Inside This Issue • April 12, 2015 Mass Times ~ Presider Schedule


Inside This Issue • April 12, 2015 Mass Times ~ Presider Schedule
Mass Times ~ Presider Schedule
Saturday, April 11
5:30 p.m. ~ Father Ron
Saturday, April 18
~ Father O
Sunday, April 12
7:30 a.m. ~ Father Ron
9:00 a.m.*~ Father Armstrong
10:30 a.m. ~ Father Justin (Church)
10:30 a.m. ~ Father D’Silva (Gym)
12:30 p.m. ~ Father Justin
5:30 p.m. ~ Father D’Silva
Sunday, April 19
~ Father D’Silva
~ Father O
~ Father Armstrong
~ Father D’Silva
~ Father Justin
~ Father Ron
*American Sign Language interpreted Mass
Weekday and Saturday Masses
Monday - Friday: 6:30 a.m., 8 a.m., 11 a.m., 5:30 p.m.
Saturday: 8 a.m., 11 a.m.
Filipino Mass in Tagalog every 4th Sunday at 3:30 p.m.
Holy Day Masses
Eve of the Feast: 5:30 p.m.
Day of the Feast: 6:30 a.m., 8 a.m., 11 a.m., 5:30 p.m.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament*
Exposition: Monday-Friday, 3-5:15 p.m., in the church
Thursday before first Friday of each month, 6-8 p.m.,
with Holy Hour from 7-8 p.m.
*No adoration on federal holidays
Inside This Issue • April 12, 2015
A Thank You Note From Sodality • 3
Register for the Annual Jubilarian Mass by This Monday • 3
In the Library: Jean Vanier, Winner of the 2015 Templeton Prize • 4
How Are Church Bells Blessed? • 4
Seeking Volunteers for Catechesis of the Good Shepherd • 5
A Thank You Note From SHARE • 5
Monsignor Corbett Memorial Lecture Next Sunday • 5
A Personal Invitation to All Parishioners • 6
This Weekend
3630 Quesada Street, NW
Washington, D.C. 20015
202.966.6575 • Phone
202.966.9255 • Fax
Blessed Sacrament School
5841 Chevy Chase Parkway, NW
Washington, D.C. 20015
Outreach Weekend
Our monthly collection of food items and monetary donations for
our Soup Kitchen Ministry. If making a donation by check, please
make the check payable to the “Outreach Group.”
School of Religion
Sunday, classes resume.
Second Sunday Lecture
Sunday, lecture begins at 9 a.m. in the parish chapel; refreshments
at 8:30 a.m. in the parish center on the main level. Father Peter
Ryan, SJ, will present The Church and Contemporary Culture on
Sexual Morality: Bridging the Great Divide. This talk will examine
the radically different views of the human person that underlie the
contradictory claims of the Catholic Church and secular society
about sexual morality. We will consider how “the spousal meaning
of the body,” which has been obscured by concupiscence, can be
recovered through union with Christ.
Second Sunday of Easter
Pastoral Staff
Rev. Ronald A. Potts, Pastor •
Rev. Justin Huber, Parochial Vicar •
Rev. Msgr. Maurice V. O’Connell, Retired Priest •
Rev. Percival L. D’Silva, Retired Priest •
Deacon Donald Mays •
Assistants on Weekends
Rev. Regis Armstrong, OFM Cap, Catholic University
Seminarian Deacon David Kruse, Theological College •
Seminarian Cody Ford, Theological College •
Duffy Parish Center
Main Office
202.966.6575 (Monday - Saturday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.)
In an Emergency 202.966.6575, Ext. 3988 (to page priest on duty)
Pius X Library 202.449.3974
Ray Manning Adult Center 202.363.4512
Mr. John Navolio, Business Manager
Mr. Jay Rader, Director of Liturgy and Music
Ms. Therese Recinella, Director of Religious Education
Ms. Rosalie Days, Sacramental Preparation Coordinator
Mrs. Patricia Kavanaugh, Social Concerns Minister
(Office open Monday - Friday, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m., and by appointment)
Ms. Emma Voelzke, Special Needs Coordinator
Ms. Kathy Gillespie, Director of CYO
Blessed Sacrament School
Mr. Chris Kelly, Principal
Ms. Nancy Ryan, Director of Admissions
202.966.6682, Ext. 6110,
Baptism • Baptismal preparation is required of all parents prior to the baptism
of their child. We recommend preparation take place before the child is born.
