: The Manager, McDonald’s PO Box 856, Wangaratta Vic 3676 or Email ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT PERMANENT FULL-TIME (80 HOURS PER/FORTNIGHT) NOR to work Monday - Friday at a local restaurant in Glenrowan. Previous cleaning experienced preferred and available to work early mornings. We are offering a competitive salary package. The Child Protection Team Manager is responsible for effective service delivery, managing resources and budget, cases awaiting allocation and small teams of practitioners. The Team Manager has the formal delegation to endorse case plans and will work collaboratively with the Senior Child Protection Practitioner to strengthen case practice, provide effective service delivery and to support other practitioners. For further information on the position description and the selection criteria visit; or contact Sally Dare on 02 6055-7777 Job Reference No: DHHS/ED/381424 Applications close: Sunday 31st May 2015 For more information about the Department of Health & Human Services visit To apply online and for other DHHS and Victorian Government job opportunities please visit Police Checks form part of the Department of Health & Human Services recruitment process. Aboriginal Australians are encouraged to apply. For information and support contact 1300 092 406 or HAIRDRESSERS REQUIRED. Qualified with experience to do ladies of all ages, young and old. Send your CV to montys888@yahoo. IT Communications and Events Officer. Wo m e n ’s H e a l t h Goulburn North East is looking to recruit an IT Communications and Events Officer (0.6 EFT). Based in Wa n g a r a t t a , t h i s position will manage and i m pl em ent t he o r g a n i s a t i o n ’s I T communication framework. Please refer to au for further details, or contact (03) 5722 3009. Applications close: Monday, June 1, 2015. (WHGNE has an EOE Exemption: No. #A32/2012).