SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1st, 2015 - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1st, 2015 - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1st, 2015 MASS INTENTIONS THIS WEEK WEDDING BANNS 2nd Time Kristina Grupinski— St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Joseph Muratore—Good Shepherd, Holbrook Today, SUNDAY, February 1st 8:30 a.m. – Frank Perri 10 a.m.— Peggy Ripp, Jean Scollon, John Giordano 12 Noon— People of the Parish Monday, February 2nd 9 a.m. – Tuesday, February 3rd 9 a.m. – Wednesday, February 4th 9 a.m.— Thursday, February 5th 9 a.m. – Hank Krieger Saturday, February 7th 5 p.m.— Courtney Comfort Sunday, February 8th 8:30 a.m. – Frank Perri 10 a.m.— Joseph Lepore, Jean Scollon, Eileen Reilly 12 Noon— People of the Parish PARISH OUTREACH Pantry: Thank you for the donations received this past week. Your kindness is very much appreciated. Blood drive: Our first blood drive of the year is taking place this weekend. You can donate after any of the masses downstairs in the Parish Center. Thank you and God Bless. The Baby Bottle Campaign to benefit The Life Center of Long Island will be completed with collection of the filled bottles on the weekend of: FEBRUARY 14TH & 15TH Please continue to say the prayer attached to the bottle. Thank you for your continued prayerful and financial support and be assured it is making a big difference in the lives of many people served by this busy crisis pregnancy center…Keep Going!! CELEBRANTS next weekend– Feb 7th & Feb 8th WEEKLY SACRIFICE for the PARISH Last Week = $7,426.00 # of Envelopes returned: 301 Last Week’s Expenses Paid = $10,605.00 Expenses include salaries, deposit for security camera upgrade, electric for Church, Copier lease, etc.. Saturday, February 7th 5 PM: Fr. Jude Okafor Sunday, February 8th 8:30 AM: Fr. Jude Okafor 10 AM: Fr. Benjamin Uzuegbunam 12 PM: Fr. Benjamin Uzuegbunam NOTE: SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE REMINDER…..We accept Credit Cards (Visa/MC/Discover/AMEX) FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME FOR THE RIDE HOME First Reading: Deuteronomy: 18: 15-20 Second Reading: 1 Corinthians: 7: 32-35 Gospel: Mark 1: 21-28 In this reading Jesus teaches and acts with authority. In this first miracle recorded by Mark, Jesus shows his power over the forces of evil. Even the evil spirit gives witness to Jesus, recognizing him as "the Holy One of God" and submitting to his commands. News about RELIGIOUS FORMATION at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish For more insight into our Religious Formation program, please go to: and click on the Religious Formation link. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We should learn to trust in Jesus and his loving care for us. We should listen each day for his quiet voice in our hearts, urging us to trust him and to do what he asks. A LOOK AHEAD TO FEBRUARY........... Wed. February 4th - Catechist Meeting for levels 1 through 6 at 7 PM in the Hall First Grade Parent Conversation Appointments - February and March - look for your appointment in the mail What are our attitudes toward authority in our lives? Are our attitudes toward Jesus the same as or different from our attitudes toward other authorities? How or when? Congratulations to our 2nd Graders and Older Sacrament Class For the past two Saturdays, the young people in level 2 and the Older Sacrament prep. class celebrated the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the very first time. We want to offer our words of praise to them, their Parents and our Catechists who worked TOGETHER to prepare the children for this important milestone in their faith life. A special word of thanks to the visiting clergy; namely: Msgr. Curley, Fr. Jim Shelton and Fr. Mickey Bancroft who assisted our Pastor, Fr. Dan in celebrating this beautiful Sacrament. In just a few months, these same young people will join us at the Table of the Lord as they receive their First Eucharist in the Spring. Prayer Blanket Ministry Meetings are held on Saturdays from 9:30am to 12:30pm. Next meeting is February 7th New members are always welcome. Come join this exciting ministry—we create prayer blankets, lap robes, baby blankets, preemie hats, Christmas stockings, “pink scarves”, etc. and donate them to various organizations, nursing homes, etc. We