For more info: Father O, or 202.449.4617.
Matrimony • All couples who are to be married at Blessed Sacrament
must complete our parish marriage preparation program. Please contact
one of the parish priests six months in advance of your marriage date.
Reconciliation • Friday and Saturday after the 11 a.m. Mass (if no funeral);
Saturday, 4 - 5 p.m. and after the 5:30 p.m. Mass, or anytime by appointment.
Parish Services & Information
Care Of The Sick & Homebound • If you or someone you know is
hospitalized or homebound and would like a priest to visit, contact the
parish office at 202.966.6575.
New Parishioners • Welcome to Blessed Sacrament! Please register by
stopping in at the parish office, located in the Duffy parish center, and
filling out a registration form. Forms also available in the pamphlet rack
at the Quesada Street entrance to the church and on the parish website.
Bulletin Announcements • Due Mondays @ 10 a.m. Send
announcements to:
Newsletter Content • Send articles, photos and other content to:
Website Postings • Send requests for postings for the Blessed Sacrament
Parish website to:
Church Bulletin Boards • The parish secretary maintains the church
bulletin boards. Please drop off any flyers for posting to Joan Ward in the
parish office, Duffy parish center.
Inclement Weather Policy • The parish center/office follows Montgomery
County Schools for delays and closings. All evening activities are cancelled
those days the schools are closed.
Pastor’s Column
Today we celebrate the Second Sunday of Easter also known
as Divine Mercy Sunday. In our first reading from the Acts of
the Apostles, we see the solidarity of the early church being
of “one heart and mind.” We see the care and concern that
the members had for each other—rich and poor were not
separated but looked after each other. The early Christians
understood their duty to take care of each other and not fall
prey to greed, hoarding wealth, and becoming attached to
material things. We are reminded of our duty to care for our
sisters and brothers in need as a matter of faith.
In our reading from the first Letter of Saint John, he
stresses the gift of faith. He reminds us that we belong to
God because we believe in Jesus Christ. Since we belong
to God, we obey His commandments and they are not
burdensome—the commandments call us to love God and
those around us. We find the main purpose of our lives—to
love. Each one of us is called by God to love in a unique
and specific way: as a married couple, as a single person,
as a priest, deacon, bishop or as a religious in consecrated
life. The commandments demand plenty, to be sure. But one
cannot call painful or wearisome what has to do with love
and expresses it: such things ought to be performed with joy.
The more we love as Christ loved we grow in His grace and
die to our own selfishness.
In our passage from John’s
gospel, Jesus appears to
the apostles gathered in the
upper room. He appeared
in a wholly new state,
transfigured, freed from the
constraints of His mortal
body, allowing Him to appear
even through a locked door.
Jesus resurrected from the
Caravaggio, The Incredulity of Saint Thomas, 1603
dead brings peace to His
Source of Image:
disciples, which they in turn
are to proclaim to all people.
Jesus breathes on them and imparts the gift of the Holy
Spirit. This gift is a mission to continue the work of salvation
through the forgiveness of sins. All were not present when
the Lord appeared the first time to the apostles—Thomas
was missing. He will not believe the news of the Lord’s
resurrection until he probes the nail marks with his finger and
the Lord’s side with his hand. The Lord Jesus appears again
a week later and invites Thomas to probe His wounds with
the words, “Do not be unbelieving, but believe.” Thomas had
to pass from doubt to belief just as the other apostles had
done. In faith and joy, he proclaims, “My Lord and my God!”
Then Jesus pronounces the blessing for us who believe
without having seen Him. It is our faith which enables us to
believe and proclaim the good news of the passion, death,
and resurrection of Jesus.
God bless you,
Father Ron
Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament Youth Corner
Question for the Week
Jesus’ words of greeting were “Peace be with you,”
followed by the invitation to forgive sins. How does
forgiveness bring peace to you? How does it change
the world?
Poor Box Donations
Donations collected during the month of April will benefit two food
pantries operated by St. Camillus Catholic Church, a multicultural
parish in Silver Spring. The pantries provide emergency assistance
to families struggling to put food on their tables.
Corbett Café: Coffee and Doughnuts Every Monday
Come to Apartment 1 of the Chevy Chase Apartments (next to the
church) following the 8 a.m. Mass on Mondays. We have a coffee
maker to ensure a hot drink to suit your taste and doughnuts and
other treats on hand to make you happy. Please come and join us
any or every Monday, 8:30 a.m. – ‘til the coffee runs out! Note:
closed this Monday, April 13, due to spring faith journey.
Blessed Sacrament Night @ Mamma Lucia
Dine in at or carry out from Mamma Lucia’s on Tuesday, April 14,
and support Blessed Sacrament School. Mamma Lucia’s is located
at 4916 Elm Street, Bethesda; 301.907.3399.
A Thank You Note From Sodality
A great big shout out of Thank You! to the Sodalists and parish
women who turned out during Holy Week for the Big Clean. Many
thanks, also, to John, Preston, Marty, and Grace.
Openings @ Blessed Sacrament School
Blessed Sacrament School still has limited openings for
Kindergarten students for Fall 2015. If you are interested, please
apply on the school’s website: There is a
possibility that by year end as current families share their plans with
us for next year, there may be an opening or two in other grades
as well. If you have any questions, please contact Nancy Ryan at Play Reading Next Tuesday
Join friends for the second part of “The Crucible” by Arthur Miller
on April 21 at 7 p.m. in the parish library. The drama is set in
seventeenth century Massachusetts but Miller had contemporary
events in mind. A fear of the supernatural, political manipulation,
and sexual abuse are all threads in this play and contribute to the
discussion which continues from March’s discussion of the play;
wine and cheese during the discussion. For more information, call
From the Archdiocese
Annual Jubilarian Mass: Register by This Monday
Cardinal Donald Wuerl will celebrate the annual Jubilarian Mass
honoring couples married 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50 and 51+ years on
Sunday, June 21, at 2 p.m. at the Basilica of the National Shrine
of the Immaculate Conception. To register, complete the sign-up
form, available in the back of the church and in the pamphlet rack
at the Quesada entrance to the church, and deliver or mail it to the
parish office by Monday, April 13.
April 12, 2015
Sunday Readings/Questions For Reflection
. . . from the Faith Formation Commission
Acts 4:32-35: The treatment of possessions by the
community in this reading is the early Church’s response to
Christ’s life, death and resurrection. How does your treatment
of possessions compare with theirs? Also, who are the needy
in your immediate life? Can you take care of at least some of
their needs? What, if anything, can you do about the needs
of people in your extended world? If you joined forces with
another person or group could you do something to alleviate
some needs of these people?
1 John 5:1-6: Are you a Christian because of what you have
done or what Christ has done? Which is more important, belief
in Jesus or performance of good deeds? If you believe deeply
and personally in Jesus will good deeds spring from that belief
and love? And, “ … We know that we love the children of God
when we love God. … ” Love of God presumes love for others.
If these two loves are so connected and if one always results
in the other, does it matter which comes first?
John 20:19-31: Making peace between God and the world
was Jesus’ Easter gift to us. Do we have a part in helping
spread that peace? Consider Pope Francis’ statement
regarding peace.
Peace to the whole world, torn apart by violence linked
to drug trafficking and by the iniquitous exploitation of
natural resources! Peace to this our Earth! May the risen
Jesus bring comfort to the victims of natural disasters and
make us responsible guardians of creation.
—Easter Sunday Mass, Vatican, March 31, 2013
(Source: Center for Liturgy at St. Louis University)
Did You Know??