also share ideas, patterns and offer instruction for anyone wishing to learn to knit or crochet or brush up on their skills. For more information call the Parish Outreach. If you have yarn to donate, we will gladly accept it and use it. Thank you! WANT TO BE A GODPARENT FOR BAPTISM OR A SPONSOR FOR CONFIRMATION? Sponsors and Godparents must have received all 3 Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation in order to be eligible. Today many adults still need to receive Confirmation and are unsure how they can do this. We have a simple remedy for you. Our Adult Confirmation class which is starting in a few weeks. This class is for those over 18 who were Baptized and received First Communion but never Confirmation. The whole process is enjoyable, meets weekly from February through May and culminates in receiving Confirmation here in the parish on Pentecost Sunday. We'd love to hear from you and help you finish your membership in the Catholic Church. Please call Michele Hahn, at the Parish Office right away. ARE YOU A REGISTERED PARISHIONER? Many parishioners support St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish in the weekly collection and we do not have them listed in our census. We would like to make sure you are given proper credit for your donations. Please fill in the bottom of this page and we will send you a registration form. ***You are not automatically registered if you received a sacrament in the parish, i.e. Baptism, Confirmation, Matrimony, etc. NAME________________________________ Welcome!! The following families have registered with the parish this past week: ADDRESS_______________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Email__________________________________ Phone___________________________________ • • Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Ruiz Mr. & Mrs. Anthony & Danielle Montalbano SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1st, 2015 YOUTH GROUP COME JOIN US! If you or anyone you know may be interested in becoming part of this wonderful Ministry please call Joy Milillo at 585-0938 or send an email to Thanks to all the youth group members who shared their talents at the last meeting and thanks to all the members that came to support their friends. It was a great night for everyone ! Saturday, February 14th; 9:30AM to 10:30AM. Huntington Station office of Stony Brook Women’s Health (33 Walt Whitman Rd.; Whitman Atrium just north of Jericho Tpke.) In honor of St. Valentine's Day, prolifers are invited to stand in peaceful vigil on the sidewalk outside the abortionist's office to show that unborn babies need love too. Rain or shine. Signs provided. Sponsored by LI Coalition for Life: 631-243-1435 / 7th ANNUAL SUPER BONANZA Jan 2015 $25 winners Join Us With Mary When life got overwhelming and too big for us as children, we turned to our mother for support and guidance. As adults, we thank her for all she had done for us. Now we are blessed with the opportunity to turn to our Heavenly Mother Mary to ask for her support and guidance, and thank her for the many blessings she has given us. Every Wednesday after 9:00 AM mass (at 9:30), you are invited to join us as we pray the rosary to ask for her help and guidance and to thank her for her abounding love. Sunday 1/25/15 #00296 Gary Gadinis Mon, 1/26/15 # 11867 Nick Crismali Tues, 1/27/15 #10369 Gerard Hogan Wed, 1/28/15 # 01985 Jennie Perri Thursday, 1/29/15 #05505 H. Haskell Friday, 1/30/15 #08462 John McEhlone Saturday, 1/31/15 #10703 C. Chimienti CONGRATULATIONS! $100 Winner Jan 31st #04065 Bruce & Cheryl Rafferty FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 2015 St. Patrick’s Day Dinner-Dance Saturday, March 14, 2015 6:30 PM – 11:30 PM Dinner Served 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM Corned Beef and Cabbage OR ½ Roasted Chicken Beer-Wine-Soda-BYOB Dessert-Coffee TICKETS $ 35.00 PER PERSON Music by The Nite Life and A presentation of Irish Step Dance by the InishFree School 50/50 Raffle on the night of the dance Prize Raffle tickets available when/where dance tickets are sold On sale after all Masses the weekends of: January 24/25, January 31/February 1, February 7/8, and February 14/15 NO TICKETS WILL BE SOLD DURING LENT FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CALL LARRY REILLY AT (631) 835-7987 MIKE COPPOLA AT (631) 585-0921