The month of May is Mental Health Awareness month. We will
call to mind those who struggle with mental health issues by
participating in our Prayer Stars Program. During May, prayer
stars will be placed in the pews with pencils. You may write
a first name and heartfelt need on the stars. Baskets will be
on the altar for collection, and those intentions will be prayed
for at Masses. For more information about how Blessed
Sacrament is becoming a more inclusive community, contact
Emma Voelzke at or
Newly Baptized
Ryan August McCarthy
include our sick in your prayers that
they may experience healing and comfort
Alejandro Arce
John Avery
Theresa Szot Anderson
Al Andreine
Marty DePoy
Liz Egloff
Marian Fleming
Kieran Kelley
Brady Nelson
Richard B. Perry
Judith Ann Szot
Janice Thompson
Nelly Turner
Violeta Turner
Jeanne Weigel
Hope Elena Katz-Zogby
Second Sunday of Easter
Visit Your Parish Library
The Adult Center
The Human Touch
Jean Vanier, the founder of L’Arche, an international network
of communities (now numbering 147) where people with and
without disabilities live and work together, has won the 2015
Templeton Prize, which Sir John Templeton, the late investor
and philanthropist set up to honor a living person who has
made exceptional contributions to affirm life’s spiritual
dimension. Its monetary value always exceeds the Nobel
Prize and this year is $1.7 million. You can learn more about
Jean Vanier’s life and watch videos of him speaking about
his work ( The library has many of
Vanier’s 30 books; here is a sample:
“Becoming Human” (128.21 V318 B35).
Originating as five talks on Canadian radio this book “is
about the liberation of the human heart from the tentacles
of chaos and loneliness, and from those fears that provoke
us to exclude and reject others.” In the context of the people
he meets, Vanier describes the essence of loneliness and
its pervasiveness, the need for belonging and its pitfalls,
and the way to inclusion, “the way of the heart.” This is an
extraordinarily personal book and one you won’t forget.
“Community and Growth,” Rev. ed. (362.5 V154 C655).
Vanier writes, “there is no ideal community…humility and
trust are more at the foundation of community life than
perfection and generosity.” He discusses family life and its
disintegration, leading to a greater need for community. “Our
communities should be signs of joy and celebration…If we
are accepted with our limitations as well as our abilities,
community gradually becomes a place of liberation….” There
are many starting points for reflection in this book.
“Man and Woman He Made Them” (285.11 V154 M151).
Henri Nouwen in his introduction rates this as Vanier’s most
important book. It’s about the mystery of human sexuality,
its importance, and the lessons we can learn from those
who live in the L’Arche communities. The author traces the
emotional needs of a child and how, ideally, they are filled in
a loving home. The anguish of the disabled is heightened by
unfulfilled need and it takes, literally, superhuman attention
to remedy this. This moving book deals with many real issues
for parents and communities.
Eighth Annual Bulldog 5k
+ Kids Fun Run
May 2, 8 a.m.
Lace up your running shoes for the annual
Bulldog 5k race (and kids Fun Run for
runners under 10 years old). Challenging
course through beautiful Chevy Chase neighborhoods,
great T-shirts, food, fun, and prizes. A great way to start the
day with your family!
Proceeds benefit Blessed Sacrament School
GirlsUp. Sign up at and
All parishioners, 39 and holding, are invited to gather in Apt. 1
in the Chevy Chase apartment building next to the church for
fellowship after the 11 a.m. weekday Mass. Bring a sandwich and
join the activities. For more information or for transportation, call
Rita Killian at 202.363.5069.
Spring Faith Journey
Stronger Seniors: Strength & Balance Exercises
Watercolor Art Class with Dick Swartz
Bridge for Bridge Lovers
Tuesdays With Maury (Father O) Next Tuesday, April 21 Immediately after the 11 a.m. Mass in Apt. 1 of the Chevy Chase
Apartments. Everyone is welcome—all ages. Topic: TBA.
Chimes Chatter
How Are Church Bells Blessed? We last read about the ritual of ringing our Sanctus bells
during Mass. The procedure for blessing of these bells has
simplified since Vatican II, now closely resembling the Liturgy
of the Word using this “Prayer of Blessing,” as the celebrant
raises his hand over the bells praying:
We praise you, Lord, Father all-holy. To a world
wounded and divided by sin you sent your only
Son. He gave His life for His sheep, to gather them
into one fold and to guide and feed them as their
one shepherd. May your people hasten to your church when they
hear the call of this bell. May they persevered in the teaching of the
apostles, in steadfast fellowship, in unceasing
prayer, and in the breaking of the bread. May they remain ever one in the mind and heart to
the glory of your name. Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
The bells are then sprinkled with
holy water and incensed. Prior to
Vatican II, the blessing ritual for
bells involved washing bells with
holy water, anointing the exterior
of bells with the oil of the sick, next
anointing the interior of bells with
chrism, placing a censer filled with
burning incense under each bell,
and reciting special prayers and
readings from Sacred Scripture
(Source: EWTN, Sanctus Bells, 2004)
Photo by Joe Bozik
Chime in with your story . . . contact
or 202.244.4833.
Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament Faith Formation
School of Religion
Tuesday classes resume April 14.
Classes on April 26 and 28: Catechist Thank You Notes
Students write thank you notes to catechists and aides and bring
them to class.
Adult Formation Opportunities
Monsignor Corbett Memorial Lecture Next Sunday
April 19, 2 p.m. in the school gym. Professor Helen Alvaré,
JD, will present Catholic Teaching on Complementarity: What We
Know and What Is Developing. Professor Alvaré is a Professor
of Law at George Mason University School of Law, where she
teaches Family Law, Law and Religion, and Property Law. She
publishes on matters concerning marriage, parenting, non-marital
households and the First Amendment religion clauses. She is a
consulter for the Pontifical Council of the Laity (Vatican City), an
advisor to the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (Washington,
D.C.), founder of, and an ABC
news consultant. In addition, Professor Alvaré cooperates with
the Permanent Observer Mission of the Holy See to the United
Nations as a speaker and delegate to various United Nations
conferences concerning women and the family. Professor Alvaré
received her law degree from Cornell University School of Law
and her master’s degree in systematic Theology from the Catholic
University of America. For more info, contact Therese Recinella at
202.449.3989 or
Rescheduled Faith on Tap Presentation Next Tuesday
Life on the Rocks: Discussing the Life Issues Without Getting into
an Argument (or Political Debate) Now on Tuesday, April 21, from
7 to 8:30 p.m. in the parish center on the main level. Presenter: Ms.
Lopiccolo, Executive Director of the Department of Life Issues,
Archdiocese of Washington. For more information, contact Therese
Recinella: 202.449.3989 or
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
This catechetical method based on
Maria Montesoori’s research and
The Religious Potential of the
Child will once again be offered
for children three to four years
of age beginning in September
2015. To that aim, we are
calling for volunteers: one
person to serve as one the two
catechists, and another person
to serve as an aide. The Office
of Faith Formation will contribute
towards half the tuition for Catechesis
of the Good Shepherd training. Blessed Sacrament is
requesting donations in order to assemble a full set of
materials as church owned, therefore part of the permanent
resources for our parish and School of Religion program. The
total cost of the nine liturgical pieces for the Pre-K atrium
is $9,100. All those interested in serving as a catechist or
aide and/or contributing to the funds needed for the Pre-K
atrium should contact Therese Recinella, 202.449.3989 or
April 12, 2015
Tithe Proposals for 2015
Proposals are now being accepted for the 2015 Tithe Fund
until Monday, April 27, 2015, at 4:30 p.m. Tithe applications
and guidelines are available at the church entrances and at Proposals are limited to one per
agency and must be sponsored by a parishioner. Questions?
Contact Pat Kavanaugh in the Social Concerns Office, or 202.449.3987.
For Spring: Light and Lively Nutritious Meals From SHARE
SHARE @ Blessed Sacrament, the parish food co-op, celebrates
spring with an assortment of food values geared to giving
you more time outdoors. The ever-popular, wholesome Value
Package, just $20, has boneless chicken breast, salmon burgers,
boneless ham steak, deli-sliced turkey breast, Harvest tropical
fruit, steamed vegetables, fresh white potatoes, onions, and
8-12 additional pounds of fresh seasonal produce. The special
Boneless Pork Chops Package with 15 oven-ready chops is just
$22, and the Hamburgers Package with 24 tasty burgers is only
$27. Ordering deadline is this Monday, April 13, at 5 p.m. Food
distribution is Friday afternoon, April 24, from 3 to 6 p.m. For
more information, leave a message in the Blessed Sacrament
SHARE voice mailbox, 202.449.4611, or send an e-mail to
Volunteering With SHARE @ Blessed Sacrament
Volunteering with SHARE is satisfying and takes about five
hours a month—not much time . . . and, it’s fun! If interested,
contact Tim Gorman:
A Thank You Note From SHARE
Thank you to those who donated Easter hams. SHARE @ Blessed
Sacrament was able to provide 100 Easter hams to people in need.
Thank you and God bless you for your generosity.
Christian Family Movement Ministry
A Prayer For Help In Ending Violence
Did you notice the tee shirts on display during Holy Week in front
of Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church? There were 155, each
with the name of a citizen of Greater Washington, DC, who was
shot to death in 2014. If you realized what the shirts meant while
walking or driving by, what did you feel? Grief, sadness, anger?
Let us pray less lives will be lost due to such violence:
Loving and faithful God, through the years the people of
our archdiocese have prayed in times of war, disaster and
illness. We come to you Father and ask you to help us in
the battle of today against violence, murder and racism.
We implore you to give us your wisdom that we may build
a community founded on the values of Jesus, which give
respect to the life and dignity of all people.
Bless parents that they may form their children in faith.
Bless and protect our youth that they may be the peacemakers of our time. Give consolation to those who have
lost loved ones through violence.
Hear our prayer and give us the perseverance to be a
voice for life and human dignity in our community.
We ask you this through Christ our Lord.
Second Sunday of Easter
Shrine of the Most
*Learn about Lay Ministries Volunteering
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
7:00 – 9:00 p.m. in the School Gym
How Can I Help?
What Can I Give Back?
Where Do I Fit In?
Visit the Parish Website to:
Have these questions answered at
this casual parish gathering—a buffet
supper followed by brief presentations
by Father Ron and Council and
Commission leaders. There will also be
an open Q & A session, followed by an
opportunity to volunteer for 2015-16.
Parishioners of all ages and interests
most welcome.
Learn about and volunteer for ministry
within our parish’s lay leadership structure
by reading about the Parish Pastoral
Council, Administration Commission,
Communications Commission,
Community Life Commission, Faith
Formation Commission, Outreach
Commission, Worship Commission, and
the many individual organizations and
u Look for updates about this forum in
“Upcoming Events”
If you plan on attending the forum or even if you think you might, please RSVP
to Dave Byers ( or Ceil Malphrus (
Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament
3630 Quesada St, NW, Wash, DC 20015
T: 202.966.6575
F: 202.966.9255
From the
Flash Mob Nativity
Attention all Nativity
alumni: Nativity is
hosting a Sunday
Alumni Day Mass
next Sunday,
April 19, at 10 a.m.
Music by Matthew
Mueller from the
Basilica. Father
John Mudd, Priest
of the Archdiocese
of Washington and
Nativity alumnus,
will preach that
morning. An informal
social will follow
after the Mass in the
Colonnade Room.
Invite your former
classmates or even
friends who were
married here or
received their first
Sacraments here.
Remember, renew
friendships, and
help us “re-build”
Nativity. Also, if you
are interested in
volunteering to assist
with the reception,
contact the rectory:
Pilgrimage to the
Holy Land
Join Father D’Silva
on a pilgrimage
to the Holy Land
October 29 to
November 7,
2015. Departing
from Washington/
National. For
detailed information,
contact Father
D’Silva at pdsilva@
org or Liz Grinder,
travel office,
catholictravel@ or
Sponsor of the Week
We would like to thank Robert J. Haggerty for placing an ad in our weekly bulletin.